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Nursing is a profession that is focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities

in achieving, maintaining, and healing optimal and functioning health. The modern definition
of nursing is defined as science and an art that focuses on promoting the quality of life
defined by a person or family, through the whole experience of his life from birth to nurture
to death. In Indonesia, the regulation of nursing is regulated in Law No. 38 of 2014, the
definition of nursing is the activity of providing care to individuals, families, groups, or
communities, both in sick and healthy conditions.

The nurse develops a nursing care plan, working with physicians, therapists, patients, patient
families and other teams to focus on disease care and improving quality of life. Nurse is a
person who has passed education both inside and outside the country in accordance with the
legislation (Permenkes, 2010)

Nursing is a form of healthcare professional that is an integral part of health services based on
science and nursing tips, in the form of comprehensive bio-psycho-socio-spiritual aimed at
individuals, families, groups and communities both healthy and sick, covering the entire
process human life (National nursing workshop, 1983).

Nurse is a person who has the ability and authority to perform nursing actions based on the
knowledge they have acquired through nursing education (Health Act No. 23 of 1992) So the
nurse is a person who has passed the nursing education and has the ability and authority to
perform the act of clothing based on the field of science owned and provide holistic and
professional health services for healthy and sick individuals, the nurses are obliged to meet
the needs of the patient include bio-psycho-socio and spiritual.
In the world and no exception in Indonesia, a nurse should adhere to the 8 basic principles
that is :
1. Autonomy (Autonomy) principle of autonomy is based on the belief that the
individual is able to think logically and able to make their own decisions. Adults are
able to decide something and others should appreciate it. Autonomy is the right of
independence and the freedom of individuals who demand distinction. One example
that does not pay attention to autonomy is to notify the client that the situation is
good, when there is a disturbance or aberration
2. Beneficence This principle nurses the nurse to do the right thing so preventing
mistakes or crimes. An example nurse advises clients on an exercise program to
improve general health, but nurses advise not to do for reasons of heart attack risk.

3. Justice This value is reflected in professional practice when nurses work for correct
therapy according to law, right practice standards and beliefs to obtain quality health
care. For example when a nurse departs alone and when a new client comes in and
there is also an outpatient client who needs nursing assistance then the nurse should
consider factors in the factor then act in accordance with the principle of justice.

4. Non-maleficence in this province means no physical or psychological harm / injury to

the client. For example when a client tells the doctor in writing to refuse the blood
transfusion and when the bleeding disease (melena) makes the client's condition
worse and the doctor has to administer the blood transfusion. finally the blood
transfusion is not given because of the beneficence although in this situation there is
also abuse of nonmaleficince province.

5. Veracity This value is not necessarily owned by the nurse but must be owned by all
health care providers to convey the truth to the client's loyalty to make sure the client
understands. The information provided should be accurate, comprehensive, and
objective. Truth is the basis for fostering trusting relationships. Klie has autonomy so
they are entitled to get the information she wants to know. Example Ny. S entered the
hospital with various fractures due to a car accident, her husband was also in the
accident and died. Mrs. S always wondered about her husband's condition. The
surgeon advised the nurse not to notify her husband's death to the client. The nurse
did not know the reason from the doctor and the head of the room delivered the
doctor's instructions to be followed. The nurse in this case is confronted by a conflict
of honesty

6. Fidelity A nurse's great responsibility is to improve health, prevent disease, restore

health, and minimize suffering. To achieve that the nurse must have a commitment to
keep the promise and appreciate its commitment to others.
7. Confidentiality (confidentiality) is confidential information about the client must be
kept client privacy. Documentation of the client's health condition can only be read
for the purposes of treatment and improvement of client's health. Discussions about
clients outside the service area should be avoided.

8. Accountability (Accountability) Accountability is a definite standard that a

professional's actions can be judged in an obscure or exclusive situation. Examples of
nurses are responsible to themselves, the profession, the clients, the fellow colleagues,
the employees, and the community. If the nurse gives the medication dosage to the
client the nurse can be sued by the client receiving the medicine, the doctor who
delegates the job, and the community who demand professional ability.


