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TUESDAY MARCH www.malaya.com.


'Otso'to Duterte:
Let your candidates
speak for themselves

OPPOSITION senarorial candidates yesterday

hit back at
Duterte, reminding him of ,_t,; .pp",i,l.rt
oemocrac' and.telrng him ro just alJow his -L-L
senatorial candidates"
ro answer tor rhemselves in a public debare
rng them.
instead of defeod_
The."Orso Diretso,' candidares were reactingrre
Durerre\ stale_
rn ra.lly of the administradoriparw. pDp_f_a
3en1s 1 lampargn
iunday rughr ln Zamboanga Ciry, where he
said thi Orso Diretso
d""e noddng bur ciEicize his gor ernment, have
n1 ll,ye
hmeors ro_shou for. and are going to.,hell...
nghrs lawyerJose Manuel .,Chel.. DioLo
told Durerte
rhe oppostdont role in a democracl.
'll-eth be teminded of what my father said
that .yes_men, are
nor compadble_with da-o.rr.1. tV" ."n
,o.ngrhen our leaders bi.
pornung out whar they are doing lhar is --^" -,
wroig,,. t. .ui;.
l,rrokno rs aron of former senarorJose
, Diok_io *ho wns am.rno.
tnose.arJested and jail€d during rhe martial
-'tt s rhe law period.
opposirion.s role ro quesdoo. criticize, and
offer alter
narir'res. The Presidenr should nor
be onion_skin,ed. This is rne
essence of democracv.,, he said.
Thl.ong*iy3n candidare said rhe presidenr should
,, also ask
rurrserr wnat tus own senarorial bets have done to
desene 12

SeeOTSOlPageB3 l

,\lrXr PAe€ Pu.. )

:nA-odr PAq€
jet ski in the Vest Pbilippine Sea to toc exptessed her gtatitude to the On his legislative actlevem
calhtal said theit dvals in the Hug arbitration' case filed befote the
OTSO pong ng Pagbabago slate aPPear United Nations Arbitral Tribunal. assert t}le county's claim. President "fot yout recent show of Aquino said, "$(4rat I fear is
the Ptesident believes in his
"Thereh no sense that leadets respect fo! me."
in the Senate. to be hiding behind the Presideot "rifle've already met each other,
eats 'whose mouths are full of obsceni- "I know how you tend to be who discredit me. But it is easy
"They'te good at making cam- aftet avoiding their challenge for We savr each other the daY that
ties and insults even want to be harsh to your critics, esPeciallY know my achievements. It is
aign tarpaulins. Ve're not going a debate. the ruling on the case came out
those who have exPressed dis- a Google search away or you
> irrke i".pauJ.ins in tlre Senate, '1X4ry is the President taking uP and you asked for a briefing I'm applauded by the peoPle," he said.
"The May election is not about You sent to youi Policies and Public find it in the Senate website all
re'te crafting laws that we have *re cudgels for dreir bets? Is *ris a introducing myself again to You
because you seem to have forgot- fDurelte) who wants candidates to pronouocemeflts, So thank You, my achievements)."
: be dcbate upoo," Diokno said. clear admission that their bets are Vice President Leni Robredo
ten things including our victorY iust shui up and bow their heads Mr. President, for resPecting mY
Former senatot Manuel "Mar" afraid of
debates? The President
womanhood," she said. said President Duterte's disparag-
should not make babies out of his in the West PbilipPine Sea case to you."
i. Roxas II, who lost to Duterte Gutoc however asked the Presi- ing remarks against *re opposition
Former Quezon ReP. Lorenzo
r tlre presidential race it 2016, bets every time issues ate raised against China," he said.
dent "to afford the same lesPect to senatorial bets is a "good sign" as
efused to comment on the Presi- against them," he said. Hilbay also said it ls r}e dutY "Ein" 'faiada dratked dre Presi-
dent for tagging him a "leftist." all women, as we celebrate Nation- it shows that they are "pickioguC'
Lent's attacks, saying his track Macalintal was elated, however, of the opposition to opPose tle
"I always equate Left with being al Women's Month this March." in popularity,
ecord \r'ill speak for itself that the President mentioned the administration's wtongpoLicies.
pro-people. Both my loto (grand- "I know drat You will be a bet- She also said it was Dutctte's
'rvell,I didn't hear him @utene) word "hell" in his tirades against 'qWe'te still in a derdocncy and
fathet) and father, Sen. Lorenzo ter president atd a g4eat fathct to "choice" to rant and underestimate
av it so I won't comment about the oppositioo, sayiog it onlY not a dictatorship, right? It's noth-
ing personal, we'te just doing out Tanada andSen. Wigbetto T a.frada, this nation if you will iust leatn to the Otso Diretso senatotial candi-
hings that I didn t personally hear means that he still believes in the dates but stressed the oPPosition
jobs," he said. wete dso tagged as being left dur- temper your words to the occasion
rr see. I'm a candidate who is teachings of the Cadrolic Chutch. slate have track tecotds that vrill
Rep. Gary Alejano @L, Magda- hg Matcos' martial law," he said. and revisit your anti-Poot policies,"
tanding on his own ttack recotd," Former solicitor general Florio prove that they have done some-
re told a tadio interview Hilbay disputed the President's lo) said he ahtaYs offers soludons "The tole of the oPPositioo is to she said.
questioo, criticize aod ProPose Re-electionist Sen. Paolo Benig- thinggood for the Filipint, pc, 'ple
Duterte said Roxas has held claim that he has done nothing ard alternatives to policies which
rnati.,e solutions that provide no "Bam" Aquino fV said Duterte He said it is a "big lic" to s.Y
everal posts in the Arroyo and for the country, rerninding Duterte are deuimental to the counttY ald alte
better opportunities to our fellow wants the oPPosition to lose so he Aquino has done as he is orrc of the
\quino administtat-ions but have that he was one of dre lawYers who the Filipinos whenevet he criti&es
Filioiros." can hal€ a Seqate which follows most productive among lllc scna
ro*ring to show for it. wotked fot the'Fhilippiae govern- the government, unlike the Presi-
il4arawi civic leader Samira Gu his every command. to$. -With Angela l-aPe4fu Lzon
Election lawyer Romulo Ma- ment's victory over China il the dent who once prcmised to ride a

t apoAr *llAqsa

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