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11, NOVEMBER 2007

antenna elements is similar in each frequency. Therefore, the radiation Compact Elliptical Monopole Antenna With Impedance
gain is stable in the operating band (1.9–2.6 GHz). From the obtained Bandwidth in Excess of 21:1
results, the meander-line-feed structure should also be treated as part
of the radiation structure, and the placement of coupled tuning stub Shun-Shi Zhong, Xian-Ling Liang, and Wei Wang
will also affect the antenna’s performance. This should be considered
in practical applications.
Abstract—A compact CPW-fed monopole antenna composed of an ellip-
V. CONCLUSION tical monopole patch and a coplanar trapeziform ground plane is intro-
duced. The simulated and experimental results demonstrate that this an-
A novel high gain and wideband antenna comprising: two monopole- tenna achieves a ratio impedance bandwidth of 21.6:1 for VSWR 2,
radiating elements in series with loading coils and meander-line-feed and exhibits a nearly omnidirectional radiation pattern, while its area is
coupled structure has been proposed and implemented. Measurements only about 0 19 0 16 where is the wavelength of the lowest
show that the structure indeed offers very impressive gain and band- operating frequency. By comparing with various designs, it is shown that
its bandwidth broadening comes from three factors: the optimum elliptical
width characteristics. The impedance bandwidth is significantly im- monopole shape, a trapeziform ground plane and a tapered CPW feeder.
proved by selecting suitable dimensions of the meander-line-feed cou-
Index Terms—Coplanar waveguide (CPW), miniaturization, monopole
pled tuning stub for coupling of the electromagnetic energy from the antenna, super-wideband.
meander-line-feed to the whip antenna. For the optimal results obtained
in this study, the impedance bandwidth (1:2 VSWR) can reach nearly
700 MHz for the proposed antenna with designed operating frequencies I. INTRODUCTION
around 2.4 GHz, which is about nine times that of a corresponding con-
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, a family of super-wideband (SWB)
ventional 5/8-wavelength whip antenna. Within this wide impedance
antennas with a ratio bandwidth more than 10:1 was developed by
bandwidth, the operating bandwidth with usable broadside radiation
Ramsey et al. and was called the frequency-independent antenna, ba-
patterns is still about 700 MHz. This antenna should find wide appli-
sically including the equiangular spiral structures and the log-periodic
cations in wireless communication systems.
structures with the feature that these designs radiate different frequency
ACKNOWLEDGMENT components from different parts of the antenna [1]. Recently, some
novel SWB designs have been proposed, which mainly include three
The author would like to thank C.-M. Peng for assisting with antenna types. One is based on the Vivaldi tapered slot antenna [2], [3] or other
simulation, and Profs. C.-W. Hsue and Prof. C.-Y. Wu for assisting tapered traveling wave structures [4]. These structures may have higher
with the physical problem discussion. gain, but with somewhat large volume. The second type is the metal-
plate monopole antenna, e.g., the trapezoidal monopole antenna [5], the
planar inverted cone antenna (PICA) [6], and the leaf-shaped monopole
[1] R. Jordan and C. T. Abdallah, “Wireless communications and net-
antenna [7], etc. These metal-plate monopole antennas need a perpen-
working: An overview,” IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 44, no. 1,
pp. 185–193, 2002. dicular ground plane, resulting in the increasing of antenna volume
[2] D. Morris, P. Pangalos, and A. H. Aghvami, “Mobile terminal location and the inconvenience for integrating with monolithic microwave in-
discovery schemes for a Beyond 3G inter-worked network,” in Proc. tegrated circuits. The third type is the update printed monopole/slot
6th IEEE Int. Symp. on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia
antenna, without a perpendicular ground plane. In [8], a printed cir-
Networks, 2005, pp. 1–5.
[3] K. Fujimoto and J. R. James, Mobile Antenna Systems Handbook. cular disc monopole fed by a microstrip line is proposed for ultraw-
Boston, MA: Artech House, 1994. ideband (UWB) systems with a ratio bandwidth of about 3.5:1. In [9],
[4] N. P. Agrawall, G. Kumar, and K. P. Ray, “Wide-band planar monopole [10], the rectangular and circular monopole antennas with trapeziform
antennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 294–295,
ground planes are proposed, achieving a bandwidth of more than 10:1
for VSWR  2: [11] presents a printed elliptical slot antenna with
[5] E. Lee, P. S. Hall, and P. Gardner, “Compact wideband planar
monopole antenna,” Electron. Lett., vol. 35, no. 25, pp. 2157–2158, an impedance bandwidth of about 15.4:1. In this communication, as
1999. a remarkable improvement of those monopole antennas of [9], [10],
[6] J.-F. Zürcher and F. Ė. Gardiol, Broadband Patch Antennas. Boston,
a novel printed design with an optimized elliptical monopole is intro-
MA: Artech House, 1995.
[7] W. L. Stutzman and G. A. Thiele, Antenna Theory and Design, 2nd duced, that can provide a more than 21:1 impedance bandwidth with
ed. New York: Wiley, 1998. a compact size. The design of the proposed antenna and its simulated
[8] T. Huynh and K.-F. Lee, “Single-layer single-patch wideband mi- and experimental results are presented. In addition, the understanding
crostrip antenna,” Electron. Lett., vol. 31, no. 16, pp. 1310–1312,
for the bandwidth broadening is discussed.
[9] K. Noguchi, M. Mizusawa, T. Yamaguchi, and Y. Okumura, “Numer-
ical analysis of the radiation characteristics of the meander line an- II. ANTENNA DESIGN AND IMPEDANCE PERFORMANCE
tenna consisting of two strips,” IEEE AP-S Digest, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. The proposed printed monopole antenna is derived from the discone
1598–1601, 1996.
[10] M. Ali, S. S. Stuchly, and K. Caputa, “A wide-band dual meander- antenna first developed by Kandoian in 1945 [12]. For the proposed
sleeve antenna,” J. Electromagn. Waves Applicat., vol. 10, no. 9, pp.
1223–1236, 1996.
[11] C.-W. P. Huang, A. Z. Elsherbeni, J. J. Chen, and C. E. Smith, “FDTD Manuscript received June 15, 2006; revised January 26, 2007. This work
characterization of meander line antennas for RF and wireless commu- was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
nications,” Progr. Electromagn. Res., vol. PIER 24, pp. 185–199, 1999. under Grant 60571053 and in part by the Shanghai Leading Academic Disci-
[12] H. Nakano, H. Tagami, A. Yoshizawa, and J. Yamauchi, “Shortening pline Project under Grant T0102.
ratio of modified dipole antennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. S.-S. Zhong and X.-L. Liang are with the School of Communication and In-
32, no. 4, pp. 385–386, 1984. formation Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China (e-mail:
[13] A. Z. Elsherbeni, C. W. P. Huang, and C. E. Smith, “Wide band shshzhong@163.com; xililiang@163.com).
meander line antenna for wireless communication systems,” in Proc. W. Wang is with the East China Research Institute of Electronic Engineering,
Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communications, IEEE AP-S Hefei, Anhui 230031, China.
Conf., 2000, pp. 17–20. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2007.908565

