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 Addiction to alcohol: Dipsomania
 Addiction to books: Bibliomania
 Addiction to bridges: gephyromania
 Addiction to crowds: Demomania/Ochlomania
 Addiction to dead bodies: Necromania
 Addiction to Drugs: Narcomania
 Addiction to Dogs: Cynomania
 Obsession with death: Thanatomania
 Addiction to eating: Sitomania/Fagomania
 Addiction to flowers: Anthomania
 Addiction to lying: Mythomania
 Exaggerating oneself: Egomania
 Obsession with cleaning: Abbastomania
 Obsession with power: Megalomania
 Addiction to pleasure: Hidonomania
 Obsession to religion: Theomania/Cathcomania
 Addiction to sex: Nymphomania,/Crotomania/Satyromania
 Obsession with single idea or thing: Monomania
 Obsession with stealing: Kleptomania
 Addiction to surgery or undergoing surgery: Tomomania
 Addiction to talking: Logomania/Verbonia
 Addiction to travelling: Dromomania/poriomania/hodomania
 Addiction to working: Ergomania
 Addiction to horses: Hippomania
 Aeroplanes or flying: Aerophobia/Patropholia
 Animals: Zoophobia
 Words: Orinthophobia
 Blood: Hematophobia/Hemophobia
 Bridges or crossing bridges: Gephyrophobia
 Burial alive: Tappophobia
 Children: Pedophobia
 Choking: Pnigophobia
 Cold: Cyrophobia/Chemophobia
 Confined space: Claustrophobia/Clithrophobia
 Crowds: Demophobia/
 Dark: Nyctophobia/Scotophobia/Ligophobia
 Death or dead bodies: Necrophobias and Thanatophobia
 Depth and deep places: Bathophobia
 Deserts or dry places: Xerophobia
 Dirt: Rupophobia
 Dogs: Cynophobia
 Drinking or drunkness: Tipsophobia
 Being alarmed: Phobophobia
 Fire: Pyrophobia
 Foreigners: Xenophobia
 Fur: Dorophobia
 Germs: Microbiophobia
 Ghosts: Phasmophobia
 Heat: Thermophobia
 Heights: Acrophobia/Hypsophobia/Acrinophobia
 Horses: Hippophobia
 Illness: Pathophobia/Nonophobia
 Injury: Traumatophobia
 Insects: Entomophobia
 Lightening: Astrophobia
 Madness: Maniphobia
 Men and boys: Androphobia
 Women and girls: Gynophobia
 Same or particular word: Onamatophobia
 Night: Nyctophobia
 Noise: Phanophobia
 Open spaces or going out in public: Agoraphobia/Lenophobia
 Excessive fear of pain: Algophobia and Odinophobia
 A particular place: Topophobia
 Poisoning: Toxicophobia/Iophobia
 Pregnancy: Malcusiophobia
 Sea: Thalassophobia
 Sleep: Hyprophobia
 Speaking or public speaking: Glossophobia/Talophobia
 Speed: Tacophobia
 Streets or crossing streets: Dromophobia
 Surgery: Tomophobia
 Thunder: Tonitrophobia/Bronotophobia
 Trains: Siderodromophobia
 Travel: Hodophobia
 Water/wetness: Hydrophobia/Aquaphobia/Hybrophobia
Q1. What is idiom?
It is a fixed group of words with special meaning which is different from the ideas
conveyed from the words. E.g. Rat race
Q2. What is phrase?
It is a group of words which does not have a complete meaning but has an implied
meaning. E.g. it went off.
Q3. Why do we use the term idioms and phrases together? (1)
Q4. What are concrete and abstract noun?
Concrete nouns are tangible and abstract nouns are intangible.
A phrase has normally a verb + preposition + adverb structure. Idiom can be a
term of any grammatical combination. E.g. he is building castles in the air, His
promotion has stepped up the social status of the family.
