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We, the members of Commission on Elections in the College of Engineering of Southern Luzon State
University, by conducting a fair, just, unbiased, clean, and free from organizational influence elections
and establishing our independency and overall supervision with regards to electoral proceedings,
promoting camaraderie, dignity, integrity, and unwavering credibility in accordance to due process and
rule of law, do hereby and promulgate this constitution. So help us god.



Section 1. The name of this Independent Body shall be College of Engineering - Commission on Elections

Section 2. The official residence of the Commission shall be the College of Engineering Student Council
whereas they will exercise full authority and supervision during election period starting from the filing of
the candidacy until the promulgation of the new officers.



Section 1. The Commission shall be the highest and official election body in the College of Engineering.

Section 2. The Commission shall uphold and protect the rights of the voters and candidates.

Section 3. The Commission shall uphold the ideals and tenets of Democracy.

Section 4. The Commission shall impose clean, fair, and just elections free of external influences and
administrational leverages.

Section 5. The Integrity and Credibility shall be at all times holistic among its members.


Section 1. The members shall be composed of at least 21 members coming from each year levels of each
department in the College of Engineering.

Section 2. Additional 3 members shall come from the College's Student Publication.

Section 3. The members shall be appointed by the incumbent Governor of the Student Council as he/she
may seem fit to the position.

Section 4. The members shall be currently enrolled in Southern Luzon State University - College of

Section 5. The members shall not hold any officiating position on the Departmental Organizations in the
College of Engineering especially in the Student Council.

Section 6. If an incumbent officer wishes to be discerned as a member of Commission, he/she shall

resign first to his/her position

Section 7. All members are not all allowed to file candidacy in any position.

Section 8.

(1) A student has its full and effective right to decline any offer of being a member of the Commission.

(2) Forced invitation is intolerable and once the student declines, he/she cannot be offered anymore for
the current school year.

(3) Any further information and opinion coming from the student who declines the offer shall be
considered null, void, and not credible.

Section 9. To keep the secrecy and privacy of highly-classified information regarding the elections,
members are not allowed to resign once the first meeting has been held.


Section 1. The commission has the right to convene meetings in the Student Council Office as may be
prescribed by the COMELEC Chairperson.

Section 2. The commission has the right to formulate and execute all election-related activities and rules
for the College of Engineering.

Section 3. The commission has the right to utilize facilities of the college for election-related purposes.

Section 4. The commission has the right to coordinate with department COMELECs.

Section 5. The commission has the right to call on a candidate or its party if a violation/s of the rules and
regulations written on this constitution has been breached.

Section 6. The members of the commission has the right to be excused from its academic classes during
the election day.

Section 7. The members of the commission have the right to due process for the objective disciplinary
proceedings and freedom from compulsory incrimination.

Section 8. The members of the commission has the right against prejudice and bullying on his/her sworn

Section 9. Every member of the commission has the right to veto any controversial decision of the
incumbent chairperson or any member of the commission as long as the numbers of veto reaches the
quorum of half of the members plus one vote.

Section 10. Every member of the commission has the right to vote provided that they should vote
together with the candidates depending on the agreed time before the general elections.


Section 1. The members shall always abide by the rules and regulations set by the university and the

Section 2. Every member is expected to act with dignity, integrity, and credibility suitable with his status.

Section 3. The organization shall formulate and plan the electoral proceedings for the College of

Section 4. Every member of the commission shall exercise such other functions or duties as may be
delegated by the chairperson.



Section 1. The officers of the commission shall be composed of the following:

a. Chairperson

b. Co-chairperson

c. Secretary

d. Treasurer

e. Commissioners

Section 2.

(1) The positions chairperson, co-chairperson, secretary, and treasurer shall be elected by the members.

(2)Other members who have not been elected will automatically be called commissioners.

Section 3. The duties and responsibilities of the officers:

a. The Chairperson:

1. The chairperson shall be the head of the commission.

2. The chairperson shall report all electoral plans of the commission to the adviser and the dean of the

3. The chairperson may call for a special meeting for the commission.

4. All plans of the commission must be approved by the chairperson

b. The Co-chairperson:

1. The co-chairperson shall assume the position of the chairperson whenever the chairperson is

c. The Secretary:

1. The secretary shall always have a record of the plans and information discussed on the meetings.

2. The secretary shall create the documents needed by the commission.

3. The secretary shall always have a copy of all the documents of the commission.

4. The secretary shall assume the position of the co-chairperson whenever the co-chairperson is

d. The Treasurer:

1. The treasurer shall propose a budgetary allotment for the commission.

2. The treasurer shall be the budget-keeper of the commission.

3. The treasurer shall release a financial statement to the commission and to the student council after
the election period.

4. The treasurer shall assume the position of the secretary whenever the secretary is unavailable.

e. The commissioners:

1. The commissioners shall assist the commission with the election-related activities.

Section 4. The co-chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and commissioners shall perform other duties and
functions as may be assigned by the chairperson.

Section 5. All members of the commission shall be liable of their acts.