0018-926X/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE



Fig. 2. Simulated and measured VSWR.

Fig. 1. Geometry of the proposed elliptical monopole antenna.

other parameters are: b = 30 mm, t = 2:3 mm, Dmin = 9 mm,

antenna as shown in Fig. 1, an elliptical monopole of major axis a and Dmax = 140 mm, H = 75 mm, wtop = 1:0 mm, and wbottom =
minor axis b is designed to replace the disc of a discone antenna, and 2:7 mm. Two elliptical monopole antennas with a = 60 mm and a =
a trapeziform ground plane of top length Dmin , bottom length Dmax 120 mm and the same other parameters were fabricated and measured
and height H is designed to replace the cone, with a spacing t between by using the Agilent 8719 ES network analyzer. Fig. 2 also presents
them. Both the monopole and the ground plane are etched on the same a measured VSWR curve for a = 120 mm, showing a VSWR  2
side of a substrate with thickness h = 1:524 mm and relative permit- bandwidth of 0:41  8:86 GHz (21.6:1). There is some discrepancy
tivity "r = 3:48. The elliptical monopole is fed by a tapered CPW between the simulation and the experiment due mainly to the errors
feeder in the middle of the ground, where the total gap width G is fixed in processing and the effect of an N-type coaxial connector at Point
to 3.0 mm, but the top-width of the central strip is wtop = 1:0 mm B, which introduces a varying reactance, leading to the movement of
for 100
characteristic impedance at Point A and the bottom-width resonant points, especially for the highest one.
wbottom = 2:7 mm for 50
impedance at Point B while the width In Table I, the simulated and measured VSWR  2 bandwidths for
w between Points A and B is linearly tapered. Here the trapeziform two elliptical monopoles and other monopoles with rectangular and cir-
ground plane is used not only as a ground plane, but also as a com- cular shapes [9], [10] are listed. Comparing the measured bandwidths
ponent to form the distributed matching network with the monopole, of No.1 and No.2, it is seen that by adopting the tapered CPW (No.2),
which results in the wideband multiresonance characteristics of the the VSWR  2 bandwidth is enhanced by 10:7=6:3 = 1:7 times.
input impedance at the top point A, while the tapered CPW transmis- Comparing the calculated bandwidths of No.3 and No.4, it is shown
sion line smoothly transforms this impedance (about 100
) to 50
of that using the trapeziform ground plane instead of a rectangular one
an N-type connector at Point B. may broaden the impedance bandwidth to 11:0=7:2 = 1:5 times; while
By means of the simulation using CST Microwave Studio software comparing No.4/5 with No.6, it is noted that by selecting the ellip-
based on the finite integration technique (FIT) method, the impedance tical monopole with an optimum major axis a, the measured impedance
performances of the monopole antennas with different major axes are bandwidth is enhanced to more than 21:1, i.e., almost double. There-
calculated and compared. The proposed elliptical monopole with a = fore, the bandwidth broadening of the proposed antenna comes from
120 mm is of a maximum VSWR  2 frequency range from 0.40 to the optimum elliptical monopole shape, a trapeziform ground plane and
9.51 GHz, i.e., a ratio bandwidth of 23.8:1, as shown in Fig. 2, whose a tapered CPW feeder.

