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So There Was a “Fourth”

Secret After All…

by Antonio Socci — “Libero”, May 12, 2010

Antonio Socci, the famous Italian Catholic intellectual, in

November 2006, stunned the world with his book The Fourth
Secret of Fatima. In 2009, The Fatima Center sent a copy of
Socci’s book in English to most of the Catholic bishops of
the world and to over 50,000 Catholic priests. His powerful
testimony helped influence the Cardinals, bishops and priests
to realize there is more to the Third Secret. Here he analyzes
Pope Benedict XVI’s widely publicized pronouncements of
May 11, 2010 about the Third Secret.

said it! What I wrote about site, yesterday evening, was
Fatima and the pedophilia titled this way: “Pedophilia
scandal received, yester- in the Third Secret of Fatima.
day, the most authoritative The words of the Pope on
confirmation possible: that of the way to Lisbon.” Even
the Pope himself. the Repubblica online website
Last April 2nd — on Good said: “Fatima foresaw it.”
Friday, in the middle of the It’s an incredible confirma-
storm [of the pedophilia scan- tion! But now another chap-
dal] — on the first page of this ter begins: because the Pope’s
newspaper [Libero], I signed statements bring back again
an article with this title: “The into mainstream news all the
Pope’s Calvary was foreseen dossier regarding the “Third
at Fatima”. Secret”. His words upset the
And last week, on the so-called “official version”
Panorama website, an inter- given in 2000, which was
view of mine on the same sub- never considered “official” —
ject was published with the neither by Ratzinger nor by
headline “Pedophilia scandal Pope John Paul II. However, it
in the Church: ‘Fatima fore- was transformed into a dog-
saw all this’ ”. ma by improvised band-aids
Some fools called me a vi- and by the superficial media.
sionary, but yesterday Pope Why do I affirm that those
Benedict XVI, on the airplane words upset that version?
to Fatima, said something that Because the idea that they
on the Corriere della Sera web- tried to get us to buy into was

Summer 2010 11 The Fatima Crusader

that the Third Secret foretold Office in June 2000, some-
the failed assassination at- one asked you if the Message
tempt against John Paul II in could have been extended,
1981, and the persecutions of apart from the failed attempt
the 20th Century so that — on John Paul II’s life, also to
they said and repeated it over other sufferings by the Popes.
and over again — the entire Do you believe that we can
prophecy had to be consid- see within the framework
ered fulfilled and concluded of that vision, the sufferings
within the 20th Century. of the Church of today, for
I’ve already explained in the sins of the sexual abuses
detail, in my book The Fourth against minors?
Secret of Fatima (Rizzoli), that Here is the answer given by
this version of things is not the Pope:
convincing, mostly because “Only during the course of
the Pope of the vision was history shall we be able to see,
killed, while Pope Wojtyla, in all its depth, which concrete
thank God, didn’t die. Also persons were indicated in that
because, in the vision, the vision. In addition to this
martyrdom of the Church great vision of the sufferings
followed that of the Pope, it of the Pope, which we can, in
didn’t precede it. substance, refer to Pope John
For writing that book, I had Paul II, there are indicated
to endure many cheap shots. realities of the future of the
Now, however, it’s the same Church, which unfold and re-
Pope Benedict XVI who is veal themselves day by day.
saying something extraordi- That is, it is true that in addi-
nary, which re-opens the dis- tion to the moment indicated by
cussion in the direction that I the vision, [the Secret] speaks,
tried to investigate and that shows the necessity of a passion
the documents themselves of the Church, which naturally
suggest. Let’s see why: is reflected into the person of the
The question that the Pope, but the Pope is within the
Pope chose to answer (many Church, therefore these are suf-
were placed, but this was ferings of the Church that are be-
chosen), was the following: ing foretold (…)
“Your Holiness, what is the With regards to the novel-
significance of the Fatima ties that we can now discover
Apparitions today? When in this message, it is that not
you introduced the Third only from the outside come
Secret at the Vatican Press the attacks against the Pope
The Fatima Crusader 12 Summer 2010
and the Church, but the suf- 2000, which mentioned only
ferings of the Church come the persecutions coming from
from right inside the Church, the outside. But it’s actually
from the sin that resides in- much closer to the vision of
side the Church (…) we see this the three little shepherds, es-
today really in a terrifying way: pecially to the first one, which
the greatest persecution against was described as follows by
the Church doesn’t come from its Lucy: “before reaching there
enemies outside, but starts from [the cross and his martyr-
the sins within the Church.” dom] the Holy Father passed
We’ve synthesized the through a big city half in ru-
Pope’s answer, but there’s ins and half trembling with
enough here to analyze and halting step, afflicted with
reflect on for a long time. In pain and sorrow, he prayed
the meantime, it’s evident that for the souls of the corpses he
for Benedict XVI the Secret met on his way”.
of Fatima is not a prophecy It was evidently a colos-
which concluded with the as- sal mistake to interpret the
sassination attempt against “city half in ruins” and the
Wojtyla in 1981, but it’s still “corpses” as mere symbols
unfolding. of the persecutions, because
In fact, Benedict XVI says the martyrs would not need
explicitly, in the vision “there any prayer, and because the
are indicated realities of the martyrdom of the Church, in
future of the Church, which the vision, follows that of the
unfold and reveal themselves Pope. The city half in ruins
day by day.” and the corpses, for whom
Among the “novelties” that the Pope prayed while suffer-
we discover today (“novel- ing, were actually describing
ties” is the exact word used by the condition of the Church,
the Pope) there is this upset- which was spoken of as “ter-
ting one, the reason for which rifying” by Pope Ratzinger;
the Church suffers today: “the that is, the Church oppressed
greatest persecution against the by the sin and apostasy of its
Church doesn’t come from its members: the Church of to-
enemies outside, but starts from day.
the sins within the Church” and All this leads one to be-
“today we see it in a really lieve, inevitably, that the mar-
terrifying way”. tyrdom of the Pope (who re-
This contradicts the inter- ally will be killed) and of the
pretation given by many in Church has to be placed in

