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C5 Project-1 Develop and implement a behaviour plan


Q 2. Based on the information in the case study and in the observations of Kylie, I have developed
below d a behaviour management plan for the wellbeing of Kylie.

Child Name : Kylie

Age: 3 Years

Gender: Female

Plan start date: 28/02/2019

Plan end date: 28/05/2019

Childs background and My observations: Attends centre T,W,TH every week. Likes Disney characters
much. Enjoys pretend play Dad & Mom working; Kylie after asked them to be involved in her play.

Behavioural indicators:

Kylie finds transitions difficult. Kylie struggles to separate from her father. Doesn’t show interest to
mingle with other kids / sessions.

Anteceolent events:

Fatigue, Crying not listening to educator instructions

I have read complete care studies of kylie given in simulated assessment.

As per my understanding and observation I would like to record below mMy behavior plan for kylie

A. Base line behavior: I feel kylie is showing interest on “pretend play” than all other plays
She easily upset and frustrated when same one didn’t agree to her words
The main cause of this behavior is, She is unable to share and upset when same thing is taken
away from her.
As it is happening in mornings frequently, I feel she is not feeling good in the morning as her dad
just left has at centre. she needs to change this behavior.

B. Alternative behavior: As kylie is getting angry at another child, and walking away from the
situations and not showing interest to join music sessions. I would say “stop” when she is angry
at another child.
I will identify and ackwoledge her feelings and I will try to explain about role play, share play I
will engage her in another pretend play with me as a partner.
I will also discuss about positive behavior with kylie through an interesting stay and I will also
explain about room rules.
I will also set up communication expectations with children. This can be set up with story
telling / pretend play.
C. Goals:

Short term goal: To make her following room rules: (joining any session) pretend play.

1. By showing kylie how we feel when you upset other kids. By implementing strategies they
have been gathered with parents.
2. By giving positive feedback.

Long term goal: To make kylie feel come when her dad leaves her.

I will acknowledge kylie’s feelings when she separates from her father.

This enables child to see that they are in fact able to feel things, even negative feelings and words can be
used to express feelings. This, over time, helps a child to use language (words rather that Crying (or)
hurting another.

By engaging kylies parents and by sharing ideas and strategies to create a positive approach to dealing
this behavior.

If possible centre permits, this plan should be implemented in the home centre.

By involving parents in excursions centre organized parties like easter / Christmas etc.

D. Managing the behavior:

By setting up clear rules and boundaries

For example when kylie doesn’t show interest to join music session (or) any discussions to join music
session(or) any group discussions. I will help kylie to understand what is expected of her when call to
join a group discussion.

 By providing simple ramainders that we can give before situations get out of hand

 Behaviour is also a communication I will provide emotional outlets & play.

 When kylie feels sad when she separate from her dad, if possible I would request kylie’s dad to spent
same time in the centre during lunch time.

 By making her comfort predictable routines.

 By preparing kylie for changing routines for example when kylie doesn’t show interest to transitions
to another activity.

 By giving a five minute warning his could be a visual warning like a clock using pictures can also help.

E. Environmental Changes:

 By implementing an age appropriate child central curriculam.

 By introducing variety of inviting equipment and play materials accessible to children.

 Windows that provide natural light.

 Sufficient and uncultured space for active play with in an additional cart space set aside of individual
and quiet play.

F. Engaging the family:

 By providing opportunities for parents to volunteer in the program (or) service

For example: When kylies separated from father she is feeling sad. So I will try to engage her dad in one
of the sessions at centre until kylie feel comforts when she separates from her dad.

 By providing opportunities for parents to build, their knowledge and skills related to involvement in
the service.

 By valuing parents time by keeping to the schedule.

G. Engaging the child:

 By providing opportunities for kylie to share what is on her minds, what they did on the weekend,
what did they do during the morning etc to start up conversations.

 By providing interesting items to share based on current interest. For example kylie interests in
Disney characters so I will try to include Disney story books, elsa & Anna toys , Disney character music
toys etc.

 these items can be placed with in the circle to encourage the children to discuss how these items can
be used and how the relate to what they know about characters already.

H. Engaging collegues:

 By sharing knowledge about behavior of kylie.

 By showing secure, respectful and reciporcate knowledge sharing attitude.

 By valuing each others contributing to roles in each childs life.

 By communicating freely and respect fully with each other.