Fig. 4. Simulated and measured gains.

is seen that this antenna has the nearly omnidirectional radiation char-
acteristics, while the cross-polarization level rises with frequency in-
crease owing to the horizontal components of the surface currents. The
measured gain in the broadside direction at 1  8 GHz and the simu-
lated one at 0:5  8 GHz are shown in Fig. 4. From 1 to 7 GHz, the
antenna gain monotonically increases from 0.4 to 4.0 dBi, and then de-
creases to 1.5 dBi as the frequency increases further.
It is noted that the area of this antenna is only about 0:19l 2 0:16l ,
while those of [8], [10], [11] are 0:46l 2 0:38l ; 0:37l 2 0:24l ,
and 0:39l 2 0:39l , respectively. Therefore, among these designs,
the proposed elliptical monopole antenna has the smallest area, which
principally comes from the use of the trapeziform ground plane and the
optimum elliptical monopole since both decrease the lowest operating

A novel SWB printed elliptical monopole antenna has been in-
troduced. By combining three techniques: an optimum elliptical
monopole patch, a trapeziform ground plane and a tapered CPW
feeder, the elliptical monopole antenna has achieved a measured ratio
bandwidth of 21.6:1 for V SW R  2 and exhibited a nearly omnidi-
rectional radiation pattern with the area of only about 0:19l 2 0:16l .
This printed antenna has a simple structure, thin profile, low cost and a
very wide impedance bandwidth, therefore it has been applied for the
electronic protection systems, etc., and will be an attractive candidate
for various civilian and military SWB applications.

[1] V. Rumsey, Frequency Independent Antennas. New York: Academic
Press, 1966.
[2] P.-J. Gibson, “The Vivaldi aerial,” in Proc. 9th Eur. Microwave Conf.,
Brighton, U.K., 1979, pp. 101–105.
[3] E. Guillanton and J.-Y. Dauvignac et al., “A new design of tapered slot
Fig. 3. Simulated and measured radiation patterns. (a) f = 0:5 GHz, (b) f = antenna for ultra-wideband applications,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol.
1:0 GHz, (c) f = 6:0 GHz, (d) f = 8:0 GHz. 19, pp. 286–289, Nov. 1998.
[4] Z. Ying and J. Anderson, “An ultra wideband cobra patch antenna,”
Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. Microwave Antennas Propag., vol. 151, pp.
486–490, Dec. 2004.
[5] J.-A. Evans and M.-J. Ammann, “Planar trapezoidal and pentagonal
monopoles with impedance bandwidths in excess of 10:1,” in Proc.
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Int. Symp., Orlando, FL, Jul.
The radiation patterns of the elliptical monopole antenna were calcu- 1999, pp. 1558–1561.
[6] S. Y. Suh, W. L. Stutzman, and W. A. Davis, “A new ultrawideband
lated and measured in an anechoic chamber over the entire impedance printed monopole antenna: The planar inverted cone antenna (PICA),”
bandwidth. Fig. 3 gives the simulated and measured radiation patterns IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 1361–1365, May
at 1.0, 6.0, and 8.0 GHz as well as the simulated ones at 0.5 GHz. It 2004.

