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DATE/SESSION: 11/26/18 Session 4 PSU STUDENT: Courtney Lantz

This plan should include the following items:

 Review Practicum Behavior Guidelines AND Share the Learning Goals with your students,
o If you will be swapping kids, explain this to them
 All About Me project:
o Instruction and modeling on how to present & time for practice, (Plan for about 10-15
o Student All About Me presentation to small group, (Plan for about 15 mins.)
o After all have presented, swap children and return to original spot; engage in closure
 If you have a new child, you may want to review your Behavior Guidelines and Learning Goals
for the rest of the day
 Spelling Lesson
o Teacher Directed Closed Sort
o Extension Activity = Blind Sort
 Extra Activity – Read Aloud with written response to the book

Review Practicum Behavior Guidelines AND Share Learning Goals:

 First, we will go over our practicum rules to reassure the rules we agreed upon.
 Next, we will set those aside and I will tell her that today she is going to get to present
her all about me poster to some of her classmates.
 I’ll let her know that we will come up with rules together for presenting, we will practice
together, and then meet up with our group.
 I will tell her that after we get done with presenting, we will come back to our original
spot and work on some digraph sorting lessons.
 Lastly, I will tell her that if we finish her presentation and the sorting activities, we will
do an extra read aloud activity.
Objective/Evaluation/Common Core Standard:
TSW present her all about me poster using appropriate eye contact, voice volume and clarity,
body position, and poster position on at least 3 boxes of information.
Strand: Speaking and Listening
Box Sub Heading: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: SL.1.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details,
expressing ideas and feelings clearly.

Teachers all about me poster
Students completed all about me poster

The Plan:
Anticipatory Set:
 I will say that today we get to do something different and special compared to our
regular days.
 I will pull out my all about me poster and also pull out her completed poster.
 We will go over each section she made for a minute or two and then begin the lesson.

Introduce the Lesson:

 I will tell the student that today they will get to present their all about me poster that
they helped create.
 I will say at 2:20, we will go meet with some other groups of teachers and friends of
your class and everyone will present their poster.
 “There will be some things we need to practice using your poster before we meet with
everyone else.”
 “You and I will practice making eye contact with the audience, you will speak clearly,
always face the audience and hold your poster where everyone can see it.”

 Teaching the Lesson:
o The teacher will say:
o “Together we are going to make a chart of our rules for presenting your poster to the
o “What are some of the rules you will use to present your poster appropriately?”
o As we come up with those rules, we will write them on our chart paper.
o “We will also go over how to be a good audience member.”
o “Help me include some rules that help us be good audience members.”
o As the student comes up with rules for being a good audience member, include those
rules on the chart paper as well.
o I will remind the student to be happy and clap for anyone who has presented.
o I plan to write the presentation rules on one side of the chart and include the audience
member rules on the other side of the chart.
 Check for Understanding:
o Ask the student to recite back the rules that we came up with for presenting their all
about me poster.
o Also have the student go over how to be a good audience member, to check and see if
they understood.
o Make sure the student is making eye contact and holding their poster, so others can see
o If the student is speaking softly, remind them that they might want to speak a little bit
louder so everyone else can hear them.

 Guided Practice and/or Independent Practice

o For guided practice, have the student present it to only you, the teacher.
o As they go, I will provide feedback to them encouragingly to make sure they are meeting
the objective for this lesson.
o If need be, I can present part of mine to help them understand how to present theirs,
while practicing.
o This time is for practice and feedback.
o For independent practice, it is now 2:20 and we have met in the hallway with our group
of teachers and friends from their class.
o Depending on what student goes first, (her or another student) she will present her
poster to everyone or follow the rules of being a good audience member while someone
else presents.
o We will go back to our original spot when everyone is done.

 Closure
 I will tell the student that they did a good presenting their poster to their friends.
 I will tell the student that their all about me poster is theirs to keep and they may take it
home with them.

 I will provide feedback to the student on their practice presentation to myself.
 I will ask the student to tell me at least 3 of the sections that she will present to our
 I will ask the student to tell me some of the rules we constructed on our chart to use
during presenting the poster.
Spelling Lesson – Teacher Directed Closed Sort and Extension Activity = Blind Sort
Objective/Evaluation/Common Core Standard:
TSW sort pictures into the correct categories of -th and -ch sorting at least 10 out of 12 items
Strand: Reading Foundational Skills
Box Sub Heading: Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in
decoding words.
RF.1.3a Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs.

