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Django Local 404 Page

Nov 16, 2018

Adding a custom 404 page is a best practice for any Django website. This post shows a quick
tip for how to test and configure a custom 404 page in your Django projects.

Create a new Django project.

$ cd Desktop
$ mkdir demo && cd demo
$ pipenv install django==2.1
$ pipenv shell
(demo) $ django-admin startproject demo_project .
(demo) $ python manage.py runserver

The Django welcome page is visible at

Now go to any other page which should result in a 404. For example

In the default settings.py file Django sets DEBUG = True and ALLOWED_HOSTS
= []. We want to change both. Turning off debug will show us what a live site would show
and ALLOWED_HOSTS restricts which HTTP requests Django will respond to so the URL
needs to be explicitly added.
# demo_project/settings.py
DEBUG = False


Refresh the page again at

Now let’s update it with custom text. First create a templates folder and then add a
404.html file to it.
(demo) $ mkdir templates
(demo) $ touch templates/404.html

Update settings.py so Django will look for this new templates folder.
# demo_project/settings.py
'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')],
And finally add some basic text to the file.
<!-- templates/404.html -->
<h1>404 Page Not Found</h1>
<p>This page does not exist yet!</p>

Now refresh the page once more to see our work.


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