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XIIV International Conferrence on Bu

uilding Pathhology and Constructio
C ons Repair – CINPAR 2018
XIIV International Conferrence on Bu
uilding Pathhology and Constructio
C ons Repair – CINPAR 2018
Maasonry micromo
m odels usinng high order 3D
D elemen
Maasonry micromo
m odels usinng high order 3D
D elemen
XV Portuguese Conference on Fracture,
a 2016, 10-12 February
a 2016,
a Paço de Arcos, Portugal
J.I. Gisberta, D. Brua, A
A. Gonzalezza, S. Ivorrraa*
J.I. Gisbert , D. Bru , A
A. Gonzalezz , S. Ivorrra *
modeling of a high AApressure
of Alicante, Aparttado 99, 03080, Alicante,
University of Alicante, Aparttado 99, 03080, Alicante,
turbine blade of an
airplane gas turbine engine
a b c
Many y European heeritage and moddern P. Brandão
buildings have a, very
V. Infante
hhigh seismic , A.M.
vu Deusdue
ulnerability *e to their masoonry-based struuctural
syste y European
em. Although he
thhese and moddern
structures have buildings
a low cap have to
pacity a very
t seismic
tension or vu
shea ulnerability
ar stresses, due
evenne nowadays
to their masosom onry-based
me stru
new building uctural
gs are
systeem. Departmentth
Although of Mechanical
hese Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. nowadays
Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, are
using g these materiaals asstructures
structuraalhave a low
system in cap
mapacity to resist
any seismic ttension
arreas. Theor main
sheaar objective
stresses, even
of nthis paper issom thme newof
he use building
high gs order
ANS bg these
SYS codemateria als as structura
3D eelements in theal system in mo
e numerical maany seismic arreas. The mains.objective of
purthis paper is thheelsuse of high ing order
IDMEC, Department of Mechanical Engineering,odelling of mas
Instituto Superior sonry structure
Técnico, UniversidadeFor de
thisLisboa, pose, FE mode
Av. Rovisco Pais, correspondi
1, 1049-001 Lisboa, to
standSYS code were
dard tests 3D eelements
made andincalib theebrated
using moresodelling of mas
sults of experim sonry
Portugal structure
tests. In s. For this
p pur
this pose, FE
document mode
will els correspondi
analyze the resing to
behac dard tests were made and calib
CeFEMA,to uniaxial l and of
Department diagonal
Mechanical brated using res
c Engineering,
compression insults
Superior. The tests.
Técnico, In lparticular,
Universidade thishas
de Lisboa, been
Av. willPais,
Rovisco analyze
oped 1,usingthe ressistant
1049-001 linear
hexaavior to uniaxial
aedrical 8 and 220 l and diagonal
nodes tridim c
mensional elemeinents
to samples.
represen . The
nt bricknumerical
and mo l micromodel
ortar, such as so has
been and
soloped using
lid186, non-rast
in contr linear
hexa aedrical 8 and 2
20 nodes tridim
tradittional FE modeels which use element mensional
e eleme
solid65 ents to represen
5 as finite elem nt brick and
ment to represen moortar, such as soolid185 and sol lid186,
nt masonry behavior. Drucker--Prager and Raankine in contr rast to
mode tional
mode els which
uused to study usethhe
e compression-
element solid65 5-tension
as finitefailure
ment to represen
e surface, addinntg masonry behening-softening
a linear harde avior. Drucker- -Prager andbeh
g-dilatation Raankine
mode els havefracture-
been uused to study thhe compression-
More eover, -energies based d cohesive zon-tension
es have failure
been eaadded
to addin g a between
contaccts linear hardemening-softening
ortar and brickg-dilatation
ks, in order beh tohavior.
debo eover, failure
onding fracture-b-energies
etween these basedtwd cohesive
wo materials. zon
Th es have
hese been gaadded
modelling methodsto contac
proveectsto between
be a validmtortar and to
echnique brick
sim ks, in order
mulate brick matoasonry
debo onding their operation,
failure b etween modern
these twwo aircraft
Th hesecomponents
modelling g are subjected
methods prove e tobeincreasingly
to a valid t demanding
echnique to sim operating
mulate brick conditions,
ma asonry
behaavior according to experimentaal results and will w be used as a base to devellop future param metric FEM ana nalysis to study TRM
beha avior the hightopressure turbine (HPT)and blades. Such conditions
as a basecause these
lopparts to param
undergo different types oftotime-dependent
degradation, one of
specimens. al results will
w be used to devel future metric
which is creep. A model using the finite element method (FEM) was developed, in order to be able to predict
FEM ana nalysis study TRM
reinfforced masonry specimens.
the creep behaviour of HPT blades. Flight data records (FDR) for a specific aircraft, provided by a commercial aviation
Copy yright © were
company, 2018 used
Elsevierto B.V. All
obtain Athermal
rights and
reserve ed.
mechanical data for three different flight cycles. In order to create the 3D model
Copy yright©©2018
Elsevier B.V. All rights
B.V. A
All reserved.
rights reserve ed.
Peer- -review
needed forunder
the rresponsibility
FEM analysis, o f
a the
Peer-review under responsibility of the CINPAR 2018 organizers 2018 organizer
scrap rs
was scanned, and its chemical composition and material properties were
Peer- -reviewThe
obtained. under rresponsibility
data that was gatheredof the CINPAR
was fed into 2018theorganizer rs
FEM model and different simulations were run, first with a simplified 3D
Keyw words: masonry;
rectangular blockccomposites; TRM
shape, in order M;to mechanical prooperties;
better establish theFEM
model, and then with the real 3D mesh obtained from the blade scrap. The
Keyw masonry; ccomposites;
overall behaviour in TRM M; mechanical
terms prooperties;
of displacement wasFEMobserved, in particular at the trailing edge of the blade. Therefore such a
model can be useful in the goal of predicting turbine blade life, given a set of FDR data.

© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of PCF 2016.

Keywords: High Pressure Turbine Blade; Creep; Finite Element Method; 3D Model; Simulation.

* Corresponding
C autthor. Tel.: +34 9665903400 x 1119
* E-mail
E address:aut
sithor. Tel.: +34 9665903400 x 1119
E address: sivorra@ua.es
2452--3216 Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reeserved.
Peer-r © 2018 Elsevier
under respponsibility of thee B.V. All rights
CINPAR 2018 re
review under resp
* Corresponding ponsibility
author. of thee218419991.
Tel.: +351 CINPAR 2018 organizers.
E-mail address: amd@tecnico.ulisboa.pt

2452-3216 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of PCF 2016.
2452-3216 Copyright  2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Peer-review under responsibility of the CINPAR 2018 organizers
J.I. Gisbert et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 428–435 429
2 Author name / Structural Integgrity Procedia 00 0 (2018) 000–0000

1. Introduction


fck Uniaxial Compressivee Strength

ft Uniaxial Tensile Strenngth
κcm Plastic sstrain at uniaxxial compressivve strength
κcm Ultimatee effective plaastic strain in compression
Ωci Relativee stress at onseet of nonlinearr hardening
Ωcr Residuaal compressivee relative stresss
κtr Plastic sstrain limit in tension
Ωtr Residuaal tensile relatiive stress
fxt Maximuum Normal Coontact Stress
GfI Critical Fracture Enerrgy for Normaal Separation
τmaxx Maximuum Equivalentt Tangential Contact
C Stress
GfII Critical Fracture Enerrgy for Tangen ntial Slip
M has been one of the most useed building m materials throughout historry due to its durability, an nd the
availability of itss raw materialls in the naturral environmeent. This buildding tradition, which used m mainly stone, in the
19thh century graadually develooped into a mostly
m brick bbased constru uction proceduure due to neew industrialiization
T construuctions, added to the heritag ge and traditioonal buildings that have survived until noowadays, geneerate a
greaat set of structtural masonryy buildings wh hich are highlyy vulnerable to
o earthquakes.
M strucctures may be understood as a compositee material whiich involves th he assemblingg of solid dry pieces
in most
m cases bouunded with mortar,m which oversees the m masonry’s coh hesion, generating geometrric patterns in n order
to be
b able to trannsmit stresses. These structu ures behave quuite different depending on n the kind of sstresses to resiist, the
typee of pieces, thhe characteristics of the morrtar, and the shhape adopted by the assemb bling.
T differencee of elastic modulus
m and th
he maximum ccompression and a tension sttresses betweeen pieces and joints
may y cause the maasonry failuree over the weaakest areas. Acccording to th his, simulation
ns and calculuss of these struuctures
is a complex issuue, since it invvolves the simmulation of sevveral elementts with differeent. This genererates an anisootropic
behhavior of the saample, which largely depen nds on the bouundary conditiions as well ass the stress plaane.
I order to define masonry’s properties and a its failuree modes, seveeral authors likke [1]-[2]-[3] or [4] have studied
sammples under m many stress typpes: piece crushing under ccompressive stress, piece crrack under fleexural stress, tensile
nt failure betwween mortar annd piece, jointt sliding due too shear forcess, and mixed failures
fa under mmultiaxial forrces.
T studiess have been mainly
m developed using eexperimental samples cam mpaigns whichh, afterwards,, were
commplemented w with analyticaal methods an nd numerical models to bee able to anaalyze general masonry beh havior.
Acccording with the literaturee, these models can be aapproached frrom two diffeerent ways: ((i) macromod delling
hnique is bassed on representing mason nry as a hom mogeneous maaterial, while (ii) micromoodels considerr each
commponent separrately with theeir own characcteristics.