[7] X.-F. Bai, S.-S. Zhong, and X.-L. Liang, “Leaf-shaped monopole an-
tenna with extremely wide bandwidth,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol.
48, no. 7, pp. 1247–1250, Jul. 2006.
[8] J. Liang, C. C. Chian, X. Chen, and C. G. Parini, “Study of a printed
circular disc monopole antenna for UWB systems,” IEEE Trans. An-
tennas Propag., vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 3500–3504, Nov. 2005.
[9] X.-L. Liang, S.-S. Zhong, and W. Wang, “Tapered CPW-fed printed
monopole antenna,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 48, no. 7, pp.
1242–1244, Jul. 2006.
[10] X.-L. Liang, S.-S. Zhong, and W. Wang, “UWB printed circular
monopole antenna,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 48, no. 8, pp.
1532–1534, Aug. 2006.
[11] S. A. Evangelos and A. Z. Anastopoulos et al., “Circular and ellip-
tical CPW-Fed slot and microstrip-fed antennas for ultrawideband ap-
plications,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 5, pp. 294–297,
Fig. 1. Initiate printed circuit realization of module.
[12] W. L. Stutzman and G. A. Thiele, Antenna Theory and Design, 2nd
ed. New York: Wiley, 1998.

The Dipole Radiating Integrated Module:

Experimental Results
Anatoly P. Gorbachev and Vladimir M. Egorov

Abstract—A novel printed circuit realization of a dipole radiating inte-

grated module (RIM) is combined with the method of moments. Practical
application is illustrated through the optimization of a dipole RIM input
VSWR. Experimental results are presented for 2.8 GHz microstrip radi-
ating element capable of performing a turnstile antenna as well as a phased
array. The peak cross-polarization level in the upper hemisphere is at least Fig. 2. Printed circuit realization of proposes RIM.
12 dB below the peak co-polarization level.
Index Terms—Antenna theory, dipole antennas, method of moments
(MoM), microstrip antennas, optimization process. 2
W , is integrated with the balun structure by forming the arms of the
dipole as extensions of the balanced line conductors.
However, the above-mentioned RIM are themselves badly adapted
to an antenna made up of two dipoles perpendicular to each other and
It is well known that printed dipole radiating element with an in- arranged so that their axes intersect at their midpoints (the “turnstile”
tegrated microstrip balun is one type of radiating integrated module antenna proposed in [7]). The cause of this difficulty is an impossibility
(RIM) capable of performing various phased arrays. For example, con- of realization a longitudinal slot between balanced line conductors be-
crete dipole arrays have been analyzed and constructed as described in cause of turning the feed line on the back.
[1] and [2]. This communication present a novel RIM which is better adapted
The basic printed circuit balun proposed in [3] has been developed itself to manufacturing of turnstile antenna. In the particular configu-
and integrated with printed dipole element in many papers [4]–[6]. The ration investigated, the arms of the dipole are formed as extensions of
ground plane of RIM is connected to the SMA outer conductor and the feed line conductor and an open circuited quarter wavelength stub
dipole arms through a quarter wavelength pedestal of balun as depicted as depicted in Fig. 2. In order to experimentally validate the novel RIM
in Fig. 1. This pedestal is printed so as to form a balanced transmission concept, we have designed, fabricated, and tested a dipole antenna, and
line. The width W , of these balanced line conductors is selected to be the results are presented below.
roughly at least three times that those W 1, of the feed line which is
used to excite the dipole antenna. The characteristic impedance of the II. RIM CONFIGURATION AND PRINTED IMPLEMENTATION
balanced line may be calculated by modeling the conductors as a pair
A printed configuration of RIM proposed is depicted in Fig. 2 (patent
of coupled microstrip lines on a suspended substrate operating in the
pending). Ground plane (dimensions G1, G2) is connected to the “E2-
odd mode. The distance A, from the coupled lines to the bottom ground
116/1” Russian adapter outer conductor and a quarter wavelength bal-
plane is considered to be relatively large compared to the spacing D ,
anced line open circuited on the radiating end. On the other side of the
between the coupled lines. The dipole radiating element with line width
dielectric substrate, the “E2-116/1” inner conductor is connected to a
microstrip feed line which is used to excite the left-hand arm of the
Manuscript received October 7, 2006; revised March 10, 2007. printed dipole, the right-hand arm of whose is connected to an open
The authors are with the Radio Received and Transmitted Devices Depart- circuited quarter wavelength stub. The substrate of thickness 1.5 mm
ment, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk 630092, Russia is made of Russian dielectric “SAM-E” with complex relative permit-
tivity "r = 2:50 j 0:0006. The longitudinal slot of width D and length
(e-mail: apgor@ref.nstu.ru).

B + W 2 was made out in the clearance between balanced line conduc-

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2007.908566 tors to be symmetrical.

0018-926X/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE

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