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Volcanic processes in

ore genesis
Volcanic processes in
ore genesis

Proceedings of a joint meeting of the Volcanic Studies Group of the

Geological Society of London and the Institution of Mining and
Metallurgy held in London on 21 and 22 January, 1976

The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy

The Geological Society of London
Special publication no. 7 of the Geological
Society of London

ISBN 0 900488 33 6

9 Institution of Mining and

Metallurgy and the Geological Society 1977

The ChameleonPress Limited, 5--25-Burr Road, London SW18 4SG

vi Preface
1 Introductory remarks on the transport problem
W. S. Fyfe
4 Model of hydrothermal ore genesis
J. W. Elder
14 Identification of ore-deposition environment from trace-element geochemistry of associated igneous host rocks
J. A. Pearce and G. H. Gale
25 Identification of the origin of ore-forming solutions by the use of stable isotopes
S. M. F. Sheppard
42 Hydrogen and oxygen isotope evidence for sea-water-hydrothermal alteration and ore deposition, Troodos complex,
T. H. E. Heaton and S. M. F. Sheppard
58 Hydrodynamic model for the origin of the ophiolitic cupriferous pyrite ore deposits of Cyprus
E. T. C. Spooner
72 Origin and emplacement of ophiolites
I. G. Gass
77 Hydrothermal alteration of the basaltic lavas of the Troodos Ophiolite Complex associated with l~heformation of the
massive sulphide deposits
G. Constantinou
78 Rare-earth element evidence for the genesis of the metalliferous sediments of Troodos, Cyprus
A. H. F. Robertson and A. J. Fleet
80 Modern submarine hydrothermal mineralization: examples from Santorini and the Red Sea
D. S. Cronan, P. A. Smith and R. D. Bignell
81 Mineralization at destructive plate boundaries: a brief review
M. S. Garson and A. H. G. Mitchell
98 Porphyry copper deposits
J. P. Hunt
99 Metallic mineralization affiliated to subaerial volcanism: a review
R. H. Sillitoe
117 Igneous geology and the evolution of hydrothermal systems in some sub-volcanic tin deposits of Bolivia
J. N. Grant, C. Halls, W. Avila and G. Avila
127 Occurrence, origin and significance of mechanically transported sulphide ores at Buchans, Newfoundland
J. G. Thurlow
128 Geological setting of the Skorovas orebody within the allochthonous volcanic stratigraphy of the Gjersvik Nappe,
central Norway
C. Halls, A. Reinsbakken, I. Ferriday, A. Haugen and A. Rankin
152 The Planes - San Antonio pyritic deposit of Rio Tinto, Spain: its nature, environment and genesis
D. Williams, R. L. Stanton and F. Rambaud
153 Kuroko deposits: their geology, geochemistry and origin
Takeo Sato
162 Stable isotope studies on Bougainville and in Matupi Harbour, New Britain, Papau New Guinea
J. H. Ford, D. C. Green, J. R. Hulston, I. H. Crick and S. M. F. Sheppard
163 Volcanogenic mineralization at Avoca, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, and its regional implications
J. W. Platt
171 Discussion
175 Name index
180 Subject index

Many geologists, particularly those in industry, have com- by Platt and Thurlow. As well as variations in the scale of
mented adversely on the adequacy of university geology study, there is a range in approach. Elder represents one
courses as a realistic precursor to a vocational career in any extreme in a largely theoretical discourse on hydrothermal
branch of the earth sciences other than in the universities systems, whereas others (Sheppard, Ford et al.; Spooner,
themselves. This volume, among other things, is evidence Heaton and Sheppard; and Williams etal.) all use stable iso-
that university staff are concerned about this situation and topes in the evaluation of the origin and role of ore-forming
are introducing the reality, stringency and urgency of indus- fluids.
try into areas where, until recently, they have been absent But what, other than a wealth of factual information and
or poorly represented. In this context the study of volcanic an abundance of stimulating ideas, came out of the meeting?
processes belongs almost entirely to academics, whereas ore What were the major conclusions and implications? This
genesis, although a fascinating intellectual subiect, is of prime assessment has, of course, to be personal, but I was particu-
concern to the mining industry. larly impressed by the stable isotope evidence, which indic-
The contents of this volume are the proceedings of a ated that the mineralized solutions were rarely magmatic in
joint two-day meeting of the Volcanic Studies Group of the origin being sea water in the case of constructive margins
- -

Geological Society of London and the Institution of Mining and meteoric waters in that of destructive margins. Seem-
and Metallurgy held on 21 and 22 January, 1976. It is re- ingly, magmatic processes provide the heat energy for the
levant to note that the proposal to hold this meeting came hydrothermal systems and very little else. Equally impres-
from the dominantly academic Volcanic Studies Group, sive were the semi-quantitative calculations on the time-
whose members saw it as an opportunity to usefully marry scales involved, which indicated that mineralization proces-
the rapidly increasing knowledge on volcanic processes to ses, at least at constructive margins, immediately followed
the economically critical understanding of ore genesis. The the magmatic event, were geologically short-lived, in terms of
proposal to hold a joint meeting was enthusiastically sup- 103-104 rather than 106 years, and vigorous,
ported by the Institution, and representatives from both Those of us concerned with the organization of this meet-
groups started to plan the meeting. ing consider it to have been a successful and productive
From the start it was evident the global tectonics would liaison between two groups of earth scientists that in the
be the framework and that sessions on volcanism and ore past have only too rarely collaborated. The evidence is in
genesis at (1) constructive margin, (2) destructive margin this volume that the studies and ideas of one group can be
and (3) within-plate settings would be a realistic subdivision. of use to and stimulate the other. Hopefully, this is part of
There then came the task of selecting speakers who would a trend where fruitful collaboration between industrial
present authoritative papers ranging from global consider- practicality and academic research is the rule and not the
ations to the detailed study of one orebody. Also, the theme exception.
was to be 'processes', so descriptive discourses on field, C. Halls, M. J. Jones and J. M. Moore represented the
petrographic, mineralogical and/or geochemical relation- Institution and P. W. Francis, I. G. Gass and I. L. Gibson
ships were to be discouraged. Conversely, as processes in the Volcanic Studies Group on the organizing committee.
ore genesis meant hydrothermal processes, stable isotope M. J. Jones, the Institution's Secretary, was entirely
studies into the origin of ore-forming fluids would be responsible for the preparation and processing of these
particularly welcome. proceedings for publication. His efforts, and those of other
The reader will find that in some contributions the geo- officers and members of both the Institution and the
logical setting of mineralization is the prime concern Society, which helped to ensure the success of the meeting
(Garson and Mitchell; Sillitoe; Grant etal.; Gass). In others are gratefully acknowledged.
(Pearce and Gale; Sato) the use of trace-element geochemis-
try in identifying environments and processes is the main I. G. GASS
theme. The role of hydrothermal fluids is, however, the Department of Earth Sciences
common denominator to virtually all papers, whether con- The Open Universi~/
sidered on the global scale by Fyfe, in a regional context by Milton Keynes
Hunt and Constantinou or with respect to a single orebody January, 1977

Introductory remarks on the at this symposium show, there is much evidence that the
sulphur in many near-sea-floor deposits may come from
transport problem marine sulphate and it is difficult to conceive reduction
mechanisms other than those which involve bacteria. Work
W. S. Fyfe in progress at the University of Western Ontario with our
Department of Geology, University of Western department of bacteriology 2 has shown that the resistant
cell walls of bacteria, with their amino acid rich surface, can
Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
absorb impressive quantities of specific metals.
Many other factors must be involved in ore formation.
Rock mechanical properties such as permeability, fracture
553.067 density, etc., control flow. Even the geomorphology of a
region may finally control the success or failure of a process
when all other factors are appropriate.

Synopsis Chemical transport

Subsurface aspects of the ore-forming process can be des- Although there may be many approaches to ore-forming
cribed in terms o f standard chemical transport parameters processes, at some stage the chemical transport factors in
such as T - P gradients, mineral solubilities, solvent chemistry the system must be evaluated. All such processes require
and volume, diffusion parameters and energy flow. These chemical migration, Which enriches some given volume of
necessary factors are rather easily assessed by geochemical, rock. Some chemical transport systems are quantitatively
isotopic and structural studies. I f deposition is in the sur- well described and typical examples have been described
face environment, a complex array of factors will determine elsewhere, lo
the success of the natural concentration process and the The factors in such processes deserve careful considera-
chances of preservation of a deposit. tion if we are to make real progress in basic understanding,
Basically, most large-scale ore-forming processes involve or prospecting or in assessing reserves and resources. I do
large fluid volumes and energy sources. Many environments not believe that we can scientifically estimate a resource if
where these requirements are met, the modern ocean ridge we do not understand, with a high degree of certainty, the
and the subduction environment, are still not well under- processes that led to its formation.
stood. The need for remote-sensing techniques in the To illustrate a very simple example of a transport pro-
submarine environment is stressed. cess we may consider the example of two containers at
temperatures T 1 and T 2 linked by a diffusion path at tem-
The science of geochemistry is concerned with the abund- perature T 1 (see Sch~fer, TM p.22, and Fyfe and Henley 5).
ance, distribution and behaviour of the elements and their The entire system is sealed, so motion is simply by diffusion.
isotopes in the earth. As such, this science must include the The container at T 1 has a complex material A - X - Y - and
study of processes that lead to high concentrations of ele- the entire system contains a gas (B) capable of forming a
ments or ore deposits - perhaps the most complex of all gas molecule with the solid species (iA=ol~ + kBgas -~jCgas).
geochemical phenomena. During the last decades instru- The quantity of A transported from T 1 to T 2 is given by
mental methods of describing the abundance of elements has
improved dramatically. Vast quantities of data are being i Dqt
produced, but, despite such advances, our knowledge of the NA ~ -- 9

exact geochemical behaviour of any given element and its j IRT

geochemical cycle is still remarkably inadequate. In part,
this is a result of the rethinking that has been demanded by where D is a diffusion coefficient, q the cross-section of the
the new global tectonics, or what I would prefer to call our diffusion path, / the length, RT the gas constant and tem-
new models of heat transfer by large-scale convective perature T1, and ~P the difference in equilibrium pressure
motions that involve the crust and lithosphere. We are only of the gas species at T 1 and 7"2, which is a measure of the
beginning to appreciate the geochemical linkages such as 'solubility' grad lent.
atmosphere-rain-continent-ocean and mantle-basalt- A fundamental feature of any transport process is that
ocean-subduction. Only for a decade or so have we become for a complex system it is inconceivable that all species will
aware of the masses involved and the rate processes in the move at the same velocity or in the same quantities. Thus,
creation and subduction of crust. the final concentrations at source and sink will differ from
We are all aware of.the notions of renewable and non- those initially present. Obviously, the most soluble material
renewable resources (e.g. Skinner 11) and, previously, we will move (e.g. a quartz vein) and the temperature of de-
would have confidently placed a tree in the former class and position will depend on solubility changes, flow velocity,
a massive sulphide deposit in the latter. But these distinc- etc.
tions are based on our impressions of rate processes - rates The transport equations for a geological situation will be
relative to our life span - and it is now clear that the time similar. To produce flow either a temperature or pressure
constants of a redwood tree and a copper deposit may not gradient must exist, and it is normally assumed that T
be so very different and both could be growing now. gradients are most important (but not always, e.g. growth
Recent studies have shown that the understanding of in a pressure shadow in a metamorphic rock). The factors
the geochemical behaviour of the elements may require an in the geologic case will include (a) the T gradient (and P),
integration of knowledge from many parts of earth science, (b) solubility and chemistry of all species in a given solvent,
and few are unimportant. For example, Lowenstam 8 has (c) the fluid volume involved and the nature of flow (one
raised important questions regarding the significance of the pass, multi-pass, etc.), (d) diffusion rates, (e) volume of
biosphere in mineral-forming processes (who would have effective source and sink, (f) concentration at source and
guessed that some mollusca secrete crystals of magnetite, (g) continuity and magnitude of the energy source produc-
some arthropoda fluorite?). And as other papers presented ing the gradient.
To these basic variables we must add all the restrictions Volcanism
on a successful sink, which may be extreme, particularly
When all the above factors are considered, the reasons
under near-surface conditions.
behind the title of this symposium - V o l c a n i c processes i n
When the number of variables in the geologic case is con-
ore genesis - become rational. Perhaps if we had attended
sidered, it is apparent that there will be no simple 'laws' of
this symposium a few years ago, we might have expected to
ore deposition. But despite the real complexity, we can
hear much discussion of magmatic fluids and fumarolic de-
consider certain required factors that may be easily observed
posits. But we have many papers dealing with downward
and may facilitate the search for ores. Among these one
convective flow of surface waters in proximity to igneous
might include the following.
rocks. The fact that today we so often hear the magic
words volcanogenic-exhalative is a simple reflection of the
(1) The presence of a high source concentration greatly re-
fact that thermal energy and water are available in the vol-
duces the requirements of a large permeable volume that
canic environment. In many cases, the water is sea water.
must be leached (this is clearly seen in some secondary en-
Magmatic fluids seem to be declining in importance and, at
richment phenomena, and is perhaps important in the pro-
the same time, experimental petrologists are working on
duction of some gold deposits by remobilization from rela-
drier systems. We also know that as melts rise, although
tively gold-rich sediments).
initially rather dry, they tend to inhale fluids at depth from
(2) Access to an appropriate volume of fluid of good solvent their wallrocks and may later exhale as they crystallize. If
properties (this might imply proximity to the surface). magmas were wet, and their water alone was the key to
Today, emphasis is placed on chloride-rich (S-poor) fluids transport, then it is difficult to see why so few plutons are
and much work has shown that concentrations of such successful in, say, a porphyry copper situation. Naturally,
metals as Cu, Pb and Zn are proportional to salinity, there are examples where this is the case (Sn, W, pegmatites);
0.01-10 ppm or more with CI" 100-100 000 ppm (see but, in general, this is rare.
Andrews and Fyfe 1 ).
(3) The presence of a large energy source, which will in- In the past two decades estimates on the mass of igneous
crease the lifetime and vigour of the system (see Elder 3): materials brought near to the surface have increased
normally, the energy sources will be thermal or dramatically. To account for ocean-floor spreading basaltic
gravitational. magma must arrive near the surface (most intrusive) at a
rate in the order of 10 km 3 yr "1. Most must cool by driving
(4) A steep thermal gradient should lead to focussed dump- convective flow of sea water. 1 The energy available annu-
ing, but the precipitated material may be complex. Proxi- ally is large and, for example, would provide energy to heat
mity of igneous material to the surface must provide steep about 40 km 3 of sea water to 300~ - a temperature at
gradients. Shallower gradients may lead to cleaner precipi- which metal extraction is feasible.
tation of a single species, but, at the same time, lower Direct observation of thermal systems and experiment
grades, unless the solubility is very temperature-sensitive have shown that under these conditions such metals as Cu
(cf. gold 5). and Zn have solubilities of several ppm in hot sea water. If
this moves to the water interface as a reduced (H 2 excess)
(5) The source rocks must have pervasive permeability or metal-rich fluid, sulp;,ides may be precipitated if the en-
must be easily leached over large volumes (scoriaceous flow vironment is appropriate. It should be noted that reactions
tops, regions of high fracture density over rising plutons, such as 3FeO (silicate) + H20 -+ Fe30 4 + H 2 will lead to a
low concentration of H 2 in a discharging fluid. This, in
turn, could generate the conditions necessary for sulphate-
Again, we could write down many geomorphological reducing bacteria to flourish.
constraints at the site of deposition, particularly if this site Ellis 4 observed copper concentrations near 4 ppm when
is near to the surface. Considering this aspect of the prob- andesites were subjected to salt solution leaching at 400~
lem, we should expect some types of deposits best shown in By use of this figure our 40 km 3 of sea water could bring
younger rocks, and if we consider the modern sea-floor, near the surface 1.6 x 105 tons of copper annually. Hence,
ophiolites or even porphyry copper deposits, there is some
in the time to grow a large tree (100 years) we could grow a
validity in the age-preservation linkage. The preservation of
large ore deposit. The Red Sea may be mined in the near
Archaean deposits may be related to volcanic burial pheno-
future. Perhaps soon, we will find ore deposits near the
mena at a time of more intense and widespread centres of
ocean ridges. For the future, new submarine prospecting
techniques are needed. The dispersed deposits in nodules
Perhaps one of the most simple examples of ore forma-
are already well known. 9
tion by solution and transport is that involved in the forma-
The potential energy of a high-level pluton for fluid
tion of concentrated residuals in'lateritic weathering. The
transport is also impressive. Modern granite plutons 6 tend
solvent is rainwater and the energy a combination of solar
to average about 500 km 3 in size. A single pluton could
and gravitational energy. The sources are almost infinite
heat about 100 km 3 of water to 300~ Copper deposits
and the ore deposits (AI, Ni, Nb, etc.) large.
in the million ton range could result, even on a single-pass
basis. If closed cellular convection occurred, the quantity
of fluid needed is much reduced.
When the transport parameters'are considered, certain may The thesis of this introduction is that, given energy and
be rather easily assessed -- for example, by geochemistry, fluid, ore deposits may result. We know that the sub-
by O, H isotopes and fluid inclusion studies, by stratigraphy duction process returns vast quantities of water and other
and metamorphic studies and by structural geology. The elements to the mantle in rocks such as spilites and sedi-
important feature of the approach is that if any one condi- ments. 7
tion is lacking, the chance for the presence of a large Most of this water must return, or else we would have no
hydrothermal ore depos!t must diminish rapidly. hydrosphere left. The subduction zone environment is one
of intense metasomatism and magmatism where certain
characteristic types of ore deposits occur.
But it seems that we do not fully understand the process
of the return flow of subducted fluids and metals. Do we
have more economic surprises in store? The exploration of
the sea-floor has certainly shown us that we did not know
all about metals in 1940.

1. Andrews A. J. and Fyfe W. S. Submarine metamor-
phism and massive sulphide generation. Geoscience, 3,
1976, 84-94.
2. Beveridge T. Murray R. G. and Fyfe W. S. Metal absorp-
tion on bacterial cell walls. Chem. Geol., in preparation.
3. Elder J. W. Model of hydrothermal ore genesis. In.Vol-
canic processes in ore genesis (London: Institution of
Mining and Metallurgy and Geological Society, 1977),
4. Ellis A. J. Natural hydrothermal Systems and experi-
mental hot-water/rock interaction. Geochim. cosmochim.
Acta, 32, 1968, 1356-63.
5. Fyfe W. S. and Henley R. W. Some thoughts on chemi-
cal transport processes, with particular reference to gold.
Miner. Sci. Engng, 5, 1973, 295--303.
6. Fyfe W. S. The generation of batholiths. Tectono-
physics, 17, 1973, 273-83.
7. Fyfe W. S. Hydrosphere and continental crust: growing
or shrinking? Geoscience, 3, 1976, 82-3.
8. Lowenstam H. A. Impact of life on chemical and
physical processes. In The sea, volume 5 Goldberg E. D.ed.
(New York: Wiley, 1974), 715-96.
9. Deep sea searches: the story of the seabed assessment
program (Washington, D.C.: National Science Foundation,
1976), 22 p.
10. Sch~ifer H. Chemical transport reactions (New York:
Academic Press, 1964), 161 p.
11. Skinner B. J. Earth resources, 2nd edn (New York:
Prentice-Hall, 1976), 151 p.
Model of hydrothermal These processes are in some f o r m operating more or less
continually throughout the crust and are most readily
ore genesis* described as variants of the petrogenesis of ordinary rocks.
Except where the t w o types of segregation processes work
together, systems of this type are not my present concern.
J. W. Elder (2) The segregation of material may occur by its being
Department of Geology, University of Manchester, moved to a quite different part of the ambient rock. The
Manchester, England notable example of this type are the so-called hydrother-
mal deposits. The physical processes within such systems
are the concern of this paper.
There may well be systems that involve both of these
53.072:553.216.5 processes, but at different times or places. For example,
the chrome deposits found in layered ultrabasic intrusions
were presumably produced by transportation of Cr in a
Synopsis more or less homogeneous magma, and subsequently, after
the intrusion was in place, becoming segregated as the
The dynamical nature of the mechanisms o f operation o f
layering developed. Most of this paper is concerned with
hydrothermal systems and their key parameters are
water substance as the solvent and transporting agent, but
described. A simple mode/suitable for a gross analysis o f
we should not overlook, even if it is only mentioned in
the role o f water circulation on the solution, transportation passing, the transporting role of basic magmas, particularly
and deposition o f ores is described in detail.
for those elements such as Ni, Cr and Co, which they
readily carry.
The discussion proceeds under Formulation of the
problem with some elementary estimates of the order of
Ores are rocks which within localized volumes contain magnitude of the water flow mass rate and the scale of a
minerals that are quite different in kind or amount from deep hydrothermal system. A reservoir model is outlined.
those in most rocks. Next, the features that control its initiation and mainten-
From a global point of view the crust itself is a great ance are discussed. The main technical aspect of the paper
'ore' deposit, being exceptionally rich in minerals such as is the analysis of the conditions in the gas column; this is
quartz, and feldspars, which are believed to be largely absent followed by a consideration of the extraction of matter and
from the mantle. Although the idea is a useful one, it is energy from the source. The main result is obtained. The
an overextension of the notion, since clearly an orebody is surface zone, driven by the power transported in the gas
recognized by its existence within a volume not only small column, is identified through its characteristic temperature
compared with the volume of the crust but all of whose in the section entitled Flow in surface zone. The
dimensions are small compared with the thickness of the transport of soluble matter -- in particular, the effects of
crust. On the other hand, neither do a few localized the variation of solubility with temperature - is briefly
grains of, say, rutile in a high-grade metamorphic rock treated in the penultimate section.
represent an orebody. Although the model to be described is rather general,
Whereas the great bulk of rocks, more than 99% by for the sake of concreteness I shall present the results and
volume, are composed of the elements O, Si, AI, Fe, Ca, discussion for only one system for which the power and
Na, K and Mg, and the relative abundance of all other mass transports are similar to those of the Taupo district,
elements is generally much less than 1%, there are some New Zealand, today. The deep part of this system is most
rocks for which they are rich. In comparison w i t h the like that responsible for a moderately large copper porphyry
crustal average, relative enrichment by a factor of 102 to deposit.
103 is typical, t2
The central question is how these localized concentra- F o r m u l a t i o n of the problem
tions were formed. Clearly, there are two extreme types Whereas the mantle is rather dry, with water content
of such bodies. possibly less than 0.1%, water substance is a ubiquitous
(1) The segregation of material may occur essentially constituent of the crust. This is most dramatically and
locally within the ambient rock. I include here most of the directly seen in the regions of surface mass discharge in
deposits closely associated with igneous, metamorphic and geothermal and volcanic areas. Among the studies of these
sedimentary rocks, including sinter, pegmatites, small- phenomena, those which describe the role of water sub-
scale metasomatism deposits, placers, laterites and so on. stance in modern hydrothermal systems are the most de-
tailed. Freely circulating bodies of hot water substance
have been identified within the upper 10 km of the crust.
Mass transport at the rate of 1 ton sec] is typical (see,
*This paper is dedicated to William of Ockham, 1285--1349, a for example, Eider3). These systems are the uppermost
somewhat querulous Franciscan monk noted for the use of a form parts of deep systems, which ultimately draw their energy
of argument based on the notion of economy of ideas and con- from the mantle. The mass and assumed chemistry of the
cepts that is known as 'Ockham's razor' and is an early version of
modern operational philosophy. This antipathy to the ad hoc was so-called meso- and hypothermal ore deposits strongly
put: 'non sunt multiplicanda entia praeter necessitatem' -- entities suggest that they are formed by transportation in a deep-
are not to be multiplied beyond necessity. Some of the ideas were seated system of water-substance circulation. In effect, an
particularly charming: for example, that motion is merely the re- ore deposit is a fossil hydrothermal system in which we
appearance of a thing in a different place. This particular concept obtain a glimpse of a deeper part of the system. Whatever
is even rather apt in describing ore genesis. It is fair to say that this
paper is about the motion rather more than the thing. the details, water is vital. Its existence in the crust is taken
It is also worth noting that this paper is very much a sequel to for granted here. All I am concerned to demonstrate is
an earlier study. 2 that the system can move enough of it.
The essential questions The localization of the primary deposit reservoir at the
There are two extreme possibilities for the mode of trans- critical boundary may at first sight seem rather arbitrary.
portation of the ore material in the hydrothemal fluid. It is very important to appreciate that it is not the change
of state of water substance and the possible consequent
(1) The ore material concentration is high: this is the least effect on its solvent capability that is dominant. By far
demanding on the reqLrired transport of water. Undoubtedly, the most powerful effect arises through the permeability.
this is the case for some pegmatitic deposits; for hydro-
thermal deposits, fluid inclusions, although they often show
high concentrations of, for example, sodium chloride, do
not give any indication of high ore material concentration.
(2) The ore material concentration is low, being of the
same order as that in the source rocks. T h i s situation is the
most demanding on the required transport of water. Never-
theless, even in this extreme case, ample water can be avail- Wet system
able - indeed, it is the main point of this paper to show in sub-criticol
some detail how this enormous flow of water is generated
and maintained.
Consider the very simplest situation in which an orebody
of volume V is produced from a source volume W as deposit
follows.* Let the concentration ratio of ore material in the
deposit to that in the source be n. If ore material is taken at
the concentration in the source and transferred to the de-
posit volume and all dumped there, then V = W/n. Also
this will require a total equivalent liquid water transport
rn, , GQS cotumn

of order volume W. If we also.assume that during this time,

t, the source region has been substantially cooled solely by
the heat transported out of it by the flow at mass rate rn, Source
then t ~ (total mass of the soume volume)/m. By way of
illustration consider: concentration o = 10 ppm; m = 1 ton
sec"1, t = 10 4 yr, n = 10 3. Then a source volume of
10 3 km 3, from which all the ore material is extracted and Fig. 1 Schema of reservoir-pipe model of hydrothermal
deposited within a volume of 1 km 3, produces a deposit of system
1% concentration and of ore material mass 3 x 10 7 ton.
The total mass transport of water is equivalent to a f l o w of
3 x 1012 ton through the source. In the vicinity of the interfacial zone two phases of water
A simple calculation like this, which I am sure has been substance can be present. This has the effect of drastically
reducing the effective permeability of the medium. For
done by everyone who has ever thought about this problem,
a single phase the permeability is solely determined by the
exposes the three key questions of solubility, flow rate and
void geometry and not at all by the fluid. But when two
time. Are these quantities at all reasonable and could such a
phases are present they restrict such other's passage.
system work? As we shall see, these are all acceptable
The localization of the head of the mushroom is not so
values and a variety of suitable mechanisms can be
sharply defined. It is limited strongly only in its relation
quantitatively identified.
to the 'boiling point with depth' (BPD) relation (see
A schematic model Appendix). If the heat flow is sufficiently high for temper-
atures to locally exceed the BPD, phreatic eruptions are
A hydrothermal extraction system is envisaged as a cascade
likely. The surface zone hydrothermal system becomes
of reservoirs interconnected by permeable conduits (pipes)
(certainly for a time) a one-pass eruptive system without
as illustrated in Fig. 1 in a manner analogous to that in an
the ability to create a deposit.
elaborate distillation column. In the analysis presented
The models discussed here do not impose any strong
here only three reservoirs are considered.
constraints on the source of the water substance, since the
(1) The source is the largest reservoir and here, for the bulk of it may be recirculated many times or it may be
sake of concreteness, is considered as a granitic mass of derived directly from the surface zone.
typical volume 10 3 km 3, partially molten at the time of In a rather schematic way the approach here recognizes
its emplacement. three main types of hydrothermal ore deposits, which are
(2) The primary deposit - a much smaller reservoir - is called in the classification of Lindgren 11 hypothermal
the region in which most of the ore and associated gangue (my primary deposit); mesothermal, here considered to be
material is deposited. Here it is considered to exist near deposited in the surface zone 'mushroom'; epithermal
the main interface in the system, the boundary between and telethermal, virtually ignored in this paper, but thought
the super-critical deep system and the wet sub-critical of as arising from the recharge-discharge part of the
su rface zone. surface zone system.

(3) The hot water mushroom: the hydrothermal system

Source constraints
in the surface zone has a temperature distribution shaped
like a mushroom, within the head of which is a rather dis- The initiation and maintenance of a hydrothermal extraction
crete body of hot water and rock of characteristic temper- system imposes three conditions on the source.
ature typically about 250~ for a vigorous system. (1) In the mode o f emplacement the main concern here is
*Definitions of the symbols used in this paper are given on pages the time-scale of the emplacement. If the emplacement is
12--3. rapid, the analysis of the problem will be much more
complex. On the other hand, if the emplacement is Circulation within the source
sufficiently slow, the analysis can be treated as a quasi-
If the source region, at the time of its emplacement, is
steady model - indeed, this is the only case considered in
largely molten, the time-scale r of the internal mixing
this paper.
process is given by
(2) T w o distinct regions are envisaged for access o f the r ~ ( A c / A ) I / 3 a2/K
hydrothermal f l u i d to the ore material within the body o f with
the source. (a) While the source is sufficiently hot for it to A = 7gOa3/Kv
remain partially molten, the hydrothermal fluids presum- where a is a length scale, the mean radius for a blob-like
ably have direct access only to the outermost portions of source, 7, r, v are, respectively, the coefficient of cubical
the source region, otherwise being transported through the expansion, thermal diffusivity and kinematic viscosity of
source dissolved in the magma. Provided that there is the magma, 0 is the temperature difference between the
sufficiently rapid mixing within the source, this will provide source interior and the immediate surroundings, A is the
ready access to the interior. The time-scale of this situation Rayleigh number and A c ~ 10 a, an empirically determined
will be relatively short. (b) When the source is sufficiently constant (see, for example, Eider, 6 pp. 6 0 - 7 7 ) . The
cooled for it to be substantially solid it behaves as a porous derivation of this expression assumes that the interior
medium - to the flow, apart from its permeability, it is motion creates a surface boundary region of extent
indistinguishable from the ambient rock. The time-scale "" a (Ac/A.) 1/3 of time-scale r "" $2/~.
of this situation will be relatively long. As an example consider a large granitic pluton with
(3) With regard to the gas column, as we shall see, the a = 1 0 k m , 0 = 1 0 0 K , r = 1 0 " 6 m 2sec " 1 , v = 1 0 2 m 2sec "l
most effective mode of transportation of material from the and 7 = 10"s K "] for which A = 10 ]4 and r = 102 yr. This
source to the deposit volume is in a column of super- source is being rapidly m i x e d - indeed, motion will persist
critical gas (of water substance). Only under certain condi- until A ~" 103, when v "" 10 ]4 m 2 sec"1, which is well into
tions can a gas column be initiated and maintained, and it the freezing range for granite.
is during the life of the column that the bulk of the Subsequently, therefore, I will assume that the time-
material transport occurs. scale of the mixing within the source region is small in
comparison with the time-scale of the hydrothermal
Emplacemen t time-scale system - typically, 104 yr (see below). In other words,
mixing within the source is sufficiently rapid to allow
Consider the rise of a molten body. W~ can estimate the almost complete access of the hydrothermal fluid to the
rate of rise for two extreme sets of circumstances.
material of the source throughout the life of the hydro-
If the rate of rise is controlled by a balance between thermal system.
the buoyancy of the body and the viscous drag of its
su rrou nd i ngs, the vertical velocity
w "- 2/9 a 2 g 'Iv, with g '= (~o/p) g Existence o f the gas column
where Ap/p is the proportional density contrast. This is the
The problem of the existence of the gas column can be
well known Stokesian expression. For the typical values
treated by means of.a pipe model (following the detailed
a = 10 km, Ap/p = 0.1 and v = 10 ]6 m 2 sec"] we have
discussion given in Eider, 2 pp. 3 2 - 9 ) . Thus, if water
w = 0.07 m yr "l
leaves the surface zone, of thickness d, with density Po,.
This body would rise a distance equal to its diameter in
passes through the source volume at depth h, rises as a
3 x 105 yr.
gas, of density P l to heat the surface zone to a local density
If the rate of rise is controlled by the rate at which the P2, it can be shown that the mass rate of f l o w m is given
advancing face can melt the ambient rock and refreeze by
material at its base, it is readily shown that
m/kSg = [ ( P o - P l ) -- (P2 - P l ) d / h ] / [ v l + (v2 - v l )d/h]
w ~ (tO N/Ea)
where k is the permeability, S is the pipe cross-sectional
area and, although they are readily accounted for, the
N = (A/Ac) ]/3
variation of permeability along the pipe is ignored and the
recharge resistance is taken to be zero.
E=L+cO We are here principally interested in the range of mass
where L is the latent heat of freezing, c is the specific heat transport. Consider the t w o extremes: (1) an erupting
and 0 is the temperature contrast. This expression is de- system has d/h = 0 and m (erupt)/kSg = (Po - Pl )/vl ;
rived by equating the rate of transfer of heat to the inter- (2) a collapsed system has d/h = 1, namely no gas column,
face by the internal convection to the rate of supply of when m (collapse)/kSg = (Po - P2)/v2. Thus, the mass
enthalpy to melt the interface. For the typical values used rate ratio
above and a = 10 km, c = 103 J k.g 1 and 0 = 100K
= m (collapse)/m (erupt) = (Po--Pl) v ; / ( P o - P 2 ) V ]
we have
Taking representative values Po = 1 g cm "3, cold surface
w = 30 m yr "]
zone water, P2 = 0.96 g cm -3, surface zone water at 100~
This body would rise a distance equal to its diameter in Pl = 0.3 g cm "3, near-critical gas, and v2/vl ~ 1, and we
700 y r.
have ~ -~ 1/20. In this case we can expect that the bulk of
For this later case the time-scale of emplacement is com- the possible mass transport will have occurred before
parable with that of the development of the hydrothermal collapse sets in.
system. This suggests, even though we ignore this possibi-
lity in the subsequent discussion, that some hydrothermal
extraction systems will be dominated by the emplacement Peculiarity o f a super-critical hydro thermal system
of the source region. For somewhat smaller bodies, how- There is an important distinction between a wholly sub-
ever, and if the interaction of the hydrothermal system on critical (wet) hydrothermal system and that which is in
the source region during its emplacement is also taken into part or wholly super-critical. In a wet system, even though
account, conditions will not usually be so extreme. liquid water substance is compressible, the dominant effect
of the density arises from variations of temperature; Temperature distribution
moreover, these density variations are principally effective A typical set of profiles of T(z) in a gas column is shown
through their role in generating buoyancy forces. Further- in Fig. 2 for various values of m. For small values of m,
more, this is the basis of the analysis of such systems by here somewhat less than 0.1 ton sec"1, the gas column is
means of the Boussinesq approximation in which density nearly isothermal at the temperature of the base of the
variations are ignored, except insofar as they lead to the
sub-critical zone. For large values of m, here those greater
generation of buoyancy forces. In a super-critical (dry gas)
than about 1 ton sec"1, the gas column is strongly non-
hydrothermal system the working fluid is a very com- isothermal, especially in the region of expansion near the
pressible gas, so density variations arise from variations of
top of the column. High temperatures are required at
both temperature and pressure. We cannot therefore
depth to maintain the column, and these temperatures are
directly use data from a wet system to aid the analysis of a
strongly related to m. For this column the operating range
dry system; nor can we use the Boussinesq approximation,
but this is a very minor point in a pipe-like model.
I000~ 30
The gas column
The key element in the extraction process is the gas
column, of super-critical water substance, which connects
the source region, of the magma body and its immediate
surroundings, to the surface zone of (generally) sub-critical
water substance. As has already been discussed, for an
interval the gas column is close to equilibrium. It is
therefore straightforward to describe its properties in
some detail. We shall first treat the gas column in isolation
and subsequently consider its effect on the source region.

Field equations The mechanics of the gas column can
be described by the following relations:
p = PlaT (a)
= flT'/~ (b)
w = m/pS (c)
dP/dz = pg + IJw/k (d)
dT/dP = 1/p(Cp + a) (e)
The properties of the fluid are described by (a) and (b)
and are discussed elsewhere. The conservation of fluid
mass is expressed by (c), where m is the rate of mass flow-

ing through every section of the column of local cross-
sectional area S. The pressure gradient in the column,
represented by (d), arises from two effects: the weight of 5
the fluid itself, together with the resistance experienced by
the fluid in permeating the ambient ground, represented by
the relation of Darcy. Finally, (e) represents the energy 0 10
relation, in which it is assumed that there is a balance Z, k m
between the rate of working of the decompressing gas
Fig. 2 Temperature, T, ~ asa function of depth, z,
and the upward advection of heat. For the present dis-
km, in gas column with d = 2 km, Pd = 0.2 kbar, Td =
cussion, unless stated to the the contrary, the following 400~ S = 0.01 km 2 and k = 1 darcy for various values
quantities are taken as constants for a given gas column: of rate of mass flow, m, ton sec"1
n,/~, m, S, g, k and Cp. There is, however, no difficulty in
treating the more general cases - for example, in which
S = S(z), k = k(z). is about 0 - 3 0 ton sec"1, the upper limit being set by the
temperatures of basaltic magmas; the effective lower limit
Boundary conditions The gas column is represented by is about 0.03 ton sec"1 when the column is barely working.
two first-order differential equations. Provided, therefore,
that two conditions are imposed, P, T are defined. For
the moment it is convenient (and realistic) to consider the Given temperature at depth
pressure and temperature given at the top of the column or, So far the rate of mass flow, m, has been treated as a free
rather, the base of the sub-critical surface zone. Thus, at parameter. It is, of course, deterrhined by the system.
some level z -- d we take P -- Pd, T = Td. The equations Because m is strongly related to the temperature in the
can the be integrated (numerically) downwards to obtain gas column at depth, which is itself controlled by con-
P(z), T(z). Notice that there is some redundancy in the use ditions in the source region, it is appropriate to specify a
of parameters, since the effect of m, k, S is determined in temperature Th at the base of the gas column z -- h. We
this model solely through the combination m/kS. It is then have boundary conditions imposed at two levels,
convenient to use and state these values separately, but it which are sufficient to determine T(z), P(z) and m. This
should not be forgotten that they occur in combination. is performed iteratively by integrating the equations down,
Further, the relative importance of the flow resistance is wards from d to h with an assumed value of m, obtaining
measured by (mpJ'gkSp 2 ). the base temperature, adjusting m accordingly, and re-
peating until the base temperature is equal to Thwith the the source is depleted at the rate om, as expressed in (i),
required precision (-+ 0.1% used here). where o is the concentration of 'salt' in the discharge. It
Thus, the state of the column is determined by its is known that o = a (P, T) and, in fact, varies strongly with
geometry, the quantity m/kS, the properties of water P, T, but for the moment we will shut our eyes to this and
substance and the two temperatures Td, Th. treat o as a constant, so the total amount of 'salt' extracted
is o(p, V 1M).
Flow velocity
Collapse o f the gas column
It is important to realize that the volumetric flow velocities
are very small. For the archetypal model described here w The situation is actually somewhat more restrictive than has
lies generally in the range 10"4-10 -3 m sec"1 . The system so far been described. The gas column cannot persist in-
operates entirely within the range of validity of the Darcy definitely. In order to maintain itself its internal pressure
relation, must at every depth exceed the water pressure in the
adjacent rock - otherwise it will collapse and the gas phase
Role o f solute on flow is over. The inclusion of this feature does not greatly alter
the total amounts transported for the more intense systems,
So far we have ignored the effect of the solute concentra-
so a very simplified approach is adequate.
tion on the flow by, in effect, considering only the case
Let the adjacent ground He open and have an effec-
of low solute concentration. Although this is a legitimate
tive mean fluid density Pa. Then the adjacent ground
first approximation that may well apply in some cases, it
pressure is Pa = Pd+ Pa g (z--d). We then require simply
is clearly not the case in many situations. Certainly, the
that the pressure at the base of the gas colume Ph > Pa.
concentration of the economically important ore materials
If this condition is satisfied, in most cases the gas column
may be low, but we cannot ignore the possibly very much
pressure will at every level exceed that in the adjacent
greater concentration of the other constituents of the
ground. Depending on the circumstances envisaged, we may
hydrothermal fluid such as SiO2 and NaCI. Inclusion
choose Pa in the range 0 . 3 - 3 g cm 3 - namely, from that
studies indicate that NaCI is an important constituent,
of water substance at the critical point to a lithostatic load.
representing typically of the order of 10% of the fluid -
values of 50% are quite common. 14
Total mass flow
The main effect of the solute on the flow arises from
its contribution to the density of the fluid. Hence, in Data from a particular model shown in Fig. 3 give values
relations (a)-(e) we treat the fluid as a two-component gas, of the total mass flow ratio M(t). The initial mass extraction
one component being the gaseous water substance of is rapid. In this example it takes about 1 Myr to transfer
variable partial pressure and the other the solute of fixed an amount M = 1, but already half of this is transferred in
partial pressure. 5 x 104 yr. The ultimate rate for a long-life system without
No new qualitative effects arise, although this is a very collapse is M ~" log t -- a continually decelerating rate.
important feature in the details of the operation of a
system. In particular, much of the material thus trans-
ported will lead to the production of gangue.

Extraction from the source M

Given the mechanics of the gas column, we have a method
of transporting matter to another place. But there remains
the essential problem of first extracting that matter from / Co|iopse points
the source and, even more to the point, whether enough
matter can be so extracted.
' I I
Provided that the time-scale of adjustments of the gas 0 50 100
column is rapid in comparison with all the other rate- t, kyr
dependent processes in the system, we can make a quasi- Fig. 3 Total mass flow ratio of water substance, M, passed
steady model of the extraction process. through gas column as a function of time, t, for case
described in text
Collapse points are indicated for various values of Pa.
Consider a source volume V 1 of rock substance of density
Even for the extreme case of Pa = 1 g cm "3, so that collapse
po and specific heatc, in contact with fluid circulating at
is relatively early, the bulk of the possible mass flow has
the mass rate m at recharge temperature T' and discharge
temperature Th. Then we have the following relations: been transferred.
F = mc (Th - T') (f)
A key result
dTh/dt = F/poCo V 1 (g)
dM/dt = m/p, V 1 (h) The mass of fluid available to flush out the source region is
dO/dt = - o r e (i) at most about equal to the mass of the source region. This
Relations (f) and (g) express the conservation of energy as a result applies to a very wide range of systems - basaltic
balance between the rate of loss of the total source energy and granitic volcanism, extreme variation of source depth,
and the net rate F transported by the flow. For simplicity, extreme variation of source volume and extreme variation
the recharge temperature T ' w i l l be taken as Td, the tem- of permeability. Furthermore, this mass of fluid is largely
perature at the base of the surface zone, unless stated to the produced in a relatively early part of the life of the system
contrary. Relation (h) merely gives the total mass of fluid in an interval typically of the order of 104 yr. In other words,
M as a proportion of the source mass which has been in the extraction process is geologically rapid.
contact with the source. The total amount of 'salt', Q, in We thereby deduce that the essential feature of the
production of an orebody is the extraction of the material produced over the last million years of activity, which
from a large volume and its deposition in a small volume. suggests a rate of production of about 10 .4 yr .] An exten-
This point of view is quite different f r o m the notion that sive area of mineralization will have been produced by a
the orebody is produced from a highly concentrated solu- multitude of individual short-lived events.
tion w i t h i n the source region. T o put this into concrete
terms consider an orebody of volume 1 km 3 in which the Comment on the gas column cross-section
concentration of an ore material is 103 times normal. Then
It is important to point out that the model described here
that material was extracted f r o m a source of volume
is a phenomenological model. The discharge is, for a
103 km 3.
given system and boundary conditions, determined by
m/kS. In principle, k could be estimated for a given
Power extracted
system by a detailed inspection of the deposit and its
Although our immediate concern is the total mass trans- surroundings to determine the void geometry. But until
port, it is of interest and provides a link with the surface such studies are make k is virtually unknown, and my
zone (see later) to consider the power extracted from the choice of 1 darcy is simply that found as an upper limit
source region (see Fig.4). The power level during the first for Taupo systems as determined by pumping tests on
few thousand years is very high (!), being of the order of bores about 1 km deep. Even so, there remains the cross-
sectional area S. I have been unable to devise a satisfactory
105 - method of independently estimating S from the f l o w
mechanics (for a wet system S ~ (heated area)/40). A t
1000 ~ least S is more or less known from direct observation for
104 some orebodies. Fortunately, however, the gross
thermodynamics of the gas column is such that the total
0 systems mass transport ratio M is determined largely from the
3 thermodynamic boundary conditions. This cannot be
said for the time-scale.

102 Flow in surface zone

omic limit Above the gas column, within the wet surface zone, there
will be a freely circulating body of liquid water. The
10 mechanics of these wet hydrothermal systems are reason-
ably well known. Here we are concerned with only the
grossest features in order to show how the deep and the
surface systems are linked together and thereby provide
further methods for identification of the whole system.
Gross properties
10 102 103 104 105 106
yr In summary, the t w o gross properties of an ideal free
Fig. 4 Power, MW, transmitted in gas column as a system* (in which 3",v are independent of temperature) in
function of time for initial source temperatures of 750 and a state of vigorous convection, the power transferred, F,
1000~ and the rate of total volume flow, ~ , are found to be:
F/S 1 = k pc ~g (AT)2/vAc; A T = T d - T o
~J/S 1 = k ~(g Z~T/vA c
104 MW, falling to the power level found in, for example, where $1 is the heated area and A c ~ 40 is the critical
the Taupo systems after 5 0 0 0 - 1 0 000 yr, thereafter remain- Rayleigh number. The effective column cross-sectional
ing rather vigorous for an interval* of the order 10 s yr, area of the hot water column is SI/A c, In the natural
after which the power is rather small. Note, however, that situation the heated area S] is effectively unknown. If we
the initial high power levels are not available at the surface, regard it as norminally of area d 2, we have
since the bulk of this power is absorbed in heating up the = Km d A m / A c ; Am = k?gdAT/Km v
ambient hot water and rock.t F = pc~AT
These relations can be understood in the following way.
Comment on the time-scale The differences of density between the h o t column and
The time-scale, of the order of 104 yr, suggested in this the cold column produce a pressure difference P~'?pgOd.
work is for a single hydrothermal event. This must not be From Darcy's relation the corresponding vertical velocity
confused with the time-scale of a geothermal or a volcanic w"kp/Iad. The power transferred F ~ p c w e d 2, where here
area. Within an orogenic belt, for example, volcanism and the area of the hot 'column' is taken as proportional to d 2.
plutonism may persist for times of the order of 100 Myr, Hence F ' k p c T g 8 2 d 2 / v and the rate of total volume f l o w
but individual elements of such a system have much ~J~wd2,,~k~gSd2 /v.
shorter lives. In the Taupo district, as observed at the Let us consider a case d = 10 km, Rayleigh number
surface and at depth from aeromagnetic surveys, it is A = 4 x 103, Km = 1 0 - 6 m 2 sec"1. Then we have 9 =
possible to identify of the order of 102 rhyolitic intrusions 1 ton sec"1 . These are values similar to those in the Taupo
hydrothermal systems.
*Throughout which time geothermal power exploitation would be
economical with current technology. *In convection in a permeable medium Km is the effective thermal
diffusivity of the fluid-saturated medium = K/pc, where K is the
tlO 4 MW is sufficient to heat a cylinder of rock of area 30 km 2 thermal conductiviW of the rock and pc the specific heat capacity
and depth 10 km in 103 yr. of the fluid; u is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid.
Characteristic temperature o f surface zone falls little during this time. Smaller surface systems not
We have, of course, no direct evidence for any of the above only achieve their maximum temperature earlier but also
description of the deep system. It is, however, possible reach a higher temperature. Not only do these temperatures
to make a partial identification as follows. Let us regard approach those at the top of the gas column but they also
the surface zone as a kind of calorimeter into which the approach BPD temperatures above which the surface zone
heat transported in the gas column is deposited and from is unstable to an adiabatic decompression, and phreatic
which heat is lost by the convective process in the surface eruptions arising from depths of as much as a few kilo-
zone. Then, by noting the amplitude and time-scale of metres are possible. Such eruptions are a feature of the
the surface zone temperatures and comparing these with Taupo systems.
field information, we can check our description. From the point of view of ore genesis our concern is to
As was shown by Elder, 2 the power F" transferred by a enquire if such an eruption could also disperse a proto-ore
wet hydrothermal system, allowing for the variation of deposit. For the model studied here the answer is largely
density and viscosity of liquid water with temperature, is no. The time-scale of onset of such an event is much shorter
related to the characteristic temperature ~ of the liquid than the time-scale of the ore deposition, so the bulk of
water (and rock) in the 'mushroom' of the hydrothermal the material would not have been deposited.
system by F'~. ~O4, where ~ is a fixed quantity defined
by the system geometry. For data from the Taupo hydro- Transport of soluble matter
thermal systems we find ~ ~. 0.2 W K "4. Equating F ' t o the If the solubility were fixed, the source inexhaustible and
power F transferred in the gas column allows us to calculate all the material in solution were dumped in the primary
8. Typical results are given in Fill. 5. The data suggest that deposit, the mass of the deposit would be simply oMp3 V 3,
individual Taupo systems with F " 1 0 3 MW have been None of these conditions is likely to be met. It is therefore
active for of the order of 104 yr, the whole area having been necessary to look in some detail at the distribution of
active very much longer, as is indicated by the most deeply potential ore material in the system.
exposed ignimbrites of age at least 10 s yr. Older systems
reach temperatures less than 100~ in times of the order of Reservoir cascade
10 s yr, comparable with the system of hot springs in the
Hauraki area. Consider a cascade of n reservoirs labelled i = 1, n. Let the
rate of mass discharge from reservoir i of volume V i and
The evidence is flimsy, but is reasonably convincing.
ore material concentration qi at enthalpy ei and solute
concentration oi. Assume that the recharge to reservoir i
is equal to its discharge m i and comes from reservoir (i + 1).
Let the rock density be p.. Then for each reservoir the
conservation of energy and solute give
p.~dei/dt=mi_ 1 (el_ 1 -- e i) + m i ( e i + l - - e i) (k)
,00F /0, / p . V i d q i / d t = m i _ ! (oi_ 1 - o i) + m i ( o i + 1 - o i) (I)

1 0 0 ~ 0 . 3 ~..~..~
Given the m i ( t ) and initial data for el, oi, these 2n
equations can be integrated to give el(t) , oi(t). A t the base
of the system we take m o = 0, corresponding to a source
isolated from depth. At the top of the system we take
102 103 10/" 105 106 en+ l = 0 and On+ ] = 0, corresponding to access of cold, non-
t, yr saline, meteoric water. Note that, in general, the ei, oi are
Fig. 5 Characteristic temperature, 0, ~ as a function functions of P, T.
of time, t, yr (initial heating-up phase also represented I have investigated a great variety of models of this type,
for various values of V 3 / V 1 ) but here I shall describe only a very simple version of a
system with n = 3. In this case, as seen above, m l is deter-
mined by the gas column mechanics; m 2 is determined by
Also shown in Fig. 5 are data for the heating up of the the strength of the circulation in the wet system; and m 3
surface zone for various values of V3/V 1, the ratio of the is, in effect, abitrary, since it is determined by the details
volume of the sub-critical convection region to that of l~he of the surface topography and permeability in the opper-
source. The heavy line represents the characteristic temper- most parts of the surface zone. Unless stated otherwise, I
ature for V3/V 1 ,r 1, so that the surface zone is always in shall restrict the discussion to m 3 = 0, that is, no surface
equilibrium with the gas column. Otherwise, the energy discharge, the condition for trapping the greatest ore
balance for the surface zone requires material mass in the upper reservoir.
p . c . V 3 dS/dt = F - t;84 (j) If the amount of available solute p, Vq diminishes to the
During the early life of the surface hydrothermal system level at which it approaches the amount in the permeable
the bulk of the energy supplied by the gas column is used volume eVpo, where e is the porosity, typically a few
to heat up the surface zone 'calorimeter'. After an interval, per cent, the body is vietually exhausted of solute.t At this
for example, of the order of 250 yr for the Taupo systems, stage the concentration in the discharge will fall below the
the behaviour is no longer dominated by the thermal saturated value. Ihave then taken 0 = q, but there is actually
capacity of the surface zone and the characteristic temper- negligible error in taking 0 -- 0.
ature approaches that for an equilibrium system. All the solute equations are linear in solute concentra-
tion. Hence the data for the qi depend only on their ratios
A remark on the early vigour o f the surface zone and it is simplest to think of the values relative to the
The time-scale of the early 'calorimeter' phase of the surface
zone system is roughly proportional to V 3 / V 1. Thus, for t l f all the available solute were in the pore fluid as a saturated
the archetypal model, as is shown in Fig. 5, the time to o l q = p , lpe ~ 10 3
reach maximum temperature is about 104 V3/V t yr. F for a porosity of 1%.

original concentration in the source. (This simplification in the primary deposit and at most about 30% of this is
does not apply to the temperatures, since their relations removed for deposition in V 3. For larger values of G
are non-linear, largely through the relation re(T).) there is a rapid drop-off, since the solubility falls very
strongly with temperature.
Role of solubility variation with temperature and pressure
The solubility of the material of interest is assumed to vary Removal of a primary deposit
strongly with temperature and pressure. This is certainly the Under certain circumstances the primary deposit of
case for materials that have been measured in the laboratory, material dumped in V 2 at the top of the gas column may
but for the situation here we really have very little actual be completely removed by the surface system. This
information. What, for example, is the solubility and its situation occurs readily if G1 >> G2, for then the solubility
temperature variation of a heavy metal in a saturated in the gas falls rapidly with temperature: after the source
solution of (water + silica + sodium chloride + h~/drogen region has cooled only a little, the concentration of solute
sulphide)? We really don't know. I therefore represent in the gas column is small, whereas the solubility in the
the variation of the solubility, s, by the empirical relation
s = s* exp (-G/7"), where G is a temperature scale, such that GI=2000K
if G is small the solubility varies little with temperature.
This relation can be interpreted as arising from the change
of free energy, kG, where k is Boltzmann's constant,
associated with the solution--dissolution reaction. The
complications that arise from changes of pressure are
ignored here. A good example is the solubility of NaCI for
which G ~ 500K provides a good fit over the temperature Primary deposit
range 0 - 8 0 0 ~ (three-phase boundary; data from Keevill~ for large G1
Since NaCI is an almost ubiquitous and prominent solute (GZ=100K)
in hydrothermal fluids, as revealed by fluid inclusion
studies, I shall take its G value as typical. I have, in fact,
run models with G in the range 1 0 - 1 0 00OK.

Primary deposit
The amount of solute mass removed from V 1, V 2 as a
proportion of the maximum possible value as a function of
G is shown in Fig. 6. For values of G ~ 300K the bulk of
the solute material in the source is removed and deposited ~ 0'1
1 -- Moss p r o p o r t i o n

10 - 3000K
0 ~
0 50
t, kyr

Fig. 7 Proportion of mass in primary deposit as a

function of time for G2 = 100K and Gz = 2000, 2500
Primary ~ \ and 3000K

surface zone fluid is still relatively high - indeed, the sur-

10'- face zone temperature may still by rising - so, after a
time of the order of ~, the concentration in V 2 begins to
fall. Some typical results are shown in Fig. 7, which shows
data for a system with G ] = 3000K, G 2 = lOOK, for
which the primary deposit is virtually removed after 5 x 104
This situation is probably rather unusual.

Ore material in modern hydrothermal systems

10-3 I I
A characteristic of modern hydrothermal systems is their
102 103 10I* conspicuous lack of or extremely low concentration of ore
G~K materials. At first sight this is a surprise. Part of the
Fig. 6 Proportion of mass taken from source and explanation is due to a misconception. In most cases only
primary deposit as a function of G a very small proportion of an ore deposit is represented by

the economically noticeable material. Otherwise the ex- Symbols
planation is due to sampling. Most of the hydrothermal Symbols used in the text are listed here; also given are
systems that have been explored, and only the uppermost nominal or typical values of some of the quantities. These
parts of those, are wet systems. These systems, such as are the values used for the model calculations referred to in
those of the Taupo area, operate close to single-pass the text, unless stated otherwise. S.I. units are generally
systems in which the amount of water recirculated is used, but note the use of length, area, volume in km, km 2,
very small - typically, a mere few per cent. Such systems km3; mass rate in ton sec1 = 103 kg sec'l; permeability in
are continually flushing themselves out. On the other hand, darcy ~ 1012 m2; pressure in kbar; absolute temperature,
systems such as that at Lardarello with a dry surface zone but quoted as ~ density in g c m a ; viscosity in poise, P =
of low-pressure steam in which material has a very low 0.1 N sec m'2; and various units of time.
solubility just cannot transport material to the surface.
a Source volume equivalent radius
Final remarks c Specific heat: rock "~ 103 J kg "1 K "1
In order to present the results of this study in a simple d Thickness of surface zone ~ 2 km
manner the description has been given for a single model
e Enthalpy of hydrothermal fluid
of an archetypal super-critical system. The specific quan-
tities mentioned are peculiar to this one system. Never- g Acceleration of gravity: g' = g~ko/P, reduced
theless, the numerical model itself, represented by relations acceleration
(a)-(/), is capable of a quantitative description of a very h Source depth: "~ 10 km
wide range of systems.
i Integer reservoir label
The essential conclusion of this study is that the bulk of
the mass of water substance is transported during the super- k Permeability: "" 1 darcy ~ 10"12 m 2
critical phase of the operation of the hydrothermal system, m Mass rate: ~" 1 ton sec1
and the integrated mass of water substance transported
in the deep part of the system is of the same order as the n Concentration ratio: ~" 103
mass of the source region, and, further, that the time-scale q Concentration in reservoir
of the process is typically of the order of 104 yr. $ Solubility
t Time elapsed
References w Vertical velocity, upward
1. Barnes H. L. Geochemistry ofhydrothermal ore z Vertical coordinate, measured downwards from
deposits (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967), the su rface z = 0
670 p.
A Rayleigh number
2. Elder J.W. Heat and mass transfer in the earth:
hydrothermal systems. Res Bull. N.Z. Dep. Sc~ Ind. 169,
cp Specific heat of gas
1966, 115 p. E Enthalpy change of magma on freezing
3. Elder J. W. Physical processes in geothermal areas. F Power
Monogr. Ser. Am. geophys Union no. 8, 1965, 211-39. G Solubility temperature scale: "~ 300K
4. Elder J. W. Steady free convection in a porous medium K. Thermal conductivity
heated from below. J. Fluid Mech., 27, 1967, 29-48.
L Latent heat of freezing of magma
5. Elder J. W. Transient convection in a porous medium.
J. Fluid Mech., 27, 1967, 609-23. M Integrated mass of water th rough sou rce/sou rce mass

6. Elder J. W. The bowels of the earth (London: Oxford N Nusselt number, dimensionless heat flow
University Press, 1976), 234 p. P Pressure: Pd ~ 0.2 kbar
7. Elder J. W. Quantitative laboratory studies of Q Total mass of deposit
dynamical models of igneous intrusions. In Mechanism of
S Area of cross-section: "~ 0.01 km 2
igneous intrusion Newall G. and Rast N. eds (Liverpool:
Gallery Press, 1970), 245-60. (Geol. J., spec. Issue no. 2) T Temperature, normally absolute, but quoted in ~
8. Gray D. E. ed. American Institute of Physics handbook V Volume
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957), v.p. W Source volume
9. Helgeson H. C. Complexing and hydrothermal ore G; Gas constant, p T/P
deposition (Oxford, etc.: Pergam'on, 1964), 128 p.
Viscosity coefficient,/~T "1/2
10. Keevil N. B. Vapor pressures of aqueous solutions at
high temperatures. J. Am. chem. Soc., 64, 1942, 841--50. '7 Coefficient of cubical expansion: ~ 10-5 K"1

11. Lindgren W. Mineral deposits, 4th edn (New York: Length scale of boundary region
McGraw-Hill, 1933), 930 p. Porosity
12. Mason B. H. Principles of geochemistry, 3rdedn (New 0 Temperature difference or scale; characteristic
York: Wiley, 1966), 329 p. temperature of the surface zone
13. Park C. F. Jr and MacDiarmid R. A. Ore deposits Thermal diffusivity: "~ 10-6 m 2 sec"1
(San Francisco: Freeman, 1964), 476 p.
14. Roedder E. Fluid inclusions as sample of ore fluids. Kinematic viscosity: magma 102 m 2 s e c l ; rock
Reference 1, 515-74. 10 ~6 m 2 sec-]

Ratio used only in local working values of quantities such as permeability, all that is
required in the representation of the properties of water
P Density" rock p. ~ 3 g cm "3
substance is an adequate, but otherwise as simple as
(7 Concentration, mass proportion in fluid: "~ 10 ppm possible, set of relations that describe the essential
T Time-scale (normally of total mass flow)" "" 104 yr features. The simple forms used here vary in accuracy,
but are typically + 10%, and this is more than adequate.
Volume rate o f f l o w

0 Unheated groundwater
1,2,3 Reservoir labels
8 Ambient
C Rayleigh number scale, A c
d Base of surface zone
h Depth of source
m Porous medium


Properties of water substance

In the course of the work it is necessary to have a number
of convenient representations of the physical properties of
water substance. The relations used in this work are
collected here.
Equation of state An adequate approximation to the
equation of state of the super-critical gas is to represent it
as a perfect gas by taking P = opT, where a is a slowly
varying function of P and T, by choosing a to fit the ex-
pected range of conditions. For example, taking values
from the steam tables, at P "~ 1 kbar, T ~" 600~ gives
a ~ 300 J kg" ! .
BPD relation A particularly useful reference quantity is
the so-called 'boiling point with depth' (= BPD) relation,
which is the temperature as a function of depth in a static
column of liquid water in equilibrium and everywhere at
its boiling point. The BPD is the extreme temperature dis-
tribution possible in a wet hydrothermal system. In
100(50) 300~ the BPD is reached at the following depths
m: 0, 42, 162, 460 and 1064.
Gas viscosity Although, in general, it is somewhat simpler
to work in terms of y = IJ/p, the kinematic viscosity, we find
for super-critical water substance that the greater part of
the variation of u with P, T follows the variation of p.
Thus, it is better to work directly with an empirical .
representation of the viscosity/J.
There are elaborate and accurate representations of the
form of/J (P, T) available, notably those of Sutherland,*
but these involve unnecessary refinements. Thus, noting
the form of the Sutherland relationship, I take/~ = ~T "/2,
where/3 is a slowly varying function of P and T. At
P = 1 kbar over the range 200-1000~ an adequate fit
to the data of the steam tables is given with fl =
1.0 x 10"s P K "'/'. This gives nearly precise values near
250 and 600~ but is in error by about 20% near
Gas specific heat is about Cp = 2300 J kg"1 K "1 and is
nearly independent of P and T.
General remark about the representation of the properties
of water substance In view of the virtually unknown

*Gray D. E. ed. American Institute of Physics handbook (New

York: McGraw-Hill, 1957), v.p.

deposition, at major ocean ridges, in marginal basins, in
Identification of ore-deposition island arcs and in oceanic islands. In many cases, however,
environment from trace-element particularly in the deformed and metamorphic rocks of
mountain belts, the geological evidence is ambiguous. Geo-
geochemistry of associated chemical techniques then have a useful application. Because
igneous host rocks the host rocks are commonly metamorphosed, stable trace-
elementgeochemistry 6 can be used to deduce their environ-
J. A. Pearce ment of eruption. Elements such as Ti, Zr, Y, Nb, 7.8'9 p,9
Cr 10,11 and the rare earths 12 all exhibit systematic
Department of Earth Sciences, The Open
differences between basalts from different tectonic settings
University, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire,
while remaining relatively immobile during weathering and
England metamorphic processes. In this paper we study the concen-
trations of these elements in the volcanic rocks related to
G. H. Gale mineralization in the Norwegian Caledonides, Newfound-
Department of Mines, Resourcesand Environmental land, Cyprus and Oman and in Precambrian terrain in
Management, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Scandinavia and Canada.
Ore deposits related to continental magmatism can also
550.42:546:553.067 be studied by such a geochemical approach. It is fairly well
established that porphyry copper deposits are formed above
Synopsis destructive plate margins. TM The environment of formation
of tin deposits is much more enigmatic, however. The
The tectonic environment of formation of volcanogenic possibilities suggested 14-18 are post-orogenic, within-plate
massive sulphide deposits and porphyry tin and copper de- ('hot-spot') and destructive plate margin settings. Only
posits can be identified from the geochemical characteristics rarely can the precise setting of tin-bearing granites be
of the associated igneous rocks. The "stable" trace-element identified from geological criteria alone. Geochemical
geochemistry (involving Ti, Zr, Y, Nb, Cr and rare-earth methods are developed in this paper to distinguish between
elements) and geology of metabasalts related to 12 massive granitic rocks originating in 'within-plate' and 'volcanic arc'
sulphide deposits indicate that the deposits studied fall into settings. These methods are applied to some tin-bearing
four distinct classes. (1) Cyprus-type, including Cyprus, granitic rocks in Cornwall, Bolivia, Indonesia and Nigeria.
Oman and Betts Cove, possibly formed during the early
stages of back-arc basin development; (2) L r ken- type, Massive sulphide deposits
including Lr and York Harbour, possibly formed at
back-arc basin spreading centres; (3) Joma-type, including Magmatism in the oceanic environment
Joma, Rr and Bidiovagge, possibly formed in a small If (as is widely accepted) hydrothermal circulation of sea
ocean of Red Sea type; and (4) Gjersvik-type, including water through oceanic crust is the dominant process in the
Gjersvik, Buchans, Noranda and Lynn Lake, possibly formation of massive sulphide deposits, TM then, given a suf-
formed during an early stage of island arc evolution ficiently high geothermal gradient and permeable crust,
(Gjersvik), later during island arc evolution (the Buchans massive sulphides could form at almost any site of sub-
Kuroko-type deposit) or in a Precambrian setting (Noranda marine igneous activity. So, before studying the lavas re-
and Lynn Lake). Deposits related to major ocean ridge lated to these deposits, it is first necessary to geochemically
crests appear to be small and relatively uncommon, per- categorize lavas from major ocean spreading centres, margin-
haps because relatively few favourable sites for ore deposi- al basin spreading centres, continental margins, island arc
tion exist in such environment~ seamounts, ocean islands and seismic/aseismic ridges. To do
The environment of intrusion of acid-intermediate this, three main magma types are first defined: ocean-floor
igneous rocks can be deduced by use of diagrams based on
the element Nb (e.g. SiO2 versus Nb). On this basis, tin-
Table 1 Mean concentrations of trace elements (ppm) in
bearing granites can be classified either as within-plate
three main oceanic magma types (from literature survey
magmas (Nigeria) or as magmas from evolved volcanic arc
made in 1973 33); ocean island basalt column includes both
settings (e.g. Bolivia, Cornwall and Indonesia); the latter
tholeiitic and alkalic types
group can be further subdivided geologically into post-
orogenic and back-arc extensional settings. Although the Ocean-floor Island arc Ocean
continental crust may play a significant role in the forma- tholeiites tholeiites island basalt
tion of tin deposits, the geochemical data presented here
Ti 8400 5000 13 500
suggest that partial melting of tin-enriched mantle above a Zr 83 45 211
subduction zone may be the single most important genetic Y 28 18 27
factor. Nb 2.5 1.5 27
Cr 280 107 200
The purpose of this paper is to show how igneous geo- La 3.0 3.2 27
Ce 10 6.5 56
chemistry can be used to identify the tectonic environments Yb 2.5 2.0 2.3
in which volcanogenic ore deposits are formed. The paper K 1300 2700 5450
is divided into two parts: the first deals with deposits Rb 2.5 4.7 13
formed in a submarine environment (i.e. volcanogenic mass- Ba 8.5 60 176
Sr 120 175 415
ive sulphide deposits), and the second with deposits formed
U 0.09 0.15 0.64
in a continental environment - in particular, tin deposits. Th 0.16 0.37 0.77
Many works of synthesis have already been published on Cu 73 62 81
the relationship between massive sulphide deposits and plate Co 51 30 60
tectonics. 1-s These use mainly geological criteria to point V 23O 270 240
Ga 17 15 18 .
to a variety of possible environments of massive sulphide

basalts (which include tholeiitic and alkalic types), wit:bin- basin directly overlies a subduction zone, its magma type
plate basalts (which also include tholeiitic and alkalic types) might be expected to be intermediate between ocean-floor
and island arc basalts (which include tholeiitic and calc- and island arc type; similarly, magmas erupted during the
alkaline types). Within-plate tholeiites are distinguished initial stages of sea-floor spreading could be intermediate
from ocean-floor tholeiites by their higher concentrations of between ocean-floor and within-plate magma types. Fig. 1
most lithophile trace elements, the few notable exceptions illustrates the probable relationship between magma type
including Y, the heavy rare earths, Sc and Cr. Island arc and tectonic setting. It emphasizes that geochemical studies
tholeiites are distinguished from ocean-floor tholeiites by will often need to be supplemented by geological evidence
lower concentrations of small ion lithophile elements, in- for an unambiguous interpretation to be made.
cluding Cr; their concentrations of large ion lithophile
elements are typically similar to or greater than those of Geochemical characteristics o f the host lavas
ocean-floor tholeiites. Table 1 illustrates the nature of Stable trace-element geochemistry, coupled with geological
these geochemical differences. information, is used here to characterize metavolcanic rocks
related to a variety of massive sulphide deposits. We deal
Submarine Within -plate first with the geochemical information, which is summarized
basalt basalts
types in Table 2.
9 Joma type /
L~kken type /
9 Gjersvik type /
15000- o Cyprus type /


10 000

/...'" "'',. _ _, . . . . . . , . . . . . , . , ..,. ,,.

5000 -
,*" 9 .."
- ~/,~ 9 .......

o~....... ..... . ,......,, ~ -"'"''"'""

Ocean- Inter-arc basin lsland
floor arc 0 r , , , I ' ' ' ' I . . . . I . . . . I
basalts basalts 0 50 100 150 200
Fig. 1 Distribution of three main magma types within Zr, ppm
ocean basins - illustrated by use of triangular diagram with Fig. 2 Mean analyses of metabasalts from various massive
main magma types at apices and transitional magma types sulphide deposit types plotted on T i - Z r discrimination
along sides diagram, s Dotted line denotes field of island arc basalts and
andesites, continuous line field of ocean-floor basalts and
In practice, lavas do not always fall neatly into one or dashed line field of within-plate basalts
other of these magma types. The main reason for this
appears to be the existence of transitional tectonic environ- Various discriminant diagrams can be used to identify
ments. For example, if a spreading centre in a marginal magma type. Fig. 2 is a plot of Ti against Zr 8 in which there

Table 2 Mean concentrations of 'stable' trace elements (ppm) in greenstones used in this study. Lavas from deposits 1, 2, 5,
7, 9 and 10 include samples from actual mines; remainder are samples from same geologic unit containing deposit, but not
from deposit itself
No. of
Deposit Location of lavas Ti Zr Y Nb Cr P2Os analyses

1 Cyprusdeposits 20, 21 Troodos Massif 11, 22 (axis Sequence) 5900 61 28 1 100 0.08 85
Troodos Massif 11, 22 (upper pillow lavas) 3270 31 15 1 405 0.06 45
2 Lasail,Oman 23 Lasail 23 3750 34 16 -- 109 0.05 15
3 BettsCove,24 Newfoundland Bale Verte 2s 1950 15 11 2 -- -- 3

4 York Harbour, Newfoundland 26 Bay of Islands complex 27 10700 125 32 -- 160 0.17 7
5 L~kken, Norway 2s, 29 L~kken 30 8550 93 26 4 221 0.09 38

6 RePros,Norway 31 Gjelsvik sequence 32 9850 129 32 - 114 0.14 18

7 Joma,Norway 28, 29 Joma 3o 11400 171 26 35 367 0.19 5
8 Bidjovagge,Norway Finnmark 33 8050 103 24 -- 171 0.09 18

9 Gjersvik,Norway 28, 29 Gjersvik 3o 8400 73 27 5 24 0.07 16

10 Buchans,Newfoundland Buchans 34 3900 75 -- -- 74 0.13 90
11 Lynn Lake, Manitoba 36 Rusty Lake greenstones 33,3s 5100 54 16 2 139 0.24 24
12 Noranda,Ontario 36 Noranda 37 7150 92 -- -- 157 0.13 78

9 Joma type 100
a L~kken type
9 Gjersvik type
o Cyprus type

5.0-. 9 '


o 10
2.5- oo u

=Prate margin' \ Within-ptate o
basalt \ basalt 1 Joma
2 York Harbour
0 ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I 3 Gjersvik
0 250 500 ?50 1000 &, L~kken
Ti/Y 5 Oman
Fig. 3 Mean analyses of metabasalts from various massive 6 Troodos
sulphide deposit types plotted on Z r / Y - T i / Y discrimination
diagram (analogous to T i - Z r - Y diagram of Pearce and
Cann 8). Diagram separates within-plate from other magma
types La C'e ' ' Sm
' Eu
' G'dT'b . . . . Tm V'b Lu

Fig. 5 Chondrite-normalized rare-earth patterns for typi-

is a general increase in Ti and Zr from island arc through cal samples of metabasalt f r o m various massive sulphide
ocean-floor to within-plate magma types. Fig. 3 is a plot of deposit types. Cyprus analysis from Kay and Senechal 38
T i / Y against Zr/Y. This distinguishes within-plate from
other magma types, making use of the distinctive enrichment
in Ti and Zr (but not Y) of within-plate basalts; Fig. 4 is a Cyprus-type (?early back-arc) deposits Deposits of this
plot of Ti and Cr 11 which separates the 'plate margin basalts' type were identified from the Troodos Massif, Cyprus, 2~ 21
of Fig. 3 into ocean-floor and island arc basalts, since for Oman 23 and Betts Cove, Newfoundland, 24 and all contained
Cu > Zn. Geologically, these deposits are situated in the
lava unit of f u l l y developed ophiolite complexes, from which
9 Joma type
it is implicit that they were formed at a constructive plate
a Lekken type
margin. Basaltic pillow lavas form the main host rocks.
9 Gjersvik type
Cyprus and Oman contain t w o lava units 21,22 _ the lower
o Cyprus type
basaltic, the upper containing rocks of komatiitic compo-
sition as well as basalts. The lower unit is thought to have
10 000 been erupted at the ridge axis; the upper off-axis outside
the zone of deep circulation of sea water. Ore deposits in
E 5OO0 these areas are mostly located at the u p p e r - l o w e r pillow
o o ~ Ocean-floor lava boundary, though some (such as Lasail, Oman 2 3 ) O c c u r
I-- _ ~ basalt
within the lower sequence and are cut by numerous feeder
Island arc
basalt dykes to the overlying lavas.
Geochemically, the lavas are characterized by low con-
1ooo centrations of the small ion lithophile elements, including Cr,
10 ' ' 's'o . . . lOO
. . . . . 5bd" boo '
and therefore classify as island arc tholeiites in Figs. 2, 3 and
Cr, ppm
4; the light rare-earth-depleted patterns in Fig. 5 are con-
Fig. 4 Mean analyses of metabasalts f r o m various massive sistent within this interpretation. Clearly, the geological and
sulphide deposit types plotted on log T i - l o g Cr 11 geochemical data are at variance. A consistent model can,
discrimination diagram

any given Ti concentration island arc basalts will nearly Table 3 Some important characteristics of Cyprus lavas
always contain lower Cr concentrations.
1 Two petrologically distinct lava units
Fig. 5 shows chondrite-normalized rare-earth patterns,
which provide useful additional information on magma type. 2 Concentrations of Ti, Zr and Y decrease up lava sequence 22
Ocean-floor tholeiites and island arc tholeiites show slight 3 Overall, Ti, Zr and Y concentrations are low tl, 22, and there are
strong light rare-earth element depletions 38
rare-earth element depletions; ocean-floor alkali basalts and
island arc calc-alkaline basalts show slight rare-earth element 4 Low Cr and MgO concentrations (at given Ti concentration) 11
enrichment; whereas within-plate basalts show moderate to 5 Basaltic komatiites present
strong enrichment in the light rare-earth elements. The 6 Orthopyroxene phenocrysts in some lavas tl, 22
massive sulphide deposits investigated in this paper are 7 8"/Sr/S6Sr ~ 0.7036 in rocks apparently unaffected by isotopic
associated with various basalt types listed above and can be exchange with sea water 39
divided into four categories according to the characteristics
8 Chromite deposits
of the host lavas. Each of these categories has been named
9 Underlying 'upper mantle' ultramafics very depleted 4o in their
after one of its member deposits, and its inferred tectonic
basaltic component
environment is given in parenthesis.

however, be built up by considering a transitional back-arc have an ocean-floor basalt character; but, as Fig. 2 shows,
environment where new oceanic crust is being formed at they are chemically somewhat transitional towards within-
spreading axes above subduction zones. There is some petro- plate basalts; the presence of silicic tuffs and interbedded
genetic evidence for this hypothesis. Table 3 lists some of sediments also argues against a normal oceanic ridge setting.
the ways in which lavas of the Cyprus type differ from rocks Their geochemistry and the geological settings are therefore
dredged and drilled from major ocean ridges. Features 3, 5 both consistent with their formation in a continental
and 9 in Table 3 can be explained in terms of high degrees margin environment.
of partial melting under hydrous conditions; features 4, 6 Gjersvik-type (island arc) deposits This type of deposit,
and 8 can be explained by crystal fractionation under defined by the peculiar geochemical characteristics of its
hydrous conditions; 41 feature 7 can be explained by input related basic lavas, encompasses several sub-classes of very
of water rich in radiogenic Sr derived from subducted different geological character.
oceanic crust; features 3 - 7 are common characteristics of With regard to the Gjersvik type, the Gjersvik C u - Z n
island arc volcanic rocks. This particular type of back-arc deposit itself 28,29 lies within a pile of predominantly basic
environment is therefore an attractive possibility, although metavolcanic rocks, although some andesitic and silicic
this is still at present only one of several hypotheses
lavas, agglomerates and dykes are present. Geochemically,
the lavas contain moderate concentrations of Ti, Zr and Y
(Figs. 2 and 3), but very low Cr (Fig. 4), which classifies
Lr (evolved back-arc) deposits L~kken,
them as island arc basalts; flat rare-earth patterns are con-
Norway, 28,29 and York Harbour, Newfoundland,26, 27 fall
sistent with this interpretation. The nearby Z n - C u deposit
into this category. These deposits contain Cu > Zn and
at Skorovas, described elsewhere in this volume, 44 has a
Cu < Zn, respectively. The York Harbour deposit is found
similar setting, but with more andesites and fewer basalts
in the lavas of the Bay of Islands ophiolite complex; the
in the volcanic pile; the geochemistry of the basic lavas
Lr deposit occurs within an inverted lava sequence with
from Gjersvik and Skorovas is very similar. 44 The deposits
associated gabbros but no exposed ultramafics. Both
seem on this evidence to have formed during submarine
Lr and York Harbour apparently contain two basaltic
volcanism in an island arc setting.
lava units, one above and one below the ore deposit.
Kuroko-type deposits have been described in detail
Geochemically, the lavas contain higher concentrations
from Japan and elsewhere, 45,46 where the geological evi-
of all the small ion lithophile elements in comparison with
dence favours an island arc origin. There are, however,
Cyprus-type lavas, although the upper lava units again appear
several geological differences between these deposits and the
more depleted in these elements than the lower units. These
Gjersvik type of deposit. These differences include the
lavas classify as ocean-floor basalts in Figs. 2, 3 and 4 and
nature of the lavas (Kuroko depositsare mainly related to
this is supported by light rare-earth element depletion In
acid pyroclastic rocks), and the ore mineralogy and texture
Fig. 5. The question still remains whether the setting was in
(Kuroko deposits contain Cu, Zn and Pb minerals with
a major or marginal ocean basin; lavas of similar character
barite and gypsum). Kuroko-type deposits appear to be
have been found in both environments. The geological set-
genetically related to small acid intrusions. Nevertheless,
ting of the L~kken lavas 42 and their high concentration of
published geochemical data on andesites from the Buchans
large ion lithophile elements (which cannot be accounted
deposit, Newfoundland, 34 closely resemble data on the
for solely by alteration) both favour a back-arc setting
andesites from the Gjersvik area.
similar to the Marianas basin at the present day. The situ-
The Noranda type of Z n - C u deposit occurs within
ation for York Harbour is ambiguous in view of the conflict-
Precambrian greenstone terrain in association with acid
ing interpretations of Newfoundland geology, 43 and both
pyroclastic rocks. 47 Geochemical data on the more basic
a major or marginal basin environment are possible.
rocks from the Noranda 37 and Lynn Lake 33,35 regions
Joma-type (continenta/ margin) deposits This category revealed low to moderate Ti, Zr and Y concentrations
includes Palaeozoic deposits from Joma, Norway, 26, 29 (Figs. 2 and 3) and low Cr (Fig. 4) - characteristics very
Rr Norway, 31 and the Proterozoic deposit at similar to those of basic lavas from the Gjersvik region. The
Bidjovagge in Finnmark, Norway. 30 These deposits are all Lynn Lake lavas appeared to be tholeiitic in character, the
related to greenschist facies metabasalts and more silicic Noranda lavas more calc-alkaline. Thus, although we do
tuffs; metagabbros and serpentinites of uncertain association not yet know sufficient about tectonic processes in the
are also found in these areas. Metamorphosed sedimentary Archaean to interpret these data in terms of tectonic en-
rocks overlie or are interbedded with the volcanics, and vironment, we can say that the lava geochemistry most
these include argillaceous and arenaceous rocks in the closely resembles that from present,lay island arcs.
Rr area, and quartzites and limestones at Joma and in
Finnmark. Geologically, the environment appears to re- Tectonic setting of massive sulphide deposits
semble that of 'Sullivan-type' 5 deposits. The main conclusion that can be drawn from this study is
Geochemically, the Joma samples contain high T i / Y and that massive sulphides can form in a variety of environ-
Zr/Y ratios (Figs. 2 and 3) and light rare-earth-element- ments. Most of the examples used here appeared to have
enriched rare-earth patterns (Fig. 5), both indicative of a formed in a back-arc setting or during incipient formation
within plate origin. The Rr and Finnmark lavas had of an ocean basin; Fig. 6 illustrates the possible environ-
lower Ti and Zr concentrations, and this, coupled with ments of formation of the various types of massive sulphide
high Cr concentrations, points to an ocean-floor basalt deposit in a typical western Pacific arc-trench system.
character. Geochemically, they closely resemble the The results also raise the important question: do all
Lr type of greenstone. If the geology and the geo- settings in which submarine volcanism takes place have an
chemistry are combined, a model can be built up to suggest equal massive sulphide forming potential? The evidence
that these deposits were formed at a continental margin, in from this paper suggests that perhaps they do not. With
a small ocean of Red Sea type. At Joma both the geology the possible exception of the small deposit at York Harbour,
(shelf sedimentation) and geochemistry (the within-plate no good examples have been found of massive sulphide
character) support this. At R~ros and Finnmark the lavas deposits related to the major ocean ridge types of volcanic

Continental Marginal Third Inter-arc Island Arc --trench Trench
margin basin arc basin arc gap
. 9
~ ~ , a ~ j ~ Sea-Leve[

/" ~ I M
/, ,,~ s f 20

1 Joma type
2 Lc~kken type
3 Gjersvik type
4 Cyprus type
5 Kuroko type

Fig. 6 Possible distribution of massive sulphide deposit types in marginal basin setting. Section taken from Karig 8o

rock. This might be explained in terms of the absence of increase from tholeiitic through calc-alkaline to shoshonitic
true mid-ocean ridge ophiolites in the geologic record. A types. By contrast, however, concentrations of small ion
few probable examples do exist, however, in Macquarie lithophile elements are low, particularly in the island arc
Island, 4 the western Alps 49,50 and St~ren and Stavenes 30 tholeiitic series.
in the Norwegian Caledonides. These do contain tiny
deposits, confirming that ore-forming processes do take Continental magma types
place in this environment; but there are no known deposits
of any major economic value. Within- Thoteiitic~ ~ Atkatic
plate Continental rifts
If this apparent absence of deposits in major oceans is magmas "hot-spot = volcanoes
real, it can be explained in several ways. Magmatic fluids
could be more important than has hitherto been considered;
perhaps magmatic fluids in a back-arc setting contain a Volcanic
I Tholeiitic ~ C a t c - a t k a l i n e ~ S h o s h o n i t e s ~
arc island a r c s Andeon-type continental
source of reduced sulphur derived from the breakdown of magmas arcs collision
pyrite to form pyrrhotite in subducted oceanic crust. Per-
haps the passage of the fluids through evaporites at some ttMay include crustal melts
continental margins yields an important source of sulphur. Fig. 7 Distribution of magma types within continental
Both these possibilities can be tested by thermodynamic environment. Magma types transitional between within-
calculations. The most probable explanation may, however, plate and volcanic arc types do occur, but only in rare
lie in the necessity to have a site for ore deposition. The tectonic settings
highly faulted ocean crust that exists during early spreading
and in back-arc settings could provide fault-bounded
troughs where low Eh and restricted sea-water circulation The most effective elements for identifying whether an
would provide a favourable environment for ore deposition; acid igneous rock has a within-plate or volcanic arc character
these conditions are less likely to be met in an evolved are therefore those with small highly charged ions. Nb is
ocean. particularly useful, and diagrams such as SiO2-Nb,
K 2 0 - N b and Z r - N b are all valuable in the identification of
Tin deposits magma type. The S i O 2 - N b diagram presented in Fig. 8
separates low Nb volcanic arc magmas from high Nb within-
Magmatism in the continental environment
plate magmas. An overlap occurs on this diagram between
Tin deposits are related to acid-intrusive rocks emplaced tholeiitic within-plate magmas and high K calc-alkaline or
into continental crust - at 'hot spots' within plates, at shoshonitic magmas from volcanic arc and post-orogenic
destructive plate margins and as a result of c o n t i n e n t - settings. K20 and Rb can be used to partly eliminate this
continent collision. These rocks belong to two main magma overlap, provided that K-silicate alteration has not taken
types: volcanic arc magmas (which include rocks of the place. Acid within-plate magmas range from about 100 ppm
tholeiitic, calc-alkaline and shoshonitic series) and within- (at Nb = 15 ppm) to 300 ppm Rb (at Nb = 500 ppm),
plate magmas (which include rocks of the tholeiitic and whereas acid volcanic arc magmas range from about less
alkalic series). There are substantial geochemical variations than 50 ppm Rb (at Nb = 5 ppm) to greater than 200 ppm
both within and between these magma types, whose relation- (at Nb :> 20 ppm). This rough guide suggests that acid
ship with tectonic setting is illustrated in Fig. 7. rocks which contain very high Rb and K20 concentrations
Acid and intermediate within-plate magmas tend to have and which plot within the overlap field have a volcanic arc
high concentrations of both large and small ion lithophile origin.
elements, with the exception of a few elements, e.g. Ti and Because so little is known about geochemical and mineral-
Sr, which have not behaved incompatibly during magma ogical variations in the lower crust and upper mantle it is
genesis. The concentrations of the incompatible elements impossible to give a precise explanation for this diagram. A
increase from tholeiitic to alkali magma types. Volcanic few general points can, however, be made.
arc magmas also contain high conentrations of the incom- It is apparent from the magnitude of the Nb variation
patible large ion l ithophile elements - concentrations which ( 5 - 5 0 0 ppm in acid rocks) that variations in the degree of


9 Q 9 00 9

-- 9 9149 9 9 9 9 9 O 9 9 9
9 ~0 0 0 9 9 9 9
9 . . . 9 " 00

9 9 9 9 9 9 00
100 -- 9
9 9 9 00 9 000 9 9
_ 9 9 9 9 9 00 9 9 0 9 9 9
O O 9 9 0 9 9 9 9
9 9 9 9 9
0 9 9 9 O
5 0 - " - 9 9 "

9 9149149 9149 9 9 9 9 ~

9 9 9 9 1 4 9 194 99 1 4 99 9 9 ~ *
9 9 9 9 9
E --
9 9
9 00
+ + +
9 9 9 9 + + + /

z 99 . 9 1 4 9 . . . 9 *
10_- 9 1 4 99 ++T + ~__________.,~. .