Figure 1: Element
E solid65 ((left) and solid18
86 (right) [10]
430 J.I. Gisbert et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 428–435
Author name / Structural Inteegrity Procedia 000 (2018) 000–00 00 3

E though m micromodellinng requires greater
g compuutational resou urces than macromodels
m aand are someetimes
prohhibitive for larrge structures, it is more acccurate at prediicting masonryy response and its failure m
Inn this paper, tto perform miicromodels off masonry sam mples, ANSYS S code has been used for sttructural testin
ng. In
conttrast to what hhas been comm monly used ov ver last decaddes in these kin
nd of models, hexahedral eelement solid6 65 has
not been
b used. Thhis element is defined by eight nodes, eacch of which has h three degreees of freedom m correspondiing to
the displacements
d s in the three spatial
s directio
A this element has no n longer tech hnical supporrt and it has been
b cataloged as a legacyy element sincce the
appeearance of sollid185 and sollid186, nowad days is still veery used due to
t the ability to
t represent, iin eight integrration
poinnts using imagges from the poostprocessor, “cracks” due to tensile stresses and “crussh” for comprression ones.
T capabilityy, which is unnique to this element, has become extreemely popular to model geeological matterials
suchh as stone andd concrete andd, by extensio on, masonry. H However, reccent ANSYS extensions
e andd properties which
imprrove the consttruction and convergence
c of
o micromodells are not supp ported by this element, whiich makes it harder
to acchieve proper results.
Inn this paper, a numerical stuudy is carried d out using mi cromodels bu uilt with high order
o 3D ANSSYS elementss such
as soolid185 (8 nodde) and solid1186 (20 node). For this purppose, FE mod dels corresponnding to standaard tests havee been
madde and calibraated using resuults of experiimental tests as a prelimin nary phase to develop morre complex modelsm
using these kindss of elementss. In particulaar, this docum ment will anaalyze the resistant behavioor to uniaxiaal and
gonal compression in brick masonry
diag m sampples

2. Methodology
M aand material characteriza

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2: Uniaxial (a) andd diagonal (b) com

mpression samplee geometry. Test configuration (c)) for diagonal com

2.1. Geometric def

efinition of maasonry walls and
a reinforcem
T geometry chosen for the numericaal uniaxial coompression modelm has beeen developed according too that
posed in DIN EN 1052-1:11998-12 [5] (ffigure 2). Reggarding the nu
umerical diaggonal compresssion model, it has
n developed acccording to thhe indications of ASTM E5119/E519M. 20
010 [6] (figuree 2).

2.2. Mesh
T perform thee micromodel and represent the more acccuracy the better, hexahedrral elements hhave been forcced in
the model
m with a maximum size s of: (i) 100 mm in the mortar in ord der to have hexahedrons,
h not permittin
ng the
degeeneration of thhe elements innto prisms, (ii)) 25 mm in briicks.
A solid186 eelement allow ws second ord der interpolatiion due to itts mid sides node calculattions, converg gence
ween brick andd mortar will beb able to be achieved
a desppite the size difference betw
ween elements..
J.I. Gisbert et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 428–435 431
4 Author name / Structural Integgrity Procedia 00 0 (2018) 000–0000

Figure 3: Uniaxial
U compresssion (left) and diiagonal compresssion (right) FE me
eshed models

2.3. Material deffinition

T initial datta to represennt the materiall behavior waas obtained fro
om supplier’ss technical sheeets, howeverr, after
firstt simulations aand experiments were deveeloped, the Yooung’s Modullus and the Un niaxial Comprressive Streng
gth had
to be
b modified too achieve a beetter approximmation to the oobserved failu
ure mode: (i) for
f mortar, moodels with Yo oung’s
Modulus betweenn 3000 and 60000 MPa weree developed, (iii) as for brick ks, between 70
000 and 110000 Mpa.