Section 1. The commission must have a technical adviser chosen and appointed by the incumbent
student council governor.

Section 2. The adviser must be any person who holds a teaching profession within the college of

Section 3. The adviser must be informed of all the commission plans regarding the elections.

Section 4. The adviser has the following duties and responsibilities:

a. Technical guidance for the members.

b. The one who countersigns letter and certificates of the commission.

Section 5. The adviser has no right to interfere with the final decisions being implemented by the
commission but can serve as a guide for their preliminary decisions.



Section 1. As stated in Article IV, Section 4, the commission has the right to coordinate with the
department COMELECs.

Section 2. All department COMELECS must at least have the following officers as long as it does not
contradict to their own constitution and by-laws:

a. Chairperson

b. Co-chairperson

c. Secretary

d. Treasurer

Section 3. Members of the department COMELEC shall be composed of 4-10 members as long as it does
not contradict to their own constitution and by-laws.



Section 1. The members shall serve starting from the first meeting of the commission until the
promulgation of new set of officers or may or may not perform such other functions until a new
COMELEC has been formed.



Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held at least twice a week after the COMELEC Orientation until the
Promulgation of the winners of election.

Section 2. A special meeting may be called by the chairperson.

Section 3. Special meetings may be called after the promulgation of the winners of election if there are
requests for recall or re-election.

Section 4. Meetings shall be held in the Cen-SC office as stated in Article I Section 2.

Section 5. For privacy and secrecy purposes, students and incumbent officers of the student council
must leave the premises of the office during meetings.



Section 1. The funds of the organization shall come from the Cen-SC.

Section 2. As stated in Article VI, Section 3, the treasurer shall propose a budgetary allotment for the

Section 3. All appropriations/disbursements shall be approved by the members.

Section 4. The budgetary allotment must be approved by the incumbent Cen-SC Treasurer.

Section 4. The release of the budget is upon approval of the project proposal.

Section 5. The commission shall release a financial statement, supported by receipts or other supporting
documents, after the election related activities.



Section 1. The positions that will be open for candidacy shall be in line with the order of the Southern
Luzon State University Supreme Student Council’s (SSCF) Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 2. The following positions shall be open for application of candidacy:

1. SSCF Representative

A. Senator

2. Local Student Council

A. Governor

B. Vice Governor

C. Secretary
D. Treasurer

E. Auditor

F. Public Relations Officer

G. 5 Councilors

i. Education and Research

ii. Culture and Sports

iii. Health and Environment

iv. Community Extension Services

v. Spiritual Affairs

H. Department Representatives

i. Civil Engineering Department

ii. Computer Engineering Department

iii. Electrical Engineering Department

iv. Electronics and Communications Engineering Department

v. Industrial Engineering Department

vi. Mechanical Engineering Department

Section 3. The senator shall be the sole representative of the College of Engineering to the SSCF.

Section 4. An Executive Secretary shall be the only position that can be appointed by the winning
candidates of the student council.

Section 5. Additional department representatives may only occur if and only if the college offered new
degrees or programs.

Section 6. There shall be no other official position that will be open for candidacy or be appointed.



Section 1. There will be a maximum of 2 campaign managers allowed per party and independent

Section 2. Campaign managers should also submit their application before the commission.
Section 3. The sole responsibility of the campaign manager is to introduce the party or independent
candidate they are representing.



Section 1. Watchers will be provided by the parties or independent candidates.

Section 2. Maximum of 6 watchers are allowed on each party or independent candidate.

Section 3. Campaign managers should also submit their application before the commission.

Section 4. The sole responsibility of the watcher is to ensure clean, fair, and just election and counting



Section 1. A candidate must be a bonafide student of SLSU and is currently enrolled in any program
offered by the CEn. (reg form)

Section 2. Anyone is legible to file their candidacy as long as they don't have failing grade. (handbook or
any supporting document)

Section 3. A candidate must have no offenses committed against the standards of the university. (good

Section 4. A candidate must fill up the application form provided by the COMELEC.

Section 5. If the running candidate is an incumbent officer of any organization, he/she must resign from
his/her officiating position.

Section 6. The deadline of filing of candidacy depends upon the agreed time frame of the commission.

Section 7. In case of incomplete requirements after the checking of the commission, the commission will
give a maximum of 3 hours to comply all the incomplete requirements needed upon notice by the

Section 8. The complete requirements should be submitted per party or independent candidate to any
available commissioner inside the Student Council Office.
Article XV


Section 1. The candidates must undergo screening procedures to ensure the consistency and
commitment and overall qualifications of the running candidate.

Section 2. All members of the commission will serve as panel for the screening of the candidates.

Section 3. A maximum of 3 people coming from the college student publication shall be invited in the
screening period.

Section 4. As per Article IV, Section 2, The commission has the right to formulate and execute all
election-related activities and rules for the College of Engineering.



Section 1. The campaign period is upon the discretion of the incumbent members of the commission.

Section 2. The room to room campaign shall start from 8:00AM to 7:30PM

Section 3. Each party will be accompanied by atleast 1 member of the commission.

Section 4.