The Fatima Crusader 14 Summer 2010

the future — a future that is Benedict XVI comes today:
yet to come. He didn’t go to the sanctuary
And it reinforces the be- in 2007, for the anniversary of
lief that the mind-blowing the apparitions, which would
words of the Way of the Cross have been more obvious.
of March 25, 2005, regarding Now maybe some forces
the “filth inside the Church”, within the Roman Curia will
the sacrileges and the boat seek to prevent that these
that was about to sink — very explicit statements of
words written deliberately by the Pope will be understood
Joseph Ratzinger and Karol in their full significance, and
Wojtyla — were perhaps, in- maybe try to prevent him
deed, the revelation (even if from repeating them. But
not declared as such) of the the pedophilia scandal has
part of the “Third Secret” clearly shown a great les-
that in 2000 was not revealed. son of the Pope: Do not be
The part which contains the afraid of the truth. NEVER.
words of Our Lady Herself, Not even when it’s a painful
as a comment on the Vision. truth, and even if it’s a shame-
On this part of the Secret ful truth for the Church (it’s
weighs the negative judgment not by chance that his epis-
of John XXIII (who suspected copal motto is “Cooperatores
they were words of Lucy and Veritatis” — joint laborers of
not of Our Lady), a judgment the truth).
followed by Paul VI. Yesterday the Pope con-
Evidently, John Paul II and cluded his statements with
Cardinal Ratzinger — who these words: “The Church
wanted to fulfill Our Lady’s has therefore a great need to
request to make the Message re-learn penance, to accept
public, but who didn’t want purification, to learn forgive-
to contradict their predeces- ness, conversion, prayer. Evil
sors in public (although they always attacks, both from the
recognized the authenticity of inside and from the outside,
the second part) — decided to but we must always remem-
let the Christian people know ber that the powers of good
the entire Message of Our are present too and that in the
Lady by means of the sermon end Our Lord is stronger than
on that Way of the Cross. the devil and that Our Lady is
It’s significant that this our warranty. God’s goodness
pilgrimage to Fatima by has and always will have the
last word in history.” |
Summer 2010 15 The Fatima Crusader

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