The history of nursing development of Indonesia has been going on before Indonesia
independence, ie when Indonesia in jajah by foreign countries that is Dutch, English, and
japan. Because of the colonialization, the development of nursing Indonesia is much
influenced by the three countries.
The Dutch, British, and Japanese occupations were very long, so the history of nursing
development in Indonesia was divided into two periods. According to Hidayat (2009: 17-
18) the history of nursing in Indonesia is divided into the period before independence and
the period after independence. The period before Indonesia became independent
1) The Dutch colonial period
At this time (1799) was built the first hospital that is Binnen Hospital, but this
hospital only to maintain the health of Dutch staff and army, So nursing at this time
tends to not develop.
2) British colonial period (1812-1816)
When led by Raffles, the government is very concerned about the health of the
people, in accordance with the motto 'health is human property', so many efforts to
maintain health one of them vaccine smallpox. In addition, hospitals, both
government and private, are being built. The period after independence, After
Indonesian independence, many nursing schools were established, followed by the
establishment of equivalent Nursing Diploma education and a bachelor degree in
various cities in Indonesia. In 1985 established courses of nursing science for
various purposes. According to Gaffar (1999: 9) the purpose of the establishment of
nursing science program is to print professional graduates, balance the science and
technology of medicine, and consolidate the role and function of nurses. The role
and education of nurses are also developing, ranging from keeping the sick to
becoming a professional nurse. Here are the stages of nursing development in
Indonesia according to Ali (2000: 6-9)
• As guardians of the sick (Zieken Oppasser),
Performed by someone who has low social standing
• The vocational nursing model
The work of nurses is as training for non formal education nursing
• Curative nursing model (health mantri or verpleger)
Nurses perform various actions and treatments in rural areas
• Semi professional nursing
Nursing education began to apply the apprenticeship system for its graduates
• Preventive nursing
Nursing began to make preventive efforts to prevent the occurrence of disease
outbreaks, such as direct outreach to the community
• Professional nursing
In the implementation of National Workshop on Nursing, various nursing
education levels will be developed, ranging from DIII, D IV, S1, S2, even S3.
Through the Act No.23 of 1992 on health then the existence, professionalization,
and science of nursing has been recognized by the government. The recognition is
the beginning berkembanganya nursing professionalism in Indonesia. Up to now
nursing profession education in Indonesia has reached the level of S3 nursing.

In Indonesia, the organization that housed the nursing profession is the PPNI of the
Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) as the Professional Organization (OP) nurses
throughout Indonesia officially inaugurated the management of the nursing staff's
composition in Indonesia.
1) Adapaun functions and duties of nursing colleges according to the decree is the
nursing collage is functional to develop the branches of nursing discipline and the
higher education standard for professional nurses namely Ners and Ners Specialist.
2) In performing the functions as referred to in paragraph (1) of the collegium shall be
a. Developing appropriate science expertise in every branch of the nursing discipline
b. Determining the scope of nursing care of each branch of nursing discipline
c. Establish the standard of nursing higher education in each branch of the nursing
d. Develop a nursing higher education curriculum
e. Performing duties as a nursing branch of the nursing discipline.
f. Give consideration and sara about the development of nursing science, requested or
not asked to PPNI
g. Giving balance and sara regarding the competency standards and standards of
nursing education to the PPNI
h. Develop a blueprint (blue print) and materials Competency Nurses Profession Test.
Develop an instrument of accreditation of nursing higher education institution.To
assist the PPNI in supervising the implementation of the standard of nursing higher
education according to the science of nursing and expertise.
i. To coordinate with ties or associations in developing science and expertise.
3) Nursing colleges in Indonesia are:
a. College of Child Nursing
b. College of Maternity Nursing
c. Nursing College of the Soul
d. Medical Surgical Nursing College
e. Community Nursing College
f. College of Leadership and Management of Nursing
g. College of Nursing Oncology
h. College of Cardiovascular Nursing

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