9** ~ **+ * * . * | l
5 "- . * .§ : § 2 4*****
7 § § . §247
I *
9+ * + I

++ * ++ , + .~. + + + + ~ I

9 + + ++ 4-++ + +
9 \ /
+ + + + + + % /
+ 4- * ++ + + + * +* + *

1 , , , + + + ++ + ++++ ++~+ .++

45 ' 50
' ' ' ' ' 55
' ' ' 60
' ' ' ' ' 65
' ' ' ' ' 710 ' ' ' ' 7'5

Si02, ~
9 Within-plate + Votcanic ,--,~ Estimated fietd of
magmas arc magmas "-- crustal melts

Fig. 8 Nb-SiO 2 diagram showing data from volcanic rocks of known tectonic settings. Single diagonal line gives lower
limit for within-plate magma type; double diagonal line gives upper limit for volcanic arc magma type. In general, Nb content
of within-plate magmas increases from tholeiitic to alkalic types, and Nb content of volcanic arc magmas increases from
island arc to shoshonitic types. Estimate of Nb-SiO 2 range of crustal melts derived from sediments metamorphosed up to
and including amphibolite facies superimposed on diagram

partial melting and/or crystal fractionation cannot alone cesses that affect K + and Nb 5+ to an approximately equal
explain why this element does discriminate between the extent. These could be caused by migration of small
various tectonic environments. The nature and composition amounts of incompatible rich melt 56 or represent variations
of the source rock may be the single, most important in the melting--recycling history of the mantle. In either
factor. case partial melting of mantle enriched in this way followed
Partition coefficients for Nb 33 between crystal and melt by crystal fractionation should produce acid melts rich in
are probably low (< 0.2) for olivine, orthopyroxene, Nb. There are also other factors that could also partially
garnet and plagioclase, moderately low (< 0.6) for clino- explain the Nb variations - in particular, the behaviour of
pyroxene, moderately high (> 1.0) for amphibole and high some of these Nb-bearing minor phases in the mantle. For
for micas ('> 2.5), magnetite, apatite and zircon. As a example, residual mica phases will reduce the Nb content
result, the presence of minor phases, particularly minerals of the melt in equilibrium with them.
such as phlogopite,52,,s3 in the source rock and their be- The arguments outlined above apply to magmas derived
haviour during melting will play an important part in from the mantle; but, of course, some acid magmas may
determining the concentration of Nb in the melt. Because have had a crustal source. A field for crustal melts has
of their high ionic potential, Nb 5+ ions will not be strongly therefore been superimposed on this diagram. This was
partitioned into aqueous fluids. Ions of low ionic potential, delineated by explaining the geochemistry of concordant
such as K +, will, however, be readily transported in these granitic veins in Precambrian terrains (see, for example,
fluids. Bowes 57 and Drury 58) and by carrying out petrogenetic
This last point may partially explain the geochemical calculations on the melting of metasedimentary rocks.
characteristics of volcanic arc magmas. The mantle wedge Nb-bearing phases, hornblende, biotite, muscovite or
above the subduction zone will be modified by aqueous phlogopite, are usually residual phases during partial melting
fluids derived from dehydration of oceanic lithosphere, s4, 55 of pelitic and siliceous sediments 59,6o,61 and this con-
These fluids should contain high K + concentrations and strains the melt to low Nb concentrations in most models.
relatively low Nb s+ concentrations. Thus, any acid magma There are, however, some exceptions to this: partial melting
derived from partial melting of this mantle followed by of eclogite and some granulites will leave pyroxene, garnet
crystal fractionation will not be enriched in Nb. By and plagioclase as residual phases, and high Nb melts can
contrast, heterogeneities in within-plate settings involve pro- therefore be produced.

Most granites produced by melting of continental crust high concentrations of Nb, Zr, Y and the rare earths and
at depths where amphiboles and micas are residual phases plot in the within-plate magma field in Fig. 9. This interpre-
should, however, plot in or close to the area shown and will tation is consistent with geological evidence for a 'hot-spot'
geochemically overlap (and perhaps include) thole 9149 origin for these granites. 15,61,62 The other granites contain
within-plate magmas and magmas from volcanic arcs, par- much lower concentrations of these elements and, in Fig. 9,
ticularly as far as their Nb and SiO 2 concentrations are plot in the overlap zone between volcanic arc and within-
concerned. plate magmas; the very high Rb concentrations, however,
point to a volcanic arc magma type. Geological criteria are
Geochemical characteristics of tin-bearing magmas then needed to distinguish between an active volcanic arc
Table 4 summarizes some of the important geochemical and a post-orogenic setting. The Bolivian granites were
characteristics of tin-bearing granites from Nigeria, 62, 63, 64 clearly related to subduction processes; however, their
Cornwall,17,18 Bolivia 65 and Indonesia. 66 These data setting in the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes argues in
have been plotted on to the SiO2-Nb diagram (Fig. 9). favour of an origin associated with tensional stressesand
The common characteristic of these four granite pro- back-arc rifting rather than with the processes that produced
vinces is their very high concentration of K 2 0 and Rb. magmas in the Western Cordillera (the volcanic arc sensu
There are, however, significant differences in the concentra- stricto). The Cornish granites are geochemically almost
tions of other elements. The Nigerian granites contain very identical to the Bolivian granites, although geological opinion
is divided between a post-orogenic and a volcanic arc
Table 4 Mean concentrations (ppm) of some trace ele- setting.i7,18 The Indonesia granites contain concentrations
ments in tin-bearing granites (note that Nigeria data include of Rb, Zr and Nb similar to those of the Bolivian and
all Younger Granites; tin-bearing biotite granites have Cornish granites, but significantly higher concentrations of
Slightly lower concentrations of incompatible trace elements) Y and the heavy rare earths. This does not indicate any ob-
vious difference in tectonic environment (a back-arc rifting
Nigeria Bolivia Indonesia Cornwall setting is geologically likely 16), but it does suggest signifi-
cant differences in the role of garnet during the genesis of
SiO2, % 74.5 67.1 70.8 72.4
the magma.
Zr 650 173 130 78 To illustrate the composition of intrusive rocks related to
Y 220 19 64 13
Nb 170 21 15 15
porphyry copper deposits some analyses 60 from the region
of the Coed-y-Brenin porphyry copper deposit 67 in Wales
La 185 41 68 33
Sm 57 5.2 11.2 7.0
have been plotted in Fig. 9. They plot, as expected 68,69 in
Yb 34 1.6 4.7 0.9 the field of volcanic arc magmas, their very low Nb concen-
Rb 330 310 405 580 trations favouring an island arc rather than continental
margin setting.

500 [] Cornwall
H i g h Rb
9 Indonesia
m II
o Bolivia
u 9
II Nigeria
9 9 m 9
x Wales
100 9 9149 Ill

i 9 9

E Within-plate _ ~ /

High Rb L w Rb 9

Volcanic arc ~x $
Crustal metts I
x x \\ /I

Low Rb

45 50 55 60 65 70 75
S i 02, %
Fig. 9 SiO 2 and Nb data from some tin-bearing granites plotted on to N b - S i O 2 diagram of Fig. 8. Also plotted for
comparison are analyses of intrusive rocks from Coed-y-Brenin p o r p h y r y copper district, Wales

Source of tin-rich magmas isotope data this cannot be regarded as unequivocal evi-
A number of hypotheses have been proposed to explain why dence. The tin itself could have both a mantle component
certain magmas should have high tin concentrations: these (see above) and a crustal component (tin-bearing pegmatites
include the melting of tin-rich detrital sediments 70 or have been recorded in the Pan-African basement 63, 64).
granitic rocks 71 in continental crust; melting of upper The other tin-bearing granites contain lower concentra-
mantle; 72 and evolution of fluorine-rich fluids derived from tions of the small ion lithophile elements and some analyses
breakdown of apatite in subducted oceanic crust followed do overlap the field of crustal melts in Fig. 9; neither a
by mantle or crustal melting. 16 Here we briefly set out crustal origin nor an origin from mantle enriched by fluids
some of the petrological constraints on such processes, em- emanating from subducted oceanic crust can therefore be
phasizing the deep-seated processes rather than the processes ruled out. We suggest the following multistage model to
that concentrate and deposit the tin at shallow crustal explain the origin of the Bolivian tin;bearing granites. This
levels. The following factors appear to be significant. model most closely resembles that of Mitchell and Garson, 16
(a) As was stressed in the previous section, the only ob- although there are a number of important differences.
viously distinctive features of tin-bearing granites are that Stage one involves subduction of oceanic crust beneath the
they are emplaced into continental rather than oceanic crust South American continent. During the long time-interval
and that they are regional rather than local phenomena. (Late Triassic-Tertiary) 79 between incipient subduction
They can be formed in most tectonic settings. and emplacement of tin-bearing magmas, the composition of
(b) Examination of patterns of trace-element partitioning 73 the mantle wedge beneath Bolivia is altered by input of
and the few available Sn analyses of mineral phases suggests small amounts of melt/aqueous fluids derived from eclogite
that partition coefficients for Sn between crustal and melt in the subducted oceanic lithosphere. A mantle phase such
will be low for quartz, feldspar, pyroxene, garnet or olivine, as phlogopite could accommodate both tin and fluorine
moderate for amphibole, but high (> 1) for micas and other (and, of course, other elements, such as potassium) intro-
minor phases such as apatite, zircon and sphene. This means duced in this way.
that production of tin-rich magmas by partial melting is not Stage two involves partial melting of this enriched mantle in
possible if micas and amphiboles make up a significant part a back-arc rifting environment. The tectonic process is
of the residue. Thus, partial melting of pelitic rocks or of probably analogous to that which causes marginal basins to
any rock metamorphosed in amphibolite or greenschist form behind island arcs, but with one important difference
facies is not likely to yield tin-rich magmas; partial melt- - the time<jap between incipient subduction and rifting is
ing of eclogite and granulite facies metabasic rocks or partial much greater because of the great thickness of continental
melting of the mantle could yield tin-rich magmas, provided crust. This time-gap may be necessary to permit sufficient
that the tin-bearing phases, such as phlogopite, are complete- accumulation of tin in the mantle prior to partial melting.
ly melted and the source rocks themselves contain suffi- Stage three involves ascent of magma to the surface. Fur-
ciently high tin concentrations. ther concentration of tin can take place by crystal fraction-
(c) Although there are few thermodynamic data on tin ation and by wallrock alteration. Alternatively, this basic
complexes, it is evident that tin has a particular affinity for magma may initiate partial melting of the lower crust; high
fluorine (see, for example, Mitchell and Garson 16 and tin concentrations are likely if the source rocks are in
Barsukov 74) and that the partitioning of tin into a melt or eclogite or granulite facies and are enriched in tin by volatile
aqueous fluid will increase with increasing fluorine concen- transfer from the underlying basic magma.
tration. The main fluorine-bearing minerals in the lower The details of this model may need to be modified for
crust and mantle are phlogopite and apatite (minerals which the Cornish and Indonesian provinces. For example, the
also accommodate tin), so the stability of these minerals is melting of enriched mantle in stage two might result from
likely 88 be particularly important. continent-continent collision rather than back-arc rifting.
(d) It is well established 75 that fluorine-rich melts and A similar model could also explain the Nigerian province;
fluids can leach tin from mica lattices. Reaction between the Nigerian Younger Granites could have been derived from
fluorine-rich magma and wallrock may therefore be a potent mantle that had been enriched in tin during the Pan-African
mechanism for tin enrichment. tectonothermal event but that had not been involved in
(e) The small amount of available data shows that tin con- magma genesis until the Jurassic. It must be emphasized,
centrations in mantle-derived basalts range from 0.2 ppm however, that this model is only one of several that could
(see, for example, Gill 76) in island arc tholeiites to > 5 ppm explain the data available. Nevertheless, it does fit several
in within-plate alkali basalts. In addition, a recent compila- petrogenetic constraints and more and better petrogenetic
tion by Bailey and Macdonald 77 has shown that peralkaline data will enable it to be rejected, modified or improved.
obsidians from continental settings contain significantly
higher F/CI ratios than those from oceanic settings. Conclusions
The factors listed above have implications for the origin (1) Stable trace-element characteristics of metabasalts
of the four tin-bearing granite provinces discussed in this related to massive sulphide deposits indicate that such de-
paper. The Nigerian granites may give the simplest story, posits have been formed in a variety of different
since no subduction zone was involved in their genesis. environments.
These granites appear to contain concentrations of Zr, Nb (2) Geology and geochemistry together indicate that the
and the rate earths that are much higher than those expected deposits studied formed at Red Sea and marginal basin
for crustal melts, even when the proposed enrichment or types of spreading centres and in island arcs: to our know-
redistribution of these elements during wallrock alteration ledge no large deposit was formed at a spreading axis
has been taken into account. 76 Furthermore, their geo- within a large ocean.
chemistry resembles that of acid rocks from ocean islands (3) We speculate that within oceanic crust really favour-
where no continental crust existed. This evidence supports able sites for ore deposition may only exist in highly faulted
a mantle origin for the granites - by partial melting and small ocean basins of Red Sea and marginal basin type.
subsequent crystal fractionation. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (4) The geochemical characteristics and geological setting
and lead isotope ratios 63 indicate that some crustal con- of tin-bearing granites indicate that tin deposits of this type
tamination may have taken place, although without stable can form within continental crust at 'hot spots', in exten-

sional regimes above subduction zones and in continental 11. Pearce J. A. Basalt geochemistry used to investigate
collision environments. past tectonic environments on Cyprus. Tectonophysics, 25,
(5) We speculate that tin-rich magmas can form by a 1975, 41-67.
three-stage process that involves (a) a long period of enrich-
12. Herrmann A. G. Potts M. J. and Knake D. Geo-
ment of the mantle above a subduction zone in tin and
chemistry of the rare earth elements in spilite from the
other elements as a result of incipient melting of, or react-
oceanic and continental crust. Contr. Mineral. Petrol., 44,
ions within, subducted oceanic crust metamorphosed to
1974, 1-16.
eclogite facies, (b) partial melting of this phlogopite-
bearing tin-enriched mantle as a result of back-arc spreading 13. Sillitoe R. H. A plate tectonic model for the origin of
processes, continental collision or 'hot-spot' activity and porphyry copper deposits. Econ. Geol., 67, 1972, 184-97.
(c) crystal fractionation, wallrock reactions and perhaps 14. Halls C. Tin and plate tectonics. Ind. Eastern Eng.,
crustal melting as this initially basic magma ascends to the 116, 1974, 493-4.
15. Sillitoe R. H. Tin mineralisation above mantle hot
spots. Nature, Lond., 248, 1974, 497-9.
16. Mitchell A. H. G. and Garson M.S. Relationship of
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the following:
porphyry copper and circum-Pacific tin deposits to palaeo-
Dr. A. O. Brunfelt, P-R. Graff, G. Marriner, Dr. P. J. Potts,
Benioff zones. Tran~ /nstn Min. MetalL (Sect B: Appl.
M. Sarre, B. Sundvoll and C. K. Winter for help and advice
earth sci.), 81, 1972, B10-25.
on analytical techniques; Dr. D. Alderton, Dr. J. N. Grant
and Dr. R. H. Verschure for samples from tin provinces; 17. Mitchell A. H. G. Southwest England granites: magma-
Martin Taylor (Prospection, Ltd.) for samples of drill core tism and tin mineralization in a post-collision tectonic
from the Lasail prospect, Oman; Dr. W. R. A. Baragar, Tor setting. Trans.Instn Min. Metall. (Sect. B: AppL earth sci.),
Grenne, Dr. W. J. Rea and M. Steeves for unpublished data; 83, 1974, B95-7.
Dr. J. R. Cann, J. Cramer, A. J. Fleet, Dr. C. Halls, 18. Bromley A. V. Tin mineralization of Western Europe:
Dr. D. Roberts, Professor F. M. Vokes, J. B. Wright and is it related to crustal subduction? Trans. Instn Min. MetalL
geologists from the various massive sulphide mines and pros- (Sect- B: AppL earth sci.), 84, 1975, B28-30.
pects for valuable discussions; and Professor I. G. Gass,
Dr. I. L. Gibson and J. B. Wright for constructive criticism 19. Spooner E. T. C. and Fyfe W. S. Sub-sea-floor meta-
of the manuscript. Most of the rare-earth analyses were morphism, heat and mass transfer. Contr. Mineral. Petrol.,
carried out (by J.A.P.) at the Mineralogisk-Geologisk 42, 1973, 287-304.
Museum in Oslo during tenure of a Royal Society European 20. Hutchinson R. W. and Searle D. L. Stratabound pyrite
fellowship; X-ray fluorescence analyses were carried out at deposits in Cyprus and relations to other sulphide ores. In
the University of East Anglia, Norwich; Bedford College, Proc. IMA-IAGOD meetings "70, IAGOD volume (Tokyo:
London; and NGU, Trondheim, Norway. Society of Mining Geologists of Japan, 1971), 198-205.
(Spec. Issue no. 3)
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Identification of the origin of ore- Introduction
A wide variety of hydrothermal ore deposits are intimately
forming solutions by the use of associated with volcanic and sub-volcanic igneous processes.
stable isotopes This review examines the general principles of hydrogen and
oxygen isotope geochemistry as it applies to the determina-
tion of the origins of waters in such ore deposits. Although
S. M. F. Sheppard the origin of both the metals and the hydrothermal fluids
Isotope Geology Unit, Scottish Universities Research responsible for transporting them have often been tied
and Reactor Centre, East Kilbride, Glasgow, closely to the genesis of the magma, emphasis is placed here
Scotland on the diverse origins of the fluids in volcanic and sub-
volcanic environments - largely as a result of the combined
hydrogen and oxygen isotope studies of the last 20 years on
539.155. 2:553.216.5: 553. 067 active geothermal systems and post-magmatic hydrothermal
ore deposits. 1-6
Hydrothermal fluids are hot aqueous-rich solutions of un-
specified origin. Except for water, the origin of many of
Synopsis the constituents in the fluid - magmatic, leached from the
The four major different types of w a t e r - magmatic, meta- country rocks, or from the source of the aqueous fluid (e.g.
morphic, sea water and/or connate, and meteoric w a t e r - sea w a t e r ) - is, in general, indeterminate. During the
have characteristic hydrogen (D/H) and oxygen (180/I60) passage of the fluid through the rocks the concentrations of
isotope ratios. Applied to the analysis of isotopic data on many of the elements are controlled by the solubility and
hydrothermal minerals, fluid inclusions and waters from ion-exchange equilibria between the fluid and its wallrocks
active geothermal systems, these ratios indicate that waters at the prevailing temperature and pressure. The stable iso-
of several origins are involved with ore deposition in the tope ratios of hydrogen (2H/1H or D/H) and oxygen
volcanic and epizonal intrusive environment. (180]160) vary in rocks, minerals and waters and also are
Water o f a single origin dominates main-stage mineraliza- involved in f l u i d - w a l l r o c k exchange reactions. Neverthe-
tion in some deposits: magmatic - Casapalca, Peru less, in many situations the hydrogen isotope ratio is con-
( A g - P b - Z n - C u ) ; meteoric - Butte, Montana (Cu-Zn-Mn), trolled by the source of the fluid because there is relatively
epithermal deposits, e.g. Goldfield, Tonopah, Nevada so little hydrogen in the rock reservoir. This enables the
(Ag-Au), Pachuca, Mexico (Ag-Au), San Juan Mountains origin of the water to be determined, the oxygen isotopes
District, Colorado ( A g - A u - P b - Z n ) ; sea w a t e r - Troodos, setting limits on how much water was involved in the hydro-
Cyprus (Fe-Cu), Kuroko, Japan (Fe-Cu-Pb-Zn). Solu- thermal system. Most of the other elements in the solutions,
tions of more than one origin are important in certain de with the notable exception of C, S, Sr and Pb, do not have
posits (magmatic and meteoric - porphyry copper and isotope ratios that vary measurably; therefore, they do not
molybdenum deposits) and are present in many. have natural tracers that readily record their origin. Recent
In the porphyry Cu-Mo deposits the initial major ore reviews on the application of stable isotopes to problems in
transportation and alteration processes (K-feldspar-biotite ore deposits are by Doe and Stacey 7 on lead isotopes, Rye
alteration) are magmatic-hydrothermal events that occur at and Ohmoto 8 on sulphur and carbon isotopes and Taylor 6
750-500 ~C. These fluids are typically highly saline N a - K - on hydrogen and oxygen isotopes.
Ca-CI-rich brines (more than 15 vvt % equivalent NaCI). The Studies of the metal-bearing thermal brines discovered in
convecting meteoric-hydrothermal system that develops in 1963 at Satton Sea, California, excellently illustrate the
the surrounding country rocks with relatively low inte- importance of stating nothing about the origin of the H20
grated water/rock ratios (less than 0.5 atom % oxygen) sub- in the absence of both hydrogen and oxygen isotope data.
sequently collapses in on a waning magmatic-hydrothermal When first reported, the brines, with 307 000 ppm of total
system at about 350-200~ These fluids generally have dissolved salts, 970 ppm Zn and 104 ppm Pb, were inter-
moderate to low salinities (less than 15 wt % equivalent preted as being possibly of magmatic origin. 9 Later D/H
NaCI). Differences among these deposits are probably in and 180]160 isotope studies demonstrated that at least 95%
part related to variations in the relative importance of the of the water was of local meteoric origin. TM
meteoric-hydrothermal versus the magmatic-hydrothermal
events. The sulphur comes from the intrusion and possibly Magmas and hydrotherma/ fluids
also from the country rocks. Before the stable isotope evidence for the origin of H20 in
Deposits in which meteoric or sea water is the dominant hydrothermal fluids is explored, we briefly consider the con-
constituent of the hydrothermal fluids come from epizonal sequences of emplacing a water-bearing magma into an upper
intrusive and sub-oceanic environments where the volcanic crustal environment and the constraints that can be placed
country rocks are fractured or well jointed and highly per- on the generation and nature of hydrothermal solutions. A
meable. Integrated water/rock ratios are typically high, with rigorous discussion of water in magmas is outside the scope
minimum values of 0.5 or higher (atom % oxygen) - the of this review (see especially Burnham, 11 Davis and
magmatic water contribution is often "drowned out'. Burnham, TM Hamilton and Anderson 13 and Jahns and
Salinities are low to very low (less than 10 wt % equivalent Burnham 14).
NaCl), and temperatures are usually in the range 3 5 0 - Most fresh basaltic and granitic rocks contain less than
150~C. The intrusion supplies the energy to drive the 0.6 and 1.0 wt % H20 , respectively. TM Although the solu-
large-scale convective circulation system. The sulphur comes bilities of the volatile components increase with increase in
from the intrusion, the country rocks and/or the sea water. pressure, there is a major solubility gap between water and
Argillic alteration, which occurs to depths of several hun- basaltic or granitic melts throughout crustal pressures. At
dred metres, generated during supergene weathering in many pressures greater than 400 bar the solubility of water in
of these deposits is isotopically distinguishable from magmas is greater than 1.0 wt %,16 Therefore, if magmas
hydrothermal clay~ are not dramatically undersaturated in H20 throughout

much of their crustal history, they will lose a major I)art of greater than 6 molal (about 25 wt % equivalent NaCI).
their original hydrogen content during their rise through the Fluid inclusions with more than 50 wt % salts, essentially
crust. hydrous saline melts, are known from high-temperature
In the volcanic and sub-volcanic (epizonal) environment parts of many porphyry deposits. 19,2~ When a magma be-
there is abundant evidence that some magmas become comes saturated in an H20-bearing fluid this may be highly
saturated in volatiles - explosive volcanism, ash extrusion, saline because such elements as Na, K, CI, etc., are strongly
explosive intrusions, miacrolitic cavities, etc. Davis and partitioned into the aqueous phase coexisting with a silicate
Burnham 12 have shown experimentally that the mechanical melt.11,21
energy released during boiling processes is approximately The system N a C I - H 2 0 can be used as a simplified model
equivalent to that consumed in volcanic eruptions of a hydrothermal fluid. The critical curve in the NaCI-
( " 1023 ergs km "3 of magma). Hence it is a potent energy H20 system (Fig. 1 ) intersects the minimum melting curve
source for both intrusive and extrusive emplacement and for granite at about 700~ and 1240 bar. 22,21 Aqueous
for fracturing rocks (development of 'crackled' texture in fluids separating from a magma at P < t240 bar can be
porphyries). The separating fluid is a potential magmatic- present as either one or two H20-bearing fluids. When two
hydrothermal solution. aqueous fluids are present, one is a highly saline, high ~
For a felsic magma to attain a volcanic or sub-volcanic density brine (> 50 wt % salt; > 1 g cm "3) and the other a
environment the initial water content cannot be greater than low-salinity, low-density vapour (< 5 wt % salt; "" 0.1 g
about 3 wt %11 If such a magma becomes saturated in cm'3). 23 Fluid inclusion evidence for two H20 fluids
H20, it does so at depths less than about 4 km. Magma (boiling) is widespread, particularly from porphyry copper
with a higher initial water content would become completely deposits. 19 Because of the density differences, the two
crystallized, after boiling off most of its volatiles, at a depth f l u i d s could separate and develop into two different hydro-
of several kilometres. Petrographical observations indicate thermal systems with different salinities. Apart from the
that a part, and a major part for some, of many epizonal N a C I - H 2 0 system, there are no extensive data available
plutons has crystallized before the residual magma became on two-fluid systems that are chemically more similar to
saturated in H20. Thus, 3 wt % H20 is probably sub- natural hydrothermal fluids, and, in particular, on how ele-
stantially higher than the initial water content of most epi- ments and isotopes are partitioned between the coexisting
zonal plutons. The amount in excess of the final 0 . 6 - 1 . 0 high- and low-density fluids. These processes are probably
wt % will form the magmatic-hydrothermal part of the sys- fundamental in the sub-critical region of Fig. 1 - the vol-
tem unless it is lost directly to the atmosphere. The evolu- canic and sub-volcanic environment. In the absence of data,
tion of this hydrothermal fluid and its associated metaso- we assume that the hydrogen and oxygen isotope fraction-
matic activity will develop over a relatively narrow depth ations are small or negligible during such two-phase separa-
range for a magma that initially is undersaturated in water. tion processes, in the H20 liquid-vapour system hydrogen
Chemical studies of fluids from geothermal systems and and oxygen isotope fractionations are very small, exc.ept for
fluid inclusions in hydrothermal minerals give comparable temperatures less than 200~ 24
results and indicate that Na+, Ca2+ , K + and Mg 2+ are the The country rocks of an epizonal pluton are probably
dominant cations and that c r , HCO~ and SO 2" are the permeable water-bearing rocks; in fact, the very emplacement
dominant anions, 17,18 and that water is usually, but not processes may generate fracture permeability. 12, 25 Hence,
invariably, the dominant constituent by weight. The total we have to consider the nature of these fluids, their origins
solute concentrations of hydrothermal solutions range from and chemistries, and how they have interacted with the
less than 10 "1 molal (about 0.6 wt % equivalent NaCI) to igneous system. The results of the emplacement of an epi-
zonal igneous system do not just depend on the composition
3000 I I I I I of the magma and whether it became saturated in H20 but
also critically on the relationships between the igneous sys-
tem and its environment, country rocks and water, at both
the magmatic and post-magmatic stages. Knowledge of the
Ab-Or-Qtz origins and chemistries of the hydrothermal fluids and the
~cotectic minimum
nature of their involvements with the igneous system during
the different stages of its development is fundamental to any
2000 -
theory of ore genesis.

Some principles of hydrogen and oxygen isotope

Isotopic notation Variations in the isotope ratios of
hydrogen and oxygen are measured mass-spectrometrically
lOOO_ \ _ on H 2 and CO 2 gases, respectively, extracted quantitatively
from the minerals and waters. Because changes in the iso-
tope ratio are of more interest than knowledge of the
absolute isotope ratio, variations are measured relative to an
arbitrary, convenient standard. Ratios are reported in the
notation in parts per thousand (per mil, %o) where
l, OI 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Temperature, oC (~X = r Rsample 1] 1000
Fig. 1 Critical curve for system N a C I - H 2 0 and its re- L Rstandard J
lationship to melting-point curve of granite. Numbers along
critical curve give NaCI content (wt %) of fluid. Modified For oxygen Sx = $180 R = 180/160
after Holland 21 and Sourirajan and Kennedy 22 For hydrogen Sx = ~ D R = D/H

The standard for both hydrogen and oxygen is standard able. In such cases the fractionation curves have been
mean ocean water or SMOW. 26 In nature the D/H ratio is derived by combining experimental data on other minerals
about 1/7000 and the 1 8 0 / 1 6 0 ratio is about 1/500. Varia- with data derived from natural mineral assemblages where
tions in these ratios are typically measured with an accuracy there is evidence for the preservation of isotopic
of about 1% o forD/Hand0.1% 0 for oxygen. Thus, a equilibrium.27, 33
value of - 1 0 % o means that the sample is 10 parts per Equilibrium hydrogen and oxygen isotope fractionation
thousand or 1% depleted in deuterium or 180 relative to curves for several different gases and minerals were sum-
SMOW. marized in Figs. 1 - 4 of Taylor. 6 The uncertainties associ-
The 6D value of a hydrous mineral refers to the hydroxyl ated with some of these mineral systems introduce problems
hydrogen, which is not readily exchangeable with water in detail, particularly in geothermometry. For the calcula-
vapour in the atmosphere. This is measured after the re- tion of the isotopic composition of a water in equilibrium
moval of all labile absorbed and interlayer water that may with a mineral that is of immediate interest, however, these
have been present in the sample. The ~ 180 value of minerals problems are less critical because high precision is not
refers to the structurally bound oxygen (e.g. silicate-oxygen usually essential.
plus hydroxyl oxygen), which again is measured after re-
moval of all absorbed water.
The partitioning of two isotopes between two species, X
and Y, is described by the fractionation factor, (~XY, where
0 i
Wl / A /
OIxy = RX/R Y
-50 - ~ ""--- "--. z~,, -

9 " ~ " "- .......j

"0 0oC / /4'
and R is the isotope ratio D/H or 1 8 0 / 1 6 0 in the species.
From the definition of 6 it can be shown that

W2/ B _ ///
1000 In eXY ~" $ x - 6 y -1oo - ~-.-~.~ . ~ 200o c / -

This is a very good approximation for 6 < 10. I

, "0 " " ~"~"
-- .~ // C) Kaolinite
Equilibrium isotope fractionations Although the isotopic L ~"T'XJ [] Woter
composition of either thermal waters or fluid inclusions can -- 150 II -

be measured directly, there are many situations in which it

is necessary to calculate the isotopic compositions of water -10 0 10 20
in equilibrium with the selected mineral. Taylor 6 and
Fig. 2 Hydrogenand oxygen isotope fractionations be-
Bottinga and Javoy 27 have reviewed the hydrogen and
tween kaolinite-H20 at 10 and 200~ for waters of two
oxygen isotope fractionation factors as a function of tem:
different isotopic compositions, WI and W2. Dashed lines
perature in mineral-water-gas systems. The general princi-
join kaolinite-H20 pairs. M L and KL are meteoric water
ples are illustrated here by consideration of the system
line 26 and kaolinite weathering line,34 respectively (see
At equilibrium, analogous to the partitioning of chemical
species among coexisting minerals, the isotopic species dis- As an example of mineral-water isotopic fractionation
tribute or fractionate themselves among the available sites in the system kaolinite-water is considered in Fig. 2. Two
the coexisting minerals and fluid in a well defined manner different waters, initially with hydrogen and oxygen isotope
dependent on their vibration frequencies. For the system in compositions W1 and W2, are shown in equilibrium with
which kaolinite-water is in isotopic exchange equilibrium, kaolinite at 10 and 200~ At 10~ the kaolinite concen-
the following exchange reaction can be written: trates 180 relative to the water by about 27%o, but the
water concentrates deuterium relative to the kaolinite by
Kaolinite (h__)+ water (1_) = kaolinite (1_) + water (h_.) about 30O/o0.34 Although the kaolinites K1 and K2 have
different ~D and $180 values, the kaolinite-water hydrogen
where hrefers to the species with all the hydrogen and oxy- and oxygen isotopic fractionation factors are the same at
gen as D or i s 0 , and 1refers to the species with all the 10~ Therefore
hydrogen and oxygen as 1H or 160. At equilibrium the
hydrogen or oxygen isotope fractionation factor, ~ D w - 1 --(SDK-1 ~ ( ~ D w - 2 - (~DK-2
kaolinite--water or ~oxygen
~kaolinite--water, is related to the equilibrium
constant for the reaction. These (~ are temperature-depend- (~180K_1 --(~18Ow_ 1 " ~ 1 8 O K _ 2 --~18Ow_ 2
ent, but independent of pressure because of the essentially
identical volume of the heavy and light isotopes. They form because 1000 In O~K_ w ~ (~K -- (~W
the basis of the isotope geothermometers. Fractionation If we now raise the temperature of our two kaolinite--
factors may also be sensitive to the chemical composition of water systems to 200~ a situation such as that shown in
the mineral; this effect is particularly important for hydro- Fig. 2 might be observed. The isotopic ratios of kaolinite
gen in such minerals as biotite or amphiboles. 28 and water have changed because of hydrogen and oxygen
For gases, and to a limited extent for minerals, the isotope exchange and equilibration. Although the ~D and
equilibrium isotope constants for an exchange reaction can ~180 values of systems 1 and 2 are different, the differences
be calculated by the methods of statistical thermodynam, between the ~ values for kaolinite and water are essentially
ics.29,30 For mineral systems in general, these temperature- identical for both hydrogen and oxygen isotopes because we
dependent equilibrium fractionation factors are determined have equilibrium at the same temperature, 200~ This
experimentally in the laboratory or from studies of active illustrates how we can either determine the temperature, if
geothermal systems. 4,31,32 For several important rock- we can analyse co-genetic minerals and water, or, if we
forming minerals there are no such experimental data avail- know the temperature, how we can determine the isotopic

composition of the water in equilibrium with the mineral. mineraI-H20 fractionation data. In a few cases both
Other mineral-water systems behave in a similar way. A t methods have been applied to the same material. Such data
some temperatures within the hydrothermal range minerals have demonstrated that the methods are equivalent within
such as biotite and chlorite are depleted in both 180 and D the experimental uncertainties. 38 In practice both methods
relative to the coexisting water. This reflects differences in have their advantages and disadvantages.
the characteristics of mineraI-H20 fractionation factors In the direct method knowledge of the temperature and
and is not a difference in principle. mineraI-H20 fractionation factors is not required. Because,
Water/rock ratios Fig. 2 also illustrates how limits can be usually, several grammes (often 3 0 - 4 0 g) of a mineral have
set on the water/rock ratio - the amount of hydrogen or to be crushed in a vacuum line to extract sufficient water for
oxygen in water relative to the amount of hydrogen or oxy- analysis, there are often major problems associated with the
gen in rock. Let us consider the kaolinite-water systems selection of suitable material. Samples with both primary
1 and 2 at 200~ system 1 having a smaller water : kaolinite and secondary inclusions and recording a multistage
ratio than system 2. Comparing systems 1 and 2, W1 has mineralization history are common. In the analysis of such
undergone a larger '180 shift' away from the meteoric samples co-genetic fluid inclusions cannot be selectively
water line to point A than has W2 to point B. The magni- crushed. Fluid inclusions from some higher-temperature
tude of the negative '180 shift' for kaolinite is reversed, assemblages where boiling occurred are extremely complex
K1 experiencing a smaller change in 6180 than K2. The on a microscopic scale and hydrated daughter minerals may
size of the '180 shift' is related to the amount of oxygen in be present. 19 Oxygen isotope exchange between the H20
the water relative to that in the kaolinite and the tempera- in the inclusion and an oxygen-bearing host mineral prevents
ture. For the simplest closed-system model at equilibrium meaningful interpretation of the oxygen isotope analysis
these '180 shifts' can be expressed as water/rock ratios: 4 from such samples. 38,3~ Leakage, especially of hydrogen,
which has large H 2 0 - H 2 fractionation factors at hydro-
w$ i +r i +r f thermal-type temperatures, may be critical in some
H20 $rock= W $ f 2 0 $rock
where w is atom % oxygen in water, r is atom % exchange- In the indirect method knowledge of the temperature and
able oxygen in rock, i is initial value and f is final value. mineraI-H20 fractionation factors is required. Either or
Then both of these may be known less precisely than is desirable.
Selection of suitable material, particularly from the igneous
f i and high-temperature part of the system, may be less of a
w $ rock -- $ rock problem. Retrograde isotopic exchange may occur during
r ~'.~o-~.=o the often complex cooling history.
In hydrothermal systems with multistage mineralization
At 200~ for system 1 the water/rock ratio is 0.7 (atom % there may be problems of relating the isotopic composition
oxygen) and for system 2 it is 3.6. The water/rock ratio by of the solution, derived by either method, to a specific
weight is approximately twice the atom % oxygen value. mineralization event. Gangue minerals that coexist with ore
This measure of the integrated water/rock ratio gives a minerals are not necessarily co-genetic.
minimum value only because (1) a lot of water may pass
through the rocks without equilibrating and (2) the water Types of waters
entering the volume of rock under consideration may have
Various kinds of waters can be defined in terms of their
experienced an '180 shift' of unknown magnitude from the
genesis. Sea water is of the seas or oceans at any time or
original isotopic composition it had before entering the rock
derived from the ocean with little discernible modification.
system as a whole. The larger the extent of this shift, the
Connate water is fossil water trapped in the pores of the
greater will be the difference between the measured water/
sediment at the time of formation. This generally, but not
rock ratio and the 'true' ratio. 4
invariably, is used to refer to trapped sea water. If a pore
A similar water/rock ratio expression can be written in
water is of non-sea water origin, we cannot in general re-
terms of hydrogen isotopes. Because the hydrogen content
cognize whether the water was trapped contemporaneously
of rocks is usually so low (rock with 1 w t % water contains
with sedimentation (connate, sensu stricto) or was flushed
"<).11 w t % hydrogen), this isotopic measure of water/rock
into the pores at some later time (non-connate origin).
ratios is only useful for systems in which the ratio is
Therefore the term is best restricted to fossil sea water.
extremely small (less than about 0.05 wt % oxygen).
Meteoric water is non-marine water - rain, snow, ice, river,
The concept of water/rock ratio is very important for
lake and most low-temperature groundwaters - of any age
our models of hydrothermal systems. Some care has to be
that was derived from ocean water through atmospheric
taken in interpreting its meaning, however, particularly be-
circulation processes. Magrnatic water is that which has
cause water/rock ratios may vary on a small scale, in a
equilibrated with or has come from magma, regardless of its
system with well defined veins o~ ch~nnelways the ratio in
ultimate origin. 4 Metamorphic water has equilibrated with
a unit of rock at the wall of the channelway may be sub-
or has come from metamorphic rocks undergoing dehydra-
stantially larger than that in a similar unit of rock located a
tion. Juvenile water is that which is being released from the
few centimetres away from a vein.
mantle and which has never been part of the hydrosphere.
It is not considered further here because it has not been
Isotopic characterization of natural waters
knowingly recognized.
There are two ways of determining the isotopic composition There are two other water terms that by themselves are
of a hydrothermal water: (1) directly by measuring the best used descriptively only. A suitable prefix can be added
D/H and 180/160 ratios in a water sample, a hot spring when there is genetic evidence for its origin. Fo~mation~
water or fluid inclusion water, and (2) indirectly by calcu- water is water of no specified origin that is found in the
lating the hydrogen and oxygen isotope composition of a pores of sediments. Hydrothermal water is hot aqueous
water in equilibrium with an analysed hydrous mineral at fluids of any origin. When the dominant source of the fluid
the appropriate temperature by use of predetermined has been identified (is0topically in general) the following

are used: magmatic-hydrothermal, meteoric-hydrothermal, Most meteoric waters that have not undergone extensive
sea-water-hydrothermal, or metamorphic-hydrothermal. evaporation plot within a band up to -+ 1 ~ in 8180 wide
of this line. The recently proposed Craig-Epstein meteoric
Isotopic characteristics of major water types water line (SD = 8 8180 + 5) lies within the band mentioned
above. Meteoric waters in the Japan and Mediterranean
Sea water Knowledge of the isotopic composition of the
regions typically are depleted in 180 by 1 to 1.5 relative to
oceans and its variation with time is critical for two imme-
most other meteoric waters that have the same 8 D value.
diate reasons: (1) the isotopic compositions of meteoric
These small variations reflect differences in the isotopic
waters are related to the ocean water composition, and (2)
composition of the source water and in other meteorological
for problems related to the interaction of sea water with
oceanic rocks. processes.
Most of the water vapour held in clouds originates from
the equatorial regions of the oceans, where average air tem-
, , , peratures are about 25~ Hydrogen and oxygen isotope
0- Modern meteoric waters s~'//~JSMOW fractionations are associated with the evaporation-conden-
Most met. W ~
. /b'\Ocea~
waters 15~ sation processes. Rain leaving a cloud is preferentially en-
riched in D and 180. Therefore, as the air mass moves to
higher latitudes, the precipitation becomes progressively more
SO= 861%+10 --10o j depleted in D and 180 (Rayleigh distillation process). The
meteoric waters that are most depleted in D and lSO are
,,';"/ observed in samples from polar regions (SD ~" - 4 4 0 ;
8180 --- -55). 44 Although there are variations in detail and
//J Evaporation170---100~ .~ local exceptions, owing to geophysical, topographical and
</i-'" seasonal effects, the annual mean isotopic compositions of
-100 / - ,/~-" - i,.Exchange . - 0o c
meteoric waters are broadly related to the latitude-eleva-
tion or, alternatively, to mean annual air temperature
=E (Fig. 3). The meteoric water relationship provides us with
a very powerful natural tracer.
-150 f" I I I I -10~ The meteoric water relationship is critically related to the
-2 -15 --10 -5 0 +5 isotopic composition of the major source for the water
6180, %=
vapour. Insofar as the isotopic composition of the oceans
Fig. 3 Relationship between D and 180 variations in has been relatively uniform (+ 1%o for 8180) since at
ocean waters and various meteoric waters. 28, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43 least the late Precambrian, we can assume that ancient
Approximate relationship between mean annual air tempera- meteoric waters followed a relationship very similar to that
ture and mean annual isotopic composition of meteoric of today.
waters observed at many localities is shown. 42 Isotopic
Magmatic waters Waters of undisputed magmatic origin
trends are given for meteoric waters undergoing exchange
cannot be directly sampled with certainty. Nevertheless,
with 18a-rich rocks, and evaporation in acid hot spring
by use of the experimentally determined mineraI-H20
type environment
fractionation factors the isotopic compositions of H20 in
equilibrium with magmas of different composition can be
The present hydrogen and oxygen isotope composition calculated at temperatures of about 700-1200~ The
of ocean water is relatively uniform with 8D = +5 to - 7 , great majority of fresh volcanic and plutonic rocks have
8180 = +0.5 to --1.0 (Fig. 3) and with our standard SMOW very uniform 8D values (-50 to - 9 0 % o ) and 8180 values
very closely approximating to the average ocean water (+5.5 to +10.0% o) (see Figs. 10 and 11 in Taylor s), and
value. 37,38,39 Larger variations do exist, but only in very these values are referred to as 'normal' igneous values.
special situations. At very high latitudes a large glacial melt Waters in equilibrium with 'normal' magmas have composi-
contribution depletes the ocean water in D and 180. Seas tions in the range 8D "" - 4 0 to - 8 0 % o , 8180 "" +5.5 to
with restricted access to open oceans, such as the +9.5%0. Such waters are defined as primary magmatic
Mediterranean and Red Sea, are modified by evaporation water, without any implication concerning their ultimate
processes and are enriched in D and 180 and salinity origin.4, 6
relative to 'SMOW'. Insofar as 'normal" basaltic and granitic magmas typic-
Before the growth of the ice caps, particularly Antarctica, ally have a more restricted range of 8180 values within the
which are strongly depleted in D and 180, in the Miocene 'normal" igneous range, 5.5-7.5 and 7.0-10.0, respectively,
the mean isotopic composition of the oceans was about it is sometimes convenient to use a more restricted range of
8D = - 7 , 8180 = - 1 . 40 From our present knowledge of values for primary magmatic water. For example, in oceanic
the oceans and their evolution, at least since the late Pre- environments where granitic magmas are typically absent
cambrian, there is no compelling evidence for variations primary magmatic waters will have a more restricted range
larger than about 1%o for 8180 from the present mean of oxygen isotope compositions (8 180 -- +5.5 to +8.048).
ocean water value. 6,41 Both magmas and fresh igneous rocks are known which
Although these variations are quite small relative to those have compositions that lie outside these 'normal' values.
discussed below, it is important, however, to bear in mind For example, some recent basaltic flows on Iceland have
that this is an exceedingly complex problem, which requires 8180 values as low as +2%o, 3.5 to 4% odepleted relative
closer study. to average basalt; 46 The Tuscan igneous rocks north of Rome
Meteoric waters The hydrogen and oxygen isotope com- have 8180 values in the range +11.2 to §176 47'48 gran-
positions of present-day meteoric waters (Fig. 3) vary in a ites from the Cornubian batholith, southwest England, have
very systematic way.26, 37,42, 43 values as high as +13~ 49 Waters in equilibrium with
these magmas will have compositions that lie outside the
8D = 8 8 1 8 0 + 1 0 % o primary magmatic water range as defined above. (The D/H

ratios from both the Cornubian batholith and Tolfa district often saline (up to 400 000 ppm total dissoved solids) and
of the Tuscan province have 'normal' values.) Such 1SO-rich hot (usually < 100~ the hottest waters usually being the
calc-alkaline rocks may be volumetrically more abundant most 1SO-rich. Because of the geographical dependence of
than was previously appreciated. 49 Rather than redefine the low 180 end of the individual fields, formation waters
'primary magmatic water' in such situations, it is more con- must contain a significant meteoric water component. 51
venient to define the isotopic composition of magmatic Simple mixing of original connatesea water with later
waters for a given geological situation. meteoric groundwaters cannot account for the shapes of the
Metamorphic waters There have been no direct analyses fields because many of the waters are more 1SO-rich than
of aqueous fluid inclusions from metamorphic rocks so, sea water. Other processes must also be active, such as iso-
similarly to magmatic waters, the isotopic compositions of topic exchange with the sedimentary host rocks and mem-
metamorphic waters are calculated from the isotopic com- brane filtration, s2-55 and also the possibility of mixing with
positions of the rocks at the relevant temperatures. Al- uprising metamorphic waters.
though the total amount of hydrogen isotope data is still Despite these complexities, the results obtained indicate
rather limited, metasediments typically have ~ D = - 4 0 to that the most commonly encountered waters in sedimentary
- 1 0 0 % o , ~ 180 = +8 to +26%o and meta-igneous rocks rocks are not of connate sea-water origin. Thus, when a
have oxygen isotope values extending down to +30/00. 6 pluton is intruded into unmetamorphosed sedimentary rocks,
Metabasalts from oceanic dredge samples have ~ D = - 3 5 to it is meteoric or formation waters that may most commonly
-600/00. 5~ The calculated hydrogen and oxygen isotope interact with it. Such saline formation waters, which are
field for metamorphic waters is shown in Fig. 4. In certain often associated with hydrocarbons, are probably intimately
situations (e.g. marble-rich terrains), metamorphic waters involved with the genesis of Mississippi Valley and Pennine
could have ~ 180 values up to 250/o0. The relatively large type Pb-Zn ore deposits. 56, 57, 58

I I I I ~J--= -- ~ I I I Origin o f hydrothermal fluids

Sedimentary basins /-- GO -- I
_ GC Gulf COaSt X// /.~. / The isotopic characteristics of waters of different genesis -
0 C California ~/l~ .-7,x" .~ I
t minois ./~"~'~.'~ - T'~ i
sea water, meteoric water, primary magmatic water and
M Michigan io ,~.;-" . . . . . ' J metamorphic water - are summarized in Fig. 5. The kao-
o Po,and /~:~::>.-d Metomorph,c,20 / /
+ Northeast X~".S"" '" I ,30^~;~;'--'I'---7 . . . . . . linite line defines the isotopic variations of kaolinites from
Engiond /..-~"r M ~.._I.-..;~ ,, ,. . . . , I I
-~o- + ~ " ......;t:-~-.
/.. i I: i // I I I /1 I I I I [
...... 7j ' " /i , Sediments 0 - /~,~ . . . . . Sea-water-hydrothermal waters -
_-" ,~/'~+ +,.+ ..- ! / Sea w o t e r s - - ~ J
- / i'"
o " P/ /"~lber to i" , /
- / F .............. "I -
#'I / i " B<,-~,7,-.../
...i ..... i - . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Metamorphic I /
-,~ + ~ i .l" i.. ''i _/~ - -4o- ~ ! ~.2o i / -
/ i" i'" /<-~
+r .... . . . . . . . .
,- /oo
....... i,lt~ -80 ,.o/I -
-150 I I I I l i~' I I I l~ I Primary /k~
-20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30 ~"~/ Mete'oric- ma.gmotic /~,r
~)18 0 , *1.. c~" "r hydrothermal HzU ~r -
uo / w~oters /~_~
Fig. 4 Isotopic composition and fields for formation -,20 / /
waters, including oil-field brines, from various sedimentary le_____p_~ 1=
basins, s2-55 Fields representing isotopic composition of
common sedimentary rocks and metamorphic waters are -160
shown I I I I I / I I I I
-20 -10 0 6180,%, 10 20 30

180/160 variations reflect the wide range of compositions of Fig. 5 Summary diagram of isotopic composition of
sedimentary and igneous source rocks and the wide range of waters of different origin. '180 shift' trends due to w a t e r -
temperatures attained in this environment. rock interaction and exchange are shown for sea water and
Oceanic crust that has been through a sea-water-hydro- meteoric waters of composition A and B
thermal metamorphic process 45,50 will undergo dehydra-
tion during subduction. The isotopic compositions of such surface weathering environments. 34 Isotopic trends for
metamorphic waters are estimated to have 6 D "~ --20 to (1) sea-water-hydrothermal fluids and (2) meteoric-hydro-
--60%0 and 6180 ~ -I-4 to +12%o. These waters are more therma, fluids at two different geographic localities A and B
deuterium-depleted than sea water which was involved with are shown for geothermal systems where neither mixing of
the major hydration processes because dehydration reactions waters of different origin nor evaporation processes are im-
tend to take place at higher temperatures than the initial portant. The constant D/H ratio of the hydrothermal water
hydration reaction and hydrogen isotope fractionations in each example implies that the hydrogen isotope com-
decrease with increasing temperature. position of the water source overwhelmingly dominates the
Our recognition of metamorphic waters at the earth's D/H ratio in the water-rock systems as a whole. The vari-
surface is very limited. In the Coast Range, California, some able '18a-shifts' are a result of water-rock exchange pro-
geothermal springs have been interpreted to be of meta- cesses in which the amount of exchangeable oxygen in the
morphic origin because their D/H ratios are distinctly rock is a major part of the total oxygen content of the
different from local meteoric waters, sl water-rock system. These results are applied now to the
Formation waters The hydrogen and oxygen isotope com- analysis of the isotopic composition of directly and in-
position of formation waters from different sedimentary directly measured hydrothermal fluids and limits are set on
basins are summarized in Fig. 4. Waters from a given basin their origins.
plot within a fairly well defined field, the most 180-depleted Geothermal waters The isotopic results for a large number
samples lying by the meteoric water line. These waters are of active geothermal systems are summarized in Fig. 6.

I I I ~ ~ i / Saudi Arabia is more plausible and supported by the isotopic
0 -
/ ?
. . . .

? Reykjanes data (Fig. 6).

Saudi Arabian springs\ // ........ (225o) Acid geothermal waters are also dominantly of meteoric
Wairakei (268~ "~i/ JO Shimogamo (100~
origin. They undergo hydrogen and oxygen isotope moeifi-
Larderello (240~ ~'"~-/~=" _ _ cation because of the evaporation processes. These waters
Broadlands (2980)-~-e~'~";'O----El The . . . . . . . .
_ D^_~;. . . . _.C----~'f. . . . . . . . n _~eysers~z~u ; I-,,,,,u~)~ typically plot about a line of slope three (Fig. 3). Although
-5i icelandlR=y~j~, ,== _,L'_. . . . ---------u- -o " Imagmatir
"'Hekla.~- -- Iw~er - important metalliferous deposits are not often associated
directly with these acid waters, these processes are locally im-
portant in some ore deposits, such as in the El Salvador
porphyry copper deposit. 65'66 Some commercially import-
-10( t/ / ~ a m b o a t
~__/--~---~176 Springs
Park (187
......~ * SMOW , l ant kaolinite-alunite deposits were formed in acid hot
J 9 Meteoric water spring environments. 48
J o Hot water Isotopic studies of active geothermal systems have
,4~__ _OV=il~t.=ton e [3 Steam
-15( I I I demonstrated the dominance of either a local meteoric water
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 +5 +10 or sea-water source, o r their mixture, for the hydrothermal
fluids. In most cases it is the D/H ratio that more clearly
Fig. 6 Isotopic composition of near-neutral chloride-rich identifies the origin of the waters. Many of the thermal
geothermal waters compared with composition of their waters have experienced major chemical and oxygen isotope
local meteoric waters. 10,59-63 Dashed lines illustrate trends modifications relative to their source composition. No hot
for geothermal waters; for clarity only most 18a-rich spring is known where magmatic water is a recognizable
water or steam is plotted with temperature for each system component of the hot water or steam.

These near-neutral waters are discussed in two groups. Ex-

Porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits
cluding the Red Sea brines, Reykjanes, Iceland, and The porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits are a particu,
Shimogamo, Japan, geothermal systems, the D/H ratios in a larly important class of ore deposit that have formed in a
given system are essentially identical to that in the local sub-volcanic environment throughout at least the
meteoric waters - demonstrating the overwhelming domin- Phanerozoic period. 67'68,69 They have been, and continue
ance (> 95%) of local meteoric groundwaters in these to be, a major source for copper, molybdenum, silver and
thermal waters. 59 These waters have a wide variety of gold. Although there is great variety in detail, most deposits
chemical compositions and total salinities and occur at tem- are centred about a 1- to 2-km diameter polyphase porphy-
peratures UP to 320~ (Salton Sea). At a given locality the ritic stock, which is intensely shattered and which displays
constancy of the D/H ratio implies that mixing of waters of a systematic concentric pattern of alteration-mineralization
different origins is unimportant in all of these examples. The in the stock, in the adjacent country rocks, or in both.
water/rock ratios are sufficiently large that the hydrogen Early hydrothermal alteration is characteristically associated
isotope composition of the system is controlled by the with K-silicate alteration assemblages (quartz-K-feldspar-
meteoric water reservoir. The size of the oxygen isotope biotite-anhydrite plus low sulphur sulphide mineralization)
shift is variable - negligible at Wairakei, but large at Salton in the centre surrounded by a broad propylitic alteration
Sea - indicating that water/rock ratios are larger in the zone. K-feldspar and biotite destructive alteration (phyllic)
former. The brines at Salton Sea are more saline (up to formed later and collapsed in on the K-silicate altered zone.
307 000 ppm total dissolved solids) than those at Wairakei The major alteration-mineralization associations have
(up to 4700 ppm). 64 Transportation and deposition of ore been isotopically studied in six porphyry deposits from
metals are occurring in several of these geothermal systems. North and South America and Australasia. 4,5,66, 70, 71 Data
At Salton Sea the >300~ brines have D/H and 180/160 for Butte, Montana, are also considered here. 4, 72, 73 For
ratios that are similar to primary magmatic water values. clarity, the results are summarized in Fig. 7 by showing the
Nevertheless, magmatic water is considered not to be pres- calculated fields, rather than the actual data points, for
ent because all of the waters in the system have D/H ratios hydrothermal fluids associated with alteration biotite from
identical to those of the local meteoric waters. Waters at K-silicate assemblages and sericites from phyllic alteration.
intermediate temperatures plot about the dashed line of The field for hydrothermal waters from Climax is based, in
Fig. 6 connecting the meteoric waters with the 320~ water. part, on the direct determination of the D/H ratios of fluid
This system clearly illustrates how meteoric-hydrothermal inclusions in quartz. 7~
waters can acquire isotopic characteristics similar to those of Waters in equilibrium with K-silicate alteration assem-
primary magmatic waters when meteoric and primary mag- blages at temperatures of 550-700~ are isotopically in-
matic waters have the same ~D values. Meteoric waters with distinguishable from primary magmatic waters. This applies
~D values in the range --40 to - 8 0 % 0 are very common. to all six porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits and re-
Reykjanes is a narrow penensula surrounded by the sea. connaissance data from Sar Cheshmeh, Iran, TM but not for
Even with the absence of ~180 data, sea water must be the Butte. Waters associated with pervasive sericitization and
dominant source of these thermal waters. 6~ Shimogamo, sericites from well defined haloes adjacent to veins that
on the Izu peninsula, Japan, is also close to the coastline. were formed at temperatures of about 300 + 100~ are
Isotopically it is neither local meteoric nor sea water, nor typically more 1SO-depleted than primary magmatic water
does it lie on a simple mixing line between these. Additional and have D/H ratios that vary from deposit to deposit. Re-
processes, such as enrichment in 180 through water-rock connaissance analyses of hypogene clays and sericites from
interaction, must also occur. 62 The hot brine pools in the Safford, Mineral Park and Copper Creek, Arizona, s indicate
Red Sea have isotopic compositions like those of evaporated that Santa Rita is probably isotopically representative of the
sea waters that occur near the southern sill of the Red Sea. 1~ large number of Laramide porphyry copper deposits in
Because of the serious hydrological problems of Craig's Arizona, New Mexico and Sonora, Mexico.
model, however, White 63 has proposed that mixing of local Sheppard and co-workers 5 have shown that for the
highly evaporated sea water with coastal meteoric waters of Tertiary North American deposits the D/H ratios of argillic

Porphyry Cu-Mo deposits Porphyry copper deposits
Atteration biotite H20
Sericites (~ 300~ (,. 550-- 700~
El Salvador ,,~._.~..... /
Santa Rita--~~,V;""- . "",, '\.
, ,,~
", rt',
,' 31 ~" /7-/r 4
Pa nguna
Bingham....~ ~ If///

Or /.-,-.~z 4, 4 ,
"1- Santa Rib
/i"L'=. ~
E3 / "j Primary
cO // ./ ' / . /
/..//I watermagmatic
i /" /.-
-100 / ./ /~.......~'" :" I
Bingham ./" . .But te. . .i/" I ! Butte
Ely /' Main Stage (-300~ ,'/f'~_/~,'" i biotite H20
/ i './//~/ ',i(-400~
[ ........../ ..~--
/ /~...."'~' .... ...I~
~'-'~ D~

~.. Climax (-600~

Climax . ~ ~ -- -- ----""
-15C I I I I I I
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 *5 o10
81eOH~o, %0, SMOW
Fig. 7 Isotopic composition of hydrothermal waters associated with alteration biotite
from K-silicate alteration assemblages, sericites from phyllic alteration from porphyry
copper deposits. 4,5,66, 71 Hydrothermal water fields for Butte and Climax include both
phyllic and hypogene argillic alteration. 4, 70, 73 Isotopic composition of present-day
meteoric waters is indicated
and phyllic alteration correlate systematically with inferred argillic alteration. This is shown schematically in Fig. 8.
Tertiary meteoric water values (function of latitude and Magmatic-hydrothermal solutions, initially under l itho-
elevation). The isotopic data for hydrothermal advanced static pressure, evolve from the crystallizing magma. These
and intermediate argillic alteration from these same deposits solutions react with the surrounding porphyry rocks and,
show an identical pattern to the phyllic alteration data. to varying degrees, with the surrounding country rocks
These patterns are even more clearly emphasized by the (Fig. 8(a)). K-silicate alteration and the introduction of
data for Butte and Climax. The only common process that much of the metals and sulphur accompany this stage.
we know of to generate such a pattern is the presence of a Further out into the country rocks convective circulation of
dominant meteoric water component in the hydrothermal the indigenous waters, meteoric or connate, is established.
fluids responsible for phyllic, intermediate and advanced As the complex cools and evolves, the meteoric-hydro-

K-silicate ~X,,~ Phyltic ~Ore-shetl Pr= P r o p y t i t i c

r ~ (~,~,.~.. /, Hot ~t^r'~"('~'S
-~rr .... " " -;nTI/t

1 / ~ 1 ~ ; Pr t Pr Pr /
Pr Pr PI

p + Pr Pr r

Fig. 8 Schematic cross-section through porphyry copper deposit showing two types of
hydrothermal fluids and their postulated interaction at two different stages during their
evolution: a, early stage; b, late stage (see text)

thermal system, under approximately hydrostatic conditions, (3) meteoric waters had interacted with magma and modified
encroaches in on the waning magmatic-hydrothermal part of its hydrogen isotope composition so that subsequently re-
the system. Reactions occur to give pyritic mineralization leased magmatic waters were more D-depleted than primary
and feldspar-destructive alteration, phyllic with usually magmatic water.
lesser argillic alteration (Fig. 8(b)). In many porphyry Sheppard and Taylor 73 have shown that although the
copper deposits much of the chalcopyrite mineralization is major part of the Boulder batholith as exposed had 'normal'
centred about the boundary zone between the meteoric and D/H ratios, locally meteoric water had interacted with the
magmatic-hydrothermal systems. This may be controlled batholith. Much of this interaction was probably subsolidus.
by the gradients in pH, pressure, temperature, salinity, etc., Nevertheless, part could be at higher temperatures because
which undoubtedly occur across this evolving interface. D-depleted rocks were observed that had no textural evi-
In Fig. 7 the isotopic compositions of present-day dence for post-magmatic alteration. If pre-Main Stage
meteoric waters are also shown. The D/H ratios of the alteration biotite formed at 550--600~ (see Sheppard and
dominantly meteoric-hydrothermal fluids associated with Taylor, 73 p. 938) and retrograde exchange is unimportant,
sericitization are generally more D-rich than present-day then (3) above is most probable.
local meteoric waters. For the North American deposits
this demonstrates that hydrothermal sericites (and clays)
Other epizonal ore deposits
have not re-equilibrated with present-day waters.
Excluding Butte and Climax, sericites or their calculated In addition to the porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits,
waters (Fig. 7) from more typical porphyry deposits have a a number of other hydrothermal ore deposits formed in a
narrow range of 1 8 0 / 1 6 0 ratios, and these are only a few continental epizonal igneous environment have been studied
per mil depleted relative to primary magmatic water values. isotopically.2, 4, 5, 49, 75-82 These deposits are typically
This lack of a dramatic 180 depletion implies that meteoric associated with intermediate to acid plutonic and volcanic
water/rock ratios during the development of phyllic and rocks. They include the 'epithermal' gold-silver deposits,
argillic alteration were not particularly large. The variations base-metal, tin and tungsten deposits. Also, several active
of the hydrogen isotope compositions of the fluids during hot spring systems in volcanic rocks are associated with t h e
sericitization in any given deposit may be reflecting the mix- transportation and deposition of metal such as those in New
ing processes between the magmatic and meteoric-hydro- Zealand and at Steamboat Springs. 9,63 only the major
thermal solutions as the meteoric system collapsed in on conclusions of the isotopic results are discussed here more -

the waning magmatic stage. In contrast, the dramatic 180 detailed accounts of the individual deposits can be obtained
depletions of many of the hydrothermal fluids at Butte and from the original papers.
Climax dictate that enormous quantities of heated meteoric The isotopic composition of hydrothermal fluids, determ-
waters circulated through parts of these systems. ined by direct and indirect methods, for a large number of
The hydrogen isotope composition of alteration biotites these deposits and hot spring systems are summarized in
from Butte contrast with all other data on biotites from Fig. 9. The water compositions typically lie between the
K-silicate alteration assemblages. From the present data primary magmatic water field and the meteoric water line.
there are three possible interpretations of their low D/H The D/H ratios vary from one deposit to another (e.g.
ratios: (1) retrograde hydrogen isotope exchange occurred Cornwall versus Tonopah) and also within a single deposit
with later meteoric-hydrothermal solutions; (2) meteoric- complex (e.g. Comstock Lode). Remarkably, some of the
hydrothermal waters had already collapsed in on and over- hydrothermal waters lie on or extremely close to the
whelmed the magmatic-hydrothermal system; or meteoric water line (e.g. Bodie, Tonopah). Such low 180

, S MOWF . . . . L i _ _ _
t C Casapalca,
I Peru I I /

P Providencia I Cornwall
x Nevada, epithermal Au-Ag ~'~'~"~-~ .~.

9 Thermal waters 4,-

~-~-~ / ,jm
Tui, N.Z. ," Carrock Fell Primary magmatic'

Broodlands, N.~ " z ~ -~

-50 / 0- . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, '1
Creede !
Salton Sea V i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V---- _.all

Ou rayz~ X

x x
-1501d" I I I I
-20 -15 -I0 -5 0 +5 +10
818OH20, %o
Fig. 9 Isotopic composition of hydrothermal water associated with various epithermal
A u - A g deposits, base-metal, tin and tungsten deposits. 2, 4, 5, 49, 63, 75-82, 84 Meteoric
water line and primary magmatic water box given for reference

waters imply that at least during certain stages in the evolu- Buena there were major fluctuations in the isotopic com-
tion of these deposits meteoric waters were overwhelmingly position of the fluids as they evolved from greisen through
the dominant source for the hydrothermal fluids. Fluid vein to vugh stage (Fig. 10), reflecting the mixing processes
inclusion studies on minerals from several of these "low 1SO' between magmatic and meteoric waters. Important deposi-
hydrothermal systems, which typically characterize the tion of wolframite occurred with episodes of influx of
epithermal A u - A g deposits, indicate that salinities are low meteoric waters. In contrast, at Casapalca the influx of
(0.3-4 wt % equivalent NaCI) and deposition temperatures meteoric water appears only to be important during late
were in the range 150-300~ 83 These isotopic character- post-sulphide stages.
istics, salinity and temperatures values are directly compar- In many of the base-metal, tin and tungsten deposits the
able with those observed in many hot spring systems.63 salinity of the fluids fluctuated, typically in the range 4 to
Studies on the Comstock Lode district are particularly " 4 0 wt %, with time. No simple relationship between
illuminating. 7s,77 As is shown in Fig. 9, one sample is en- salinity and isotopic composition is, however, usually
riched in D and leO and lies close to the primary magmatic observed.
water field; other waters are depleted in D and 180 and lie
towards the meteoric water line. The D-lSO-rich sample Submarine volcanogenic deposits
comes from the 1200-ft level of the Con Virginia mine in the
A variety of stratiform massive sulphide deposits are inti-
high-grade 'bonanza-type' silver ore. Salinities are about
mately associated with volcanic rocks. The volcanics are
3.5 wt % and homogenization temperature is 300~ A usually dominantly submarine lavas and pyroclastics of
major magmatic water contribution is strongly indicated, 77
basaltic, andesitic or rhyolitic composition. The massive
Thus, although low-salinity meteoric-hydrothermal solutions sulphide ore usually grades down into a stockwork zone
must play a dominating role in transportation and deposition consisting of disseminated, vein and veinlet mineralization
processes in the epithermal Au--Ag deposits, the develop- in the altered igneous rocks. This class of deposit can be
ment of an early (?) magmatic-hydrothermal stage may be
subdivided into different types, depending on the composi-
critical for the initiation of this type of ore deposit. In the
tion of the affiliated igneous rocks and dominance or
majority of these deposits it appears that the large scale of absence of one of the metals copper, lead and zinc. s5,86
the meteoric system and its associated voluminous zone of
Silver and gold may also be important. Two different types
propylitic alteration have overwhelmed the earlier magmatic-
of volcanogenic deposits have been studied isotopically:
hydrothermal stages.
(1) the cupriferous massive sulphide deposits related to
Meteoric-hydrothermal waters also appear to be a domin-
ophiolite igneous complexes s7 and (2) the F e - C u - P b -
ant or a major component of the fluids in many base-metal
Z n - A g - A u Kuroko deposits, which are closely associated
vein and pipe deposits, e.g. Creede 79 and Ouray-
with submarine felsic volcanism. 8s
Silverton, 4,s4 Colorado, and during greisenization associ-
ated with tin or tungsten deposits, e.g. Cornwall, s,49 Pasta Cyprus sulphide deposits The cupriferous pyrites deposits
Buena, Peru,81 and probably Carrock Fell, England. The in the Troodos complex, Cyprus, are an excellent example
D/H ratios of the fluids at Creede and Ouray, which are both of the massive sulphide deposits associated with an ophio-
in the San Juan mountains, are very different. Like the lite sequence.89,9~ The deposits are relatively underformed
present, Tertiary meteoric waters in the eastern and western and have not been metamorphosed. The isotopic character-
San Juans were different from each other, reflecting differ- istics of the fluids involved with the metamorphism of the
ences in their weather patterns. 84 Fluid inclusion studies oceanic basaltic host rocks and the hydrothermal stockwock
on the base-metal deposits indicate that salinities are typic- mineralization are discussed in detail elsewhere in this
ally higher (2 to " 4 0 wt % NaCI) than those in the epi- volume. 45 The results are summarized in Fig. 11, and in
thermal A u - A g deposits. Fig. 9 of Heaton and Sheppard. 4s
The hydrothermal system was dominated by waters of
sea-water origin. The brines penetrated down through the
-20 upper 3 - 5 km of the oceanic crust. They were involved
/o,, with the metamorphic reactions and pervasive alteration
before rising through the stockwork zone at temperatures
-4o- i \ "-..~ , _ up to about 300~ and issuing on the sea-floor as thermal
Hydrothermal H20 / '&"~"
I ~
ii t I t
' springs. The massive sulphide deposits were formed from
- . Greisen (500--400 o) , C~ ,~' ~l ~1 I Ii chemical precipitates generated during the interaction of the
9 Early vein (350--200 ~ :~ ~".:--2.
~ . . . . t ,(
) + ;~ M
"~=-60- o Late vein (260--200 o) sea-water-hydrothermal fluids with the 'cold' sea water.
9 Vugh (240-150 o) v i w They accumulated above the thermal springs within the
-- I
9 /
I caldera-like depressions that developed during an inter-
?. . . . k volcanic period - after the production of the spreading-axis
-80-- // m',-
I ,
/ volcanic episode and before the commencement of the off-
axis volcanism. No evidence has been found for either a
Modern meteoric water magmatic-H20 or metamorphic-H20 (from the dehydra-
-100 I , , I i I I I i = I 1 , A i I tion of subducted crust) contribution to the ore-depositing
-5 0
6180,'1.. +5 +1(
These results raise the question of whether there are
Fig. 10 Plot of ~D versus ~ 180 for hydrothermal waters
massive sulphide deposits in the present oceanic crust. Mass-
during evolution from greisen to vein and to vugh stages
ive sulphide deposits comparable with the Troodos deposits
(arrow indicates path). Data taken from Landis and Rye 81
have not yet, to the writer's knowledge, been recorded from
the oceans. In Fig. 11 isotopic results are included for
In the Pasta Buena W - C u - P b - A g deposit 81 (Fig. 10) dredge samples of basalt and dolerite from the North
and the Casapalca A g - P b - Z n deposit 8o (Fig. 9) the isotopic Atlantic which had been metamorphosed to zeolite and
evidence indicates that magmatic-hydrothermal waters were greenschist facies, and for comparable rocks from
dominant at certain stages in their development. At Pasta Troodos. 5~ They are isotopically indistinguishable. The

calculated D/H ratios of waters in equilibrium with the localized and not dispersed widely; and (5) the depressions
oceanic dredge samples, by use of the fluid inclusion homo- may enable gravitationally stable thermal brine pools to
genization temperatures of Jehl, 91 are identical to sea-water develop so that chemical precipitation takes place under Eh
values and demonstrate that sea water was involved during and pH conditions different from those in more open ocean
the metamorphism of the oceanic crust, s~ water.

1 I
Seo woters Stockwork H20 (200--350~

Meteoric woters {Most-

9 Japan

o~ Green Tuff type //

thermG[ waters /
1:[~"- 41 _ . \
bO /

-6~ " \

W I bosolts and
-8~ -- North Attantic
~ i Kuroko~ gypsum
-10 -5 0 *5 .10 .15
8180, %0
Fig.11 Plot of ~ D versus ~ 180 for metabasalts and metadolerites from Troodos, Cyprus,
and North Atlantic dredge samples, and altered stockwork basalts from Troodos, and
fluid inclusion waters from two Kuroko deposits, Japan. 4s, 50,98 Also shown are com-
positions of gypsums (water of crystallization) from same Kuroko deposits and isotopic
composition of Green Tuff type thermal waters of Japan 62

There is additional evidence for sea-water-hydrothermal In addition, it is possible that a two-stage process is
activity. The formation of F e - M n hydroxyoxide rich necessary in which subduction takes place underneath a
oceanic sediments is considered to be related to discharging submarine oceanic spreading centre. 87
thermal sea-water springs. 92,93,94 Sea-water-hydrothermal
metasomatism of carbonate ooze, which overlies basalts,, has Kuroko deposits The Kuroko deposits of Japan occur in
also been recognized in DSDP samples from the Indian the Miocene Green Tuff sequences composed of submarine
Ocean. 95 These data on oceanic basalts, Troodos and the sediments and pyroclastics that overlie basement. 88 Hydro-
sediments emphasize the widespread nature, importance gen and oxygen isotope data for two Kuroko deposits from
and occurrence of sub-sea-floor metasomatism resulting northeast Honsh-G, Matsumine and Shakanai mines, are
from the interaction of convective circulating sea-water- summarized in Fig. 11.62,96 The data are from the strati-
hydrothermal solutions with oceanic crust. form part of the deposits: water in fluid inclusions from
Does the apparent absence of massive sulphide deposits the lower part of the stratiform pyrite ores, the p y r i t e -
imply that the coincidence of the necessary factors required chalcopyrite yellow ore, and water of crystallization of
to produce a deposit has not taken place during the recent gypsum, the gypsum occurring between and in the under-
generation of oceanic crust, or is our sampling of the ocean lying rhyolitic tufts and breccias and the overlying pyrite
floor still too incomplete to locate such a small target as a ore.
massive sulphide deposit? The D/H ratios of the fluid inclusion waters, with salini-
A number of factors appear to be critical for the genera- ties in the range 0.5-2.5 molal NaCI equivalent, are
tion of a volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit in basaltic depleted by 1 1 - 2 6 % o relative to Cenozoic ocean waters
rocks in addition to establishing a sea-water-hydrothermal (the isotopic composition of the ocean changed from about
convection system: (1) chemical modification of the hydro- - 7 % 0 to 0%0 during the Miocene (see above)). Ohmoto
thermal brine at temperatures greater than 300~ by deep and Rye 98 concluded that sea water was the dominant
penetration through the oceanic crust; (2) development of source of the hydrothermal fluid, but probably not to the
a volcanic quiet period immediately following the growth exclusion of a minor (< 25%) meteoric and/or magmatic
of layer 2 of the oceanic crust; (3) the issuing of hot springs H20 contribution to help account for the small D-shift
on the sea-floor in depressions; (4) the preservation of the away from the ocean water value. A meteoric water com-
depression at the site of the thermal spring for a time ponent is not out of the question in this submarine environ-
period that is at least comparable with the life of the con- ment because ore deposition probably occurred within a few
vective system so that the sulphide precipitates formed from kilometres of the coastline. This model is schematically
the interaction of the thermal waters with sea water are illustrated in Fig. 12. We note that a mixed sea w a t e r -

Sea W a t - l

k rocks ~lli.~v/~,/ "v v "v~v/~ ~' Massivespudhlei /

~vll f ;:~tlte MeteoricH20?

'Magmatic H20?"
Fig.12 Schematic cross-section of Kuroko deposit. Model shows convective circulation
of sea water and mixing with a possible meteoric and/or magmatic water contribution.
Modified after Ohmoto and Rye 98 and Lambert and Sato 88
meteoric water origin is favoured as the source of the hydrothermally. In certain environments it is not meaning-
metalliferous brines in the Red Sea. Reconnaissance isotopic ful to distinguish between supergene and hypogene minerals
results on the Kuroko-type deposit on Vanua Levu, Fiji, 97 and solutions. For example, near the surface of an acid hot
indicate that the hydrothermal fluids were of sea-water spring system where convective overturning is occurring the
origin. 9s Mixing of water of different origin is not required descending solutions (supergene sensu stricto) may be hot re-
by the data. Thus, mixing of meteoric waters with sea cycled fluids, which, immediately before, were rising hypo-
water does not appear to be an essential feature of Kuroko gene solutions. Hence, following Sheppard and co-workers, 4
deposits. supergene is used here to refer to the weathering and deep
Much of the gypsum in Kuroko deposits was deposited alteration processes that~ake place at temperatures up to
originally as anhydrite. Water in equilibrium with gypsum about 40~ or so (i.e. non-hydrothermal conditions). Such
from Matsumine and Shakanai mines plot by the meteoric temperatures are readily attained in the supergene altera-
water line and within the field for present-day thermal tion environment because a large amount of energy is re-
waters ( T " - 50-60~ that occur in the Green Tuff leased during the generation of supergene acids by the oxida-
sequence. 62 The age of the meteoric hydration process is tion of such minerals as pyrite. Similar temperatures are
not known, but the results indicate that secondary processes observed in leaching dumps at porphyry copper mines.
take place after uplift of the deposits. Data for dickite, kaolinite-rich and montmorillonite-rich
samples are given in Fig. 13 for some selected major hydro-
Supergene versus hypogene clays thermal ore deposits where isotopic criteria have been used
The kaolinite-water system as discussed above (Fig. 2) can to distinguish between hydrothermal and supergene clay
be directly applied to distinguish, between kaolinite, mont- deposition.4, 34, 48, 49, 66, 70 Montmorillonites formed in a
morillonite or other clay minerals that were formed at earth continental weathering environment also plot in a band
surface type temperatures during weathering or low- about the kaolinite line because their fractionation factors
temperature supergene processes from those which formed with water are similar to those for kaolinite. 99
For porphyry copper deposits such as Santa R ita and El
Salvador there is a clear isotopic distinction between hydro-
0 i i i , i , I !
thermal and supergene kaolinite and montmorillonite. At
Butte, although searched for, kaolinite of supergene origin
-20 ,,...Q.~ has not been detected. 73 In Cornwall, the major high-
~.~0 Bohemia
,~6", C o r n w a l l .'
quality china clay deposits are isotopically supergene clays. 49
\/, The hydrothermal kaolinite comes from an altered granite

-6o ~.~
'" . . . . g f~
~,._~. / sheet adjacent to a major vein in the metasediments. It is
broadly consistent with the data on sericites from Cornwall
(Fig. 9) and the Bohemian hydrothermal dickite from a
o~ -80 El ~al~a.or (o-. ',.,.~;v
/o ..... , 9 Sn-W greisen that is geologically comparable with
mineralization in Cornwall. 49
uo ~ O~
Bingham I,O'L " " - - , f%_ ~
Where more detailed studies have been carried out, e.g.
-120 / , j
Santa Rita, supergene clays have been detected to depths of
500 m below the present surface (see Fig. 2). 4 For the
~ o~
Ouray -~" ", Clays deposits in the western United States information is avail-
-140 0 ~'" A ,~ , /.~ .
,,~ Butte o~ K,D M
- ----'" /%..,C" Hypogene 0 ~|
4 able on the isotopic composition of present-day meteoric
-160 C[imax ( o o:' / CO Supergene 45 waters. Also, there are some independent data of Tertiary
I i . . . . ,l L /~'~ I i I I meteoric waters. 6 Thus, it can be shown that most of the
-10 0 10 20
8180,%o supergene (and hydrothermal) clays are not in equilibri'um
Fig. 13 Isotopic composition of hypogene and supergene with present-day meteoric waters (see Fig. 13 for Santa
clay minerals from some selected ore deposits. 4,34,49,66, 70 Rita, and recall that kaolinite is about 30%o depleted in D
Present-day meteoric water at Santa Rita is shown. K, relative to co-genetic water). Clay minerals do not appear
kaolinite-rich; D, dickite; M, montmorillonite-rich to undergo major retrograde isotopic exchange without re-

crystallizing. The data for the porphyry copper deposits are e.g. Bodie, Goldfield, Tonopah, the ~ 1sO values of the
consistent with major supergene processes following on hydrothermal fluids are so similar to inferred local meteoric
shortly after hydrothermal activity has essentially ceased. At water values that again extremely large quantities of water
El Salvador, uplift had probably commenced before the flushed through these deposits. Salinities of these meteoric-
main development of supergene alteration, but alteration hydrothermal fluids are generally quite low (< 4 wt %
had ceased prior to the major uplift of the Andes in this equivalent NaCI). At some other A u - A g and base-metal
region. 66 deposits water/rock ratios were not so uniformly high.
At Butte and Climax during sericitization water/rock
Water/rock ratios in hydrothermal systems ratios were quite variable from one place to another. The
In the discussion in Fig. 2 the concept of water/rock ratio interpretation of the data at Climax and some other deposits
was introduced. It was shown how the hydrogen and/or is more complex because there is isotopic evidence for
oxygen isotope data can be used to set a limit on the mixing of magmatic waters with the meteoric waters. Dur-
minimum amount of water of external origin - meteoric, ing the early pre-Main Stage mineralization at Butte
formation or sea water - that was involved with the hydro- (K-silicate alteration), if modified magmatic waters were not
thermal reactions. This requires knowledge of the initial dominant, meteoric water/rock ratios were very small. In-
isotopic composition of the source water and its final com- ferred meteoric water/rock ratios for porphyry copper d e -
position after exchange and equilibration at a specific tem- posits are typically quite low. As some of these deposits
perature, and the initial and final isotopic composition of were emplaced into relatively undeformed Palaeozoic and
the rock that underwent exchange. In practice, some of Mesozoic sediments, however, formation waters might be
these data usually have to be estimated - for example, the an important source for the fluids. Formation water/rock
initial isotopic composition of the meteoric water or rock ratios would be considerably larger than the values shown
before it undergoes exchange. for Santa Rita in Fig. 14.
In most hydrothermal systems with through-going veins
I I ' I ' I ' I'1 water/rock ratios will vary on a local scale. The rocks form-
Sonto Rito, phyllic ing the walls immediately adjacent to a vein will 'see' much

Butte {phyllicK-Silicate?
-o-- more of the fluid relative to a unit of rock that is some dis-
tance from the nearest open fracture. Hence, more detailed
interpretation of integrated water/rock ratios in terms of
Climax, phytlic
mass transfer must await more detailed studies where there
Comstock, Pochuco is good control of sampling. This does not, however, detract
Goldfield, Tonopah from the importance of setting qualitative limits on the
minimum amount of water that has reacted with the rocks
O u r a y - - Silver t o n
in the system as a whole.