(1) Each party will be given a maximum of 25 minutes for their room to room campaign.

(2) An extension time for a maximum of 3 minutes for the distribution of campaign paraphernalia

Section 5.

(1) Fliers are the only campaign materials that can be distributed.

(2) The size of the campaign posters should be strictly 3ft length by 4ft width landscape.

Section 6.

(1)Litter caused by campaign materials should be cleaned by the parties involved. Non-compliance will
be subjected to disciplinary actions.

(2)Damage to college properties shall be held liable by the parties involved.

Section 7. The candidates shall still abide by the rules and regulations set by the College of Engineering.


Section 1. All party and independent candidate are required to attend the miting de avance. Non-
compliance may result to nullification of their candidacy as the commission may seem fit to do it.

Section 2. Miting de avance will serve as ground for platform presentation of every party or independent
candidate, their goals and plans for the College of Engineering studentry and clear actions to common
and major problems.

Section 3. Miting de avance shall be held a day before the Election Day.

Section 4. Miting de avance shall be composed of the following programs:

a. Presentation of the Party and its running candidates

b. Presentation of Platforms of the candidate for their respective positions

c. Question and answer portion and audience interaction

d. Debate

e. Closing speeches for the governors

Section 5. All students from the College of Engineering are required to attend the miting de avance.

Section 6. Any type of campaign shall be prohibited right after the miting de avance.

Section 7. As per Article XV, Section 5, Paragraph 1 fliers are the only campaign materials that can be

Section 8. A panel may be formulated by the commission.



Section 1. All students enrolled in the College of Engineering are legible to vote.

Section 2. The election process is divided into two parts:

a. Commission and candidates voting

b. General Voting

Section 3. The members of the commission and the candidates shall only be permitted to vote on the
first hour of the Election Day whereas; they should already be inside the precinct on the first 30 minutes.

Section 4.

(1) Distribution of campaign paraphernalia is prohibited during election.

(2) Only 1 tarpaulin per party or independent candidate shall be permitted inside the precinct. All other
campaign materials is prohibited inside the college premises.

Section 5. The official voting precinct shall be the Drawing Room of the College of Engineering

Section 6. General Voting will start from 9:00AM to 5:30PM. No lunch break policy is observed.

Section 7. All party and independent candidates are not allowed 20 meters from the voting precinct not
unless to special cases like academic classes near the voting precinct. Noncompliance may result to
nullification of their candidacy as the commission may seem fit to do it.

Section 8. The watchers may be permitted inside the voting precinct however; they are not allowed to
interact with the election process.



Section 1. The counting will start 7:00PM right after the election.

Section 2.

(1) The Commission on Elections are the ones performing the counting process

(2) Watchers should be present when the counting process begins.

Section 3. The parties and independent candidates are not allowed within the college premises during
the counting process.


Section 1. The winning candidates will be announced by the commission right after the counting

Section 2.

(1)In case of a position where there is only 1 candidate, he/she must garner 60% of the votes of the total
population in order for him/her to be declared winner.

(2) If the preceding paragraph is still not achieved, a special election may be called.

Section 3. Promulgation is effective to execute when all the necessary documents are signed and
checked by the commission, after all protest has been heard, and after all special cases like recall and re-
election has been cleared.



Section 1. Recall is a special recount to a specific position/s when a protest has been raised.

Section 2. The following are the ground/s for protest to recall:

a. If the lead of the winning candidate is only 1% of the total population of the college

b. When a contemptuous act was committed by the member of the commission or the watcher.

c. When the party or the independent candidate violated any rule written herewith during the election
and counting process.

Section 3. A special meeting may be called by the chairperson if a protest has been called.

Section 4. If after the process of recall failed, a special election may be called.


Section 1. Re-election is a failure of election to a specific position/s and may be subjected to reiteration
of the voting procedure when a protest has been raised before the commission or when a ground for re-
election is evident after the election process.

Section 2. The following are the ground/s for failure of election or re-election:

a. When 60% of the total population of the voters is not achieved by all the candidates.

Section 3. If after the process of re-election failed, a special election may be called.



Section 1. Special Election may only be called when the procedures of RECALL and RE-ELECTION failed to
declare a definite winner for a specific position/s.

Section 2.

(1) The commission and the involving parties or independent candidates may call a meeting to discuss
the matters of special election.

(2) The process of special election is defined by the agreed matters during the meeting of the
commission and the parties or independent candidates involved.

Section 3. No process agreed in the meeting of commission and the parties or candidates involve shall
violate the rules and regulation, or impede a process, written in this constitution.



Section 1. All incumbent officers may or may not continue their office after promulgation or until next
election provided by the constitution depending upon the seriousness of the matters they are required
to deal with.


Section 1. All resolutions and ordinances of this commission shall take effect upon approval.



Section 1. Amendments or revisions of this Constitution and By-Laws shall be considered in a special
meeting for this purpose and shall take effect upon the approval of the majority (1/2 of the population +
1) of all members of the organization.



Section 1. This constitution of 2017 of this organization shall take effect upon the signatory of all
concerned persons.

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