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Sustainable Human
Case Study Analysis
Submitted to : …… Title page: The title page of a report should be brief and
precise. It contains the followinginformation: the name of the report, who
prepared the report, for whom the report wasprepared, the nature of the
report, the date the report wasprepared.

Executive Summary:

The report focuses on the need to have a structured human resource department that will
work towards improving the working conditions of the employees which in turn will have an
impact on the profitability. The emphasis is on the use of the HRM as a strategic tool to gain
competitive advantage over the competitors. There is emphasis on the aim to establish a
sustainable practice that will protect the organization from the labour supply shock or poor
reputation. The organization should promote creativity, innovation and not merely individual
growth. They should create a system that motivates the employees to contribute towards the
organization in more than one way.


The Business Organization structure invariably comprises of Human resource department and
is responsible for the smooth interactions and day to day functioning. It is no longer
considered as a cost to reduce but an asset to be developed. Human resource does not confine
itself to the functions of recruitment and selection, training and development, performance
management etc., and it is not an administrative task allocated to middle managers as add-on
to the job description. It requires careful analysis and developing insights to make efficient
use of the resources. The report uses literature review as a tool to bring out the strategic
impact of a fully developed Human Resource practices and policies. HRM could be used as a
strategy to place an organization in the lead. This study is necessary due to the misconception
that has being identified through the case study, that in several organizations, HRM is seen as
a supplementary activity with excess expenditure and is not well defined as a structure. The
main purpose of the report is to present the strategic importance of HRM in an organization.

Role of HRM in the growth of an Organization:


Human Resource Practices define the success of the organization. Using the resource based
approach (Eleni T. Stavrou and Chris Brewster, 2005), views employees as firms internal
resources that contribute to the profitability and the competitiveness of an organization. They
are a source of competitive advantage as employees are difficult to replicate, no close
substitutes and mainly create value. In the current dynamic environment, there is
sustainability only through innovation and trainings that help in adaptation. HRM policies
move beyond the individual growth through pay incentives to firm bundles like the Profit
sharing/group bonus options, training options. This help in shaping the employee behaviour
that is embedded in the complex interactions. These Organization specific synergies create
value that is difficult to imitate. The same has being pursued by Google and has successfully
managed to create an environment that places firms objectives in line with the individual

Training and Knowledge Management:

HRM focus on development of new approaches to increase the employee involvement by

involving them in the decision making, creating a psychological contract (Theriou,
Chatzoglou, 2008) to generate and share knowledge and in response the professional skills
and opportunities are encouraged. The Knowledge Management is essential as it is extremely
complex and is an asset, hence for its success the employees have to be suitably motivated to
be an active part of the process. This makes a learning organization and reduces the turnover
rate. There is a sense of belongingness that pushes the employees to contribute to the


The process of innovation starts with the rigorous selection process to select the right
candidates for the various positions who are proactive. The innovation should not be limited
to the products or services but also in the participation of new work methods.( Leede and
Looise,2005) there is increasing stress on the concept of shared vision, effective team
working and work climate that supports the creativity. Emphasis on tapping the potential and
building career opportunities of the new comers.

Sustainable HRM Practices:

HRM is yet to work on the situations where highly qualified employees are subjected to high
work- stress, work-life conflict, health problems etc., also the incentives are not equitable or
the working conditions are discriminative coupled with poor employee cooperation. So the
focus is on creation of reward systems on concepts of equity, autonomy and respect and
principles of transparency, honesty and privacy. There is increasing conflict between the
short term success and long term sustainability with the changing environment and
demographics hence retain qualified employees through work-life balance, engagement
policies. Extended employee life cycle delivers the employers’ brand proposition to achieve
economic efficiency which differentiates them from the competitors and positive perceptions
of reputation of the organization will generate large pool of high quality applicants. This in
turn leads too sustainable long term supply and reproduction of HR. Also, there is a need to
balance consumption of HR and investing in the origin of the potential HR. so, like product
market, employers brand has to be resonant, well known and unique in the job market for
good Employee Value proposition, securing availability and viability .Post-employment
phase will encourage their former employees to help them attract potential employees. This
will create an alumini network that will increase the applicants pool.


The development and growth of an organization is coupled with that of the growth of the
human resources within the organization. So,the gist therefore lies in:

1. Capability reproduction

2. Promoting social and environmental health

3. Conducive climate and well-being

4. Work–life balance

5. Prediction of future demand and supply of capabilities through workforce planning

Some of the suggested measures for evaluating sustainable HRM practices are already used
in organisations such as employee well-being and work –life balance surveys, prediction of
future demand and supply of capabilities through workforce planning. This increases the
job satisfaction.


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