Kuroko Diverse origins of hydrothermal fluids - implications

I I , I t I,IJl I , I , I,I,J
0'1 0"2 0 " 4 0 ~ (~8 1 2 4 6 8 10 Combined hydrogen and oxygen isotope studies of post-
Meteoric or sea w a t e r / r o c k r a t i o ( a t o m % o x y g e n ) magmatic hydrothermal ore deposits have provided com-
Fig. 14 Minimum i n t e g r a t e d m e t e o r i c or sea water/ pelling evidence for the dominance of waters of non-
rock ratios for some selected hydrothermal ore magmatic origin in some deposits and the importance of
deposits 4,5,6,45,70,73,77~4 ~98 mixing of waters of different origin in others. In the epi-
zonal continental environment, the upper 5-.10 km of the
To date, most applications have been concerned with crust, meteoric and/or formation waters are very common
setting an order of magnitude limit on the total, bulk or sources for the hydrothermal fluids. In the submarine en-
integrated water/rock ratio for the life of the system as a vironment the large-scale interaction of sea water with the
whole - an important first step. Some results for a variety upper layers of the oceanic crust is a general phenomenon
of meteoric-hydrothermal and sea-water-hydrothermal stages in the region of the spreading-a~(is. Similar sea water-rock
of ore deposition are summarized in Fig. 14. interaction occurs during submarine volcanism (basaltic to
A wide variety of integrated water/rock ratios are ob- felsic) in island arcs such as Japan and Fiji. Hence, it is now
served (Fig. 14), ranging from near zero (<<0.1) to greater well established that the interaction of waters of external
than one. For systems with values greater than 1 this implies origin and history with volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks is a
that large to extremely large volumes of water are involved, common process. The influx of waters of external origin
recalling that the ratios are minimum values only. These into the igneous system is not, however, always prevalent
amounts are geologically quite reasonable when they are and its importance also decreases with increase in depth of
compared with some active geothermal convection systems emplacement as the roles of magmatic and metamorphic
(e.g. Wairakei). Also, as Taylor and Forester lOO have waters increase in dominance.
pointed out, only a few per cent of normal amounts of Magmatic fluids, derived from the crystallizing magma,
precipitation needs to be added to the deep convective circu- are undoubtedly major ore-depositing fluids in many sub-
lation system during its active life. If formation water volcanic hydrothermal ore deposits, as, for example, in the
rather than meteoric water is the dominant source of the porphyry copper deposits. Nevertheless, in most deposits
water, the values given in Fig. 14 are too small because that initially were dominated by magmatic-hydrothermal
formation waters are characteristically more 180-rich than solutions, fluids of external origin - meteoric, formation,
meteoric waters (Fig. 4). connate or sea water - became progressively more domin-
For the dominantly sea-water-hydrothermal Cyprus and ating as the system evolved. Some systems were completely
Kuroko deposits, where the initial isotopic compositions of overwhelmed by the meteoric-hydrothermal stage (e.g. epi-
the sea water and rocks are relatively well known, extremely thermal A u - A g deposits) or sea-water-hydrothermal stage
large quantities of brine have passed through and interacted (e.g. Cyprus), leaving little or no record of any magmatic-
with these rocks. In some of the A u - A g epithermal deposits, hydrothermal event.

Excluding the submarine volcanic processes for the tured nature, supported meteoric or sea-water convective
moment, the importance of an initial magmatic- circulation. These hydrothermally altered and hydrated
hydrothermal stage may be completely out of proportion to rocks may become involved in melting, assimilation or ex-
its possible small volumetric contribution to the hydro- change processes in the roof zone to the magma chamber. 6
thermal fluids relative to the meteoric or formation water If the scale of the processes is large enough, the upper parts
contribution. There are a number of consequences of a of the magma chambers could be both chemically and iso-
magma becoming saturated with water and other volatiles topically modified. The low 180 magmas of Iceland could
that may be fundamental to the nature of later develop- be generated in this way. 46 The end results of these pro-
ments. (1) Chlorine has a strong preference for the aqueous cesses will be different in the oceanic environment from the
phase relative to the silicate melt 11,21,101 (experimental continental, because the chemistries of the waters involved
data are for granitic and granodioritic compositions). are so profoundly different - sea water versus meteoric
Earlier-separating aqueous fluids will probably be enriched water. Not only may the genesis of the soda-rich trondh-
in chlorine relative to later-separating fluids. In the sub- jemites in the oceanic rocks relative to the potassic granites
volcanic environment at P < 1240 bar (Fig. 1 ) two water- and rhyolites in the continental basic complexes be related
bearing fluids, one with low salinity and low density and to these processes 45 but they may also affect the nature of
the other highly saline and dense, may coexist with the any subsequent post-magmatic mineralization. The nature
silicate phase. Because a chloride solution is a potent solvent and consequences of the proposed magma-altered rock in-
for base metals, the initial water and chloride content of teraction requires further study.
the magma, the nature and occurrence of the boiling pro- The major sources for sulphur and the metals in ore de-
cesses and how the elements are partitioned between the posits are not considered in detail here. The present status
two possible aqueous fluids may play a critical role in the of our knowledge of lead, the only ore metal to have iso-
base-metal concentration and redistribution processes. topic variations that can be used to trace its origin, and sul-
(2) The nature of the processes that take place when the phur have been reviewed recently. 7,8 In the dominantly
magma becomes saturated in H20 and other volatiles, re- magmatic-hydrothermal systems probably most of the sul-
lated to the geological setting of the magma body and its phur and metals were derived, along with the water, from
crystallization history, may play a key role in determining the crystallizing magma. The magmatic processes that are
whether the aqueous fluid is released passively or explo- necessary to generate the sulphur and metal anomaly (a
sively. Explosive volcanism is an effective mechanism for magmatic ore deposit) are, however, not well understood.
the generation of fracture permeability and, hence, prepar- When water whose origin is external to the igneous system
ing the ground, igneous and/or country rocks, for is dominant either the source of the fluid provides much of
subsequent meteoric-hydrothermal processes. the sulphur (e.g. Cyprus), or sulphur and the metals are
This emphasis on the magmatic-hydrothermal stage is picked up by the fluid as it undergoes either mixing with
not to deny the important role of later meteoric- magmatic waters or during water-rock exchange reactions.
hydrothermal processes in transporting, reworking and/or Meteoric-hydrothermal fluids, particularly if they are saline,
depositing ore metals. Mixing of waters of different origin may just as readily leach out the metals from the country
and chemistry, and the removal of thermal energy from the rocks as from the igneous system that provides the energy
magmatic stage by the meteoric convection system, either to drive the convecti'on cells.
singly or in combination, will tend to promote ore deposi-
tion. These processes may, however, be ineffective in
generating an ore deposit if the earlier magmatic-
hydrothermal solutions, perhaps independent of their volu- Conclusions
metric contribution to the fluids as a whole, are not The D/H and 180/160 isotope ratios of sea water, meteoric,
generated in a fairly specific way. primary magmatic and metamorphic waters have relatively
Continental volcanic-plutonic basaltic complexes typi- well defined ranges of values with few exceptions since at
cally are not accompanied by well developed hydrothermal least the late Precambrian (Fig. 5). When a water, of what-
ore deposits, although many of these complexes were ever origin, passes through a rock that is out of equilibrium
associated with large-scale meteoric-hydrothermal convec- with it, chemical and isotopic exchange reactions occur.
tion systems. For example, in the Tertiary Brito-Arctic Unless extremely large quantities of water exchange with
igneous province very many of the epizonal igneous intru- the rocks, the 180/160 ratio of the water and its chemistry
sions have interacted with meteoric groundwaters on a will undergo modification. Because the hydrogen content
grand scale.6, 46,100,102 In addition, at the Lilloise intru- of rocks is usually so small (1 wt % H20 + = ~ 0.11 wt %
sion, east Greenland, there was an efflux of magmatic water hydrogen) relative to the amount in the water, however,
out into the contact metamorphosed basalts, which pre- the D/H ratio of the water is usually not significantly modi-
viously had been involved with meteoric waters. 1~ Hydro- fied by the exchange reactions. Although it is impracticable
thermal o r e deposits of any consequence are, however, in many situations to measure the isotopic composition of
essentially unknown in the Brito-Arctic province. the fluid directly, it can generally be calculated satisfactor-
Most hydrothermal ore deposits related to basaltic vol- ily. The isotopic composition of the fluid is related to the
canic and plutonic rocks are associated with submarine temperature of equilibration and the isotopic composition
volcanism, like the Cyprus deposits. For basic systems this of the exchanging minerals (Fig. 2).
prevalence of hydrothermal ore deposits with submarine These observed systematics form the foundation of the
processes suggests that the chemistry of the sea-water isotopic tracer approach to the determination of the origin
source of the fluids plays a critical role in ore genesis. For of waters in hydrothermal ore deposits. Because there are
Cyprus, the sea water is a major source for sulphur, 45 and fewer detailed studies of Precambrian systems at present
perhaps also provides the necessary chlorine for base-metal and our knowledge of, in particular, the isotopic composi-
leaching. tions of these early oceans is less specific, there are greater
In both the continental (subaerial) and oceanic epizonal uncertainties in the application of this 'fingerprinting'
environment basic intrusions were typically emplaced into method to Precambrian ore deposits. This situation is
volcanic rocks, which, because of their well jointed or frac- likely to be significantly improved in the next few years.

In addition, to make isotopic studies more rewarding, 10. Craig H. Isotopic composition and origin of the Red
ore deposits should be sought in localities where there is Sea and Salton Sea geothermal brines. Science, N. Y., 154,
evidence that the hydrogen isotope composition of the 1966, 1544-8.
contemporaneous meteoric waters did not overlap the pri- 11. Burnham C.W. Hydrothermal fluids at the magmatic
mary magmatic water range of values. We must not assume, stage. In Geochemistry of hydrotherrnal ore deposits
just because an ore deposit is up at high elevation today Barnes H. L. ed. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
where meteoric waters may be more D-depleted than pri- 1967), 34-76.
mary magmatic water values, that at the time of
mineralization it was necessarily in a favourable locality 12. Davis N. F. and Burnham C.W. Energies involved in
isotopically for distinguishing between meteoric- crystallization of water-bearing magmas. Trans. Am.
hydrothermal and magmatic-hydrothermal solutions. geophys. Union, E~S, 50, 1969, 340. (Abstract)
The formation of an ore deposit requires the coincidence 13. Hamilton D. L. and Anderson G. M. Effects of water
of a number of favourable factors. Our understanding of and oxygen pressures on the crystallization of basaltic mag-
present ore deposits and our capacity to generate more mas. In Basalts Hess H. H. and Poldervaart A. eds (New
powerful models to aid prospecting for new deposits are York: Interscience, 1967), 445-82.
critically dependent on our being able to enumerate the 14. Jahns R. H. and Burnham C.W. Experimental studies
important factors and to assesstheir role in producing an
of pegmatite genesis: I. A model for the derivation and
ore deposit. To improve our understanding of volcanic
crystallization of granitic pegmatites. Econ. Geol., 64, 1969,
processes and ore genesis further studies of essentially un-
mineralized or poorly mineralized hydrothermal systems
such as those in the Brito-Arctic province are required. In 15. Nockolds S. R. Average chemical compositions of
this way we may be able to evaluate the role of the different some igneous rocks. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., 65, 1954,
factors that need to coincide to generate an economic ore 1007-32.
deposit. 16. Hamilton D. L. Burnham C. W. and Osborn E. F. The
solubility of water and effects of oxygen fugacity and water
Acknowledgment content on crystallization in mafic magmas. J. Petrology,
I am grateful to H. P. Taylor, Jr., in particular, and many 5, 1964, 21-39.
colleagues and students for beneficial discussions and for 17. Roedder E. Data of geochemistry, chapter J J, Com-
introducing me to their problems. The Isotope Geology position of fluid inclusions. Prof. Pap. U.S. geol. Survey
Unit of the Universities of Scotland is supported by a 440-J J, 1972, 164p.
N.E.R.C. research grant. 18. White D. E. Mercury and base-metal deposits with
associated thermal and mineral waters. In Geochemistry of
hydrotherrnal ore deposits Barnes H. L. ed. (New York:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967), 575-631.
1. Craig H. Boato G. and White D. E. Isotopic geo- 19. Roedder E. Fluid inclusion studies on the porphyry-
chemistry of thermal waters. In Proc. 2nd Conf. Nuclear type ore deposits at Bingham, Utah, Butte, Montana, and
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44. Epstein S. Sharp R. P. and Gow A. J. Antarctic ice 61. Giggenbach W. Isotopic composition of waters of the
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interhemispheric climatic implications. Science, N. Y., 168, 70.
1970, 1570-2.
62. Sakai H. and Matsubaya O. Isotopic geochemistry of
45. Heaton T. H. E. and Sheppard S. M. F. Hydrogen and the thermal waters of Japan and its bearing on the Kuroko
oxygen isotope evidence for sea-water-hydrothermal ore solutions. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 974-91.
alteration and ore deposition, Troodos complex, Cyprus.
In Volcanic processes in ore genesis (London: Institution 63. White D. E. Diverse origins of hydrothermal ore fluids.
of Mining and Metallurgy and Geological Society, 1977), Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 954-73.
42-57. 64. Ellis A. J. The chemistry of some explored geothermal
46. Muehlenbachs K. Anderson A. T. Jr. and Sigvaldason systems. In Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits
G.E. Low-O TM basalts from Iceland. Geochim. cosmochim. Barnes H. L. ed. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
Act'a, 38, 1974, 577--88. 1967), 465-514.
65. Gustafson L. B. and Hunt J. P. The porphyry copper 84. Taylor H. P. Jr. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope evidence
deposit at El Salvador, Chile. Econ. Geol., 70, 1975, for large-scale circulation and interaction between ground
857-912. waters and igneous intrusions, with particular reference to
66. Sheppard S. M. F. and Gustafson L. B. Oxygen and the San Juan volcanic field, Colorado. In Geochemical
hydrogen isotopes in the porphyry copper deposit at El transport and kinetics Hoffman A. W. et al. eds
Salvador, Chile. Econ. Geol., 70, 1976, 1549-59. (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution, 1974), 299-324.
(Publ. 634).
67. Lowell J. D. and Guilbert J. M. Lateral and vertical
alteration-mineralization zoning in porphyry ore deposits. 85. Anderson C.A. Massive sulfide deposits and volcan-
Econ. Geol., 65, 1970, 373-408. ism. Econ. Geol., 64, 1969, 129-46.
68. Rowe R. B. Porphyry deposits of the Canadian 86. Hutchinson R.W. Volcanogenic sulfide deposits and
Cordillera. Can. Min. J., 94, 1973, Nov., 3 5 - 9 ; Dec., 37-41. their metallogenic significance. Econ. Geol., 68, 1973,
69. Laznicka P. Porphyry copper and molybdenum de-
posits of the U.S.S.R. and their plate tectonic settings. 87. Gass I. G. Origin and emplacement of ophiolites. In
Tran~ Instn Min. Metall. (Sect. B: Appl. earth sci.), 85, Volcanic processes in ore genesis (London: Institution of
1976, B14-32. Mining and Metallurgy and Geological Society, 1977),
70. Hall W. E. Friedman I. and Nash J.T. Fluid inclusion
and light stable isotope study of the Climax molybdenum 88. Lambert I. B. and Sato T. The Kuroko and associated
deposits, Colorado. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 884-901. ore deposits of Japan: a review of their features and
metallogenesis. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 1215-36.
71. Ford J. H. eta/. Stable isotope studies on Bougainville
89. Constantinou G. and Govett G. J. S. Genesis of sul-
and in Matupi Harbour, New Britain, Papua New Guinea.
phide deposits, ochre and umber of Cyprus. Trans. Instn
In Volcanic processes in ore genesis (London: Institution of
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Mining and Metallurgy and Geological Society, 1977), 162.
(Summary). 90. Constantinou G. and Govett G. J. S. Geology,
geochemistry, and genesis of Cyprus sulfide deposits. Econ.
72. Garlick G. D. and Epstein S. The isotopic composition
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73. Sheppard S. M. F. and Taylor H. P. Jr. Hydrogen and de Nancy, 1975, 242p.
oxygen isotope evidence for the origins of water in the
Boulder batholith and the Butte ore deposits, Montana. 92. Bostrom K. and Peterson M. N. A. Precipitates from
Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 926-46. hydrothermal exhalations on the East Pacific Rise. Econ.
Geol., 61, 1966, 1258-65.
74. Etminan H. and Sheppard S. M. F. Unpublished data.
93. Corliss J. B. The origin of metal-bearing submarine
75. Taylor H. P. Jr. O18/O 16 evidence for meteoric-
hydrothermal solutions. J. geophys. Res., 76, 1971,
hydrothermal alteration and ore deposition in the Tonopah,
Comstock Lode, and Goldfield mining districts, Nevada. 94. Robertson A. H. F. Cyprus umbers: basalt-sediment
Econ. Geol., 68, 1973, 747-64. relationships on a Mesozoic ocean ridge. Jlgeol. Soc.
76. O'Neil J. R. etal. Stable isotope and chemical relations Lond., 131, 1975, 511-31.
during mineralization in the Bodie mining district, Mono 95. Easton A.J. Hamilton D. Kempe D. R. C. and
County, California. Econ. Geol., 68, 1973, 765-84. Sheppard S. M. F. Low-temperature metasomatic garnets
77. O'Neil J. R. and Silberman M. L. Stable isotope rela- in marine sediments. Phil. Trans. R. Soc., in press.
tions in epithermal A u - A g deposits. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 96. Ohmoto H. and Rye R. O. Hydrogen and oxygen
902 - 9 . isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions in the Kuroko
78. Robinson B.W. The origin of mineralization at the deposits, Japan. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 947-53.
Tui mine, Te Aroha, New Zealand, in the light of stable 97. Colley H. and Rice C. M. A Kuroko-type ore deposit
isotope studies. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 910-25. in Fiji. Econ. Geol., 70, 1975, 1373-86.
79. Bethke P. M. Rye R. O. and Barton P. B. Jr. Hydro- 98. Colley H. Rice C. M. and Sheppard S. M. F. Un-
gen, oxygen and sulfur isotopic compositions of ore fluids published data.
in the Creede district, Mineral County, Colorado. Geol.
Soc. Am. Abstr., 5, 1973, 549. 99. Lawrence J. R. and Taylor H. P. Jr. Deuterium and
oxygen 18 correlation: clay minerals and hydroxides in
80. Rye R. O. and Sawkins F.J. Fluid inclusion and Quaternary soils compared to meteoric waters. Geochim.
stable isotope studies on the Casapalca A g - P b - Z n - C u cosmochim Acta, 35, 1971, 993-1003.
deposit, Central Andes, Peru. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974,
181-205. 100. Taylor H. P. Jr. and Forester R.W. Low-O 18 igneous
rocks from the intrusive complexes of Skye, Mull, and
81. Landis G. P. and Rye R.O. Geologic, fluid inclusion, Ardnamurchan, western Scotland. J. Petrology, 12, 1971,
and stable isotope studies of the Pasto Bueno tungsten- 465-97.
base metal ore deposit, Northern Peru. Econ. Geol., 69,
1974, 1025-59. 101. Kilinc I. A. and Burnham C. W. Partitioning of
chloride between a silicate melt and coexisting aqueous
82. Taylor H. P. Jr. Oxygen isotope evidence for large- phase from 2 to 8 kilobars. Econ. Geol., 67, 1972, 231-5.
scale interaction between meteoric ground waters and
Tertiary granodiorite intrusions, western Cascade Range, 102. Sheppard S. M. F. Brown P. E. and Chambers A. D.
The Lilloise intrusion, east Greenland: hydrogen isotope
Oregon. J. geophys. Res., 76, 1971, 7855-74.
evidence for the efflux of magmatic water into the contact
83. Nash J. T. Fluid-inclusion studies of some gold metamorphic aureole. In Fourth European Colloquium of
deposits in Nevada. Prof. Pap. U.S. geol. Surv. 800-C, geochronology, cosmochronology and isotope geology,
1972, C15-9. Amsterdam, 1976, 84. (Abstract).
Cyprus; Oman; Bay of Islands, Newfoundland; Buena Vista
Hydrogen and oxygen isotope Islands, British Solomon Islands; Balabac Island, Philippines;
evidence for sea-water-hydro- Kure, Turkey). These ophiolites are considered to represent
uplifted fragments of oceanic crust. 1 The genesis of the
thermal alteration and ore massive sulphide deposits is related to the development and
deposition, Troodos complex, evolution of the crust in the sub-sea-floor environment, and
the role of hydrous fluids in such an environment is of par-
Cyprus ticular importance. To understand the magmatic and post-
magmatic processes in such an environment we require
T. H. E. Heaton knowledge of the origins of these fluids.
Grant Institute o f Geology, Edinburgh, Scotland Recent studies have demonstrated that, in general, a com-
bined hydrogen and oxygen isotope approach is necessary to
S. M. F. Sheppard
distinguish between waters of different origin. 2 This stable
Scottish Universities Research Reactor Centre, isotope study attempts to set limits on the origins of waters
East KiJbride, Glasgow, Scotland and the nature of their interaction with different rock types
during the metamorphic and hydrothermal processes that
539.155. 2 : 5 5 3 . 2 1 6 . 5 : 5 5 3 . 4 3 5 ( 5 6 4 . 3 ) occurred in a section of oceanic crust, and to give informa-
tion about the environment of ore deposition of massive
Synopsis sulphide deposits.
Although currently there are several active hydrogen and
A mode/is presented for the genesis of the Cyprus massive oxygen isotope studies of ophiolite and oceanic dredge and
cupriferous sulphide deposits, their associated stockwork core material, few data are widely available. Isotopic evi-
mineralization and the metamorphism of the Troodos dence for the interaction of sea water with hot oceanic
ophiolite complex based on D/H, 180//160 and 13Cp2C igneous rocks was first proposed by Sheppard and Epstein 3
ratio analyses, where applicable, of 94 whole rocks and from studies of the hornblende peridotites and serpentines
minerals, chemical, mineralogical and sulphur iso tope data. from the St Paul's Rocks, mid-Atlantic Ridge. Additional
The upper 3 - 5 km of the hot Troodos c r u s t - pillow evidence for the interaction of sea water with hot igneous
lavas, Sheeted Intrusive Complex, trondhjemites and upper rocks comes from serpentinized ultramafic rocks, 4 recon-
gabbros- were metamorphosed to zeolite facies, tempera- naisance data from the Troodos complex, s, 6 ophiolites in
tures of about 0 to 250~ and greenschist-amphibolite the Franciscan, California, 7 and Kuroko base-metal
facies, temperatures of about 250 to 450--550~ during deposits. 8
interaction with a deep circulating sea-water geothermal In a number of studies on dredged oceanic crust and
system. Minimum isotopic temperatures of 320--400~ are ophiolite samples oxygen isotope data on their own have
given for the epidote-bearing vein-halo assemblages in the been interpreted as being consistent with the interaction of
upper gabbros, trondhjemites and Sheeted Intrusive Complex. sea water. 9, lO, 11,39 Because waters of more than one
/ f temperatures at the base of the Sheeted Intrusive Complex origin (primary magmatic water, sea water, etc.) could be
were higher than " 500~ either a magmatic or metamor- involved, however, the oxygen isotope data alone cannot be
phic water component must have been present in the hydro- so simply interpreted, as was pointed out by Muehlenbachs
thermal fluids. The magmatic water could be of sea-water and Clayton. TM
origin, being derived from the melting or assimilation o f The Troodos ophiolite complex, Cyprus, was selected for
sea-water-hydrothermally altered roof rocks overlying the this study for the following reasons: (1) the igneous complex
gabbroic magma chambers Minimum water/rock ratios and associated orebodies are, geologically, one of the better
during pervasive alteration decrease from > I by weight in known examples; (2) this fragment of inferred oceanic crust
zeolite facies pillow lavas to "~ O. 1 in the underlying green- has experienced minimal horizontal deformation during up-
schist facies rocks, but were an order of magnitude larger in lift; and (3) interpretation of the nature of the metamorphic
the veins and fractures. and hydrothermal processes that occurred in the submarine
In the stockwork zones, which underlie the sea-floor sites environment has not been complicated by subsequent meta-
of massive sulphide orebodies, isotopic temperatures de- morphic and/or magmatic processes.
clined from initial values greater than 300~ (with water/
rock ratios > I - 5 , by weight) to less than 220~ during
post-sulphide later-stage vein quartz formation; these tem- Geological setting
peratures were higher than temperatures in the predomi- Genera/
nantly zeolite facies country rock~ The stockwork zones
It has been suggested that the Troodos massif, like many
are interpreted to represent the discharge zones of the sea-
ophiolites, may have formed in a behind-arc spreading axis
water-hydrothermal fluids responsible for the regional-scale
situated above a subducting plate in a marginal ocean basin
mass transfer and the mineralization. A t least some o f the
environment. 1,87 As we are concerned with determining
sulphide, sulphur in the stockworks and orebodies is of sea-
the origins of the fluids, waters of three potential origins
water origin. Formation of massive sulphide deposits
must be considered - primary magmatic water, sea water
requires the coincidence of several factors, including the
and water released during dehydration of a subducted plate
penetration of a brine to deep levels, where temperatures
(hereafter termed metamorphic water).
were greater than 300 ~ in an active spreading centre, leach-
ing of ore metals, and discharge of the hot springs into Troodos massif A general ized map of the geology of the
basins where both sulphide deposition and localization could Troodos complex showing the location of the more import-
occur. ant massive sulphide deposits is given in Fig. 1. The follow-
ing summary of the geology is based on a wide variety of
detailed studies, many of them recent. 12-21
Massive sulphide deposits are closely associated with the The centre of the Troodos annular structure, the Mount
basic volcanic rocks of many ophiolite sequences (e.g. Olympus region (approximately 2000-m elevation), is in

harzburgites, now largely tectonized and heavily serpent- cause of the widespread prevalance of normal faulting their
inized, and interpreted to represent depleted mantle. Above shapes are not well known. 2~ Outcrops of Lower Pillow
this, geologically, lies a thick layer of ultrabasic and basic Lavas are, however, overwhelmingly in the zeolite facies.
layered cumulates (peridotites, gabbros, etc.) with trond- The stockworks therefore must have a restricted horizontal
hjemite bodies locally at the top. The term trondhjemite extent, although not necessarily as restricted as that of the
(see Streckeisen 22) is used here to describe collectively massive sulphide deposits (typically 104 m 2 in area).
rocks also termed granophyres, quartz diorites, plagiogran- The massive sulphide deposits and metamorphosed Lower
ites, 23 etc. These plutonic rocks pass up into the basic Pillow Lavas are overlain, generally unconformably, by the
Sheeted Intrusive Complex (S.I.C.) - a unit composed al- Upper Pillow Lavas (U.P.L.). These basalts and olivine
most entirely of near-vertical dykes and estimated to be basalts are interpreted to represent off-axis magmatic
about 2 km thick. The dyke complex merges into an activity; they subsequently underwent zeolite facies meta-
approximately 1-km thick pile of basic volcanic rocks of morphism. Fe-Mn-rich sediments (umbers) lie immediately
tholeiitic parentage, which is dominated by pillow structures above and locally within the U.P.L. These Upper Pillow
- the Lower Pillow Lavas (L.P.L.). The Troodos complex Lavas and sediments, which are later than the development
is Upper Cretaceous in age, and was uplifted during Miocene of the major part of the Troodos ophiolite sequence and its
times. metamorphism, are of less concern here.
Most of the massive sulphide deposits, consisting of
pyrite with varying amounts of chalcopyrite and rarer Experimental
sphalerite, are interpreted to have formed in tectonically Sample preparation
controlled basins or depressions in the sea-floor at the sea
Whole-rock samples were crushed to less than 250/~m, the
water-L.P.L, interface. The Skouriotissa orebody lies on
development of too much fine power being avoided. Miner-
the Upper Pillow Lavas (see below), but has been over-
als were separated by standard density and magnetic tech-
thrusted from its inferred position at the top of the L.P.L.
niques with a purity of better than 95%. To separate quartz
These massive sulphide deposits are underlain by a zone of
from the finely intergrown quartz-chlorite-pyrite ground-
highly altered pillow lavas, dominantly a quartz-chlorite-
mass assemblage of stockwork samples chlorite was removed
pyrite assemblage, which are cut by a ramifying network of
chemically (after density separation of pyrite) by a method
quartz-chalcedony-pyrite-chalcopyrite veins and veinlets,
outlined by Syers eta/. 27 In thin section this groundmass
called the stockwork zone.
quartz is optically homogeneous. The oxygen isotope com-
The Lower Pillow Lavas, Sheeted Intrusive Complex and
position of a groundmass quartz, which was not chemically
at least the upper parts of the gabbros have been affected
separated, because of the absence of chlorite, is isotopically
by a' pervasive low-pressure, low- to high-temperature type
similar to our chemically separated quartz values. Therefore,
zeolite-greensch ist-amphibolite facies metamorphism.
we conclude that the chemical separation method does not
The mineral assemblages given below do not distinguish
between the relict igneous and new metamorphic minerals. affect the isotopic composition of our groundmass quartz
Lower Pillow Lavas are dominantly in the zeolite facies, samples.
with, typically, the assemblage plagioclase-pyroxene-
altered glass-smectite-celadonite- zeolites-chalcedony- Isotopic analysis
quartz--calcite--magnetite. Well established analytical methods 2s, 29, 30 were used to
The transition with depth to greenschist facies - the con- extract hydrogen, carbon and oxygen from minerals and
version of an essentially plagioclase (An80_90), pyroxene whole rocks after removal of all absorbed or interlayer
and magnetite assemblage to a plagioclase (Ans_as)- water. Isotopic ratios were determined on CO2 and H2
pyroxene--quartz-chlorite-actinolite-epidote-ilmenite- gases in McKinney-Nier type mass spectrometers.
sphene-leucoxene-pyrite assemblage - very approximately
coincides with the Lower Pillow Lava-Sheeted Intrusive Isotopic notation
Complex transition. With increase in depth in the S,I.C. and The isotopic data are presented as the enrichment of the
the upper parts of the gabbros, chlorite becomes rare, actin- heavy isotope in the sample, compared to a standard in per
olite becomes less abundant, and the abundance of meta-
morphic hornblende progressively increases; there is also an
increase in the anorthite content of altered plagioclase.
This suggests the development of an amphibolite facies, al- 6~ sample = ( Rsarnple. 1~ x 1000
though we appreciate the possibility that in a greenschist \ Rstandard /
facies environment Ca-rich plagioclase may be stable. 24 In
a trondhjemite outcrop very close to gabbros the assem- where R = D/H, i80/160, 13C/12Cand 34S/32S. For hydro-
blage garnet (~95% andradite) + plagioclase (An86_89) + gen and oxygen the standard is Standard Mean Ocean Water
quartz + magnetite was observed, sug0esting the develop- (SMOW); for carbon PDB; and for sulphur Ca~_on Diablo
ment, at least locally, of temperatures higher than 600~
(2.0 kbar fluid). 2s,26 This may be a result of contact
metamorphism by the gabbro.
Exchange experiments
Within the lower parts of the L.P.L., and particularly in
the S.I.C., trondhjemites and upper parts of the gabbros, Exchange experiments were conducted on a variety of
quartz-rich veins with well developed epidotic haloes cut the samples with D- and 1SO-enriched waters to determine
pervasively altered rocks (epidote also occurs in the deeper whether hydrogen and/or oxygen isotope exchange with
parts of some stockworks). These veins, like the stockwork water - for example, atmospheric water vapour - is so
zones, contain assemblages different from those of the rapid as to prevent meaningful isotopic analysis. 21 The
surrounding rocks. They are interpreted to represent the results obtained showed that hydrogen isotope analyses of
major channelways for the hydrothermal solutions. many of our zeolite facies rocks are generally of limited use
The stockwork zones in the Lower Pillow Lavas have geologically because hydrogen exchange occurs within a few
usually been considered to be pipe-like in form, but be- days at room temperature.

Mineral-H20 fractionation factors Whole,rock samples- 180/160 ratios
The hydrogen and oxygen fractionation curves summarized Fig. 2 compares the ~180 values of fresh sub-oceanic basalts
by Taylor 31 are used here to calculate the isotopic compo- with data for basalts, dolerites and gabbros from oceanic
sition of water in equilibrium with our minerals. Additional dredge and drill-cores, and from ophiolites -Troodos, which
data on chlorite, actinolite, hornblende and epidote are has suffered no syn- or post-emplacement metamorphism,
derived from the experimental studies of Suzuoki and and Pindos and Liguria, which have. Fresh oceanic basalts
Epstein, 32 studies on epidote from active geothermal sys- with H2 O+ ~< 0.45%, both from "normal' and 'marginal'
tems (S. M. F. Sheppard, unpublished) and chlorites from ocean basins, have a restricted range of ~ 180 values,
oceanic dredge samples with known fluid inclusion +5.5 to +6.2%o, compared to which (data of this study):
homogenization temperatures. 33 Significantly, both the
(1) Five Troodos gabbros have similar values, ranging
epidote and chlorite data are for temperatures directly
+5.3 to +6.5%o, average +6.0%o; they include two fresh
comparable with those of our Troodos samples. In addition,
gabbros with ~180 values +5.7 to +6.5%o. The Trood(';
when the composition effect on hydrogen isotope fraction-
gabbros are, on average, 1.2%o heavier than four oceani~
ations is taken into account, the chlorite data broadly
gabbros, which average +4.8%o (Fig. 2). The Troodos
support the empirical curve given by Taylor. 31 Because of
the critical influence of mineral chemistry on the hydrogen gabbro samples, however, contained 60-70% plagioclase,
isotope fractionation factors, 32 representative minerals were most of which was strongly twinned and appeared fresh,
chemically analysed (Table 2) and these data are used in our and for one sample plagioclase ~ 180 = +6.2%o; the remain-
calculations. ing 30-40% of the gabbros were essentially pyroxene or
amphibole (below). In contrast, for the two 180-depleted
oceanic gabbro samples on which mineral separates were
Sample localities and isotopic results
made, the plagioclase was considered to be isetopically al-
The distribution of our sample localities is shown in Fig. 1. tered, yielding ~ 180 values +4.0 and +4.9O/oo.37' 39 This

Fig.1 Generalizedgeological map of Troodos complex, Cyprus, showing locations of

major massive sulphide orebodies and sample localities

The ~180 and ~D data on whole rock and mineral separates slight difference between Troodos gabbro and some oceanic
from these localities are given in "t'abl~ 1 and in Figs. 2, 3 gabbro whole-rock ~ 180 values may be a consequence of
and 4. Because of mineral separating problems, not all differences in the temperature and relative masses of the
samples could be analysed for both D/H and 180/160 ratios. exchanging reservoirs during alteration, and is not necessarily
Data for serpentinized samples and for the umber sediments due to differences in the initial oxygen isotope compositions
are not considered here. of the magmas.
Discussion (2) The majority of the S.I.C. metadolerites analysed have
~180 values in the range +4.4 to +6.0%o (6 samples; average
The whole-rock ~ 180 data for the Troodos samples are dis- +5.4%o). These values are slightly lower than those reported
cussed first and compared with data from other ophiolite for oceanic dolerites (Fig. 2). This probably reflects
complexes and from oceanic samples. The isotopic charac- differences in modal mineralogy: the Troodos S.I.C. rocks
teristics of the individual minerals are then outlined. The commonly contain more of the relatively 180-poor chlorite
Troodos ~ 180 whole-rock data discussed are for non-vein (up to 35%) and less of the relatively 180-rich quartz than
associated samples, with mineralogies summarized above. the analysed oceanic dolerites (mineralogy in Aumento and

Table 1 Hydrogen, oxygen and carbon isotope analyses Table 1 Hydrogen, oxygen and carbon isotope analyses
of minerals and w h o l e rocks of minerals and w h o l e rocks (continued)
6180, 6180, 6180, 6180,
Sample no.* Mineralogyt 6D:]: whole rockw mineral** Sample no.* Mineralogyt 6Dr whole rock w mineral**

Upper Pillow Lavas Sheeted Intrusive Complex

3--3 WR -66 + 12.8 +31.3c v 5 pg, ch, q --43 + 9.7
10--2 (c) +31.6(c) w 16--3 pg, ch, px --38ch + 8.7 + 2.7ch
29--2 WR --54 +10.6pg
61 --2 WR -58 +29.1 c x 23 pg, ch, px, q --39ch + 3.9ch
40/202 WR --54 24 [q, ep] -- 3[ep]
Sk. 1 - 4 WR --78 + 16.0 32 pg, ch, q, --38ch + 5.8
Sk.2--4 WR +15.8 [ep] + 2[ep] + 0.9 [ep]
Ms.30 WR -43 33--1 [q, ep] + 3.4[ep]
435 WR -61 +11.8 + 9.5[q]
33--2 pg, ch, q --37ch + 5.6 + 3.4ch
Lower Pillow Lavas 34--2 pg, ac, hd --43 + 6.0
66 WR --54 +11.4 68p pg, ch, q, -- 9(ep) + 0.2(ep)
67--1 rim WR -40 + 7.7 (q, ep, c) --34pg, ch +16.0c z
6 7 - 4 core WR -40 70 pg, ch, q -43 + 6.0
92 (q) +31.7(q) 89 [ep] + 7[ep] + 0.1 [ep]
95-1 [q] +30.9 [q] Cy42 pg, ac --47ac + 5.6 + 3.8ac
40/258 WR -63 + 9.5 Cy67 pg, ac, q --49 + 4.4
401362 [c] +30.4 [c] Y
401532 WR -63 +10.3 Trondhjemites
401652 WR -64 6 pg, q, am + 4.4
409 WR +12.5 11--1 [q, ep] + 6.4 [q]
+ 4[ep] 0.0[ep]
Stockworks 20--1 pg, q, [ep] -- 3[ep]
Ms.21 q, ch --37 49 pg, ac, q, ch --52ac + 5.3
Ms.31 ch, q --39 + 2.5 + 5.5q Cy92 pg, q, am + 5.0
Ms.3/109 q, ch, [q] +10.7 [q]
Ms.3/113 q, ch, [q] +14.1 [q] Gabbros
Ko.1 q, ch --33 7--1 [q, ep] + 3[ep]
Ko.2 q + 6.9q 7--3 ac --54ac + 4.3ac
Mat.6 q, ch, [q] +14.1 [q] 13 pg, ac, hd --51ac + 5.7ac
Mat.7 ch, q --37 + 4.1 + 7.0q 15--1 pg, hd, ac --44am + 5.3am
Li.3 q, ch -41 + 3.7 + 6.0q +10.5pg
Li.Q q, ch, [q] +10.5[q] 15--2 pg, hd, ac, --17 + 6.2
Sk.11 --2 q, ch + 2.9 ep, q + 5ep + 3.8ep
Sk.74/1425 q, ch, (ep) --13(ep) --45am + 4.8am
Sk.74/1475 ch, q, (ep) --39q, ch 35--2 [q, ep, ac] -- 3[ep] + 1.6[ep]
--18 (ep) + 0.2 (ep) --47[ac] + 1.5[ac]
121266 q, ch, [q] +11.0 [q] + 6.8[q]
12/624 ch, q --40 + 1.4 + 5.7q 35--4 pg, ac, hd, [ep] + 0.8 am
12/665 ch, q, (ep) -- 5(ep) 45 pg, px + 5.7
75 pg, px + 6.5
79 pg, q, hd, --51hd + 7.6q
ac, px
107 pg, ac, hd -47am + 6.4
121 pg, hd, ac --51 hd + 5.2hd
I T - 84 ' I ' I ' I
129 pg, ac, hd --51am + 5.3 + 4.6am
Sub-oceanic Basalt s
28 + 6.2pg
Metabasolts IIIi I
Met o d o l er ites *See Fig. 1 for sample localities. Abbreviations: Ms. = Mousoulos,
Metagabbros Ko. = Kokkinoyia, Mat.-- Mathiati, Li. = Limni, Sk. = Skouriotissa.
tAbbreviations: WR = whole rock, ac = actinolite, ~am= amphibole,
PilLow lavas c = calcite, ch = chlorite, ep = epidote, hd= hornblende, pg = plagio-
S.I.C o o,p~l~ clase, px = pyroxene, q -- quartz. Order of mineralogy refers to
Gabbros o~ eqb relative modal abundance of major minerals given in decreasing
sequence -- excludes magnetite, pyrite, ilmenite, sphene, leucoxene.
u [], () = minerals in veins, in vesicles, respectively.
E Basalts I ~ I
.~ Metadoler ites I 56 D values refer to whole-rock analysis, except where specified.
r' ~ Metagabbros H Most values represent means of duplicate analyses with a precision
.~'o E. Liguria of -+1 or 2~
~. Basalts ~ ~ ~' ~ ~
wMost values represent mean of duplicate analyses with a precision
I L L- L I 1 , [ of +0.1 or 0.2~
0 +4 +8 -.12 +16
*'513C values for calcites: v = +2.6, w = +2.0, x = +0.7, y = +2.6,
8~80, %0 z = +2.1, per mil.

Fig. 2 S u m m a r y of w h o l e - r o c k oxygen isotope data for

oceanic and ophiolite basalts, dolerites and gabbros. Ocean-
ic data f r o m Taylor, 34 Garlick and D y m o n d , 35
Muehlenbachs and Clayton, 1~ 36, 39 Pineau eta/., 37 co-workers 86). T w o Troodos S.I.C. samples gave high
Easton etal., 38 Jehl etal. 33 Troodos data: crosses, 1 8 0 values, +8.7 and +9.7%o; the heavier sample, f r o m
Margaritz and T a y l o r ; s open circles, Spooner etal. 111 solid close t o the t o p o f the S.I.C., had a significant a m o u n t of
circles, this study; Pindos data: Javoy; 9 East Liguria data: quartz, and both samples contained at least 50% plagioclase
Spooner et al. 11 A n 5 _ 3 o , which f o r the lighter sample was +10.6%o.

(3) Zeolite facies U.P.L. and L.P.L. samples (Figs. 2 and
u PL I I
4) show a wide range of $180 values: U.P.L. + 1 1.8 to Pillow IQVQS
+16.0%o (four samples; average +14.1%o), L.P.L. +7.7 to
+12.5%o (five samples; average +10.3%o). These are within Stockworks I If { E)E~
9 e~ ~
the range for altered oceanic basalts (Fig.2). Nevertheless,
they are more 180-rich than many of the altered oceanic S.I.C. oo ~
basalts. The two most 180-rich samples come from the &
9 Chlorite
l_ &-' 9 F
U.P.L. very close to Skouriotissa mine and may have been I II 9 Epidote
involved in supergene processes in the subaerial environment. Tr'ondhjemites r | 9 Actinolite

There is no evidence for subaerial processes affecting the E3 H o r n b l e n d e

IB Act=-Hnbd.
other pillow lava samples, two of which were borehole
Gabbros ID ~ LL Jr | Quartz
samples from depths of 80 and 200 m. H2 O+ content of Jr FeldFDar
the pillow lavas ranged 1.2-2.3%, with no apparent correla- IT---+ @
E3 I Whole rock
tion between H2 0+ and whole-rock $180 value. The lowest Fresh oceanic basa[ts Jo~
~180 value (+7.7%o; 1.8% H2 0+) was for the glassy rim of I I I I I I I I I I
-2 0 -*2 +4 +6 +8 +10 .12 +14 +16
a L.P.I. pillow.
8'80, %0
Whole-rock samples - D/H ratios Fig. 4 Troodos whole-rock and mineral separate ~ 180
data. Tie-lines connect coexisting minerals. Fresh oceanic
Fig. 3 compares ~ D data for Troodos samples with zeolite
basalts from Fig. 2
and greenschist facies oceanic dredge samples. For many of
our samples (e.g. those lacking epidote) the D/H ratio of
the hornblende and actinolite are petrographically distinct,
their chemical compositions are less distinct (actinolite-
1 r I ~ - - - ~ i I ' I
aluminous actinolite; Table 2). We have no evidence for
41i 9
Stockwork 9 9 9 9 9

i Lavas UPL I II I II I Table 2 Compositions of hydrous minerals

S. IC. ~ 9149 9
=J Mineral no. , Composition
I l 9

Trondhjem~tes 9 Amphibole 6 Na0.13Cat.89(Mg2.2s Fe2.6sA10.21)

(SiT.s 1A10.49)O22(OH)2
GQbbros mm l 9 13 K0.03 Nao.20Ca1.71 (Mg3.s4Fe1.47A10.24)
9 Chlorite
[] (Si 7.S4AI0.46) 022 (OH)2
9 Epidote
St. Paul's Rocks O [] 15--1 K0.07 Na0.3sCa1.,~ (Mg2.6t Fe2.36AI0.27)
9 Act i n o l i t e
Sub-oceonic (Si 7.30AI0.70)O22(OH)2
bosalts and dolerites H H I I D Hornblende
Fresh continental ,=-90 Act~-Hnbd
15--2 Ko.03 Na0.26Ca1.82(Mg2.37Fe2 .S9AIo. 17)
I Whole rock
I ,
I , I
, I 35--4 Ko.ot Nao.t 3Cat .6s (Mg3.09Fa1.77A10.29)
(SiT.ssAI0.4s)O22 (OH)2
8D,%o 79 Nao.osCal.88 (Mg4.2s Feo.TsA10.08)
(Si 7.8sAIo.ls )022 (OH)2
Fig. 3 Troodos whole-rock and mineral separate 6D data 121 Ko.07Nao,29Ca1.80(Mg2.98Fe2.03Alo.ts)
(whole-rock values for majority of stockwork, S.I.C., (Si7.37A10.63)022(OH)2
trondhjemite and gabbro samples that lack epidote are 121 K0.04 Nao.09Ca1.74(Mg3.29Fe2.47AI0.08 )
equivalent to the chlorite--amphibole mineral separate (Si7.64AI0.36)O22 (OH)2
values); compared with data from St. Paul's Rocks, 3 sub-
oceanic metamorphosed basalts and dolerites 33 and fresh Chlorite 5 Mg4.99Fe4.66AI2.24 (Sis.85AI2.15 )020
continental basalts (summarized by Taylor 31 )
16--3 Mg4.36Fe4.s2AI2.76(5i5.92AI 1.98)020
(OH) 16
32 Mg5.60Fe4.07AI2.18 (Si6.o2AI 1.98)020
the mineral closely represents the whole-rock ratio. There- (OH)t6
fore, the values observed for the stockworks, S.I.C., trond- Ms31 Mgs.soFe3.63AI2.69(Siso69AI2.31)02o
hjemites and gabbros are within the range of values observed (OH)16
for the small number of sub-oceanic metabasalts and meta- Li 3 Mg3.37Fes.70AI2.84(Sis.35AI2.6S)020
dolerites, many in the greenschist facies, that have been (OH)16
12/624 Mg6.48 Fe2.46AI2.77 (Sis .76 A I 2 . 2 4 ) 0 2 0
analysed. The ~D values of the sub-oceanic samples are
known to be due to exchange with hot sea water, the range
reflecting variations in the temperature and mineral Epidote 11--1 Ca1.99 (Al2.21 Feo.sT)Si3.010 12 (OH);
chemistry. 33 28% pistacite
The hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of 15--2 Ca 1.98 (AI2.24 Feo'69)Si3.00 O 12 (O H);
24% pistacite
Troodos mineral separates are discussed below and
summarized in Figs. 3 and 4. 20--1 Ca2.00 (AI 2.14 Feo. 74 )Si3.02 O 12 (O H );
26% pistacite
32 COl .98 (AI2. IS Fe0.83)Si2.98 O 12 (OH);
Amphiboles 28% pistacite
Isotopically analysed amphibole separates include blue-green 24 29--32% pistacite (refractive index
hornblende and fibrous actinolite, or, more commonly, determination)
intergrown mixtures of the two, since hornblende invariably 68 27--32% pistacite (refractive index
shows some retrograde alteration to actinolite. Although

significant differences in the isotopic characteristics of cavity filling in the U.P.L., and as a vein in a L.P.L. hyalo-
Troodos hornblendes and actinolites; they are thus clastite, has ~ 13C values of +0.7 to +2.6%o (four samples;
considered together here. average +2.000o), and ~ 180 +29.1 to +31.6%o (four samples;
Amphiboles from the gabbros, trondhjemites and lower average +30.6%o). An upper S.I.C. inter-pillow cavity
parts of the S.I.C. (excluding veins) have ~D values of calcite has a ~13C value of +2.1%o and ~180 +16.0%o.
- 4 3 to -54%o (twelve samples; average -48%o), and ~ 180
values of +3.8 to +5.7%o (seven samples; average +4.8%o). Isotopic composition of hydrothermal waters
An actinolite from an epidote vein in the gabbros has
The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of waters
~D = -47%o, which is identical to our other actinolites, but,
in equilibrium with our samples are calculated here by use
together with another actinolite in epidote-veined gabbros,
of the mineraI-H20 fractionation factors discussed above.
is depleted in 180 (+1.5 and +0.8%o).
These calculations require knowledge of the temperature.
Chlorites Our temperature data are based on a few isotopic tempera-
tures and phase equilibria relations (and also on some fluid
Chlorite samples come from the S.I.C. as part of the green- inclusion data mentioned later). Zeolite facies metamor-
schist facies assemblage, and from the stockworks. S.I.C. phism of the pillow lavas developed in the approximate
chlorites have similar Fe/Fe + Mg ratios (pycnochlorite 4o), temperature range 0-250~ 17 and the greenschist facies
whereas stockwork chlorites, although chemically similar from about 250 to 450-550~ 33 The upper stability limits
to S.I.C. chlorites, have a wider range of Fe/Fe + Mg ratios of chlorite, actinolite and epidote-bearing assemblages are
(Table 2). Chlorites from the greenschist facies assem- dependent on pressure, composition and the oxygen fugacity
blages from the top to the bottom of the S.I.C. have ~ D = From thickness estimates of the Troodos crust (e.g.~Vine
- 3 4 to --43%0 (seven samples; average -39%0) and ~ 180 = and Moores 41 )pressures of about 1.5--2.0 kbar may be
+2.7 to 3.9%0 (three samples; average +3.3%o). Chlorites expected for the upper gabbros. At these pressures the
from the mineralized stockworks in the L.P.L. and upper breakdown of chlorite, increase in amphibole aluminium
parts of the S.I.C. have ~D = - 3 3 to -41%o (seven samples; content (actinolite to aluminous actinolite, Table 2) and an
average -38% o), which are indistinguishable from our other increase in plagioclase anorthite content may be expected
metamorphic chlorites. In contrast, however, the stockwork over the temperature range 450-550~ (QFM buffer data
chlorites are depleted in 180 (approximately - 0 . 9 to of Liou and co-workers 42), Epidote plus quartz breaks
+1.4~ as calculated from whole-rock quartz-chlorite down at about 500~ at low fo2 (QFM), whereas epidote
data corrected by use of quartz separate data. is stable up to 630~ at higher fo2 (H.M. buffer) at 2 kbar
Epidotes fluid. 42
In several cases we calculate a range of isotopic composi-
Epidotes have chemical compositions in the range 24-32% tions of waters for a possible range of temperatures. Be-
pistacite (Table 2). Although vein, vesicle and groundmass cause waters more 1SO-depleted than sea water are geo-
epidotes in a particular rock unit have similar compositions, logically unrealistic for development of our greenschist
there is a progressive increase in the pistacite content from facies samples, a minimum temperature can be derived for
the gabbros to the base of the L.P.L. Vein epidotes from these assemblages. In interpreting the origin of the waters,
the S.I.C., trondhjemites and gabbros are strongly enriched three types of water must be considered: (1) primary mag-
in deuterium relative to all other analysed minerals (+7 to matic water, (2) sea water and (3) metamorphic water
-3%o: seven samples; average +2%o) and have ~ 180 --- released from a subducted lithosphere that is undergoing
+0.0 to +3.4%o (five samples; average +1.2%o). An epidote dehydration. We have no evidence that meteoric waters
from a gabbro that is not obviously related to a vein has a in the subaerial history are important for the samples in this
similar D/H ratio (+5%o), but is enriched in 180 (+3.8%o) study, and waters of this origin are not considered further.
relative to the vein epidotes. We also note that epidotes For rocks of basaltic composition primary magmatic
from vesicles in deep borehole samples in stockwork from waters are defined to have ~D -- - 4 0 to -80%o and ~180 =
beneath Skouriotissa mine at borehole depths of approxi- +5.5 to +8.00/00.2
mately 430 and 450 m, in an upper S.I.C. stockwork and in The average oxygen isotope composition of present-day
an upper S.I.C. inter-pillow cavity have slightly lighter ~D ocean water is about 0%o. Shackleton and Kennett 43 have
values ( - 5 to -18%o; four samples; average -10%o), but estimated that prior to the formation of the currently exist-
similar ~ 180 values (two samples = +0.2%o) relative to the ing ice sheets in the Miocene the oxygen isotope composi;
vein epidotes. tion was about -1.0%o. We assume that Cretaceous sea
water had ~D = -7%0 and ~ 180 = -1.0%o.
With regard to metamorphic waters, waters released
Quartz with epidote from veins in trondhjemite and gabbro during dehydration of subducted crust are considered to
have ~ 180 values of +6.4 and +6.8%0, respectively, and have compositions in the range ~D -- --20 to -60%o,
quartz from a gabbro pegmatite +7.6%0. Quartz from the ~180 = +4 to +12~ 2,21 It is possible that the ~180 value
altered basalts in the stockworks (excludes veins), hereafter might be a few per mil heavier if the size of the sediment
termed 'groundmass quartz', has ~ 180 values of +5.5 to component in the crust that is undergoing dehydration is
+7+0%0 (five samples from different stockworks; average very large.
+6.3%0). In contrast, vein quartz from the stockworks has In applying the combined hydrogen and oxygen isotope
~180 values of +10.5 to +14.1%o (five samples; average approach to determining the origin of water, it is important
+12.1%o). Drusy quartz from a large vesicle from the lower to appreciate that the D/H ratio tends to be more diagnostic
parts of the L.P.L. and a chalcedonic vein quartz from the of the origin than the 180/160 ratio unless water/rock
L.P.L. yielded ~180 values of +31.7 and +30.9~/oo, ratios are extremely large. Most rocks contain very much
respectively. less chemically bound hydrogen relative to the large amount
of hydrogen in the hydrothermal fluids with which they
Calcites exchange. The D/H ratio of the water, compared to the
Calcite pseudomorphous after olivine and as an inter-pillow 180/160 ratio, is therefore much less affected by water-

rock exchange processes, unless water/rock ratios are water if temperatures were higher than 400-500~ Many
extremely small (< 0.1 by weight). of the Troodos hornblendes show evidence for a metamor-
In discussing the isotopic composition of the Troodos phic origin, which suggests that they formed under amphi-
hydrothermal waters we consider first the samples from the bolite facies temperatures of perhaps 500-800~ If iso-
pervasive metamorphic assemblages, followed by the epidote topic equilibrium is preserved at temperatures greater than
vein and stockwork assemblages. 500~ a metamorphic or magmatic water component is
probably present, the amount of this component increasing
Zeolite-greenschist-amphibolite facies assemblages with increase in temperature. In all the hornblende-bearing
The calculated isotopic composition of waters in equilibrium samples studied, however, some degree of pervasive retro-
with our chlorites, actinolites and hornblendes from the grade alteration of hornblende to actinolite was visible,
greenschist and amphibolite facies assemblages are shown ranging from a very small amount to total replacement. It
in Fig. 5 for a range of temperatures. Because of the rapid is possible that, if the hornblende, formed at temperatures
rate of exchange of hydrogen in many of our zeolite facies much higher than 500~ or so, they underwent retrograde
rocks a field for waters in equilibrium with these assemblages isotope exchange during formation of the actinolite. The
apparent similarity between the isotopic compositions of
hornblende and actinolite may result, therefore, from iso-
topic equilibration of the amphibole (hornblende plus
Iwater in e q u i l i b r i u m 300 or ' 4000 500 ~ ' 800 ~ Pegmatite
with quartz J J I J C) q u a r t z actinolite) as a whole with the same sea-water fluids, near
' I ' I ' t . I ' I 9Cmor,'e the prograde amphibolite-greenschist facies boundary,
9 Act i n o l i t e
"1"20 I--I H o r n b l e n d e under retrograde greenschist facies temperature conditions.
9~ ~ - -
IR hornblende We note that hornblende is characteristic of the upper parts
/ ~ - Chl lColcu,ated of the gabbros and the lower S.I.C. rather than the fresh
cumulate-layered lower parts of the gabbros. Although the
stability relations for amphiboles are generally complex -
(e.g. Holloway 44), this occurrence of hornblende at the top
-2o I ~- 7">. Metamorphic
of the gabbros may imply that (1) if it is of igneous origin,
the water content of the magma may have been low, or (2)
J 8 0 0 ~ w a t e r s if it is of metamorphic origin, water most probably entered
-~0 s-tc. ~'A""-A--,~,
\.... I.,~ ............ the system from above (sea water) and not from below
(metamorphic or magmatic water) because of the large
Gabbros i(,IIL._..::.-.-r~".magrnat'ic
thickness of amphibole-free, pyroxene-rich, cumulate-layered
-60 L __ _ _ ! _ w a t e r
I , I I l i [ : I i = rocks.
-2 0 +2 +/. +6 +8
8180, %0 Data for the rock units that underlie the zeolite facies
pillow lavas demonstrate that the metamorphic fluids were
Fig. 5 Calculated hydrogen and oxygen isotope composi- overwhelmingly of sea-water origin. Large volumes of sea
tion of waters in equilibrium with Troodos S.I.C. and gabbro water must be expected during zeolite facies alteration of
chlorites and amphiboles and quartz at 200-800~ Fields the pillow lavas. Insofar as the D/H ratios of the zeolite
for ocean water (S.W.), primary magmatic water, meta- facies pillow lava samples are diagnostic of their metamor-
morphic water and meteoric water (M.W.) line are given for phic waters, the data also indicate that sea waters were
reference. Asterisk represents SMOW dominant during zeolite facies metamorphism. The 8180
values of the pillow lavas are, on average, more leO-rich
than the greenschist facies assemblage rocks of the SoI.C.
is not given. The primary magmatic water field, representing The presence of relict phenocrysts (e.g. anorthite-rich
our best estimate of the isotopic composition of waters in plagioclase and pyroxene) in the pillow lavas indicates that
equilibrium with basaltic magmas that have not recogniz- the whole-rock samples have not totally equilibrated during
ably interacted with waters from the country rocks, and a metamorphism. If, however, approximate estimates are
field for metamorphic waters are given for reference. made of the percentage of alteration minerals in the whole-
For greenschist facies temperatures of 250--450~ the rock samples (from mod~il mineralogy and H20 + content),
hydrogen isotope data demonstrate unequivocally that sea the whole-rock 5180 data are found to be consistent with
water was the dominant source of the water during this alteration in the presence of sea water at zeolite facies tem-
stage of hydrothermal metamorphism (Fig. 5). For a given peratures (0-250~ The 5180 values of the Troodos
temperature the hydrogen and oxygen isotope composition pillow lavas do not vary systematically with H2 O+ content
of the waters calculated from the actinolite data is indis- - in contrast to the patterns observed for oceanic basalts,
tinguishable from that calculated from the chlorites when 'weathered' at low temperatures on the sea-floor. 3s, 36
the uncertainties in the mineraI-H20 fractionation data are Isotopic fractionations between carbon-bearing species
taken into account. This would suggest that both the actino- in solution and in minerals are largely a function of tempera-
lite and the chlorite have preserved their equilibrium fract- ture, pH and fo2"45 Assuming HCO~ to be the dominant
ionations. Because there is no depletion in deuterium rela- carbon-bearing species in the pillow lava calcite-forming
tive to the probable sea-water range, there is no isotopic fluids, the pillow lava calcite 513C data indicate a sea-water
evidence for a significant magmatic and/or metamorphic source for the fluid; and the 5180 data suggest calcite form-
water contribution during the major hydration processes ation temperatures of 10-15~ Since sea-water fluids have
that occurred under greenschist facies conditions. These been demonstrated for the S.I.C., the upper S.I.C. calcite
data also set a minimum isotopic temperature of about isotopic data imply relatively high fo2 values for near-
200~ for these greenschist facies assemblages in the S.I.C. neutral solutions, with temperatures of about 100~ (for
and gabbros. sea water 5180 = -1%o). The 5180 data for the L.P.L.
Waters in equilibrium with the amphiboles, from near vesicle and chalcedonic vein quartz (+31.7 and +30.9%o)
the base of the S.I.C. and upper parts of the gabbros, have suggest, if they formed from sea water with 5180 = -1%o,
5D values that are depleted in deuterium relative to sea temperatures of about 20~ (cf. Knauth and Epstein 46).
Epidote veins from gabbros, trondhjemites and S.I.C. Stockworks
Four epidotes from veins in the upper parts of the S.I.C., The hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of'whole-
trondhjemites and gabbros are shown in Fig. 6, together rock' stockwork samples are shown in Fig. 7 (~Vhole rock'
with quartz, which coexists with one of the vein epidotes, refers to the altered basalt that has been separated from the
and actinolite'and quartz, which coexist with another vein vein material that is so characteristic of stockwork samples).
epidote. Prior to analysis, the disseminated pyrite was physically
separated from the quartz and chlorite, which are dominant
I I Waterl in equiliblr ium {
minerals in the 'whole-rock' samples.
with quartz The 'whole-rock' samples in Fig. 7 are from parts of the
300 i 600~ I 5000 I ~ JD Vein quartz
~ ~O L.P.L. stockworks of Mousoulos and Mathiati, inferred to
, t , I.--~'"..-t"~ ~~ I be approximately 25-20 m below the base of the massive
ore, and from the Limni stockwork (depth below massive
Veins .~" ~ 9 Actinolite _
ore not known) and a stockwork in the upper S.I.C. (with
_ no overlying massive ore). The whole-rock ~D values are
, .- ~,
~ Veto
uniform, reflecting the chlorite ~iD values, whereas the
+.Y_ /---""~",~"~'~~ ~ | ', ~ caveo ~ t ~ ....
/ SW" , /IgJ , ~ , amp ~> H20
~7/~./% ,,/ O~'~00~ O Epidote l wide range in ~ 180 reflects, at least in part, variations in
f ~'~//~/t~./.~r//r 500 ~ ~t f-lArnphibolite
, J the quartz and chlorite contents of the different samples.
d \ (~ Exchanged 5.W
t W/R -0.1 (400~ To apply oxygen isotope fractionations to the data the
proportions of quartz and chlorite in each sample were cal-
" ri 1I culated by comparing the AI content of the chlorites
I~I In Primary
(Table 2) to that of the whole-rock samples (analysis by
I mogmatic J
I M. J. Saunders). Both the quartz from the groundmass of
t wat~ i
_I2 ' I , 1 , I , I I , I , these samples (together with a Kokkinoyia stockwork
0 § +/~ +6 "+8
6'80, %0
Fig. 6 Calculated hydrogen and oxygen isotope composi- I , I i
~ ~ ~,
tions of waters in equilibrium with epidote, actinolite and Ou~hrtz in equihbrium
wi sea water
quartz from veins in S.I.C., trondhjemites and gabbros, and ~'1 I I ! /
500" 350* 250~ 200~ 180~
with non-vein associated gabbro epidote and amphibole at , I , f , t , I , I , I , I , I , I
400-500~ Dashed lines connect coexisting minerals. I ~ ~ Water/rock ratio (350~
Stockwork .samples
S.W., M.W. and primary magmatic water as for F ig. 5 9 Whole rock unvelned
.~ 350~ Whole rock talc H20
t Qtz groundmoss
5000 E) Qtz vein
9 Exchanged sea water
The isotopic composition of the waters are calculated
for 400 and 500~ These results indicate that 320-400~ -~0
is a minimum isotopic temperature of formation of vein I Primary I
Imog ..... :
epidote. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures on I water I
-60 J _ 2I i I i I i I ~ I I
the vein-halo assemblage in a trondhjemite sample (11-1 ) 0 +2 +L. +6 +B +12
are in the range 340--400~ (unpublished data with B. S'"O,~
Poty) and support the isotopic temperatures as minimum
Fig. 7 Calculated hydrogen and oxygen isotope composi-
values. For the coexisting quartz-epidote and quartz-
tions of waters in equilibrium with Troodos stockwork
actinolite-epidote the hydrogen (epidote and actinolite
'whole-rock' samples ('groundmass' quartz and chlorite),
only) and oxygen isotope compositions of the waters are
'groundmass' quartz and vein quartz at 180-500~ S.W.,
more nearly identical at 350--400~ than at 500~ Al-
M.W. and primary magmatic water as for Fig. 5, asterisk
though the uncertainties in the mineraI-H20 fractionations
represents SMOW
for epidote and actinolite preclude precise geothermometry,
the 350-400~ formation temperature is favoured. At
these temperatures sea water is overwhelmingly the domin-
ant component of the hydrothermal fluids. groundmass quartz) and the whole-rock data set minimum
Fig. 6 also gives the isotopic composition of waters isotopic temperatures of about 300~ for their formation
associated with epidote and amphibole, disseminated in a (Fig. 7). Thus, temperatures in the stockwork zones were
gabbro sample, which are not obviously associated with higher than those in the enclosing predominantly zeolite
any vein. At 400 and 500~ the hydrogen isotope compo- facies lavas. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures
sitions of the waters are identical to the vein epidote fluids for a 485-m depth borehole sample from Skouriotissa in
and sea water, but they are enriched in 180 by 3-5%o rela- mineralized basalts range 340-400~ (unpublished data
tive to sea water. This indicates, quite plausibly, that sea with B. Poty), and are consistent with our minimum isoto-
water/rock ratios were lower in the gabbros than in the pic temperatures.of 300~ based on higher-level stockwork
Veins (Fig. 6). We also note that the implied isotopic samples. At temperatures between 300 and approximately
compositions of the waters in this epidote-bearing gabbro 400~ the hydrogen isotope data indicate a dominantly
sample are identical to those derived from the greenschist sea-water source for the fluid. Like the fluids related to the
facies assemblages at similar temperatures in Fig. 5. epidote veins, the fluids associated with the whole-rock part
If formation temperatures were possibly as high as of the stockworks have 180/160 ratios essentially identical
500~ close to the upper stability limit of epidote, 25 to sea-water values. This indicates in both situations that
either a magmatic or metamorphic water component must the oxygen isotope compositions of the minerals are being
also be present in the epidote-forming fluids. The data as a largely controlled by the sea-water reservoir and their tem-
whole are, however, more consistent with lower tempera- perature of formation.
tures (~'400~ Vein quartz from the upper parts of the Mousoulos and

Mathiati stockworks (about 5 to 10 m below the massive workers 48 showed that the water/rock ratio (W/R) is given
ore), from the Limni stockwork and from the upper S.I.C. by
stockwork (from approximately 100 m above the S.I.C.
stockwork whole-rock sample) has 6180 = +10.5 to +14.1%o
2W 6 r i - 6rf
-- values significantly higher than the groundmass quartz
(Fig. 7). If we assume that the vein quartz also formed from R 6wf-6wi
essentially isotopically unmodified sea waters, formation
temperatures of about 180-220~ are indicated. where W/R is water/rock ratio by weight, the factor of 2
There are several possible explanations for the tempera- assumes that water contains typically twice as much
ture differences between vein and groundmass quartz. It exchangeable oxygen as rock by weight, 6ri is the initial
could be a sampling problem - groundmass quartz was isotopic composition of the rock (taken as +6%o for
from deeper stockwork samples. More substantial retrograde Troodos rocks), 6wi is the initial isotopic composition of
isotopic exchange of vein quartz relative to groundmass water (--1%o for sea water), 6rf and 6wf are final isotopic
quartz is possible, although quartz is notoriously one of the composition of the rock and water, respectively, and are
most resistant minerals to exchange once formed. 47 Alter- related by 6rf - 6wf--- ~rw, which is the r o c k - H 2 0
natively, and considered more likely, vein quartz formed fractionation (see below).
later than much of the groundmass quartz at lower tempera- Therefore, for sea-water circulation in the Troodos crust
tures. Textural evidence, such as vein crosscutting relations we have
and quartz growth zoning, suggests that there are several
generations of vein quartz; chalcedonic quartz is common in W +6-6wf-Arw
some stockwork veins. Constantinou and Govett 16 sug-
gested that vein quartz commonly formed later than, and in R 2 6wf+ 2
some cases replaced, earlier vein sulphides (pyrite with chal-
copyrite and sphalerite as inclusions and interstitially). It is emphasized that water/rock ratios calculated in this
The stockwork veins contain a considerable amount of way give minimum values. The actual amount is critically
silica, and pyrite in the veins contains chalcopyrite and related to the previous exchange history of the water prior
sphalerite; in contrast, for the altered basalt there is no to its 'seeing' the rock of interest. 8,31,48
evidence for a significant increase in silica, and disseminated The D/H ratios for all chlorites, amphiboles and epidotes
chalcopyrite and sphalerite are absent. This, together with in Troodos rocks have quite restricted ranges of values. In
the very sharp contacts between the veins and the altered contrast, however, 1 8 0 / 1 6 0 ratios for these minerals have
basalt, suggests that the physico-chemical conditions during wider ranges of values. In particular, chlorites from the
formation of the altered basalt assemblages (essentially S.I.C. (non-vein) rocks have 6180 values on average 3%o
quartz-chlorite-pyrite) may have been different from those higher than stockwork chlorites, and epidote and amphiboles
during precipitation of the vein minerals. from non-vein assemblages have 6180 values up to 3-4%o
These data suggest that the alteration of the basalts oc- higher than those from vein or vein-halo assemblages. Such
curred when sulphur-bearing fluids of sea-water origin at a pattern could result from either low water/rock ratios for
temperatures > 300~ passed through the stockwork the more 1SO-enriched assemblages or possibly, though
fractures (temperatures in the fractures must be equal to, geologically less plausible, lower equilibration temperatures
or higher than, temperatures in the rock). Insofar as present for the 180-rich minerals in the bulk of the rock relative to
sampling is adequate, the data suggest that vein quartz did the 1SO-poor vein and vein--halo minerals. For example,
not form from these high-temperature fluids. Later, possibly a temperature difference of about 100~ would be implied
during waning stages, vein quartz was precipitated when the for rock epidote versus vein epidote. Although there are no
fluids became saturated in SiO 2 at lower temperatures
(180-220~ The pyrite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite vein
assemblages, which are texturally similar to the primary Water I r or k rat io (weight)
co 5 _...i ...,., _ _ - o,1
sulphides in the massive ore, 16 formed at some time before
the vein quartz; if they formed from the high-temperature ~.. ~l . ~ / "//~f/, / i/" :-7
(> 300~ fluids, conditions were such that chalcopyrite ~oc ~/ ,~\\%~ ~ _~ /
and sphalerite only formed on the fracture walls and not in
the rock between the fractures.
S.I,C, and
I~" " / , ~ " ~ . ~ /" gabbro rock H20
Water~rock ratios I//_ / / . . . . . .. Y
~2OOl r ~ " / ..... / i
Figs. 5, 6 and 7 show that some of our calculated water I
6180 values are significantly different from the unmodified
sea-water value. These '180 shifts' could be caused by a I I
II Con I
Exchanged sea water
number of processes, but if we take into account the lack
of variability in the calculated D/H ratios of the waters,
' I

variation in the mineral-water isotopic exchange reaction
is the most probable dominant process. The isotopic com- Fig. 8 Calculated oxygen isotope compositions of waters
position of a mineral forming in a hydrothermal system is from S.IIC. and gabbro rocks, vein and vein-halo assem-
related to the temperature of crystallization and to the blages, and stockwork 'whole rocks', compared with calcu-
isotopic composition of the fluid. The oxygen isotope lated oxygen isotope composition of sea water (initial
composition of the fluid is particularly sensitive to its pre- 6180 = -1.0%o) that has undergone isotopic exchange with
vious exchange history, which is conveniently expressed in basalts (initial 6180 = +6.0%o) at temperatures of 2 0 0 -
terms of water/rock ratios - the amount of oxygen in the 500~ and water/rock ratios of 0.1 to infinity by weight,
water relative to the amount of exchangeable oxygen in the with plagioclase and amphibole for the exchange model.
rock. By use of a closed-system model Sheppard and co- See text for discussion

0 0
geothermometric data to rule this out, variations in water/ (+2.0 to +6.5/0o; 12 analyses; average +4.8 ~/oo),the massive
rock ratios are considered more probable. sulphide ores (+2.8 to +7.5%o; 22 analyses; average +4.3%o)
The ~ 180 values of sea-water fluids (initial ~ 180 = --1%o) and from the 'ochre' sediments that overlie some of the
that have undergone isotopic exchange with oceanic basalt massive sulphide deposits (+1.9 to +5.0%0; two samples;
(initial ~180 = +6%0) are shown in Fig. 8 as a function of average +3.4%o).5~ Although there are slight variations
water/rock ratio (by weight) and exchange temperature. between individual deposits, at a single mine the sulphur
The waters are calculated by use of the equation given above. isotopic compositions of pyrite from the different para-
If we assume total r o c k - H 2 0 oxygen isotope equilibration, genetic types - stockwork disseminations, veins, massive
the modal mineralogy - for example, of S.I.C. rocks - sulphide ore - - are quite similar. Detailed arguments have
suggests that r o c k - H 2 0 fractionations are approximately not been presented, but the source of the sulphur has been
equivalent to plagioclase (An6o),H20, For many samples, interpreted as magmatic 51, 53 and Cretaceous sea water. 52
however, particularly the gabbros, the total rock may not To interpret the sulphur isotope ratios, however, knowledge
have equilibrated during metamorphism; amphibole is the of the temperature, pH and fo2 is required 45, 54 before
dominant metamorphic mineral and r o c k - H 2 0 oxygen iso- limits can be placed on the nature of the dominant sulphur
tope fractions may approximate to amphibole-H20. In species in solution and its isotopic composition; In this dis-
constructing Fig. 8 both plagioclase (An6o)-H20 and cussion it is assumed that pyrite precipitated in isotopic
amphibole-H20 fractionations are used; the majority of equilibrium with the hydrothermal fluid (although this is
Troodos r o c k - H 2 0 fractionations may be expected to lie in not always so 55).
this range. The calculated oxygen isotope compositions of
the Troodos hydrothermal fluids for the different assem- Physico-chemical conditions
blages as a function of temperature are also shown in Fig. 8 The sulphur isotope chemistry of the stockworks is empha-
(from Figs. 5, 6 and 7). For the S.I.C. and gabbro rocks sized here because, unlike much of the massive ore, primary
the results given in Fig. 8 indicate that minimum water/rock assemblages are preserved. On the basis of the above hydro-
ratios were about 0.1 (by weight) 9 In contrast, stockwork gen and oxygen isotope data, temperatures of about 250~
alteration and S.I.C. and gabbro vein or vein-halo forma-
(intermediate between the suggested basalt alteration and
tion occurred in the presence of relatively isotopically un- the vein quartz formation temperatures) are considered. The
modified sea-water fluids, which were part of a system with use of higher (350~ or lower (150~ temperatures would
high water/rock ratios (minimum water/rock ratios between
make little difference to the general conclusions.
"~1 and 5, by weight). For the development of the high The chlorite alteration assemblage associated with the
pillow lava whole-rock ~ 180 values at temperatures less
stockwork sulphides suggests, by analogy with modern geo-
than' 200~ water/rock ratios must have been > 1 (by
thermal systems, pH values within 1 or 2 units of neutrality
at 200-300~ 56-59 This is consistent with sea water-
From reasonable estimates for the geothermal gradient +
basalt hydrothermal experiments. 6~ In the system
and crack width and spacing for rocks in Troodos order of
F e - C u - S - O (for the stockworks) pyrite and chalcopyrite
magnitude calculations may be made for the fluid dynamic
were stable, magnetite was unstable and pyrrhotite and
parameters that control sea-water circulation in the Troodos
bornite did not form as primary minerals. 16 The fluid fo2
crust 21 (see methods of Lister 49). For those rocks in
was therefore within the pyrite + chalcopyrite stability
which bulk permeability results solely from cooling contract-
field (see Fig. 12 55). More precise limits on fo2 do not
ion (i.e. non-veined, non-tectonically fractured parts of the
appear possible at present. Sulphide-free jasper veins and
S.I.C. and gabbros), the convection parameter exceeds the
lenses have been observed in a number of Troodos stockwork
minimum critical value by at least one or two orders of
samples - the majority are probably late-stage. Their pres-
magnitude and free convection of fluid may be expected 9
ence suggests that fo2 was relatively high during the late-
In the heavily fractured (veined) parts of the S.I.C. and
stage history of the stockworks. Hematite has been observed
gabbros, in the stockworks (heavily fractured) and in the
as a daughter mineral in stockwork fluid inclusions (un-
pillow lavas (large amount of inter-pillow cavity space),
published data with B. Poty); if leakage of hydrogen is not
however, the calculated permeabilities and permitted fluid
important, this implies that fo2 values were relatively high.
flow rates are several orders of magnitude higher than in
those rocks in which permeability results solely from cool-
ing contraction. The pattern for water/rock ratios suggested Magmatic source for sulphur
by the isotopic data (Fig. 8) is therefore consistent with a Pyrite with (~34S = +2.0 to +7.3%o will only form from
model in which large volumes of sea water passed through fluids with total sulphur (~34S = 0 % when the pH is higher
the pillow lavas, along veins in the S.I.C. and gabbros, and and the f02 lower than that suggested by the mineral
through the stockwork.zones, whereas smaller amounts of stability data (see Fig. 5 45). Therefore, magmatic sulphur,
fluid penetrated the rocks away from veins and fractures. including sulphur leached from igneous rocks ((~34S ~"
+1~ 62), cannot be the only source of sulphur in the
Sulphur isotopes stockwork flu ids.
34S//32Sratios in sulph ides
The sulphur isotope compositions for Troodos orebody Cretaceous sea-water source for sulphur
pyrites reported by a number of workers 50-53 are sum- Upper Cretaceous sea-water sulphate has a sulphur isotope
marized here, and limits on the source of the sulphur are composition in the range +15 to -I-20~ 63,64,65 Sea-water
placed in light of the chemical, mineralogical and other sulphate could have been the dominant source of sulphur
isotopic data. The sulphur isotopic data are not considered in the stockwork pyrites (+2.0 to +7.3%o) if the stockwork
in detail because, among other things, there are possibly fluid fo2 were relatively high and the major sulphur species
some small inter-laboratory differences among data on in the fluid were both SO~ and H2S. The narrow range for
9 0
samples that are probably equivalent. The 34S/32S ratios of stockwork pyr=te (~34S values ( ' 4 ~o) would also require
pyrites have been reported from Troodos stockwork dissem- that the S04/H2S ratio remained relatively constant during
inations (+4.1 to +7.3%o; 9 analyses; average +5.1%o), veins pyrite precipitation (see Figs. 3 and 5 45); this is quite

plausible in geothermal systems, where water/rock ratios. dredging. The alteration of the dredge samples may be
were large and the buffering capacity of the fluid is multistage insofar as low-temperature alteration on the
The stability of pyrite in such a fluid would require the
Table 3 Gains and losses of some principal chemical
sulphur concentration in the fluid to be t> 10 "3 mole/kg
constituents during hydrothermal alteration of oceanic
H20 (250~ Fig. 5 48). Therefore, assuming that Cre~
taceous sea water contained a sulphur concentration similar
to that of present-day sea water (~'0,03 mole/kg H20), the Troodos* Oceanict
sea-water-hydrothermal fluid could lose up to 95% of its Zeol. G reen. Zeol. G reen.
initial sulphur during its passage through the Troodos crust. Si - 0 -?
Because the solubility of anhydrite decreases with increasing AI -- -- --?
temperature 66 we would expect a large part of the initial Fe -- --
sulphur to be precipitated as the sea-water-hydrothermal Mg -- -- +
solutions became heated up during their descent through Ca . . . .
the crust. 59,60 Although, to the best of our knowledge, an- Na + + + +
hydrite has not been reported from the metabasites of K + + --? --
Cyprus, this does not mean that it was not precipitated. We H20 + + + +
note that the recognition of the importance of anhydrite in
the porphyry copper environments is relatively recent. 67 + = addition to rock; -- = loss from rock.
*lsovolumetric model. Zeol. = zeolite facies (L.P.L. samples,
Mixed igneous-sea water source for sulphur density ~,2.4 g/cm3); Green. -- greenschist facies (S.I.C. samples,
density *-2.7 g/cm3) (seetext).
The observed sulphur isotope ratios could also be obtained tSummary of zeolite and greenschist facies oceanic alteration
from a mixed igneous (magmatic and/or leaching of basaltic data.24,75, "/6,85,86
rocks)-sea water source for the sulphur. The lower the
value for f02 during sulphide deposition, the greater is the sea-floor (halmyrolysis) may have been superimposed on
inferred igneous sulphur contribution. Thus, more precise some of the samples. For a given element the gains and
limits on f02 are critically required to assess the importance losses are qualitatively similar between Troodos and the
of the igneous contribution to the sea-water sulphur source. oceanic rocks, except for Mg and possibly K. These varia-
For a mixed sea water-igneous sulphur model the data re- tions could reflect differences in the alteration processes or,
quire that the sea water/igneous sulphur ratios be very simi- possibly, be a result of the initially fresh Troodos basaltic
lar from one deposit to another. As the igneous sulphur rocks having higher K and lower Mg contents than fresh
contribution increases, the isotopic composition of pyrite oceanic basalts; basalts from island arc environments have
becomes less sensitive to variations in pH and/or f02" higher K and lower Mg contents.
Discussion of the pyrite sulphur isotope data for the The gains and losses summarized in Table 3 emphasize
massive sulphide ores is complicated by their having under- not only the general similarities in the alteration processes
gone textural and mineralogical changes that suggest that affect ophiolite complexes like Troodos and current
secondary submarine supergene alteration, ls, lS Since, how- oceanic crust but also the large-scale nature and widespread
ever, the stockwork zones represent the channelways for occurrence of sea-water-hydrothermal metasomatism.
the ascending hydrothermal fluids (see below), the source of
sulphur in the massive sulphide ores may be expected to be General hydrothermal model
largely the same as the sulphur source for pyrite in the
The following model is proposed for the development and
evolution of the metamorphism and mineralization of the
Troodos ophiolite complex. The model is based on com-
Chemical changes
bining the available geological and mineralogical information
In comparison with analyses of fresh oceanic basalts, with our interpretation of the isotopic data, in terms of the
basalts and dolerites from Troodos have a very wide range origins of the fluids and the limits that can be set on the
of chemical compositions that suggest large-scale mobiliza- temperatures of development of the different mineral
tion and redistribution of many of the elements. Calculation assemblages and water/rock ratios.
of the major chemical gains and losses that occurred during The Troodos igneous complex developed at an active
alteration requires knowledge of the initial composition of spreading centre in a sub-oceanic environment. Subsequent
the fresh Troodos basaltic rocks prior to alteration. This is to the emplacement of at least the L.P.L. and Sheeted
not known precisely. Nevertheless, an estimate of whether Intrusive Complex, large-scale convective circulation of sea
a given element was gained or lost duringthe hydrothermal water was established through the 3 - 5 km of these upper
metasomatism can be made by comparing the averaged oceanic layers (Fig. 9). Permeabilities were generally high
chemical compositions of the L.P.L. and S.I.C. - 44 and locally very high, in part because the development of
analyses 12,14, 68-71_ with the chemical composition of normal faulting during the spreading processes generated
fresh oceanic basalt. 72, 73 T h e results, with use of a con- fracture permeability, and in part because of the large
stant-volume model, are given in Table 3. Oxidation .of these amount of inter-pillow cavity space in the pillow lavas.
rocks is also a major process. Taking as a reference a During the sea-water-hydrothermal alteration processes the
Troodos glassy basalt analysis 68. 74 gives a similar pattern, L.P.L. and S.I.C. mineral assemblages were metamorphosed
except for Na in the L.P.L. It is emphasized that the gains to zeolite and greenschist facies assemblages.
and losses in Table 3 are averages for a large number of By analogy with active geothermal systems 77 downward
samples; for any particular sample the changes may be differ- migration of sea water into the hot oceanic basalts occurred
ent from those shown. over a large area, and upward discharge was localized. The
The data for the zeolite--greenschist facies rocks from initiation of the influx of sea water deep into the oceanic
Troodos are compared in Table 3 with similarly calculated crust must be critically related to the initiation of fracture
gains and losses for altered oceanic rocks collected by permeability. The massive cupriferous pyrite deposits are

interpreted to have formed in tectonically controlled basins modify the upper parts of the plutons. Coleman and
at the pillow lava--sea water interface, their underlying Peterman 23 and H. P. Taylor Jr. (personal communication,
stockwork zones of altered and fractured pillow basalts re- 1976) have emphasized that the trondhjemites or 'oceanic
presenting the localized upward discharge zones of the sea- plagiogranites' from ophiolite complexes are enriched in
water-hydrothermal solutions within the pillow lava sodium and depleted in potassium relative to what are con-
sequence. sidered to be equivalent rocks from spreading centres that
developed in a non-sub-oceanic environment with fluids of
/Massive meteoric origin, such as Iceland and Jabal Turf, Saudi
Ocean 6D- - 7%o /_sulphide Arabia. The chemical compositions of the hydrothermal
l" deposi_t._t
~ - ~ I
solutions - sea water versus meteoric waters - that have
0--250 ~ S2t~0Cok
3;r0k Pillow t. . . . modified the roof rocks could be playing, among other
(W/R>1) I;J~'~' ' (Zeolite F) things, a critical role in the genesis of these soda-trondhjem-

/ \ \ ,w,R01
).,,,JJ'I ites relative to the potassic granites and rhyolites. We note
that the granophyric textures of the trondhjemites suggest
that these magmas may have become saturated in volatiles
~ ~ ~-300 ~ - - -- -- .-- ~ / ~ " ~- S.l.C during their crystallization. Such a process could generate
hydraulic fracturing in the overlying S.I.C. and L.P.L. At a
\ I later stage the very upper layers of the gabbro cumulates
and trondhjemites support fractures that develop epidote-
Trondhjemites bearing veins and sea-water-hydrothermal solutions pene-
>/'50~ Gobbros
trated directly to these depths. Isotopic and fluid inclusion
Fig. 9 Diagrammatic model for sea-water circulation thermometry indicates that vein temperatures were 3 2 0 -
through Troodos crust leading to metamorphism (F = 400~ or higher and that the solutions were brines. Meta-
facies) and development of sulphide orebodies. W/R = morphic assemblages that developed regionally are upper
water/rock ratios, by weight, for pervasive alteration; ratios greensch ist to amph ibolite facies.
are locally much higher in vein-fracture zones. 300~ iso- If primary magmatic waters were present during the
therm illustrates thermal anomalies associated with localized crystallization of the gabbros and the development of the
discharge of sea-water convective cell. See text for amphibolite facies metamorphism, their presence is over-
discussion whelmed by the influx of the sea-water convective system.
It is possible, however, that water, initially of sea-water
During the downward flow of the brines (Fig. 9) they origin, was introduced into the magmas during the magma--
became progressively hotter. The pervasive zeolite meta- roof rock processes by assimilation, exchange with or melt-
morphism of the L.P.L. occurred at approximately 0-250~ ing of hydrous roof rocks with typically ~D = - 4 0 to
and the greenschist facies metamorphism, dominantly of -50%o. Such water, although ultimately of sea-water
the S.I.C., at temperatures of about 250~ to 450-550~ origin, is magmatic in thesense that it has equilibrated with
Isotopic and preliminary fluid inclusion thermometry indi- the magma system, and might be termed sea-water-mag-
cate that temperatures were higher than 300~ in the stock- matic water to distinguish it from primary magmatic water.
work zones, and were therefore significantly higher than We have noted for Troodos rocks that if isotopic equilibra-
temperatures in the surrounding pervasively metamorphosed tion temperatures were higher than 500~ (e.g. during
(dominantly zeolite facies) country rocks. These localized hornblende formation), a more deuterium-depleted com-
rising thermal plumes support our evidence that the stock- ponent than sea water has to be inferred; this could be
works represent the channelways for the upward discharg- primary magmatic water, metamorphic water or sea-water-
ing hydrothermal solutions (Fig. 9). Average regional geo- magmatic water.
thermal gradients in the L.P.L. and S.I.C. must have been During the sea-water-hydrothermal alteration of the
about 100-150~ whereas thermal gradients in the Troodos rocks major changes occurred in their chemical
stockwork zones must have been two to five times, or more, and isotopic characteristics. There are:marked changes in
higher and increased as the sea water-pillow lava interface the major-element compositions of the rocks. Also, the
was approached. During regional metamorphism water/ 87Sr/86Sr ratios of many of the L.P.L. and S.I.C. rocks are
rock ratios are high in the pillow lavas (> 1, by weight), higher than those for fresh unaltered oceanic rocks. 23, 78, 79
whereas the minimum or integrated water/rock ratios for As was emphasized by Deffeyes, s~ Spooner and Fyfe 81 and
the underlying greenschist facies rocks are relatively low others, not only is the oceanic crust being chemically modi-
(~),1, by weight). The vein-vein halo alteration and fied but also the chemistry of the discharging hydrothermal
stockwork assemblages indicate that water/rock ratios were solutions must be fundamentally different from their
very large along fractures (> 1--5, by weight). Therefore, initial sea-water composition. Changes in fluid chemistry
the circulation of most of the sea water through the crust have been demonstrated in experimental sea water--basalt
must be fracture controlled. hydrothermal interaction studies by Bischoff and Dickson 6o
During the initiation of the sea-water-hydrothermal con- and Hajash;61 there is a preferential partition of copper into
vection process in the newly created upper layers of the solution. Because of the scale of these sea-water-hydro-
oceanic crust it is probable that some of the underlying thermal systems, it is probable that they control certain as-
gabbro plutons were still undergoing magmatic differentia- pects of both the chemical and isotopic compositions of the
tion and development of their cumulate layering. The ocean.21,76 For example, a column of oceanic crust only
upper parts of the magma chambers could be modified by 2.5 km thick contains the same amount of oxygen as does
interaction with their roof rocks, particularly because these a column of ocean water with an equal area of average
were undergoing major hydration and chemical modification depth 3.8 km.
through reaction with the circulating brine solutions. Melt- The development of massive cupriferous pyrite deposits
ing or assimilation and exchange processes could occur here, and their underlying stockworks are another facet of the
any one of which could both chemically and isotopically sea-water-hydrothermal system and scale of mass transfer.