 By sharing insights & perspectives about each child.

I. Materials and resources:

 Disney character toys (as she likes them much)

 Camera to record ( kylies behavior)

 Stuffed animals

 Disney doll furniture such as stroller, walkers, baby carriers

 Doll clothes.
J. Links to the EYLF:

Children have a strong sense of identification

Children are confident and involved learners

Children are effective communicators. These cames are influence by each child capabilities, dispotions,
& learning preferences.

Q 3. Ask your trainer to play the role of your workplace supervisor.

Provide your behaviour plan to your trainer to review and approve. Ensure you adjust your plan
based on any feedback you receive.

I have submitted my behavoiural plan to my trainer Rosie in writimg ans she has given feedback and
gave inputs to change my plan effectively which will in turn help Kyile.

Q 4. Now ask your trainer to play the role of Kylie’s family (either the mother or the father).
Arrange a time to share the plan with the ‘family’ to discuss any concerns with them and obtain their
permission to implement the plan.

My trainer approved the plan and myself simulated this plan trainer as Kylie’s father.

Q 5. Ensure you document the discussions you have with your 'workplace supervisor' and 'family'
(including names, dates and times) and the feedback you receive as you will need to submit these
as evidence.

I have documented everything as per my observations, discussions with trainer in terms of

names,dates and times.

Q 6. Pretend that you have implemented the plan over a minimum of two (2) weeks with the
permission of the child’s family and your supervisor. Think about the possible outcomes of your plan
and come up with:

a) Three examples of how kylie responded to my stratagies:

1. Kylie is able to regulate her reation and emotion while her father leavingher from centre

2. She is able to calm down while upsetting when others kid doesn’t follow kylies instructions in pretend

3.Resfocus and eagly transitioned to a new task.

b. one example of modification/ change that I had to make to the plan:

I had to learn and observe kylies behavior that helps me to get along with her and other kids.Being an
example in pretend play, I had to taught her self-regulation which gives her the ability take turn in

c. one example of faced heal given to kylies parents an her behavior:

As the always like to play pretend plays. I requested kylies parents to involve in play when she asked
them. Request, to try different pretend plays

d. How team worked together to implement to the plan:

As a team we constantly evaluating and reflecting upon the childrens leaming through observations the
day book learning stories and weekly curriculum evaluation and reflection sheats about kylies behavior

7. Using your examples from point 6 of this task, review the effectiveness of your behaviour plan
and address the following:

a. What worked/didn’t work:

1. I See kylie trying to share dad taking turns after I give lots of praise and attending for example “I
liked the way you let Sandra play with your toy. Great sharing.
2. Surprisingly kylie doesn’t have complete understanding of what a role play / pretend play

b. Future strategies:

1. To implement a learning story which is format used to document a childs learning. This uses “
Story telling” to describe a childs learning process.
2. By implementing portfdios which contain collected information and samples (art work, photos
special moments, family input etc)

c. Reflect on own views and values:

I kept a personal reflective diary/journal where I were kylies thoughts asked questions of myself
and planned actions.

 I also kept a collective reflective journal for same purpose.

d. Impacts on behaviours: As a childs cultural up bringing has a substantial impact on their

behavior. I believe kylies family has to play a vital role where kylie is first expose to relationships,
behavioural expectation and how to communicate with others.

There are same significant different difference between cultures and what is expected.
Cultural behavior can effect every as per of raising child-from feeding communicate discipline
and reasoning.
e. Relationship-based strategies:
 Spending timing & getting to know kylies interests in their lives helps to build. Positive,
meaningful land nurturing relationship
 Respectrul and healthy relationships with families ensure an exchange of meaningful
informations which results in a better understanding of individual children.
 Building a Sound relationship with families also educators to positively work with families
when issues relating to children behavior.

f. Standrads policies and procedures:

There are certain organizational standards, policies and procedures that are relevant to the
gathering of information about a child to inform practice. NQS Quality are 5% relationships with
children NQS quality area 6 collebarative partnerships with families and communities.
ECA code of enthics: 10: Maintain confidentiality and respect the right of the family of privacy
the un convention on the rights of the child article 16 (right to practice)
 Respectful and equitable relationships are developed and maintained with each child
 Encouraged to talk with nominated superior educators and co-ordinators about the values
and expectations they hold in relations to their childs learning.
 communication with families
Parent / Educator Meetings

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