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Name: _________________________________________ Date: _______________ Score: ______________
Section: _______________________
Multiple Choice. CIRCLE the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is often a clear and transparent substance and appears in one phase only.
a. Mixture b. Element c. Solution d. Compound
2. The mass of a certain solute that can dissolve in a certain volume or mass of solvent, at a certain temperature.
a. Solubility b. concentration c. soluble d. insoluble
3. It is a solution that has a large mass of dissolved solute for a certain quantity of solvent.
a. Concentrated solution c. saturated solution
b. Unsaturated solution d. dilute solution
4. It is a solution that has less than the maximum mass of dissolved solute for a certain quantity of solvent.
a. Concentrated solution c. saturated solution
b. Unsaturated solution d. dilute solution
5. It is a substance into which the solute dissolves to form a solution.
a. Solute b. solvent c. soluble d. dilute
6. It is a combination of two or more substances.
a. Mixture b. Element c. Solution d. Compound
7. Which of the following separation processes is the BEST way to separate salt from a mixture with water
a. Magnetism c. picking out
b. Distillation d. floating
8. Which of the following will not dissolve in water?
a. Salt b. sand c. sugar d. powdered juice
9. It helps by defining an initial explanation to be tested in the research process.
a. Gathering data c. analyzing data
b. Formulating hypothesis d. drawing conclusion
10. Which of the following are the components of water?
a. Oxygen and carbon dioxide c. oxygen and hydrogen
b. Carbon dioxide and hydrogen d. hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide
11. Which of the following is NOT a mixture?
a. Mineral water c. distilled water
b. Sea water d. vinegar
12. A liquid has the following properties: one-phase, colorless, boils at varying temperatures. Which of the following
BEST describes the liquid?
a. Solution b. substance c. suspension d. coarse mixture
TRUE OR FALSE. CIRCLE the letter of your choice.
13. Air is a mixture of different gases.
a. True b. False
14. Elements and compounds are both substances. Elements are made up of compounds.
a. True b. False
15. A metal like iron forms rust when exposed for a long time to oxygen and moisture in the air and in the presence
of an acid.
a. True b. False
16. The characteristics of mixtures may be solid, liquid, or gas.
a. True b. False
17. Compounds are composed of one or more molecules of elements.
a. True b. False
18. Solutions do not scatter light. They do not exhibit tyndall effect.
a. True b. False
MATCHING TYPE. Match column A to column B. Write the LETTER of the correct answer on the space provided.

Column A Column B
_____ 19. All other changeable factors that must be kept the same A. Independent variable
to ensure a fair test (what is kept the same in the experiment). B. Metals
_____ 20. It is not always a liquid; it can be solid, liquid, or gas, C. Mixture
solutions may either be found in nature or are manufactured. D. Substance
_____ 21. It is a solution containing dissolved gases like oxygen and E. Sodium hydroxide
carbon dioxide. F. Rainwater
_____ 22. It is used in making soaps and drain cleaners. G. Controlled variable
_____ 23. It is an element that burns when it comes in contact with H. sodium

IDENTIFICATION. Identify the INDEPENDENT and DEPENDENT variables from the given problems. Write your answers in
the table.
Time spent studying causes
a change test scores of

Does fertilizer make a plant

grow bigger?

Does heating water allow it

to dissolve more sugar in a
sugar solution?

PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS. Identify the GROUPS and FAMILIES of the shaded sections on the periodic table.
WORD PROBLEMS. Show your solutions.

a. 10g salt and 70g water are mixed and a solution is made. Find concentration of solution by percent mass. (5pts)

b. If concentration by mass of 600g NaCl solution is 40%, find amount of solute by mass in this solution. (5pts)

c. If we add 68g sugar and 272g water to 160g solution having concentration 20%, find final concentration of this
solution. (5pts)


Science grade 7

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