The isotopic compositions of the stockwork fluids are only The U.P.L. were also hydrothermally metamorphosed up to
slightly different from normal sea-water values and demon- zeolite facies grade (Gass and Smewing 17 suggested tem-
strate that very large volumes of heated sea water passed peratures of about 0-100~ Although hydrothermal
through these channelways. Although these fluids are channelways within the U.P.L. have been observed, 83 major
dominantly of a single origin, they may have had different deposition of sulphides is absent. Instead, F e - M n hydroxy-
sub-crustal histories. Because temperatures in the stockworks, oxide-rich 'umber' sediments were formed as chemical pre-
which were within a few tens of metres of the ocean floor, cipitates related to the discharging thermal sea-water springs.
were initially at least 300~ and therefore substantially Thus, although both sulphide deposition and umber forma-
higher than those in the surrounding country rocks, the tion are related to sea-water-hydrothermal convection sys-
great mass of these fluids must have had a deep crustal his- tems in hot oceanic crust, the end-products are quite differ-
tory. Similar temperatures on a regional scale are observed ent. The combination of deep penetration of much of the
at depths of 3 or 4 km. Therefore, the larger part of the sea water into the S.I.C. and below, the attainment of re-
fluid passing through the stockwork zones must have had a latively high temperatures (> 300~ and the discharge of
history within the S.I.C., and became strongly chemically the metal-bearing fluids into tectonically controlled basins
modified. Although the sea water is a source of at least where redox conditions were lower than those in open sea
some of the orebody sulphur, the importance of an igneous water may be critical factors necessary for the generation of
sulphur contribution cannot be accessed at present; we re- massive sulphide deposits. In the U.P.L. the fluids did not
quire greater knowledge of fo2 values, and more informa- attain such high temperatures and were probably less
tion on the changes in rock sulphur content during sub- chemically modified from their initial sea-water composition.
oceanic metamorphism. Sulphide orebodies are characteristic of a number of ophio-
The localized areas of stockwork formation in the u p p e r lite complexes and, although the Red Sea is, to our know-
parts of the L.P.L. represent zones where ascending, hot, ledge, the only oceanic environment known to possess
chemically modified sea-water fluids passed through an en- 'economic sulphide orebodies', further detailed oceanic
vironment containing large volumes of cool relatively un- sampling may demonstrate sulphide mineralization to be
modified sea water (zeolite facies pillow lavas); these zones characteristic of the oceanic crust; minor mineral ization has
are therefore characterized by sharp temperature and chemi- been reported for rocks associated with the Iceland spread-
cal gradients. The factors responsible for the specific loca- ing centre. 84 The broad similarity between the chemistry,
tion of discharge zones are not yet known. Underlying metamorphic mineralogy and isotopic properties of Troodos
thermal anomalies (e.g. a pluton intruded later than, or to a and other ophiolite and oceanic dredge and drill-core samples
higher level than, surrounding plutons), specific fracture suggests that the processes of sea-water-hydrothermal circu-
zone patterns resulting from oceanic ridge tectonics, or geo- lation described above are major and very widespread.
metrical constraints imposed by the preferred dimensions of Differences in details of metamorphism and mineralization at
sea-water convection cells may be responsible; Lister 82 has different localities may simply reflect variations on a theme.
suggested that upward movement of sea water in the oceanic
crust may be favoured below topographic 'highs' on the
sea-floor. Acknowledgment
The shape of the massive sulphide orebodies suggests We gratefully acknowledge discussion with and assistance
that they formed where the warm fluids discharged into in sample collection by Y. Hadjistavrinou, G. Constantinou
depressions on the sea-floor above the stockwork zones. If and other members of the Cyprus Geological Survey; the
the fluids discharged at > 300~ with salinities in the range management and staff of the Cyprus Mines Corporation,
0-25%, water depths had to be greater than 1100 to 700 m, the Hellenic Mining Company and Limni Mines; C. M.
respectively, for boiling not to have occurred (or 1 7 0 - Graham and J. D., Smewing. Additional samples were kindly
110 m for 200~ fluids). Although 300~ is considered to donated by J. R. Cann, G. Constantinou, A. H. F. Robertson,
be a good estimate of stockwork temperatures, the thermal and C. R. Allen. K. R. Gill gave advice on petrologic
gradients in this environment will be high and the formation analysis and mineral separation. We are particularly grate-
of the massive sulphides is likely to have occurred at con- ful to J. Borthwick for his assistance in the laboratory.
siderably less than 300~ The ascending hydrothermal T. H. E. Heaton gratefully acknowledges receipt of a
fluids in the stockworks must have been less dense than the Natural Environment Research Council Studentship grant.
low-temperature fluids in the surrounding country rocks, The Isotope Geology Unit of the Universities of Scotland
but, to form stable brine pools on the sea-floor, must have is supported by a N.E.R.C. research grant.
become more dense than cold sea water; this density in-
crease, unless it is the result of an increase in the hydro- Referez,ces
thermal fluid salinity, is assumed to result from a drop in
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Hydrodynamic model for the It is the object of this paper to show how these require-
ments, which have been stated above in general terms, may
origin of the ophiolitic cupriferous be specifically identified in regard to the origin of the
cupriferous pyrite ore deposits in the ophiolitic rocks of
pyrite ore deposits of Cyprus the Troodos Massif, Cyprus.
Within the sequence of metamorphosed basaltic pillow
E. T. C. Spooner lavas, sheeted basic dykes, trondhjemites, gabbroic rocks and
Department of Geology and Mineralogy, University ultramafic rocks, which form the ophiolitic complex of
of Oxford, Oxford, England Troodos, 3,4 the ore deposits occur usually as massive sulp-
hide lenses underlain by approximately pipe-shaped
553.065:553.661.21 (564.3) 9stockworks. 5 - 9 The lenses of ore are semi-conformably
intercalated within the pillow lava sequence, and, from the
Synopsis following three observations, it is known that stockworks
penetrate into the sheeted dyke complex: (1) one small ore
The information presently available - in particular, that deposit at Alestos has been opened in Basal Group material;
derived from the use of the isotopes (87Sr/86Sr, 6 180 and
(2) in the southeast footwall of the Limni opencast mine
~341) as geochemical tracers - indicates that a model for
strongly pyritized sheeted complex has been faulted up
mineralization and metamorphism of the Upper Cretaceous
against the exploited cupriferous stockwork that was formed
ophiolitic rocks of the Troodos MasSif, Cyprus, which in-
in pillow lavas 10 (author's personal observation); and (3)
volves hydrothermal convection of sea water, is reasonable.
small gossans developed on uneconomic pyritized material
During water-rock interaction in the recharge part of the are ubiquitously developed in sheeted complex 5 (G.
cycle of convective heat and mass transfer, the pillow lavas, Constantinou, personal communication).
Sheeted Dyke Complex and uppermost gabbros were hydro- As ore deposits, those of the Troodos Complex are not
thermally metamorphosed at zeolite facies to amphibolite particularly large; however, some have been quite rich in
facies conditions, and base metals (e.g. Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, copper. Typical ore tonnages of the more important de-
Ni, Co, Ag and Au) were leached by the fluid from the posits before development were between 1 000 000 and
rocks. A t the positions of discharge of hot fluid at the sea 10 000 000. 5 The largest and richest deposit was
water--rock interface sulphide ore deposits or ferro- Mavrovouni, which contained "~ 15 000 000 tonnes ore
manganoan hydroxyoxide sediments (umbers) were grading between 3.5 and 4.5% Cu. 5 Limni, which is the
precipitated. largest working mine at present, produces "~ 450 000
By calculation of a Rayleigh number for the conditions tonnes ore per annum at a mean grade of ~ 0.85% copper 11
of hydrothermal activity it is shown that the fluid dynamic The current status of the cupriferous pyrite mining
requirements for vigorous free convection were satisfied. It industry of Cyprus has recently been reviewed by
is deduced that the ore deposits developed within the active Spooner. 12
zone o f a spreading oceanic ridge, and took " 105 yr to Since the Troodos Complex, in particular, and ophio-
form. Available geochemical evidence is discussed to demon- litic rocks, in general, are considered to be tectonically
strate that the hydrothermal convection mode/is chemically, emplaced fragments of oceanic crust and upper
as well as fluid-dynamically, reasonable. mantle, 3,4,13-24 a discussion of mineralization of the
Troodos ophiolitic rocks is also, probably, a discussion of
mineralization at sea-floor spreading ridges, and, therefore,
As discussed by Fyfe and Henley, 1 the essential require- of the oceanic crust in general. It must be emphasized,
ments for the successful formation of a hydrothermal ore
however, that it is uncertain how representative of the
deposit may be simplified to the following.
oceanic crust ophiolitic sequences are.
(a) A working fluid which has transferred mass in solu-
tion. Stable isotope geochemistry has shown that this hot Geochemical evidence for sea-water interaction during
water has had diverse origins. 2 down-flow
(b) A source rock from which metals and other elements Essentially all the material of the sequence of pillow lavas
have been derived. and sheeted dykes has been strongly hydrothermally
(c) Rock that was sufficiently permeable, in bulk, to metamorphosed. 3,18 Metamorphic assemblages charac-
permit hot water either to flow through it or through frac- teristic of the zeolite, greenschist and amphibolite facies
tures in it. were developed.IS Metamorphism affected the complex
transition zone between the sheeted dykes and the gab-
(d) A source of energy, which drove a hydrodynamic flow broic rocks, but did not significantly affect the deeper
system, by means of which mass was transferred from a gabbros. Secondary minerals occur filling veins and
dispersed source to a position at which it was deposited in vesicles, and as pseudomorphic replacements of the primary
concentrated form. The energy source must have been suf- igneous minerals. With respect to most major elements,
ficiently large to maintain flow for a sufficient length of many trace elements, iron oxidation ratios and water
time to form a large deposit, and the pattern of flow must contents metamorphism was strongly non-
have been geometrically persistent to precipitate ore con- isochemical. 24~5~6 All of these features are characteristic
tinuously at a specific position. Energy sources have nor- of hydrothermal metamorphism and metasomatism, which
mally been in the form either of heat, which has driven was a consequence of water-rock interaction at elevated
some form of hydrothermal convection, or of gravitational temperatures. The clearest indication of this is the observed
potential energy, which has driven water flow in aquifers. increase in water content, which reflected the generation
(e) A mechanism of producing persistent, localized and of secondary hydrous minerals. For example, the H20 +
selective mineral precipitation so that a deposit, which was contents of nine metabasalts and metamorphosed dykes
sufficiently large and concentrated to be of economic reported by Spooner and co-workers 26 range from 0.6
interest, was formed. to 4.5 wt % (average, 2.5 wt %). These data compare

with a mean water content for fresh deep-sea basalt of systems in the basaltic terrain of Iceland. 29,3~ The
"~ 0.30 wt %27,28 and suggest an increase in water content mineral assemblages observed in Icelandic geothermal
of "" 2 wt %. systems, in the ophiolitic rocks of the Troodos Complex
This type of metamorphism is the same sort of process and in ocean-floor material 32-37 are all closely similar.
that has been observed happening within geothermal This inference of water interaction with the sequence

I i I I I I
- Modern sea water 1 Q
Cam p o n i a n - M aestr ichtian 2
- Sea w a t e r

Opl~iotitic rocks, # Interstitiat -

Troodos~ Cyprus z e o l i t e (JSI)
ZeoLite facies
9 9 9 metabasatts -
Greenschist facies
metaba.so[ts -
Greenschist facies
9 ~ 9 ~ o metodoterites -
A m p h i b o t i t e facie.,
metadoterite -
9 []e 8oo (variably attered )"

[] # ~ 0 Metagabbros -

Fresh 9abbros
~/ll~I Plagioctase fetdspar
concentrates from
fresh 9abbros -

Comparative data Means oP vatues,

and totat range
Thoteiitic basatts,3
lcetand (13my. B.P.- -
Recent )
Reykjanes r i d g e L ' 5 -

E) M.A.R. {/,.6~N)/'
M.A.R. ( 6 ~ 1 7 6

I~ EP.R. and J.ER./' -

Leg 34 (D.S.D.P.),Nazr
plate (15-/,0 my. B.P. )


I- ~ M.I.O.R .6

j_~ Back arc basin~

M a r i a n a s arc
0.7020 0.7030 0.70/.0 0.7050 0.7060 0.7070 0.7080 O-70go
87Sr/86Sr ratios

Fig. 1 Strontium isotope ratios of (1) fresh and altered mafic material from ophiolitic
complex of Troodos, Cyprus, (2) modern and Campanian-Maestrichtian sea water,
(3) fresh deep-sea basaltic rocks, and (4) fresh tholeiitic basalts from Iceland. Altered
material from "l'roodos Complex is variably strontium isotopically enriched relative to
fresh material. All results quoted relative to an Eimer and Amend (E & A) SrCO 3
standard value of 0.70800 and age-corrected, where necessary. Numbers near data
points indicate numbers of samples analysed to produce range and mean. Solid diamonds,
new data; open squares, Peterman and co-workers; 4~ open circles, Greenbaum; 41
open diamonds, Coleman and Peterman. 141 Sources of additional data: 1, Veizer and
Compston; 142 2, Peterman and co-workers; 42 3, O'Nions and Gr6nvold; 143 O'Nions
and Pankhurst; 144 4, Hart; 145 5, O'Nions and Pankhurst; 14e 6, Subbarao and Hedge; 147
and 7, Hart and co-workers. 148 M.A.R., Mid-Atlantic Ridge; E.P.R., East Pacific Rise;
J.F.R., Juan de Fuca Ridge; M.I.O.R., Mid-Indian Ocean Ridge

of pillow lavas, basal group and sheeted dykes, which I I I i I 1 I I

represents a thickness that may be approximately estim-

ated at "" 2 kin, 38 poses three important questions:
(1) what was the source of the hot water?; (2) in what Troodos~Cyprus
direction was the water flowing?; and (3) how much
0.5 _ i "I
water flowed through the sequence?
The most direct evidence to suggest that this fluid was
of sea-water origin has been obtained from the use of
strontium isotopic ratios as geochemical tracers. 26,39 E
.! o2

From analysis of exceptionally fresh gabbro samples Z~.o

and of plagioclase feldspar concentrates from fresh gabbros 1:3
initial magmatic 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.70338 _+0.00010
to 0.70365 -+0.00005 have been obtained. 26,3g These
values, and all subsequent quoted values, have been age- 1.5
corrected and are quoted relative to an Elmer and Amend
standard SrCO 3 value of 0.70800. The errors quoted
for individual determinations are 2o. This range of stron- L b)
tium isotope ratios overlaps the top end of the known
spread of ratios, which have been obtained from fresh
2-0 2"! , ,
+6 +6 +8 +10 +12 0
I /"~1 I i
0-2 0.4 0.6 O'8 1.0
deep-sea basalts (Fig. 1). ~S18O, %~ FezOs/FeO"
Seventeen 87Sr/86Sr determinations of variably meta- Fig. 2 Variation with depth of oxygen isotope ratios
morphosed basaltic pillow lavas and dykes 26,40,41 range (6180) and mean oxidation ratios (Fe203/FeO*) irr
from values comparable with the initial magmatic range to sequence of ophiolitic metabasalts and metadolerites of
considerably enriched ratios as high as 0.7069. The mean Troodos Complex
87Sr/S6Sr ratio of the 17 determinations is 0.7049
-+0.0009 (lo). It is clear, therefore, that hydrothermal The model of sea-water circulation has been further
metamorphism was accompanied by strontium isotopic reinforced and developed by separate mineral combined
contamination. This indicates that the source of the hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope studies. 48 Heaton and
hydrothermal fluid was sea water, since sea water was the Sheppard 48 have shown, in particular, that the 6D value
only available reservoir of higher 87Sr/86Sr ratio material in of the hydrothermal fluid in equilibrium with greenschist
the submarine environment in which the Troodos Complex facies mineral assemblages at 200-450~ was close to the
was formed. The 87Sr/S6Sr ratio of Campanian- sea-water value of 0~
Maestrichtian sea water has been determined as 0.7076 The direction of fluid flow has been deduced from the
9 from analysis of 25 marine carbonate rocks. 42 shape of the iron oxidation profile of the altered rocks
This interpretation is confirmed by the strontium isotopic (Fig. 2(b)). 26 Relative to an iron oxidation ratio
composition,which has been found for a zeolite (laumontite, (Fe203/FeO*, where FeO* = total iron as FeO) of ~ 0.18
Ca(AI2Si4Olo).4H20) sample obtained from ~ 800 m for fresh deep-sea basaltic material, rocks from near the
below the top of the pillow lavas. The zeolite top of the sequence are highly oxidized. Values as high as
occurred filling an interstice between pillows and, therefore, 0.9 have been reported by Spooner and co-workers. 26
the strontium in it should be a sample of the strontium The degree of oxidation decreases downwards (Fig. 2(b)).
contained in the fluid that flowed through the pillow lava This information shows, first, that the hydrothermal fluid,
pile. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of this zeolite (0.70760 which was responsible for metamorphism of the ophio-
+0.00003) proved to be statistically indistinguishable from litic rocks in the submarine environment, was oxygenated
the sea water that coexisted with the ophiolitic rocks of and, secondly, because rocks near the top are most oxidized,
the Troodos Complex in Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) that the fluid was introduced through the upper surface
time.26,39 boundary layer. These points supply excellent confirma-
Spooner and co-workers 26 have shown that the tory evidence that the hydrothermal fluid was parentally
amount of strontium isotopic contamination requires that sea water, since sea water contains 2 - 6 ml (STP) kg"1
the bulk water/rock ratio was greater than "" 15:1. Since of dissolved oxygen, 49-55 and that the fluid motion
this ratio is greater than a water/rock ratio of "~ 0.01, which through the hydrothermally metamorphosed rocks of
would be implied by a reasonable estimate for the porosity the Troodos Complex possessed a dominant downward
of the sequence of "~ 1%,43 a flow system must have compo'~ent in areas away from the cupriferous pyrite
operated. The depth of sea-water penetration in this orebodies.
flow system was approximately 2 km, since metagabbros For a hydrothermal flow system the parameter of
and altered trondhjemitic rocks from the top of the gabbro greatest significance that expresses the total amount of
sequence were also strontium isotopically mass transfer is the water/rock ratio integrated over the
contain i nated. 26,39 period of hydrothermal activity. Increases in 87Sr/86Sr
This interpretation of sea-water interaction is supported ratios and 6180 values can only yield minimum estim-
by the whole-rock oxygen isotopic composition of ates for the size of this parameter. The iron oxida-
metabasalts and metadolerites. Relative to a 6180 value tion profile can,however, be used to obtain an absolute
of -" + 60/00 for fresh basaltic rocks, 44.45,46 the hydro- water/rock ratio, because it is a function of the total
thermally metamorphosed rocks show strong modifications. amount of oxidizing agent introduced by the flowing
Strong enrichments in the upper part of the sequence fluid. 26 The water/rock ratio may either be quoted as a
change to depletions at depth (Fig. 2 (a)). 47,48 These bulk ratio relative to the whole size of the sequence, or as
changes in the ~ 180 values of the altered rocks indicate a value standardized to a unit volume of rock. In the
interaction with large volumes of hot water and are consis- latter case it is numerically equal to the fluid flux. 26 It
tent with interaction with heated sea water. 26,47,48 has been shown 26 that this method, when applied to the

ophiolitic rocks of the Troodos Complex, gives a bulk similar elevated temperatures (neutral pH at 250~ =
water/rock ratio of "- 103:1 (for water at STP), and a 5 . 5 - 6 ) , 59 or are slightly acid. Hence, a pH for the
water/rock ratio relative to 1 cm 3 of rock of 108-109:1. aqueous solution in the stockwork of 5 - 6 may be estim-
These figures, which were obtained for the case when ated. With existing mineralogical information it is not
oxygen dissolved in sea water was the important oxidizing possible to set reasonable constraints on oxygen fugacity
agent, suggest therefore that the interstitial fluid was during mineralization, since the recorded mineral assem-
replaced approximately 105 times, for a porosity for the blage of pyrite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite-galena 9 is not
sequence of ~ 19o. particularly sensitive to variations in fo2. The ionic
Hence, the three important questions posed at the strength (/) may be estimated at ~-" 1 by comparison with
beginning of this discussion have now been answered with a sea water at 0.7 and (~34S~s may be treated as a variable to
reasonable degree of confidence. (1) The hydrothermal be estimated. Ohmoto 57 has shown that for the above
fluid that produced the hydrothermal metamorphism and conditions and for an indefinable oxygen fugacity
metasomatism of the basaltic and doleritic ophiolitic (~34Spyrite -- (~34S~ s ~ ~ 4. 1%o
rocks was of sea-water origin; (2) the principal component The sulphur isotopic compositions (h34S) of pyrite
of fluid flow was downward; and (3) the quantity of water from the Cyprus ore deposits have been reported as rang-
that flowed downward was ~" 108-109 cm (cm3/cm2). ing from +0.43 to 7.00/oo. 6'60 In both papers attention was
drawn to the fact that there does not appear to be any
significant difference between massive ore and stockwork
pyrite (~34S values. Hutchinson and Searle 6 reported a
Geochemical evidence for formation of sulphide ore
deposits during discharge of modified sea water mean value of +4.8%o from 19 samples and Johnson 6o
reported a mean value of +3.75 o/oo from 24 analyses.
The large quantity of sea water that flowed down through These data would suggest that during ore deposition
the pillow lava and dyke sequence must also have discharged (~34S~s ~ -- 0.57 to + 6.0 %o
from the system. It has been suggested that the sites of Therefore, since the (~34S value of primary magmatic
discharge are represented by the cupriferous pyrite ore sulphides in the basaltic and doleritic rocks was, by com-
deposits.26,47, 56
parison with modern deep-sea basalts, ~" + 1%o.61 this
Separate mineral combined hydrogen and oxygen information clearly indicates that the dissolved sulphur
=sotope data 48 support this model. From analysis of the in the ore-forming solutions was variably contaminated by
~D and ~ 180 values of chlorite mineral separates and of a certain amount of higher $34S sulphur. Since Upper
the ~ 180 values of quartz concentrates obtained from Cretaceous sea water, with a 634S value of ~" + 16%o for
mineralized stockwork material it has been shown that, for dissolved sulphate, 62 was the only readily accessible source
reasonable estimates of stockwork temperatures of high (~34S sulphur, this implies a sea-water sulphur
(250-350~ the ~D value of the fluid was close to that component in the sulphide of the ore deposits greater than
of sea water (~" 0%o). ~- 10%. If the oxygen fugacity were near that for the
The sulphur isotopic composition of the pyrite in the magnetite-hematite stability curve, the observed pyrite
ore deposits may also be examined to see if it shows any $34S values could have been produced from a fluid that
evidence for the presence of reduced sea-water sulphate contained reduced sea-water sulphate only (see Ohmoto 57).
as well as remobilized magmatic sulphide. It has been inferred that this was the case for the origin
As Ohmoto 57 has shown, the (~34S value for a solid of sulphur in the Kuroko-type deposits of Japan. 63
sulphide (~34S i) is governed by five main variables:
(~34S i = f (T, pH, f o 2 , / , (~34S~s)
Hydrothermal convection
where T = temperature, pH = Ioglo {H ~ } , fo2 = oxygen
fugacity, / = ionic strength and (~34ST~s = ~34S value of The geochemical evidence summarized above strongly
total dissolved sulphur. suggests that chemically modified sea water was the fluid
The reason for the dependence on temperature and which, during down-flow, hydrothermally metamorphosed
(~34S~.s is that sulphur isotopes, like hydrogen, carbon the pillow lava and dyke sequence and which, during up-
and oxygen isotopes, fractionate among solid sulphur- flow, precipitated the sulphide ore deposits. This model
bearing phases and dissolved sulphur species. These of fluid circulation corresponds geometrically to hydro-
fractionations are temperature- and phase-dependent. thermal convection in a permeable medium heated from
Unlike oxygen isotopes, however, sulphur isotopes may be below, and which had an open upper boundary through
distributed among several possible oxidized and reduced which hot water was free to discharge. The energy source
sulphur species in solution. Hence, the ~34S value of a that drove convection was heat produced during generation
given solid sulphide is-also dependent on the relative pro- of the lithosphere by sea-floor spreading, and associated
portions of HSOz, SO4, H2S, HS- and S-- in solution. with the introduction of basaltic magma into the base of
These relative proportions are controlled by equilibria that the oceanic crust.
are affected by changes in T, pH, f02 and/. Modern examples of hydrothermal convection systems
The temperatures of stockwork mineralization may be are provided by the geothermal systems of Iceland, New
approximately estimated at 250-350~ 48 At these tern- Zealand and elsewhere. 64,65,66 Past examples of high-level
peratures the pH of the solution may be estimated from magma intrusions that were cooled by convecting water,
the calculated pH values for hot sea water that is interact- often of meteoric origin, have been widely documented. 2
ing with basaltic material within the Reykjanes geothermal This qualitative model of fluid circulation in the ophio-
system, Iceland, 3~ and from the calculated pH values litic rocks of the Troodos Complex is schematically shown
found in laboratory experiments on basalt-sea-water in Fig. 3(a). For comparison, a photograph (Fig. 3(b)) is
interaction. 58 Bj~rnsson and co-workers 30 calculated pH shown of an analogue of convection in a permeable
values of 5.2 and 6.1 at 221 and 277~ respectively. medium. 65 The inferred pattern of circulation corresponds
Bischoff and Dickson 58 computed a pH of ~" 5 for syn- with that which has been produced experimentally.
thetic basalt--sea water interaction at 200~ These The model of hydrothermal convection has, so far, been
values are close to the neutral pH value for pure water at constructed purely in order to explain the geochemical and

mineralogical evidence. It is the next object of this dis- factors. One constant is relevant to the properties of the
cussion to shown that it can be independently p r o v e d travelling fluid, and the other to the hindrance to motion
that the fluid dynamic conditions necessary for vigorous imposed by the solid material. The former is the viscosity
free convection in the permeable medium of the ophiolitic (dynamic viscosity (~u) for a volume flux; kinematic
rocks of the Troodos Massif were satisfied. viscosity (9) for a mass flux), and the latter the permea-
bility (k). The cgs unit of permeability is the millidarcy
(= 0.987 x 10"11 cm 2).
Darcy's law holds for most of the flow regimes that are
likely to be encountered in natural, undisturbed subsurface
situations. For example, at the lower limit for flow rates
in materials of the lowest permeabilities (10"6-10 .7 md),
Brace and co-workers 68 have shown that Darcy's law is
obeyed. Fluxes as low as 5 x 10 -8 cm sec"1 were measured.
The materials used were unfractured samples of igneous
and metamorphic rocks, which were examined at pressures
up to 4 kb. 68,69 At high flow rates through highly per-
meable materials Darcy's law is replaced by a power law
when inertial effects become important in the upper part
of the laminar flow regime, but before the transition to
turbulent flow in the void space.7~ This occurs above a
Reynolds number (RM) of ~" 1--10 for granular porous
materials,71, 72 where the Reynolds number is defined
Qv " '~
RM -
The length scale (A) is defined in different ways for
different situations involving both unhindered flow of
viscous fluids, and flow through permeable media: for
example, it is taken as the mean grain diameter for granular
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram (a) of inferred mode of hydro- porous media. For flow rates of the order of 11~6 cm/sec,
thermal convection, metamorphism and mass transfer which can be encounted in natural convective systems, 73,74
within ophiolitic rocks of Troodos Complex. General a kinematic viscosity (9) of 2 x 10 .3 cm -2 sec"1 109 and an
metamorphism 18 occurred in delocalized zones of re- average grain diameter of 0.1 cm, the Reynolds number is
charge flow, whereas formation of cupriferous pyrite 0.5 x 10"4 - a value well below the critical value of 1-10.
orebodies 5-10 occurred in localized zones of Another situation that may be encounted naturally involves
discharge. 26,47.56 Precipitation of ferromanganoan
concentrated flow through open fractures. For example,
'umber" sediments was also probably a consequence of most of the boreholes that produce large amounts of hot
discharge of hot metalliferous solutions. 56,128-131 a,
water and steam from the Wairakei geothermal field tap
gabbro, metagabbro and variably altered trondhjemite; fractures. 75 Also, the occurrence of hydrothermal ore
b, sheeted dyke complex; c, pillow lavas; d, umbers deposits as lodes filling fissures is well known. In this case
(Fe/Mn enriched sediments); e, massive sulphide ore; is defined as the channel width, and the Reynolds
f, mineralized stockwork. Dashed lines approximate to number for the transition from laminar to turbulent flow
metamorphic boundaries between zeolite facies (z), between rough parallel-sided walls is ~ 2 x 103. 70 For
greenschist facies (g) and amphibolite facies (am). high flow rates of the order of 10 .3 cm sec"1 , a channel
Continuous lines are approximate flow lines for hydro- width of 100 cm and a kinematic viscosity of 2 x 10 .3 cm 2
thermal convection; dotted line is approximate form of sec"1 the Reynolds number is 50. The value is, again, well
isotherm produced by convection (see Elder 85). Photo- below the critical value.
graph (b) of free convection in Hele--Shaw cell with When a permeable medium is heated from below, the
free water discharge. Open upper boundary condition was density variations produced by the non-uniform distribu-
simulated by withdrawing water above rising jet of hot tion of temperature generate buoyancy forces. These
fluid through siphon. Constant volume was maintained by forces to cause hot fluid to rise. At low intensities of heat-
replenishing cell at same rate as water was withdrawn. ing the buoyancy forces are weak and the rate of conduc-
Pattern of localized discharge and delocalized recharge is tive heat transfer is sufficient to prevent the build-up of
similar to inferred pattern of convective flow within ophio- significant density differences. Hence, convective
litic rocks of Troodos Complex (Fig. 2(a)). Reproduced, by motion 79,80 does not occur until the temperature difference
kind permission of American Geophysical Union and across the permeable layer becomes large enough to over-
Professor J. W. Eide r, from Fi 9. 19 65 come the restraints imposed by the kinematic viscosity of
the fluid, and the thermal diffusivity (KM) and permeability
of the porous material.
For flow through permeable media the equation of
By use of the Boussinesq approximation that density
motion is given by Darcy's law. 67 This relationship is a
transport equation in which the flux and the pressure variations are only important in generating buoyancy
gradient,through a permeable medium are directly porpor- forces, 76 the balance between the activating and restraining
tional. In simplest form it is given by forces may be expressed by a dimensionless Rayleigh
number (R a) :77
k dP
O F = ~. ~ 9 ~ .
/~ dx Ra- - -
The constant of proportionality is subdivided into two KM.v

where k = permeability,/3 = coefficient of cubical expansion v = 1.5 x 10-3 cm 2 sec"1 lO9,11o,111
of the fluid, A0 = temperature difference across the per- For this approximate evaluation of a Rayleigh number it
meable layer, g = acceleration due to gravity, H = thickness has been assumed that the properties of a dilute saline
of the permeable medium, KM = thermal diffusivity of the solution are comparable with those of pure water. The
saturated medium temperature- and pressure-dependence of the coefficient of
KM cubical expansion, the heat capacity and the kinematic
KM - viscosity have been neglected. The values of the parameters
p.Cp used are those applicable to the means of the estimated
where K M = thermal conductivity of the permeable temperature and pressure variations (200~ 250 bar).
medium, p = density of the fluid and Cp = specific heat of The thickness of the permeable medium (H) may be
the fluid, and v = kinematic viscosity of the fluid(= p/p), taken as the thickness of the pillow lava-dyke sequence in
where/1 = dynamic viscosity. which the bulk of sea-water circulation occurred. This
If the Rayleigh number exceeds a certain critical value, corresponds to a depth of "" 2 km. 38 At the base of this
which is dependent on boundary conditions, 78 convection sequence amphibolite facies metamorphic assemblages
occurs. The amount by which the Rayleigh number have been recorded, which would suggest a temperature
exceeds the critical value is directly related to the vigour difference across the permeable layer of "" 450~ 112
of convection. For a uniformly permeable medium, which
is heated uniformly and constantly from below, and which Table 1 Measured and calculated bulk permeabilities of
is enclosed above and below by two isothermal parallel natural materials
plates, Lapwood 8o deduced that the critical value of the
Rayleigh number should be 47r2 (= 39.48). Despite early Material Bulk permeability, md
experiments, which produced quantitative disagreement
Postglacial basaltic lavas in 106_107
with this value, e2,e3"84 because initial but not steady-state
Iceland 66
processes were examined, subsequent experimental work
Impermeable rock with vertical Vertical permeability =
has established its validity. 81~5 For different boundary 2x 106
open fractures 0.3 cm wide
conditions, however, different critical Rayleigh numbers spaced at 1-m intervals (see
apply. 7a,8~ For example, the critical value is 27.1 when the text)
upper boundary is open and permits unimpeded discharge Loose sand ?0 104_10 s
of hot fluid and the lower boundary is isothermal. 7e It is Impermeable rock with Vertical permeability = ~" 104
17.65 for the same configuration but when heat flux is vertical open fractures 89cm
maintained constant along the lower boundary. If the wide spaced at 1-km intervals
temperature distribution along this lower boundary is non- (see text)
uniform, fluid flow occurs for all values of the Rayleigh Horizontal permeability for 35
number. buried flood basalts in
Reykjavik geothermal
The theory of convection in permeable media has found system, Iceland.66
particular applications in geophysical problems associated Permeability measured in
with hot groundwater flow in geothermal areas, and, hence, bulk over depth-interval
with the production of geothermal power. Following early from 300 m below surface
studies, 77,86,87 Elder 65,71 analysed the thermal structure to 1300 m
of the Wairakei geothermal system in New Zealand and Main Waiora volcaniclastic 14 (5--27)
showed that free convection of water below the surface was aquifer, Wairakei geothermal
system, New Zealand 7s
required to maintain the thermal output. A quantitative
pipe model for heat and mass transfer was developed. 65,71 Wairakei geothermal system 73 Vertical permeability = ~" 11
Donaldson 73,74,97,98 and others 88,9o,91,92 have continued Aquifer cemented by < 1; e.g. 0.6 (hole 25)
to develop further applications of the theory. hydrothermal minerals,
Wairakei geothermal
Recently, qualitative ideas based on convection in porous system, New Zealand 75
media have been used to explain other geological and geo-
Broadlands geothermal "0.1--1
physical phenomena. One of the more important develop-
system, New Zealand 74
ments has been the recognition that sea water circulates
convectively within spreading oceanic ridges on a massive Oceanic crust between 5 "~ 0.5
and 30 km from Galapagos
scale.47,56,99-102 Particular attention has also been paid spreading axis and down to
to aspects of the origin of hydrothermally metamorphosed depth of "~3.5 km 1o2
rocks associated with high-level igneous intrusive bodies and Unfractured diabase, gabbro 10-6_10-7
of certain types of hydrothermal ore deposit. 2,47,103,104,105 and granite 68,69
In order to evaluate the Rayleigh number for the con-
ditions of hydrothermal metamorphism and mineralization
The final parameter that requires to be estimated is the
of the ophiolitic rocks of the Troodos Complex the follow-
permeability. The values of measured and calculated per-
ing values of some of the variables in the Rayleigh number
meabilities given in Table 1 show that this is the most
expression may be taken:
critical variable to assess in calculating a Rayleigh number,
/3 = 10"3 ~ lO7 because the permeabilities of natural materials vary con-
g = 103cmsec "2 siderably. For example, the permeabilities of postglacial
KM= 5 x 10.3 cm sec"1 basaltic lava flows in Iceland and of unfractured diabase or
The last value was obtained by assuming that the thermal gabbro differ by 12-14 orders of magnitude.
conductivity of the saturated medium is approximately A relatively high permeability might be expected for the
equal to the thermal conductivity of the rock ('~" 0.005 cal pillow lava sequence, because of the existence of vesicles,
cm-1 sec-1 Oc-1 ),108 and by taking values of density and porosity between pillows, and drainage cavities within
isobaric heat capacity from Helgeson and Kirkham. 1~ pillows. Also, pillows show a radiating pattern of cooling

joints. The most useful measurement that may be used to by 'scale' formed by the precipitation of hydrothermal
estimate a permeability for pillow lava is that given by minerals. Weak convection can, and does, persist outside
P~lmason 66 for the bulk horizontal permeability of a the zone of greatest geothermal activity. 96,1~
lO00-m section of interbedded lava flows and tuffs The main conclusion from this discussion of the value
(~" 35 md; see Table 1). Hence, a bulk permeability of of the Rayleigh number for the conditions of sea-water
"~ 40 md would seem to be a reasonable estimate. interaction with the ophiolitic rocks of Troodos, Cyprus,
The permeability of the sheeted dyke complex was con- is that the requirements necessary for vigorous hydro-
trolled by a ramifying system of planar and curved fractures, thermal convection were clearly satisfied. Therefore, the
which now appear filled with secondary minerals (author's qualitative model of convection, which was formulated
personal observation). The original fractures may have been on the basis of the geochemical evidence, has been justi-
produced by thermal contraction during cooling of the fied. An implication of this discussion is that the pre-
dykes (cf. Lister loo). To show how effective the develop- cipitation of secondary minerals was probably a very
ment of cracks can be in developing permeability the re- important factor in limiting vigorous convection to a
lationship given below between permeability (k) and the fairly narrow zone near the spreading ridge axis.
width (b) and spacing (a) of a parallel series of cracks may
be used. 113 Further aspects of hydrothermal convection
b3 It has now been established, first, that the geochemical
k- - - . 1011 ( f o r k in millidarcies) evidence requires that a sea-water circulation system pro-
12(a + b)
duced the hydrothermal mineralization and metamorphism
For example, if basaltic rock cools by 600~ and cracks of the Troodos ophiolitic rocks and, secondly, that the
develop at a spacing of "~ 1 m, then, for the coefficient of fluid dyanmic conditions necessary for free convection
linear thermal contraction of basalt (~ 5 x 10-6 ~ ),1o8 were fully satisfied. Hence, further aspects of the hydro-
cracks 0.3 cm wide develop. Such a system of cracks pro- thermal convection model may now be explored.
vides a high permeability of 2 x 106 md. Personal observa-
tions of the sheeted dyke complex of Cyprus suggest that Geometry
this sort of spacing for mineral-filled fractures is quite rea- As is shown in Fig. 4, the major ore deposits distributed
sonable. It is unlikely, however, that such high permeabili- along the northern pillow lava outcrop of the Troodos
ties were reached, because of the precipitation of secondary Complex have an imperfectly regular geometrical distrib-
minerals. ution. Hence, accepting that the positions of these ore
Another effect to be investigated, which would provide deposits represent the original positions of rising hot water,
permeability, is that of faulting, which is ubiquitous in the it can be said that the three-dimensional geometry of hydro-
ophiolitic rocks and the oceanic crust. For example, a spac- thermal convection approximated to an arrangement of
ing of fractures only 89cm wide every 1 km can provide a polygonal 'cells', the locations of which were fixed. At
permeability of "~ 104 md. Hence, before extensive pre- the centres of the cells occurred rising buoyant jets of
cipitation of secondary minerals in porosity and fractures hot fluid, which were approximately axially symmetric
high-bulk permeabilities in the range 4 0 - 1 0 4 and might be in cross-section. The mean half-distance between
expected. For such permeabilitiesthe Rayleigh number the rising jets of 2.6 +_1.4 (lo) kin, which has been measured
would have been between 6 x 103 and 1.2 x 106. Since this from the 21 spacings between ore deposits marked in Fig. 4,
range of values far exceeds the critical values of the Rayleigh was comparable with the height of the permeable layer
number (27.1 and 17.7 for an open top and uniform lower ('~ 2 km): this observation is qualitatively consistent with
boundary condition, see above), it can be concluded that the convection, s9 The sizes of the ore deposits are all com-
conditions necessary for vigorous convection of sea water in parable. For example, the mean tonnage of the 11 ore
the ophiolitic rocks of the Troodos Massif, Cyprus, were deposits for which data are available in Bear 5 and
satisfied. These values compare with Rayleigh number Constantinou and Govett 9 is 3 600 000 +_4 000 000 (lo).
estimates for the Wairakei and Reykjavik geothermal This observation is, also, qualitatively consistent with a
systems of "~ 104 65 and 2 x 102,66 respectively. convection model, since it suggests that a similar total
The precipitation of secondary minerals in porosity and quantity of fluid was discharged at each rising jet position.
fractures is probably one of the most efficient ways of These observations might, at first, seem to be consistent
reducing the vigour of convection. This effect has been with the simplest model of a permeable layer heated uni-
widely documented. For example, Grindley 75 recorded formly from below. It has been shown experimentally, how-
that the permeabilities of hydrothermally cemented aquifers ever, that at Rayleigh numbers greater than ~ 2 4 0 - 2 8 0
in the Wairakei system are reduced to ~" 0.6 md relative to a stable pattern of axially symmetric polyhedral convection
a bulk permeability of the uncemented aquifer of "" 14 md. cells, 93,94 or two-dimensional rolls, gives way to a fluctuat-
The permeability of the aquifer in the Broadlands system, ing convective state in which the positions of rising and
which is a mixture of massive rhyolite flows interbedded descending fluid vary with time. 95 It has also been shown
with fine-grained tufts, is "~ 0.1-1 md. 74 These low values that at Rayleigh numbers greater than ~ 380 a three-
are in good agreement with an estimate of 0.5 md calculated dimensional geometry of convection is stable relative to
by Ribando and co-workers lO2 for the upper 3 89km of two-dimensional rolls or axially symmetric cells. 89 The
the oceanic crust outside the active zone of spreading on inferences that can be made from the mode of occurrence of
the Galapagos Ridge, and suggest that hydrothermal the Cyprus ore deposits are not consistent with these
cementation may reduce permeabilities from 50--104 md observations because, at the high Rayleigh numbers con-
down to "~ 0.5 md, and, presumably, lower. This would sidered to have applied during hydrothermal convection in
correspond to a reduction of the Rayleigh number from the ophiolitic rocks (> 6 x 103; see above), the geometry of
6 x 103 - 1.2 x 106 down to a low value of 60. Hence, convection was not fluctuating through time and involved
this would suggest that the main factor that may limit "axially symmetric cells'. This suggests that there was an
vigorous convection of sea water to a fairly narrow zone at additional mechanism, first, of generating axially symmetric
the spreading ridge crest is the sealing of the 'plumbing system' rising jets of hot fluid, and, secondly, of maintaining their

Fig. 4 Distribution of cupriferous pyrite ore deposits along northern pillow lava out-
crop of Troodos Complex. 1, Mavrovouni; 2, Lefka; 3, Apliki; 4, Skouriotissa;
5, Alestos; 6, Memi; 7, Kokkinoyia; 8, Kokkinopezoula; 9, Agrokipia; 10, Klirou
district; 11, Kapedhes; 12, Kambia; 13, Mathiati; 14, Lythrodondha, 15, Sha

positions through time. The simplest mechanism of pro- assumption that the total amount of water in the basaltic
ducing this effect would have been to have had approximate- magma, from which the gabbroic rocks formed, was released
ly axially symmetric thermal anomalies on the lower boun- in a focussed form. Knowing from the rare-earth element
dary layer of the permeable layer. The discrete gabbro abundances of the ophiolitic rocks of the Troodos Complex
intrusions, which would have corresponded to discrete that the basaltic magma which formed the igneous rocks
magma bodies, and which have been identified in the was chemically comparable with deep-sea basalt, 24 an
Troodos Complex by Allen, T M could have provided this initial water content of ~ 0.30 wt % can be estimated for
requirement. the gabbroic magma. 27,28 Since the thickness of gabbroic
rocks is "~" 2 km, a volume of ~ 6 x 1016 cm 3 of gabbro per
Quan titles o f circulating fluid orebody could have contributed magmatic water. Assum-
ing complete release of "" 0.3 wt % water, the maximum
The mean sulphur content of the ore deposits along the
quantity of primary magmatic fluid available was
northern pillow lava outcrop, as calculated from data for
~" 6 x 1013 g. This maximum value is three orders of
11 deposits in Bear 5 and Constantinou and Govett, 9 was
magnitude lower than the minimum estimate of the quan-
1 400 000 tonnes. If a value for the original sulphur
tity of fluid required per ore deposit ('~ 7 x 1016 g).
content of the fluid can be estimated, an approximate
Therefore, this order of magnitude calculation suggests that
estimate can be obtained for the total quantity of fluid
the theoretically available amount of primary magmatic
required to form an ore deposit in the Troodos ophiolitic
fluid was too small to have been important in formation of
the ore deposits.
In the Salton Sea geothermal system in California hot
water at 300-350~ coexists with sulphides ( p y r i t e -
Time required to form an ore deposit, and fluid flow rates
chalcopyrite--sphalerite-galena) and the sulphide content
of the solution is 15-30 ppm. 1~ Similarly, it can be cal- A characteristic of the sulphide ore deposits in the ophio-
culated from the data in Helgeson 115 that the sulphide litic rocks of the Troodos Complex is that they are fre-
content of a solution formed by the stoichiometric dis- quently overlain by unmineralized and relatively unaltered
solution of pyrite at 350~ is ~" 20 ppm S. Hence, taking lavas and crosscut by unmineralized dykes. 6-1~ This in-
a value of "~ 20 ppm initial dissolved sulphur, a minimum formation indicates that ore deposition had ceased before
quantity of ~" 7 x 1016 g of fluid was required to form an the end of volcanism. Hence, if a spreading oceanic ridge
average Cyprus ore deposit. This estimate is minimal, model 20 for the origin of the ophiolitic rocks of the
because it assumes that all the sulphur that was in solution Troodos Massif is accepted, this leads to the important
was precipitated as sulphide, and because it neglects the deduction that the formation of the ore deposits, and,
quantities of sulphide in uneconomic stockworks. presumably, the associated hydrothermally metamorphosed
This value may now be compared with the amount of rocks, occurred within the active volcanic zone of a ridge.
fluid that could have been supplied by circulating sea water, Detailed near-bottom observation of magnetic anomalies
and with a hypothetical amount of primary magmatic near active spreading ridges in the Pacific region have shown
fluid that could have been released during crystallization that at least 90% of the upper ~" 0.5 km of the volcanic
of underlying gabbroic magma. part of the oceanic crust forms between 1 and 6 km of the
The rectangular area outlined in Fig. 4 contains the 14 ridge axis. 116,117 The width of the active zone appears to b~
most important known ore deposits, and one strongly independent of spreading rate. 117 This range of values is in
mineralized area (Klirou district), along the northern good agreement with the observations of Needham and
pillow lava outcrop. This rectangle measures 57 km x 8 km Francheteau 118 on rifted ridges, which suggest that the
and consists of a 456 km 2 area. Hence, the drawdown active volcanic zone is limited to the inner floor of the
region per orebody would have been "~ 30 km 2. Taking central graben. Needham and Francheteau 118 reported
the figure of 108--109 cm calculated by Spooner and co- widths of inner floors of between 2 and 9 km, which sug-
workers 26 for the approximate quantity of sea water that gests that active volcanism occurs within 1 - 5 km of the
flowed down, the total amount of sea water available to spreading axis. Accepting that the ophiolitic rocks of the
flow up was ~ 1019-1020 g per ore deposit. This value Troodos Massif were formed by a smooth ('fast') spreading
compares favourably with the minimum value of ~ 1017 g ridge, since no evidence is present for very large-amplitude
fluid calculated above to have been necessary to form an normal faults (~" 1.5 km 1 18), which characterize rough
ore deposit. ('slow') spreading ridges, a spreading rate between 2 and
The amount of magmatic fluid that could have been 9 cm/yr/limb may be estimated. 119 For the maximum width
available can be calculated on the basis of the unlikely of a volcanically active zone and minimum spreading rate,

and vice versa, this indicates that the time spent by a given Two results of the experimental work would seem to be
section of oceanic crust within the active volcanic zone is particularly pertinent to the problem of ore deposit form-
between ~" 104 and ~" 3 x 105 yr. This suggests that the ation by sea water circulating in basaltic rock.
time taken to form an ore deposit in the ophiolitic rocks was (a) It was observed that sea-water sulphate was inorgani-
~- 104-10 s yr. Since estimates for the times required for cally reduced to dissolved sulphide-bearing species and solid
the formation of hydrothermal ore deposits are few and sulphide phases. In all experiments H2S was released when
far between, this range of values can only be compared with l the experimental capsules were broken open after a run,
that for the actively forming 120 Atlantis II deep deposit, and Hajash 125 reported the synthesis of chalcopyrite and
Red Sea. 121 This deposit, which, on a dry basis, approxi- pyrrhotite. This shows that the process of inorganic sea-
mates to a 200 000 000-tonne orebody grading 0.34% Cu water sulphate reduction, which is suggested to have
and 1.58% Zn (calculated from data in Hackett and happened from the sulphur isotopic composition of the
Bischoff 122), has formed within the last 1.3 x 104 yr. 122 Troodos sulphide deposits (see above), is feasible.
Although the chemistry of the fluid that is forming this
(b) The concentrations of dissolved iron and manganese
deposit is unusual, 121 this information shows that a
increased considerably. For example, in the long experi-
deposit an order of magnitude larger than any of the
ments of Bischoff and Dickson 58 at only 200~ iron and
Cyprus deposits has formed in a time comparable with
manganese concentrations of N 5 ppm were observed. In
the minimum estimate for the time of formation of
shorter experiments at 500~ Hajash 125 reported iron
these Cyprus deposits.
concentrations up to 1500 ppm and manganese concentra-
For a formation of ~ 10 s yr and for a required
tions up to 190 ppm. As noted by the authors, these data
fluid quantity of "~ 7 x 1016 g a vertical fluid flow rate of
show that the process of metal leaching by sea-water circu-
"- 2 x 104 g sec"1 may be calculated. Taking a value for
lation, which has been suggested as responsible for the
the diameter of a stockwork of ~" 500 m, as calculated
formation of aluminium-poor metalliferous sediments on
from information in Trennery and Pocock 123 and
oceanic ridges, 56,126,i27'128 is feasible. The equivalents
Constantinou and Govett, 9 this is equivalent to a vertical
of such sediments, called umbers, locally occur immediately
fluid flux of ~" 3 x 10 .6 g cm "2 sec"1 . The value is entirely
overlying, or intercalated with, the pillow lava sequence in
reasonable for a geothermal system because it compares
Cyprus.129,13o, 131
with flow rates of 10"s-10 "7 g cm "2 sec"1 calculated for
The results for other transition metals show that they
the Wairakei and Broadlands geothermal systems in New
Zealand.73, TM were not leached to nearly the same extent as Fe and Mn,
which conveniently explains why F e - M n hydroxyoxides are
One final comment to be made is that the ore deposits
the main components of submarine metalliferous sediments.
did n o t form synchronously. The reason for this is that
Absolute concentrations cannot be quoted because of sus-
they are distributed in a direction at right angles to the
pected valve-block contamination in the experiments of
strike of the dolerite dykes in the sheeted complex, and the
Bischoff and Dickson 58 (j. L. Bischoff, written communi-
sheeted complex formed by a process of sea-floor
cation) and because the experiments of Hajash 125 were
spreading. 4,13,2~ Since the distance between the
carried out in gold capsules, which absorb transition ele-
Mavrovouni (furthest west) and Sha (furthest east) mines is
ments - in particular, copper (A. Hajash, written communi-
"" 50 km (Fig. 4), there was a difference of "~ 2 . 5 - 0 . 6 x
cation). Hajash 125 did, however, observe that ~" 75% of
106 yr between the times of formation of the two deposits.
copper in the solid basaltic material was leached at
Since the estimated formation time for a deposit is ~-" 105yr
(see above), the older deposit, which may be deduced to
Hence, although experimental data do not yet prove that
have been Sha from the direction of one-way chilling in the
transition elements other than iron and managanese can be
sheeted dykes, 2~ had finished forming before the other
significantly leached, they do suggest that this process is
had started. At any given instant in time ore deposits were
highly probable.
only actively forming within the volcanically active zone of
That modified sea water can produce base-metal ore
a ridge crest (see above). After formation they were
deposits is, however, shown by the Miocene
carried laterally away from the ridge axis while new ore
C u - P b - Z n - A g - A u Kuroko deposits of Japan (see
deposits developed.
Lambert and Sato 132 for a recent summary). Ohmoto
and Rye 133 have shown from stable isotopic analysis
(~ D and ~lSo) of fluid inclusions that the dominant com-
ponent of the ore fluid was of sea-water origin. Of greater
Chemical aspects of sea water-basalt interaction and of
interest, however, are the results of microthermometric
ore deposition
investigation of fluid inclusions (summarized by Lambert
The final question to consider is: can circulating sea water, and Sato 132), which have shown that the ore fluids were
which is a relatively dilute solution (total dissolved solids not particularly saline and contained, on average,
= "~ 3.5 wt %; chloride ion content = 2 wt %), produce ore ~" 6 wt % NaCI equivalent. This salinity is only twice as
deposits? concentrated as sea water (~" 3.5 wt % NaCI equivalent), and
Experimental work on basalt-sea water interaction at falls exactly in the range of salinities recorded for fluid
temperatures between 200 and 500~ pressures between inclusions of sea-water origin in greenschist facies meta-
500 and 800 bar and run-times of up to two years 58,124,125 morphic rocks dredged from the ocean floor. 134
has shown that sea water changes from an oxidizing, slightly Hence, these data indicate, first, that the salinity of sea
alkaline Na"i" - M g + + - C I - S O 4 = solution to a reducing, water increased during interaction with the oceanic
slightly acidic Na+-Ca++-CI solution characterized by crust, 134 and, secondly, that such a solution ('~ 1 molal
high concentrations of dissolved Si, Fe and Mn. These NaCI) has formed ore deposit~*
experimentally observed changes are closely similar to the *The Kuroko deposits of Japan range in size from 2 000 000 to
differences that have been found between normal and 35 000 000 tonnes ore and, in 1972, supplied "" 45% of Japan's
heated sea water which reacts with basaltic material in the domestic production of Cu, 26% of its Zn, 33% of its Pb, 31% of
Reykjanes geothermal system, Iceland. 29,3~ its Ag and 20% of its Au. ]32

If sulphide deposition is now considered, the following on the basis of the foregoing discussion, that the following
observations have been used to infer that the stratiform specific identifications can be made for the case of the
lenses of sulphide ore, which occur in the Cyprus ophio- cupriferous pyrite ore deposits in the ophiolitic rocks of
litic rocks, actually formed on the ocean floor, e-9 the Troodos Massif, Cyprus.
(a) The lenses consist of pure sulphide ore and are not (a)Working fluid Sea water
replacement deposits.
(b) Source rock The ~- 2-km thick sequence of
(b) The lenses occur semi-conformably intercalated from which basaltic pillow lavas passing
within the pillow lava pile. metals and gradationally down into basic
(c) The ore is often altered at the top to a goethitic other elements dykes and underlying gabbros
material, which shows primary sedimentary structures were leached
(ochre). This material has been interpreted as a submarine (c) Sufficiently Same sequence as in (b); per-
weathering product of ore. 7 permeable rock meability was a consequence of
(d) The massive ore is often overlain by unmineralized to permit fluid space between pillows, joints
pillow lavas and/or crosscut by unmineralized dolerite flow and faults. Estimates of per-
dykes. meability are as high as 104 md
Hence, the problem that arises is why a reduced sulp- and greater than "" 0.5 md
hide precipitate formed at the sea water-basalt interface and (d) An energy The energy source was heat
not an oxidized precipitate, which would have been in equili- sou rce which supplied by the magma, which
brium with sea water and comparable with the umber. A maintained a cooled to form the gabbros.
reasonable qualitative explanation would seem to be that geometrically The hydrodynamic system
at high fluid discharge rates the hydrothermal fluid may persistent involved hydrothermal convec-
locally control the chemical environment immediately in hydrodynamic tion in a permeable medium with
the region of discharge. This would permit fluids to cool system an open upper boundary layer.
before mixing with sea water and allow a sulphide precipi- Geometrically persistent flow
tate to form. The viability of such a mechanism is shown was maintained for "~ 105 yr,
by the fact that the volcaniclastic sediments that floor the probably by thermal anomalies
Baia di Levante on the east side of the island of Vulcano in associated with specific magma
the Tyrrhenian Sea off southern Italy are actively being intrusions
cemented by pyrite and marcasite just below the sea water-
(e) A mechanism Sulphide precipitation was pro-
sediment interface in the discharge zones of fumaroles. 135
of maintaining bably principally a result of ex-
The temperature and chemistry of sea water are severely localized tremely sharp cooling when the
modified as much as 10 m away from any particular area
sulphide hot fluid at 250-350~
of fumaroles. In contrast, at slow rates of discharge hydro-
precipitation approached the ocean floor,
thermal fluid may mix with sea water as it cools. This
which was permanently main-
would result in the oxidized iron-manganese hydroxyoxide
tained at "" 2~ by flowing
precipitates often observed to form around the vents of
ocean-bottom water
submarine hot springs. 136-140
It is considered that this list is unusual for its complete-
This interpretation would therefore suggest that the ness.
sulphide ore deposits were formed at high fluid discharge The role of submarine volcanism in the formation of
rates, whereas the umbers were formed at low discharge the Cyprus sulphide deposits would appear to have been
rates. T h e geological relationships of ore and umber to (a) the provision of a sequence of permeable rocks of
the ophiolitic pillow lavas show that mineralization ended basaltic composition through which sea water could circu-
before the end of volcanism, whereas umber precipitation late convectively and transfer material and (b) the provision
persisted after the end of volcanism. Hence, this inform- of the energy source - heat.
ation suggests that the transition from sulphide to umber
formation corresponded to a waning of hydrothermal Acknowledgment
activity during the time taken for a given segment of
oceanic crust to migrate out of the active volcanic zone of a I am particularly grateful to the following people for
spreading oceanic ridge. This inference is consistent with helpful discussion: Dr. E. M, Parmentier, Dr. T. H. E.
interpretations (see above) that very vigorous hydrothermal Heaton, Dr. J. D. Smewing, Dr. G. Constantinou, Professor
activity is restricted tO the spreading zone itself. The W. S. Fyfe, Professor J. W. Elder, R. D. Beckinsale, Miss
reasons why hydrothermal activity declined are, first, that H. J. Chapman and Dr. R. G. W. Kidd. I am also very
the Large quantities of heat removed by the process of grateful to Mrs. Sheila Cotton for typing the manuscript.
hydrothermal convection itself would also have reduced
the energy source and, secondly, that the permeability of References
oceanic crust would have been significantly reduced by 1. Fyfe W. S. and Henley R.W. Some thoughts on chemical
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Origin and emplacement of Society of America's Penrose conference on ophiolites.
This described an ophiolite as an assemblage of basic and
ophiolites ultrabasic rocks, a complete assemblage being as indicated
in Table 1.
I. G. Gass Increasingly, ophiolites are being regarded as slices of
Department of Earth Science, The Open oceanic lithosphere that have been tectonically emplaced as
University, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, thrust masses on to continental margins and island arcs. 1-9
England In Table 2 the environmental and environment indicators of
ophiolites are given. These factors strongly suggest that
ophiolites are submarine. Furthermore, this environment
552.11:552.31 "551.3 must generally be extensional, to explain the presence of
sheeted dyke complexes, and one where large masses of
Synopsis basic magmas can occur close to the surface. There are few
who would question the oceanic setting for ophiolite
By definition, an ophiolite suite is a particular sequence of
genesis. And many, pointing to the need for an extensional
basic and ultrabasic igneous rocks. This sequence seemingly
venue, an abundance of near-surface basaltic magma and the
coincides with that deduced for the oceanic lithosphere
repeated occurrences of the same sequence, see only the
from geophysical and geochemical evidence. This compari-
oceanic lithosphere produced at constructive plate margins
son is reviewed and the ways in which fragments o f ancient as fitting these requirements. 1, 3, 6, 8,10 Fig. 1 gives several
sea-floor may have been emplaced upon continental
margins are discussed. Oceanic
Lo~,er 1 Ophiolites -0
The currently most widely accepted definition of an Layer 2 ;r
ophiolite was that erected in 1972 by the Geological Vp 5.1kin see1 Vourinos, Papua New Troodos,
Greece Caledonia Cyprus -2
Oceanic Basalt
Loyer 3 /
JPiliow Lavas -L
Table 1 Idealized complete ophiolite sequence

Basic voicanics
Vp 6? km sec-1 Gabbro ( ~

Gobbro +
pyroxenite -

Gabbr~ ~
i•,• I ~o~[rt
|Dyke Complex
I~o~o~'~ -6
(commonly pillowed) Pyroxenite
Layer L
Merging into Upper -8

Sheeted dyke complex Mantle

Peridotite Peridotite Peridotite i10
VpS.lkm sec-1
( Trondjemites
( Gabbros
Layered cumulates ( Olivine gabbros
( N Peridotites
( * Dunites (with chromite)

Fig. 1 Comparison of various ophiolite sequences with

N Horzburgite (sometimes Iherzotite)
with tectonized fabric that deduced from refraction seismology for oceanic crust.
Modified from Fig. 1, Coleman 5 (T = trondjemite,
Commonly serpentinized. S = serpentinite)

Table 2 Environment and geochemical characteristics of ophiolites and subsequent events affecting them
Rock type Sediments Basic Lovos Sheeted Dyke Cumulate Tectonized
(commonly rodiolorion) (commonly pi(towed) Complex Ptutonics Peridotite

en vironmen t
mostly bothyo[
I ,ooo,.LI Passive
I J Zone of
deep shearing

JLack of intercalated
JRhythmic layering
Deformed and elongated

] sediments indicates and igneous spinel and olivine
Environment High Si needed ldistonce from land Lack of siotic sediment structures indicate past
indicators for rodiotorio
Imass, rapid extrusion
Jar no land. Little or
.oO:,o'm0"es suggest presence
of torge magma
deformationa[ history.
Absence of tow Ti phases
Jno vesiculority envtronment body suggests partial fusion
lindicates deep water

Geochernica/ Depleted in incompatible elements. Experimenta| data

characteristics suggest magma genesis or equilibration at low pressure
(less than 5 kbar)

Si leached from |JLavas, dyke rocks and basic ptutonics affected by

taros dispersed tJhigh-temperaturelt~ metamorphism in
Jinto overlying 1 zeolite--greenschist--amphibotite facies by reaction
sea water Jbetween basaltic rocks and sea water at elevated
| temperatures
Possible origin |- J- Fe, Mn, Cu, Au, Ag and Ni removed
of sutph
Cu massive
des ~ from [ovos by circulating brines,
|precipitated at sea--lava interface
Jos metal-rich sediments

well-documented ophiolite sequences and compares them ocean floor, and is injected presumably as dykes and
with that of the oceanic lithosphere deduced largely from extruded as lava flows as ocean-floor spreading takes
geophysical data. place. 18
Detailed investigation of well-established ophiolite The models erected to explain the formation of
terrains has shown that the igneous rocks involved are ophiolites and that deduced from geophysical studies for
commonly impoverished in the incompatible elements with processes at constructive margins are so similar that the
large ionic radii, such as K, Rb, Sr, U, Th and the light rare observational ophiolite data have been used to clothe the
earths.11,12 Characteristically, a horizontally disposed low- skeletal geophysical model for present-day constructive
pressure/high-temperature metamorphism ranging margin processes. The only interpretative step necessary
downwards from the zeolite to the greenschist and is the correlation of the peridotitic substratum of ophiolite
amphibolite facies has been impressed upon the extrusive complexes with the upper mantle of the oceanic litho-
and dyke rocks of the assemblage and thermal gradients as sphere. The argument is that ophiolites seem to have been
high as 150~ km "1 have been inferred. 13 Stable isotope produced by processes similar to those at present-day
studies on these metamorphosed basalts indicate 1 6 0 / 1 8 0 constructive margins, and therefore they will probably
ratios compatible with reactions between the basalt and continue to be interpreted as oceanic lithosphere until a
sea water at elevated temperatures. 14 better hypothesis is suggested, e Irrespective of these
genetic implications and deductions, however, an
Ophiolites as oceanic lithosphere ophiolite is an ophiolite purely on the grounds of the rock
types and sequence it contains. With this proviso strictly
The idealized sequence given in Table 1 is rarely present,
in mind, a tentative correlation of ophiolite structures and
and the thicknesses of the lava, dyke and layered plutonic
rock types with those of the ocean floor and processes at
units vary from ophiolite to ophiolite (Fig. 1). 5 There is,
constructive margins is given in Fig. 2.
however, a common sequence from top to bottom of lava,
dykes, cumulate plutonics and tectonized peridotite, and it
is the production of this sequence that has to be explained.
Oceanic [deatized Constructive J
The field relationships, and the chemical and mineral seismic ocean- ftoor/ophiotite p l a t e margin
!.oyers se( uence
composition of the tectonized peridotite, suggest that it is
material from which a liquid basaltic fraction has been fused
La Ye r 2T Dyke
~;lnh~'e{le'~ . . . . . . llI l llr[11I[
i ....
and removed to higher levels. The magma body (or bodies),
some 2 to 3 km deep and perhaps 25 km long, collects at omp,ox [ltilillliHill .... rti
,~ Layer 3 I - [ ~ f a y . . . . . . . ~1'~11 ~'1! )! ember
shallow depth ( 1 - 2 km) below the sea-floor. In an exten- 9 . [.cumulate .... L::-- - -
M o n a - ~uq~o-:-m-:aEc- E-::: -- :__:
sional environment magma is tapped off, injected as dykes o Lo er /.I/:umutozes F_-.Ls :
and extruded as pillow lavas. At the same time, the magma
= t~ectooi
Lper,.otitezed ...................
remaining within the chamber fractionates on cooling to
give a layered sequence ranging upwards from dunites with 0 5 10kin
I = = = ' I . . . .
chromite, through peridotites and olivine gabbros to Approximate vertical and horizonto[ scale
gabbros and minor Na-rich granites. 3,15
These events produce the ophiolite sequence. They are Fig. 2 Proposed correlation of ophiolite processes,
quite independent of any interpretation that equates an structures and rock types with those of ocean floor. After
ophiolite sequence with ocean floor. Such a sequence does, Greenbaum 3
however, resemble the oceanic crust in that the composition
of the ophiolite lavas is very similar to that of lavas dredged
from present-day oceanic ridges; both are commonly low- These are oversimplified models. Detailed studies of
potassium tholeiites. Similarly, ophiolite lavas, which have undeformed ophiolites indicate the presence of several
not been intensely deformed or regionally metamorphosed, magma chambers, each of relatively small dimensions
display a low-pressure/high-temperature zeolite-greenschist (< 10 km in diameter; ca 2 km in depth) overlapping both
facies metamorphism that also characterizes volcanics from laterally and vertically. 15,19 This, in turn, implies erratic
the oceanic ridges. 16,17 spreading processes. Recently, detailed seismic studies of
Apart from the geochemical/petrological data on the East Pacific Rise north of the Galapagos 2o and the
dredge specimens, however, the bulk of the information on Mid-Atlantic Ridge (M. Fowler, personal communication)
the oceanic lithosphere comes from geophysical, particu- suggest that discrete magma bodies exist beneath the fast-
larly seismic refraction, investigations. These are spreading (ca 10 cm yr "1 ) East Pacific Rise 20 and no dis-
interpreted in terms of horizontal layering in which layer crete magma body is under the slower (ca 0.8 cm yr "1 ) Mid-
1 (Vp = 1.5-3.4 km sec"1 ; average thickness 0.3 km) is Atlantic Ridge. It could be that discrete magma bodies
sediments, layers 2 (Vp = 4.2 to 6.0 km sec"1 ; average only exist beneath fast-spreading ridges and that if spread-
thickness 1.7 km) and 3 (Vp = 6.7 km sec"1 ; average ing is slower than 1.0 cm yr "1, no permanent magma masses
thickness 4.8 km) are the basement and oceanic layers, exist.
respectively, and layer 4 ( Vp = 8.1 km sec"1 ) is the upper It is inherent in the correlation of ophiolites with
mantle, which is separated from layer 3 by the Mohorovicic oceanic lithosphere produced at constructive margins that,
discontinuity. High heat flow is recorded in a narrow belt so long as the processes there produce a four-layer
over the seismically active axial zone of the oceanic ridges sequence of lavas, dykes, cumulate plutonics and tectonized
and the gravity profile over the ridge suggests the existence, peridotite, the location of the margin within the ocean
at depths, of low-density mantle. The model of processes basin is irrelevant. Indeed, the size of the ocean basin is
at constructive margins deduced from the geophysical irrelevant. Ophiolites could equally well be produced at
data is that of mantle material partially fused within a major constructive margins such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
narrow vertical sheet beneath the axial zone of the oceanic or East Pacific Rise, in minor 'oceans'such as the Red Sea
rises. Magma separates from this hot mantle and ac- or Gulf of Aden, at a behind-arc spreading axis like that
cumulates in the crust, perhaps only 1 - 2 km below the in the Scotia Sea or in marginal seas similar to those of the

Western Pacific. By the same reasoning, ophiolites could be descending African plate. 24 The necessary water could
produced near to or far from continents and island arcs have come from dehydration of hydrous minerals in the
from which they can be separated by a destructive plate sediments and igneous rocks of the downgoing slab. The
boundary. Indeed, most, if not all, of the ophiolites in the hydrated mantle converts to serpentinite, in this case a
Alpine-Himalayan Chain seem to have originated in small 10-km diameter diapir, which, as it rose, elevated the over-
ocean basins. These oceans may have been like the Red lying crust. This mechanism for the uplift of the Troodos
Sea and Gulf of Aden, being unassociated with a nearby massif ophiolite not only satisfies geophysical and
descending slab, or, more likely, they were behind-arc structural criteria but can be quantified on geomorpho-
ocean basins forming contemporaneously with the nearby logical evidence. 25 The most elevated part of the massif is
consumption of a descending oceanic plate. 21 So far, the overlain by a mature Pontion (Upper Miocene, ca 7 m.y.)
petrochemical-/mineralogical correlation between some erosion surface. Accepting the reasonable assumption t h a t
ophiolites and some ocean ridge dredge specimens has not this surface was formed at or near sea-level, ca 2100 m of
been entirely satisfactory. 1~ In theory, many of the uplift has occurred in 7 m.y. - a n uplift rate of 0.03 cm yr "1.
discrepancies in geochemistry and mineralogical parageneses Although there is no evidence for continuing subduction
could be more satisfactorily explained if partial fusion of under the island, the presence of a large negative Bouguer
hydrous mantle in a back-arc situation were invoked. In
practice, however, no difference seems to exist between
present day back-arc and open-ocean crustal rocks.
As they migrate away from a constructive plate margin
and become part of a plate, the igneous layers of the ocean
floor are seemingly little affected. Other than the
metamorphic imprint imposed upon them by hydrothermal
reaction between sea water and hot oceanic crust, TM the
principal change is that the water depth increases above the
ocean floor. The increase is attributed to thermal contrac-
tion of the cooling oceanic lithosphere rather than to
significant changes in the thicknesses of the oceanic crust
and immediately underlying oceanic mantle.

Emplacement processes
The precise mechanism(s) whereby part of an oceanic
plate is emplaced on to a continental margin or island arc
is (are) not known. What should normally go down goes
up. The special term o b d u c t i o n , the converse of sub-
duction, has been coined to describe the overall process. 5
The least deformed ophiolite sequences appear to be
vertically uplifted pieces of ocean floor that have not yet
undergone much horizontal deformation. Two such
sequences are Macquarie Island, 23 south of New Zealand,
and the Troodos massif in Cyprus. 1,3,10,19 Most other
ophiolites are much more deformed and their gross
structure is commonly that of a series of complexly
deformed tectonic sheets stacked one on top of the other.
The autochthon is usually continental material. In many
cases olistostromes and other mass flow phenomena
suggest the action of gravity-sliding just before the arrival
of the tectonic sheets at a particular locality. When
reconstructed, the sedimentary facies within the
allochthonous slices indicate that they came from oceanic
crusts near the former continental margins. This, in turn,
implies that obduction occurs at the beginning of destructive
margin processes before the oceanic 'self-destruct'
mechanism of subduction took over.
The processes of ophiolite emplacement include the
fracturing of ocean floor; the sinking or underthrusting of
that floor into the mantle; the uplifting of the ocean floor
which is to be emplaced as ophiolites, its slicing up into
sheets and their emplacement on to the edge of a former Fig. 3 Schematic models illustrating possible mechanism
continent or island arc. Although most of these processes of ophiolite emplacement: (a) Troodos massif, Cyprus
are poorly understood, they probably involve hydration model; uplift of overlying oceanic plate by serpentinite
reactions in the mantle, gravity-sliding and/or tectonic diapir originating from subduction zone; (b) regional uplift
pushing, together with other processes as yet unknown, and due to extensive serpentinization of mantle overlying sub-
are worthy of further speculation. ducting plate; gravity-sliding of uplifted oceanic lithosphere;
The initial stage in the emplacement of the few un- (c) movement of oceanic lithosphere upwards along sub-
deformed ophiolites appears to be vertical uplift. In duction zone inclined away from continental mass;
Cyprus part of the uplift of the Troodos massif seems to (d) elevation of oceanic plate before subduction; gravity-
have been caused by hydration of the mantle overlying the sliding therefrom

gravity anomaly means that serpentinite-generated uplift is 2. Moores E. M. Petrology and structure of the Vourinos
not finished. It is unrealistic to extend the one quantified ophiolitic complex of northern Greece. Spec. Pap. geol. Soc.
example to all ophiolites; nevertheless, many masses, such Am. 118, 1969, 74 p.
as the Semail Nappe of the Oman, 26 have not been com- 3. Greenbaum D. Magmatic processes at ocean ridges: evi-
pressionally deformed during emplacement; some kind of dence from the Troodos massif, Cyprus. Nature, phys Sci.,
gravity-slide mechanism must be invoked. If, as work on 238, 1972, 18--21.
Greek ophiolites 27 in particular has indicated, the
ophiolite slices are derived from oceanic lithosphere near 4. Bailey E. H. Blake M. C. Jr. and Jones D. L. On-land
a continental margin, regional uplift of oceanic lithosphere Mesozoic oceanic crust in California coast ranges. Prof. Pap.
by hydration of its own peridotitic mantle could produce U.S. geol. Surv. 700-C, 1970, 70-81.
the necessary elevation. This mechanism is all the more 5. Coleman R. G. Plate zectonic emplacement of upper
realistic now that the possibility of serpentinite poly- mantle peridotites along continental edges. J. geophy& Res.,
morphs occurring at depths of up to 500 km along 76, 1971, 1212-22.
subduction zones has been realized. 28'
6. Dewey J. F. and Bird J. M. Origin and emplacement of
Uplift of oceanic lithosphere by serpentinite diapirs, as the ophiolite suite: Appalachian ophiolites in Newfoundland.
in the case of Cyprus, is shown in Fig. 3(a); that of regional
J. geophy~ Re~, 76, 1971, 3179-206.
serpentinization in Fig. 3(b). Other tectonic solutions are
also illustrated in Fig. 3. Fig. 3(c) shows a slip zone dipping 7. Coleman R. G. and Irwin W. P. Ophiolites and ancient
away from a continent, rather than toward and underneath continental margins. In The geology of continental margins
it. Such zones are rare at the present time. A possible Burk C. A. and Drake C. L. eds (New York: Springer-Verlag,
example occurs in New Britain and the Solomon Islands, 1974), 921-31.
where the slip zone dips under the island arcs toward the 8. Gass I. G. Smith A. G. and Vine F. J. Origin and em-
Pacific Ocean. In nearby Papua and New Caledonia there placement of ophiolites. In Geodynarnics today (London:
are large exposures of ophiolites emplaced in Tertiary times, The Royal Society, 1975), 54-64.
possibly along similarly dipping slip zones. Fig. 3(d) shows a
9. Hutchinson C. S. Ophiolite in southeast Asia. Bull. geol.
slip zone dipping underneath a continent. Here the
ophiolites are interpreted as slivers removed from the
Soc. Am., 86, 1975, 797-806.
descending slab and pushed upward on to the continental 10. Gass I. G. etal. Comments on 'The Troodos ophiolitic
margin. The model has been applied to the Papuan and complex was probably formed in an island arc', by
Mesozoic Franciscan ophiolites of California. A. Miyashiro and subsequent correspondence by A. Hynes
and A. Miyashiro. Earth planet. Sci. Lett,, 25, 1975, 236-8.
Conclusions 11. Pearce J. A. and Cann J. R. Ophiolite origin investi-
(1) The term 'ophiolite' is widely used to define a gated by discriminant analysis using Ti, Zr and Y. Earth
repeatedly occurring basic-ultrabasic assemblage. It should planet ScL Let~, 12, 1971, 339-49.
be retained in this purely descriptive role, despite the fact 12. Smewing J. D. Simonian K. O. and Gass I. G. Meta o
that the assemblage resembles that produced by tectono- basalts from the Troodos massif, Cyprus: genetic implica-
magmatic processes at constructive plate margins. tion deduced from petrography and trace element geo-
(2) Most ophiolites so far studied in detail seem to chemistry. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 51, 1975, 49-64.
represent allochthonous fragments of the crust of small
13. Gass I. G. and Smewing J. D. Intrusion, extrusion and
oceans or marginal seas. No convincing representative
metamorphism at constructive margins: evidence from the
from a major ocean has been identified. Petrographic and
Troodos massif, Cyprus. Nature, Lond., 242, 1973, 26-9.
geochemical differences between ophiolitic rocks and
suites collected from major oceanic rises are, as yet, un- 14. Spooner E. T. C. etal. 018 enriched ophiolitic meta-
explained. More data are required on minor constructive basic rocks from E. Liguria (Italy), Pindos (Greece), and
margins in small oceans. Despite many hypotheses, the Troodos (Cyprus). Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 47, 1974,
emplacement of ophiolites on to continental margins is not 41-62.
clearly understood, although serpentinization of mantle 15. Allen C. R. The petrology of a portion of the Troodos
above subduction zones is envisaged as a powerful uplift Plutonic Complex, Cyprus. Ph.D. thesis, University of
mechanism. Cambridge, 1975.
(3) If ophiolites are ocean-floor remnants, they are
16. Cann J. R. Spilites from the Carlsberg Ridge, Indian
clearly important in plate tectonic interpretations of the
Ocean. J. Petrol., 10, 1969, 1-19.
past. As ocean floor they were created at former
extensional plate margins. As ophiolites emplaced near 17. Miyashiro A. Shido F. and Ewing M. Metamorphism
compressive plate margins, they mark the proximity of such in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 24 ~ and 30~ Phil. Trans
margins. R. Soc., A268, 1971, 589-603.
18. Cann J. R. New model for the structure of the ocean
Acknowledgment crust. Nature, Lond., 226, 1970, 928-30.
This paper is largely based on a previous paper 8 with the 19. Moores E. M. and Vine F. J. The Troodos massif,
same title written in collaboration with Dr. A. G. Smith and Cyprus and other ophiolites as oceanic crust: evaluation and
Professor F, J. Vine. I am most grateful to my former co- implications. Phil. Trans R. Soc., A268, 1971, 443-66.
authors for allowing me to use our work in this way.
20. Orcutt J. A. Kennett B. L. N. and Dorman L. M.
Structure of the East Pacific Rise from an ocean bottom
References seismometer survey. Geophys J. R. Astron. Soc., 45, 1976,
1. Gass I. G. Is the Troodos massif of Cyprus a fragment 305-20.
of Mesozoic ocean floor? Nature, Lond., 220, 1968, 39-42. 21. Smith A. G. The so-called Tethyan ophiolites. In

Implications of continental drift to the earth sciences, vol-
ume 2 Tarling D. H. and Runcorn S. K. eds (London, etc.:
Academic Press, 1973), 977-86. (NA TO Adv. Study Inst,
22. Miyashiro A. The Troodos ophiolitic complex was prob-
ably formed in an island arc. Earth planet Sci. Let~, 19,
1973, 218-24.
23. Varne R. and Rubenach M. J. Geology of Macquarie
Island in relation to tectonic environment. In The Western
Pacific: island arcs, marginal seas, geochemistry Coleman P. J.
ed. (Nedlands: University of Western Australia Press, 1973),
24. Gass I. G. and Masson Smith D. The geology and
gravity anomalies of the Troodos massif, Cyprus. Phil. Trans
R. Soc., A255, 1963, 417-67.
25. Vaumas E. de. Further contributions to the geo-
morphology of Cyprus. Ann. Rep. geol. Surv. Cyprus, 1960,
1961, 24-34.
26. Reinhardt B. M. On the genesis and emplacement of
ophiolites in the Oman mountains geosyncline. Schweiz.
miner, petrogr. M i ~ , 49, 1969, 1-30.
27. Hynes A. J. etal. Spreading and emplacement ages of
some ophiolites in the Othris region (eastern central Greece).
Z. dt geol. GeL, 123, 1972, 455--68.
28. Ringwood A. E. Phase transformations in descending
plates and implications for mantle dynamics. Paper pre-
sented at International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
16th general assembly, 1975, 1A.