1. One who looks at the bride side: optimist
2. One who looks at the dark side: pessimist
3. One who doesn’t believe in God: atheist
4. One who believes in God: theist
5. One who knows it all: omniscient
6. One who is present everywhere: omnipresent
7. One who is all powerful: omnipotent
8. One who cannot read and write: illiterate
9. One who acts against religion: Heretic
10. One who offers one’s services: Volunteer
11. One who is unable to pay off his debt: bankrupt
12. One who loves mankind: philanthropist
13. Love for mankind: philanthropy
14. One who hates mankind: Misanthrope
15. One who is out to destroy the government: Anarchist
16. One who eats human flesh: Cannibal
17. One who lives on flesh: Carnivores
18. One who lives at the same time: Contemporary
19. One who is more than a hundred years old: Centenarian
20. One who is 80 years old: Octogenarian
21. For whom the world is a home: Cosmopolitan
22. One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure: Stoic
23. One who champions the cause of women: Feminist
24. One who is given to the pleasures of the flesh: Epicure
25. One that lives on others: parasite
26. One who is sympathetic to mankind: Humanitarian
27. One who walks on foot: Pedestrian
28. One who studies things of the past: Antiquarian
29. One who is gifted with several talents: versatile
30. One who doesn’t drink wine: Teetotaler
31. One who is new to a profession: novice
32. One who is a habitual drinker: Sot/doper
33. One who settles in another country: immigrant
34. One who knows many languages: polyglot
35. One who carves in stones: sculptor
36. One who cuts precious stones: Lapidist
37. Technique that deals with cutting of precious stones: Lapidary
38. One who deals in cattle: drover
39. One who cures eye diseases: Oculist
40. One who sells sweets and pastries: confectioner
41. One who collects posting stamps: Philatelist
42. Collection of stamps: Philately
43. One who loads and unloads ships: Stevedore
44. One who compiles a dictionary: Lexicographer
45. One who walks in his sleep: Somnambulist
46. One who talks in his sleeps: Somniloquist
47. One who has an irresistible urge to steal: kleptomaniac
48. One who breaks images or church ornaments: Iconoclast
49. One who retires from society to live a solitary life: Recluse
50. One who has special skill in judging art, music etc.: Connoisseur
51. One who devoted to the pleasures of eating and drinking: epicure
52. One who is given to the sensual pleasures of body: Voluptuary
53. One who pretends to be what he is not: Hypocrite
54. One who imitates the voice and gestures of another: mimic
55. Professional rider in horse races: Jockey
56. A place with gambling tables: Casinos
57. A number of sailors working on a ship: crew
58. A collection of flags: Bunting
59. A number of battleships: fleet
60. A cluster of houses in a village: hamlet
61. A number of stars grouped together: constellation
62. The house of an eskimo: Igloo
63. House of an Arab: Dowar
64. A factory for manufacturing beer: brewery
65. A place of collection of medicinal and aromatic plants: Herbarium
66. A building for lodging of soldiers: Barracks
67. A place where money is coined: mint
68. A place where orphans are housed: Orphanage
69. An institution for correction of young offenders : reformatory
70. A place for improving one’s health: Resort
71. A case in which the sword is kept: Sheath
72. A substance that destroys germs: Antiseptic
73. Medicine that produces insensitivity: Anaesthetic
74. Medicine to counter poison: Antidote
75. Free from infection: immune
76. Cure for all diseases: Panacea
77. A place where dead bodies are kept: Mortuary
78. A place where dead bodies are entered: cemetery
79. A place where dead bodies are kept for identification: Morgue
80. An examination of a dead body: post-mortem
81. Occurring after death: posthumous
82. An inscription on a tomb: epithaph
83. Dead body of an animal: Carcass
84. The science of colors: Chromatics
85. The science of structure of human body: Anatomy
86. The art of effective speaking: elocution
87. The study of mankind: Anthropology
88. The study of human mind: Psychology
89. The study of physical life: Biology
90. Study of plants: Botany
91. Study of animals: Zoology
92. Study of rocks and soils: Geology
93. Study of birds: Ornithology
94.Study of mountains Orology
95. Study of languages: Philology
96. Study of stars: Astronomy
97. Study of origin of words: Etymology
98. Study of ancient writing: Paleography
99. Art of beautiful handwriting: Calligraphy
100. Act of preserving skin: Taxidermy
101. Govt. of the people, for the people: Democracy
102. Right to self-governance: Autonomy
103. Govt. of different states: Bureaucracy
104. Govt. by the nobility: Aristocracy
105. Govt. of a small group of people for their interests: Oligarchy

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