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Water Resource Development Stages- Project Execution

Every project has steps on how it is to be done. The report was about how water
resources projects need the correct way of implementation. It was thoroughly discussed
by the reporter Ms. Sulinay. The report was very simple yet engaging. It points out how
visions and plans become reality. The way the result should be precisely in accord with
how it was planned.
Project execution also sees the different external necessities such as the
stakeholders. They build the common understanding of key issues/concerns and
actions that need to be taken before projects are to be proceeded. Action planning
stage is where the selected strategy will be prepared for implementation. It views the
different “w’s”, the what, who and when, also it includes the “how”. Take in what, it
explains the actions that have to be carried. And who, it explains the prime decision-
maker responsible for carrying out action. And when, it explains the time planning. And
also the how, it explains the steps to be taken. Lastly, the financing, it explains where
will the money go for implementation.
Following, in the implementation stage, the actual implementation will take place.

Operation and Maintenance

The report was assigned and discussed by Ms. Sulogan. She points the
definitions entailed by her report. According to her, operation refers to the direct access
to the system by the user example is operating the hand pump, to the activities of any
operational staff like operators of motorized pumps, and the rules or by-laws, which may
devised to govern who may access the system, when, and under what circumstances.
She also stated the definition of maintenance in which it has to do with the technical
activities, planned or reactive, which are needed to keep the system working. According
to her, maintenance requires skills, tools and spare parts. Putting the two words
together, the Operation and Maintenance (O & M), it refers to all the activities needed to
run a water supply and sanitation scheme, except for the construction of new facilities.
The overall aim of operation and maintenance is to ensure efficiency, effective ness and
sustainability of water supply and sanitation facilities.
Moreover, there are 3 general types of maintenance that a civil engineer
responsible with water resources projects should know about. The reporter presented
and they are the preventive maintenance or routine maintenance, corrective
maintenance and unscheduled maintenance. Either of these are very necessary when
projects are in operation.
Maintenance works very well in our daily lives. As we acquire new things such as
technologies, they need proper maintenance because every little thing is subjected to
be damaged.

Preliminary Planning
Actions that need to be taken need preliminary planning. The reporter discusses
the water resources project planning. He points out the main tasks of water resources
management such as the assessment and prediction of surface and ground water,
water quantity and water quality and the evaluation of its availability, assessment and
planning of the water demand of society, compilation of water balances, the
maintenance of their equilibrium and the development of a long term strategy for the
rational use of water resources, monitoring of water resources to protect them against
depletion and pollution and lastly, the planning of water resources systems.
He added the planning mechanism as mentioned also by the last reporter Ms.
Sulinay, that planning education is multidisciplinary. The final result of planning should
reflect the project to be implemented.
According to the presenter, preliminary planning and feasibility correlates to each
other. The feasibility is measured by how the preliminary planning is executed.

The Systems Approach in Water Resources Project Planning

The report was very engaging. It was very filled with information. Every planning
has its own system. The system determines the approach that needs to be done when
planning a water resources project. Systems approach determines the complexity of the
issues involved in water resources planning and the large consequences that result
from decisions on water projects. A system has a planning team, these are group of
experts and decision makers, it encompasses of engineers, hydrologists, politicians,
public and other agencies. There are also levels of decision making, which are level A,
Level B and level C. Level A takes the longest framework study which lasts between 30
to 50 years. It identifies prospective problems that are very large in area of coverage.
However, level C is the very simplest level of decision making such that it involves only
the implementation planning. The levels also are associated with different planning
authorities making the international level the 1st level and the national level and regional
involving the 2nd level and 3rd level respectively.
The reporter discusses the details of planning in an algorithm. He further
discussed the advantages and disadvantages of systems approach in a clear and subtle

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