Hydrothermal alteration of the Field, chemical and mineralogical relationships suggest
that the stockwork zones represent the roots of the massive
basaltic lavas of the Troodos ores and the channels through which the ore-bearing fluids
have ascended to form the massive ores and the sea water-
Ophiolite Complex associated pillow lava interface. The persistent presence of illite and
with the formation of the absence of montmorillonite as a hydrothermai alteration
product in the stockwork zone, combined with experimental
massive sulphide deposits data and studies of the active geothermal areas, suggest that
the temperature of the ore-forming fluids was 250-260~
and the pH 6 . 6 - 6 . 8 . Recent detailed stable isotope studies
suggest that these fluids were mostly heated marine waters,
G. Constantinou
which leached the ore metals from the underlying Sheeted
Geological Survey o f Cyprus, N icosia, Cyprus

553.24.065: 553.43(564.3)

The Cyprus massive sulphide deposits are restricted to and
constitute an integral part of the pillow lava succession of
the Troodos Ophiolite Complex. Extensive geophysical,
geological and geochemical data collected in the last 20 years
suggest that this complex represents an uplifted fragment of
oceanic lithosphere and underlying upper mantle, which
evolved in the Mesozoic at divergent plate boundaries.
The massive sulphide deposits consist of the basaltophilic
elements S, Fe, Cu and, less commonly, Zn. They have been
formed at the original sea water-Lower Pillow Lavas or
Basal Group interface and are characterized by distinct ver-
tical zoning comprising, in downward succession, a zone of
massive ore, a zone of sulphide with silica and the stockwork
zone. The latter consists of veins and disseminations of
pyrite in brecciated and/or pillow lavas, which have under-
gone extensive silicification, chloritization and argillization.
The veins represent fillings of fractures in the lavas by
sulphides, whereas the disseminated pyrite is believed to have
been essentially produced by sulphurization of the titano-
magnetite of the basaltic lavas and it often contains inclusions
of euhedral leucoxene. Part of the disseminated pyrite
formed from the iron present in the glassy mesostasis and the
ferromagnesian minerals of the lavas.
Detailed optical, chemical and X-ray diffraction studies
indicate that the sulphide ore-forming solution produced
extensive mineralogical and chemical changes in the stock-
work lavas. These are distinctly different from the miner-
alogical and chemical changes in the unmineralized lavas pro-
duced by regional hydrothermal metamorphism. Mineralogi-
cal changes in the stockwork lavas include the complete
pseudomorphism of the primary minerals plagioclase and
pyroxene by quartz, the sulphurization of magnetite and the
alteration of the glassy mesostasis to a mixture of chalced-
ony, chlorite, illite and, less commonly, kaolinite.
The chemical changes in the stockwork lavas involved the
dramatic decrease of Ca, Na and, to a lesser extent, AI and K,
and considerable increase of S and Fe. Magnesium decreases
considerably in the intensely mineralized lavas, whereas it
increases in the weakly mineralized lavas. The stockwork
lavas are invariably intensely silicified, but there was no appre-
ciable removal or introduction of silica in these lavas.
Silicification of these lavas was probably produced by the
selective leaching of the bases from the primary minerals and
the glass, leaving behind residual silica in the form of quartz
and chalcedony. In the stockwork lavas Cu, Zn and Co
increased, whereas Ni and Mn decreased in comparison with
the unmineralized lavas.

Rare-earth element evidence metalliferous sediments known as ochres occur intimately
associated with the massive sulphide ores of Troodos.
for the genesis of the metalliferous The rare-earth element (REE) contents and, hence,
relative fractionation of samples of these metalliferous
sediments of Troodos, Cyprus* sediments and of some associated lavas and sulphides have
been determined by instrumental neutron activation
A. H. F. Robertson analysis in an attempt to identify the sources of these
Department of Geology, University of Cambridge, materials and/or the different igneous and sedimentary
England geochemical processes that give rise to these materials. All
A. J. Fleet the metalliferous sediments are enriched in the REE relative
Department of Earth Sciences, The Open to chondrites and in the light relative to the heavy REE. In
University, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, the case of umbers this is to a greater degree than normal
England pelagic clays and the bentonitic clays, which overlie the
umbers and are thought to be continental in origin, are
All these sediments also exhibit a marked negative Ce
anomaly, the size of which decreases with the increasing
lithogenous content of the sediments. Such a marked
The origin of metalliferous sediments associated with active negative Ce anomaly is characteristic of the fractionation
ocean ridges continues to be debated. The various types of undergone by the REE in sea water and is a feature of the
metalliferous sediment that occur on and within the lavas of East Pacific Rise metalliferous sediments, but contrasts with
the Troodos massif, Cyprus, which is accepted by many the positive anomaly of manganese nodules. The REE
workers as a slice of Mesozoic ocean crust formed at a contents of the lavas analysed are difficult to interpret, but
constructive plate margin, enable the field relationships of are enriched in La relative to the other REE, probably
such sediments to be studied at first hand. Umbers, which because of alteration. Preliminary analyses show that, as
are chemically and mineralogically comparable with the would be expected, the REE contents of the sulphides are

2 I 2

O IS Ipkm
t li AIA~
Upper Pillow Lovos (UP.L)
Lower Pillow Lovos(LP.L)
iooom On-axis extrusions (L.P.L)

Off-axis extrusions (U.PL.)

---~ Circulating seo water

Fig. 1 Reconstructed cross-section of spreading Troodos ocean ridge to show postu-

lated sites and conditions of formation of massive sulphides, ochres and umbers: 1, pre-
cipitation of massive sulphides under reducing conditions within median valley slightly
away from areas of lava extrusion; 2, formation of ochres prior to, during and soon after
uplift of median valley to flanks of ridge under redox condition causing iron but not
manganese deposition; block-faulting of Lower Pillow ;_avas; 3, extrusion of Upper
Pillow Lavas on ridge flanks; 4, precipitation of umbers under typical oxidizing oceanic
conditions on further-removed flanks of ridge where Upper Pillow Lava volcanism came
to an end; 5, retrog:ade metamorphism of lavas with widespread deposition of calcite and
pyrolusite in veins

metalliferous sediments of present-day active ocean ridges, very low (generally less than 1 ppm), and therefore, as yet,
overlie the uppermost lavas of the massif. Beneath the no data comparable with those for the metalliferous
umbers t,here are extensive zones of veined, brecciated and sediments have been obtained.
chemically altered lavas, which are interpreted as channel- The REE contents of the Troodos metalliferous
ways for ascending hydrothermal solutions, and within sediments appear to have been incorporated into the
which metalliferous sediments occur. Manganese-poor sediments from sea water. This supports the idea that the
major components of the sediments, which are iron and,
*Paper published in Earth planet. ScL Letto, 28, 1976, 385--94. in the case of the umbers, some manganese oxides and

hydroxides, were derived by the pervasive leaching by sea
water of the igneous rock sequence. The REE contents of
the interstitial sediments imply deep penetration by sea
water far into the pillow lava succession, in agreement with
the results of oxygen and hydrogen isotope analyses.* All
the differing types of metalliferous sediment may be
interpreted as related to differing redox conditions and
events in the evolution of the Troodos ocean ridge (Fig. 1).
In contrast, evidence from present-day ocean ridges and
DSDP investigations indicates that the reducing conditions
necessary to bring about sulphide deposition are not usually
found in present-day median valleys and have not generally
existed in the past; moreover, the redox conditions that lead
to the deposition of iron but not manganese are only found
locally around the mouths of channelways carrying
hydrothermal solutions.t
Finally, it may be noted that the umbers from above the
massive Troodos sulphides apparently have anomalously
high copper contents: such copper-enriched umbers may
therefore be indicators of sulphides at depth.

*Spooner E. T. C. Hydrodynamic model for the origin of the

ophiolitic cupriferous pyrite ore deposits of Cyprus. In Volcanic
processes in ore genesis (London: Institution of Mining and
Metallurgy and Geological Society, 1977), 58--71.
Heaton T. H. E. and Sheppard S. M. F. Hydrogen and oxygen
isotope evidence for sea-water-hydrothermal alteration and ore
deposition, Troodos complex, Cyprus. Op. cir., 42--57.
tCronan D. S. Smith P. A. and Bignell R. D. Modern submarine
hydrothermal mineralization: examplesfrom Santorini and the Red
Sea. Op. cit.. 80.

Modern submarine hydrothermal The significance of these observations in regard to metal-
Iogenesis on mid-ocean ridges in general has been discussed
mineralization: examples from elsewhere. 3A~ Metalliferous sediments found to date on
Santorini and the Red Sea the World Mid-Ocean Ridge System are of much lower grade
than those in the Red Sea, but these may, in part, represent
the analogues of the widely dispersed Fe and Mn oxides
around the Atlantis II Deep. 3,4 On this basis, Cronan 3A
D. S. Cronan concluded that higher-grade deposits, including metal-rich
P. A. Smith sulphides, might occur within the upper part of the oceanic
R. D. Bignell crust and within the deep fracture zones that cut mid-ocean
A p p l i e d G e o c h e m i s t r y Research G r o u p , ridges in all the oceans. Furthermore, studies on the geo-
chemical relationship between metalliferous sediments and
D e p a r t m e n t o f Geology, Imperial College, L o n d o n ,
ferromanganese oxides on mid-ocean ridges suggest that the
two are genetically related in that they receive their metals
from the same sources, but in different proportions and at
different rates.4,5
Ancient volcanogenic orebodies sometimes show features
5 5 3 . 0 6 8 . 2 (267.5)
similar to those described here, indicating that in the modern
environment we may be observing a not uncommon volcanic
ore-forming process in operation.

Summary Acknowledgment
Submarine hydrothermal mineralization is known to occur The work summarized here was supported by the Natural
on parts of the World Mid-Ocean Ridge System and in Environment Research Council, to which the authors are
association with island arc volcanism. most grateful.
Two areas of submarine hydrothermal activity have been
examined in detail - one in the Atlantis II Deep of the Red References
Sea 1# and the other off the volcano of Santorini in the 1. Bignell R. D. Cronan D. S. and Tooms J. S. Red Sea
Cyclades Volcanic Arc, eastern Mediterranean. 6 metalliferous brine precipitates. In Metallogeny andplate
In each case hydrothermal solutions are mixing with tectonics Strong D. F. ed. Spec. Pap. geol. Ass. Can.
sea water, resulting in the fractionation and precipitation of no. 14, 1976, 147-79.
a variety of metal-bearing phases as the physico-chemical
properties of the solution change. 2. Bignell R. D. Cronan D. S. and Tooms J. S. Metal
Sulphides occur locally as a minor component of the dispersion in the Red Sea as an aid to marine geochemical
newly precipitated hydrothermal sediments off Santorini, exploration. Trans. Instn Min. Metall. (Sect. B: Appl. earth
which are principally composed of iron oxides. Iron pre- sci.), 85, 1976, B274-8.
cipitates close to the hydrothermal outlets and decreases in 3. Cronan D.S. Basal metalliferous sediments from the
concentration away from the volcanic source. By contrast, Eastern Pacific. Bull. geol. $oc. Am., 87, 1976, 928-34.
manganese is low in the sediments richest in iron, but in-
4. Cronan D.S. Riches of the ocean floor. Spectrum
creases in concentration more than twenty-fold away from
no. 137, 1976, 10-2.
the hydrothermal outlets and iron-rich zone. 6 The distribu-
tion of certain minor elements in the sediments follows that 5. Cronan D. S. Manganese nodules and other ferro-
of Mn (e.g. Zn) and Fe (e.g. Mo), indicating that scavenging manganese oxide deposits. In Chemical oceanography,
may be a control on their distribution. volume 5 Riley J. P. and Chester R. eds (New York, etc.:
Early-formed precipitates from the Atlantis II Deep Academic Press, 1976), 217-63.
brines also include sulphides, principally of Cu, Zn and Fe. 6. Smith P. A. and Cronan D. S. The dispersion of metals
Subsequent precipitates include iron silicates, after which associated with an active submarine exhalative deposit. In
the remaining iron is oxidized and precipitated as ferric Proc. Oceanology intn. Conf., Brighton 1975 (London:
oxide and hydroxide. Finally, Mn 2+ is oxidized to Mn 4+ BPS Exhibitions, 1975), 111-4.
and can scavenge considerable quantities of trace metals out
of solution on precipitation. Manganese precipitated in the
waters over the Deep is probably redissolved on falling back
into the brine. By contrast, manganese and those minor
elements that escape from the Deep can precipitate up to
10 km from it, giving rise to well-developed geochemical
dispersion haloes. 1
The selective fractionation and precipitation of hydro-
thermally introduced metals on mixing with sea water in
these two environments results in a geochemical zonation
away from the metal source in each case. The principal
fractionation, other than the early precipitation of metal
sulphides, is between Fe and Mn, but some other metals also
show distinctive concentration gradients. These observa-
tions may be of great potential value in geochemical explor-
ation for submarine hydrothermal orebodies, as the extent
of the dispersion of the most mobile elements can be many
times the extent of the potential orebody itself.

Mineralization at destructive plate floor spreading suggested that the plates descend vertically,
and it was not until 1967 that it could be shown that the
boundaries: a brief review plates bend down beneath or adjacent to oceanic trenches
and subduct, commonly at angles around 45 ~ beneath
M. S. Garson continents and island arcs along seismically defined Benioff
zones. 4 An obvious inference from this was that belts of
Institute of Geological Sciences, London, England
igneous rocks aligned parallel to the subduction zones must
A. H. G. Mitchell in some way be related to processes of melting of subducted
United Nations Development Programme, oceanic crust, partial melting of either continental crust or
Rangoon, Burma upper mantle above the subducting plate, or both.
Although it was only a short step from the recognition of
553.061.11:551.3 the relationship between various igneous belts and sub-
duction zones, it was not until 1971 that publications
Synopsis appeared 5-9 with the first attempts to link the genesis of
ore deposits with plate tectonics. More detailed papers
Three main types of destructive plate boundary are recog- soon followed, in which specific mineral deposits, such as
n i z e d - island arc type, continental margin type and colli- porphyry copper and stratiform massive sulphide ore-
sion type - each displaying distinctive mineralization. bodies associated with volcanic rocks, and also circum-
The first, characterized by an ensimatic island arc mag- Pacific tin, tungsten and fluorite deposits, were related to
matic belt developed within oceanic crust, has associated palaeo-Benioff zones; 1~ 11,12 subsequently, there has been
deposits, which include diorite-type porphyry copper and a flood of geological literature on metallogenic processes
gold, Kuroko-type zinc-copper-lead sulphides, mercury, at plate boundaries. In general, the mineralization described
native sulphur-pyrite and Besshi-type cupriferous sulphides. in these publications can be grouped into three categories:
The second, characterized by a continental margin type mineralization at destructive plate boundaries, m ineraliz-
magmatic belt developed within continental crust, includes ation at accreting margins (oceanic rises) and mineralization
associated porphyry copper and molybdenum and, locally, postulated to be related to hot spot activity. This paper is
tin-tungsten deposits. Where comple.te, mineral zonation primarily concerned with the first of these categories, but
away from the plate margin into continental crust com- deposits formed in the other two are commonly involved in
prises copper-molybdenum, silver-lead-zinc, tin-tungsten subduction zones and collision belts.
and antimony. A modification of this type of plate margin Destructive plate boundaries can be conveniently classi-
results from the formation of a marginal basin by rifting and fied broadly into three main types - island arc type, conti-
outward migration of incipient continental margin mountain nental margin type and collision type - each with character-
belts bordered on the ocean side by a subduction zone. istic associated mineralization. Modifications of the first
Granite plutons with associated tin, tungsten and fluorite are
two types may occur if marginal basins are developed, and
emplaced in this setting.
collision margins or sutures may also vary, depending on
Centres of porphyry copper mineralization may be con- whether the approach and eventual collision of island arc or
trolled locally by transform faulting at both types of plate continental crust on the subducting crust is with another
margin. island arc or continent on the overriding plate.
Tectonic wedges of oceanic crust and upper mantle are
scraped up with overlying sediments and emplaced above
Island arc type plate boundaries
subduction zones that border magmatic arcs. These wedges
may contain mineral deposits previously formed in ocean- Essential elements of island arcs are a belt of calc-alkaline
floor spreading-related settings, including Cyprus-type magmatic rocks, with, in some cases, an outer arc closer to
massive sulphides, podiform chromite, platinum, magnesite the subduction zone or trench; the outer arc consists largely
and asbestos. of scraped-up ocean-floor rocks and sediments, and is separ-
The collision type of destructive plate boundary is ated from the magmatic arc by an outer arc trough. In many
formed during and following the final stage of subduction of cases older magmatic and outer arc rocks occur beside or
ocean floor between two continents, between two island beneath the active volcanic arc.
arcs or between a continent and island arc. Slices of tec- The mode of formation of different types of island arcs
tonically emplaced oceanic crust and upper mantle, forming is still not entirely clear. The most straightforward, termed
ophiolites, are obducted or thrust on to the continental ensimatic arcs, developed within the oceans and are under-
crust or inactive island arc on the subducting plate to form lain solely by oceanic crust. Others, termed ensialic arcs,
elongate belts at the junction of the two plates. Collision probably formed originally in a continental margin setting
belts contain mineral deposits, interpreted as having formed similar t o that of the present-day Andes, and, after rifting,
at oceanic ridges and magmatic arcs, and may also include migrated away from the continent with the development of
tin-tungsten, iron-titanium ores associated with anortho- a marginal basin (Fig. 1 (c)); 13 arcs of this type, e.g. Japan,
sites in the lower continental crust, native silver-nickel- may include a segment of older continental crust. In the
cobalt arsenides, gemstones and strata-bound uranium- western Pacific some island arcs have been rifted parallel to
vanadium-copper mineralization in molasse derived from their lengths, and the faulted portions of the arc have then
the associated mountain belts. become detached during the development of an inter-arc
basin analogous to marginal basins between island arcs and
The concept by Hess 1 and Dietz 2 of sea-floor spreading continents (Fig. l(a)).
raised the problem of the disposal of the actively growing Both marginal and inter-arc types of back-arc marine
oceanic plates. Bullard has pointed out that there are only basins are underlain by crust apparently identical to that of
two possibilities: either sea-floor is being destroyed or the the oceans. Although their development is undoubtedly re-
earth is expanding. 3 The most widely accepted mechanism lated to subduction beneath the arc, less certain is whether
is that of plate destruction along the broad zones of earth- the new crust is invariably created at a spreading ridge
quakes associated with island arcs. Early papers on sea- analogous to that of the oceanic basins.

Fig. 1 Schematic cross-sections through destructive plate margins. After Mitchell and
Garson 22

Magmatic belts in present-day island arcs of the Pacific, for magmatic hydrothermal mineralization.
the eastern Indian Ocean, the Caribbean and the
Mediterranean are among the most mineralized portions of
the earth's crust (Figs. 1 (a) and 2); ancient arcs now within Porphyry copper deposits
continents are also rich in mineral deposits. The type of Porphyry copper deposits, often with associated gold and
mineralization is related in part to the stage of evolution of less commonly with molybdenum, are the most important
the arc, TM and depends partly on whether or not continental forms of mineralization in island arcs. Examples of Tertiary
crust is present, 1~, 16 and perhaps also on the position of the age, with grades mostly above 0.4% copper, occur in mag-
arc relative to the continental margin. 1~ matic arcs in the Philippines, in Bougainville in the Solomon
Outer arc troughs lying between outer and magmatic arcs Islands, in Taiwan and in the Ryuku and Burma arcs, and in
are important environments for coal and petroleum, but not Puerto Rico.

Fig. 2 Schematic representation of mineralization in an island arc with well-developed

outer arc. After Mitchell and Bell 14

Compared with their cratonic or cordilleran counterparts, in vapour-dominated reservoirs above boiling brine zones in
there is generally less potassium in the island arc intrusions, which porphyry copper ores are formed. Possible examples
which comprise mainly quartz-diorites and, less commonly, of this are cinnabar and quicksilver ores in active or slightly
some syenites and quartz-monzonites that lack K-feldspar. 18 eroded volcanoes within some of the complex modern island
Island arc intrusions seem also to be depleted in lead and arcs, such as the Philippines, New Zealand and Japan.
rubidium and to exhibit 87Sr/86Sr ratios lower than those Another possible example is the cinnabar ore at Pinchi-Lake
measured in intrusives from cratonic settings. 18 Hollister 16 mercury mine in western Canada, which forms veins in
has pointed out, moreover, that the hydrothermal alteration dolomitic rocks and carbonated serpentinite in the Pinchi
haloes differ between the cratonic and dioritic island arc Fauff; 28 the mercury may be derived from a volcanic arc of
types, the phyllic zone often being absent in the mineralized Permian or older age in the Pinchi Geoanticline.
The island arc dioritic stocks commonly intrude thick Native sulphur-pyrite deposits
piles of lavas and volcaniclastic rocks that only slightly pre- Sulphur-pyrite deposits on Honshu Island in Japan are
date the plutons; a few examples, however, are intruded into associated with calc-alkaline volcanic rocks within the
deformed sediments of the outer arc, e.g. Kinabalu in tholeiitic belt of volcanoes. These deposits comprise well-
Sarawak. The cordilleran or continental margin type of bedded sedimentary pyrite and associated native sulphur in
porphyry deposits, in contrast, are associated with stocks adjacent clastic andesitic rocks interpreted as steam explo-
which mostly have penetrated continental crust. 16 Hollister sion breccias. 15 A tectonic control of this type of mineral-
considered, therefore, that the gold associated with island ization is indicated by the location of the major native
arc deposits is derived from lavas and volcaniclastic rocks, sulphur-pyrite deposits of Japan above seismically defined
whereas the molybdenum in the cratonic porphyry deposits offsets, or transform faults, in the descendJng oceanic
has originated in the continental crust. 16 Similarly, Kesler lithosphere, although not all sulphur deposits are associated
and co-workers 18 indicated that the island arc intrusions with subduction-related volcanoes.
are compositionally more primitive than their cratonic Sulphur deposits at Vanua Lava in the New Hebrides 22
counterparts and that an epicrustal source is unlikely for and at various localities within the calc-alkaline volcanic
major or minor constituents of porphyry copper-related belt in the Chilean Andes occur in broadly similar settings.
island arc magmas.
The depth of erosion in porphyry deposits has been esti- Kuroko-type zinc-lead-copper stratiform sulphides
mated by Lowell 19 and Sillitoe 20 by comparison of the al-
teration zones and mineral assemblages exposed at the pre- Kuroko-type deposits of stratiform massive sulphides,
sent ground level with an assumed model of vertical named from the well known deposits of Miocene age in the
zonation. This technique, together with stratigraphic studies, Green Tuff belt of Japan, 29 and associated with rhyolitic
would suggest that mineralization probably occurred in lava domes and volcaniclastic rocks (Figs. 3 and 4) within belts
island arcs at depths less than 5 km. The occurrence of of calc-alkaline volcanoes, are characteristic of modern island
many deposits at a high elevation indicates that uplift of the arcs. Vein-type deposits of copper, lead and zinc occur in
pre-ore host rocks, during or prior to intrusion, promotes
ore formation, perhaps by facilitating fractionation of the [ f ~ , '~. _.~"
~ ..~ Steam explosion
rising magma. There is some evidence that mineralization /';p t ; ~ 1 4 , 1 / a ~ -~
occurs at a late stage in the evolution of a volcanic arc, poss-
ibly during times of increase of convergence of plates, 21
shortly before cessation of volcanism. Basement rocks /)'f
Tectonic control of the distribution of some porphyry
orebodies in island arcs is suggested by their location in the 13 Uplift of dacite,
formation tuff breccia
Philippines 22 along or near to branches of a major trans-
current fault of possible transform type. A possible relation-
ship between the initiation of inter-arc spreading and
mineralization has also been noted in the Philippines, 23 but
in other arcs there is little direct evidence for tectonic con- ,~-~ ,~..~ Steam exptosion.
IT[ ..:" .a "=/."~.~ ~.~.,~ hydrothermol
trol of either location or time of formation of porphyry ~~,~'4~;~;~..~ 9,, minerotizotion
copper deposits. i~'-~'~o~q, 4''" .:':~;,-'. . . . . . .: ,. _..
Relics of ancient magmatic arcs now lying within conti-
nents are mainly deeply eroded, and porphyry ores, if they
ever existed, have mostly been removed. In some early B A Deposition of
I-v ..~ mineral deposits
Palaeozoic arcs, however - for example, Coed y Brenin in "~ "'. C

North Wales - porphyry-type deposits are preserved, and

recent research 24 suggests that the diorftic host rock at this
locality is associated with an island arc environment similar
to that of porphyry copper deposits in the Caribbean. 25
The Coed y Brenin deposit, however, shows some character- Fig. 3 Schematic figure showing history of development
istics of both the 'diorite' 16 and the 'Lowell and of a typical Kuroko deposit. After Horikoshi 29
Guilbert' 26 cratonic types of deposit - indicating the diffi-
culty of rigidly classifying porphyry copper types. 24
root-zones and stockworks below the sedimentary sulphides,
and also alone within the Kuroko belt. Similar ores of
Mercury modern arcs occur in the Philippines and on Vanua Levi in
A link between some types of mercury mineralization and Fiji, 3~ and at Tirebolu in northern Turkey barytic-
porphyry deposits has been proposed by White and co- polymetallic stratiform sulphide deposits of late Meso-
workers, 27 who considered that mercury could be deposited zoic to early Caenozoic age in a submarine volcanic environ-

Fig. 4 Aerial photograph of Kosaka mining district in northern Honshu, Japan - an area of Kuroko mineralization in an
island arc setting of middle Miocene age.29 Tableland consists of pumice flows from the Quaternary Towada volcano.
1, Dacite lava dome; 2, Motoyama open-pit in first Kuroko deposit, now mined out, but Kosaka mine still produces copper
there by bacterial leaching; 3 and 4, Furutobe and Ainai mines working a group of orebodies; 5, Uchinotai mining off.ices
and plant. Photograph (kindly provided by Professor E. Horikoshi) by courtesy of Dowa Mining Co., Ltd., Japan

ment are probably also Kuroko-type ores. 31 The apparent lack of porphyry deposits in Japan has led
In Japan the Kuroko mineralization occurred towards to early speculations that Kuroko ores are genetically re-
the close of a major episode of calc-alkaline volcanism at a lated to porphyry ores and form instead of them when the
late stage of arc evolution, and was emplaced in a shallow sulphides and magma reach the surface. 10~2-35 Kuroko
marine environment within a very narrow stratigraphic ores, however, are of submarine origin, whereas porphyry
interval of perhaps 0.2 m.y. 32 The deposits are distributed copper deposits have probably formed at depths of less
in a belt about 500 km long and less than 100 km wide than 5 km in elevated volcanic settings. The concept of a
parallel to the present subduction zone. 33 The mineraliz- genetic relationship between the two types of deposit has
ation, dated as late Miocene, coincided with the onset of recently been renewed by Colley 30 in a reclassification of
tholeiitic volcanism in Honshu, which occurred both in the Kuroko-type deposits based on occurrences in Fiji. Five
belt of mineral-bearing calc-alkaline volcanic rocks and types of deposit are proposed (Fig. 5), the first four con-
closer to the trench. The wide distribution of the magma forming broadly with those of Tatsumi and Watanabe. 36
suggests a regional tectonic control, perhaps by incipient Colley's type 1 deposit forms within a submarine volcanic
but aborted opening of a back-arc basin (Figs. l(a) an.d 2). conduit emanating from a diorite pluton with porphyry-style
Horikoshi 34 has suggested that the period of extensional mineralization, and consists of breccia-pipe and stockwork
tectonics related to the opening of the marginal basin of the mineralization (quartz, pyrite and chalcopyrite). The second
Sea of Japan resulted in high heat flow and increased type of mineralization, produced where a volcanic conduit
porosity, which favoured the circulation and storage of reaches the sea-bottom on the slopes of the volcanic pile,
metal-rich thermal waters. These metalliferous brines were consists of siliceous Keiko ore and massive pods of Kuroko
then forced out in a later compressional period ( 1 7 - 1 3 m.y.) Z n - C u - P b ore and copper-rich Oko ore within pipelike
to produce the metallogenic epoch of Kuroko deposits. exhalative centres. Type 3 and 4 deposits are near-horizon-
Much of the Kuroko belt is underlain by older metamorphic tal stratiform, chemical precipitate and partial replacement
rocks, which may have influenced the mineralization. orebodies in unconsolidated sediment, with some reworking


facies boundary ] Caldera

Sediments ~Volcanic
. rocks
_ ' ~ Lateral
' vent. " .~
dominate dominate r Exhalahve centre J _~.~=.~__--~4"=~

T e m I ".,_:_.~

...... ~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~,o.~'"
......... _ .....+
'~.. !.:~. :~..~:
+::,: ~ ~....
-__--- _ ... + +

limestones, volcanictastic rocks

Fig. 5 Schematic diagram by Colley 3o of inter-relationships of five proposed types of

Kuroko deposit (based on occurrences in Fiji), and a proposed link with porphyry-
style mineralization in an island arc environment

downslope progressively further from the volcanic centre. sulphides in Newfoundland (Fig. 6), 41 the Palaeozoic Avoca
Colley's theoretical type 5 deposit, which has not yet deposit in an island arc setting in Eire (Fig. 7), 42 the similar Parys
been found in Fiji, is believed to form distant from the vol- Mountain deposit in Anglesey, North Wales, 43~'4 and the
canic centre by fine ore precipitation, perhaps partly from
a brine-ore solution lighter than sea water, as suggested by
Sato. 37 This would show sedimentary structures and only
minor evidence of volcanic activity. Old examples of this
category, although perhaps not in an island arc setting,
could be the stratiform barite-rich Z n - P b - C u deposit of
Devonian age at Rammelsberg in Germany, 38,39 and also
the strata-bound Z n - C u - P b horizon in Dalradian meta-
sediments at McPhun's Cairn, Loch Fyne, Scotland. 4~ At
Rammelsberg, however, the presence of a nearby volcanic
centre may be suggested by the occurrence, stratigraphi-
cally below parts of the basal pyrite-chalcopyrite-rich por-
tions of the deposit, of siliceous stringer or stockwork ore
known as Kneist, which comprises siliceous and chloritized
mudstone ramified by cracks carrying quartz, carbonate,
pyrite and chalcopyrite.
Probable Kuroko-type ores in ancient island arcs, thrust Fig. 7 Quartz-chlorite stockwork carrying pyrite
on to or incorporated in continental blocks during collision and small amounts of chalcopyrite, sphalerite and
processes, include the Lower Palaeozoic Buchans stratiform galena; this forms a root-zone in altered pyroclastics
below horizon of massive Kuroko-type ore in island arc
setting of Palaeozoic age, Cronebane open-pit, Avoca,
Eire. 42 Photograph, M. S. Garson

Fig. 6 Banded Kuroko-type ore in an island arc setting

of Lower Palaeozoic age, Oriental orebody, Buchans mine,
Newfoundland. 41 Speckled barite layer overlies dark-
coloured chalcopyrite-rich layers, which, in turn, overlie Fig. 8 Pyritite ore showing graded bedding within
layers of l ight-coloured chalcopyrite--galena-sphalerite-- Kuroko-type deposit in an island arc setting of lower
barite (Kuroko ore) with distinct sedimentary features. Carboniferous age. Fil6n Norte open-pit, Tharsis,
Photograph, J. G. Thurlow Spain. 47 Photograph, M.S. Garson

stratiform pyrite deposits of Lower Carboniferous age of the and at Avoca in Eire, 22, 42 are typically associated with
Iberian belt (Fig. 8). 45 zones of more intense silicification and chloritization, which
The deposit at Anglesey, consisting now largely of sili- may occupy discrete zones within older and more wide-
ceous ore carrying disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite, spread pyritic stockworks. This is believed to be due to the
has been compared by T. Sato (personal communication) convective circulation of juvenile-meteoric solutions, which
with the 'chimney-type' deposits in the Uchinotai area. It also enriched the lower parts of the stratiform sulphide
is possible that pods of bluestone ore, now worked out, bodies. 45
corresponded to Colley's type 2 deposit, considerably Other possible Kuroko-type deposits, believed to be of
tectonized and reworked during later orogenies. Upper Proterozoic age, occur at Asmara in Ethiopia and
The cupriferous pyrite deposits of the Iberian belt in Umm Samiuki in Egypt within an ancient geosynclinal tract
southern Spain, which include the well known mines of Rio that extends through Ethiopia, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and
Tinto 46 and Tharsis 47 (Fig. 8), superficially resemble Egypt. 49 These deposits consist of Kuroko-style poly-
Cyprus-type sulphide ores. They are, however, commonly metallic sulphide ores (with associated barite at Asmara)
associated with submarine acid volcanism and display other within a sequence of pelites, thin limestones, tuffs and
features more typical of Kuroko-type ores, such as well-pre- calc-al kaline volcanics.
served stratification, slump structures and localized across-
layer zonation with an increase in copper towards the base of
Besshi-type stratiform massivesulphides
the deposits, especially where there are underlying cupriferous Several stratiform orebodies are associated with intermedi-
stockworks. 45 These deposits occur directly above or close ate to basic volcanic rocks, together with carbonaceous
to underlying feeder stockworks, 48 and are believed by mudstones, clastic carbonates or quartzites, mostly of
Williams and co-workers 46 to be Kuroko-type ores that fairly deep-water facies, and the depositional environment
have formed at a late stage of arc evolution during a period is therefore different from that of both oceanic ridge strati-
of relative quiescence within the waning episodes of sub- form ore of Cyprus type and island arc ores of Kuroko
marine explosive felsic volcanism. type. In the absence of Caenozoic examples, Mitchell and
The copper-poor pyritic stockworks, such as those below Bell 14 have adopted the term Besshi-type deposit used by
the Planes pyritite deposit, 45 usually occur in sericitized Kato 5o to classify cupriferous iron sulphides of Mesozoic
pyroclastic rocks, whereas the cupriferous pyritic stock- age at Shikoku in Japan. The Shikoku orebodies, and simi-
works, such as those at Cerro Colorado 48 and La Zarza, 47 lar orebodies now within continents, have been interpreted

Fig. 9 Aerial photograph of Vidlin district, Shetland, Scotland - an area of possible Besshi mineralization associated with
metabasic volcanic rocks (V) of Dalradian age.52 S, outcrops of massive sulphide; xl, marble; CS, calc-silicate granulite.
Geophysical anomalies outlining sulphide mineralization shown by heavy pecked line. Photograph by Dennis Coutts

in terms of early island arc volcanism adjacent to a conti- Mesozoic-Caenozoic orogen
Oceanic Trench Coast
nent, but other settings are possible. A tensional tectonic crust , ~ Fe ,(Au)-Cu~ A g - P b - Z n !Sn-Mo
environment, for example, is favoured by Sawkins, 51 where- 0 Lithosoheric --~ ...... Zone of calc-.'alkqline m.trusive ana
plate r~ovlng away ~ / ...... vo~tc.o.nlc rocks . . . . . . . . Moho--
as Bernard and Soler 6 considered that Besshi deposits from ocean rise ~ ,~ 9 .... ,~
formed in a submarine trench.
A possible Besshi-type stratiform deposit of Dalradian Asthenosphere ~ ~-Oc~e/~ | Or c^
.9 o .~ "~ ,,) c,
age at Vidlin in the Shetland Islands consists of massive
pyrrhotite and some chalcopyrite associated with amphi- 200 ",,',~' et ]"6,., o'e~'

\ "%Z,>,~
bolites which probably represent basic tufts and flows
(Fig. 9). 52 Some of the massive to disseminated polymetallic km
'~ ~ eo;~ l
sulphide deposits of Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb in volcanic and volcano- 300
sedimentary Lower Palaeozoic sequences in the metamorphic
nappes of the central Caledonides of Scandinavia 53,55 also
have affinities with Besshi-type deposits. 400

Gold deposits are found in three main settings in magmatic 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
First, gold mineralization occurs within and at the mar- Fig. 10 Diagrammatic representation by Sillitoe of
gins of quartz-diorite plutons at Guadalcanal in the Solomon generalized mineral zonation in western South America
Islands, and deposits associated with similar intrusions are in context of a plate tectonic-subduction modei 67
known from older arcs. Secondly, gold- and sulphide-
bearing quartz veins occur in thick successions of meta-
andesites and volcaniclastic rocks - for example, in the like to emphasize here that the distribution of certain metals,
Hauraki Peninsula of New Zealand 54 and in the Eastern such as porphyry copper-molybdenum and granitic t i n -
Desert of Egypt. 49 These types of deposit are of interest tungsten, is essentially related to the genesis, differentiation
as primary ores, and, following erosion, as placers. Thirdly, and intrusive history of the source magmas of their charac-
auriferous sulphides and tellurides are mined at Vatukoula teristic host rocks; it is the zonal distribution of these host
in Fiji, in veins associated with a caldera fault cutting andes- rocks in relation to the Benioff zone during their emplace-
ites intruded by a Pliocene monzonite. 56 Deposits of ment that requires explanation as much as the mineral
Tertiary age similar to those at Vatukuola occur in t h e zonation. Moreover, in relating mineral deposits to different
Philippines. depths to the underlying Benioff zone, it is essential to de-
monstrate that the deposits are of the same age within, at
Magmatic arc type plate boundaries at continental margins most, 5 m.y.
Belts of calc-alkaline volcanism either comprising or at the
Porphyry copper deposits
summit of mountain chains near continental margins are
formed, in a similar manner to magmatic belts of island arcs, Porphyry copper deposits are the most abundant manifest-
as a result of tectonic movements, magmatism and crustal ations of mineralization in continental margin type belts,
thickening above Benioff zones (Fig. 1 (b)). The type area and numbers of new porphyry deposits are being prospected
of these mountain belts is taken to be the Andes, although each year in the Andes and North American Cordillera, 25
the pattern there is far from simple because of the complex special attention now being focussed on the Mexican part of
Mesozoic and Caenozoic history, and the modern Andean this belt 59 and southwards in Central America (Fig. 12).
chain is perhaps typical of continental margins only at a Numerous porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits similar
late stage of development. to those in the classic area of the southwestern United
In an analogous fashion to the island arcs, where there is States also occur in ancient continental margin type,
a general variation in igneous composition with distance
from the subduction zone from island arc tholeiite to calc-
alkaline volcanic rocks, within the continental margin mag-
matic belts there is a tendency for an increase in alkalinity
from the margin inwards from tonalite--granodiorite to mica-
granite and alkaline granite, and, finally, locally to under-
saturated rocks, including nepheline-syenite and associated
carbonatite, e.g. Bolivia.
The distribution in the Peruvian Andes of mineral
deposits (iron, gold-copper, lead-zinc-silver and t i n -
tungsten-silver--molybdenum) led Sillitoe '57 to suggest
that mineral zonation is typical of Andean-type belts, and
that the source of the metals in each zone is related to pro-
gressively greater depths to the underlying Benioff zone
iF ig. 10). An alternative explanatio~n, allowing for age differ-
ences in the mineral zones, requires that mineralization is
related to a heat source at approximately constant depth
along the Benioff zone, with lateral migration of this source
beneath crust of varying thickness and perhaps composition Fig. 11 Quartz stockwork with copper sulphides cutting
resulting from changes in inclination of the Benioff zone. 58 porphyry intrusion related to Andean plate margin,
Both these ideas are somewhat speculative, and we would Michiquillay, Peru. 6t Photograph, V. F. Hollister
, 9
O 0

D 9
ANAN EA , . . - J ' ~ - ~







Fig.12 Distribution of main porphyry copper deposits in North and South America. After Hollister, is Armstrong and
co-workers 25 and Sillitoe 59

volcanic-plutonic belts located on continental or micro- transverse tectonic zones (transform faults) similar to those
continental margins in the U.S.S.R.; in contrast to the recorded in the Red Sea area, 49 and transcurrent or strike-
deposits of the western America, a large number of these slip faults parallel to the subduction zone which were active
deposits are of Palaeozoic age.6~ or reactivated during the subduction process. In addition,
Hollister has neatly summarized the characteristic fea- Sillitoe 66 has suggested that the Andean orogen, and by
tures of the cratonic continental margin or Lowell and anology other comparable orogenic belts above subduction
Guilbert type porphyry copper model. 16 This comprises a zones, is divided into tectonic segments by transverse bound-
porphyry copper deposit associated with a calc-alkaline aries, as in Japan, at which there may be a change in the
pluton, generally lying within the granodiorite-quartz- characteristics of the belts of magmatic rocks and the type,
monzonite range; hydrothermal alteration zones usually in- age and size of oredeposits.
clude a potassic core (orthoclase-biotite) with phyllic Examples of porphyry copper deposits associated with
(quartz-sericite-pyrite), argillic (clay-pyrite) and propy- strike-slip faults include the near-linear deposits of the
litic (chlorite--epidote) assemblages arranged in concentric Chuquicamata--CopaquirE area of Chile, considered by
but incomplete shells around the orebody, and ore minerals" Hollister and Bernstein to have formed in a fracture system
include copper and molybdenum sulphides. Where the in- that penetrated a zone of partial melting associated with a
trusion is silica-rich and iron-poor with high sulphur poten- palaeo-Benioff zone. 67 An even closer tectonic control of
tial, quartz, sericite and pyrite are developed in abundance, porphyry mineralization has been described in the Highland
and there are extensive stockwork patterns of q u a r t z - Valley, British Columbia, where simultaneous movements on
sulphide veinlets (Fig. 11 ),61 and pervasive pyrite forms a the Lornex and Highland Valley faults during magmatic
typical halo around the centre of copper mineralization. In differentiation are believed to have created the tensional
contrast, in the dioritic island arc model the sulphides tend to fractures that were filled with both dykes and mineral com-
occur more frequently as disseminations than as veinlets. 16 ponents that now make up the orebodies. 68 The significance
Other distinctive features were noted briefly in the previous of possible tectonic control of porphyry mineralization has
section. also been recognized in Iran, where lineaments derived by
Porphyry-type deposits associated with quartz-monzonite satellite and aerial imagery have been used for porphyry
stocks of Cambrian-Ordovician and Devonian-- copper exploration. 69
Mississipian age in the Appalachian area are probably related
to a continental margin plate boundary, but they differ in
certain respects from the Lowell and Guilbert model. 26 Tin and tungsten deposits
These differences, believed by Hollister and co-workers 62 The tin and tungsten mineralization of the Peruvian Andes,
to be due to the greater age and depth of erosion of the south Bolivia and probably part of the Bolivian Cordillera
Appalachian porphyry-type deposits, include either a reduc- Real is of late Tertiary age and its genesis has been related to
tion in size or virtual absence of the phyllic zone, the presence a Benioff zone near the position of the present one. 67 The
locally of microcline in addition to, or in place of, ortho- Miocene tin-bearing Windy Fork granites in Alaska occur in
clase in the potassic core, and a less extensive pyrite develop- a broadly similar setting. 7~
ment. The copper mineralization associated with diorites The tin mineralization in north Bolivia and Alaska is
and porphyry dykes at Tom na Dashan and Fortingall in the associated with granodiorities, mica-granites or alkali granites,
Scottish Highlands 4o may belong to the Appalachian model, but in south Bolivia, where bismuth and silver are locally
with characteristics roughly intermediate between those of important ores, the host rocks are dacitic quartzoporphy-
the island arc and Andean-type (Lowell and Guilbert) ries (Figs. 13 and 14). 71 In Bolivia the deposits are separated
models. It is tempting to suggest that a reason for this from the belt of porphyry copper deposits and associated
could be that the diorite stocks in Scotland and the batholiths to the west by the Altiplano plateau, and are under-
Appalachians were intruded through great thicknesses of lain by very thick continental crust above a shallow-dipping
geosynclinal metasediments with associated metavolcanics in
places, and the nature of the upper crust is therefore perhaps
intermediate between that beneath the island arc diorite type
and the Lowell and Guilbert cratonic type.
Difficulties in interpreting North American porphyry de-
posits of different ages located along narrow structural
zones in terms of subduction processes have been discussed
by Lowell. 19 In particular, several copper porphyries in
western North America are located more than 500 km east
of an inferred late Mesozoic continental margin. Suggested
sources for the associated igneous rocks include both a
shallow-dipping Benioff zone and sliding of oceanic litho-
sphere beneath the continent and descent in a sub-
continental subduction zone lying several hundred kilo-
metres east of the continental margin. 63 In the south-
western U.S.A. clusters of porphyry copper deposits form-
ing an elongate belt are considered by Livingston to have
been intruded during movement of the continent relative to
a hot spot in the Laramide orogen. 64
A considerable amount of information is now accumula- Fig. 13 Kami dacite stock at edge of Altiplano, west of
ting to indicate that in many cases there has been a tectonic Cochabamba, Bolivia, with quartz veins carrying cassiterite
control of porphyry deposits in addition to the fundamental and tungsten, is related to Andean plate margin. Access
relationship to the palaeo-Benioff zone recently re- to quartz lodes is by means of a precipitous road circling the
emphasized by Sillitoe. 65 Types of tectonic control include mountain. Photograph, M. S. Garson

Benioff zone at a depth of several hundred kilometres. The Epithermal gold-silver deposits
Altiplano itself is an arcuate trough infilled by great thickness
Vein-type epithermal gold-silver deposits in the Great
.of continental and lacustrine sediments and pierced by
Basin of Nevada 73 are possibly related to a back-arc ensialic
environment. The mineralization is mainly of late Miocene
age and coincided with a volcanic episode that comprised
andesites, dacites and rhyolites, this slightly predated the
start of Basin and Range faulting. Isotopic data indicate
that the mineralizing fluids were diluted magmatic brines,
probably related to the associated igneous rocks. 73 Associ-
ation between pre-Caenozoic epithermal gold-silver veins
and back-arc magmatism has not yet been recognized.

Gold deposits in outer arcs and inter-arc troughs

The only typesof mineralization of economic interest
characteristically formed within outer arcs are gold-bearing
quartz veins within deformed flysch-like sediments of some
partly eroded outer arcs (Fig. 2). Although the veins are
generally not extensive enough to comprise orebodies,
erosion may result in minor placer deposits within the outer
arc trough.
Fig. 14 Orthogonal network of veins carrying pyrite,
Tectonically emplaced ocean-floor deposits
cassiterite and boulangerite (dark vein at tip of hammer);
this cuts rhyolite-porphyry in the Andean plate margin Wedges of oceanic crust and upper mantle that form rocks
setting, Gardner Vein, Oruro, Bolivia. Photograph, of the ophiolite suite are sometimes scraped up with the over-
M. S. Garson lying sediments and tectonically emplaced in outer arcs.
These wedges could contain mineral deposits previously
formed in the ocean, e.g. Cyprus-type massive sulphides,
occasional calc-alkaline and alkali granite stocks and volcanic chromite and platinum.
rocks. It can be interpreted as a broad zone of incipient, but Deposits of Cyprus-type sulphides in this setting occur
aborted, marginal basin fracturing. at Betts Cove 74 and Ming mine in Newfoundland, and in
the ophiolite complexes of the northern Apennines of
Italy. 75 The large copper orebody in the Semail ophiolite
Back-arc continental margins, back-arc basins and outer arcs nappe of Oman is also possibly a Cyprus-type deposit tec-
tonically emplaced during late Cretaceous continental'colli-
Tin-tungsten-fluorite sion. Mercury ore associated with magnesite in altered set-
In Southeast Asia and along the northwestern Pacific, conti- pentinites of the Coast Ranges of California and in the
nental margins are mostly bordered by island arcs and by Ordovician of Newfoundland (R. Stevens, personal com-
marginal basins of late Mesozoic to Tertiary age. Some of munication, 1974) apparently formed in outer arcs, although
these margins in East and Southeast Asia exhibit belts of late whether the serpentinites are ophiolites or deformed mantle
Mesozoic to early Tertiary granitic plutons with associated diapirs (Fig. 1(c)) is uncertain.
deposits of tin, tungsten and minor molybdenum and bis- Ultrabasic rocks, generally interpreted as upper mantle
muth. Fluorite is also commonly present, generally as of the overriding plate, but perhaps including diapiric intru-
quartz-fluorite bodies at granite-limestone contacts. Ex- sions, are commonly thrust over or within the outer arc
amples are the late Mesozoic-early Caenozoic mineralized flysch (Figs. 1(c) and 2); examples are the ultramafic bodies
granites of peninsular Thailand and Burma, and the South along the eastern edge of the outer Sunda Arc emplaced in
China tungsten province of late Mesozoic age. the early Tertiary, and the Lizard and Unst 76 ophiolite
Evidence that island arcs bordering many marginal basins complexes, emplaced in the Palaeozoic. The ultramafic
were previously adjacent to the continent indicates that rocks of Unst in the Shetlands and the outer Sunda Arc in
they once formed part of incipient continental margin type Burma contain numerous minor podiform chromite deposits
mountain belts bordered on the ocean side by a subduction of economic interest.
zone (Fig. l(b) and (c)). The late Mesozoic tin- and
tungsten-bearing granites of Japan and the Asian mainland Source of metals
were probably emplaced either in these continental margin
In magmatic arcs related to subduction processes, the metals
magmatic arcs, or during incipient marginal basin develop-
are usually considered to have originated with the magmas,
ment. For example, the deposits of eastern China and Japan which are interpreted variously as partial melts from sub-
were possible related to subduction of an ocean rise, the ducted oceanic crust and sediments, 16,57 from overlying
Kula-Pacific Ridge, which subsequently resulted in develop- upper mantle, and from melted lower continental crust, with
ment of the Japan Sea 72 and South China marginal basins.
or without significant differentiation or contamination by
continental crust.
In the first case, the distribution of porphyry coppers
Antimony ores occur on the continental side of the t i n - could be related to the metal distribution in subducting
tungsten belts (Fig. 1(c)) in China, Bolivia and Burma. crust, 77 the mineralization depending on the presence of
These deposits are probably similar in age to the tin- metal-rich muds, Cyprus-type massive sulphides, or copper-
bearing granites and therefore were probably emplaced on rich tholeiites descending along the Benioff zone. Other
the continental side of an Andean-type belt possibly prior possible sources of metals proposed by Laznicka 6o include
to the formation of a marginal basin. old subducted island arcs with massive sulphide deposits,

and local crustal segments anomalously enriched in copper, of these episodes to subduction is difficult to determine, as
such as cupriferous 'red beds', which have reacted with most tin granites are pre-late Caenozoic, and so their location
Benioff zone-generated magmas. The direct physical trans- cannot be related to present subduction systems; but it
fer of material from partially melting, metamorphosed and seems likely that a long history of subduction may be
dehydrated subducted crust to form magmas 78 and sul- necessary to produce some types of tin deposit.
phides emplaced in the upper crust is, however, debatable, Subducted oceanic crust has been invoked as a source of
and neither Sr nor Pb isotope data provide convincing evi- tin for some of the Andean mineralization, 57 but the very
dence of such recycling. low trace content of tin in oceanic crust and ocean-floor
Many petrologists favour an origin of calc-alkaline mag- sediments makes this suggestion seem unlikely. Tin and
mas by partial melting of upper mantle, or upper mantle tungsten are absent from most island arcs that lack exposed
plus some lower crust above the Benioff zone. 79 Lowell 19 pre-Mesozoic rocks, which suggests that thick continental
has suggested that the Laramide porphyry copper ores of crust, perhaps with a lower layer of high-grade metamorphic
central Arizona were derived from copper-rich parts of the rocks, is necessary for the generation of tin-bearing magmas.
underlying continental crust in which the Precambrian The distribution of fluorite and tin deposits within back-
Jerome massive sulphides occur. Extraction of copper from arc continental margins in Southeast Asia has been related
volcanic rocks intruded by plutons has also been proposed, to a rise of fluorine together with other volatiles from deep
but the absence of pre-ore volcanic rocks around many levels of an outwardly migrating Benioff zone during margin-
porphyry deposits makes this hypothesis seem unlikely. al basin development. 1~ It is suggested that rising volatiles
Whatever the origin of the calc-alkaline magmas, there is could extract tin from the deeper levels of already em =
perhaps no necessity to postulate that the associated con- placed, but possibly still hot, granitic bodies and deposit it
centrations of metals were derived by reworking of original around the upper levels of the intrusions.
enrichments either in subducted oceanic crust, or within Experimental studies of the role of fluorine and chlorine
continental crust; comparatively inefficient leaching pro- in late-stage magmatic processes show that in hydrous
cesses of either the country rocks or at a late stage of the granitic melts the alkalis and base metals may concentrate
magmas themselves can provide ample quantities of metals quite strongly in a CI-bearing aqueous 'vapour' phase,
to form ore deposits. whereas alkaline-earth elements, Sn, Zr and Nb tend to re-
Stable isotope 8o and fluid inclusion studies sl indicate main in the melt in the presence of F. 8s In terms of
that the initial main ore metal transportation and alteration Benioff zone-related magmas, this may support the suggest-
agencies in the porphyry copper deposits were highly saline ion that base metals would be concentrated in a CI-rich
alkaline brines of magmatic-hydrothermal origin (also see magmatic-hydrothermal phase to form porphyry deposits at
Sheppard 82). Deposition and additional alteration t o o k a certain distance above a Benioff zone, whereas more dis-
place when the magmatic-hydrothermal brines encount- tant from the subduction zone the deposition of tin and
ered the lower-temperature convective system of less saline associated metals would be favoured from a F-rich melt. A
meteoric-hydrothermal water produced within the surround- possible source of the fluorine and H20 would be phlogo-
ing country rocks. The base-metal enrichment noted in pite either in the partially hydrated downgoing lithosphere
volcanic sublimates at Vesuvius and Vulcano 83 and in slab 89 or at the base of the continental crust.
Andean volcanoes 11 may be the visible volcanic by-product The source of the metals in the mineralized zones of the
of these reactions. Sheppard considers that differences in Peruvian Andes, as was mentioned previously, has been re-
deposits are probably in part related to the variations in the lated by Sillitoe 57 to progressively greater depths to the
relative proportion of the meteoric-hydrothermal and mag- Benioff zone. This relationship is not strictly analogous to
matic-hydrothermal events. 82 Isotopic evidence of the that between potassium content of late Caenozoic arc rocks
source of the metals is corroborated by data from structural and depths of the Benioff zone, 90,91 as not all the mineral
and petrographic studies of porphyry mineralization at zones of the Andes are of the same age. Age differences are
Highland Valley, British Columbia, which indicate that the allowed for in alternative suggestions that changes in position
metals were derived from a differentiating magma. 68 and inclination of the Benioff zone have been responsible for
In Japan, island arc tholeiite magmas within the Kuroko the rock and associated mineral zonation (see p.87). 58
ore belt probably resulted from partial melting of upper Recently, a zonal distribution of a parallel metamorphic
mantle, with the addition of water solely from the subduct- belt, tungsten belt and molybdenum belt of different ages
ing crust, 84 but it is unlikely that the felsic magmas associ- has been noted in Japan. Differences in K - A r ages between
ated with the Kuroko mineralization are derived directly the two mineralized belts indicate that separate magmatic
from subducting crust. 17,85 It is still uncertain if the metals cycles were possibly associated with different subduction
in the Kuroko ores were leached by brines from underlying zones. 92
rocks or were of magnlatic-hydrothermal origin. Sato, The tin-bearing granites in the Andes, Alaska and eastern
however, has pointed out that the lava dome rhyolites with Burma are bordered on the ocean side by tonalitic rocks
which Kuroko-type deposits are associated are typically with porphyry copper deposits, giving rise to suggestions
highly differentiated. 86 He suggests that the metal-rich that the presence of a thick continental crust is required for
fluids are therefore dominantly of magmatic origin and the formation of tin-rich granites, with heat and volatiles
have separated at the last stage of magmatic differentiation. available from a shallow-dipping Benioff zone lying no more
Postulations regarding the origin of tin are complicated than 200 km beneath the deposits. In central California the
by the uncertainty as to whether the tin mineralization distribution of potassium- and sodium-rich granitic rocks
coincides with or post-dates the final stages of crystallization with initial 87Sr ratios in excess of 0.706 in areas underlain
of the associated granite. It is possible also that many tin by Precambrian crust indicates that granites similar in com-
deposits in Southeast Asia, Cornwall and the circum-Pacific position to many tin-bearing plutons originate at least in
portion of Siberia have been produced during successive part in the lower crust. 79
episodes, which have increasingly concentrated tin grades in Suggestions of primitive concentrations of tin in the
the upper parts of the granites. There is considerable evi- continental crust, 19 or, alternatively, in the upper mantle, 93
dence that volatiles, and especially fluorine, play a vital role have been made to explain tin mineralization in Bolivia and
in this process of cyclical concentration. 1~ The relation western North America, respectively, but there is little

unequivocal evidence to support these ideas. a lithology that normally carries very low trace amounts of
tin. According to the collision hypothesis, the sediments
Collision-related plate boundaries were probably deposited largely on oceanic crust, but were
underthrust by continental crust prior to intrusion b'y gran-
Magmatic belts associated with continental collisions ites and so were not present in depth to form a source for
Tin--tungsten deposits The post-tectonic tin- and the magma or metals. The granites and tin were probably
tungsten-bearing granites of southwest England have derived from the lower continental crust, but it is uncertain
recently been interpreted as having originated in the under- whether the tin was concentrated from trace amounts in the
thrusting continental plate following continental collision lower crust through magmatic processes, or whether there
(Figs. 1 (d) and 15), in a setting analogous to that of the late was already a preexisting concentration of tin in the crust
Tertiary Malarkachung granite southwest of the Indus further concentrated by the magma. Minor tin ores do occur
suture in the Himalayas. 94 The southwest England collision in volcanic host rocks of pre-Variscan age in the Erzgebirge, 1~
belt extends through the Hercynian tin beff of the but there is no evidence that Variscan tin was derived from
Erzgebirge.95,96 A collision origin has also been invoked these or sknilar, now unexposed, intrusive rocks.
for the late Triassic tin belt of the Main Range in Malaysia. 97 Native silver-nickel-cobalt arsenide deposits Vein de-
In alternative explanations, however, the southwest posits of this association had been interpreted by Badham
England plutons are interpreted as a magmatic arc related to in terms of explacement in Andean-type magmatic belts. 1~
northward subduction 98, 99 and as collision-related granites Some examples, however, including those of Cornwall and
in an overriding northern plate. 1~176 the Erzgebirge, are associated with granites interpreted above

o) Middle Devonian
North Rheic Ocean South
Devon Cornwall
Paratic *Bathya! Gramscatho Magmatic ,,
sediments lull' beds
EIO "_=
Upper mantle ,~

I(b) Middle Carboniferous

I North South South
I Devon Devon Cornwall
J Paralic Crackington Wildf!ysch Lizard
sediments formation over gramscatho
beds ~ & ~ < ~ thrust
0 ~z~' o x \


(C) End Carboniferous

South North South South Engtish

Wales Devon Devon Cornwall Channel
Paralic Bude Tin Lizard
sediments formation granite

o , ,,,"'"


Fig. 15 Diagrammatic cross-sections by Mitchell 94 through Hercynian arc systems and

collision belts of southwest England

In Europe several of the post-collision Hercynian granites as collision-related magmas.

are potassic, and have greater quartz contents and lower Iron-titanium deposits in anorthosites It is considered
albite-orthoclase ratios than granitic rocks of calc-alkaline by Green lO5 that some large bodies of anorthosite and
magmatic arcs, and were intruded in belts of higher geo- layered ultramafic rocks are derived by partial melting of
chemical gradient, lol, lO2 Most of these granites were em- calc-alkaline rocks at the base of the crust, yielding alkalic
placed in highly folded and thrusted flysch-type sediments- magma and an anorthositic residue. Partial melting could

occur above subducting oceanic crust, but more probably events among collision belts are indicated by differences
occurs following continental collision, resulting in the em- among the Caenozoic Alpine, Himalayan, North
placement in the lower crust of these rock types with Australian-Papuan and Taiwan-China belts. These varia-
associated iron~-titanium orebodies and chromitite sheets. tions may be related partly to rate of plate convergence and
Deposits of this type are dominantly of Precambrian age, partly to irregularities in the colliding continental 112 or
perhaps because erosion has not yet revealed significant island arc margins.
areas of younger deep crustal rocks. The most mineralized types of rock emplaced in these
settings and tectonically transported on to the under-
Nickel-copper mineralization in banded gabbroic and
thrusting continent are those of island arc magmatic belts
ultramafic rocks Dewey and Pankhurst considered
with associated porphyry copper, Kuroko-type massive
that the main orogeny and prolonged accompanying
sulphides and gold deposits. Examples of these subduction-
thermal history of the metamorphism in the Scottish
related orebodies, now found in or near to intra-continent
Highlands can be related to rise of magmas from a basaltic
'suture zones', are given above. Outer-am flysch belts with
root above a Benioff zone inclined northwards from the
minor ophiolite wedges may also be emplaced in the same
Ballantrae area. 1~176 The orogeny probably began during
setting, and these are likely sources for Cyprus-type
tectonic emplacement in the Arenig of ophiolitic rocks,
massive sulphides, chromite bodies and auriferous quartz
remnants of which now occupy faulted wedges along the
later Highland Boundary and Southern Upland Faults; 76 we
suggest that this emplacement could be interpreted in terms
of island arc-continental collision of the Grampian orogeny Obducted ophiolites in collision settings
following southward subduction. During this period the Slices of oceanic crust and upper mantle can be obducted
'younger' basic intrusions of northeast Scotland were emplac- on to the subducting continental margin 113,114 during the
ed in hot country rocks; these intrusions were mainly banded final stages of subduction of ocean floor between two conti-
gabbroic and noritic rocks and some peridotites 108 with nents, between two island arcs, or between a continent and
associated copper-nickel mineral ization. 109 island arc (Fig. l(d), (e) and (f)). These slices, forming
There are probably many other examples of N i - C u ophiolites, either occur in elongate belts at the junction of
mineralization in this setting throughout the world, but the the two plates in a suture zone (Fig. l(d)) or are thrust on to
Scottish Highlands example is the only one so far known to the subducting plate together with the magmatic arc rocks
the authors where the host rocks can be dated as having (Fig. l(f)). The most extensive ophiolites - for example,
been intruded concomitantly with the obduction of the Semail Nappe in Oman 115 and the Troodos Complex
ophiolitic rocks. in Cyprus 116 occur where a major outer arc was appar-

Gemstone deposits Several deposits of ruby, sapphire and ently absent.

Late Mesozoic to Caenozoic examples of this type occur
related precious and semi-precious gemstones are associated
in the Alpine-Himalayan belt extending through the Alps,
with undersaturated alkaline rocks intruding areas of
Eastern Europe, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, and the
carbonates and calc-silicate rocks. Examples include the
Himalayas to the Sunda Arc. 117'118 Other Caenozoic ex-
major gemstone deposits of Caenozoic age in Pakistan, and
amples occur in New Caledonia and New Guinea, 113 and
those of probable Caenozoic age in the Mogok area in
examples of older ophiolites, which indicate the site of past
Burma, 11~ which are related to intrusions of alaskites and
collisions, include the Lizard Complex emplaced in the
nepheline-syenites into marbles and charnockitic rocks.
Variscan, late Palaeozoic to Permian ophiolites along the
In the Mogok area there are adjacent peridotite plugs from
Llralide suture zone in the U.S.S.R., 119 ophiolites at Unst
which precious peridot is obtained.
in the Shetlands, Ballantrae in south Scotland 120 and the
It is suggested that the alkali magmas in these areas are
Bay of Islands Complex in Newfoundland 121 obducted
related to continental collision, although it is not proposed
during the Caledonian orogeny, and Proterozoic ophiolites
that the formation of gemstones is necessarily either res-
in the Red Sea region. 49
tricted to, or characteristic of, collision belts.
Like the ophiolitic wedges within outer arcs, ophiolites
at collision margins contain mineral deposits interpreted
Outer and magmatic arcs within continental collision belts
as having formed at ocean ridges or within ocean basins.
Magmatic and outer arcs, together with their mineral In addition to the examples of orebodies described above
deposits, may be preserved almost in their original tectonic as having formed in these settings, deposits of ocean-floor
setting if subduction beneath them ceases prior to collision manganese nodules could be emplaced and exposed in
with a continent. The early Devonian Sidlaw volcanic belt ophiolite belts - for example, the manganese deposits of the
and the Southern Uplands outer arc in Scotland is believed Oman ophiolite complex. High-pressure metamorphic rocks
to comprise an arc system of this type, preserved between associated with serpentinites in deeply eroded suture zones
the Scottish Highlands and Baltic Shield continental of Caenozoic age and older contain important deposits of
masses. 111 The tectonic setting in Scotland appears to be a gem-quality jadeite, e.g. north Burma 111 (Fig. l(d)).
mirror image of the Burman orogen, and it is therefore postu-
lated that porphyry copper and gold deposits analogous to Interior of underthrusting continents
the Monywa porphyry and gold mineralization in the vol-
canic arc of the Central Lowlands of Burma could possibly Late Caenozoic mineralization is scarce in presently under-
be present in the similarly situated Lower Old Red Sand- thrusting continents adjacent to the collision belt, such as
stone andesite of the Sidlaw anticline in the Midland Valley India south of the Himalayas, Australia south of New
of Scotland. Guinea and Arabia south of Zagros, perhaps largely because
With continued subduction beneath a volcanic arc until of the thick sedimentary cover. There is, however, increasing
continental collision occurs, the arc system is underthrust evidence that it may be favourable for some types of strata-
by the continent on the subducting plate, and the outer arc and, bound mineralization.
commonly, the magmatic arc are thrust on to the continent. Strata-bound lead-zinc-copper mineralization This type
Considerable variations in the tectonic and metamorphic of mineralization is normally associated with tensional con-

ditions related to incipient rifting and opening of oceanic Office of the Institute of Geological Sciences for the
basins.22,122 Recently, Russell pointed out that strata- preparation of text figures.
bound lead-zinc-copper mineralization in north-south-
trending geosutures in central Ireland and also local volcanic
activity coincided both with the early opening of the
Atlantic and with the start of collision and southward under- References
thrusting of the southern margin of the continent beneath 1. Hess H. H. History of ocean basins. In Petrologic studies
the latePataeozoic flysch of southwest England. 123 He - volume in honor ofA. F. Buddington (Washington, D.C.:
considers that hydrothermal systems related to the rift- Geological Society of America, 1962), 599-620.
associated high thermal gradient resulted in mineralization
2. Dietz R. S. Continent and ocean basin evolution by
only where the continent was depressed below sea level
spreading of the sea floor. Nature, Lond., 190, 1961, 854-7.
because of underthrusting along the southern margin.
3. Bullard E. The emergence of plate tectonics: a personal
Strata-bound uranium-vanadium-copper mineralization
view. Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 3, 1975, 1-30.
Late Caenozoic strata-bound deposits of this type occur in
the southern Himalayan molasse,124,125 a syn-to post- 4. Oliver J. and Isacks B. Deep earthquake zones, anoma-
collision continental facies in the Siwalik Hills directly re- lous structures in the upper mantle, and the lithosphere.
lated to the uplift and southward thrusting within the J. geophys. Res, 72, 1967, 4259-75.
Himalayas on the Indian plate. 118 The uranium is possibly 5. Pereira J. and Dixon C. J. Mineralisation and plate tec-
derived from collision-related granites of this belt to the tonics. Miner. Deposita, 6, 1971, 404-5.
north (Fig. l(d). Similar deposition of intra-continental
molasse with associated uranium mineralization occurs in 6. Bernard A. and Soler E. Sur la Iocalisation g~o-tectonique
back-arc ensialic or foreland basins, e.g. Khorat Plateau in des amas pyriteux massifs du type Rio Tinto. C. R. S~anc.
Thailand, 126 but these sedimentary basins are probably Acad. Sci. Paris, D273, 1971, 1087"90.
related to back-arc thrusting rather than to collision, and 7. Brousse R. and Oyarzun J. Les complexes calco-
there are no collision-related potash-rich plutons. alkalines et la province cuprifere circumpacifique. In Les
roches plutoniques dans leur rapports avec les g[tes min~raux
Post-collision magmatic belts (Colloque E. Raguin 1971) Morin P. ed. (Paris: Masson, 1973),
The uranium mineralization of the Rome Province provides 309-14.
an example of mineralization adjacent to, but younger than, 8. Guild P.W. Metallogeny: a key to exploration. Min.
a collision belt 127 (Fig. l(e). In this area Quaternary Engng, N. Y., 23, Jan. 1971, 69-72.
alkaline volcanism was accompanied by uranium mineraliz-
9. Snelgrove A. K. Metallogeny and the new global tec-
ation in volcaniclastic sediments within grabens adjacent to
tonics. Bull. Miner. Res. Explor. Inst., Ankara, no. 76,
trachytic vents. Deposits of lacustrine sediments in a
1971, 130-49.
similar setting carry large contents of very fine-grained
fluorite, 128 also almost certainly associated with this alkali 10. Mitche!l A. H. G. and Garson M.S. Relationship of
volcanism. It is believed that the igneous rocks forming the porphyry copper and circum-Pacific tin deposits ~o palaeo-
source of the mineralization were emplaced in a rift-type Benioff zones. Trans. Instn Min. Metal/. (Sect. B: Appl.
zone of tensional faulting parallel to, and possibly related earth sci.), 81, 1972, B10-25.
to, earlier subduction and continental collision, which built 11. Sillitoe R. H. A plate tectonic model for the origin of
the Apeninnes, but the genetic relationship of these rocks porphyry copper deposits. Econ. Geol., 67, 1972, 184-97.
to plate movements is not yet fully understood.
12. Sawkins F.J. Sulfide ore deposits in relation to plate
Other post-collision igneous rocks include the Permian
tectonics. J. Geol., 80, 1972, 377-97.
potassium-rich lavas of southwest England, which were
intruded through the underthrust north European plate 13. Karig D. E. Origin and development of marginal basins
following late Carboniferous collision, but no characteristic in the western Pacific. J. geophys. Res., 76, 1971, 2542-61.
mineral deposits have yet been recognized in this area. 14. Mitchell A. H. and Bell J. D. Island-arc evolution and
related mineral deposits. J. Geol., 81, 1973, 381-405.
15. Horikoshi E. Development of Late Caenozoic petrogenic
The authors are grateful to the Director of the Institute of provinces and metallogeny in Northeast Japan. Spec. Pap.
Geological Sciences in London and to the United Nations geol. Ass. Can. no. 14, 1976, 121-42.
for permission to publish this paper.
16. Hollister V. F. An appraisal of the nature and source of
Thanks are also due to Professor D. K. Bailey of Reading
University and Dr. V. F. Hollister of Duva] International porphyry copper deposits. MineralsSci. Engng, 7, 1975,
Corporation for useful discussions, respectively, on the role 225--33.
of fluorine in subduction processes and the relationship of 17. Mitchell A. H. G. Tectonic settings for emplacement of
porphyry copper mineralization to major faults, and to subduction-related magmas and associated mineral deposits.
Dr. T. Sato of the Geological Survey of Japan and Spec. Pap. geoL Ass. Can. no. 14, 1976, 3-21.
J. G. Thurlow of Memorial University, Newfoundland, for 18. Kesler S. E. Jones L. M. and Walker R. L. Intrusive
providing information on Kuroko-type deposits in Japan rocks associated with porphyry copper mineralization in
and Newfoundland, and for helpful discussions on compari- island arc areas. Econ. GeoL, 70, 1975, 515-26.
sons between these deposits and those at Avoca and Parys
Mountai'n. 19. Lowell J. D. Regional characteristics of porphyry
Acknowledgment is due to B. Lister, Mineralogy Unit, copper deposits of the Southwest. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974,
Institute of Geological Sciences, for the preparation of 601--17.
black and white prints from colour transparencies, and to 20. Sillitoe R. H. The tops and bottoms of porphyry copper
the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy and the Drawing deposits. Econ. GeoL, 68, 1973, 799-815.

21. Titley S. R. Geological characteristics and environments 40. Wilson G. V. and Flett J. S. The lead, zinc, copper and
of some porphyry copper occurrences in the southwestern nickel ores of Scotland. Spec. Rep. Mineral Resources
Pacific. Econ. Geol., 70, 1975, 499-514. GtBr., 17, 1921, p. 76.
22. Mitchell A. H. G. and Garson M.S. Mineralization at 41. Thurlow J. G. Swanson E. A. and Strong D. F.
plate boundaries. Minerals Sci. Engng, 8, 1976, 129-69. Geology and lithogeochemistry of the Buchans polymetallic
23. Wolfe J. A. Tectonic fingerprint in Philippine porphyry sulfide deposits, Newfoundland. Econ. Geol., 70, 1975,
deposits. Society of Mining Engineers, AIME, preprint 130-44.
73-S-35, 1973, 31 p. 42. Platt J. W. Volcanogenic mineralization at Avoca, Co.
24. Allen P. M. etal. Geochemistry and relationships to Wicklow, Ireland, and its regional implications. In Volcanic
mineralization of some igneous rocks from the Harlech processes in ore genesis (London: Institution of Mining and
Dome, Wales. Trans. Instn Min. Metall. (Sect. B: Appl. Metallurgy and Geological Society, 1977), 163-70.
earth sci.), 85, 1976, B100-8. 43. Wheatley C. J. V. Aspects of metallogenesis within the
25. Armstrong R. L. Harakal J. E. and Hollister V. F. Age Southern Caledonides of Great Britain and Ireland. Trans.
determination of late Caenozoic porphyry copper deposits of Instn Min. Metal/. (Sect. B: Appl. earth sci.), 80, 1971,
the North American Cordillera. Trans. Instn Min. Metal/. B211-23.
(Sect. B: Appl. earth sci.), 85, 1976, B239-44. 44. Ixer R. A. and Gaskarth J.W. Parys Mountain - a
26. Lowell J. D. and Guilbert J. M. Lateral and vertical possible Kuroko-style deposit. Paper presented to Mineral
alteration-mineralization zoning in porphyry ore deposits. Deposits Study Group, Session 6: Stratiform mineral
Econ. Geol., 65, 1970, 373-408. deposits, Leicester, Dec. 1975.

27. White D. E. Muffler L. J. P. and Truesdell A. H. Vapor- 45. Williams D. Stanton R. L. and Rambaud F. The
dominated hydrothermal systems compared with hot-water Planes-San Antonio pyritic deposit of Rio Tinto, Spain:
systems. Econ. Geol., 66, 1971, 75-97. its nature, environment and genesis. Tran~ Instn Min.
Metall. (SecL B: Appl. earth sci.), 84, 1975, B73-82. (See
28. Stevenson J. S. Mercury deposits of British Columbia. also summary in Volcanic processes in ore genesis (London:
Bull. Dep. Mines Br. Columb. no. 5, 1940, 93 p. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy and Geological Society,
29. Horikoshi E. Volcanic activity related to the formation i977), 152.
of the Kuroko-type deposits in the Kosaka District, Japan. 46. Rambaud Perez J. El sinclinal carbonrfero de Rio Tinto
Miner. Deposita, 4, 1969, 321-45. (Huelva) y sus mineralizaciones asociadas. Mere. Inst- geol.
30. Colley H. Classification and exploration guide for min. Esp., 71, 1969, 253 p.
Kuroko-type deposits based on occurrences in Fiji. Tran~ 47. Strauss G. K. and Madel J. Geology of massive sulphide
Instn Min. Metall. (Sect B: Appl. earth sci.), 85, 1976, deposits in the Spanish-Portuguese pyrite belt. Geol. Rdsch.,
B190-9. 63, 1974, 191-211.
31. Egin D. Mineralization in the vicinity of the Harsit- 48. Pryor R. N. Rhoden H. N. and Villal6n M. Sampling of
Koprubasi Mine, Tirebolu, Turkey. Paper presented to Cerro Colorado, Rio Tinto, Spain. Trans. Instn Min. Metall.
Mineral Deposits Study Group, Session 6: Stratiform mineral (Sect A: Min. industry), 81, 1972, A143-59.
deposits, Leicester, Dec. 1975.
49. Garson M. S. and Shalaby I. M. Precambrian-Lower
32. Ueno H. Duration of the Kuroko mineralization episode. Paleozoic plate tectonics and metallogenesis in the Red Sea
Nature, Lond., 253, 1975, 428-9. region. Spec. Pap. geol. Ass. Can. no. 14, 1976, 573-96.
33. Tatsumi T. Takagi Y. and Otagaki T. Geology of the 50, Kato T. Geology of ore deposits (Tokyo: Fuzambo,
Kuroko deposits. Joint Meeting MMIJ--AIME 1972, pre- 1937). (Japanese text).
print T1 bl, 13 p.
51. Sawkins F.J. Massive sulphide deposits in relation to
34. Horikoshi E. Metallogenic epoch of Kuroko-stage
geotectonics. Spec. Pap. geol. Ass. Can. no. 14, 1976,
deposits in the northeast Japan arc. In press.
35. Sillitoe R. H. Formation of certain massive sulphide
52. Garson M. S. and May F. Copper mineralization at
deposits at sites of sea-floor spreading. Trans. Instn Min.
Vidlin, Shetland. Tran~ Instn Min. Metall. (Sect. B: Appl.
Metall. (Sect- B: Appl. earth sci.), 81, 1972, B141-8.
earth sci.), 85, 1976, B 153--7.
36. Tatsumi T. and Watanabe T. Geological environment
53. Vokes F. M. Caledonian massive sulphide deposits in
of formation of the Kuroko-type deposits. In Proc. I M A -
Scandinavia. I n Handbook of strata-bound and stratiform
IAGOD Meetings "70, IAGOD volume Takeuchi Y. ed.
ore deposits, Vol. 6: Cu, Zn, Pb, and Ag deposits
(Tokyo: Society of Mining Geologists of Japan, 1971),
Wolf K. H. ed. (Amsterdam, etc.: Elsevier, 1976), 79-127.
216-20. (Spec. Issue no. 3).
54. Denholm L.S. Geological exploration for gold in the
37. Sato T. Behaviour of ore-forming solutions in sea
water. Min. Geol. (Tokyo), 22, 1972, 31-42. (Japanese Tavua Basin, Viti Levu, Fiji. N.Z.J. Geol. Geophys., 10,
text) 1967, 1185-6.
55. Vokes F. M. and Gale G. H. Metallogeny relatable
38. Bornhardt W. Die Entstehung des Rammelsberger
Erzvorkommens. Arch. Lagersta"ttForsch. , 38, Preussische to global tectonics in southern Scandinavia. Spec. Pap.
geol. Ass. Can. no. 14, 1976, 413-41.
Geologische Landesanstalt no. 4, 1939, 61 p.
39. Kraume E. Stratigraphie und Tektonik der Rammels- 56. Robinson B.W. The origin of mineralization at the Tui
berger Erzlager unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des mine, Te Aroha, New Zealand, in the light of stable isotope
neuen Lagers unter der 10. Sohle. Z. Erzbergb. Metal/- studies. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 910-25.
h~ttenw., 13, 1960, 7-12. 57. Sillitoe R. H. Relation of metal provinces in western

America to subduction of oceanic lithosphere. Bull. geol. and episodic mountain building in the Scottish Highlands.
Soc. Am., 83, 1972, 813-7. Nature, Phy~ Sci., 242, 1973, 34-8.
58. Mitchell A. H.G. Metallogenic belts and angle of dip of 77. Corliss J. B. Sea water, seafloor spreading, subduction
Benioff zones. Nature, Phy~ Sci., 245, 1973, 49-52. and ore deposits. Spec. Pap. geol. Ass. Can. no. 14, 1976,
59. Sillitoe R. H. A reconnaissance of the Mexican por- 145-6. (Abstract).
phyry copper belt. Trans. Instn Min. Metal/. (Sect. B: Appl. 78. Stern C. R. Melting products of olivine tholeiite basalt
earth sci.), 85, 1976, B170-89. in subduction zones. Geology, 2, 1974, 227-30.
60. Laznicka P. Porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits 79. Kistler R. W. and Peterman Z. E. Variations in St, Rb,
of the U.S.S.R. and their plate tectonic settings. Trans. Instn K, Na and initial Sr87/Sr86 in Mesozoic granitic rocks and
Min. Metall. (Sect- B: Appl. earth sci.), 85, 1976, B14-32. intruded wall rocks in Central California. Bull. geol. Soc.
61. Hollister V. F. and Sirvas E. El porfido de cobre Am., 84, 1973, 3489-512.
Michiquillay. Boln Soc. geol. Peru, 44, 1974, 11-27. 80. Sheppard S. M. F. Nielsen R. L. and Taylor H. P. Jr.
62. Hollister V. F. Potter R. R. and Barker A. L. Porphyry- Oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios of clay minerals from
type deposits of the Appalachian orogen. Econ. Geol., 69, porphyry copper deposits. Econ. Geol., 64, 1969, 755-77.
1974, 618-30. 81. Roedder E. Fluid inclusion studies on the porphyry-
63. Lipman P.W. Prostka H. J. and Christiansen R. L. type ore deposits at Bingham, Utah, Butte, Montana, and
Cenozoic volcanism and plate-tectonic evolution of the Climax, Colorado. Econ. Geol., 66, 1971,98-120.
western United States. Phil. Trans. R. Soc., A271, 1972, 82. Sheppard S. M. F. Identification of the origin of ore-
217-48. forming solutions by the use of stable isotopes. In Volcanic
64. Livingston D. E. A plate tectonic hypothesis for the processes in ore genesis (London: Institution of Mining and
genesis of porphyry copper deposits of the southern Basin Metallurgy and Geological Society, 1977), 25-41.
and Range Province. Earth planet- Sci. Let'L, 20, 1973, 83. Angus J. G. and Davis G. R. Base metal enrichment in
171--9. volcanic sublimates and secondary alteration products from
:65. Sillitoe R. H. Subduction and porphyry copper deposits Vesuvius and Vulcano. Mineralog. Mag., 40, 1976, 481-6.
in south-western North America - a reply to recent object- 84. Ringwood A. E. The petrological evolution of island
ions. Econ. Geol., 70, 1975, 1474-7. arc systems. JI geol. Soc. Lond., 130, 1974, 183-204.
66. Sillitoe R. H. Tectonic segmentation of the Andes: 85. Lambert I. B. and Sato T. The Kuroko and associated
implications for magmatism and metallogeny. Nature, Lond., ore deposits of Japan: a review of their features and metallo-
250, 1974, 542-5. genesis. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 1215-36.
67. Hollister V. F. and Berstein M. Copaquire, Chile: its 86. Sato T. Characteristics, origins and classifications of
geologic setting and porphyry copper deposit. Trans. (Soc. submarine exhalative-sedimentary ore deposits. 25th Int.
Min. Engrs) Am. Inst- Min. Engrs, 258, 1975, 137-42. Geol. Congr. Sydney 1976, in press.
68. Ho!lister V. F. etal. Structural evolution of porphyry 87. Barsukov V. L. and Kuril'chikova G. Y. On the forms
mineralization at Highland Valley, British Columbia. Can. J. in which tin is transported in hydrothermal solutions.
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69. Forster H. Lineaments derived by satellite and aerial 64.
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Paper presented to Meeting of European Geological Societies, stage magmatic processes: an experimental study. Mineralog.
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70. Reed B. L. and Lanphere M.A. Alaska-Aleutian Range 89. Wyllie P.J. The dynamic earth (New York: Wiley,
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2583-610. 90. Kuno H. Lateral variation of basalt magma type across
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71. Turneaure F. S. The Bolivian tin-silver province. Econ. 195-222.
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91. Hatherton T. and Dickinson W. R. The relationship
72. Uyeda S. and Miyashiro A. Plate tectonics and the between andesitic volcanism and seismicity in Indonesia, the
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73. O'Neil J. R. and Silberman M. L. Stable isotope 92. Shibata K. and Ishihara S. K - A r ages of the major
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74. Upadhyay H. D. and Strong D. F. Geological setting of 93. Noble J. A. Metal provinces in the western United
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94. Mitchell A. H. G. Southwest England granites: mag-
matism and tin mineralization in a post-collision setting.
75. Bonatti E. etal. Metalliferous deposits from the Tran~ Instn Min. Metall. (Sect B: Appl. earth sci.), 83,
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95. Gabelman J. W. and Krusiewski S. V. The metallo-
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96. Lorenz V. Formation of Hercynian subplates, possible 116. Gass I.G. Is the Troodos Massif of Cyprus a fragment
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Porphyry copper deposits

J. P. Hunt
P. O. Box 954, La Jolla, California, U.S.A.



Porphyry copper deposits are large crustal sulphur anomalies

containing copper and other metals. Much of the sulphur
is oxidized and, along with a major portion of the copper,
deposited from fluids evolved from certain calc-alkaline
melts of intermediate composition. These melts are em-
placed with characteristic textures as dykes and stocks in
and above the cupolas of small granitic batholiths. The
depth of emplacement is shallow, and the intrusions are
comagmatic with overlying andesite-rhyolite volcanics.
Intrusion and mineralization are relatively rapid events and
occur towards the end of previous episodes of vulcanism
and intrusion. Porphyry copper deposits are clustered in
both space and time on regional, continental and global
scales. More may have formed in the past 65 million years
than in earlier geologic periods, especially in certain appar-
ently favourable continental regions. Sources of sulphur,
copper and of the associated magmas are unknown. Much
additional mapping of continental and oceanic margins is
needed to explain the abnormal, or unusual, coincidence of
several igneous and tectonic processes probably responsible
for the formation of porphyry copper deposits.

