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Teacher Candidate: ​Kirsten Fox 
Grade level: 5​ th 
Date: S
​ eptember 12th, 2018 
Ohio Academic Content Standard/Common Core​:  
● 5.NBT.4​ Use place value understanding to round decimals to any place, millions 
through hundredths. 
Student Learning Objectives​:  
● I CAN round decimal numbers. 
Academic Language/Key Vocabulary 
● Rounding 
● Place value 
○ Whole numbers 
○ Decimal numbers 
○ Ones place 
○ Tenths place 
○ Hundredths place 
Anticipatory set​:  
● At the beginning of the class, students will receive a card with a decimal number on it. 
Their job is to round the number to the nearest tenth and to find the matching card 
with the correct number rounded to the tenth and the same color in the room. After 
being given directions, students will be signaled to search the room for their match.  
Instructional Strategies​:  
● Direct instruction 
● Modeling 
● Scaffolding 
Learning Tasks​:  
● Whole Group​: 
○ This will be the second day of rounding decimals. I will begin the lesson by 
reading our “I CAN” statement. Next, I will ask the students questions like, 
“What have we been talking about in math class recently?" and “What did we 
do yesterday?” After jogging their memory, we will begin a Google Slideshow 
as a review for our later activity. The Google Slideshow covers the different 
place values we will be rounding to; this includes whole numbers, the tenths 
place, and hundredths place. The slideshow begins with our class saying, “Five 
or above, give it a shove. Four or below, let it go.” to help remind students of 
when we do and do not round up. Afterward, we will transition into practice 
problems segment of the Google Slideshow. We will begin with rounding 
whole numbers, and then slowly build up to rounding to the tenths and the 
hundredths place. For practice problems, I will randomly pull popsicle sticks in 
order to select students to participate. After coming to the board, they will be 
required to evaluate the number and round to the given place value. After 
each student writes their answer, I will ask the class, “What do we think? Do we 
agree?” I will then give confirmation whether the student is correct. After the 
set of practice, problems has been completed for one place value, I will then 
ask the students to give me a thumbs-up, thumbs-in-the-middle, or a 
thumbs-down. This signifies how well they are understanding the materials. A 
“thumbs-up” means they understand the content. A “thumbs-in-the-middle” 
means that they are still in the process of understanding it. A “thumbs-down” 
means that they are struggling to understand the content. I will then repeat 
this process for rounding to the tenths and the hundredths.  
● Small Group/Partner​: 
○ After we are finished with the Google Slideshow, we will then transition to the 
“Roll It!” rounding game. Students will huddle around the roundtable at the 
front of the room. After the students are situated, I will select another student 
to help me model the game while the others watch.  
○ Game Synopsis: 
■ Every student will receive a game board with decimals ranging from 0.1 
to 0.67. Additionally, each pair of students will receive three dice. 
Player 1 will roll each of the three dice. For example, the first dice would 
have a 2, the second dice would have a 4, and the third would have an 
8. The student would then read the decimal as, “0.248”. Their job is to 
round the decimal to the tenths place. Thus, our decimal would round 
up to “0.25”. They would then find this decimal on their board and 
cross it off with their pencil. Students will take turns doing this back and 
forth. The object of the game is to get five boxes marked off in a row. 
The player who does that first wins the game.  
○ After modeling and explaining the game, students will head back to their seats 
to complete their individual assessment. When students have completed their 
individual assessment, they will come to the roundtable to pick up a game 
board. The next person that is finished with their assessment will be their 
partner. They are then allowed to pick up their game board, three dice, and 
situate themselves in any area of the room they’d like until the end of the class 
period. When they finish the game, they will then move onto the “Math 
Madness” rounding enrichment activity.  
● Individual Assessment​: 
○ After modeling and explaining the game, students will head back to their seats 
to complete an individual assessment. I will pass out a worksheet to each 
individual student and give an overview of the assignment. I will then do the 
first one on the board as an example. The rest is for them to complete on their 
own in order to formally assess their knowledge of the content. After students 
have completed the worksheet, they will go to the round table and quietly wait 
for a game partner.  
Resources and Materials​:  
● Teacher Resources: 
○ Google Slideshow 
○ “Roll It!” rounding game boards 
○ Dice 
○ Decimal rounding worksheet 
● Student Resources: 
○ Colored pen / pencil 
● Differentiation: 
○ Leveled “Roll It!” rounding game boards to meet student needs. 
● Enrichment: 
○ “Math Madness” coloring activity 
Informal and Formal Assessment:  
● I will be informally assessing throughout the Google Slideshow presentation whether 
students are understanding the material. Pulling popsicle sticks will allow me to assess 
how a variety of students are grasping the content. Additionally, the thumbs-up, 
thumbs-down, and thumbs-in-the-middle will allow me to informally assess how the 
class as a whole is grasping the concept. I will be walking around during the game to 
informally assess their knowledge as well.  
● I will be formally assessing the students through the "Rounding Decimals" worksheet 
that they will be individually completing. 

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