Table 1: Material Properties


Material Young’s Modulus

M (MPa) Poisson’s Ratio
R Rc (MP
Pa) Rt (MPaa)
Bricks 8000 0.14 15 1.50
Mortar 4000 0.20 4.5 0.45
Masonry 7000 0,16 5.00 0.52

2.4. Failure criteerion

2.4.1. Drucker- P
Prager Rankinne
T complete tthe material data
d definition
n, the failure ccriterion of Drucker-Prage
D r Rankine [100] has been used
u in
h brick and mmortar in ordder to represeent the large differences between
b tensille and comprression behavvior in
massonry elementts.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4: 2-D
D Yield surfaces showing Drucker-Prager and Rannkine Surfaces (a)). Linear HSD in compression (b) and tension (c)
432 J.I. Gisbert et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 428–435
Author name / Structural Inteegrity Procedia 000 (2018) 000–00 00 5

A [10] ddefines this crriterion as a composite
c surrface consistin
ng of a Rankine tension faiilure surface and a
Druccker-Prager yiield surface inn compression n.
T compositee criterion reqquires defining g a hardening,, softening an
nd dilatation (H
HSD) behavioor for the moddel. In
this paper, in ordder to calibraate this techniique a linear brittle failuree method hass been used w with the folloowing

Table 2:: HSD parameterss

Materiial κcm κcm Ωci Ωcr κtr Ωtr

Brickss 0.001
0 0.00115 0.33 0.1 0.0005 0.2
Mortarr 0.001
0 0.0022 0.33 0.1 0.0005 0.2

2. Contacts
C are alll defined as symmetrical and
a bonded. H However, in order
o to modeel the tensile aand shear resp ponse
ween mortar annd bricks, which can lead to slip and debbonding behav viors, a cohesiive zone moddel (CZM) hass been
ned [8] as a ffracture surfacce to allow th
he brittle failuure of the conttact. If the ten
nsile or tangeential stress lim
mit is
hed, the contaact may fail caausing opening or sliding.
T parameterss to define thee CZM [7] aree:

Table 3: Coohesive Zone Mo

odel parameters

Contact Fxt (MPa) G fI (N/m) τmax

m (MPa) GfII (N/m)
Masonryy-Joint 0.23 99.7 0..36 13

3. Numerical
N moodels

Fiigure 5: Uniaxial (left) and diagonnal (right) model boundary

b conditio

3.1. Uniaxial com

T model deeveloped to reepresent uniaxial compres sion has been n built using hexahedral 220 node elem ments.
Althhough it may use several time t and reso
ources to fulfi
fil the calculu
us, the fact th
hat it allows eeasier converg gence
justiifies it.
W solid65 is used, a recuurring method
d to achieve coonvergence iss to make seveeral tries reduccing mesh sizze and
increeasing steps nnumber. The useu of solid186 6 makes this uunnecessary, as
a it usually reeaches converggence at first try.
T boundary cconditions in the model basse are: (i) for aall nodes Y diisplacement hash been set too zero (ii) for nodes
at th
he symmetry aaxis, Z displaccement or X diisplacement (ddepending of the axis) havee been set to zzero too.
J.I. Gisbert et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 428–435 433
6 Author name / Structural Integgrity Procedia 00 0 (2018) 000–0000

A shown in figure 5, regaarding the top p of the moddel boundary conditions,
c alll nodes have been set witth free
placements aloong X and Z axis, and a raamped displaccement of 1 mm
m has been introduced
i in Y axis to rep
the constant loadd.

3.2. Diagonal Coompression

T criterion ddescribed to develop
d the un
niaxial model,, solid186 elemments, has beeen followed too build the diaagonal
mpression test..
T numericall model has been b rotated 45 degrees andd, regarding itts boundary co
onditions, 2 pplanes in the bottom
partt have been fixxed to zero diisplacement in
n the Y directiion, and the sy
ymmetry bottoom axis have been constraiined in
h Z and X direections.
O the top paart of the moddel a ramped displacement
d of 0.2 mm haas been introdduced in the Y axis, leavin ng free
placements in X and Z direcctions.

4. Results

T ramped ddisplacement anda the materiial properties tthat have beenn set to the models generatee a nonlinear quasi-
static vertical displacement looad test for both
b samples;; the uniaxiall compression n and the diaagonal comprression
mod del.