Metallic mineralization affiliated to tectonic regimes, characterized in the western U.S.A. by a
bimodal basalt-rhyolite suite and in F i j i b y a basaltic suite
subaerial volcanism: a review o f ocean-island affinity. Nevertheless, metallic mineraliz-
ation appears to be absent from subaerial volcanic rocks
accumulated in extensional environments at incipient
divergent plate boundaries, as i n the East African rift
R. H. Sillitoe system and the Scottish Hebride~
Department of Mining Geology, Royal School of
Mines, Imperial College, London, England
In this volume, Volcanic processes in ore genesis, a series of
papers considers both massive sulphide deposits related to
submarine volcanism, and copper and tin deposits of por-
phyry type related to sub-volcanic intrusions. Metallic
mineralization hosted by subaerial volcanic sequences is,
however, essentially ignored. In order to redress the balance,
therefore, the editorial committee requested the writer to
Synopsis prepare a contribution to review salient aspects of metallic
ore deposits emplaced in subaerial volcanic rocks.
A considerable number of metallic ore deposits are genetic-
The principal ore type highlighted in this review is the
ally related to subaerial volcanism. Here four ore types are
vein deposit of epithermal type, about which much new
reviewed: epithermal precious- and base-metal deposits are
information has recently become available. The term
usually o f vein type, areassociated with either propylitic
'epithermal' is employed in the sense of Schmit 15 to des-
(+ adularia) or advanced argillic alteration, and cut mid- to
cribe mineralization emplaced at shallow depth and nor-
late Caenozoic volcanic sequences, commonly of andesitic
mally in volcanic rocks. Besides the epithermal deposits,
composition. Examples from western Mexico, central
stratiform, manto-type copper deposits, volcanogenic mag-
America, the central Andes, the western U.S.A., Japan, the
netite deposits and volcanogenic tin deposits are also
North Island of New Zealand, the Philippines, Fiji and Spain
briefly described. For the sake of brevity, attention is con-
are described. They are commonly generated less than 3 m.y.
fined to deposits in post-Palaeozoic volcanic sequences.
after their host volcanic rocks, and are localized at depths
Only a brief mention of certain important aspects of these
shallower than 1000 m by pre-existing faults; in the San
ore types is presented here; the references cited should pro-
Juan Mountains, Colorado, in particular, earlier fractures re-
vide guidance for more detailed reading.
lated to caldera collapse were utilized. Epithermal ores
were deposited from low-temperature (200-300 ~C), low-
salinity (normally < 12 equivalent wt % NaCI for base-metal General characteristics of epithermal deposits
ores and < 2 equiv, wt % NaCI for precious-metal ores)
meteoric water, but isolated ~D values suggest a magmatic Employing definitions and examples of epithermal ore de-
posits that have appeared in compilations over the years, 1-7
contribution to the ore fluid. Various lines of evidence sug-
the following features appear to be characteristic.
gest subjacent stocks as a principal, but not exclusive,
source o f ore components. (1) The deposits are commonly emplaced in volcanic se-
Manto-type copper deposits are best known from Chile quences ranging from andesite to rhyolite in composition,
and southern Peru. They consist o f stratiform concentra- and mid- to late Caenozoic in age. In many instances no
tions of disseminated and vesicle-filling chalcocite-bornite- observable relationship to intrusive rocks is evident.
chalcopyrite in the tops of Jurassic to early Tertiary andes-
ite flows and felsic ash-flow ruffs, and in associated volcanic- (2) Veins occupy pre-existing tension fractures, including
iastics and organic-rich limestone~ Deposits were generated faults, and occur in branching patterns, which are common-
by the circulation of meteoric water through hot volcanic ly increasingly complex upwards. Veins are more persistent
rocks immediately following their accumulation. Copper laterally than vertically; ore shoots within these veins con-
and subordinate silver were leached from the volcanic rocks stitute the so-called 'bonanza' orebodies. Stockworks and
and deposited in volcanics or related sediments in restricted pipes may also be present.
lagoons, perhaps aided by bacterial action. Volcanogenic
tin deposits are minor accumulations of cassiterite, wood (3) Propylitic alteration affects volcanics in the vicinity
tin and hematite in felsic volcanic rocks (+ possible rhyolite of ~veins, with more restricted alteration haloes of sericitiz-
plugs) in western Mexico, the western U.S.A. and Bolivia ation and silicification, commonly with adularia, bounding
and adjoining northwest Argentina. Their origfn may l~e the veins. Propylitization is, however, commonly a regional
similar to that of the manto-type copper deposit~ phenomenon not directly related to vein formation. Alter-
Volcanogenic magnetite (+ hematite, apatite and actino- natively, zones or vein haloes consist of advanced argUlic
rite) deposits occur as flows, plugs and pyroclastic beds at and argillic alteration, with clays, alunite, pyrophyllite,
Cerro de Mercado, Mexico, and El Laco, Chile. The map diaspore, etc., accompanied by widespread silicification;
netite magma separated from its ca/c-alkaline parent because the advanced argillic alteration type was originally termed
of liquid immiscibility and was erupted because of a high 'solfataric', 6 but is commonly generated at depths greater
volatile content and a lowering of its melting point by the than those that could be affected by strictly solfataric
con rained phosphorur alteration.
These ore deposits of subaerial volcanic affiliation were
generated at convergent plate boundaries, many o f them (4) The deposits contain principally precious metals in
while subduction was active. Volcanogenic tin and some various proportions, but also base metals. Silver occurs as
epithermal precious-metel deposits in the western U.S.A. argentite (or acanthite) and arsenic- or antimony-bearing
and an epithermal gold deposit in Fiji, however, were em- sulphosalts, gold in the native state, but usually argenti-
placed following the cessation of subduction, in extensional ferous, or as tellurides, and lead and zinc as galena and

sphalerite. Copper is less plentiful, but commonly occurs production is difficult to estimate, but its magnitude is indi-
as enargite where advanced argillic alteration is developed. cated by figures of more than 1000 000 000 oz of silver
Stibnite, cinnabar and selenides can also occur. The main from both Pachuca and Guanajuato. Furthermore, quite a
gangue is quartz, commonly as aphanitic chalcedony, number of the mines have yielded more than $1000 000 000
accompanied by varying quantities of pyrite, calcite, dolo- worth of silver and gold at present metal prices.
mite, barite, adularia, rhodochrosite, rhodonite and The belt is broadly coextensive with the Sierra Madre
fluorite. Occidental and the Trans-Mexico volcanic belt, but in the
(5) Drusy cavities, filling, comb, colloform and crusti- northwest it impinges on the Sonoran Basin and Range
form textures and inter-mineral breccias are all features of province and in the southeast, south of the Trans-Mexico
veins suggesting low confining pressure. Ore and gangue volcanic belt, on the Sierra Madre Oriental. The northern
minerals are typically fine-grained. half of the belt was the subject of a comprehensive
synthesis by Wisser. 7
(6) The shallow depths of emplacement, perhaps from Most of the veins occur in andesitic volcanic rocks, al-
100 to 1000 m beneath surface, are emphasized by the though some cut more felsic volcanic units and others the
abrupt downward termination or 'bottoming' of mineraliz- sub-volcanic basement, consisting of sedimentary and intru,
ation or the downward increase of base-metal sulphides at sive rocks. Post-mineral volcanic units, particularly felsic
the expense of gold and silver. Ore shoots in veins have tufts, are also widespread. Details of the volcanic rocks and
rarely been worked for more than 600 m vertically. their ages are sparse and their relationships to volcanic
centres are largely unknown. The lower half of the volcanic
Typical regions of epithermal deposits
pile is, however, dominantly andesitic and is Lower to
Western Mexico Middle Tertiary in age, whereas the upper half consists of
rhyodacitic to rhyolitic pyroclastic materials erupted, at
In north and central Mexico a longitudinal belt of latitude 24~ 32 to 23 m.y. ago. 8 Much of the younger
Caenozoic volcanic rocks and epithermal mineral deposits sequence comprises ash flows derived from caldera com-
extends for 2400 km from the U.S. border to south of plexes comparable with those in the San Juan Mountains,
Mexico City (Fig. 1). This is the greatest known concen- Colorado (see below). Uplift of fault blocks occurred along
tration of epithermal silver deposits in the world and is the central portion of the Sierra Madre Occidental, at least
responsible for a major contribution to Mexico's current partly during volcanism, as attested by conglomerates inter-
position as the world's leading silver producer. Total past bedded in the volcanic sequences. 7 Fractures, commonly

117~ 113~ 109 ~ 105 ~ 101 ~ 970 93 ~ 89 ~ 85 ~

32 ~


0 200 400 600 km /

28 o I I I I I I I -t 28 ~

t..J ,~
/~.~. /]~
I s"
f' ,.'~.
24 c ~~osat~~v \ ~'~dr~i
..... ~
'IL~. ,.~
.,..J 14~
~,, .
rr~o oe Mercaoo ..,
/ )

~x \&_ ~.....

~ Precious-metal belt,
including e p i t h e r m o l d e p o s i t s 'l."v ~ . . . i ~ . \ ./''"
20 ~ :0o
,,4" Belt of v o l c a n o g e n i c
~ . j, tin d e p o s i t s '\i/'f

O Volconogenic magnetite deposi,

9 ,, j.,,.. !.
9 Principal epithermat silver deposit t r') --'~. ~..............
,*\...s S t a t e boundaries .... ) ' . ,

16~ ,' ._...'5. 16~

I I 1 I 1
113~ 109 ~ 105 ~ 101 ~ 97 ~ 93 ~ 89 ~

Fig. 1 Limits of precious-metal and volcanogenic tin belts in Mexico, and location of the volcanogenic magnetite deposit..:
Note clear offset of mid-Tertiary precious-metal belt at about latitude 21~ caused by sinistral strike-slip fault now con-
cealed by Trans-Mexico volcanic belt, Small area of precious-metal mineralization on southern tip of Baja California has
been rifted away from mainland between latitudes 20 ~ and 21~ during opening of Gulf of California since 5 m.y.

longitudinal in direction, activated during uplift of the postulated vein formation on the faults in the Middle
Sierra or during localized uplift within it, are the sites for Pliocene (Fig. 3). Mineralization spans a vertical interval of
subsequent vein formation and closely related dyke em- 700 m and is associated with albitization, silicification,
placement. Stocks are known from only a few districts. sericitization and carbonatization fringing the veins.
In the Mexican epithermal deposits argentite (and acan- At Tayoltita, San Dimas district (Fig. 1), volcanic rocks
thite) and the ruby silvers are always deposited later than and an intercalated conglomerate were intruded by a series
the base-metal sulphides, and gold is concentrated in the of dykes, followed by stocks of granodiorite, diorite and
final phases of mineralization. 7 Wisser 7 recognized that andesite, prior to gold-silver mineralization. 1~ The
deposits close to the interface with the sub-volcanic base- granodiorite was dated by P. E. Damon at 36.9 + 1.8 m.y.
ment are rich in silver, carry abundant base-metal sulphides, or late Eocene-early Oligocene. Production to date has
but only minor quartz, and are narrow, whereas veins totalled 12 000 000 tons assaying 820 g/ton Ag and
higher in the volcanic pile are richer in gold and quartz, 16 g/ton Au. 10
poorer in base metals and broader (Fig. 2). All veins en- The Guanajuato district (Fig. 1) is characterized by at
dowedwith abundant base metals lie within the basement least 700 m of extrusive rocks, mainly rhyolitic and andesi-
or within 500 m of it, and gold veins with a Ag : Au ratio tic flows and tufts, ranging in age from earliest Oligocene
exceeding 200 (i.e. Au -- 1) lie higher than 500 m above the (37.0 -+ 0.3 m.y.) to Middle Oligocene (32.1 -+ 1.0 m.y.). 11
basement (Fig. 2). They overlie Mesozoic rocks, including intrusives, one of
which was dated at 69 -+ 1.2 m.y., and an Eocene conglom-
erate. Silver and gold mineralization occurs in veins and
[ stockworks filled by quartz, calcite and adularia. Three
northwest-trending vein zones are recognizable, the most
~ooo persistent Veta Madre structure extending for 25 km.
Silver, mainly as acanthite, aguilarite and polybasite, and
gold, as electrum, 12 occur in restricted shoots as large as
~ 500 90 m wide and 300 m long, which in total occupy no more
a than 20% of the vein structures. 11 Chalcopyrite, galena and
] iI 9 [[ I sphalerite dominate at the lowest mine levels.
I 0
25()0 20=00 15J00 10'00 5(~0 1 Gulf of Fonseca area, E1Salvador-Nicaragua-Honduras
In this area (Fig. 4) 15 epithermal vein deposits have been
[ Vertical range of important producers of silver and gold. 13,14 The veins are
ore in vein
Fig. 2 Silver:gold ratios of precious-metal vein deposits emplaced in mid- to late Tertiary volcanic rocks, domin-
in northwest Mexico plotted against height above sub- antly of andesitic composition, and cannot be related to
volcanic basement. 7 Note higher Ag: Au ratios in deeper outcropping intrusive rocks; one of the few spatially related
deposits intrusives, a quartz latite porphyry dyke at the San
Sebastian deposit, El Salvador (Fig. 4), is clearly post-
Pachuca (Fig. 1) has been responsible for the production mineral (personal observations, 1976). Quartz is the main
of 1200 000 000 oz, or 6% of the world's silver, commenc- gangue, pyrite is abundant and silicification of the vein
ing in the sixteenth century, in addition to about 6 200 000 walls usual. Copper, lead and zinc values augment with
oz of gold, and important amounts of lead, zinc and copper. depth, in contrast to the Ag: Au ratios, which decrease.
According to an analysis of the district undertaken by Veins, as at Montecristo, El Salvador (Fig. 4), attain up to
Geyne and co-workers, 9 the volcanic rocks that host the 2 km in length, and occupy northwest-trending faults and
veins range, on the basis of fossil plant remains, from early shear zones that are believed to be related to the formation
Oligocene to Pliocene in age, are largely andesitic and of the Nicaraguan graben (which contains Lakes Managua
dacitic in composition, and originally attained a thickness and Nicaragua; Fig. 4), possibly at the end of the Miocene,
of 2600 m. Faulting was widespread in late Miocene times prior to major ignimbrite eruption. TM
when rhyolite and dacite porphyry dykes were intruded, Comparable epithermal veins in andesitic volcanic rocks
and was followed by renewed faulting. These workers of similar age are known from the Aguacate cordillera,
Costa Rica. They resemble those of San Sebastian, El
Salvador, in that their gold contents predominate over those
of silver.

Altiplano-Puna region, Peru-Bolivia-Chile-Argentina

In several regions of the central Andes, most notably on
the Altiplano--Puna block of western Bolivia, northwestern
Argentina, northeastern Chile and southern Peru, epi-
thermal deposits of minor commercial importance are
known to occur, but have been little studied.
Recently, the writer 15 described a small, fault-
controlled silver-lead deposit from the El Queva district of
= " ~trt" ~ -I northwest Argentina. The deposit is located in an extensive
zone of feldspar-destructive alteration in the eroded central
part of a complex Quaternary strata-volcano constructed on
~-~ Alluvium J'Veins ~Andesitic to rhyolitic dykes + plugs Palaeozoic basement. Mineralization is accompanied by
[---1 Dominantly andesitic + < rhyolitic volcanics chalcedonic quartz, dickite, alunite and barite that have
Fig. 3 V~n-and dyke systems in Pachuca district, partly replaced the host-rock dacite. The El Queva mineral-
Mexico 123 ization is particularly instructive because it clearly demon-

88 ~

14~ 14~

86 ~

@ Q u a t e r n a r y alluvium and
marine s e d i m e n t s

[] Quaternary volcanic rocks

D Middle-Upper Tertiary votcanic rocks

[] Mainly pre-volcanic ' b a s e m e n t '

Mainly n o r m a l f a u l t s , downthrow shown

12~ -- 12~
ee Epithermal s i l v e r - - g o l d deposits

~ Lakes Lake

0 100 200 km
I 1 I

88 ~ 86 ~
Fig. 4 Locations of epithermal silver and gold deposits in Gulf of Fonseca area, in El
Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, Central America. Relationship of precious-metal de-
posits to mid- to late Tertiary volcanic rocks, and faults bounding graben in Nicaragua
and El Salvador is evident. Two sizes of symbols for precious-metal deposits roughly
indicate their importance. From Dengo eta/. 124

strates epithermal ore formation within the upper, central central part of the edifice and contain chalcedonic quartz,
parts of a volcanic superstructure that has not undergone fine-grained pyrite, enargite, boulangerite, calcite and
caldera collapse. In fact, it has been remarked that few barite as the principal minerals.
calderas accompany base-and precious-metal mineralization
in late Caenozoic volcanic rocks in central Peru, the de- San Juan Mountains,. Colorado, U.S.A.
posits having formed in the vicinities of central volcanic The San Juan volcanic field in Colorado is the erosional
vents. 16 A number of small, epithermal deposits on the remnant of a huge volcanic field that covered the southern
Altiplano-Puna block exhibit characteristics similar to Rocky Mountains in the Oligocene 21,22 (Fig. 5). Tertiary
those of El Queva inasmuch as they are located within iso- volcanic activity was initiated about 35 m.y. ago and for
lated andesitic to dacitic volcanic edifices and are commonly the next 5 m.y. was dominated by the construction of
associated with alteration zones; intrusive rocks are minor strato-volcanoes by andesitic to rhyodacitic rocks. About
or absent. Little-known examples include Antofalla in 30 m.y. ago activity changed to the eruption of silicic ash-
Catamarca province, northwest Argentina, Laurani, flow tuffs derived from 17 collapsed calderas during a
Carangas and San Antonio de Lipez, Bolivia, 17,18 4 m.y. interval (Fig. 5). Intermediate-composition lavas
Choquelimpie, Chile, 19 and mines in the Condoroma-Palca were erupted during and subsequent to caldera formation.
district in the departments of Puno and Cuzco, Peru. 2~ The calderas were resurgently domed, during which time
Epithermal silver-lead--zinc ores occur north of the felsic intrusives were emplaced around the caldera margins.
Altiplano throughout Peru 20 and include Huachocolpa, About 25 m.y. ago intermediate-composition volcanism
nearby Caudalosa and Finlandia, all mentioned below. gave way to a bimodal mafic-silicic assemblage 23 and
At Choquelimpie the andesitic volcanics, intruded by between 25 and 5 m.y. ago the Lake City caldera developed,
plug- and dyke-like bodies of diorite porphyry and hydro- and silicic alkalic minor intrusives were emplaced, some
thermal breccia, are located within a caldera of late controlled by earlier caldera structures (Fig. 6).
Caenozoic age, surrounded by ash-flow tuffs. Mineralization Lipman et al. 24 noted the emplacement of minor vein
consists of galena, sphalerite, acanthite, sulphosalts, realgar deposits in the cores of the 3 5 - 3 0 m.y. old strato-
and orpiment, and is accompanied by widespread chalce- volcanoes (cf. El Queva) and also emplacement associated
donic quartz, clays, alunite, pyrite, barite and calcite directly with resurgence of the calderas, including the later
(personal observations, 1972). At Carangas, pyrargyrite, Lake City caldera, in the western San Juan Mountains.
tennantite, sphalerite and galena, with barite, rhodochro- Some 95% of mineral production in the western San Juan
site and calcite fill open-space in a breccia body, apparently Mountains has, however, been derived from caldera ring
within a volcanic edifice. 18 Ahffeld 18 considered mineral- faults, outward-extending radial fractures, and graben
ization on the Bolivian Altiplano to be related to acid faults along resurgent domes, all produced during subsi-
differentiates that have intruded the andesite-dacite vol- dence and resurgence of the 3 0 - 2 6 m.y. old calderas;
canic piles, but at least in some areas, as at Laurani, these mineralization was, however, considerably later than caldera
are absent. At Laurani, the base of a volcanic edifice, development and was related to silicic magmas pertaining to
10 km x 11 km in area, is clearly marked by outward- the bimodal suite. Notable ore deposits, many of which
dipping andesitic and dacitic volcanic rocks. Veins cut the possess epithermal characteristics, although base metals are

108 ~ 107 o 106 ~ veins, including the Camp Bird deposit, trending northwest-
39 ~ I wards from the Silverton caldera and cutting flows, volcanic
I Colorado breccias and mud flows erupted during the strato-volcano
stage 26 (Fig. 7).
map 107o45 '

38o0 '

San Juan volcanic fie d

38 ~

~C f~
# t
, a SM


0 50 km
I i i 1 I !
.Miocene quartz porphyry intrusives Ma.jor

(~ Catdera ~] Oligocene felsic intrusives

[~ Oligocene volcanic rocks fau It
BCaldera hosting major mineralization
Pre-volcanic rocks
,~, Buried calderas
Fig.5 Limitof San Juan volcanicfield,southern Fig. 7 Location of Pandora-Camp Bird and other vein
Colorado,U.S.A.,showingcalderas27 (Bz,Bonanza,C, systems and Red Mountain breccia-pipe district on north-
Creede, LC, Lake City;S, Silverton;SM, Summitville;UN, west side of Silverton caldera, Colorado 24
Elsewhere in the San Juan Mountains, mineralization is
widespread, include breccia pipes associated with small spatially related to other caldera structures 27 (Fig. 5), but
quartz latite porphyry stocks in the Red Mountain district, again may be somewhat later in age in some districts and be
in the Silverton caldera ring fault zone, which contain a product of post-25 m.y. magmatism. Well-known ex-
copper and silver sulphosalt ores accompanied by silicifica- amples include the following: post-subsidence igneous
tion and advanced argillic alteration; 2s and P b - Z n - A g - A u activity around the periphery of the Summitville caldera
includes, in the Summitville district, a quartz latite lava
10 000 .Silver ton dome, which hosts A u - A g - C u deposits in zones of ad-
I /caldera
vanced argillic alteration. 28 Graben faults radial to the
8000[ Creede caldera formed after the accumulation of volcanic
Red Mountain ash, stream and lake sediments and travertine of the Creede
l Ages of
ore-related Formation within the collapsed caldera, and were the locus
~60001 ~ ~ ~ intrusives
of A g - P b - - Z n - A u mineralization of vein type valued at
rages of ore $100 000 0 0 0 . 29 Adularia from the veins was dated at
Camp 24.6 m.y., which suggests that they were products of the

E 2000 I-
.Lake City
calc-alkaline and not the later bimodal activity. 3~

Great Basin, Nevada, U.S.A.

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Nearly all epithermal precious-metal deposits in the Great
Age, m.y.B.I~ Basin were formed in the mid- to late Tertiary. Many de-
suite { ~] ntermediate lavas
Ash flows
posits in central Nevada formed from 16 to 14 m.y. ago,
during a period of volcanism lasting from 16 to 10 m.y.,
Bimodal suite ~ Basalt+rhyolite comparable with the bimodal alkali rhyolite-basalt suite
of the San Juan Mountains (see above), but deposits of
Fig. 6 Summary of relationships between petrologic lesser importance are also associated with a previous 3 8 -
type, volume and age of volcanism in western San Juan 20 m.y. period of normal calc-alkaline volcanism. 31 As in
Mountains, Colorado, along with ages of epithermal ores the San Juan Mountains, this pulse of calc-alkaline volcanism
and ore-related intrusives in region. 24 Note relation of many was initially (38--33 m.y.) andesitic, but changed to
dated deposits to low-volume, bimodal basalt--rhyolite dominantly rhyolitic to quartz latitic ash-flow eruption
suite until about 20 m.y. In western Nevada, mineralization

apparently accompanied mixed bimodal and calc-alkaline low silver content; a variety intermediate between these
activity from 20 to 5 m.y. 31 two sulphosalt types; and telluride. Pipe-like orebodies
As reviewed by Albers and Kleinhampl, 32 precious-metal of gold-bearing pyrite accompanied by advanced argillic
deposits in the Bullfrog, Goldfield and Silver Peak districts alteration may also be included in the epithermal category,
may be spatially related to caldera ring fractures, whereas another ore type present in both the subaerial and sub-
other districts are apparently unrelated to calderas; but marine Miocene environments of Japan; 37 examples include
nearby minor intrusives have been recognized that mark Kasuga in Kyushu and Date in Hokkaido. Lambert and
andesite-dacite volcanic centres. Bodie, for example, Sato 41 suggested that Kuroko massive sulphide deposits
occurs in graben-faulted andesitic and dacitic volcanic rocks and stockworks were transitional to contemporaneous
and is spatially and probably genetically related to dacitic fissure-filling vein deposits.
plugs. 33 Furthermore, Silberman and McKee 31 concluded
that the preeminent precious-metal deposits in western Hauraki region, New Zealand
Nevada and adjoining California, at Bodie, Aurora, Tonopah, Epithermal A g - A u and some base-metal vein deposits
Comstock Lode and Goldfield, all seem to have been em- follow north or northeast fractures in Upper Caenozoic
placed during the final stages of activity at andesitic- andesitic volcanic rocks, 800 m thick, and to a lesser extent
dacitic volcanic centres, but rhyolitic centres also host in 200 m of overlying rhyolites, pumice breccias and ig-
smaller deposits. nimbrites, in Hauraki province of North Island, New
At Goldfield, a producer of 100 000 000 oz of silver and Zealand. 42 The region from Great Barrier Island in the
4 200 000 oz of gold, the epithermal veins, emplaced north through the Coromandel peninsula to Te Aroha
20 m.y. ago, cut Miocene trachyandesitic-rhyodacitic 160 km to the south has accounted for the production of
volcanic rocks accumulated from 22 to 20 m.y. ago, but are about 44 000 000 oz of bullion. The principal mine, at
structurally controlled by caldera ring fractures formed Waihi, produced 4 000 000 oz of gold from a number of
during an Oligocene ( 3 1 - 3 0 m.y.) episode of silicic vol- quartz veins up to 30 m wide, few of which outcrop, in
canism, thereby demonstratingno genetic tie to caldera dacitic country rocks. 42
development. 34 In the Goldfield district an alteration zone Recently described 43 from Great Barrier Island are
40 km 2 in area consists of advanced argillic and argillic quartz veins cutting andesitic volcanics, an intrusive quartz
alteration and structurally controlled silicification, a small porphyry and a sinter deposit. The veins are enclosed by
part of the last alteration type hosting much of the precious- haloes of silicification and argillic and propylitic alteration,
metal mineralization.34, 3~ The silicified vein structures and carry early pyrite and marcasite, followed by base-
carry irregular patches and pipes of sulphides, sulphosalts, metal sulphides and then by sulphosalts, of which the ruby
including famatinite, and native gold. silvers are dominant, selenides and stibnite. Electrum was
The Tonopah district has a recorded production of also an important late mineral. Precious-metal mineraliz-
100 000 000 oz of silver and 1 900 000 oz of gold from ation on Great Barrier Island, as elsewhere in the region,
replacement veins characterized by quartz-sericite- was probably late Miocene-Pliocene in age, but could be
adularia alteration within andesitic flows and mud-flow continuing today - as indicated by the high silver contents
breccia. Argentite, polybasite, sphalerite, galena, chalco- of thermal-spring waters. 43 In contrast to the Great
pyrite, pyrargyrite and pyrite are the principal hypogene Barrier Island veins, those at the Tui mine, Te Aroha, are
minerals. 36 essentially base-metal-bearing quartz veins. 44
Miocene volcanism in Japan was submarine on the inner
(Japan Sea) side of Honshu and Hokkaido, but essentially Gold-bearing, quartz--calcite vein deposits of epithermal
subaerial in Kyushu. The two northeastern islands are the character occur in the Philippines, especially in the Baguio
locus of the well-documented Kuroko-type massive sulphide district, northern Luzon. 45 The veins are on the western
deposits - an ore type absent from Kyushu because of the side of a dioritic pluton in late Caenozoic, largely andesitic
lack there of submarine conditions during the M iocene. rocks, at least partly emplaced as dykes. At Acupan mine,
Epithermal A u - A g , Pb-Zn and Mn vein deposits are, how- bodies of hydrothermal breccia have been described, the
ever, found in all three islands; they are associated with youngest of them carrying native gold. Comparable epi-
the submarine Green Tuff formations and many of them thermal gold veins have also been described from Papua
are believed to have been emplaced about 13 m.y. ago at New Guinea. 46
the same time as the Kuroko deposits, but mainly at lower
stratigraphic levels in the volcanic pile, 37 and they also Fiji
occur in the subaerial volcanic sequences. 38,39 K - A r ages Gold mineralization of epithermal type is known from the
of 8.4 and 3.7 m.y. were, however, recently obtained on Vatukoula area, the Tavua goldfield, of Viti Levu, Fiji. It
adularia from two epithermal A u - A g veins, 4~ so not all has accounted for a production to date of some
members of this ore type in Japan were emplaced con- 4 000 000 oz of the metal. 47 In the Vatukoula area a
currently with the Kuroko ores. Vein and stockwork-vein basaltic strato-volcano was constructed, followed by
deposits seem to be comparable, whether or not their host caldera collapse, with accompanying and subsequent
rocks are andesitic or rhyolitic, submarine or subaerial. andesitic eruption. Augite andesite was emplaced as radial
The veins are commonly finely banded, with black, silver- and tangential dykes and cone sheets during and after
rich 'ginguro' stringers carrying most of the ore. Pyrite, collapse, followed by biotite andesite dykes, plugs of mon-
sphalerite, galena, tennantite-tetrahedrite, argentite, silver zonite, and finally by gold mineralization. Volcanism in
sulphosalts and gold--electrum are accompanied by quartz, the Tavua area took place between 5 and 4 m.y. ago. 48
calcite and adularia as the most commonly reported vein The caldera ring fault zone is marked by alteration and
assemblage. On the basis of metal content and mineralogy, pyritization, but most of the gold, present as gold-silver
Nishiwaki and co-workers 39 divided the veins into the tellurides and auriferous sulphides, fills veins where north-
following types: base-metal; chalcopyrite; argentite; man- west-trending faults intersect the southwest portion of the
ganese; sulphosalt with high silver content; sulphosalt with ring fault zone. 47

Spain In the western San Juan Mountains, Colorado, epi-
Epithermal, gold-bearing veins have been worked in the thermal ore deposition took place during essentially the
Rodalquilar area, near Almerla, southeastern Spain. 49 The same time-span of 30 to 10 m.y. as the associated volcanism
veins occur within a zone of pyrite-rich, advanced argillic (as noted above), but the richest deposits spatially coinci-
and argillic alteration, some 5 km x 3 km in surface dimen- dent with the calderas, particularly the Silverton, were gen-
sions, within an andesitic volcanic pile of probable Miocene erated 5 - 1 5 m.y. later than the termination of caldera de-
age. Dacite and ignimbrite units occur in the upper part of velopment 24 (Fig.6). For instance, adularia from the Camp
the pile. Gold tellurides and native gold are closely related Bird vein outside the Silverton caldera (Fig. 7) was dated at
to north-trending, chalcedonic quartz veins. 10.5 -+ 0.5 m.y., some 17 m.y. younger than the age
accepted for propagation of the host fracture 24 (Fig. 6).
Isotopic and fluid-inclusion data for epithermal deposits Elsewhere in the San Juan Mountains the 22 m.y. old
alunite accompanying mineralization in the Summitville
Age relations with volcanic rocks
district was introduced 6.4 m.y. after subsidence of the
At El Queva, northwest Argentina, the Pleistocene age of Summitville caldera (Fig. 5) was completed. 24 Similarly, as
the host volcanic rocks confirms that less than 2 rn.y. was noted above, the mineralization at Goldfield, Nevada,
elapsed before the onset of silver-lead mineralization, and was controlled by caldera ring fracturing, which took place
in a number of districts radiometric evidence has been ad- some 10-11 m.y. earlier. 34
vanced to show that epithermal mineralization followed In contrast, at Creede, Colorado, however, a time-gap of
closely after the eruption of the volcanic host rocks (Fig. 8). only about 2 m.y. between caldera collapse and mineratiz-
Goldfield, Pre M
Nevada 34
Tonopah, er~ M Post
Nevada IJ I I 52
Bodie, Pre M
Catifornia 53
Aurora, Pre H
Nevada = = 33
Surnrnitville, Pre Post
Co[orodo 54
Creede, Pre N
Colorado I ! 30
Guanajuato, Pre
Mexico I 11
Huachocolpa, Pre Post
Peru 50
Tui, Pre M
New Zeatand i i , 55
40 30 20 10 0
Age, m,y
Fig. 8 K - A r ages of pre-mineral volcanic rocks (Pre), vein minerals (M), mainly adularia
or alunite, and post-mineral volcanic rocks (Post) from a number of epithermal precious-
and base-metal districts
At Guanajuato, Mexico, volcanism ended 32 -+ 1.0 m.y. ago ation was quoted by Steven and co-workers, 22, 30 although
and the principal vein-type mineralization was dated by even there a genetic connexion between the two events
means of associated adularia at between 27.4 -+ 0.4 m.y. cannot be positively demonstrated.*
and 30.7 Jr 3.0 m.y. ago. 11 In the Huachocolpa district, A situation comparable with that in many parts of the
south-central Peru, the age of P b - Z n - A g veins is bracketed western San Juan Mountains appears to occur at the Tui
by 10.4 to 8.2 m.y. old volcanic host rocks and 4.0 m.y. mine in the Hauraki region of New Zealand. There host-
old post-mineral dacite-rhyodacite dykes, thus demonstrat- rock andesites yielded K - A r ages of 17 m.y., whereas
ing mineralization a maximum of 4 m.y. later than the hydrothermal alteration related to vein formation is re-
cessation of volcanism. 5~ flected by ages of only 7 - 2 . 5 m.y. 55 (Fig. 8).
At Goldfield, Nevada, host volcanic units yielded K - A r
ages of 21.5 -+ 0.5 to 20.6 -+ 0.4 m.y. - closely similar to the
ages of about 20 m.y. for vein and wallrock alunite that
Fluid-inclusion studies
accompanied vein filling.34, 51. At Tonopah, Nevada, pre- Fluid-inclusion studies of vein minerals from a number of
mineral andesite yielded a K - A r age of 20.4 m.y., adularia epithermal districts confirm that ore deposition was from
from one of the veins yielded 19.1 m.y., and post-mineral low-salinity, low-temperature (200-300~ fluids (Fig. 9).
rhyolite ash-flow tuff yielded 17 m.y. 52 Similarly, in the This temperature range of 200-300~ is somewhat greater
Bodie district, California, the volcanic host rocks accumu- than the figure of less than 200~ originally proposed for
lated from 9.4 to 8.6 m.yo ago and were immediately epithermal ore formation by Lindgren. 3 The fluid-inclusion
followed by A u - A g mineralization from which adularia and filling temperatures generally have not had a pressure
sericite gave ages of 8.6 to 7.2 m.y., suggesting that the correction applied to them, but this is likely to be small for
hydrothermal system had a life-span of about 1.5 m.y. 53 At such shallow ore deposits. A correction of +25~ was cal-
Summitville, Colorado, pre-mineral quartz latite was dated culated for deposits in the western San Juan Mountains, 56
at 22.9 +-0.6 and 22.8 +- 0.6 m.y., alteration alunite at which are some of the deepest examples considered here. A
22.4 -+ 0.5 and 22.3 -+ 0.5 m.y., and post-mineral rhyolite number of examples of results are given here.
at 20.2 + 0.8 m.y. 54
*Recent K--Ar ages determined for vein-related sericite and adularia
*More recent results demonstrate generation of hydrothermal indicate mineralization 24.6 -+ 0.3 m.y. ago, 1--2 m.y. later thanthoe
alunite and K-mica 20--21 m.y. ago. 129 youngest pre-mineral volcanics which post-date caldera collapse.

(1) Precious-metal deposits in Nevada contain quartz and quartz and fluorite from Hosokura mine, Honshu. 61,62
lesser fluorite deposited between 330 and 200~ generally Lambert and Sate 41 pointed out that these temperatures
around 250~ from fluids containing less than 2.1 equiv. are the same as those indicated for the formation of quartz
wt % NaCI.s7 By use of oxygen isotope data a tempera- and sphalerite in Kuroko deposits.
ture of ore formation of 245-215~ was calculated for
nearby Bodie, California. 5s Nash 57 concluded that the (7) Inclusion-filling temperatures of 305-202aC determ-
wide spread of temperatures demonstrates that th is par- ined in barite from advanced argillic-altered, enargite-gold-

M0st hose metals+field

Sitverton district
veins. Colorado 9. = - - - - Ouar t z § sphaLeritu - - - - - = . - , 9
---P0st-sulphide quartz+ fluorite 56
Red Mountain
pipes. Colorado
I 56
Nain-stalle quartz + sphuteritu + barite
Sunnyside mine.
SiLverton district. lluse end precious metals Past-ore llanllue minerals 71
Creede district. v
Colorado Ore stage 59
Precious- metal
deposits. Nevada Pro-, oyo- ~ d post-ore quartz
Toiwan i,-, e . i o I 6~
Most deturmiMtwns on ore-stulle barite
Guonajuoto. t, . 4
Mexico 9==rtz +calcite (pro-main ore)
Mexico Sulphide depouitio~ around tGlloC 60
FinLandio mine, I Leadl+zinc
central Peru .,=-Precious
9 ~t0Ls-~ 65
Caudalosa, I
central Peru Silver + base-metal solpkides Late-stage sphaLerite 66
BQse- and precious-
metaL deposits, =-,,--Nest determinations ~ ' 61.62
Toyoho, , t'~--Spkaluritu =u
Japan Quort;

Cosapalco. o . i e i o
Peru roMelu-|tele o o i r t z § -'~-%ate-s=tl~|e q e a r t z - H . . J ~ - - - Post-ore calcite -=-'
( sph~lorrtu ~uowaro J
370 350 300 250 200 150
T, ~

Fig. 9 Fluid-inclusion filling temperatures from epithermal ore deposits

ameter is not critical for the formation of epithermal bearing breccia pipes of probable Pleistocene age at
precious-metal deposits. Chinkuashih, northern Taiwan, 64 are very similar to those
from comparable breccia pipes at Red Mountain, Colorado
(2) At Creede, Colorado, ore and gangue minerals were (see above).
deposited at 265-190aC from fluids with salinities of
4 - 1 2 equiv, wt % NaCI, which were boiling at high levels in (8) In the 10 m.y. old Finlandia vein, central Peru,
some veins.59 precious-metal ores were deposited at 270 -+ 20~ whereas
the paragenetically later galena, sphalerite and quartz were
(3) At Guanajuato, Mexico, vein quartz and calcite were deposited from 270 ~ to about 140aC.6s
deposited at temperatures ranging from 260aC at 2400 m
above sea level to 320~ some 700 m lower in the vein (9) At the late Tertiary Caudalosa vein deposit, south-
system. 11 central Peru, main-stage silver sulphosalts, galena and
sphalerite were deposited at 325-270~ whereas tempera-
(4) At Pachuca, Mexico, vein filling began at 310-300~ tures declined from 250 to 170~ during late sphalerite pre-
and ended at 200aC, with major quartz and sulphide deposi- cipitation and dropped below 100aC during the final barite
tion around 250aC. Salinities averaged about 1 equiv, wt % stage.66 Salinities fluctuated from 4 to 18 equiv, wt % NaCI,
NaCI and boiling occurred near the tops of veins.6~ the highest values being attained during late sphalerite
deposition. 66
(5) A fluid-inclusion study of the vein deposits, including
Although temperatures of precious-metal- and base-metal-
the Camp Bird, northwest of the Silverton caldera, and the
bearing epithermal veins appear to be roughly comparable,
Red Mountain breccia pipes (Fig. 7), in the western San
there is a suggestion that salinities determined for veins that
Juan Mountains, provided evidence for ore deposition at
carry base metals are somewhat higher (> 2 equiv, wt %
315--249aC from fluids carrying 7.9 to 0.1 equiv, wt %
NaCI) than those which carry precious metals (< 2 equiv.
NaCI (with base-metal and gold stages near 290--280~ and wt % NaCI). In the Finlandia and Caudalosa veins, Peru,
salinities less than 2 wt %), and 308-216~ at sal inities of
this has been clearly documented within single paragenetic
1.6 to 0.2 wt %, respectively, s6 Unlike the model presented sequences.6s,66 There may also be a tendency for some
for Guanajuato by Gross,11 no systematic variation in tem-
base-metal-bearing epithermal veins to be generated at
peratures or salinities was documented over the 1100-m
somewhat higher temperatures (e.g. western San Juan
vertical interval examined in the,Jeins of the Silverton area.
Mountains); this is certainly the case if veins such as those at
(6) Fluid-inclusion studies of Japanese epithermal Casapalca, central Peru, are considered to belong to the epi-
precious- and base-metal vein deposits have shown that ores thermal category, 3 because there the main-stage ore was de-
were deposited mainly at 240--180aC from fluids with posited at temperatures of 370--320~ 67 At Finlandia and
salinities of commonly less than 3 equiv, wt % NaCl. 61,62,63 Caudalosa, however, Pb-Zn mineralization occurred at
Salinities as high as 9 wt % were, however, encountered in lower temperatures than the silver sulphosalt stage.65,66

Stable-isotope studies appropriate environment for epithermal mineralization is
Recently, several stable-isotope studies have been undertaken created where the upper parts of volcanic piles have under-
on epithermal vein deposits, such as those in the Great gone suitable structural preparation and are intruded at
depth by felsic stocks, ls,24 This situation commonly per-
Basin of Nevada and adjoining California and including the
famous Bodie, Tonopah, Comstock Lode and Goldfield tains in the vicinity of volcanic centres of various types.
districts, 68,68,69 the San Juan Mountains, including Structural preparation may entail ring and radial fracturing
Creede,59,70, 71 Pachuca, Mexico, 68 and Finlandia and during caldera collapse, graben formation perhaps related to
Caudalosa, Peru. 65,66 In studies by O'Neil and co- resurgent doming, faulting induced by stock emplacement,
workers,68, 68 the majority of vein-mineral samples examined or regional faulting during caldera collapse or the construct-
possess low (light) ~ 1sO values - indicating a substantial ion of strato-volcanoes. Some of the concentric and radial
meteoric water component in the ore-depositing fluids; fracture patterns localizing epithermal ore deposits analysed
somewhat heavier values are the result of isotopic exchange by Wisser 77 can now be related to caldera-created features.
Ore deposition commonly follows from less than 1 m.y. to
(the 1sO shift) with host rocks in systems with lower water/
3 m.y. after accumulation of the host volcanic rocks
rock ratios. Deuterium analyses of fluid inclusions in vein
(Fig. 8), presumably being related to cooling of the sub-
quartz and adularia from the same veins are isotopically
jacent magma bodies that fed the volcanism, but can occur
light, ~D ranging from - 9 0 to - 1 3 9 %o, thereby confirming
much later in regions of recurrent magmatism. It is indeed
the dominance of meteoric water in the ore fluids.
common for mineralization to utilize structural channel-
Taylor's 69 studies were carried out on quartz and altered
ways produced up to 15 m.y. earlier, commonly during
rocks from Tonopah, Comstock Lode and Goldfield, and
episodes of caldera development 24,78 (Fig. 6).
his calculated ~ 1sO and ~D values accord with meteoric
The composition of the host volcanic rocks does not
water as the principal ore-fluid component. ~180 and ~ D
appear to be a crucial control of epithermal mineralization.
determinations for Creede also show major involvementof
Andesitic-dacitic host rocks are more common than
meteoric water in ore formation, 59 and elsewhere in the
rhyolitic varieties, but this situation probably only reflects
San Juans meteoric-hydrothermal systems were associated
the dominance of rocks of intermediate composition in
with the ore-bearing magmatic rocks. 7~
calc-alkaline volcanic belts. It would appear, however, that
In contrast to the most common results, however, a
epithermal deposits are scarce in ash-flow tuffs, which may
single sample of inclusion fluid in quartz from a deep
indicate that the caldera collapse mechanism is not con-
(1200 ft) level of the Comstock Lode gave a ~D value of
ducive to processes of mineralization. 24, 31,79 Recent
- 6 8 . 5 %o - indicative of a large magmatic component in the
studies 24, 34 strongly suggest, however, that in many
ore fluid.68 Similarly, a single analysis of fluid from pri-
districts calderas act as structural traps for later epithermal
mary fluid inclusions in galena at Tui mine, Hauraki region, ore deposits with which they possess no direct genetic
New Zealand, yielded a ~ D value of - 7 0 %o - strongly connexion, although in Nevada only two out of 30 caldera-
suggestive of a magmatic derivation. 55
type structures are significantly mineralized, 79 and in epi-
In the two stable-isotope studies carried out on late
thermal districts in the central Andes late Caenozoic
Tertiary Peruvian epithermal deposits, both meteoric and
calderas are not widespread.
magmatic fluids were identified. At both Caudalosa 66 and
Minor intrusive rocks are spatially, and possibly genetic-
Finlandia 65 some paragenetic stages, including early A g - A u
ally, related to epithermal deposits in some districts, but in
ore and quartz and barite gangue at Finlandia, were de-
many districts intrusive rocks are unknown, though com-
posited from meteoric fluids, whereas galena-sphalerite
monly inferred at depth. At Creede, Colorado, 3~ and
mineralization was apparently deposited from pulses of
Goldfield, Nevada, 34 for instance, underlying intrusive
dominantly magmatic fluid with ~ D values of - 5 0 -+ 5%o
stocks are predicted on the basis of gravity and magnetic
at Finlandia and - 6 0 to -70%o at Caudalosa. In the
data. Minor felsic intrusives are common in many parts of
Finlandia vein only two of the seven identified mineraliz-
the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, and have been related
ation stages show evidence of a magmatic component. A t
to the epithermal deposits by a number of workers, most
Caudalosa the fluids interpreted as of magmatic origin also
recently by Lipman etal. 24 Moreover, some of the minor
possess the highest salinities and, perhaps rather surprisingly,
intrusives are probably digitations on the roof of a com-
at both localities magmatic fluids became more evidently
posite batholith that underlies the volcanic field -- a
involved during the late paragenetic stages.
situation required by its coincidence with a marked negative
Therefore, although the majority of available ~ 1so and
gravity anomaly. 22
~D values clearly show that meteoric water played a major
From the reviews of the fluid-inclusion and stable-
role in the ore-depositional process, up to about 5% of mag-
isotope studies presented above it is clear that epithermal
matic water could be mixed with it and remain undetected
ore deposition is largely from low- to moderate-temperature
with currently available analytical techniques 72 a
and low-salinity fluids dominated by meteoric water. Con-

possibility enhanced by the magmatic fluids recorded from a

firmation of meteoric water as a major ore fluid component
number of deposits, most notably those in Peru.
vindicates Schmitt's 1, 2 earlier hypothesis. A t Creede,
Colorado, an assessment of the hydrological setting of ore
Genesis of epithermal deposits deposition suggests that it took place in a surficial zone of
The close spatial relationship of epithermal ore deposits and interaction between upward- and downward-moving
the late structural stages of caldera development has been meteoric water controlled by variable rock permeabilities
widely emphasized, particularly for the western near the wall of the Creede caldera. 3~
U.S.A., 27,73,74,75 but also elsewhere. 76 It would appear, how- In the Green Tuff region of Japan, however, the ore fluid
ever, that although this is an important locale for epithermal for Kuroko deposits and epithermal veins is thought, on the
ore deposition in some regions, it is not the sole one, since un- basis of similar mineral assemblages and sulphur and lead
collapsed volcanic cones also host this ore type. 15 Paren- isotope ratios, to be the same. 37,8~ Since it has been shown
thetically, it should be mentioned that the relationship of to consist of at least 75% sea water in the Kuroko ores,81 a
ore deposition to volcanic landforms and processes is un- sea-water-dominated fluid, instead of a meteoric one, may
known in many epithermal districts. It seems likely that an be assumed for some of the epithermal vein deposits as well.

These conclusions prompt an enquiry into the source of and metals may also possess at least a partial magmatic
the ore components transported by this meteoric (sea source - a hypothesis favoured on geological grounds by a
water)-hydrothermal fluid. Are they derived from the intru- number of workers. 15,24,82 The near-zero (~34S values
sive stocks inferred to underlie many epithermal districts from some districts (e.g. Creede 59 and Sunnyside 71 ) also
(Fig. 10(c)), or are they derived from the country rocks, support this origin, although a non-magmatic sulphur com-
either the volcanic sequences themselves (Fig. 10(a)) or the ponent is clearly important elsewhere (e.g. Tui 55). ~ 13C
sub-volcanic basement (Fig. 10(b)), the stocks merely values, where determined (e.g. Bodie 58), are also indicative
acting as "heat engines'? Derivation of the ore components of a magmatic origin.
from sub-volcanic basement has been specifically proposed An additional line of argument can also be mustered in
for the Tui deposit, New Zealand, 55 and for the favour of a magmatic contribution to the ore fluid and the
Guanajuato district, Mexico, 11 on the basis of lead and inadequacy of scavenging, heated meteoric water alone. In
sulphur isotopes and other considerations.* In contrast, the Tertiary igneous province of the Scottish Hebridesthe
however, isotopic data for the Japanese Kuroko ores and, high-level emplacement of felsic stocks into co-magmatlc
by analogy, the spatially related epithermal veins, preclude volcanic rocks is known to have induced extensive circula-
tion of meteoric waters 83 in a manner closely comparable
with that in the San Juan Mountains magmatic province, 7~
/ ; I/// Epithermol veins yet ore deposits are notably absent from the Scottish
Hebrides. Perhaps the stocks in the Scottish Hebrides
/Volcanic t i~ t \ failed to contribute a metal-charged fluid to the circulating
/ rocks ',,.7",..J ~
meteoric-hydrothermal systems (see below).
Recent work has confirmed the shallow depth of epi-
- / / / / / / / / / / / / / / S o b - v o l c a n ibasement
c thermal ore deposition. Geological evidence strongly sug-
gests a depth of 4 0 0 - 5 0 0 m, and even shallower for minor
volumes of ore, at El Queva, Argentina, 15 3 0 0 - 1 0 0 0 m at
Pachuca, Mexico, 9 and 100 m for the shallowest veins at
Great Barrier Island, New Zealand. 43 Geological evidence
combined with fluid-inclusion results suggests a somewhat
greater depth of about 1200 m in the Silverton district,
/ Colorado, 56 but only 300 m 30 or 500 + 150 m 59
at Creede, Colorado.
I\ I
\.../ "~ --7 Since epithermal ore deposition occurs at such shallow
depths and is commonly very young, its surface manifesta-
tions should be evident. White 84 considered thermal
springs to be the active surface equivalents of the hydro-
thermal systems that generated epithermal vein deposits.
The salinity, and therefore density, of epithermal fluids is
sufficiently low (see above) to allow their discharge at sur-
face. At Steamboat Springs, Nevada, quartz-chalcedony-
- y
calcite veins carrying pyrargyrite have been encountered
and the meteoric-hydrothermal fluids attain temperatures
exceeding 200~ at depths greater than 100 m 72 _ within
the epithermal range defined above. At Steamboat Springs,
// / / / / lit!ik // / / / / White 72,85 favoured a volumetrically small magmatic con-
Fig. 10 Three possible models for generation of epi- tribution to the system to account for the provision of
thermal vein deposits in volcanic rocks: (a) involves meteoric elements of low crustal abundance, such as Li, B, As, Sb and
water circulating through volcanic pile; (b) meteoric water Cs, for more than 2.5 m.y. (the duration of the system's
circulating through sub-volcanic basement; and (c) meteoric active life). Similarly, at Broadlands, New Zealand, 86
water circulation combined with contribution of magmatic pyrite, sphalerite and galena, accompanied by propylitic
fluid alteration, including adularia, have been described from
drill core, and high Ag, As, Sb, Hg and Au contents are
a basement source,41, 81 but permit the leaching of com- known from surface siliceous sinter. 87 At Broadlands the
ponents from the Green Tuff volcanic sequence or their meteoric-hydrothermal fluids possess 0.3 equiv, wt % NaCI
direct separation from underlying bad ies of cooling magma. and temperatures of 2 9 8 - 1 2 0 ~ in the vicinity of base-
At Bodie, California, available isotopic data also favour an metal sulphides, 86 but older fluids in inclusions from
intrusive source. 58 In regions such as ~he western San sphalerite, quartz and adularia are more saline. 88
Juan Mountains, where mineralization extends downwards It seems reasonable to correlate epithermal vein deposits
from the volcanics into the underlying basement, 82 a carrying carbonates and adularia and flanked by propylitic
source beneath the volcanic sequence is strongly suggested. alteration with modern alkaline hot-spring systems, but
As was noted above, however, intrusive rocks constituted epithermal deposits related to zones of advanced argillic
more than just a heat source, at least in some districts, as alteration and silicification were derived from much more
demonstrated by the ~ D values indicative of a magmatic acid solutions, of a different nature and perhaps unrelated
water component. If magmatic water were, in fact, in- origin. It has been suggested 15 for El Queva, Argentina,
valved in epithermal ore deposition in many districts, al- that this type of deposit was generated beneath solfatara
though with its presence commonly masked by the meteoric fields that marked the late-stage activity at volcanic vents.
(or sea-water) contribution (Fig. 10(c)), sulphur, carbon At El Queva the silver--lead mineralization is transitional
*A basement source for metals and strontiumhas also been proposed upwards to a surficial deposit of native sulphur. Such ad-
recently for epithermal mineralization at Sunnyside mine, Colorado.131 vanced argillic alteration is commonly present inthe eroded

cores of strata-volcanoes and may be comparable with that atics and initial strontium isotope ratios (0.7048-0.7058)
noted above at Summitville and Red Mountain, Colorado, of felsic lavas and tufts genetically associated with central
Goldfield, Nevada, and Rodalquilar, Spain. Peruvian base- and precious-metal deposits, including epi-
Travertine aprons and exotic manganese oxide deposits thermal examples, indicate derivation from sub-crustal
may also form in the vicinities of precious- and base-metal levels. 16 Similarly, the deposits in the Gulf of Fonseca area
deposits of epithermal type, from heated bicarbonate-rich of Central America were emplaced about 2 0 0 - 2 5 0 km
waters according to White. s5 They were deposited within above the subduction zone that consumes the Cocos plate
2 m.y. of epithermal sulphide deposition around the peri- and dips northeastwards from the Middle America trench,
phery of ~he strata-volcano at El Queva, 15 but at Ouray hot assuming that the position of the trench has not varied
springs in the northern part of the Silverton caldera 89 some significantly. In this regard, it should be noted that the
10 m.y. after base-metal deposition. Quaternary volcanic chain is located a little nearer the
The writer 90 proposed that some zones of advanced trench than the precious-metal deposits (Fig. 4).
argillic and argillic alteration and silicification, possibly con- During the mid-Tertiary, when most of the Mexican epi-
taining epithermal base- and precious-metal deposits, are thermal deposits (e.g. Guanajuato and Tayoltita) in the
generated in volcanic piles above porphyry copper-bearing Sierra Madre Occidental were emplaced, eastward subduction
stocks. Advanced argillic alteration has now been docu- of the Farallon plate was taking place in a manner similar to
mented above the El Salvador, Chile, porphyry copper ore- that beneath the present-day central Andes, as adduced
body, 91 and, similarly, at Red Mountain, Arizona, feldspar- from ocean-floor magnetic data. 94 Transition to a transform
destructive altered vo!canic rocks carrying alunite, enargite plate boundary may have commenced about 23 m.y. ago
and sphalerite are located up to 1200 m above a buried west of the Sierra Madre Occidental. 8 The silver deposits in
porphyry copper deposit associated with K-silicate @
alteration. 92

Geotectonic setting of epithermal deposits

It is clear that most of the epithermal deposits mentioned
above were generated above subduction zones active during
mid- to late Caenozoic times at convergent plate boundaries,
either along continental margins or island arcs. Many de-
posits are integral parts of calc-alkaline magmatic activity -
the hallmark of subduction. The water 67 and ore compo- f
nents 93 of magmatic origin could have been derived from /
the vicinity of the subducted slab - in common with the
calc-alkal ine magmas. Z~2~ (/li ~ 1 ~ 1
Cu, Pb, !t ,
Zn,Ag Sn
Western Eastern
Peru -Chile
CordiLLera Cordillera
i AI.tiplano !
' - ~ d" -
Arr gap (~ ~ ~f
',l/" f
plate I - ~ ~ 4 ~ c
[ntruswe rocks ~ ~ I I
Porphyry copper and ~ .~"~>~,~ I
9 tin deposits . ~ "~.~.~;~
,, Epithermat vein deposit //p
A Votcanogenic magnetite deposit
,~ VoIcanogenic tin deposit
36~ - ~,~ l Tokyo \
Fig. 11 Diagrammatic cross-section of central Andes at
approximately latitude 20~ during late Caenozoic to depict 0 100 200 km
I , I , I
locations of porphyry copper and tin deposits, volcano-
genic magnetite deposits and volcanogenic tin deposits, with \
respect to magmatic loci and eastward subduction.
Note well-defined polymetallic and tin provinces ........ Boundaries of petrographic volcanic provinces
Depth contour of subduction zone
In the case of the central Andean Altiplano-Puna region, Boundaries between tectonic segments
eastward subduction of the Nazca plate is known to have 9 Kuroko deposit
been active during the last 1 0 - 1 5 m.y., the interval during 9 Epithermal deposit
which epithermal mineralization took place. As described
Fig. 12 Distribution of late Caenozoic Kuroko and epi-
elsewhere,93 the epithermal deposits are assignable to a belt
thermal precious-metal deposits in northeast Japan 96 in
of polymetallic ( C u - P b - Z n - A g ) ore deposits generated
relation to petrographic provinces (tholeiitic, high-alumina
during an eastward expansion of the locus of magmatism
and alkali basalt), 95 depth to subduction zone 125 and
about 16 m.y. ago (Fig. 11). The expanded magmatic belt
tectonic segment boundaries 126
associated with the polymetallic deposits has a width of
200 km in the Altiplano-Puna region and is underlain at a the Sierra Madre Occidental are located on the western edge
depth of from about 170 to 250 km by a shallow-dipping of a belt of polymetallic ( C u - P b - Z n - A g ) deposits of Oligo-
(20--25 ~ subduction zone. The rare-earth element system- cene age. Further south in Mexico, subduction at the

Middle America trench has remained active to the present for epithermal ore deposition, it would appear that not all
and has given rise to the Trans-Mexico volcanic belt. If the subaerial volcanic environments are conducive to the genera-
Pachuca deposit is as young as Pliocene, 9 it pertains to this tion of epithermal ore deposits. Caenozoic extensional
later episode of subduction, along with at least some of the regimes such as the East African rift system and the
central American deposits. Scottish Hebrides magmatic province, the formation of the
In northeastern Japan most of the Kuroko deposits and latter heralding opening of the North Atlantic, contain no
associated epithermal base-metal veins were generated known base- or precious-metal ore deposits related to the
130-155 km above the underlying subduction zone, mainly widespread volcanic and intrusive activity, which suggests
within Kuno's 95 tholeiitic petrographic province 4~ that the parent magmas were incapable of generating
(Fig. 12). The trench appears to have remained static during mineralization, even though the volcanic centres were sub-
the last 15 m.y. or so because the Miocene and Recent jected to the activity of major meteoric-hydrothermal
volcanic fronts are essentially coincident. The major systems (see above).
precious-metal deposits, however, are located northwest of
the Kuroko province in both the high-alumina and alkali Manto-type copper deposits
basalt petrographic provinces of Kuno 9s (Fig. 12). A num- Veins, veinlets or disseminations of copper or copper-iron
ber of the epithermal precious-metal deposits lie in the sulphides in calc-alkaline volcanic rocks are widely distri-
vicinity of transverse boundaries that separate segments of buted, but rarely do they constitute commercial orebodies.
the oceanic lithosphere that are subducted together but as In Chile and southern Peru, however, a number of copper
discrete entities, suggesting that such boundaries may aid in deposits of this type have attained considerable importance,
their location 96 (Fig. 12). Buena Esperanza, Antofagasta province, Chile, for example,
As was noted above, epithermal base- and precious-metal possessing a recorded production of 2 500 000 tons of 3%
deposits in the western U.S.A. are related to two distinct Cu. Silver is also a common by-product from this ore type.
petrographic suites - an early calc-alkaline suite and a later Their stratiform nature has resulted in their designation as
bimodal suite. Those deposits of calc-alkaline affinity were 'manto-type' deposits.l~176 It seems reasonable to conclude
generated during eastward underthrusting of the Farallon that economic copper concentrations of this type will be
plate on either an imbricate 97 or very shallow-dipping sub- found in calc-alkaline belts elsewhere in the world as
duction zone; K20/SiO 2 ratios determined for mid-Tertiary exploration continues.
calc-alkaline volcanic rocks suggest that the depth to the The manto-type deposits lOl, ~o2 occur as stratiform
subduction zone in western New Mexico and Colorado was bodies, up to several tens of metres thick and several km
in excess of 300 km. 98 Those deposits of bimodal affinity, along strike, in volcanic rocks or volcanogenic sediments
reported from Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico, were ranging in age from Jurassic to Lower Tertiary. Andesitic
generated after subduction at the continental margin had flows or breccias or felsic ignimbrite flows act as volcanic
ceased as a result of interaction between the trench and the hosts. The sulphides, dominantly hypogene chalcocite,
oceanic ridge, leading to the transform fault margin. The bornite and chalcopyrite, occur as disseminations, vesicle
Steamboat Springs, Nevada, thermal-spring system is also fillings and short fracture fillings, commonly in the upper
a product of continuing bimodal activity. The onset of the parts of the volcanic horizons. The tops of deposits are
volumetrically minor bimodal magmatism was roughly coin- abrupt, whereas the bottoms are gradational. In volcano-
cident with the commencement of Basin-Range block genic clastic sediments, sulphides occur in the fragments
faulting, therefore being related to an extensional tectonic and in the matrix, whereas in organic-rich limestones they
regime. 23 The transition of mineralization of calc-alkaline are finely disseminated throughout the rock. Intrusive
parentage to that of bimodal parentage took place at rocks are normally difficult to relate to manto-type deposits,
25 m.y. in southern Colorado, 24 at 3 1 - 2 9 m.y. in southwest hydrothermal alteration is weak, and the gangue minerals
New Mexico, TM and between 20 and 16 m.y. in central calcite, pyrite and quartz are scarce.
Nevada, although in western Nevada calc-alkaline activity A good example of the ore type is provided by Buena
accompanied the bimodal suite until 5 m.y. 31 Esperanza lOl, lO2 (Fig. 13), where 28 mineralized horizons
For the past 5 m.y., following the inception of intra-arc ranging from 2 to 25 m in thickness occur in a 270-m thick
spreading, Fiji has been a remnant arc, active calc-alkaline andesitic sequence of Jurassic age. Mineralization consists
volcanism being restricted to the Tonga--Kermadec island of chalcocite and bornite in a ratio of 4: 1 in vesicular flow
arc to the east; 5 m.y. ago Fijian volcanism changed from tops and in intercalated lenses of sedimentary breccia and
intermediate, calc-alkaline to basaltic, akin to that character- sandstone. The presence of mineralized fragments in these
istic of ocean islands. 99 Since the Tavua volcanic centre sedimentary intercalations testifies to the close temporal
was constructed from 5 to 4 m.y. ago, 4s the associated epi- connexion between lava eruption and mineralization.
thermal gold deposits are affiliated not with calc-alkaline Westwards the mineralized volcanic sequence ends abruptly
but with ocean-island-type basaltic volcanism and its final against a barren, presumably post-mineral, diorite intrusive
differentiates. (Fig. 13).
It can be concluded, therefore, that although epithermal From latitudes 30 ~ to 34~ in Aconcagua and Valparaiso
ore deposits in continental-margin or island arcs are gener- provinces, disseminated mineralization, dominated by
ally related to subduction, they can also be generated in bornite, occurs in the tops of Lower Cretaceous andesite
additional volcano-tectonic regimes that are created follow- flows and in the basal portions of overlying calcareous
ing the cessation of subduction. The regimes recognized sandstones, as at Guayac~n and El Salado, 1~176 lOl and at the
here are that formed following the change from a conver- El Jardln deposit in Atacama province the uppermost 2 m
gent to a transform plate margin involving plate margin ex- of a Lower Tertiary ash-flow tuff, 75 m thick, and the im-
tension I~erhaps classifiable as incipient intra-arc spreading, mediately overlying lacustrine sediments carry chalcocite--
and that following the actual splitting of an island arc by bornite-tennantite-native silver mineralization for 1 km
intra-arc spreading resulting in the creation of a remnant along strike.l~ Somewhat different from the manto-type
arc. Although volcano-tectonic settings other than the deposits, but apparently genetically related to them, are
subduction-related type have been recognized here as locales irregularly shaped bodies of disseminated sulphides, such as

that in Lower Cretaceous andesites at Lo Aguirre, Santiago. cooling volcanic units or in sediments deposited on top of
province, which contains reserves of 3 400 000 tons of 2% the cooling volcanics in temporary lagoons. The metal-
Cu. 101 depositing fumaroles active after the deposition of ash-flow
Many of the manta-type deposits were apparently tuffs in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1~
confirm that metals can be extracted from cooling volcanic
W rocks during meteoric-hydrothermal leaching. The relatively
low temperature of the circulating waters is confirmed for
Liven i Buena Esperanza by inclusion-filling temperatures of 195 ~ to
112~ from quartz and calcite, although higher temperatures
of 4 3 0 - 2 5 0 ~ are indicated for El Salado. 1~
The manta-type deposits in the central Andes are an
integral part of the copper metallogenic belt, where they are
commonly located west of the major porphyry copper de-
posits. Their andesitic host rocks and copper content
could well have originated on the subduction zone that
underlay the region from Jurassic through Lower Tertiary
time. 93

Volcanogenic magnetite deposits

Three Meso-Caenozoic examples of volcanogenic magnetite
deposits are known to the writer: El Laco, northern
Chile,lOl, lO8 Cerro de Mercado, Durango, Mexico, 1~ and
Chilghazi and Pachin Koh, Baluchistan, Pakistan. 11~ Only
El Laco and Cerro de Mercado, related to subaerial volcanic
sequences, should be included here since the small
Pakistani deposits are submarine in origin. Both El Laco
and Cerro de Mercado contain roughly 1000 000 000 tons
of iron ore, assaying 50% Fe at El Laco.
+ + The bulk of the ore, magnetite and lesser hematite, at
v v v v"~IF/~L//P~,
El Laco and Cerro de Mercado was extruded in the form of
lava flows, although small amounts also occur as nearby
plugs and dykes and, at Pefia Morada near to Cerro de
Mercado, as a bed of hematite tuff. Apatite is a notable
Level 210 associate of the iron oxides and actinolite is also present.
Five separate iron oxide bodies in an area of 7 km x 3 km
0 50m are known at El Laco, the thickest up to 60 m. 1~ The El
I I I I 1 J
Laco flows were derived from parasitic vents around the
Vezicular flanks of a Quaternary andesitic strata-volcano, and overlie
andesitir breccia I Sandstone
flat-lying andesitic flows. 1~ According to Frutos and
~l Microporphyritir Oyarz~n,111 the edifice underwent caldera collapse followed
andesite ~ Augite diorite by the central emplacement of a rhyodacite plug. The
Cerro de Mercado deposits are associated with 30 m.y. old
~ Porphyritic
andelite I Copper
mineralization rhyolitic domes and flows in a large caldera. 1~
It is interesting to note that both these deposits were
~'% Fault formed during active subduction, as isolated centres within
Fig. 13 Section through a number of copper- the metallogenic belts that host the epithermal deposits of
bearing horizons in Buena Esperanza manto-type the Altiplano-Puna and Sierra Madre Occidental provinces
copper deposit, Antofagasta province, Chile 102 (Figs. 1 and 11). El Laco is associated with andesitic vol-
canoes similar to those that host the epithermal deposits,
generated as facets of subaerial volcanism, although, at as at El Queva, whereas Cerro de Mercado is related to the
least in some cases, related to local, short-lived lagoonal en- caldera development, which seems to be generally later
vironments. Some of the deposits could, however, be re- than the accumulation of andesitic volcanics with which
lated to volcanism under shallow, submarine conditions many of the Mexican epithermal silver deposits are
(e.g. Ra61, southern Peru 104). Mineralization would appear affiliated.
to be essentially coeval with the host volcanic or volcanic- It seems reasonable to conclude that the magnetite melts,
lastic rocks and is believed to be relatable to hydrothermal containing an appreciable phosphorus content, became
systems active during cooling of the spatially related immiscible with their parent calc-alkaline magmas during
volcanics. Volcanic heat would drive the hydrothermal cir- differentiation, as discussed by Philpotts. 112 The phos-
culation, the water being essentially meteoric in origin, at phorus content of the magnetite magma would lower its
least in some cases provided by the overlying lagoons. Sub- melting point (perhaps to 800-1000~ sufficiently to
lagoonal, organic-rich environments would provide the permit eruption, which would also be facilitated by the high
necessary reducing conditions, probably produced by bac- volatile content, the presence of which in the El Laco flows
terial action. 1~ Metals are thought to have been leached is indicated by gas-escape tubes. 1~
from the underlying, cooling volcanic sequence, and pre- It was suggested recently, 111 on the basis of V, Cr and Ti
sumably include the easily soluble, metal-bearing condens- contents, that the iron in the El Laco deposit was derived
ates from volcanic gases, described by Taylor and Stoiber. 1~ by anatexis of sedimentary iron formations in the under-
Sulphide precipitation was either in the upper parts of the lying Lower Palaeozoic basement. The known Palaeozoic

ferruginous strata in this region are, however, of such res- could well be sub-crustal and subduction related. 93 A sub-
tricted development that it seems unreasonable to cite them crustal origin is also suggested for at least some of the high-
as the source material for such a huge tonnage of magnetite. silica rhyolites in the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico, by
A sub-crustal source, in common with the parent andesite, initial strontium isotope ratios of 0.704 and 0.705.128
would seem to be a more plausible hypothesis of origin on
purely volumetric grounds. Furthermore, the low initial
strontium isotope ratios of calc-alkaline rocks in this region Concluding remarks
preclude widespread crustal anatexis. Magmatic activity in continental-margin or island arcs is
recognized as one of the principal geotectonic settings for
Volcanogenic tin deposits the generation of metallic ore deposits. Previous syntheses
Volcanogenic or, as they have also been called, Mexican- of ore types in this setting have tended to dwell on mineral-
type 113 tin deposits constitute a minor but interesting ore ization within or peripheral to intrusive rocks, either batho-
type. Their most widespread development is in a 900-km liths or high-level stocks, or mineralization related to sub-
long belt in western Mexico, where more than 1000 occurr- marine volcanic activity. It is hoped that this brief review
ences are known in the states of Durango, 7acatecas, San has re-emphasized the fact that subaerial volcanic rocks can
Luis Potos;, Aguascalientes, Jalisco and Guanajuato (Fig. 1 ), also host significant ore deposits (cfl Goossens 121 ). Plu-
but annual production is restricted to only a few hundred tonic and volcanic rocks are considered commonly to be de-
tons of tin concentrate. rived from the same magma source, and the transition be-
The occurrences in western Mexico 113,114,115 take the tween the intrusive and extrusive environments takes place
form of short, narrow fissure veins, low-grade disseminations at the level appropriate for the exposure of sub-volcanic
and breccia fillings in mid-Tertiary rhyolitic rocks. The stocks. It is such high-level stocks that commonly host
precise ages of the host rocks are not known, but probably porphyry-type deposits, and in a number of porphyry
fall in the 32 to 23 m.y. interval defined for rhyolitic vol- copper 90 and porphyry tin 122 deposits the erosional
canism in the Sierra Madre Occidental. 8 Veins occur in remnants of centripetally dipping, co-magmatic lavas can
steeply flow-banded plugs of vesicular rhyolite in which still be seen around ore-bearing stocks.
minor disseminated ore may be present. The plugs probably Although the four ore types considered in this review
represent the sites of eruptive centres. Tin-bearing breccias are all associated with subaerial volcanism, their geneses are
are developed in the upper parts of certain plugs. Horizont- significantly different. The epithermal precious- and base-
al flows of dense rhyolite and later basalt cap the tin de- metal deposits are generated in temporally related volcanic
posits. Tin is present as incrustations of cassiterite and wood rocks because of the presence of underlying, coeval stocks.
tin and is ubiquitously accompanied by specularite. Mime- Heat, contributions to the ore fluid and probably most of
tite, tridymite, quartz, chalcedony, opal, sanidine, white the ore components were provided by the stocks during
mica, zeolites, topaz, fluorite, native bismuth, magnetite and late-stage differentiation, although ore deposition in'the
limonite also occur. Montmorillonite is the chief alteration near-surface, epithermal environment was dominantly from
mineral. The tin was deposited close to eruptive vents from convectively circulating meteoric waters. Some of the
low-temperature (< 150~ 113, 116) hydrothermal fluids underlying stocks, particularly those beneath epithermal
during the waning stages of rhyolitic volcanism. Meteoric deposits associated with zones of advanced argillic alteration,
fluids may well have played an important role in the ore could host porphyry-type deposits, which signifies that the
fluid. epithermal ore components could be the distal equivalents
Similar volcanogenic tin deposits occur in mid- to late of deeper-level porphyry-type mineralization. The con-
Tertiary rhyolitic volcanic rocks at Taylor Creek, southwest- clusion that most epithermal mineralization is generated
ern New Mexico, 117 Lander County, Nevada, 118 and Cerro during the waning stages of activity at volcanic centres, but
Pululus, northwest Argentina, and Cordillera de Los Frailes, not during ash-flow eruption caused by caldera collapse,
Bolivia. 119 In contrast, it has been proposed, on the basis could imply a comparable condition for porphyry deposits;
of the presence of pseudobrookite and bixbyite, ~~u that the this tentative suggestion is supported by the presence of
Taylor Creek cassiterite mineralization was generated from andesitic to quartz latitic lavas and pyroclastics in the
a gas phase at temperatures in excess of 500~ immediately vicinity of temporally related, ore-bear ing porphyry stocks,
after deposition of the host rhyolites. but the apparent absence of nearby felsic ash-flow tufts.
The geotectonic settings of this ore type are still far The manto-type copper deposits are probably also pre-
from clear. In southwest New Mexico, however, the tin is cipitated from meteoric waters, but without a direct mag-
associated with post-caldera, high-silica alkali rhyolites matic contribution, the ore components being supplied by
erupted 24 to 22 my. ago 127 and pertaining to the bimodal the volcanic flow or sequence that underwent meteoric-
suite, which also carries important epithermal precious- hydrothermal leaching. Therefore the copper in many
metal deposits in this region; TM the Nevadan occurrences manto-type deposits possesses a comparable source to that
also appear to be related to the bimodal suite. The western in porphyry copper deposits. Instead of being concentrated
Mexican deposits are, however, apparently of calc-alkaline and fixed in sub-volcanic stocks during the final phases of
affinity if recent concepts 8 are valid. Nevertheless, the their consolidation, however, the copper was erupted in dis-
presence of soda-rich alkali feldspar and fayalite as pheno- persed form, probably at near-background concentrations,
crysts in rhyolites hosting the Mexican tin concentrations 115 in flows and pyroclastics, to be concentrated by meteoric-
is a characteristic feature of the bimodal suite rather than of hydrothermal systems debouching in lagoonal environ-
rhyolitic differentiates of the calc-alkaline suite. 23 Whether ments not necessarily close to their parent volcanic centres.
or not further work confirms the calc-alkaline affinity of Comparable meteoric-hydrothermal systems active im-
the Mexican tin deposits, the minor showings of this type mediately after the eruption of a volcanic sequence could
in northwest Argentina and Bolivia certainly occur in calc- also account for at least some of the volcanogenic tin de-
alkaline volcanic rocks that pertain to the southern, late posits, the spatially related rhyolitic plugs in western
Tertiary part of the Bolivian tin belt. The ultimate source Mexico providing a proximal heat source. The manto-type
of the tin in the Bolivian volcanogenic deposits is presum- deposits can be genetically related to ash-flow tufts -
ably the same as that related to the co-genetic stocks and unlike the stock-related epithermal deposits.