Blind Sort:
TSW identify the correct category of -th or -ch that the pictures with words belong in achieving
at least 10 out of 12 items correct.
Strand: Reading Foundational Skills
Box Sub Heading: Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in
decoding words.
RF.1.3a Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs.

Blank Template for Word Sorts (-ch, -th)
Pictures for word sorts
Words for word sorts
White board/marker/eraser
Magnetic letters

The Plan:
Anticipatory Set:
 Using the white board and magnetic letters, set out an example of the sort you will be
working on for the student to see.

Introduce the Lesson:

 Tell the student that they will be doing a lesson that involves sorting words with
different digraphs.
 Explain that during this sorting activity I will help guide them.
 I will tell the student that in this lesson she will be sorting pictures into two categories.
 Tell the student that after we get through the closed sort activity, we have an extra
activity that is similar and it’s a blind sort.

 Introduce the Sort:
o I will tell the student that the two categories we are going to work on today will be the
digraphs -th and -ch.
o As I show them to her, I will say the sounds that each makes.
o Next, I will ask her to sort each picture that sounds like the -th sound, under -th.
o I will do the same with the -ch sound.
 Sorting:
o To begin, I will show her an example of a picture that groups under -th and -ch.
o We will go through each picture and decide whether it goes under -th or -ch.
o As the student goes along, I will help guide her by helping sound out what the picture is.
o The student will finish sorting each picture under one of the two categories -th or -ch.

 Check and Reflect:

o After all the sorting is complete the student and I will reflect on each category.
o If a picture is placed wrong, we will sound out the word to try and figure out if it makes
the -th or -ch sound.
o The student will then help move the picture to the correct column of -th or -ch.

 Students Sort Independently:

o The picture cards will be shuffled.
o The student will sort the correct pictures in the correct column of -th or -ch.
o The teacher and student will reflect on the pictures in the column to make sure the
student placed them accordingly.

 Extension Activity = Blind Sort

o I will tell the student that we are going to do a blind sort.
o For this type of sort, I will shuffle up the same set of pictures used for the TDCS and
hand the -th and the -ch cards to the student to lay out in front of them.
o I will say “I am going to say one of the pictures and I need you to point to the category it
belongs in.”
o For example, “which category does ‘bath’ belong to?”
o We will continue doing this until all cards are sorted into the correct categories.
o If we have extra time, we will switch.

 Closure:
o To end we will go over the sounds that we practiced (-th and -ch)
o Also, we will go over some of the pictures that belonged to those categories.

 To assess and evaluate I will ask what sound each digraph we practiced makes.
 I will ask the student if they can come up with other words that also have that sound.
EXTRA ACTIVITY: Read Aloud with written response to the book
Objective/Evaluation/Common Core Standard:
TSW read the book “Little Red Riding Hood” and use the writing prompt and illustrations to
answer details to describe the story.
Strand: Literature
Box Sub Heading: Key Ideas and Details
Standard: RL.1.3 Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key

Book: Little Red Riding Hood by Robert Vitro
Blank written response paper for writing and drawings
Writing and drawing tools like pencils, crayons, colored pencils, eraser

The Plan:
Anticipatory Set:
 I will tell the student that we have some time left to read a fun book together.
 I will ask her to see if she can guess the book we will be reading.

Introduce the Lesson:

 I will tell the student that she will be reading ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.
 I will tell her that at the end of the book, I will give her a piece of paper, so she can write
about what happened in the story.
 I will tell her that if she wants to draw some pictures above her writing, she may.

 Teaching the Lesson:
o The student will read the book and I will ask her to follow along the words with her
finger to help.
o I will tell the student if she struggles with a word, she may ask me for help or try to
sound it out.

 Check for Understanding:

After reading the story, the student will answer a writing prompt asking what happened in this
I will ask her to give me some details about the story and if she has time, draw a picture to
represent them.

 Guided Practice and/or Independent Practice

o As the student reads the book I will be there to follow along and help with difficult
o I will tell the student if she struggles with a word, she may try to sound it out.
o During the writing prompt, I will help prompt the student if she is struggling to give a fair
amount of details.
 Closure
o I will talk with the student about any other details from the book that she may have
o I will try to make some real-life connections and get her to make some as well with the

 I will use the writing prompt and possible illustrations from the student to assess her
knowledge of the text and key details.
th ch


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