4.1. Uniaxial com

T final uniaaxial compression model haas: (i) 18938 ssolid elementts counting mo ortar and bricck units, (ii) 142059
noddes, and (iii) 2240 contacts with
w fracture surfaces.
s Desppite this complexity, the mo
odel convergees at first try, failing
afteer a displacem
ment of 0.55 mm.
m The figuree below showss the Poisson effect
e at the en
nd of the loadding process.

Figgure 6: Stress in Y axis (left) and Stress in X axis (right).

( (Units in MPa)

A thee results of thee numerical model,
m major Y stresses can n be detected in the contaccts between vertical
morrtar joints annd bricks due to the stresss difference bbetween the two materials, which is ccaused because the
diffference of theiir deformabiliity. Furthermoore, it can be seen how thee horizontal mortar
m joints juust under the bricks
are much more sttressed that thhe vertical joinnts.
R thee X direction, a growing strress can be obbserved as the mortar appro oaches to the llateral border of the
mple due to thhe Poisson’s effect, which h is greater iin this materiial than for bricks.
b This eexpansion behavior
introduces tensioon stresses in the
t vertical joiints as well ass in the centraal part of the bricks,
b causingg the final faillure of
the sample.
434 J.I. Gisbert et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 428–435
Author name / Structural Inteegrity Procedia 000 (2018) 000–00 00 7

n the model results can be b noticed thaat the plastic strains are much
m higher in the horizoontal mortar joints,
reachhing plasticityy. In contrast, bricks remain
n in elastic beehavior as theiir compression resistance iss much higherr, and
the tension
t failuree is brittle.
n order to com mpare the num merical model with the labboratory experriments, an ad dditional contitinuous modell with
the same
s geometrry, but compoosed by one equivalent matterial, has beeen developed to be able to evaluate betteer the
technnique analyzeed in this papeer.
n figure 10 cann be seen the loading proceess for real sam mples, and thee continuous and
a discrete mmodels:

Figure 7: Stress (MPa) vs Strain ((mm/mm) at the top of the sample


4.2. Diagonal Com

T final uniaxxial compresssion model has: (i) 30624 ssolid elementss counting mo ortar and brickk units, (ii) 2228316
nodees, and (iii) 3336 contacts wiith fracture su
urfaces. As thee uniaxial mod del, this one converges at fiirst try, failing
g after
a dissplacement off 0.105 mm.
T figure beloow shows the Y stress and PoissonP effectt at the end off the loading process.

Figgure 8: Stress in Y axis (left) and S

Stress in X axis (rright). (Units in MPa)

T diagonal teest shows a grrowing tensilee stress in the middle due to o the lateral ex
xpansion of thhe sample under the
increeasing load. T
This fact generrates a shear stress
s betweenn brick and moortar that prod
duces the surfface sliding an
nd the
den failure of tthe sample.
J.I. Gisbert et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 11 (2018) 428–435 435
8 Author name / Structural Integgrity Procedia 00 0 (2018) 000–000 0

F in the model results can be noticed how w the higher elastic
e strains concentrate iin the mortar joints
surrrounding the Y axis where the load is ap pplied, being these joints thhe path wheree the sample uusually fails. In
I this
casee the numericaal model sampple fails due to
o shear stress before the plaasticity behavior is reachedd.
I figure 12 can be observeed the comparration betweenn the loading process and the t displaceme ment produced of the
merical model and the laborratory experim ment.

Figure 9:
9 Base loads andd top vertical disp


T model creeated with higgh order elem ments using A ANSYS softwaare proves to be a valid teechnique to deevelop
nummerical modells in order to t simulate masonry
m and predict its failure.
fa These elements peermit the quaadratic
inteerpolation betw
ween nodes, which
w improvees the capabiliity to develop
p more compleex models andd reach converrgence
easiier than other older elementts.
A modernn elements alllow using reccent failures criteria inclu uded in ANSY YS recent verrsions, such as the
Druucker-Prager R Rankine criterrion, which can be used to pperform numeerical models with
w more posssibilities than n older
T possibilityy to use thesee criteria and complexity too perform num merical modells can be an oopportunity to study
nforcement maasonry methoods, such as TRM,T and devvelop parametrric FEM analy ysis in order tto obtain num
resuults which cann lead to develop formulatioons, which maay allow proffessionals to sttudy the necesssary reinforccement
to apply
a to masonnry heritage annd modern buuildings restorration and repaaration.


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