The volcanogenic magnetite deposits differ markedly 10. Smith, D. M. Jr. Geologi'a de la Mina de Tayoltita,
from the other three ore types insofar as their contained distrito de San Dimas, Durango, Mexico. In Algunos
metal was not concentrated during the final stages of con- yacimientos rninerales de la Repbblica Mexicana. Geolog[a,
solidation of an intrusive magma body, nor following vol- m~todos de extraccibn y de beneficio (Mexico City: AIME,
canic eruption of magma, but much earlier during the mag, 1973), 163-7.
ma's pre-consolidation differentiation. The differentiated 11. GrossW. H. New ore discovery and source of silver-
product was then erupted in a similar manner to a normal gold veins, Guanajuato, Mexico. Econ. Geol., 70, 1975,
andesitic magma, followed by cooling and consolidation. 1175-89.
This review of ore types related to subaerial volcanism
12. Petruk W. and Owens D. Some mineralogical char-
has confirmed calc-alkaline (and related tholeiitic and
acteristics of the silver deposits in the Guanajuato mining
alkaline) magmatism as the principal generator of base-
district, Mexico. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 1078-85.
and precious-metal mineralization, but has also stressed
that other magmatic suites characteristic of extensional en- 13. Roberts R. J. and Irving E. M. Mineral deposits of
vironments, which immediately followed the cessation of Central America. Bull. U.S. geol. Surv. 1034, 1957, 205 p.
subduction and concomitant calc-alkaline activity, can also 14. Levy E. La metalog6nesis en America Central. Publ.
be metal-bearing. Thus, a bimodal basalt-rhyolite suite in geol. Inst. Centraomericano de Invest. y Tecnologfa
the western U.S.A. hosts precious- and subordinate base- Industrial no. 3, 1970, 17-57.
metal deposits of epithermal type and volcanogenic tin de-
posits, and a basaltic suite akin to the ocean-island suite in 15. Sillitoe R. H. Lead-silver, manganese, and native sulfur
Fiji hosts epithermal gold telluride deposits. Therefore mineralization within a stratovolcano, El Queva, northwest
exploration efforts should perhaps be extended beyond the Argentina. Econ. Geol., 70, 1975, 1190-201.
strictly calc-alkaline volcanic environments, but should not 16. Noble D. C. and Bowman H. R. Geochemical and
incorporate all volcanic settings: quite clearly extensional field constraints on the depth of differentiation and eruptive
volcano-tectonic environments characteristic of the early history of silicic calc-alkalic magmas related to base and
development stages of divergent plate margins are devoid precious metal mineralization, Andes of central Peru. Abstr.
of significant metallic mineralization of the types discussed Progr. geol. Soc. Am., 8, 1976, 615.
above, as are intra-plate ocean-island settings unrelated to 17. Ahlfeld F. Die Metallprovinz des Altiplano (Bolivien).
preceding calc-alkaline activity. Neues Jahrb. Min. Abh., A85, 1953, 1-58.
Acknowledgment 18. Ahlfeld F. Metallogenetic epochs and provinces of
Bolivia. Miner. Deposita, 2, 1967, 291-311.
Thanks are due to the geologists, too numerous to mention
individually, who have accompanied the writer during the 19. SalasO. R. et al. Geologl'a y recursos minerales del
examination of ore deposits, mentioned above, in Chile, departamento de Arica, provinc{a de Tarapac~. Bol. Inst.
Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Invest. geol. Chile no. 21, 1966, 114 p.
Spain and Pakistan. 20. Bellido B. E. and de Montreuil D. L. Aspectos
generales de la rnetalogen/a de/Per5 (Lima, Peru: Serv. de
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ated cassiterite was deposited during this phase. The earliest
Igneous geology and the evolution stages of growth of the major quartz-cassiterite veins took
of hydrothermal systems in some place at temperatures of around 400~ from a fluid the com-
position o f which was similar to that o f the earliest fluid,
sub-volcanic tin deposits of Bolivia though substantially diluted (about 40 wt % NaCI equivalent)
Vein growth continued while temperatures fell to below
J. N. Grant 200 ~C and salinity decreased. Most cassiterite deposition
Department o f Geology, Royal School o f Mines, seems to have taken place in the temperature range 3 0 0 -
Imperial College, London, England 250~ and may have been accompanied by a major decrease
in the salinity o f the fluids.
C. Halls The data obtained from the fluid inclusion studies, taken
Department of Geology, Royal School of Mines, in conjunction with the gross geometry of the mineralization,
Imperial College, London, England suggest that hydrothermal processes at the volcanic centres
were initially controlled by failure of the balance between
confining fithostatic pressure and the pressure o f the hydrous
W. Avila
fluid residuum in the differentiated parts of the rhyodacite
Servicio Geol6gico de Bolivia ( G E O B O L ) , La Paz, magma, leading to pervasive hydraulic fracturing, brecciation
Bolivia and alteration, o f which the early generation o f cassiterite
mineralization was an integral part. The upper levels of the
G. Avila mineralized volcanic structures appear to have stabilized
Servicio Geol6gico de Bolivia ( G E O B O L ) , La Paz, following the hydrothermal exhaustion of the apical portions
Bolivia of the sub-volcanic stocks. The focus of hydrothermal
activity must then have been relocated at greater depths from
5 5 2 . 3 : 5 5 3 . 2 1 6 . 5 : 553.45(84) which mineralization was controlled by the interplay of
tectonic stresses in the volcanic infrastructure and surround-
ing basement and the build-up of hydrothermal fluid
Synopsis pressure in parallel vein-fault systems.
This concept of a bimodal style of mineralization related
The tin deposits o f the southern part o f the Cordillera to a retreating hydrothermal focus can lead to a clearer
Oriental o f Bolivia consist of complex vein systems and understanding of the xenothermal or "telescoped" type o f
pervasive disseminated mineralization within zones of
mineral and temperature zonation in sub-volcanic systems.
strong hydrothermal alteration in, or at the margins of, Temperature data obtained from fluid inclusion studies
eruptive centres o f late Tertiary age. A t some centres show, however, that mineral paragenesis is not an unam-
erosion has removed the volcanic superstructure completely biguous criterion o f temperature zonation and that the two
and only intrusive rocks are preserved (Llallagua, San Pablo have to be considered independently before a combined
de Morococala). A t others, both the intrusives and coeval synthesis becomes meaningful
volcanics are preserved (Chorolque, Oruro, Potosi), whereas
in some cases only the partially eroded volcanic super- There are scattered tin deposits at intervals on the continent
structure is exposed and no unequivocally intrusive rocks side of the cordillera of the western Americas from Alaska
are known (Chocaya, Tatasi). to Argentina. The most important section is the Bolivian
In general, the geological relationships at all these de- tin belt, which extends for about 800 km through the
posits suggest that the mineralization is the product of Eastern Cordillera of the Central Andes. 3 The complete
hydrothermal systems generated in the inner, deeper regions explanation of the confinement of the tin deposits to this
of terrestrial strato-volcanoes. restricted landward belt in the Eastern Andes remains a
The igneous rocks most closely associated with minerali- subject of active discussion. 5 There is, however, a striking
zation are strongly altered quartz porphyries. Their original parallelism between the main metallogenic belts and the
composition was probably rhyodacite. Where stocks are morphotectonic divisions of the Central Andes within
preserved, they are complex bodies, often conical in vertical which they lie. 1,2,3 This led Sillitoe 21 to propose that the
section, narrowing with depth. They show evidence of laterally distinct metal provinces were produced as a result
several phases of intrusion, igneous brecciation and explosive of progressive liberation of the various metals from the
hydrothermal brecciation, which pre-date the formation of oceanic lithosphere in the underlying zone of subduction.
the major vein systems. Systematic release of the metals was believed to be due to
Silicate alteration a.ssemblages include quartz-tourma- dehydration, phase changes and partial melting governed by
line, tourmaline-sericite and sericite-clay, which often the increase in pressure and temperature at increasing
show rough concentric zonation in that order outward from depths. Various models have been proposed for the tem-
the centre. An outermost aureole of propylitic alteration perature distribution in a downgoing plate, 12~7,28 and the
is sometimes present where there are remnants o f the precise nature of phase changes that are taking place at
volcanic superstructure. Alteration is pervasive and not advanced depths is still under discussion, 33 but it follows
controlled by the major veins. Low-grade cassiterite minera- that if the source of the tin lies in the downgoing litho-
lization is dispersed throughout the inner zones. spheric plate and if the present pattern of seismic activity
Fluid inclusion studies at Chorolque show that the hydro- beneath the Eastern Cordillera 14 can be accepted as similar
thermal system was initiated by the separation o f a highly to that prevailing during late Mesozoic and Tertiary times,
saline brine, or melt, of complex chemistry, which formed the tin province must be explained in terms of Special phase
at temperatures above 500~ The pervasive quartz-tourma- changes initiated only when the downgoing lithospheric
line alteration, initial fracturing of the igneous rocks of the plate reaches depths of the order of 300 km. The break-
vent and the hornfelsing of the adjacent sedimentary rocks down of refractory phases such as phlogopite could be in-
were accomplished while temperatures fell to below 450~ voked, 7 supplying potassium as well as tin to the rising
and intermittent boiling took place. Widespread dissemin- magma. The tin in the calc-alkaline eruptives may also

have originated in the mantle wedge overlying the Benioff
zone, being progressively concentrated by a scavenging or
'zone-refining' process, 6,13 which would abstract tin to-
gether with other incompatible elements and concentrate
them in a rising magma or a partial melt at the base of the
continental crust.
It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the generation
of Cordilleran tin deposits of the Bolivian type is linked in
some way to the subduction process. At present there are
insufficient petrochemical or isotopic data with which to
evaluate the problem, but whatever the hypothesis invoked,
account must be taken of the wide range of geological
factors that influence the tectonic framework of this
complex segment of the Andean orogen. 2
Bolivia produces the second largest amount of tin among
the non-communist countries of the world. Its economy
and the livelihood of a substantial section of the population
depend on the tin industry. The history of major mining
activity dates back to the Spanish conquest in the sixteenth
century, when the colonial empire derived much of its
wealth from the silver mines of the region. Most of the
important tin deposits were discovered during that period,
and were mined initially for the fabulously rich silver ores,
which had formed, partly by supergene enrichment pro-
cesses, in the upper parts of the vein systems. Some of
these deposits are still being mined today, mainly for the
tin ores found beneath the silver-rich zones. Fig. 1 Regional geology of the Central Andes
The Bolivian tin belt contains some of the greatest hard-
rock tin deposits of the world. The Llallagua deposit, for
out most of the orogeny it was emergent, bounded on the
example, is estimated to have produced more than 500 000
west by the Altiplano molasse basin, and on the east by the
tons of tin since production started at the beginning of
marine basin, the folded sedimentary rocks of which now
this centl,ry. 3 Considering their size and economic impor-
form the sub-Andean foothill zone. Within the Cordillera
tance, the geology of these deposits is not particularly well
there are some remnants of epicontinental sedimentary
known. Some classical studies were carried out, mainly by
formations of Cretaceous age, which once probably covered
American geologists, in the period when they were operated
the region but were largely removed by subsequent erosion 2
by private mining corporations prior to nationalization in
The remainder of th~ Cordillera is made up of shales and
the early 1950s. This work was naturally concerned mainly
sandstones of Cambrian to Devonian age and igneous rocks
with the structure and mineralogy of the vein systems, with
of the Andean orogeny. The sediments are strongly folded
less emphasis on understanding the overall relationships
and faulted, but metamorphism is generally weak or absent.
and evolutionary sequence of igneous and hydrothermal
The igneous rocks are acid to intermediate plutons and
activity. The progressive exhaustion of the high-grade vein
ores is now an urgent problem for the Bolivian tin industry. high-level stocks and eruptive complexes, which range in
age from Triassic to Upper Miocene. 5'9.11 The tin deposits
It is, however, apparent that some of the presently known
deposits contain enormous reserves of potentially economic are associated with these. There are also some extensive
low-grade tin mineralization, the distribution of which is not post-mineral ignimbrite sheets of Pliocene age.
related to the geometry of the well-known vein systems. The tin belt extends throughout the Eastern Cordillera
More comprehensive geological concepts than those pre- in Bolivia, from near the Peruvian border in the north to
viously applied should prove useful in the proper evaluation northern Argentina in the south (Fig. 2). To the west there
of this potential resource. is a well-defined province of polymetallic deposits in the
Altiplano, which are associated with Miocene-Pliocene high-
Geology of the tin belt level dacitic and andesitic igneous rocks. 1 The tin belt has
The Eastern Cordillera of the Central Andes is an elongated been divided into two sections. 31 In the north (Cordilleras
massif, made up mainly of a great thickness of marine Real and Quimsa Cruz) the deposits are mainly tin and
clastic sedimentary rocks of Lower Palaeozoic age (Fig. 1).2 tungsten veins associated with granodiorite batholiths. The
The sedimentary basin in which they were formed extended batholiths range in age from Triassic to Miocene and those
right across the width of the Andes almost to the present of the Miocene occur in the southern part of this section
coastal region. It was underlain by Precambrian metamor- and are the most highly mineralized. 9 These deposits are
phic rocks, the extension of the Brazilian and Argentina numerous but, with one or two exceptions (notably
cratons, and these are now exposed in the coastal reg.ions of Caracoles), they are individually small.
southern Peru and northern Chile lO and in the Eastern In central and southern Bolivia the deposits are mostly
Cordillera in Peru and northern Argentina. 4,32 The pre- associated with acid eruptive complexes of Tertiary age.
Andean tectonic history of the region has been partly ob- They are complex vein systems carrying tin, tin-silver or
scured by later events, but there were important periods of tin with base metals and silver. In some cases there is also
regional :folding, and there are granitic plutons in the widespread disseminated mineralization in the altered
Eastern Cordillera in Peru and Argentina that give Lower igneous rocks. There are also a few important deposits
Palaeozoic ages.24~6 formed by vein systems in sedimentary rocks with which
The Cordillera owes its morphotectonic identity to the there is little or no direct evidence of igneous activity (e.g.
Andean orogeny, which began in the Triassic. 14 Through- Huanuni and Colquiri). These are probably related to high-

Character of the eruptive complexes
A range exists from purely volcanic complexes, at which
no intrusive rocks other than dykes are recognizable,
to small stock-like bodies of intrusive porphyry and breccia.
The essentially volcanic types, such as Chocaya, Tatasi and
Colquechaca, consists of acid lavas, lava domes, pyroclastics
and volcanic breccias, which rest unconformably on the
older sedimentary rocks. They cover tens of square kilo-
metres. The rocks are generally quartz porphyries, ranging
in composition from rhyolite to dacite. They all have an
extensive zone of hydrothermal alteration in the centre,
which may measure several kilometres across, and the
mineralized veins occur within this. At Chocaya and Tatasi
the major veins extend downward into the sedimentary
rocks beneath the volcanics. Pervasive hydrothermal alter-
ation at these centres post-dates all eruptive activity.

Fig. 3 Potosi: schematic cross-section through the Cerro


At other centres, such as Chorolque, Oruro and Potosi,

volcanic rocks surround and are in contact with a central
stock-like body of intrusive porphyry. The porphyries
Fig. 2 The Bolivian tin belt: location map apparently fill the vents from which the volcanics were
extruded. Erosion has partly removed the overlying vol-
level stocks that failed to reach the surface and, hence, are canic superstructure at these centres. The stocks are
genetically similar to the deposits within eruptive complexes. usually about 1 km in diameter at the surface and conical
The sub-volcanic deposits of the central and southern part in vertical section, narrowing with depth. The Cerro Rico
of the tin belt are fewer, but, in general, individually larger stock at Potosi (Fig. 3) is an extreme example. It narrows
than those associated with the batholiths of the north, and down to two small dyke-like bodies in the deepest levels of
they account for the greater proportion of Bolivian tin the mine. The stock appears to have been emplaced at
production. about the level of the regional erosion surface. The lower
Radiometric age dating currently in progress suggests that part cuts Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks and the upper is
this twofold subdivision of the tin belt should be replaced in contact with Miocene sediments, tuff and breccia. 3~ The
by a threefold subdivision on the basis of the ages and some Cerro Rico stock is not crowded with xenoliths, or
of the geochemical and morphological characteristics of brecciated, as are most of these bodies; but, like the others,
the deposits. The Cordillera Real appears to form a dis- it is pervasively altered. In the upper levels of the mine the
tinct tin-tungsten sub-province associated with batholiths mineralized veins are within the stock, but they dip more
of Triassic to Lower Jurassic age; the somewhat higher-level steeply than the stock contact and pass out into the sedi-
plutons of the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz and Santa Vera ments with depth. It is postulated that there is a larger
Cruz, together with the eruptive complexes of central igneous body at depth. 22,3~
Bolivia as far south as Colquechaca, form a Lower Miocene At some centres, such as Llallagua and San Pablo
age province and the deposits include almost all the major (Morococala), erosion has completely removed any volcanic
tin producers; the eruptive complexes of the southern part superstructure that may have been present, leaving only a
of the belt, from Potosi southward, form a distinct Upper porphyry stock in contact with the Palaeozoic sedimentary
Miocene age group and the deposits are characterized by rocks. The Salvadora stock at Llallagua is the most impor-
high silver and base-metal contents. The difference in metal tant of these (Fig. 4). It is about 1 km in diameter at the
content displayed by these sub-provinces is, however, pro- surface and narrows with depth. It is made up of xenolithic
bably a function of the depth of erosion rather than a and highly brecciated porphyry. The original texture and
change in the chemistry of the parent magmas with time. 11 rock composition (probably quartz-latite) are obscured by

' 119
alteration, but there appear to have been several pulses of Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization
porphyry intrusion and these were followed by explosive Pervasive hydrothermal alteration is a ubiquitous feature
hydrothermal brecciation, which is an outstanding feature of these deposits. In all cases the alteration seems to have
of this stock in particular, as well as some of the others. 29 begun before the formation of the major vein systems, but
neither the alteration zones nor the veins are cut by
younger igneous rocks. The intrusive stocks, such as
Llallagua, San Pablo and Potosi, are altered almost through-
out, only minor patches of relatively fresh rock having been
preserved at their contacts. At the other complexes alter-
ation is typically intense in a central zone of perhaps 1 km
or so in diameter, and decreases outward so that fresh
volcanics make up most of the larger, purely volcanic com-
plexes such as Chocaya, Tatasi and Colquechaca. Silicate
alteration assemblages include quartz-tourmaline, sericite-
tourmaline and sericite-clay. Carbonate may be present
in the latter assemblage. At some centres there is a roughly
concentric zonation of alteration in that order outward
from the centre, with an outermost aureole of chloritic or
propylitic alteration at some of the larger complexes. Dis-
seminated sulphide and cassiterite mineralization generally
accompanies the sericitic alteration assemblages, frequently
as a partial replacement of biotite and feldspar phenocrysts.

Fig. 4 Llallagua: Salvadora stock and vein system,

Cancaniri level
Fig. 5 Schematic cross-section through the Cerro
Chorolque showing major geological features and lateral
At Llallagua almost all the mineralized veins are within
zonation of hydrothermal alteration around central vent
the stock, whereas at San Pablo they are in the sedimentary
rocks outside the stock margins. Both stocks, however,
contain widespread disseminated and veinlet mineralization. The Chorolque deposit shows a particularly well-
The hydrothermal breccias consist typically of rounded developed zonation of alteration and mineralization (Fig. 5).
clasts of igneous and sedimentary rocks, up to tens of centi- The central 'stock', which is about 1 km in diameter at the
metres in diameter, set in a somewhat vughy clastic matrix surface, is made up of a complex of igneous and probably
of very fine-grained rock flour cemented by quartz and hydrothermal breccia, and some unbrecciated porphyry.
tourmaline (see Figs. 7 and 8). At Llallagua a substantial part Intense alteration has converted it to a quartz--tourmaline
of the Salvadora stock consists of breccia of this type, and rock. The original texture is largely obscured and the only
in the remainder of the stock the porphyry is laced with a recognizable primary minerals are relict quartz phenocrysts
network of dykes and irregular patches of breccia, which overgrown by secondary quartz. This rock is devoid of
range in width from tens of metres down to narrow dyke- sulphides or cassiteri'te except where mineralization has
lets. These breccias are interpreted as the product of explos- been introduced subsequent to the pervasive alteration.
ive hydrothermal activity. In part, they may be related to All the important tin-bearing veins are within this core
the sudden release of the residual aqueous phase of the zone. They are quartz-cassiterite veins with virtually no
crystallizing magma, but it is equally likely that they were sulphides, and they formed later than the quartz-
produced by steam generated as meteoric water from the tourmaline alteration. In the volcanics surrounding the
country rocks was drawn into the high-temperature stock core there is a well-defined annular zone of intense
by convective circulation. There is a distinct tendency for sericite-tourmaline alteration. It is about 400 m wide and
these breccias to be concentrated in the marginal zones of the intensity decreases outward, sericite giving way to
thestocks. They are of particular economic importance chloritic alteration about 600 m from the 'stock' margin.
because they produced an increased permeability of the It is accompanied by strong veinlet and disseminated sul-
stocks exploited by later hydrothermal fluids, which give phide mineralization, which extends downward into the sedi-
rise to patterns of alteration and mineralization indepen- mentary rocks underlying the volcanics, although the sedi-
dent of the geometry of the later vein systems. ments do not show much silicate alteration. Fig. 6 shows

Sn ppm
IOO0 Ag ppm





. ~ O ~ NORTH

#71/../ L 71111/-I_'l_'l.'/'L'l'l_l . . . . . ; D-:_-~-"_/-/J-/-I'/ .....

LAMAS ..... ALTERATION ~ ; - / ~ - ~ /' ................ FiiruUnuAdl ~ LAVAS ...... AL TERATIONI ''' ~ '~. " ...............
~'~tGNEOUS BRECCIA ~ OUARTZ-TOURMALINE ~'Veta Colon O $OOm ~ [ ~ IsGHNEOUS B RECC i A ~ 7EU~;c]TZ; ~pOyU~TMt)Li N E ......... 0 500m


Bi ppm
10( 500




B- ;-'- : - > ' - ; +VV; -:.'.

,, ......... ~ . . . . . . . . . ,..~-~ + : +i..~+ ~ C h ~ m b o , . = o ,,s,, . . . . . . . . .

.#. '.T. ./ , ',,/ Z. . . . . . ~ YIIII/.X-/.Z'/.'/_
. ' /./ . . . . . . . /'/l~ " :": "+ .: : . +' : .K +- ~: : ' ~ ~ . ". . . . . . . . " " 9". . .' . ". . ". . .' . ". . . . . . .

LAVAS ...... ALTERATION ~ ~ ................ LAVAS ...... AL TERATION'~ " " ' * ~ . " ...............
Veta Colon 500

Fig. 6 Geochemical profiles across the Chorolque deposit for tin, silver, bismuth and copper. The distribution of
disseminated and veinlet mineralization with respect to central vent and alteration zones is also shown. Semiquantitative
emission spectroscopic analyses smoothed by three-point moving average

rock geochemical data for samples taken on an underground and consists predominantly of pyrite, with lesser arsenopy-
traverse across the Chorolque deposit. They illustrate the rite, chalcopyrite, bismuthinite, stannite and cassiterite.
distribution of disseminated and minor veinlet mineraliz- The metals are not zoned with respect to one another.
ation. The data do not include samples from the major At the other stock-like centres alteration is mainly of the
quartz-cassiterite veins located in the central quartz- sericite-tourmaline type. It is typically pervasive almost
tourmaline alteration zone. throughout the stock and is accompanied by dispersed
It is particularly notable that this central zone, which sulphide and cassiterite mineralization, the distribution of
contains the economic veins, contains virtually no disper- which shows no control by the detailed geometry of the
sed tin mineralization. The profiles illustrate the close major veins. These deposits have been termed 'porphyry
association between sericitic alteration and dispersed metal tin deposits', 22 and in some cases the grade of dispersed
deposition. This dispersed mineralization is sub-economic tin reaches what may prove to be an economic grade for

Fig. 7 Breccia types, Salvadora stock: (a) (left) igneous breccia - fragments of igneous (arrows) and sedimentary (dark)
rocks in crystalline igneous (quartz-latite porphyry) matrix; (b) (right) hydrothermal breccia -- fragments of igneous
(white) and sedimentary (dark) rocks in clastic matrix. Scale in cm

bulk mining operations. The dispersed.mineralization and general thermometric data on one or two of the sub-
alteration may be traversed by a system of major ore-bear- volcanic deposits (Llallagua, Oruro). Our most important
ing veins, as at Llallagua (Fig. 4) and Potosi (Fig. 3), or results to date come from the study of the Chorolque de-
else these may be absent, as at San Pablo. The mineralogy posit. In the core of this system the quartz of the pervasive
of these ore veins comprises an early quartz-cassiterite quartz-tourmaline alteration assemblage contains primary
stage with a later complex polymetallic sulphide minera- coexisting vapour-filled inclusions and brine-filled inclusions
lization. 3~ It is from these veins that the greater part of (Fig. 9). The brine-filled inclusions are so packed with solid
Bolivia's tin production has been derived. daughter salts that the liquid phase is usually indistinguish-
At the high-level volcanic centres the pervasive alteration able at room temperature. On heating in the microscope
is generally more argillic, disseminated mineralization is not heating stage, all the daughter salts dissolve in the inclusion
well developed and the vein mineralization is characteris- fluid, which expands to fill the inclusions at temperatures
tically sulphide-rich with minor quartz gangue. ranging from 500~ to more than 800~ (homogenization
temperatures). The presence of primary coexisting vapour-
phase and liquid-phase inclusions indicates that the fluid was
boiling during this alteration stage. Under these conditions
it is possible that both liquid and vapour may be trapped in
an inclusion at its time of formation. Such inclusions will
give anomalous homogenization temperatures (higher than
the true trapping temperatures). Thus, the minimum tem-
perature of about 500~ is the best estimate of the forma-
tion temperature of the alteration assemblage. Homogen-
ization temperatures of fluid inclusions are normally regard-
ed as minimum possible formation temperatures, as they
are subject to an upward correction to compensate for the
confining pressure that prevailed during trapping. 19 The
correction can only be estimated from the inferred depth
of formation of the mineral and an estimate of whether
lithostatic or hydrostatic load prevailed. In the case of a
boiling fluid such a correction is not required as, by defini-
tion, the vapour pressure of the fluid must have been equal
to, or greater than, the confining pressure. Thus, the
homogenization temperatures discussed here can be taken
as formation temperatures where boiling is inferred. Where
there is no evidence for boiling, they are minimum possible
formation temperatures; however, the pressure correction
would be small because of the shallow depth inferred for
these deposits.
The salinity of these fluids can be estimated by compar-
ing the temperature of solution of their daughter salts with
the known temperature/solubility behaviour of pure NaCI
solutions. 15 This indicates a salinity in excess of 60 wt %
NaCI equivalent, although this is only an approximation
since the large number of different daughter salts that are
present at room temperature shows that they are complex
Fig. 8 Hydrothermal breccia microtextures: (a) (top) multicomponent fluids rather than pure NaCI solutions.
breccia composed of igneous rock fragments replaced by Fluid inclusion assemblages such as this, comprising
quartz (1) with clastic quartz-rich 'rock flour' matrix coexisting vapour and high-salinity liquid inclusions, seem
cemented by fine-grained tourmaline (black); thin-section, to be characteristic of the central", high-temperature alter-
plane-polarized light, field width, 3 cm; (b) contact between ation zones of sub-volcanic hydrothermal ore systems.
quartz-latite porphyry (left) and clastic hydrothermal Such assemblages have been described, in particular, from
dyke composed of the same rock-flour material as matrix several porphyry copper deposits as well as from sub-
of breccias; thin-section, plane-polarized light, field width, volcanic polymetallic deposits. 17,18~5 It is notable, how-
2 cm ever, that at Chorolque no sulphide or cassiterite deposi-
tion took place in this inner zone during this initial stage
of high salinity and temperature.
The Tatasi deposit produces no tin - only silver, lead In the sericite-tourmaline zone surrounding the central
and zinc; Chocaya is a major silver producer, but there are core it is not possible to study primary fluid inclusions be-
tin-rich ores also; and Colquechaca produces lead and zinc cause of the nature of the mineral assemblage. A study of
with only minor tin, and much silver was mined in the past. secondary inclusions (in quartz phenocrysts) believed to be
related to the alteration strongly suggests that this zone of
alteration and disseminated sulphide and cassiterite miner-
Evolution of the hydrothermal systems
alization was formed under conditions of lower tempera-
Fluid inclusion studies are being used to investigate the ture and distinctly lower salinity.
evolution of the hydrothermal system at some of these The outermost (earliest) quartz in the quartz-cassiterite
deposits. Earlier work by Kelly and Turneaure 16 was con- veins that cut the Chorolque core zone contain primary
cerned mainly with the tin and tungsten vein deposits of the inclusions of lower salinity and temperature than those of
northern part of the tin belt, though they did provide some the pervasively altered wallrocks (Fig. 9). They give

Fig. 9 Primary and pseudo-secondary fluid inclusions in
quartz from Chorolque showing progressive decrease in
salinity of hydrothermal fluid from early high-temperature
quartz-tourmaline alteration stage (A), through progressive
growth of quartz-cassiterite veins (B-E). (,4) Coexisting
primary vapour-filled inclusions (1) and extremely saline
brine inclusions packed with daughter minerals (2). Th =
500~ In secondary quartz from quartz-tourmaline
alteration zone. Largest inclusion diameter is 10/~m.
(B) Extremely saline brine inclusion (Th = 480~ showing
multiple daughter minerals. In secondary quartz from
quartz-tourmaline alteration zone. Length of inclusion is
50 pro. (1), Vapour bubble; (2), NaCI or NaKCI daughter
mineral; (3), hydrous Fe chloride daughter mineral; (4),
(5) and (6), unidentified daughter minerals. (C) Highly
saline brine inclusion (Th --- 400~ in early vein quartz
(pre-cassiterite). (1), Vapour bubble; (2), hydrous Fe
chloride daughter mineral; (3), NaCI or NaKCI daughter
mineral; (4), fluid. Inclusion length is 45/lm. (D) Moder-
ately saline brine inclusion (T h -- 320~ in pre-cassiterite
vein quartz. Maximum dimension is 20/lm. (1), Vapour
bubble; (2), NaCI daughter mineral; (3), fluid. (E) Low-
salinity (liquid-vapour) inclusion in vein quartz intergrown
with cassiterite (T h = 280~ Inclusion length is 40/~m

homogenization temperatures below 500~ and usually

nearer 400~ and salinities of about 40 wt % NaCI
equivalent. Vapour-filled inclusions are also present, which
suggests that boiling was still taking place. This indicates
that vein formation did not begin until temperatures had
dropped substantially from those of the alteration stage
and that the fluid had been partially diluted. These inclu-
sions contain numerous daughter salts at room temperature
and the composition is probably closely similar to that of
the alteration stage fluid, though more dilute. A combin-
ation of optical microscopic, electron microscopic and
X-ray spectrometric methods have been used to identify the
solid daughter salts. The results indicate that the major
heavier elements present are iron, sodium, potassium, cal-
cium, chlorine and sulphur.
By studying the fluid inclusions through the progressive
growth stages of the Chorolque veins from the walls inward,
a decline in temperature and salinity of the hydrothermal
fluid can be traced as vein growth continued. No cassiterite
deposition took place in the early stages of vein growth, al-
most all being deposited in the range of homogenization
temperatures from 300~ to 250~ from a fluid that had
been substantially diluted (less than 26 wt % NaCI equiva-
lent). Fig. 10 shows the progressive changes in temperature
and salinity of the Chorolque hydrothermal system during

60O I I Following the evidence provided by the study of fluid inclu-
sions and by the gross pattern of hydrothermal alteration
and mineralization, it is suggested that the most important
stages in the evolution of the sub-volcanic systems were as
40 follows. Initiation occurred as the partly crystallized acid
magma consolidated in the volcanic vents. The pattern of
.~ 300 25 ~z hydrothermal activity was at first controlled by the balance

i, i i
between confining lithostatic pressure and the pressure of
"~ 200 the hydrous fluid residuum concentrating in the upper
9 part of the stock. The explosive escape of these fluids pro-
duced the early stage of pervasive hydraulic fracturing,
brecciation and alteration, of which the first generation of
disperse cassiterite mineralization was an integral part. The
Time =
hydrothermal fluid with its contained ore metals 'may have
Fig. 10 Summary diagram of fluid inclusion data for
been largely derived as a residual aqueous phase by the
Chorolque hydrothermal system illustrating very high
crystallization of the magma, but there may also have been
initial temperature and salinity of the fluid during pervasive
a significant contribution from meteoric or formation
quartz-tourmaline alteration and their major decline prior
waters drawn in from the surrounding sedimentary rocks to
to earliest cassiterite deposition
react with the cooling igneous rocks at high temperatures.
At Chorolque the fluid inclusions show that this early
alteration and vein formation. At other deposits that have fluid consisted of a low-density vapour phase and a very
been studied there is much less evidence of an earliest fluid high-density liquid phase, which coexisted at temperatures
of high temperature and extreme salinity. At Llallagua of about 500~ By use of the data of Sourirajan and
fluid inclusion temperatures both in the altered igneous Kennedy 23 for the behaviour of a N a C I - H 2 0 solution,
rocks and in the veins are much more uniform than those at the maximum pressure under which the fluid could have
Chorolque (Fig. 11). The data (uncorrected for pressure) boiled is about 360 bars. This suggests a depth of the order
suggest that the pervasive alteration and early vein growth, of 1 - 4 km, depending on whether hydrostatic or lithostatic
including cassiterite deposition, took place at temperatures
load prevailed. On geological grounds a depth of between
in the region of 400~ to 350~ falling to 300~ and lower
1 and 2 km seems most reasonable.
during deposition of the sulphides. As at Chorolque, boiling
The high-density fluid probably derived some of its con-
took place in the alteration and early vein stages, but the
stituent salts during reactions with the igneous rocks that
fluid salinity remained below 26 wt % NaCI equivalent
produced the intense quartz-tourmaline alteration, and the
throughout the period of vein growth. Kelly and
salinity would also have been increased as a result of boiling.
Turneaure 16 measured salinities ranging from 25 wt %
No ore deposition took place at this stage in the vent.
NaCI down to about 4 wt % NaCI from early vein material
Further out in the fl.anking volcanics and underlying sedi-
from Llallagua. Some more highly saline inclusions have
mentary rocks, however, there was strong sericite-tourma-
been found that suggest that there was a fluid of higher
line alteration of the volcanics and a general deposition of
salinity, at least locally, during the pervasive alteration of
metal sulphides. This produced the distinct geochemical
the stock.
dispersion patterns shown in Fig. 6. This sericitic alteration
In the volcanic complexes, such as Chocaya, Tatasi and
and metal deposition were essentially contemporaneous
Colquechaca, the sulphide-rich ores and more argillic alter-
and, therefore, it is suggested that the sericitic zone is the
ation assemblages are less suitable for inclusion studies. We
region where the high-temperature highly saline fluid mixed
have obtained limited data, however, that indicate that ore
with meteoric waters, and that it was the mixing process
deposition in these very high-level vein systems took place
that produced the physical and chemical changes leading
from fluids at temperatures below 300~ with salinities
to hydrous silicate alteration and sulphide and cassiterite
9 26 wt % NaCI equivalent.
At other centres, such as Llallagua and San Pablo, the
fluid inclusions indicate that, in general, the brecciation and

> Io :,,a II sulphide I
Late Stage
alteration were also produced by a boiling fluid of relative-
ly low salinity (less than 26 wt % NaCI) and moderate tem-
Alteration iterite Stage (Fluorite-Siderite)
Stage perature (300-400~ If an early very high-salinity fluid

I I I =_=
5 did form at these centres (and there is some evidence from
40r -30~ fluid inclusion and alteration mineralogy that this was the
I.- -10 case), it was mainly confined to deeper levels in the vent.
300 5 ~
z At the level of present exposure, mixing of meteoric and
.-- magmatic fluids had taken place throughout the permeable
I I I igneous rocks. Thus, pervasive sericitic alteration and dis-
seminated mineralization were developed throughout -
~" 1 0 0

I I I rather than the pattern of distinct radial zonation displayed

at Chorolque.
Time > The earliest phase of pervasive alteration and widespread
Fig. 11 Summary diagram of fluid inclusion data for the disseminated mineralization produced the features used by
Llallagua hydrothermal system. Compared with Chorolque, Sillitoe and co-workers 22 to define the tin porphyry type
lower initial temperature and, in particular, salinity are of deposit. Following this, the upper levels of the miner-
accompanied by pervasive sericitic alteration and dissemin- alized volcanic structure became consolidated as magmatic
ated cassiterite mineralization through much of stock activity and hydrothermal fluid generation at that level

declined. A new pattern of fluid movement and ore deposi- for example, that the chemical conditions of the fluid,
tion was then superimposed by the establishment of dis- especially changes that accompany reaction between the
crete vein systems. These veins clearly cut across the earlier fluid and the wallrock and the mixing of magmatic with
pattern of pervasive alteration and hydrothermal breccia- meteoric water, are more important factors than tempera-
tion and do not display radial or concentric distribution ture in controlling the transport and deposition of
with regard to the vents themselves. The formation of the cassiterite.
vein systems can be ascribed to the reimposition of regional
tectonic stresses following the decline in localized
magmatic/hydrothermal pressures after the hydrothermal We are indebted to the Natural Environment Research
'exhaustion' of the upper levels of the volcanic infrastruc- Council, London, for financial support; to GEOBOL for
ture. The veins evidently tapped a deeper, but genetically providing transport and additional field support; and to
related, magmatic source as hydrothermal fluid pressures the Management of the Corporaci6n Minera de Bolivia
built up and dilatation along defined systems of tectoni- (COMIBOL) for permission to visit the mines and for
cally controlled fractures took place. At Potosi, for providing accommodation and the assistance of the mine
example, the vein system continues downward below the geological staff. We acknowledge, in particular, the assis-
level at which the stock has narrowed down until it forms tance of Ing. Jos~ Torrez, Director of GEOBOL, and the
only a small dyke (Fig. 3). The activity of the deeper COM IBOL geologists Salom6n Rivas (Llallagua), Humberto
source regions also declined rapidly - there is rarely much Mallo (Potosi), and Rene Gonz~lez (Chorolque). The
evidence of resurgent high-temperature activity in the diagrams and photographs were prepared at the Royal
veins, or renewed hydrothermal brecciation. The vein School of Mines with the assistance of Ella Hin, Helen
fluids became progressively cooled and diluted, probably Richardson, Mike James and Ken Jones. Technical services
because of the influx of meteoric water into the system, in the preparation of thin and polished sections for fluid
and it appears that convective circulation was not suffici- inclusion study were provided in the Division of Mining
ently sustained by the 'heat-engine' effect of the cooling Geology, Royal School of Mines, with the assistance of
intrusive to produce large-scale overprinting of the earlier- Barry Foster, Elizabeth Morris and Niel Wilkinson. The
formed alteration assemblages by late, lower-temperature manuscript was critically reviewed by Dr. A. Rankin and
assemblages. Dr. R. H. Sillitoe.
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3. Ahlfeld F. E. and Schneider-Scherbina A. Los
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29. Turneaure F. S. The tin deposits of Llallagua,
Bolivia. Econ. GeoL, 30, 1935, 14-60; 170-90.
30. Turneaure F.S. A comparative study of major ore
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31. Turneaure F. S. The Bolivian tin-silver province.
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32. Turner J. C. M. The Andes of northwestern
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33. Wyllie P.J. Experimental petrology and global
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Occurrence, origin and significance
of mechanically transported
sulphide ores at Buchans,

J. G. Thurlow
Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada


The Buchans orebodies are high-grade Kuroko-like massive
sulphide deposits associated with Silurian (?) felsic
volcanism of the northern Appalachians. Since 1928,
17 000 000 tons of ore has been mined, of which approxi-
mately one-half consists of mechanically transported
sulphide breccia accumulations. Most of the transported
ores occur as discrete orebodies composed of angular
(competent) and wispy (plastic) sulphide fragments
intimately mixed with a large variety of angular to rounded
lithic fragments. Abundant evidence exists to suggest that
these ores were fragmented by surface volcanic explosions
and transported as rapidly moving sub-aqueous density
flows. Fragmentation of the in-situ orebodies occurred
intermittently throughout massive sulphide deposition and
thus the zonation of the in-situ deposits is mimicked by
zonation of the transported ores. These ores were pre-
ferentially deposited in palaeotopographic depressions along
the path of density flow and maintain economic grade for
distances in excess of 2 km from their source. Other
deposits appear to have moved as slowly advancing 'mud
The direction of transport can be determined from
imbrication of ore fragments, direction of elongation of the
ore zones and clast fabric, and from increasing ore grades,
clast size and individual bed thickness in more proximal
areas. Limited data on the distribution of disorganized,
inverse to normally graded and normally graded beds
yield transport directions compatible with those obtained
from the other parameters. On the basis of the above
criteria, as well as stratigraphic considerations and com-
parison of metal ratios in transported and in-situ deposits,
the source of most transported ores can be identified as
one of the two major in-situ massive sulphide deposits.
At least one far-travelled sub-economic prospect has,
however, no known source orebody.
In terms of exploration the Buchans orebodies are
significant in that economic sulphide accumulations may
occur as discretetransported orebodies well beyond the
limits of stockwork mineralization and significant alteration.

geneous style o f deformation in which folding, componen-
Geological setting of the Skorovas tal sliding, fracturing and penetrative metamorphic refabric-
orebody within the allochthonous ation have been governed largely by the geometry of the
most competent lithologies, notably gabbro, diorite and
volcanic stratigraphy of the granodiorite (trondhjemite) intrusives and, within the
extrusive sequence, compact dacitic flows and their spili-
Gjersvik Nappe, central Norway* tized aphanitic equivalents (keratophyres). The hetero-
geneous pattern o f deformation is resolved in terms of two
C. Halls main stages o f folding complicated by componental sliding
Division of Mining Geology, Royal School of movements.
Mines, London, England Mineralization occurs at two levels in the eruptive
sequence. The layered gabbros and lensoid metagabbros of
A. Reinsbakken the plutonic infrastructure contain small cumulus bodies of
Geologisk I nstitutt, Norges "rekniske nickel-, copper- and platinum-bearing p y r r h o t i t e - p y r i t e -
H~gskole, Trondheim, Norway magnetite ore of magmatic derivation. Mineralization of
I. Ferriday this type is at present only known in sub-economic quan-
Division of Mining Geology, Royal School of tities.
Mines, London, England The Skorovas orebody, in common with other widely
A. Haugen dispersed volcanic exhalites in the Gjersvik Nappe, occurs
Grong Gruber A/S, Joma, Norway within the volcanic sequence at a level marked by episodes
o f explosive dacitic volcanism and associated fumarolic
A. Rankin activity. The Skorovas orebody consists o f approximately
Division of Mining Geology, Royal School of I0 000 000 tons of massive and disseminated predominantly
Mines, London, England pyritic ore with an approximate average grade o f 1.3% Zn
and 1.0% Cu, together with trace amounts o f Pb, As and
Ag. The complex lensoid geometry of the orebody is re-
553.067: 553.277:553.661.21 (484.3) solved in terms of the disjunction of a single stratiform unit
by tight isoclinal folding and componental movements,
Synopsis probably involving both translation and rotation.
Enrichment o f sphalerite, chalcopyrite and, locally,
The Skorovas orebody is one of the chief stratiform base- galena within the magnetite-pyrite ores at the stratigraphic
metal deposits within the allochthonous greenstone belt top and margins o f the ore lenses is interpreted as a primary
o f the Central Norwegian Caledonides. It is contained in feature. The banded magnetite-pyrite ores are commonly
the volcanic level of a complex eruptive association of Lower associated with magnetitic cherts or jaspers and are thus
to Middle Ordovician age defined as the Gjersvik Nappe. The transitional in aspect to the thin, iron- and silica-rich, base-
rocks of this nappe are contained as a depressed segment metal-depleted, exhalative sedimentary horizons that occur
of the larger K~li Nappe and defined to the north and extensively within the extrusive sequence of the Gjersvik
south, respectively, by the B~rgefjeli and Grong-Oiden Nappe. Theseare interpreted as the products o f settling o f
basement culminations. The principal components of this colloidal iron and silica hydrosols following explosive dis-
nappe are a plutonic infrastructure o f composite gabbroic persal into an oxidizing submarine environment. They are
intrusions within which has been emplaced a series o f valuable time-stratigraphic markers and indicators of way-up
dioritic to granodioritic (trondhjem itic) bodies that form in complicated structures and are a potentially valuable tool
the roots of a consanguineous submarine polygenic volcanic in exploration for massive sulphide bodies formed in limited
sequence. The eruptive rocks are overlain unconformably reducing environments,
by a sequence of polymict conglomerates and calcareous
flysch sediments, the composition of which suggests The belt of metamorphosed Lower Palaeozoic rocks, chiefly
immediate derivation by erosion from the underlying of Ordovician age, within which the important stratiform
igneous complex. pyritic copper- and zinc-bearing orebodies of the Scandina-
Pre-tectonic segregations, veins and vesicle fillings of vian Caledonides are located extends over 1500 km from
epidote, albite, chlorite, carbonate and quartz related to Rogaland in southwestern Norway to Nord Troms. The
primary volcanic flow structures in the lava pile provide divisions of this complex metallogenic belt have been described
evidence of pervasive inositu sea-floor metamorphism, and by Vokes 73 and Vokes and Gale,75 and Fig. 1 shows the
this interpretation is verified by the abundance o f nearly relationship of the principal districts to the thrust front of
monomineralic epidote clasts in the derived conglomerates. the Caledonian allochthon. The culminations of the under-
The relationship of the eruptive and sedimentary suites lying Precambrian basement; together with the effects of
is interpreted in terms of the evolution o f an ensimatic erosion, have produced the segmentation of the allochthon
island arc, o f Lower to Middle Ordovician age, which under- on which the division into separate districts is broadly based.
went uplift and erosion prior to emplacement on the Fenno- Structural and stratigraphic correlations along the length of
scandian basement during the climactic stages of collision the belt are made difficult by the structural complexity of
tectonism o f the Caledonian Orogeny in Silurian times. the allochthon, the sparsity of fossil remains and the pene-
The entire igneous and sedimentary assemblage has been trative effects of tectonic deformation and regional meta-
affected by the tectonic stages of allochthonous emplace- morphism. Sufficiently detailed studies have been made,
ment, but the gross differences in competence between the however, in the regions of South Trbndelag (Trondheim
component lithologies has resulted in a particularly hetero- district), 49,s~ North Tr~ndelag (Grong-Gjersvik
district) 4~ and the geographically adjacent areas of
Jamtland and Va'sterbotten in Sweden e1~2~3 to show that
*UNESCO-lUGS International Geological Correlation Programme,
project no. 60: Correlation of Caledonian stratabound sulphides. the stratiform ores of Skorovas, Joma, Stekenjokk, L~kken
Norwegian--British contribution no. 1. and R6ros lie within the K61i Nappe, which is the upper

structural unit of the Seve-K6li Nappe complex first de- rocks from district to district. In general, the Ordovician
fined by TSrnebohm. 6s The broad correlation within the host rocks comprise a varied assemblage of supracrustal
K61i structural level can reasonably be carried into the volcanic and sedimentary rocks with closely associated
Sulitjelma district of Nordland, 39,8~ and in all probability plutonic masses of ultrabasic, basic and acid composition.
this correlation can be extended into the ore district of The conspicuous quantity of basaltic to andesitic volcanics
Nord Troms. in the supracrustal sequences, taken together with their
It is clear that the separate districts that comprise the deformed and metamorphosed condition, ranging in grade
Ordovician province of stratiform pyritic ores lie at a broadly from lower greenschist to almandine amphibolite facies,
comparable structural level in the Caledonian allochthon of has led to the familiar use of the terms greenschist and
the Scandinavian peninsula, but there are significant differ- greenstone in descriptions of the stratigraphy of various
ences in the stratigraphy and metamorphic grade of the host districts. 61 Goldschmidt 22 early lent authority to this
usage by defining the 'Stamm der grQnen Laven und
I ntrusivgesteine' as an important constituent rock kindred
of the south and central parts of the Caledonian allochthon
at the structural level now under discussion.
It is generally recognized that the stratiform pyritic ore-
bodies have a close genetic relationship to the volcanic rocks
with which they are associated 73 and that this relationship
originated with the formation of tholeiitic and calc-alkaline
eruptives at the margins of the Caledonian orogen in
Ordovician times. 15,16,47,75 The genetic process that re-
lates the ores and host rocks has been masked by the effects
of metamorphic recrystallization and polyphase deform-
ation, which affected both ores 73,74 and host rocks during
the process of allochthonous tectonic emplacement conse-
quent upon collision of the Scandinavian and Laurentian
cratons during Middle Silurian times. 1~ The palaeo-
environmental interpretation of the rock assemblages con-
tained in the structural elements of the KSli nappe is
clearly of the greatest importance in interpreting the genesis
of the associated ores; in a region of the tectonic complexity
displayed by the Caledonian allochthon, however, it is clear
that the primary geological framework must be established
by a study of the field relationships at a level of regional
detail such that the ore deposits can be considered at the
scale of the geological phenomenon responsible for their
formation. If a volcanogenic origin is postulated, an under-
standing of the volcano-stratigraphy and structure in an
area that extends from 1 to 10 km outside the orebody itself
must be sought. This has been the basis on which the
present study of the environment of the Skorovas deposit
was undertaken.

Regional structural and stratigraphic setting

Existing knowledge of the major structural and stratigraphic
units of the Grongfelt originated with the regional geological
mapping undertaken by Statsgeolog Steinar Foslie 12,14 during
the period 1922-27, the details of which were amplified
and interpreted by T. Strand 14 and C. Oftedahl. More recent
regional studies by Zachrisson 81 in the adjacent Swedish
area of J~mtland and V~sterbotten have given an idea of
the succession of structural units within the K~li Nappe
sequence between the Grong and Stekenjokk areas. A com-
pilation from these sources is made in Fig. 2, which shows
the main second-order tectonic divisions that have been
recognized within the K6li level of the Seve-K61i nappe.
Combining the terminologies of Foslie, 12 Oftedahl 41 and
Zachrisson, 81 there are four divisions to be recogr~ized. The
first and uppermost of these is the Gjersvik Nappe, within
which lie the Skorovas (Sk) and Gjersvik (Gj)orebodies.
Below this lies the Leipik Nappe, within which, by extending
the structural interpretation of Zachrisson, the Joma
orebody (Jo) must lie. Below this lies the Gelvernokko
Fig. 1 Synoptic geological map of Scandinavian Nappe and, finally, the Lower K~li Nappe unit, within which
Caledonides showing main districts of stratiform volcano- are situated the Stekenjokk orebodies (St) (the Stekenjokk
genic ores at KSli structural level maim and the Levimalm). 82





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The broad classification into the second-order tectonic The rocks of the Gjersvik Nappe have, so far, yielded no
units shown in Fig. 2 provides a useful basis for descriptions fossil remains to give a basis for precise dating and correla-
of the regional geology, but the exact status of the second- tion with stratigraphies in adjacent segments of the Seve-
order thrust boundaries is difficult to establish because K61i Nappe. The volcanic and plutonic units of the
these are taken, for the most part, to follow stratigraphic Gjersvik eruptive complex do, however, bear certain simi-
boundaries. 41~1 For the purpose of the present discussion, larities to the rocks of the St6ren Group 72 in the
however, the precise location of the second-order structures Trondheim region. The St~ren Group, locally, overlies
and their relative tectonic status is less important than the schists of the Gula Group containing Dictyonema flabelli-
plutonic and stratigraphic relationships preserved within the forme. 62 The contact between the two groups is, however,
Gjersvik Nappe itself. In Fig. 2 the upper tectonic contact markedly tectonic 16 and, thus, the graptolite fossil evidence
with the Helgeland Nappe 23 is clearly defined. The plutonic can only be used to suggest a possible maximum age of
and supracrustal stratigraphy is revealed in the passage from Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician (Tremadocian) for the
southwest to northwest across the area of the map covering St~ren Group, and it is conceivable that the tholeiitic
the Gjersvik Nappe. Without precise knowledge of the eruptive activity recorded in the St~ren sequence 16 could
relative ages and finer lithological divisions of the various have been initiated yet earlier in Cambrian time.
units the following sequence is conspicuous. Large masses It has generally been proposed that the Gjersvik Group
of gabbro and granodiorite (trondhjemite) in the southwest is of equivalent age to the St6ren Group 45 and, by implic-
are succeeded spatially to the northeast by the Gjersvik vol- ation, that the two groups represent similar stages in the
canic greenstone sequence with the contained orebodies at morphological and magmatic evolution of the Caledonian
Skorovas and Gjersvik. A period of relative quiescence is orogenic margin in central Scandinavia. Stratigraphic and
indicated by the presence of a marble bed intermittently geochemical evidence suggests, however, that the eruptive
preserved at the uppermost level of the volcanic greenstone sequence of the Gjersvik Nappe is more evolved in terms of
sequence. The marble is best preserved in the terrain north calc-alkaline character 16,47 a matter that is given further

of the Limingen Lake, but a limited thickness is found to consideration in a later section of this paper. Gale and
the NNE of Skorovas mine in the terrain to the south of Roberts have therefore suggested that the Gjersvik erup-
Tunnsj~en. The volcanics with the overlying marble are tives are of younger age than those of the St~ren Group, 16
followed by a spectacular polymict conglomerate, the typi- and a partial correlation, at least, with the andesitic green-
cal aspect of which is shown in Fig. 12. The final part of stones of the Lower Hovin Group (Forbordfjell, H610nda
the sequence is made up by the clastic sediments of the and equivalent greenstones)53,72 seems reasonable. The age
Limingen group, composed by a variety of schistose conglo- of the youngest Gjersvik eruptives therefore probably lies
mer;atic, sub-arkosic and phyllitic rocks, the majority of within the Arenig-Caradocian range, whereas the graptoli-
which are distinctly calcareous. tic fauna of the Bogo shale within the Lower Hovin Group,
Oftedahl, 41 in his discussion of the nappe units of the which overlies the St~ren Group in the Trondheim region, is
Grongfelt, defined a thrust boundary of intermediate interpreted as belonging within the Didyrnograptus
significance that separates the polymict conglomerate and hirundo zone. 57 The St~ren Group thus has a defined
the Limingen sequence of calcareous and conglomeratic minimum age in the range Arenig to early Llanvirnian.
metasediments, so that the Gjersvik Nappe, in its original A further aspect of the stratigraphic correlation between
definition, does not include the Limingen Group. It seems the Lower and Middle Ordovician sequences in the Trond-
reasonable, however, to extend the compass of the Gjersvik heim and Grong districts concerns the tectonic and strati-
Nappe to include the sediments of this group, which seem graphic status of various polymict conglomerate horizons
to be laterally related, in part, to the basal polymict conglo- that occur at intervals within the Lower and Upper Hovin
merate and to have derived most of their clastic components Groups and, notably, that which overlies the Gjersvik
from the Gjersvik plutonics, greenstones and overlying eruptive sequence.
limestones. The widespread occurrence of conglomerates (Venna,


Basic - acid (quartz keratophyre} voIcanics
LASTERFJALL GROUP and tuffites ; calc p h y l l l t e s , l : m e s t
( Llandoverian } Lyngestein quartzite cong (Horg Disturbance)
~ . ~ ~ Vojtla quartzite cong

Ashgithan UPPER HOVIN Slate. greywacke RSYRVlK GROUP Joma greenstone

I GROUP Limestone s e r p e n t i n e , caic phyl[ites , cong[
Caradocian Volla polymict cong. ( Ekne Disturbance )

Caradocian Rhyolitic tuff LININGEN Calcareous phyl[ite , subarkose ,greywacke
Sandst , shale, l i m e s t GROUP
o GROUP Stokkvola polymict cong (Stokkvola Disturbance ) - - - - Havdalsvatn polymict cong (Gjersvik Disturbance)
Jonsvatn greenstone , H~londa andesite Locally preserved l i m e s t (marble) I
GJERSVIK TholeiJtic - calc atka[ine eruptive greenstone sequence I
Slate. s a n d s t
GROUP basatts ,andesites, k e r a t o p h y r e / d a c i t e with major
Arenlg Venna potymict cong (Trondheim Disturbance} intrusions of gabbro diorite and trondhjemite
Arenig STSREN Tholeiitic eruptive greenstone sequence of
I GROUP basalts with gabbro intrusions and minor
I trondhjemite and quartz keratophyre.

I GULA GROUP Schists and quartzites with
Nica schists etc (Guia Group - ? Seve equivalent )
CAMBRIAN trondhjemite intrusions

Fig.3 Inferred stratigraphic correlation between Lower Palaeozoic sequences to south and north of Grong Culmination.
Correlation is approximate and based on information from Vogt, 72 Zachrisson, 82 Oftedahl 45 and Roberts. 53 Tectonic
disjunction within the two areas is shown schematically by oblique parallel lines

Lille Fundsj~ and Steinkjer conglomerates) 53 at the base tectonized envelopes and the intrusion of the complete
of the Lower Hovin Group, overlying the St~ren Group, range of basic to acid plutonic rocks evidently took place
led Holtedahl 26 to propose a tectonic event of regional prior to the main tectonic event, which led to the emplace-
significance that he termed the Trondheim Disturbance. ment of the Gjersvik Nappe within the allochthon and
Further comparative studies of stratigraphy in the Trond- which was also responsible for the generation of major
heim region led to the recognition of similar polymict isoclinal folds and the early axial plane schistosity that is
conglomerates at higher stratigraphic levels. Vogt 72 generally well developed within rocks of the volcanic
identified an Ekne (Caradocian) Disturbance and also move- sequence.
ments in the Lower Silurian which produced the basal quart- Because of gross differences in competence between the
zite conglomerate of the Horg Group (Lyngestein Conglo- various rock types, notably between the plutonic masses
merate), which identified a Horg Disturbance. Further work and the supracrustal volcanic cover, this particularly hetero-
by Roberts 53 has suggested additional refinements to the geneous style of deformation characterizes the intermediate
chronology of uplift and erosion in the Trondheim District level of the Gjersvik Nappe, the pattern being controlled,
during the mid-Ordovician, a separate event in Mid-Lower Hovin on the largest scale, by the form of the major gabbro, diorite
times being marked at the level of the Stokkvola conglo- and granodiorite bodies. Within the volcanic sequence it-
merate. 53 Tectonic evolution in the Trondheim region in self, high-level doleritic dykes and sills, together with
Lower to Middle Ordovician time was evidently punctuated compact dacitic flows and their spilitized aphanitic
by episodes of vertical uplift and erosion, the Trondheim equivalents, exert a more local influence.
Disturbance being but the first of these. The polymict In common with adjacent parts of the allochthon, s132
conglomerate, which overlies the Gjersvik eruptives at the the history of regional deformation can be resolved in terms
base of the Limingen sedimentary series, evidently records a of two major stages, the first of which produced the prin-
disturbance of the Trondheim type, which, to avoid confu- cipal Caledonian 'grain' of the terrain, creating isoclinal folds
sion, will be named the Gjersvik Disturbance. This distur- of the style illustrated in Fig. 5, and imposing the early
bance is probably most closely related in age to the schistosity mentioned above. It was during this stage that
Stokkvola event. 53 the main thrust and slide horizons that separate the plutonic
Fig. 3 shows the inferred general stratigraphic correlation and volcanic levels of the Gjersvik eruptive sequence were
between the Lower Palaeozoic sequences in the Grong and established. The plutonic bodies evidently behaved as
Trondheim regions. Zachrisson82 has cited the faunal massive tectonic wedges, piercing and, in part, overriding
evidence in support of a (Lower ?) Silurian age for the the superjacent volcanics to create the present pattern.
Stekenjokk orebodies, which lie within the lower part of It should be emphasized that such planes of high tectonic
the sequence of basic to acid volcanic rocks composing the strain also exist in several lesser orders within the volcanic
upper part of the Lasterfjall Group (Fig. 2); this means that sequence. These surfaces, as was noted above, are similarly
the rocks composing the Gjersvik, Leipik and Gelvernokko formed at lithologicaiboundaries, showing marked con-
nappes and the upper parts of the Lower K61i Nappe have a trasts in competency, and can partly be explained in terms
probable age range from Lower Ordovician to Lower of componental movements along the thinned and extended
Silurian, matching the age range of the Trondheim Super- limbs of isoclinal folds of the early basaltic lavas and pillow
group as defined by Gale and Roberts. 16 The Skorovas breccias. These rocl~s, under the influence of intense local
and Gjersvik ore deposits lie within the Gjersvik Group of strain, suffer a complete penetrative reorganization of
volcanic greenstones and must be approximately Lower to their mineralogy to form chlorite-albite-epidote schists
Middle Ordovician in age. It is, however, interesting that in devoid of any earlier volcanic fabric. In the field the exis-
the Stekenjokk area, accepting the fossil evidence of tence of these surfaces and the flattening produced in the
Zachrisson, conditions suitable for the formation of strati- adjacent units creates a peculiarly lenticulated style of
form pyritic ores also existed in Lower-Middle Silurian deformation through which the early isoclinal fold pattern
times. must be traced. The 'lenticulate style' appears to be a
characteristic feature of highly deformed volcanostratigraphy
Tectonic style within Skorovas area of Gjersvik Nappe and associated plutonics in other regions, notably in the
Mauretanides of WestAfrica (G. Pouit, personal communi-
The programme of field mapping in the Skorovas area, with
cation). Minor fold structures of the early generation are not
which the present writers have been actively involved since
conspicuously evident within the volcanostratigraphy and
1971, was designed to re-examine the major structural and
are best observed in the finely stratified tuff bands and
lithological boundaries within the plutonic to volcanic se-
associated cherts and iron-rich chlorite schists of the
quence of the Gjersvik Group and to extend, as far as
possible, the geological interpretations of Foslie and exhalit~ facies (Fig, 7(a)). They can also be mapped over
several tens of metres by following coherent chert horizons,
Oftedahl as they affect the Skorovas area. Mapping in the
acid tuff bands and dykes, and thence into the larger iso-
scale range of 1:2000 to 1:10 000 has also enabled the
first serious attempt to delineate the principal lithologies clines of the type illustrated in Fig. 5.
within the volcanic sequence, which were uniformly desig- The configuration of these larger isoclines, taken to-
nated as greenstones by Foslie 12 off the 1:100 000 scale gether with the stratigraphic and structural evidence provid-
map of the Trones quadrangle. The Skorovas area, as shown ed by the mapping of the surface of unconformity separat-
in Fig. 4, lies close to the eastern boundary of one of the ing the eruptive sequence and the conglomerate series, de-
main plutonic massifs of the Gjersvik Nappe. From Fig. 2 monstrates, at the present level of erosion, that the volcanic
it is clear that the massifs have distinctly tectonic boundaries sequence in the Skorovas district lies inverted within the
of low to intermediate angle (Fig. 6). The plutonic rocks lower limb of a major southeast-facing fold, the identity of
within these boundaries frequently preserve their original which can be broadly equated with the Gjersvik Nappe.
igneous fabrics, little modified by the penetrative effects of The second stage of deformation, superimposed on the
tectonic deformation. The volcanic rocks and minor intru- grain of the early isoclines and schistosity, has created an
sives outside them, in contrast, generally show intense open system of broad folds, which have resulted in an
penetrative tectonic fabrics. The plutonic massifs all have + irregular pattern of dome and basin structures, the major

axes of which evidently bear a relationship to the contacts early schistose fabric, together with the several orders of
of the plutonic massifs lying to the west and north (Figs. 2 internal thrust horizons, was a consequence of the stresses
and 4(a)). The formation of the open dome and basin imposed during the main stage of emplacement of the
structures is accompanied by further movements along the allochthon during Mid-Silurian times. (2) The second gener-
low-angle planes generated during the first stage of deform- ation of tectonic structures is considered to have been im-
ation. These movements led to the creation of minor folds posed upon the first as a consequence of equilibration be-
and a second-stage crenulation cleavage, which is typically tween the depressed Scandinavian basement and the imposed
local and specifically associated with these horizons of load of the allochthon. The depression of the granitic base-
high strain. The scale of the phenomenon is variable and ment into a field of higher temperature and pressure can
Fig. 7(b)) shows part of the well-developed belt of second- have given rise to plasticity of the basement, enabling local
stage folding in the volcanic sequence at the southwestern isostatic adjustments to take place by the initiation of a
margin of the Gr~ndalsfjell massif. The vergence of the system of domes and basins in the basement. The second
axial planes of these and other similar late folds implies that fold phase in the Skorovas region is interpreted as a conse-
the principal tectonic stress responsible for this deformation quence of forces imposed on the volcanic sequence by the
was imposed from a west to northwest direction. massive plutonic bodies as they slid under the influence of
The deformation history can be interpreted in the follow- gravity in an east to northeast direction from the flanks of
ing way. (1) Creation of the nappe, isoclinal folds and the a basement dome in the vicinity of the Gronq culmination.

Fig. 4 Simplified geological map (a) of Skorovas area with line of section (Fia. 5) indicated (SSV. Store Skorovatn:
GR. Grubefjellet; ONV, (Z)verste Nes~va~net; TV, Tredjevatnet; BI, Bl~hammeren; HV, Havdalsvatnet)and synoptic map
(b) (see page 134) of principal structural trends

In addition to the fold and low- to intermediate-angle P l u t o n i c m e m b e r s o f Gjersvik eruptive sequence in
thrust structures created during the first two periods of Skorovas area
folding, the topography and geology of the Skorovas area On the 1:100 000 scale map of the Trones quadrangle com-
has been strongly influenced by the formation of a complex piled from the work of Foslie 12 the plutonic rocks of the
system of high-angle faults and fractures. For the most Skorovas area occur in two groups. The first group com-
part these have suffered small displacement of the order of prises the tectonically bounded massifs of Gr~ndalsfjell and
metres, but along the southwest contact of the Gjersvik Nes~piggen, which, though they have strongly tectonized
eruptive complex with the polymict conglomerate oblique envelopes, preserve much of their original igneous fabric in
slip normal faulting has resulted in a vertical displacement
the interior. The second group occurs as an arcuate belt
of the order of 500 m (Figs. 4(a) and 5). The trend of
lying within the volcanic succession to the north, west and
these fractures is predominantly in a NNE to northeast
south of the Skorovas ore deposit (Fig. 4(a)). The plutonic
direction and their formation post-dates the main periods of
rocks of this belt have been subjected to the penetrative
folding in the area. The late fracture patterns in the
deformation that affected the enclosing volcanic rocks and
Skorovas area remain a problem for future investigation.
have responded tectonically as part of the volcanic level
In all probability they can be attributed to the final stages
during deformation.
of Caledonian tectonism, but the influence of later events, The plutonic rocks of the Skorovas area were divided
such as basement reactivation during Mesozoic rifting, by Foslie into two principal compositional groupings, as
cannot be discounted. shown in the map of the Trones quadrangle. 12 Gabbros

\ ,~" /
\ ~\\ \ / / /
\ ~ \ 9 / / /
\ \ \ "-..I / / /
Y /
.~..~_..~_~ - - ....._~ / / /

td /" \ ...~-- / I-----

I! / /~',,.~....,_-.__. //
II ~-- /////
I I "~' "" /IIL/I'~ ~,x / //// 1,/ / /
I I i( // I~~L-~, I / . /~'/"///'." /
I I ; / ~,' VI ]/ / / ./ _ /// / / / ." /

I I ,~ / / | ! _~-"~-"~ /. . ~. / . /-- / _/ / / .,-- ,./

_../ l/
/ l V ~
I ~,-',n/--"
I ~[ / ~ - : /
--- /
.: -

_.i > ~ - " % ~ , ''LJ /

" lII/1
'~. ,
~ .~/'_/ / ./_/

-----~~ i ' // / // //_/ /

/..~'/ ~ ,< // / / ./" ,./
..../'< // ~ / ' " .///, / / /
I</ . < ' ~ - - ~ (.C/.#'~/ /,< 7 7 / / / / 77
/" ~---j~ ._1 . ~/ ./ /
/ /i x~/_./ ..~1/'3<" .." / >"
/ / /",~ ..,..j / x / / ~ . / / /

Skorovas orebody
--..-~,,-~-~~ ~ / f2axial trace
~"---.L__J j / / 0 1 2 3kin ...~ "A'''c" fl c[eclvclqe
/ I, I I I ~..~
/ ~.. Skorovasklumpen-
// Grendalsfjell
/ tectonic
-/ discontinuity
(b) I







rJ 3



Fig. 6 Panoramic view of southeast margin of Gr~ndalsfjell massif seen from point of
vantage on trondhjemite intrusive of Skorovas intrusive arc. Major thrust horizon
separates diorite and gabbro (d) together with hornfelsed envelope (x) from structurally
underlying schistose extrusives (e). A further thrust separates extrusives from
trondhjemite (t) in foreground. Location of photograph (Fig. 7 (b)) shown by crossed
circle at far left of vista

of various facies were distinguished and at the opposite end massif provide spectacular evidence of their relative ages.
of the compositional scale trondhjemite, tectonized granite The earliest intrusives are fresh layered olivine gabbros,
and granitic dykes and sills were also shown. There is no which occur as large xenolithic masses or rafts with
reference on the map to the occurrence of intermediate maximum dimensions of the order of 70 m x 200 m, con-
dioritic rocks in the immediate area of Skorovas, although tained in a matrix of metamorphosed gabbro and horn-
Foslie was undoubtedly aware of their existence because blende diorite. The cumulus layering of the gabbro bodies
diorites are mapped as a thin border zone to the north of is sub-vertical in attitude with a predominantly east-west
the Gr~ndalsfjell massif and to the west of Heimdalshaugen. trend. This must be accepted as evidence of significant
The detailed mapping carried out by the present writers post-cumulus displacement.
has shown that dioritic rocks of intermediate composition The composition of the layered gabbro varies from troc-
form an important component in the plutonic sequence and tolite to hypersthene gabbro and in all facies hypersthene
that a definite relative chronology of intrusion can be occurs, either as a reaction rim around olivine or as indepen-
recognized. dent ophitic grains. The mineralogy of the gabbro ~sthus
It has already been noted that the plutonic sequences in compatible with crystallization from a tholeiitic magma.25'67
the Gr~ndalsfjell and NesSpiggen massifs and the plutonic The nature of the xenolithic relationship is shown in
bodies that compose the arcuate intrusive belt (Fig. 4) are Fig. 8(a), and it is clear that the hornblende diorite is a
tectonically separated, and it is convenient to discuss their major component of the Gr~ndalsfjell massif. The
plutonic histories separately. peripheral contacts of the fresh layered gabbro with the
diorite display a distinctive pattern of retrograde alteration,
which partly follows the primary igneous layering and
Grdndalsfjell massif partly exploits crosscutting joints to produce a distinctive
The starkly exposed rocks that compose the Gr~ndalsfjell weathered surface (Fig. 8(b)). The alteration leads to the

uralitization and chloritization of the augite and hypers- as a result of episodic deuteric crystallization from hydrous
thene, the serpentinization of the olivine and saussuritic fluids circulating within the largely consolidated dioritic
degradation of the calcic plagioclase to produce albite, body. These rocks can be justifiably described as appinites,
epidote, clinozoisite and calcite. In the troctolitic facies and their presence implies that the level of exposure seen
of the gabbro the growth of considerable quantities of in the eastern margin of the Gr~ndalsfjell massif corres-
chlorite within the plagioclase accompanies this breakdown. ponds to the upper portion of a differentiated dioritic
The alteration is ascribed to the contribution of water body.2S, 78
from the dioritic magma, which led to aretrograde sub- At the margins of the hornblende diorite, close to the
solidus hydration in the pre-existing mass of layered contact of the plutonic mass with the enclosing greenstones,
gabbro. a quartz-diorite facies occurs locally.
The various facies of altered gabbro may extend for a At least two generations of impersistent basic dykes cut
considerable distance beyond the boundaries of the fresh both the gabbro and the diorite with its appinitic facies. The
layered rocks, and the distinction between altered gabbro dykes are thin, usually less than 20 cm in width, and have a
and hornblende diorite is made in the field on the basis of northeastery trend with steep dips to the northwest. They
the persistence of fluxion banding and layered structure are composed of fine-grained hornblende and plagioclase,
within the surrounding aureole of hydration. The horn- together with minor iron oxides, and are locally porphyritic
blende diorite is characteristically composed of subhedral with plagioclase crystals up to 7 mm long.
dark green grains of hornblende together with saussuritized The final eruptive event within the Gr~ndalsfjell complex
plagioclase of intermediate composition and accessory was the emplacement of a swarm of leucocratic porphyritic
Fe-Ti oxides. The iron oxides are frequently altered to granodiorite dykes, which show a predominantly north-
sphene and the hornblende is generally partly chloritized. easterly trend and dip steeply to the northwest. The dykes
One of the most striking features of the hornblende are commonly 1 - 2 m thick and can be followed for dis-
diorite is the occurrence of coarse patches and pegmatoidal tances of 1 - 2 km before they pinch out. Close to the
veins, 0.5-3 m wide, consisting of euhedral hornblendes, margins of the plutonic mass, and also within it, these
commonly up to 10 cm in length, set in a matrix of dykes show well-developed tectonic foliation and, locally,
andesine feldspar together with accessory amounts of mylonitic facies, which demonstrates that the northeast-
magnetite and pyrite. The pegmatoid veins show rhythmic trending fracture system has been the focus of significant
banding parallel to their contacts. This can be interpreted post-intrusion tectonic strain. The granodiorite dykes are
composed dominantly of sodic plagioclase (roughly of

Fig. 8 Northeast face of Gr~ndalsfjell massif displaying

Fig. 7 Typical dislocated isoclinal style seen in minor occurrence of rafts of unaltered layered gabbro (dark)
folds of first generation in chert bands to south of within dioritic matrix (a) (top) (rafts are of the order of
Nes~klumpen (a) (top) and (b)localized post-schistosity 6 0 - 1 0 0 m x 200 m) and (b) field appearance of hydrated,
folding and incipient crenulation cleavage of second uralitized envelope that borders large xenolithic masses of
generation formed in zone of high strain in schistose fresh layered gabbro on Gr~ndalsfjell (Fig. 8(a). Troctolitic
greenstones adjacent to tectonic boundary of G r~ndalsfjell gabbro shows strong differential weathering of pyroxene,
massif. Location of photograph is shown in caption to feldspar and olivine, producing pitted surface. Uralitized
Fig. 6 assemblage weathers uniformly by comparison

ol igoclase composition), quartz and accessory m icrocline, One of the conspicuous features of the mineralogy of the
biotite, hornblende and sphene. The ferromagnesian amphibolite facies rocks of Skorovasklumpen is that
minerals are generally partly chloritized and the feldspars pyrrhotite replaces pyrite as the accessory iron sulphide -
have been variably altered to fine micaceous aggregates an observation that is readily made in the field. The
(sericite or paragonite). Because of the modal composition amphibolitic lavas locally display distinct pentrative tec-
of these dykes, which is dominantly oligoclase together tonic lineation of the amphiboles, and this lineation can be
with quartz and with only accessory amounts of potash observed in the amphibolitized volcanic xenoliths in the
feldspar, the rocks may properly be described as trondh- diorite. Amphibolite grade metamorphism evidently took
jemite in the sense of the definition applied by Goldschmidt place under the influence of early tectonic stresses with
in 1916. 22 which the emplacement of the gabbro-diorite massif was
This summary of the igneous relationships preserved partly synchronous. The establishment of a precise chrono-
within the plutonic massif of Gr~ndalsfjell shows clearly Iogy for these events will depend upon the evidence provid-
that a considerable volume of dioritic magma was emplaced, ed by future detailed petrographic work. It is probable,
probably at an intermediate to high crustal level, evidently however, that the contact aureole of the Gr~ndalsfjell
b y invading a pre-existing mass of layered gabbro, which is massif and the amphibolitic rocks of Skorovasklumpen com-
the oldest and presumably the deepest representative of pose a continuum within the field of low to intermediate
the plutonic assemblage in the Skorovas area. It may be pressure in which regional and contact metamorphism
added that magmatism must also have been bimodal - that converge. 34
is to say that the magmas were supplied from two genetically
different sources, the first tholeiitic and the second calc- Rocks of the arcuate intrusive belt
alkaline. A range of similar igneous relationships occurs in
the Nes,~piggen massif to the south (Fig. 4). The intrusive arc differs from the plutonic massif of
In addition to the main gabbro-diorite body of the Gr~ndalsfjell in three distinctive ways: (1) no unmetamor-
Gr~ndalsfjell massif delineated by Foslie on the map of the phosed gabbroic bodies have been found in which a
plagioclase-pyroxene-olivine assemblage is preserved;
Trones quadrangle, a significant mass of 'fine-grained gabbro'
is also shown lying directly to the north of Skorovatn. This (2) penetrative deformation has produced distinctly tec-
tonic fabrics throughout most of the arc and mineral
forms the imposing topographic feature of Skorovasklumpen
assemblages are reduced, for the most part, to those stable
in the basal slope of which lies the extension of the main
within the greenschist facies; and (3) quartz-rich dioritic to
thrust surface, which is interpreted as separating the tectoni-
granodioritic rocks compose a large part of the complex and
cally 'massive' plutonic level from the highly deformed
volcanic level. This feature is shown on the geological map the eastern extremity of the arc joins a large granodiorite
of the Skorovas area and in the accompanying structural mass to the south of Tunnsj~en (see Fig. 4(a)).
synth'esis (Fig. 4). Investigation has shown that Skorovask- Apart from these significant differences, which can pro-
lumpen and the narrow belt of similar character that can bably be explained in terms of the higher level of emplace-
be followed along the eastern margin of the Gr~ndalsfjell ment of the arc complex within the volcanic sequence, the
massif are composed predominantly of metamorphosed relative chronology of intrusive episodes in the arc is the
basic volcanic rocks, together with interbands of acid same as that observed in the Gr~ndalsfjell massif. The most
(dacitic-keratophyric) composition and a proportion of basic rocks are the oldest and the successively younger
high-level basic intrusive material. The basic rocks of the intrusions become increasingly silicic.
The degree of deformation within the plutonic arc is
belt adjacent to the Gr~ndalsfjell massif are partly incorpor-
often extreme; but, locally, the original geometry of intru-
ated in a xenolithic screen of considerable complexity. The
sion is preserved as shown in Fig. 9. The range of composi-
original igneous contact of the diorite with the volcanic
tions present in the rocks of the arc is very wide and in-
country rocks is preserved intact within the main tectonic
cludes hornblende gabbro, diorite and granodiorite (trondh-
boundary (Fig. 4(a)) and can be mapped over a distance of
jemite). The definition of the petrographic character of
4 km. Original volcanic structures, notably pillow forms and
each generation is complicated by the incorporation of
vesicles, are preserved within xenolithic masses and testify
xenoliths of earlier basic volcanic and plutonic rocks as well
to the volcanic origin of the country rocks. Similar textural
as by extreme deformation, local silicification and reduc-
evidence of volcanic origin has been found within the basic
sequence that composes Skorovasklumpen. tion of the primary minerals to greenschist assemblages.
The reason for the classification of the rocks of
Skorovasklumpen as fine-grained gabbros by Foslie 12 and
other workers lies in their amphibolitic metamorphic grade,
which has produced a mineralogy dominated by hornblende
and intermediate to calcic plagioclase. The presence of
epidote as a constituent mineral throughout a significant
part of the amphibolitic sequence implies that these higher-
grade rocks span the epidote amphibolite facies to enter the
field of amphibolite facies. Since there is no association
with pelitic rocks, a precise description of the prograde
regional metamorphism of the basic rocks of the Skorovas
area depends chiefly upon a determination of the progressive
changes in the composition of the hornblende and plagio-
clase, which must await further detailed work. Broadly,
however, the mineral assemblages accord with the sequences
regarded by Miyashiro 31,32~36 as typical for the regional
metamorphism of mafic rocks at low to intermediate Fig. 9 Trondhjemitic net veining in mafic diorite and
pressure. hornblende gabbro on southwest Grubefjell

It is sufficient for the purposes of the present discussion to and adjacent competent flow units or intrusives. It is
confirm the presence of gabbro, diorite and trondhjemitic possible, however, in the vicinity of Skorovas, to observe
granodiorite as components of the arc and to suggest that pillowed sequences in which the original geometries are
these are, in part, equivalent to the plutonic complex ob- nearly preserved, as shown in Fig. 10. The dimensions of
served in the Gr~ndalsfjell massif. Prior to the major stages pillows are variable, but diameters within the range 0.5-2 m
of Caledonian deformation leading to the allochthonous are typical. In addition to pillowed basaltic flow units,
emplacement of the Gjersvik Nappe, it is assumed that the there is a significant volume of deformed meta-hyaloclastite
rocks of the intrusive arc and those of Gr~ndalsfjell were pillow breccia associated with the basaltic unit, which
part of the same complex plutonic continuum. structurally overlies the orebody (see Fig. 17). The pillow
breccia lithology is locally transitional to tuffaceous and
Volcanic rocks of Gjersvik eruptive sequence in Skorovas agglomeratic basic pyroclastic facies and can be traced
area and their metamorphic condition within a radius of 3 km around the orebody.
The abundance of amygdales, ranging in size from 2 to
The volcanic rocks of the Gjersvik eruptive complex are of
10 mm and, exceptionally, reaching sizes of 5 cm, indicates
geological and economic interest for they are the host rocks
that the lavas were erupted at relatively shallow depths,
of the Skorovas deposit. The volcanic succession has suffer- probably of the order of 100-500 m. 29~37 The primary
ed extremely from the effects of deformation and low- mineralogy has been completely replaced or pseudomorphed
grade metamorphism under conditions of the greenschist
by assemblages composed of chlorite, albite, epidote,
facies. These modifications, together with the primary
actinolite, calcite and sphene. Stilpnomelane, regarded by
complexity of the volcanostratigraphy, have been obstacles
Miyashiro 36 as atypical of low- to medium-pressure
to the systematic mapping of the greenstones.
It has long been recognized that the Gjersvik greenstones
are composed of a sequence of basic to acid rocks, includ-
ing basalts, andesites and keratophyres of distinctly spilitic
affinity. 21,41 Because of the confinement of systematic
geological studies to the immediate vicinity of the Skorovas
mine itself, previous summaries of the volcanic stratigraphy
have been limited. During the present study an attempt
has been made to document the range of primary volcanic
structures that can be observed at the macroscopic scale
within the acid and basic members of the stratigraphy and
to examine their geometry with respect to metamorphism
and deformation.
It is difficult to assess the relative volumes of basic and
acid rocks within the volcanic sequence, but it can be said
with confidence on the basis of regional mapping that, in
the general area of Skorovas, the dominant volcanic rock
types are basalts and basaltic andesities with lesser amounts
of andesitic and keratophyric rocks. This fact is apparent
from the relative outcrop of acid and basic rocks shown in
Fig. 4(a), although this can only be treated as an approxi-
mate guide. Because of the deformed and dislocated con-
dition of the sequence and the present level of erosion, the
maximum thickness of volcanics is difficult to assess. A
reasonable estimate based on constructed geological sec-
tions, taking into account the effects of tectonic flattening
and extension, can be given as 3 - 4 km.
The sedimentary component within the pile is limited
to very thin, but stratigraphically persistent, iron- and
silica-enriched beds produced as a result of chemical dis-
persion during volcanic activity. Banded calcareous
greenschists, which have been considered by previous
writers to be of sedimentary origin, can be explained as Fig. 10 A, Deformed basaltic pillow lavas observed on
tectonic facies originating from metamorphosed and northern slopes of Grubefjell below orebody. Cuspate
flattened basic flow units. bodies of grey chert that occupy interstices between
The primary mineralogy of all the rocks in the volcanic pillows are conspicuous. In cases of extreme deformation
succession has been degraded to assemblages of the survival of these chert bodies within chloritic schist provides
greenschist facies. Textural evidence shows that the crea- a useful guide to original volcanic structure of rocks.
tion of the greenschist facies assemblages took place during B, Basaltic pillows from flow exposed on southwest shore
two episodes, the first of which was prior to the first stage of Tredjevatnet. Eruption of pillowed basalts followed
of penetrative tectonic deformation. The evidence con- deposition of a dispersed exhalite horizon in vicinity of
firming this metamorphic chronology is best preserved with- Tredjevatnet centre. Layer of ferruginous silica gel, disturb-
in the basic members of the sequence. ed during eruption of the basalts, formed a jasper matrix
for the pillows. Chloritized chilled margin of pillows is
Basaltic and andesitic lavas conspicuous. Significant amounts of pyrite are also found
The state of deformation of the basaltic rocks varies in association with jasper pillow matrix, the pillow lavas
according to their position with relation to the early iso- lying stratigraphically but a few metres from horizon of
clinal folding, the numerous lower-order thrust horizons massive pyrite

regional metamorphic assemblages, is a conspicuous com- bodies, the mineralogy of which is predominantly epidote
ponent of the basaltic andesites in the mine area. This can with lesser amounts of albite, quartz, etc. These bodies
probably be explained in terms of the iron enrichment with dimensions of the order of tens of centimetres are
shown by these rocks (analysis 3, Table 1). Stilpnomelane, arranged parallel to the surfaces of the pillow structures or
in common with the other greenschist minerals, occurs as discontinuous layers parallel to flow surfaces within
dispersed throughout the body of the rock and also as massive basalts and basaltic andesites. The typical form
monomineralic fillings in amygdales and in crosscutting of these bodies is shown in Fig. 11.
veinlets. The dominant mineralogy of the amygdales within The epidote-rich segregations are evidently pre-tectonic.
the pillowed basalts varies widely. Combinations of two of During the first period of penetrative deformation the
the common greenschist mineral species are usual, involving chloritic mass of the pillowed basalts has tended to develop
quartz, epidote, calcite, chlorite, albite and pyrite. Actino- a good schistose fabric and the geometry of the pillows, as
lite is not usually found in amygdales. Within certain parts a whole, has become flattened to varying degrees. The
of the Skorovas area the dimensions of the amygdales and epidote layers have behaved as competent bodies and have
their mineralogy have been useful in discriminating between deformed by brittle fracturing; in extreme cases the
individual flow units, although amygdale mineralogy cer- epidote bodies are preserved as cataclastically reduced
tainly cannot be applied as a universally reliable criterion of streaks and boudins within the highly flattened pillows.
stratigraphy. The textural evidence clearly demonstrates that an
Within the more massive andesitic and basaltic rocks, important episode of greenschist metamorphism was re-
original flow textures are preserved by the orientation of sponsible for pervasive alteration and gross reorganization
the altered plagioclase microlites. Augite phenocrysts are of the mineralogy of the basic rocks prior to the tectonic
pseudomorphed by actinolite and chlorite and the acces- event responsible for the early penetrative schistosity in
sory iron-titanium oxides are largely replaced by sphene. the Skorovas region.
The basalts are not conspicuously porphyritic and igneous Deformation of the volcanic pile also took place under
textures are frequently concealed in the meshwork of fine conditions of the lower greenschist facies and the miner-
actinolite, chlorite, epidote-clinozoisite and albite into alogy established during the primary metamorphic episode
which the rocks have been transformed. was not changed, but tectonic facies were produced as a
The effects of greenschist metamorphism are not only result of further redistribution and segregation of the
apparent at the micro scale but are also demonstrated by various mineral species.
the gross redistribution of the rock components, which has The metamorphic alteration that took place in the
produced massive bands and lenticular knots and spheroidal earliest event prior to the deformation of the rocks can be

Fig. 11 A, Pillowed basaltic lavas from northwest of Havdalsvatn showing development of pre-deformational metamor-
phic segregrations of epidote-rich materials (e) parallel to pillow margins. During tectonic flattening epidote layer has re-
sponded by developing a system of brittle fractures. B, Lenticular segregation of epidote (e) of pre-deformation age in
massive andesitic lavas southeast of Store Skorovatn. Conjugate pattern of brittle fractures produced during deformation
of competent lenses is explicitly developed, as in generation of dilatant fractures filled with quartz, chlorite and carbonate

Table 1 Whole-rock analyses of Skorovas volcanics. Analyses (1-9) with average values of ocean-floor basalt (10; Cann4)
and island arc tholeiite (11, Pearce and Cann 46) for comparison. 1, Porphyritic quartz keratophyre, Grubefjell; 2,
quartz keratophyre, Grubefjell; 3, andesite with stilpnomelane, Grubefjell; 4, andesite, Grubefjell; 5, andesitic clasts in
agglomerate, Grubefjell; 6, pillowed basalt, Grubefjell; 7, pillowed basalt, Grubefjell; 8, basalt, 6 km southwest of Grubefjell;
9, basalt, northeast I~verste Nes~vatn

% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

SiO2 72.23 70.39 53.07 59.34 56.12 50.15 49.30 48.99 50.13 49.61 52.86
AI20 3 11.82 12.27 14.13 15.40 12.20 13.70 13.81 16.55 14.76 16.01 16.80
TiO2 0.80 0.27 0.77 1.06 0.96 1.54 1.89 1.30 1,24 1.43 0.83
Fe203 2.14 3.37 6.48 3.49 3.31 3o31 + + + + +
FeO 1.28 0.44 6.62 6.01 6.44 7.78 14.70" 13.97" 14.95" + +
MnO 0.03 0.01 0.19 0.23 0.11 0.16 0.21 0.17 0.15 0.18 +
MgO 0.36 0.45 4.40 2.68 4.70 4.70 5.49 5.74 6.00 7.84 6.06
CaO 1.27 0.24 4.66 2.38 4.44 4.89 4.92 5.33 3.50 11.32 10.52
Na20 7.50 8.00 5.21 7.50 6.25 8.81 6.47 6.88 7.30 2.76 2.08
K 20 0.07 0.02 0.51 0.19 0.02 0.52 0.43 0.66 0.55 0.22 0.44
P2Os 0.24 0.03 0.10 0.18 0.12 0.17 0.11 0.06 0.03 0.14 +
Loss on
ignition 1.06 2.24 1.90 2.24 3.57 2.81
Total Fe as
Fe20 3 3.56 3.86 13.83 10.17 10.46 11.95 + + + 12.63 11.45

Total 98.90 99.49 98.04 100.70 98.24 98.54 99.54 99.64 98.24

* Total Fe as FeO.
+ Valuenot obtained by analytical method used.

ascribed to contemporaneous alteration of the volcanic thonous transport of the Gjersvik Nappe. This is easily
rocks in situ as a result of the thermally driven circulation demonstrated on a local scale by the pervasive schistose
of sea water in the upper layers of the lava pile close to fabric of the matrix and the distinctive stretching of the
the site of eruption on the Ordovician sea-floor. Consider- competent clasts parallel to the axes of the early isoclinal
able evidence has accumulated in recent years to show folds (Fig. 12(A)). Itcan also be demonstrated on a regional
that in-situ alteration of the mineralogy of submarine scale by mapping the level of unconformity through the
basalts to produce assemblages of greenschist and lower isoclinal folds of the first deformation (see Fig. 5).
amphibolite facies is a phenomenon of wide occurrence The conglomerate is composed of boulders directly
within the upper layers of the sea-floor. 33~s Humphris 27 derived from the plutonic and volcanic sequence that under-
recognized that the metamorphic assemblages in recent lies it. Locally, the composition is dominated by marble
submarine basalts from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge can be divid- clasts with associated pebbles of jasper, and in other places
ed into chlorite-dominated and epidote-dominated types. the clast population is dominated by boulders of phaneritic
It is suspected that this division reflects a process of meta- granodiorite (trondhjemite), diorite, meta-gabbro and
morphic segregation similar to that seen in the basalts various of the resistant volcanic rocks. Pebbles of kerato-
of the Gjersvik sequence. phyre are common, but of greatest interest are the pebbles
The in-situ hydrothermal alteration processes evidently of the metamorphic epidote assemblage (Fig. 12(B)), which
involve the convective circulation of large volumes of sea have evidently been derived by erosion of the metamor-
water relative to the altered rock. Water : rock ratios of the phosed basalts.
order o f > 104:1 were calculated by Spooner and Fyfe 59 Final and conclusive evidence is thus provided for a
and the alteration process is believed to extend to a depth of Lower-Middle Ordovician metamorphic event pre-dating
at least 2 km within the lava pile. 59,6~ the Gjersvik Disturbance. The metamorphism was produced
The in-situ sea-floor metamorphism of the Gjersvik vol- by the thermal and hydrothermal effects associated with the
canic sequence was evidently an important event and, as well contemporaneous eruptive activity embodied in the l
as causing gross mineralogical changes by chemical redistrib- Gjersvik Nappe. The tectonic movements involved in the
ution within the scale of individual flow units, bulk changes formation of the polymict conglomerate were predomin-
in the chemical composition of the lavas also occurred, ately vertical as opposed to lateral and must have been re-
leading to the conspicuously spilitic chemistries shown by lated to an early stage of tectonic evolution within the belt
the analysis in Table 1. of Lower-Middle Ordovician eruptives of which the Gjersvik
The recognition of the pervasive pre-deformation in-situ Complex was a part.
sea-floor metamorphism of the Gjersvik basalts also helps The status of a possible metamorphic event pre-dating the
to resolve the controversy that surrounds the tectonic status Trondheim Disturbance has been discussed elsewhere. 11'65
of disturbances of the Trondheim type. 11~51~55 The polymict Further investigation will probably reveal the ubiquity of
conglomerate that unconformably overlies the volcanic sea-floor-hydrothermal metamorphic assemblages as clastic
sequence was formed prior to deformation and alloch- constituents of the polymict conglomerates of the Venna

and equivalent horizons. It may be regarded as axiomatic Because of the deformation of the volcanic sequence and
that such assemblages should be incorporated into the the inherent lateral variability of the volcanostratigraphy it
conglomeratic rocks produced by episodic uplift of the is not possible to describe a unique and widely applicable
Ordovician sea-floor and that the history of metamorphism type succession. The distribution of the various facies of
would be as extended as the history of submarine volcanism. acid rocks within specific parts of the Skorovas area suggests
Magmatic activity in the belt continued after the that a minimum of four centres of acid pyroclastic eruption
erosional event. The evidence for this is provided by were active. Their products are preserved, as far as it is
quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes that cut both the eruptive possible to tell, at an approximately similar level in the
complex, the unconformity and the overlying conglomer- volcanic sequence. In the vicinity of the Skorovas orebody
ates prior to the first phase of deformation. These dykes there is stratigraphic evidence of at least two pyroclastic
are similar in composition to other granodioritic rocks levels, the lowest of which is exposed in the basal slope of
within the eruptive complex and are regarded as the latest Skorovasklumpen to the north of Store Skorovatn (this is
product of calc-alkaline magmatism within the Skorovas shown in Figs. 4(a) and 5).
area. The orebody itself evidently lies within the vicinity of
one eruptive focus, which will be called the Grubefjell
Acid to intermediate flows and pyroclastics Centre. The other centres, tentatively distingbished, lie
There are, within the Skorovas region, a range of acid lavas, west and southwest of Tredjevatnet (the Tredjevatnet
tuffs and agglomerates, which are locally abundant and Centre), to the east of Overste Nesavatn
o o
(the Nesavatn
form horizons that can be traced laterally over considerable Centre), and further east in the terrain near Blahammeren
(the Blahammeren
o Centre). The main belts of acid rocks
distances (see Fig. 4(a)). These rocks are of critical interest
because they are closely associated with both the Skorovas shown in Fig. 4(a) serve to identify these centres. It is
orebody itself and with a variety of iron- and silica-rich difficult to judge whether the centres represent independent
sediments, which, following the conceptual terminology of volcanic structures or lateral eruptions on the flanks of a
Carstens 6,7~s and Oftedahl, 42 are appropriately described single polygenetic edifice.
as 'exhalites'. The acid volcanic horizons show a range of well-preserved
pyroclastic fabrics to which Oftedahl 41,42 drew specific
attention. Various agglomeratic facies are visible in the
acid horizons in the immediate vicinity of the mine (see
Fig. 14). Distal pyroclastic facies include fine tuff bands
with associated exhalite sediments (Fig. 15(a)). Such
horizons are spread over large areas and are thus valuable
stratigraph ic markers.
Pyroclastic facies can frequently be traced laterally into
compact porphyritic and aphanitic bands of keratophyric
aspect - presumably, flows or highly modified tufts. In the
vicinity of the Blahammeren Centre porphyritic flows are
physically continuous with porphyry dykes from which the
eruptions appear to have originated. The dykes, in turn, can
be traced towards the large mass of trondhjemite that occurs
at the eastern end of the northern limb of the intrustive arc.
The disjunction caused by ddformation at the margins of
the intrusive masses and within the volcanic sequence, how-
ever, denies a conclusive statement concerning the connex-
ions between the plutonic and volcanic levels during clima-
tic episodes of acid eruptive activity.


9 9 O.EB.



Fig. 12 A, Typical appearance of polymict conglomerates

as seen to northwest of Havdalsvatnet. Flattened boulder of
trondhjemite (t) displays tectonic fracture pattern character-
istic of its brittle behaviour. Associated boulder of marble 0 50 1 0 150 200
(m) has deformed in a ductile fashion. B, Large pebbles of Zr ppm

pre-deformational epidote-rich metamorphic segregations Fig. 13 Plot of Ti versus Zr contents for Skorovas basic
derived by erosion from underlying lavas are a common extrusives (circles) and basic intrusives (triangles) showing
constituent of greenstone-bearing facies of polymict conglo- abundance of low potash (island arc) tholeiites (LKT).
merate. Example photographed close to unconformity on Distinct trend towards field of calc-alkaline basalts (CAB)
southern shore of Tredjevatnet and grouping towards ocean-floor basalt (OFB) also shown

Chemistries of the acid extrusive rocks from the Goldschmidt has given analyses of the type trondhjemites
Skorovas ore level are distinctly soda-rich (see analyses 1 and from the Trondheim district and from localities in western
2 in Table 1). Petrographically, the rocks display a modal Norway that show total Na20 values in the range 4.3-6.0
composition dominated by albite and quartz, occurring both wt ~ and K20 values in the range 1-2.5 wt ~ This
as phenocrysts and as the constituents in the aphanitic gives a typical Na20:K20 ratio for trondhjemite of the
groundmass, which is a mosaic of albitic plagioclase micro- order of 3:1. Partial analyses of three trondhjemitic rocks
iites and quartz. Whatever mafic silicates may have been from the Skorovas intrusive arc 56 show that the Na20
present are now represented by dispersed chlorite. Pyrite contents fall in the range 2 - 4 . 5 wt %and K 2 0 values fall
is usually present as an accessory. The rocks are properly in the range 1-2.5 wt %. Na20:K20 ratios are of the
described as quartz keratophyres 25,76 and, taking into order 1:1.5-3:1. This range is clearly of the right order for
consideration the analyses from the basaltic and inter- trondhjemitic to granodioritic rocks with SiO2 contents of
mediate rocks shown in Table 1, it is clear that the Skorovas about 70 wt %. The N a 2 0 : K 2 0 ratios of the spilitic
volcanic rocks are a spilitic suite. rocks are one to two orders of magnitude greater than those
The question is immediately raised as to the relationship seen in the regionally associated plutonics (see Table 1).
that such a volcanic suite might have to the plutonic rocks
at various structural levels in the immediate vicinity of
Skorovas. The brief account of the plutonic rocks given
above demonstrates the wide variation in the condition of
metamorphism and deformation displayed by these rocks;
there is no suggestion, however, that the compositions are
abnormally sodic and the feldspars, though degraded by
saussuritization, have original compositions in the range
labradorite, in gabbro, to oligoclase, in trondhjemite.

Fig. 14 9 Blocky pyroclastic texture (a) (top) seen in

keratophyric flow unit on Grubefjell about 1200 m west of Fig. 15 Exhalite horizon (a) (top) 2 km east of ~verste
Skorovas orebody. Pyroclastic fragments are slightly flatten- Nes~vatn. Stratigraphic sequence is complex and made up
ed add siliceous matrix stands out as a reticular pattern. of graded lapilli tufts overlain by pink to brown coloured
Flow is part of major acid horizon with which orebody is banded cherty sediments incorporating magnetite, hema-
associated. (b) Agglomeratic facies of keratophyric horizon tite, stilpnomelane and iron-rich amphiboles. Purple chert
shown in (a). Locality is in immediate vicinity of ore band shows isoclinal fold style of earliest deformation with
horizon above mine entrance on northeast Grubefjell. Acid conspicuous refraction of early cleavage. (b) Banded
fragments are partly silicified and tectonically flattened. A pyrite-magnetite sediment typical of reduced facies of
competent quartz vein with orientation close to principal iron-rich exhalites (vasskis). Large pyrite porphyrobasts
stress responsible for flattening during first stage of pene- have suffered cataclasis and dislocation to varying degrees.
trative deformation has responded by buckle folding Specimen from 1.5 km north of Blahammeren. Scale in cm

A comprehensive programme of whole-rock analysis is the various eruptive products in mature calc-alkaline arcs
being undertaken at the present time to establish the major and in immature tholeiitic arcs. Baker 2 has given some
differences in chemistry between the plutonic and the comparative estimates based on observations of the South
volcanic sequences, but it is clear that the most significant Sandwich Island volcanic sequence, and these are judged
chemical difference does lie in the conspicuous enrichment to be in the same order of proportion as those observed in
in sodium, which has evidently occurred in the whole range the Skorovas area, notably basalt >> andesite > dacite and
of the volcanic suite. ~hyolite (or their spilitized equivalents). In the case of
The chemical discrepancy displayed by the volcanic and mature calc-alkaline arcs the relationship is of a distinctly
plutonic suites of the Skorovas area has been the root of a different order - andesite ~ basalt. The field evidence,
lengthy controversy concerning the affinities of spilitic taken in conjunction with the supporting information from
rocks in general. The problem has been discussed by chemical analysis and petrographic examination, forces the
Wells, 76,77 Sundius 66 and Vallance, 69,7~ others, conclusion that the eruptives of the Skorovas area are, in
and it is clear, after the review of the problem by fact, the constituents of an immature island arc of Lower
Vallance, 69,7~ that the case for post-eruptive metasomatic to Middle Ordovician age formed within an ensimatic setting
alteration of alkali contents by circulating sea water is peripheral to the Laurentian or the Scandinavian craton.
strong. Taken in conjunction with the textural evidence The eruptive sequence, its magmatic evolution terminated,
described above, there seems little reason to doubt that the was emplaced as the structural and stratigraphic core of the
spilitic character of the Skorovas volcanic sequence is the Gjersvik Nappe during the climactic stages of the Caledonian
result of metasomatism, which accompanied the sea-floor orogeny in mid-Silurian times. The tectonic decapitation of
metamorphism of the volcanic rocks during Lower the island arc is believed to have originated with the collision
Ordovician times. This metasomatic alteration by circulation between the Scandinavian craton-arc margin and a
of heated sea water changed the chemistry of the rocks, Laurentian counterpart; 10,24 the tectonic transport in-
notably enhancing the Na20 content and concealing the volved in the process of emplacement is estimated to have
natural magmatic consanguineity of the volcanic and been at least 200-250 km. 16,17,63'64
plutonic rocks.
Skorovas orebody and peripheral exhalative mineralization
Magmatic affinity of Skorovas'eruptives and their The description of the volcanic host rocks given above
tectonic significance confirms the association between the Skorovas orebody and
The relative mobility of the major elements in basic and an eruptive sequence originating in an immature ensimatic
acid rocks during metamorphic alteration poses obvious island arc of Lower to Middle Ordovician age. It is appropriate
problems with regard to the determination of the magmatic to consider the morphology and mineralogy of the ore deposit
affinity of eruptive sequences and the confirmation of and the peripheral exhalite mineralization of the Skorovas
consanguineity within them. Cann, 4 in 1970, recognized region in terms of the exhalative volcanic hydrothermal
the possibility of using certain elements, notably Y, Zr, origin proposed for it by Oftedahl. 41A2
Nb and Ti, which were unaffected by severe secondary The orebody is situated within a part of the volcanic se-
alteration processes, as indicators of the magmatic affinity quence displaying distinctly calc-alkaline character. Apart
of ocean-floor basalts. Pearce and Cann 46 subsequently from the keratophyric pyroclastic and flow units, at the
extended this concept for use in determining the tectonic level of which the orebody is located, the sequence includes
setting of basic volcanic rocks by empirically defining the a thickness of basaltic andesites and rocks in the range of
ranges of variation of the stable trace elements in suites of sitica contents appropriate to andesite and dacite, now
basaltic rocks collected from various defined oceanic and represented by spilitized equivalents. The precise strati-
island arc environments. graphic location of the orebody with respect to the acid
Sixty-nine basaltic rocks from various parts of the horizons is difficult to establish owing to the disjunctive
Skorovas district have been analysed for stable trace tectonic style, but there is no doubt that the association
elements. In Fig. 13 the values for Ti are plotted against
those for Zr with reference to the fields of various basaltic E -W 680--
magma types as defined by Pearce and Cann. 46 In addition, /
the Ti/Zr values for eight associated gabbroic to dioritic /
rocks from the intrusive arc are superimposed. These rocks /
were chosen for their even phaneritic texture and lack of
conspicuous layering. The plot shows that the basaltic /
rocks of the Skorovas district concentrate in the field of J

island arc tholeiites with a notable trend towards the field J ///!6 E 6~0

of calc-alkali basalts. It is also possible to recognize a group- J

ing of values towards the field of ocean-floor tholeiites.
The coincidence of the analysed values in the plutonic rocks
with the field of island arc tholeiites is regarded as a con- /
firmation of consanguineity in the groups of basic plutonic /
and volcanic rocks falling in this field.
Study of the trace elements suggests that the eruptive J -5
sequence in the Skorovas area originated in a tectonic Fig. 16 Two sections of east orebody at profiles 59 and
setting in which basaltic rocks typical of an immature 73 east-west situated 140 m apart along morphological
island arc were being generated. 19~s Moreover, a know- axis of orebody. Progressive development of a first-phase
ledge of the field relationships in terms of the chronology isoclinal fold is illustrated together with complex digitated
and relative volumes of the eruptive rocks at the plutonic style of isoclinal closures. Open style of second fold phase
and volcanic levels confirms this view. Little quantitative shown by undulation of lower contact of ore on profile
information is available concerning the relative volumes of 59 east-west

between ore and keratophyric extrusive rocks is intimate tribution of which has created an elongate ore zone with
(see Figs. 4(a), 5 and 17). a length of approximately 600 m lying in a north to NNE
The Skorovas orebody, at the present state of develop- orientation and with a width of the order of 200 m. A
ment, is estimated to comprise between 8 000 000 and representative cross-section of the orebody is shown in
9 000 000 tons of massive sulphide ore, including 1 500 000 Fig. 17.
tons of essentially pyritic ore with minimal base-metal The lenticular bodies have their principal planes orientat-
content. From the initiation of production in 1952 until ed parallel to the axial planes of first-phase isoclinal folds
1975-76 approximately 4 700 000 tons of ore were milled and the individual lenses are apparently, to a significant
to produce pyrite fines with an average grade of 1.2% Cu, degree, the products of partial disjunction of fold limbs
1.8% Zn and 45% S. This concentrate was marketed within that fold system. In detail, as is shown by Fig. 17,
primarily for its high sulphur content. Following the de- the ore zone shows a longitudinal division into an eastern
cline in the market for sulphur-rich concentrates, a new and a western orebody. This division may reflect the shape
beneficiation plant has been constructed for the production of the orebody at the site of accumulation prior to deform-
of Cu and Zn concentrates. Present ore reserves are calcu- ation. The lateral extremities of the ore lens systems char-
lated as approximately 2 000 000 tons with an average acteristically show multiple digitation and bifurcation and
grade of 1.15% Cu and 2.29% Zn. It is a difficult prob- there are frequently zones of sulphidic impregnation reach-
lem to assess the average grade of the mineralized body as ing ore grade that lie between the digitations of massive ore.
a whole since this clearly depends upon the geological-econo- As Gjelsvik 20 noted, discordance is locally observed be-
mic criteria chosen to define it. It is, nevertheless, possible tween the contacts of some of the larger massive lenses and
to state that the mineralogy is dominantly pyritic and that t h e schistosity of the wallrocks. This evidence, together
the sulphur content of massive ore is of the average order with the irregular geometry of the orebody as a whole, was
of 35 wt % with Zn > Cu >> Pb. Zinc content is of the used in support of an epigenetic mode for the formation of
order of 2 wt % and Cu ~< 1%. the deposit, although Gjelsvik conceded that early folding
had probably been an influence in creating its present
Structural style of orebody morphology and that emplacement took place immediately
The morphological complexity of the Skorovas orebody following the eruption of the volcanic sequence in Lower
caused by tectonic disjunction of isoclinally folded lenses Ordovician times.
and the extreme tectonic deformation of the wallrock It is possible to explain the local discordance between
envelope has been a considerable obstacle to the clear early schistosity and the contacts of the massive lenses in
formation of a genetic model. 2~ terms of the contrast in the mechanical behaviour of the
The orebody can be described as an en-~chelon array of base-metal-poor pyritic lenses and the volcanic wallrocks
closely spaced groups of massive sulphide lenses, the dis- during the flattening and isoclinal folding of the first stage

Fig. 17 Representative section through east and west orebodies at profile 42 east-west showing principal lithological
divisions of host rocks and position of zinc-rich facies along footwall of principal eastern and western lenses. According to
structural interpretation zinc-rich level is stratigraphic top of ore. Complex digitation of ore is well illustrated

of deformation. The disjunction created by componental alternatives: (1) syngenetic deposition of the stratiform
movements at the ore contacts during this early phase must orebodies under submarine conditions as a result of
also have been magnified in response to the stresses imposed emission of metal-rich fluids in the vicinity of an acid
during the second period of folding. eruptive centre or (2) epigenetic emplacement of the ore-
The early deformation in the immediate contact zone of body by replacement of part of the volcanic sequence in
the orebody was sufficient, because of the contrast in com- the vicinity of the eruptive centre, this taking place during
petency, to create a schistose tectonic facies composed post-eruptive hydrothermal activity in early Ordovician
predominantly of chlorite, carbonate and, locally, talc. times.
These components were derived by segregation from the al- If the first alternative is to be given favour, it would be
tered basic host rocks - andesite, basaltic, andesite arid desirable to be able to recognize some evidence of
basalt. The schistose tectonic envelope is shown locally in stratigraphy within the orebody. Gjelsvik 2o21 conducted
Fig. 17. The creation of this envelope facilitated the con- a systematic analytical study of the major base-metal con-
tinuance of componental movements within the vicinity of tents of ore from 43 drill-holes on selected profiles spanning
the ore contacts during later deformation. the length and breadth of the orebody. The results of this
The history of structural deformation within the orebody study showed that the contents of zinc and copper varied
can be summarized as follows: antipathetically, zinc showing a tendency towards enrich-
(1) Early isoclinal folding, accompanied by creation of a ment in the peripheral zones of the orebody and copper
schistose envelope with componental movements in tending to concentrate in enriched core regions. It was
the vicinity of the orebody contacts, led to a also noted that the overall content of copper and zinc
tectonically disjunct style. showed an increase towards south of the orebody. In the
(2) Periods of post-schistosity deformation produced southern part Gjelsvik noted that zinc, in particular, is
folds of various scales. In the immediate contact enriched towards the hanging-wall and in the eastern and
zone small folds of up to several metres in wavelength western extremities of the ore lenses. In the central zone it
occur sporadically in response to local variation in is enriched in the vicinity of the footwall contact (Fig. 17).
orebody geometry. The orebody as a whole, however, In the northern part of the orebody the composition is
was folded on a broad open style, which is typical essentially pyritic, with minimal base-metal content. The
analytical data prove a systematic variation in base-metal
of later deformation in the Skorovas region. This is
shown in the isometric projection (Fig. 16). content both laterally and vertically within the orebody, and
this is confirmed by petrographic studies and field
(3) The final episode of deformation was marked by high- observation.
angle fractures of low displacement with a general In the course of the present study it has been possible to
northerly trend. recognize facies of the ore that are probably of chemical-
The early isoclinal structures display axial alignment in a sedimentary origin and those which are essentially tectonic.
north to NNE direction with axial planes dipping at approxi- The pattern described by Gjelsvik 2o21 probably reflects
mately 25 ~ towards the east. This is reflected in the axial the influence of both processes. The primary textural
elongation of the orebody. The later open folds, part of evidence for the operation of sedimentary processes in ore
the regional dome and basin system shown in the structural deposition is given by the graded banding of the pyritic ores
analysis (Fig. 4(b)), have steeply dipping axial planes and in which rapid changes of modal composition and grain
9an axial trend of approximately NNW orientation con- size occur from band to band. This type of texture is
cordant with the pattern of the adjacent structural basis, shown in the banded pyrite, sphalerite magnetite ore of
on the flanks of which the orebody lies. Fig. 18(C). It is highly unlikely that such banding is of
tectonic origin. Moreover, where tectonism has had a per-
vasive effect on the ore, the textures are of distinctly tectonic
Mineralogy and stratigraphy within orebody
style (see Figs. 18(B) and 18(D). Figs. 18(A) and 18(B)
The bulk composition of the Skorovas orebody reflects a show that the deformation of the pyritic lenses was marked
mineralogy of comparative simplicity. Pyrite, sphalerite, by mutual impaction and cataclasis of the constituent
magnetite and chalcopyrite are the dominant ore mineral grains. Any gross tectonic flattening or extension of the
species. Pyrrhotite is conspicuously absent. Galena occurs lenses must have been accomplished by relative movement
in much smaller amounts, and arsenopyrite and tennantite between the individual grains accompanied by cataclastic
occur locally as accessory constituents. This mineralogy degradation. This mechanism has been described as macro-
accounts for the average range of trace and minor metallic scopic ductility by Atkinson, 1 who has also shown that
elements recorded in analyses of the orebody, the following cataclasis is probably the only significant deformation
values being considered as representative averages: Co, mechanism available to pyrite, under dry conditions in the
100 ppm; Ni, 20 ppm; As, 300 ppm; Ag, 10 ppm; and P - T range appropriate to the greenschist facies. It is un-
Au, 0.1 ppm. Cadmium is notably enriched in sphalerite- likely that deformation took place under dry conditions, 4s
rich facies of the ore, reaching values of several hundred but the range of textural evidence strongly suggests that,
ppm, and Mn reaches similar values in the pyritic facies. within the massive pyrite, cataclasis was the dominant de-
Most of the minor chemical variation can be accounted for formation mechanism. Atkinson 1 also notes that the
by diadochic substitution within the common ore minerals. strength of polycrystalline pyrite is strongly and inversely
Arsenic and silver are notably contributed by arsenopyrite and dependent on porosity. Large volumes of the Skorovas ore-
tennantite, and grains of native gold have been observed as body are composed by nearly monomineralic close-packed
inclusions of 5/Jm in size in arsenopyrite from peripheral aggregates of pyrite with low porosity and, when lithified,
parts of the ore. The principal gangue mineralogy of the these masses must have behaved in a highly competent
ore consists of chlorite, quartz and calcite, together with manner relative to the adjacent chloritized lavas and pyro-
lesser amounts of sericite and, locally, stilpnomelane. clastics. Under the influence of the tectonic stresses pre-
The structural and stratigraphic evidence summarized vailing during the first period of deformation it seems reason-
here and by other authors 2o21,41 has confined the choice able to propose that the style of deformation within the
of genetic models for the orebody to the following orebody may have been controlled by the development of
narrow zones of cataclastic flow within which much of the magnetite and carbonate. Analyses for these ore types are
tectonic strain would have been accommodated. In this shown as 3 and 4 in Table 2.
way, the formation of a disjunct lenticular arrangement of It appears also thata distinct primary lateral variation
ore lenses could be explained as well as the rarity of well- may also have been present to account for the generally de,
preserved isoclinal structures. pleted levels of copper and zinc in the northern part of the
Tectonic mineralogical facies of the orebody are un- orebody. Final evidence of the operation of chemical-
doubtedly recognizable in the base-metal-enriched lenses sedimentary processes in the formation of the orebody is
and extremities on the lateral periphery of the ore. Zinc provided by the occurrence of magnetitic and hematitic
values are enhanced by an order of magnitude and lead chert bands (jasper)in the foot- and hanging-walls of the
values by two orders of magnitude. This is shown by analy- orebody stratigraphically overlying the magnetite and zinc-
sis 5 in Table 2. The typical foliated texture of this ore is rich facies.
shown in Fig. 18(D), which also displays the incipient Evidence of a primary stratigraphy within the orebody
development of a crenulation cleavage related to the second clearly exists despite considerable tectonic modification.
phase of deformation. It is also plain that the metal distribution can be interpreted
Tectonic mechanisms are not, however, the sole explan- in terms of a stratigraphic zonation, which resembles that
ation of the peripheral enrichment of base-metal values; nor found in orebodies of undisputed volcanic exhalative
do they completely explain the separation between maxi- origin in such areas as the Miocene Green Tuff belt of
mum zinc and copper values in the pyritic ores. There Japan.3~
appears to be a definite stratigraphy in which cupriferous The detailed palinspastic reconstruction of the lateral
pyritic ores (analyses 1 and 2 in Table 2) are overlain by and vertical facies variation within the complex Skorovas
zinc-rich ores with laterally developed facies rich in banded orebody is the subject of a current study by Reinsbakken

Fig. 18 A, Typical compact pyritic ore with minor

amounts of sphalerite (grey). B, Mutual impaction relation-
ship in pyrite grains from coarser facies of massive ore
showing cataclastic mechanism of deformation. C, Zinc-
rich ore with magnetite typical of upper stratigraphic levels
of orebody showing evidence of probable primary gradation
and sedimentary banding. Pyrite, white; sphalerite and
magnetite, grey; silicate, dark grey. D, Foliated texture of
zinc; and lead-rich peripheral tectonic facies of ore. Incipient
crenulation cleavage is visibly developed with selective con-
centration of galena (white), Gangue matrix (dark grey) is
composed of carbonate and chlorite

and will not be discussed further here. It may be said, (3) The sulphide facies are characteristically improver-
however, that the zonal distribution of copper and zinc ished in base metals other than iron and manganese
within the pyritic mass suggests that precipitation of the (see analysis 6, Table 1).
ore minerals could be explained in terms of an evolving These widespread bands can be explained by a mechan-
chloride-complex model such as that used by Sato to explain ism of explosive volcanic dispersal during the climactic daci-
tic eruptions associated with the various volcanic centres.
Table 2 Average metal values for Skorovas ore types and In the course of such a process rapid and complete mixing
sulphide facies of an extensive exhalite of the residual hydrous fraction of the dacitic magma with
oxidizing sea water will have occurred. The base metals will
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 have been subjected to infinite dilution in the course of
such a process, leaving oxidized iron and silica hydrosols in
S 46.80 47.20 38.90 42.28 27.50 51.10 suspension. The hydrosols will have suffered greater dis-
Cu 1.09 2.30 0.99 0.79 1.47 0.06 0.20 persion than the pyroclastic fragments and by subsequent
Zn 0.15 0.80 3.90 9.33 44.20 0.02 0.41 settling will have produced a thin stratum of iron- and silica-
Pb 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.04 4.00 0.01 rich sediment that extends well beyond the limits of the
1, Massivepyritic ore (27 samples); 2, copper-rich ore (14 samples); latter. It is for this reason that the extensive exhalite hori-
3, banded magnetite-rich pyrite--sphalerite ore with carbonate (18 zons are so named. They also constitute valuable time-
samples); 4, pyritic zinc-rich ore at stratigraphic top of orebody (13 stratigraphic markers within the intrinsically variable
samples); 5, Zn-Pb-Cu-rich peripheral ore -- probably a tectonic
facies (2 samples;6 massivebase-metal-depletedpyrite or "vassk[s', volcanostratigraphy.
Havdalsvatn (1 sample);7, relatively enriched pyritic ore, Skorovas The sulphide-magnetite mineralogy of the reducate
(30 samples). facies is to be ascribed to post-depositional bacterial reduc-
tion of iron, deposited in the oxidized condition. A typical
zonation within the Kuroko deposits, s5 The applicability facies of this type is shown in Fig. 15(b).
of such a model depends on the existence of conditions such The simple stratigraphy shown in the ideal section (Fig.
that the metal- and sulphur-enriched hydrothermal solutions 20) can be regarded as the product of a single dispersal
are not rapidly and widely dispersed into the dominantly event. Some exhalites, however, give evidence of episodic
oxidizing conditions of the submarine environment. This explosive and fumarolic activity that results in a complex
requirement must be met by topographical barriers in the cyclic stratigraphy in which tuff bands are intercalated
vicinity of the hydrothermal emanations or by density con-
trasts between the emanating brines and sea water. 54 It is
upon the presence or absence of the conditions outlined that Solutions denser than seawa!er, settling in topographic
the distinction between the hydrothermally intensive and TYPE 1 lI ~ n s l t y layering
the hydrothermally extensive exhalite phenomena in the ~...:..-.-....-.:..--....:.-.-.-...-:~...
Skorovas area is based.
~"~- ..~. Solutions denser than seawater mixing causes increase
Peripheral exhalative mineralization "~"~'~- in density and thus mixture sinks beneath undiluted
TYPE 2a ~ ~ ' ~ " ~ . solutions which rise and are continually mixing and
The magnetitic cherts and jasper found at the stratigraphic stoking
top of the Skorovas orebody signify the restoration of
chemically normal oxidizing conditions in the vicinity of ~

the orebody. These ferruginous siliceous horizons represent "7-,,"

. . ~ . / . ..~.'.- .- . \ SoLutionslighter than seawater, mixing causes increase
~ i i : \ in density and settling occurs as in cases 1 and 2a
a continuum between the intensive and extensive facies of
mineralization (see Fig. 19). The relative frequency of the TYPE 2b II ~ ~ ~
association between acid pyroclastic horizons of various
facies and banded magnetite-pyrite and chert in the
~.. ../-
Skorovas area, and within the Grongfelt as a whole, was one \ / Solutions lighter than seawater end remaining so despite
--. \ / _ __ m i x i n g .thus dispersion is accompanied by
of the primary inspirations for the theory of exhalative- "-.. i / infinite dilution
sedimentary ore genesis expounded by Oftedahl in \ \ / / --- __ .. ~
\\ / ~"\ \
1958, 41,42 who carried forward the concepts formulated by \1 / \ \
C. W. Carstens 7~ in his studies of the Leksdal type /LI~ \
IJf~ \ \
of sedimentary sulphide deposit in the Trondheim district. physical settling of iron and silica hydrosols
Oftedahl 42 emphasized the association between acid
TYPE3 or fl
pyroclastic activity and the formation of the iron- and silica- EXPLOSIVE j ~,,~
DISPERSION "~..~'~"~~_ ~
enriched sediments. Understanding of the various exhala-
tive facies has been carried forward in the course of the (a)
present study.
perlpherQ[ escape of solutions
The main characteristics of the extensive peripheral ex-
halites are noted below. l
(1) The exhalite horizons are relatively thin, 0 . 1 - 2 m in ORE TRAP

thickness, are laterally persistent within the volcano-

stratigraphy and can be traced over distances of the
order of several kilometres.

(2) Internal variations of stratigraphy occur in detail. ~) " CLOSE TO HAJOR FOCUS

The sequence is always marked, however, by a change

from a reducate sulphidic or magnetitic banded Fig. 19 Scheme of interaction of hydrothermal brines
stratum to an oxidate ferruginous chert (jasper). with sea water (a) (top) (after Sato 54) and schematic
These changes occur in a vertical sense (Fig. 20) and eruptive and hydrothermal events in Skorovas volcanic
also, generally speaking, in a lateral sense. centre during climactic dacitic episode (b)

with iron-enriched chert bands that show a complex miner- which were deposited under subaerial to shallow marine condi-
alogy, including stilpnomelane, iron-rich amphiboles and tions. It is, perhaps, adebatable exercise to attempt to correlate
chlorites, together with a spinel, commonly of magnetite the timing of such movements, which may be intrinsically of
composition (Fig. 15(a)). intra-arc origin, with tectonic events of differing style taking
place in other provinces of the Caledonides that could have
been Iocated,'in Lower Ordovician times, on separate geo-
graphically and tectonically isolated margins of the orogenic

The geological investigation reported in this paper has been
carried out as a joint project between Elkem Spigerverket
A/S (Skorovas Gruber), Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskaplig
Forskningsr~d, The Royal School of Mines, Imperial
College, London, and Geologisk Institutt, Norges Tekniske
H~gskole, Trondheim, under the direction of the Steering
Committee of the Grongfelt Exploration Project, to whom
the authorsare grateful for permission to publish. Particu-
lar thanks are due to Dir. Gunnar L6vaas for continued
encouragement and material support and to Ing. ~ivind
Fig. 20 Ideal section showing products of single event
dispersal in extensive exhalite as observed in vicinity of
Johannsen, Ing. Ole Sivert Hembre, Herr Jan. Skinstad, Herr
Blahammeren centre
Asbj~rn Lund and Skorovas Jakt og Fiskelag for the
provision of advice, hospitality and strategic shelter,
As well as being valuable time-stratigraphic markers, the The authors are notably indebted to Professor Frank
exhalites may be developed as a tool in identifying vent- Vokes, Dr. David Roberts, Hr Sigbj~rn Kollung, Dr. Hans
proximal and vent-distal environments and have obvious Peter Geis, Professor Christoffer Oftedahl, ProfessorJens A.W.
value as a guide in exploration. An investigation of exhalites Bugge, Ing. Roar Jensen, Professor Janet Watson, Dr. M. G. m

as an exploration tool is currently being carried out in the Audley-Charles, Dr. R. Mason, Atom. Tore Prestvik and Dr.
Skdrovas area by Ferriday, Halls and Hembre. G. P. L. Walker, who have shared their knowledge with us
to the benefit of this paper.
Use of the analytical facilities and laboratories at
Conclusions Geologisk Institutt (N.T.H.), Department of Geology,
It was recognized in the early stages of the present study in Bedford College, University of London, and at the Royal
1972 that the Skorovas area provided a unique window on School of Mines, together with the specialist advice and
the eruptive and ore-forming processes that take place within assistance of Dr. lan Gibson, Dr. Gloria Borley, Hr Ivar
a Palaeozoic island arc environment. An attempt has been R~mme and Ms. Giselle Marriner, is gratefully acknowledg-
made in this paper to describe the major eruptive, hydrother- ed.
mal metamorphic and tectonic processes that have acted to The following graduate geologists of the Royal School
produce the present geology of the Skorovas area in the of Mines, University College London, and Bedford College,
context of its position in the Gjersvik Nappe. University of London, made significant contributions to
Attention has been specifically directed to the hydro- the investigation by independent field mapping and
thermal processes that take place at the volcanic level, but laboratory studies: Volker Hirsinger, Quentin Palmer,
it is important to record the occurrence of cumulus ores of Steve Flitton, Roger Scott, Peter Walker, Robert Horsley,
magmatic origin within the plutonic complex. At Paul McCormick, lan Mayfield, Michael Horder and Roger
Lillefjellklumpen, to the north of Skorovas (see Fig. 4(a)), White.
a small platinum-bearing pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-pent- Thanks are due to Mrs Arda Halls and Mrs Christine
landite lens has been found in association with a minor body Norris, who typed the manuscript for this paper.
of metagabbro. This occurrence was described by Foslie
and Johnson-H~st in 1932. i3 The present study has shown
that small cumulus bodies of chalcopyrite-pentlandite-
bearing ore occur at a variety of sites in the layered gabbros References
of the deeper plutonic level. At the present time these
1. Atkinson B. K. Experimental deformation of poly-
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crystalline pyrite: effects of temperature, confining pressure,
range of phenomena described can therefore be said to typify
strain rate, and porosity. Econ. Geol., 70, 1975, 473-87.
the ore-forming environment within an ensimatic pericratonic
island arc, and only the porphyry style of sub-volcanic miner- 2. Baker P. E. Volcanism at destructive plate margins.
alization appears to be absent. This may, however, reflect J. Earth Sci., 8, 1972, 183-95.
the immature character of the arc. 3. Berry W. B. N. Age of Bogo Shale and western Ireland
The study has also placed the Gjersvik, Trondheim and graptolite faunas and their bearing on dating early Ordovician
related disturbances in their proper geological context as deformation and metamorphism in Norway and BHtain.
episodes of uplift associated with the stages of evolution of a Norsk geol. Tidsskr., 48, 1968, 217-30.
pericratonic arc system in Lower to Middle Ordovician times.
4. Cann J. R. Rb, Sr, Y, Zr and Nb in some ocean floor
Vertical movements of this style can be said to be a character-
basaltic rocks. Earth Planet. $ci. Lett., 10, 1970, 7-11.
istic feature of the evolution of arc systems,71 and Murphy 38
has described fault-bounded back-arc basins of Tertiary age in 5. Carmichael I. S. E. Turner F. J. and V~.rhoogen J.
Indonesia that contain up to 8-km thickness of clastic sediments, Igneous petrology (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974), 739 p.

6. CarstensC.W. Oversigt over Trondhjemsfeltets 24. Harland W. B. and Gayer R. A. The Arctic
bergbygning. Kgl. norske Videnskabers Selsk. Skr. no. 1, Caledonides and earlier oceans. Geol. Mag., 109, 1972,
1919, 152 p. 289-384.
7. CarstensC.W. Der Unterordovicische Vulkanhorizont 25. Hatch F. H. Wells A. K. and Wells M. K. Petrology
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8. CarstensC.W. Zur Frage der Genesis der norwegischen 26. Holtedahl O. Paleogeography and diastrophism in
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12. Foslie S. Geological maps prepared during 1922-1927 1968, 485-8.
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14. Foslie S. and Strand T. Namsvatnet med en del av Interscience, 1968), vol. 2, 799-834.
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15. Gale G. H. and Roberts D. Palaeogeographical implic- in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 24 ~ and 30~ Phil. Trans.
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The Planes--San Antonio pyritic
deposit of Rio Tinto, Spain: its
nature, environment and genesis*
D. Williams
Emeritus Professor of Mining Geology, University
of L o n d o n ; f o r m e r l y Geological Consultant to
Companla Espafiola Minas de Rio T i n t o , Ltda, and
Rio T i n t o Patino, S.A.
R. L. Stanton
Department of Geology, University of New
England, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia
F. Rambaud
Uni6n Explosivos Rio T i n t o , Madrid, Spain

553.661.21 (468.12)

The San Antonio stratiform cupriferous deposit of Rio
Tinto, discovered in the early 1960s, is now being exploited
as an eastward extension of the bedded pyritite sheet in the
old Planes mine, which is there underlain by a stockwork
feeder pipe.
The Planes pipe consists of sulphur-rich-copper-poor
sulphide ore formed by the almost complete replacement of
a stockwork conduit which traverses Lower Carboniferous
felsic pyroclastic rocks. Overlying the pipe, and extending
far beyond its margin, is the genetically related Planes-San
Antonio cupriferous pyritite, a 'sedimentary-volcanogenic'
deposit precipitated as a chemical sediment derived from
sea-floor hot springs associated with the Lower Carbon-
iferous volcanic island arc of southwest Iberia. Most of the
pyritite bodies of Rio Tinto were deposited directly above or
close to their underlying feeder stockworks. The Planes--
San Antonio pyritite displays well-preserved stratification,
slump structures and interdigitated tuff bands, and was
mainly precipitated comparatively distant from the
nourishing Planes stockwork.
Across-layer base-metal zoning in the Planes-San
Antonio sheet is usually characterized by an increase in
copper, and to a lesser extent in zinc and lead, towards the
base of the deposit. Much of this enrichment may have
been due to late hypogene processes involving the ascent of
juvenile-meteoric solutions which leached base metals from
the underlying volcanic pile and deposited them as
chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena by partial replacement
of the lower part of the pre-existing pyrite-rich stratiform
sulphide sheet.
A notable feature of the pyritite is the abundance of
colloform and framboidal pyrite. The mean isotopic
composition of the sulphide sulphur of the Planes stock-
work ((~34S ~' + 100/00) is distinctly heavier than that of the
stratiform Planes-San Antonio pyrite (~34 S ~ + 2.7O/0o).
The cupriferous pyritic mass of Planes-San Antonio
exhibits some of the features characteristic of pyritic deposits
formed during the initial stages of arc development ('Cyprus'
or 'ophiolite' type ores). It was actually formed, however, at
a late stage of arc evolution, during a period of relative
quiescence within the waning episodes of submarine
explosive felsic volcanism, and it displays environmental
traits analogous to those of the Japanese 'Kuroko' ores.

*Paper published in Trans. Instn Min. Metal/. (SectB: Appl. earth

sci.), 84, 1975, B73--82.

Kuroko deposits: their geology, Green Tuff rocks are distributed on the Japan Sea side of
the Japanese islands from Hokkaido to Kyushu, which is
geochemistry and origin known as the Green Tuff region. The area suffered denu-
dation almost throughout Mesozic and Paleogene times,
and then subsided suddenly in the early Miocene. Many
Takeo Sato small sedimentary basins about 1 0 - 2 0 km across, bordered
G e o l o g i c a l S u r v e y o f Japan, T o k y o , Japan ( l a t e l y , by nearly vertical faults, were formed in zones of varying
Department of Geology, Memorial University of degrees of subsidence parallel to island arc trends. This
N e w f o u n d l a n d , St J o h n ' s , N e w f o u n d l a n d , Canada) tectonism was of horst-and-graben type under tensile
stress. 3
Subsidence was followed by violent submarine volcan-
553.067: 553.277: 553.43/.44(52) ism, dominated by andesite in the early stages and dacite
and rhyolite in the later stages. This volcanism (the first
cycle) continued for about 10 m.y. from the earliest to the
Synopsis middle Miocene. The Kuroko mineralization was associated ~
with the last stages, which coincided with the period of
The Kuroko deposits of Japan are predominantly massive,
maximum subsidence. Fig. 1 shows the association of the
stratiform sulphide ores with associated underlying stock-
ore deposits with 13 m.y. old rhyolitic rocks to be remark-
work ores of Miocene age in the Green Tuff volcanic se-
ably constant throughout the 1200 km from Western
quence~ They formed during a very limited period around
Hokkaido to Sanin.
13 m.y. ago in association with the late-stage felsic rocks of
There followed the second-cycle volcanism, which was
the mafic to re/sic volcanic cycle that began in the late
much less intense than the first. 4 Again, there was a mafic
Oligocene or early Miocene. They occur in narrow zones
to felsic trend. Compressional stress was operative 3 and
parallel to island arc~ The Benioff zone is at about 150-km
the Green Tuff region was uplifted. Thus, the later-stage
depth below the Kuroko zones, which were areas of high
(Plio-Pleistocene) products were mostly subaerial.
heat flow during the Miocene.
Limited distribution of the Kuroko deposits is obvious
The major constituents of the deposits are pyrite, chal-
not only in time but also in space (Fig. 2). All the major
copyrite, sphalerite, galena, barite and quartz. They are
deposits occur in a narrow zone about 50 km wide and
zoned vertically. Gypsum and/or anhydrita commonly
essentially parallel to the east Japan arc system. 7 The zone
occur as separate bodies beside the sulphide-barite bodies.
is situated near the boundary of Kuno's e tholeiite and
I t is thought that the ores were precipitated on the Miocene
high-alumina basalt provinces, but the volcanics associated
sea-floor from saline solutions in a weakly acidic, reducing
with the Kuroko deposits are calc-alkaline. A less import-
environment at about 200-250~ as a result o f falling tem-
ant Kuroko zone is associated with the west Japan arc. The
perature~ The zoning of minerals may have resulted from
present Benioff zones are about 150 km below the Kuroko
changes in density of the ore solution-sea water mixtures
as precipitation proceeded.
The characteristics of the geologic environment of the
Studies of light stable isotopes suggest that the mineral-
Kuroko deposits are typified in the Hokuroku district,
izing solutions were predominantly coeval sea water. Lead
which covers an area of about 500 km 2 and includes more
isotope data, together with base-metal contents of the host
than 100 000 000 tons of ore 9 of the Kuroko and vein
rocks, however, indicate that leaching by circulating sea
type. In this district late Palaeozoic (Permian?) shale and
water cannot have been the dominant mechanism. So, mag-
chert form the basement of the Green Tuff strata. Miocene
matic water probab/y played an important role in the
volcanism started with the eruption of andesite in a shallow
mineralization. The following mode/is therefore proposed.
marine basin, which soon became filled. After some
About 20--25 m.y. ago, as the Pacific plate was being sub- erosion, the area subsided rapidly in the early middle Mio-
ducted, a large amount of basic to intermediate magma was cene to form a volcano-sedimentary basin. During sub-
generated and differentiated in the lower crustal region.
sidence, basalts and mudstone were deposited in the west-
Magmatic fluids produced at the last stage of differentiation,
ern part of the basin, followed by extensive dacite extru-
about 13 m.y. ago, rose to the sea-floor and, on mixing
sion throughout, the thickness of dacite exceeding 600 m
with sea water, produced the Kuroko deposits. Subsidence
in the central part of the basin. There followed sporadic
o f the sedimentary basins before the felsic volcanism could
eruption of rhyolitic rock, mainly around the periphery of
have been the result of volume decrease during solidification
the basin. These rhyolites, known as 'white rhyolite', form
of underlying magma.
characteristic domes. The Kuroko deposits are intimately
associated with them.
The Kuroko ore deposits of Japan are considered to be a
After the mineralization there was intermittent inter-
prototype of heavy metal deposits formed by submarine
mediate to felsic volcanism with interspersed argillaceous
hot-spring activity. The intimate association of the ore de-
sedimentation. Basalt flows and pillow lavas locally overlie
posits with volcanic rocks has also attracted attention.
the deposits. In the late Miocene the area was uplifted and
The aim here is to review present knowledge of the
denuded. Small caldera-like depressions, filled with felsic
geology and geochemistry of the Kuroko deposits and to
volcanic rocks and siltstone, were formed in the latest Mio-
propose a genetic model that relates submarine mineraliza-
cene. In these rocks low-grade disseminated lead--zinc
tion to island arc volcanism. Important publications that
mineralization is known. 9
supplement the present paper are those by Lambert and
Sato 1 and Ishihara etal. 2 Horikoshi lo interpreted the Kuroko mineralization as a
volcanic event related to the eruption of the white rhyolite,
and concluded that ore fluids were exhaled during the
Geological setting
waning stages of the explosive rhyolitic volcanism. He
Kuroko and other base- and precious-metal deposits are recognized nine lava domes in the Kosaka mining area, of
found in the so-called Green Tuff sequences, in which which four are associated with economic orebodies and two
Miocene submarine volcanics are the main constituent. The with sub-economic bodies.

Fig. 1 Stratigraphic positions of Kuroko deposits

Some Kuroko deposits are overlain by basaltic pillow they are hosted by tuff breccia. In both cases a unit ore-
lavas, as in Ainai and the Fukasawa mines; but, generally, body (defined as one continuous geologic body) consists of
the deposits are covered by mudstone, which suggests that massive, stratiform ore and the underlying stockwork ore in
volcanism became dormant after the mineralization. various proportions, the former representing syngenetic
mineralization on the sea-floor and the latter disseminated
Main features of Kuroko deposits and fissure-filling mineralization in the pre-existing rocks.
The Kuroko orebodies are typically sited on the flanks of The major ore-forming minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite,
the brecciated white rhyolite lava domes, but in some places sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite-tennantite, barite and
quartz. Small amounts of auriferous and argentiferous
minerals are present, as well as many minor minerals. 13,14
The orebodies show a vertical zoning of mineral content.
The typical variation of mineral assemblages, in ascending
order, is pyrite-chalcopyrite--quartz (keiko or siliceous
ore) in the stockwork ore, pyrite-chalcopyrite (oko or
yellow ore) in the lower part of the massive ore and sphaler-
ite--galena-tetrahedrite-barite (kuroko or black ore) in
the upper part of the massive ore. Gold and silver are con-
centrated in the black ore zone. Barite shows highest con-
centrations in the uppermost part of the massive ore, where
it forms an almost monomineralic zone, up to several
metres thick, traceable continuously along the contact with
the hanging-wall rocks.
In mudstone or tuff overlying the orebody there often
occur thin beds of hematitic, sometimes manganiferous,
chert (known as tetsusekiei). Where they directly overlie
the orebody, the rocks are highly siliceous, but more
commonly they contain much mud or clay. Laterally, the
ferruginous chert zone rarely continues more than 1 km
from the orebody.
Gypsum-anhydrite masses occur in the orebodies. The
spatial relationship of the gypsum body to the sulphide
ores may be either (1) the gypsum body is beside the sul-
phide orebody, usually partly covered by the black ore,
(2) the gypsum body is between the stockwork and the
massive sulphide ores or (3) the gypsum body is the domi-
nant constituent ofi a unit orebody, sulphide minerals being
concentrated as small lenses in the upper parts.
Mineralizing fluids must have ascended through the
Fig. 2 Distribution of Kuroko deposits in Japanese stockwork ore. Fissure-filling veinlets, sometimes up to
islands in relation to depths of Benioff zone 6 and volcanic 1 m wide and concentrated in the central part of the stock-
front work ore, may represent ore-fluid conduits. At Kosaka

mine pipe-shaped network zones about 30 m across are From consideration of the vapour pressure of water in the
found 200 m below the top of the stockwork ore. 15 The N a C I - H 2 0 system it is thought probable that the ore fluid
veinlets continue upwards in the massive ore to the contact boiled before it reached the sea-bottom. 21 The vapour
with the hanging-wall rock, where they are overlain by a pressure of 5 wt % NaCI solution is 38.1 atm at 250~ 22
thin pyrite bed. In the massive ore the veinlet swarm is If boiling occurs below the sea-bottom, no significant ore
surrounded by highly siliceous ore with textures that sug- deposition will take place on the sea-floor. This may have
gest a primary gel origin of the silica. It is likely that this been the case where there are well-developed stockwork
ores but only traces of massive ore, as at Tsuchihata mine. 5

Fugacities of oxygen and sulphur

Estimates of these parameters have been attempted by use
of the stability relations of ore minerals, particularly those
which form solid solutions. Kajiwara and Honma 23 esti-
mated the oxygen fugacity during the formation of black
ore from lead content of barite coexisting with galena. On
the basis of the reaction

(PbS)Gn + 202 = (PbSO4)Brt

where (PbS)Gn and (PbSO4)Brt denote the components of

galena and angelsite in galena and barite, respectively, the
oxygen fugacity for the above reaction can be calculated
thermodynamically by analysis of the two minerals in co-
existence and by assuming values for the equilibrium tem-
perature and the activity coefficients. Kajiwara and Honma,
assuming galena to be pure PbS and a dilute solution model
for the anglesite component in barite, obtained 10 -37 atm
at 200~ and 10 -34 atm at 250~ for the oxygen fugacities
of black ore deposition at Furutobe mine.
Sulphur fugacities are estimated on the basis of sul-
Fig. 3 Schematic cross-section of unit Kuroko orebody phidation reactions among minerals. The following react-
(relation of gypsum body to sulphide body is of type 1) ions are particularly important for the Kuroko deposits:
5CuFeS2 + $2 = Cu5 FeS4 + 4FeS2
ore formed on the sea-floor above the feeder vent in a
manner similar to silica sinters in hot springs. (FeS)sp h + 1/2S 2 = FeS2
The schematic cross-section of a unit orebody shown in 2(Ag)EI + 1/2S2 = Ag2S
Fig. 3 illustrates these features.
where (FeS)sph and (Ag)Ei represent the pyrrhotite com-
ponent in sphalerite and the native silver component in
Physico-chemical environment of ore deposition
electrum, respectively. Because the FeS contents Of sphaler-
The following review of the physical and chemical environ- ite from the Kuroko deposits are mostly less than 4 mole % 24
ment of Kuroko deposition relates mainly to deposits in the and bornite is not common, the sulphur fugacities must
Hokuroku district. have been in a relatively narrow range (see Fig. 4). If one
Ean find an appropriate combination of minerals, both
Temperature temperature and sulphur fugacity are obtainable by cam-
Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in quartz
from the stockwork ore and the fissure-filling veinlets are
mostly in the range 200-270~ 1,16 Inclusions in barite -5
of the massive ore give temperatures that vary from 100 to
~,, Siliceous ore / /
300~ even within a single grain, but generally somewhat
..... Yellow ore ~ /
lower temperatures are indicated than those of the stock-
....... Lower black ore J t A
work ore. Stability relations of ore-forming minerals 17
" - - - Upper blOCkore / ~7~o~!
and sulphur isotope partitioning between coexisting -1C
minerals 18 indicate similar temperatures to those estimated
from fluid inclusion studies. Results for various different
orebodies also give similar temperatures. The major part of
the Kuroko deposit formed at temperatures of 200-250~ o~

There appears to have been a temperature drop of 50~

or more from the stockwork ore to the top of the massive

From palaeogeographic studies lo, 19 it is estimated that -21
the pressure during formation of deposits must have been 100 150 200 250 300
TernperQture t ~
well below 100 atm. On the basis of the ecology of micro-
fossils, maximum water depths of 3 0 0 - 5 0 0 m, representing Fig. 4 Progressive change of temperature and sulphur
pressures of 3 0 - 5 0 atm, are estimated at Shakanai mine. 2~ fugacity of Sato's model Kuroko-forming solutions 27

I "0
~'o (3
m~L O

r v

m.m 0.r !
O O O O r r 0 0 0

0% ,-
0 -9, r o.~.
I"~ ,,-' r O o d ~ oo

l0 0 ~- 0 moo od
" r0

q q
O O r,,.


o o
q o
o868 UO e'J O
I.O ,~"


o E
8og 8~
O -"- O r r
I.O r t,D Ole0
I..O I.D I..O e0

E --
o r
o 1,..,.
9r "N
c~ 0}

gggg O O3 ,--
,~- 03
r r r
i Z Z Z O0O31.O O3
r ',="-

0 0
o o =8
0 0
0 0 0 '~" LO O0 CXl ,--
(~ 1.0 r O0
t"~ (N ,-- I
0 0 0 0 O O O O O
oN gggg O

gE 03
eO I..O ,~"
r '~"- ~"=
'r"" f,.O

~') tO

8~ 8g

o ~ -~
= ~ o s
o o O O ~ .g~ Ng
~ c c
0 0 u
| .

.0. . . .0. . . 0 0
~ ~ ~.~
| :::) .=_ S
o o o o %
"~ "O "O "O --' _ 0 ~ E
O O O O ~: E
* '4--

bining two sulphidation reactions. Sato 17 observed pyrite, from a polymetallic solution; (3) variations of physico-
sphalerite, argentite and electrum in coexistence in black chemical parameters from the bottom to the top of the
ore from Kosaka mine and estimated the sulphur fugacity orebody are established, temperature changes being the
and the temperature for equilibrium deposition of the four most important cause of mineral deposition; and (4) mixing
minerals as 10 "14 atm and 200~ respectively. of the ore fluid w i t h sea water is necessary for barite and
anhydrite to be precipitated with sulphides from the same
pH solution. The chemical compositions of Sato's model solu-
The most common method in estimating the pH values of tions and the calculated progressive changes of his model
the Kuroko-forming environment is to use stability relations ore-forming environments are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 4.
of alteration minerals, especially those which contain The calculated physico-chemical parameters show good
potassium. Urabe 14 classified the alteration mineral assem- agreement with those estimated from fluid inclusions and
blages of the Kuroko deposits into three types: (1) kaolinite by other methods. This is noteworthy, since the model in-
-pyrophyllite-diaspore, (2) sericite-chlorite and (3) seri- cludes no assumptions based on measured parameters.
cite--chlorite--calcite, and concluded that the pH becomes Compared with natural saline geothermal waters, the model
more alkaline from (1) to (3). Most of the Kuroko deposits solutions have higher K/Na ratios and lower Ca concentra-
in the Hokuroku district are classified as his sericite- tions. Although no analytical data on the Kuroko-
chlorite type. Not uncommonly, however, a small amount forming fluid are available, there is a partial analysis of
of kaolinite and/or pyrophyllite is associated with fluid inclusions from veins of the Osarizawa mine, 34 which
sericite. 2s,26 Thus, the pH of the ore fluid must have been are believed to have a genetic affinity with the Kuroko
in the stability field of sericite and close to the boundary deposits. The analysed inclusions contain 7730 ppm Na,
with that of kaolinite and/or pyrophyllite. Although we 3400 ppm K and 830 ppm Ca. These concentrations are
have no specific knowledge of the potassium content of the similar to those in Sato's model.
ore fluid, by assuming a content typical of hydrothermal The K/Na ratios of hydrothermal solutions equilibrated
solutions 19,27 we can limit the pH to almost neutral or with the surrounding rocks are known to increase with
weakly acidic. temperature, 28,35 and Ca concentrations relative to K and
A completely different approach was attempted by Na in natural hydrothermal solutions decrease with in-
Kajiwara and Honma, 23 who combined the oxygen fugacity creasing temperatures. 36 It is therefore possible that the
estimate and the interpretation of the sulphur isotope ratios low Ca, high K/Na solutions represent equilibration with
in pyrite. They concluded that the pH during the formation rock at high temperature, lower-temperature equilibrium
of bJack ore was 5.5 + 0.5 at 250~ which is close to the not being established owing to the rapid ascent of solutions
neutral pH of this temperature. from depth. This interpretation is consistent with the fact
that potassium was conspicuously added to and sodium and
calcium were leached from the stockwork ore and the
Model ore-forming system alteration zone directly underlying the Kuroko
Our knowledge of the chemistry of the Kuroko-forming deposits.37, 38
fluid is scanty. Freezing temperatures of fluid inclusions
indicate that the NaCI concentrations vary from nearly Behaviour of ore fluid in sea water and mechanism of
zero to about 2.5 molar, mostly falling in the range 0 . 4 - mineral zoning
1.5 M. Inclusions in sphalerite tend to have somewhat The density difference between ore solution and sea water
higher equivalent concentrations than those in quartz, and is probably the most important factor in controlling the
salinities decrease outwards from the centres of mineral- behaviour of the ore fluid in sea water and, consequently,
ization. It should be noted, however, that freezing tem- the nature of ore deposition. When the ascending solution
perature measurements were made on relatively large has a high salinity and a relatively low temperature, it is
crystals, which may be a product of recrystallization or of a heavier than normal sea water and will collect in depres-
later stage than the main mineralization. sions on the sea-floor. 4~ Massive ores will consequently
Theoretical physical and chemical models have been form in depressions and therefore may not necessarily be
made, and one of these is discussed. The model is based on underlain by feeder vents or stockwork ore. When a h o t
many assumptions, however, and can only give an solution with a salinity not much greater than that of sea
a~proximation. water, such as circulating heated sea water, is discharged
into normal sea water, it will float upwards, mixing with
Mode/solution the surrounding sea water. The precipitates from such a
Sato 27 calculated the physico-chemical conditions of the solution will cover a vast area without any control by sea-
Kuroko formation by use of the thermodynamic data of bottom topography. The ferromanganoan sediments on the
high-temperature aqueous solutions. The premises on East Pacific Rise "41 are one of the best examples of such
which his calculations are based were that (1) chemical deposits.
equilibrium is maintained in the individual partial systems, The Kuroko-forming solution would have had a con-
except for the contaminated sea-water sulphate, which was siderably higher salinity than that of normal sea water, and
assumed to persist metastably in reducing environments; the temperature when it reached the sea-bottom would have
(2) chloride complexes are the only important complexes been between 200 and 250~ It is calculated that such a
for transporting ore metals; (3) the initial total chloride solution would be less dense than normal sea water; but,
concentration of the ore fluid is 1 - 3 M, the K/Na atomic when cooled by mixing and/or thermal diffusion, it would
ratio being less than 0.5; and (4) the initial copper con- become heavier than sea water. The solution will thus con-
centration of the fluid is more than 1 ppm. The important vect above the feeder vent. The resultant deposit will
conclusions from these calculations are: (1) model ore directly overlie the feeder vent and will show a limited dis-
fluids that successfully reproduce the observed m ineral tribution around it, as is the case with most of the Kuroko
assemblages have very limited chemical compositions; deposits. In the above model, since the site of ore deposi-
(2) mineral zoning is explained by differential precipitation tion is essentially controlled by the site of discharge of the

of the ore fluid was the same as that of Miocene sea water
JI Main stage
~o-~ ~ ~
Last- stage
(the sulphide sulphur is 2-7%o heavier than magmatic
j( 1) ~ .-~, ~ (3) sulphur);18, 43 (3) lead isotope ratios of the Kuroko and
i ~~ % . ' . ~ o l .O~o o
the contemporaneous vein-type deposits are almost identical
with the rock leads of Neogene volcanics, showing a uni-
lateral variation across the island arc,~4,4s and (4) the
9 Later stage ~" ~ Final product initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the basaltic to rhyolitic Neogene
( 2) .r .o'~/%
.. ~ (~) volcanics of northeast Japan fall in a narrow range between
0.7035 and 0.7048, except for those which occur on the
Japan Sea side of eastern Honshu, where the ratios are
higher. 46

Circulating sea-water versus rnagmatic origin

~ Pyrite--
cholcopyrite [-~ 5pha[erite--
galena-barite ~ Anhydrite The circulating sea-water model is proposed mainly by the
students of stable isotopes, 18, 42, 43 who argue th at the
Miocene sea water is the major source of the water and
Fig. 5 Model for mechanism of mineral zoning in the sulphur in the Kuroko fluid, the metals having been
Kuroko deposits leached out from the rocks through which the fluid pene-
Although this model can adequately explain the ratios of
ascending solution, ores may be deposited on gravitation- light stable isotopes in the Kuroko ores, several difficulties
ally unstable sites. The resultant unconsolidated ores will are encountered. First, there is no explanation why the
often be reworked by submarine slides or turbidity currents. Kuroko deposits are associated only with the middle
The common occurrence of graded fragmental ore is one of Miocene 'white rhyolite', which is apparently m ore d iffer-
the characteristic features of the Kuroko deposits. entiated than the other Miocene volcanics. Second, the
By combining density considerations with the model lead isotopic data rule out the possibility that the circulat-
Kuroko-forming system it is possible to construct a ing sea water leached out metals from the basement rocks.
dynamic model for the mechanism of mineral zoning If the convection cell of the circulating sea water is res-
(Fig. 5). Pyrite and chalcopyrite, which calculations indi- tricted within the Miocene volcanics, it must have been of
cate to be precipitated at higher temperatures than galena a very small scale, because the thickness of the pre-
and sphalerite, 27 will be deposited within the feeder vent mineralization Miocene volcanics is usually less than 1 km -
and on the sea-floor in the proximity of the feeder vent. sometimes only 100 to 200 m, as in the Motoyama deposit
Galena and sphalerite, as well as barite, on the other hand, of the Kosaka mine, which is one of the largest Kuroko
will be precipitated in the peripheral parts of the convect- deposits, with more than 10 000 000 tons of ore. In such
ing brine mass, where the solution is cooled and sulphate small convection cells very effective leaching must have
concentration is increased by mixing with sea water. taken place to give rise to economic concentrations of ore
If both the temperature and the rate of discharge of ore metals. It has been demonstrated, however, that ore
fluids are constant throughout the course of mineralization, metals are not significantly depleted in the Miocene vol-
lateral mineral zoning of deposits will result. It would be canics in the mining areas.1
reasonable, however, to assume that the temperature and/ Third, underground development and many drillings
or the rate of discharge were decreasing with time. In have revealed that the average white rhyolite dome has a
these circumstances the galena and sphalerite of the later mushroom-like shape about 300 m in diameter and about
stages would be deposited closer to the feeder vent than 200 m in thickness. Although the suggestion that the White
that of earlier stages: thus, earlier pyrite and chalcopyrite rhyolite domes provided heat energy to drive the con-
would be overlain, resulting in vertical zoning. vection systems appears to be feasible, a simple calculation
If the temperature of the discharged solution is suffi- shows that a single lava dome can heat up only a very small
ciently low (about 160~ for a 3 M NaCI solution), its amount of water. The weight of a mushroom-shaped
density exceeds that of sea water. Such a solution will flow felsic intrusive body 300 m across and 200 m thick is of
downhill, depositing minerals at a lower level than the the order of 107 tons or 1013 g. If this body intruded as a
feeder vent. This mechanism could explain the somewhat liquid at 750~ the maximum amount of heat that can be
asymmetrical shape of the Kuroko orebodies (see Fig. 3). obtained during crystallization and cooling to 250~ is
Deposition of calcium cannot easily be fitted into the (80 + 0.3 x 500) x 1013 or 2.3 x 1015 cal, which can heat
above model because of the variable position of the gyp- up 1013 of water from 20 to 250~ Even if this water
sum-anhydrite body relative to the sulphide-barite ore. dissolves as high as 100 ppm Cu, the convection system
When Sato's model solution is used, i~ can be demonstrated derived by a single lava dome can transport only 109 g or
that anhydrite will be precipitated at temperatures lower 103 tons of copper. This is smaller by two orders of mag-
than 150~ after considerable mixing with sea water. 27 nitude than the copper in an average Kuroko deposit
associated with a single lava dome.
Origin o f ore fluid and metallogenesis Finally, the circulating sea-water model must provide
Isotope studies of the Kuroko deposits are pertinent to any reasonable mechanisms to increase salinity and to reduce
discussion of the origin of the ore fluids. Important points sulphate ions to sulphide ions. It should be noted in this
are: (1) oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of the fluid inclu- context that no evaporite as a source of salts nor sufficient
sions from the yellow ore zone indicate that most of the organic matter as a reducing agent is present in the mining
water is of sea-water origin, with up to 25% contamination areas.
by magmatic and/or meteoric water,~2 (2) sulphur isotope The classical hypothesis that metal-rich fluids are
ratios in sulphide and sulphate minerals are most readily separated during the final stage of fractionation and solidi-
explained by assuming that the overall sulphur isotope ratio fication of silicate magmas usually implies that all metals,

water, sulphur and salts in ore fluids are of magmatic fluids to reach the sea'bottom at high temperatures. This
origin. may explain why the Kuroko deposits occur in narrow
The lead isotopic data and the intimate association of zones, whereas the vein-type deposits are more widely
the deposits with the white rhyolites are well explained by scatte red. 7
this model. The relatively high salinities of the inclusion The ascent of magma under the Green Tuff region must
fluids are also compatible With the magmatic origin of the have resulted in a negative isostatic anomaly and high heat
waters on the basis of water-magma interaction experi- flow in the region. Fig. 6 illustrates this model. Volume
ments 47 and the salinity data of fluid inclusions for which decrease of solidifying magma or diapiring magma itself 52
magmatic derivation is inferred from isotopic studies. 48 could have been a cause of the subsidence of basins prior to
The difficulties with the magmatic model are that only a volcanism. It is also possible that the general uplift of the
small fraction (up to 25%) of magmatic water is permissible Green Tuff region in the late Miocene 49 was the result of
to explain the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic data, and that isostatic adjustment.
the sulphur in the sulphide minerals is heavier by 2 - 7 % o In the final stages of differentiation and solidification a
than magmatic sulphur. volatile-rich felsic magma ascended to the surface along the
faults bordering the basins and formed the white rhyolite
Proposed model and the associated pyroclastics. The ore fluids, which
Although more studies are undoubtedly needed to clarify separated from the residual liquid in the magma chamber,
the origin of the Kuroko fluid, it is suggested that mag- must have ascended through the same conduits as the white
matic waters were of prime importance in forming Kuroko rhyolite magma, and reached the sea-floor through the frac-
deposits and the associated vein-type deposits. The isotopic tures formed by the explosive eruption of the white rhyo-
data for hydrogen, oxygen and sulphur may be explained lite. It is not denied, however, that the ultimate origin of
by isotopic exchange with sea water during mineralization the water in the ore fluids may have been either the coeval
and/or d iagenesis. sea water or water derived from subducted oceanic sedi-
ments (see Fig. 6).
It cannot be mere coincidence that the Kuroko mineral-
ization is contemporaneous with felsic volcanism during the In conclusion, it should be re-emphasized that all the
last stage of the intense volcanism that commenced at the Kuroko deposits in Japan formed in a short time-range of,
beginning of the Miocene. It is suggested that the change at most, 1 000 000 years - or possibly only 0.3 m.y., 53
of the movement of the Pacific plate at 2 0 - 2 5 m.y. ago and that the timing of the Kuroko formation correspond~
triggered the generation along the Benioff zone of a large to the last stage of a large-scale magmatic cycle that con-
amount of basic to intermediate magma, which subsequent- tinued for 10 m.y. Although the extensive hydrothermal
ly rose through the upper mantle. Most of the magma must alteration of the Green Tuff rocks 54 suggests that there
have stopped rising and undergone differentiation when it was vigorous hot-spring activity during the whole course of
encountered the light continental crust and density equi- the Green Tuff volcanism, only the middle Miocene activity
librium was attained. It is probable that crystal cumulates gave rise to economic concentrations of base metals. It
increased the crustal thickness under the Green Tuff Region, 5o seems doubtful whether we can find an analogue of the
where the crust is 5 - 1 0 km thicke~ than in volcanically in- Kuroko fluid in present-day hot-spring waters, which are
active regions. 49 mostly of 100% meteoric and/or sea-water origin, ss
From the computer simulation of the palaeo-heat flow According to Sugimura etal., 4 volcanic activity in the
patterns of the Japanese islands by Hasebe and co- Japanese islands began intensely again in the Quaternary,
workers 51 it was inferred that there was a high heat-flow basic to intermediate rocks becoming predominant. Will
zone above the Benioff zone at about 150-km depth during this 'rejuvenated' magmatism produce Kuroko deposits
the Miocene. The high heat-flow zone may have played an 10 m.y. hence?
important role in the formation of Kuroko deposits, be-
cause the steep geothermal gradient may have enabled ore Acknowledgment
This paper was prepared while the author was with
Memorial University of Newfoundland. Financial support
from the University and the Institute of Science and Tech-
nology of Japan is gratefully acknowledged. Stimulating
discussions with D. F. Strong, R. W. Henley, J. G. Thurlow,
Akira Sasaki, Ei Horikoshi, Yoshimichi Kajiwara and many
others have contributed much to the contents of this paper,
for which, however, the author is solely responsible. Thanks
are extended to Mrs Noriko Shiina for typing the
The paper is published with the permission of the
Director, Geological Survey of Japan.

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7. Sato T. Metallogenesis of Neogene base metal and mineralization. Geochem. J., Tokyo, 7, 1973, 245-70.
A u - A g deposits in Japan with special reference to Kuroko 28. White D. E. Environments of generation of some base-
deposits. Min. Geol., Tokyo, Spec. Issue no.4, 1972, metal ore deposits. Econ. Geol., 63, 1968, 301-35.
185-204. (Japanese text)
29. Lebedev L. M. Contemporary deposition of native
8. Kuno H. Lateral variation of basalt magma type across lead from hot Cheleken thermal brines. Dokl. Akad. Sci.
continental margins and island arcs. Bull. volcan., 29, SSSR, 175, 1967, 173-6. (Russian text)
1966, 195-222.
30. Brewer P. G. and Spencer D.W. A note on the chemi-
9. Sato T. Tanimura S. and Otagaki T. Geology and ore cal composition of the Red Sea brines. Reference 40,
deposits of the Hokuroko district, Akita Prefecture. 174-9.
Reference 2, 11-8.
31. Ellis A. J. The chemistry of some explored geo-
10. Horikoshi E. Volcanic activity related to the formation thermal systems. In Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore
of the Kuroko-type deposits in the Kosaka district, Japan. deposits Barnes H. L. ed. (New York, etc.: Holt, Rinehart
Mineral. Deposita, 4, 1969, 321-45. and Winston, 1967), 465-514.
11. Tatsumi T. and Clark L . A . Chemical composition of 32. White D. E. Mercury and base-metal deposits with
acid volcanic rocks genetically related to formation of the associated thermal and mineral waters. In Geochemistry
Kuroko deposits. Geol. Soc. Japan J., 78, 1972, 191-201. ofhydrothermal ore deposits Barnes H. L. ed. (New York,
12. Ishihara S. Magmatism of the Green Tuff tectonic etc: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967), 579-631.
belt, Northeast Japan. Reference 2 , 2 3 5 - 4 9 . 33. Krauskopf K. B. Introduction to geochemistry (New
13. Shimazaki Y. Ore minerals of the Kuroko-type York, etc.: McGraw-Hill, 1967), 721p.
deposits. Reference 2, 311-22. 34. Enjoji M. Studies on fluid inclusions as the media of
14. Urabe T. Mineralogical aspects of the Kuroko deposits the ore formation. Sci. Rep., Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku,
in Japan and their implications. Mineral. Deposita, 9, 1974, Sect. C, 11, 1972, 79-126.
309-24. 35. Ellis A. J. and Mahon W. A. J. Natural hydrothermal
15. Kawabe S. and Masubuchi K. The stockwork siliceous systems and experimental hot water/rock interactions
ore deposits at the Kosaka mine, Akita Prefecture. Min. (Part II). Geochim. cosrnochim. Acta, 31, 1967, 519-38.
Geol., Tokyo, 25, 1975, 275-83. (Japanese text) 36. Fournier R. O. and Truesdell A. H. An empirical
16. Tokunaga M. and Honma H. Fluid inclusions in the N a - K - C a geothermometer for natural waters. Geochim.
minerals from some Kuroko deposits. Reference 2, cosmochim. Acta, 37, 1973, 1255-75.
385-8. 37. lijima A. Clay and zeolitic alteration zones surrounding
17. Sato T. An estimate of formative environments of the Kuroko deposits in the Hokuroku district, northern Akita,
Kuroko deposits from mineral paragenesis. Koshogaku-noto as submarine hydrothermal-diagenetic alteration products.
Tokyo, no.7, 1969, 1-6. (Japanese text) Reference 2 , 2 6 7 - 8 9 .
18. Kajiwara Y. Sulfur isotope study of the Kuroko ores 38. Date J. and Tanimura S. Dacite and rhyolite associated
of the Shakanai No. 1 deposits, Akita Prefecture, Japan. with the Kuroko mineralization. Reference 2, 261-5.
Geochem. J., Tokyo, 4, 1971, 157-81. 39. Sato T. Behaviours of ore forming solutions in sea-
19. Sato T. Ore deposit and mechanism of its formation water. Min. Geol., Tokyo, 22, 1972, 31-42.
of Uchinotai western orebody, Kosaka mine, Akita Pre- 40. Degens E. T. and Ross D. A. eds. Hot brines and
fecture. Min. Geol., Tokyo, 18, 1968, 241-56. (Japanese recent heavy metal deposits in the Red Sea (Berl in, etc.:
text) Springer-Verlag, 1969), 600p.
20. Otagaki T. Development of prospecting at the 41. Bostrom K. and Peterson M. N.A. Precipitates from
Shakanai mine. Min. Geol., Tokyo, 16, 1966, 237-48. hydrothermal exhalations on the East Pacific Rise. Econ.
(Japanese text) Geol., 61, 1966, 1258-65.
21. Ridge J. D. Volcanic exhalations and ore deposition 42. Ohmoto H. and Rye R.O. Hydrogen and oxygen
in the vicinity of the sea floor. Mineral. Deposita, 8, 1973, isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions in the Kuroko
332-48. deposits, Japan. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 947-53.
22. Haas J. L. Jr. The effect of salinity on the maximum 43. Kajiwara Y. and Date J. Sulfur isotope study of
thermal gradient of a hydrothermal system at hydrostatic Kuroko-type and Kieslager-type strata-bound massive sul-
pressure. Econ. Geol., 66, 1971,940-6. fide deposits in Japan. Geochem. J., Tokyo, 5, 1971,
23. Kajiwara Y. and Honma H. Lead content of barite 133-50.
coexisting with galena- an indicator of oxygen fugacity 44. Sato K. and Sasaki A. Lead isotopes of the black ore
during ore formation. Min. Geol., Tokyo, 22, 1972, ("Kuroko") deposits from Japan. Econ. Geol., 68, 1973,
457-65. 547-52.

45. Sato K. Unilateral isotopic variation of Miocene ore
lead from Japan. Econ. Geol., 70, 1975, 800-5.
46. Shuto K. On the source materials of acid volcanic
rocks in the Cenozoic circum-Pacific belt - Considered
from their strontium isotope ratios. Monogr. Ass. Geol.
Collab. Japan, 18, 1974, 91-105. (Japanese text)
47. Holland H. D. Granites, solutions and base metal
deposits. Econ. Geol., 67, 1972, 281-301.
48. Sato T. Origins and classification of exhalative-
sedimentary mineral deposits. A paper submitted to the
25th Int. Geol. Congr., Sydney, 1976.
49. Sugimura A. and Uyeda S. Island arcs; Japan and its
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(Developments in geotechnics 3)
50. Kuno H. Origin of andesite and its bearing on the
island arc structure. Bull. volcan., 32, 1968, 141-76.
51. Hasebe K. Fujii N. and Uyeda S. Thermal processes
under island arcs. Tectonophysics, 10, 1970, 335-55.
52. Koide H. and Bhattacharji S. Formation of fractures
around magmatic intrusions and their role on ore local-
ization. Econ. Geol., 70, 1975, 781-99.
53. Ueno H. Duration of the Kuroko mineralization
episode. Nature, Lond., 253, 1975, 428-9.
54. Utada M. Zeolitic zoning of the Neogene pyroclastic
rocks in Japan. Sci. Pap. Tokyo Univ. Coll. Gen. Educ.,
21, 1971, 189-221.
55. Sakai H. and Matsubaya O. Isotopic geochemistry of
the thermal waters of Japan and its bearing on the Kuroko
ore solutions. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 974-91.

Stable isotope studies on water component associated with the later and (?) lower-
temperature sericitization. There is no isotopic evidence
Bougainville and in Matupi to suggest that sea waters or connate waters formed a
recognizable component of the hydrothermal system at
Harbour, New Britain, Papua any stage. Calculations with possible 8180 depletions of
New Guinea 0.5-1.0~ in whole rocks from the Panguna region
indicate that a meteoric leaching modet for the genesis of
the Panguna copper deposit is theoretically possible, but
J. H. Ford unlikely because of the small water/rock ratios.
D e p a r t m e n t o f Geology and Mineralogy, University The area around Matupi Harbour includes the dormant
volcanoes Rabalanakaia and Tavurvur, set in loosely con-
o f Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
solidated, Quaternary ash deposits. Tavurvur last erupted
D . C. Green
in 1941 and 1942 and has since reverted to a quiet
D e p a r t m e n t of Geology and Mineralogy, University solfataric condition. D/H and 180/160 ratios were
o f Queensland, Brisbane, Australia determined on fumarole condensates, hot springs and
J. R. Hulston meteoric waters. The data are grouped into distinct areas
Institute of Nuclear Sciences, D.S.I.R., L o w e r H u t t , close to the meteoric water line and demonstrate that the
New Zealand thermal springs away from the shoreline are of meteoric
I. H. Crick origin and that sea water only enters the springs at the
Bureau o f Mineral Resources, Geology and shoreline. If allowance is made for the vapour-liquid
Geophysics, Canberra, Australia separation at the temperature of collection (100~ the
S. M. F. Sheppard fumarole results from Tavurvur may be interpreted as
Scottish Universities Research and Reactor Centre, steam separating from a water phase at ~- 100~ The
East Kilbride, Glasgow, Scotland calculated water-phase isotopic compositions suggest that
evaporation and possibly a small amount of mixing with
sea water are involved.
539.155.2:553.216.5:553.43(955) These conclusions are in conflict with those drawn from
anion ratio and trace metal contents inferred by previous
authors to be consistent with an hypothesis of modified
Summary sea-water origin. We contend that the chemistry is a
Two case histories are presented in which light stable reflection of the later history of these acid, mineralized,
isotope ratios (D/H and 180/160) place important con- geothermal waters and does not necessarily give a correct
straints on the origins of ore-forming fluids in the Panguna picture of their ultimate origin. The markedly enhanced
Fe, Mn and Zn values of the Matupi springs are purely a
porphyry copper deposit (upper Pliocene) and on the
function of the leaching potential of geothermal fluids at
nature of the volcanic exhalative environment at Matupi
elevated temperatures and of the chemistry of the porous
Harbour, near Rabaul.
rocks through which they pass.
At Panguna the overlap in ~D values between local
meteoric water and inferred primary magmatic waters poses
problems in the interpretation of secondary biotite and
sericite isotope data. The range of hydrogen and oxygen
isotope ratios of the secondary biotites associated with
the mineralized areas is essentially identical to those from
other magmatic hydrothermal deposits, including porphyry
copper deposits. The sericites from alteration haloes
adjacent to mineralized quartz veins have ~180 values of
5.4 to 8.6O/0o and ~D values of -61 to -77. A combina-
tion of thermodynamic and fluid inclusion techniques
indicates that ~- 500~ is a realistic average temperature for
much of the mineralization-quartz veining-biotitization
process. The isotopic composition of the fluids causing this
mineralization and alteration was ~D ~- - 2 0 to -45O/oo and
~180 ~- 6 to 7o/00 . If a meteoric water component
existed at this stage of alteration, meteoric water/rock
ratios were extremely small (less than 0.05 at %).
Assuming that sericitization took place at temperatures
down to 300~ as suggested by the fluid inclusion data,
the fluids responsible for this process had a composition of
~D = - 3 0 to -50o/00 and (~180 of ~- 3.50/00 .
These fluids probably would be largely of meteoric
hydrothermal origin, produced by 180 shifting of ground-
waters during the formation of the propylitic zone and with
a water/rock ratio of about 0.01 at % for the entire
propylitic zone. Quartz ~ 180 values from veins associated
with the different alteration assemblages increase away
from intrusive centres, consistent with an outwards
temperature decline, a decrease in 8180 content of
associated water and a progressive increase in the meteoric

Port of Arklow (Fig. 1). The mine area is in open rolling
Volcanogenic mineralization at farmland, 500-600 ft above sea-level, the only significant
Avoca, Co. Wicklow, Ireland, and relief being provided by the Avoca Valley. The mines have a
recorded history of orderly mining since 1752. Mining was
its regional implications for both copper and sulphur (as pyrite). Within the Avoca
volcanic pile, and Spread over five miles of strike both north-
J. W. Platt east and southwest of the mine area, magnetite mining has
A v o c a Mines, Ltd., Avoca, A r k l o w , Co. W i c k l o w , been important, and one occurrence of placer gold is known.
The Avoca orebodies were discovered at their exposure
on the banks of the Avoca River, and mining has since
spread for 2 88miles along strike. No significant discovery
553.067:553.43(418.4) of new ore has been made at Avoca for 120 years, although
during the past two decades the anatomy of the system of
orebodies has been followed and exploited well beyond the
A description is given to the geological setting o f the limits known in the nineteenth century. Historically, the
stratiform pyritic orebodies at Avoca in/reland and a exploitation of the zinc- and lead-rich facies of the
volcanogenic origin is proposed on the basis of comparison Avoca ores has been avoided and the traditional selective
with stratiform orebodies located in similar volcanic host mining by eye of the chalcopyrite-rich facies has meant
rocks in other parts of the Caledonian orogen and else- that the geological and economic significance of the more
where. The Ordovician volcanic sequence in southeast polymetallic ores has not been fully realized. It is therefore
Ireland is interpreted as a fossil island arc complex, which timely that an account of the geological relation-
was formed above a contemporary margin o f southeasterly ships of the Avoca orebodies should be presented on the
subduction, which locally defined the boundary of the basis of modern concepts of ore genesis in volcanic environ-
evolving Caledonian orogenic belt in southeast/re/and. ments.
The A voca ore deposits are located within a sequence of
ca/c-alkaline lavas, pyroclastics and sediments at a level Palaeotectonic setting of Avoca region in the Caledonian
marked by the predominance of felsic eruptives. The strati- province of southeast Ireland
graphy of the host rocks is described in some detail and
A general description of the geology of the Caledonides of
related to the general geology of the Avoca belt. Massive
southeast Ireland has been given by Stillman and co-
pyritic ores and disseminated sulphide ores o f "stringer type"
workers 15 and Brindley and co-workers? and their work
can "both be recognized at Avoca. The massive ore shows a
provides a regional basis for the interpretation of the palaeo-
compositional gradation suggestive of a primary stratigraphw
tectonic setting of the Avoca sulphide orebodies and their
a Cu-rich pyritic zone is overlain by a zone of P b - Z n - C u
volcanic host rocks (Fig. 4). Three major northeast-south-
pyritic ore.
west-striking belts of deformed volcanic rocks of Caradocian
The interpretation of the genesis of the orebody is com-
age can be recognized, each with its own distinctive character:
plicated by its deformed state, which is typical o f other
(1) the Portrane-Lambay-Donabate-Hill of Allen-Kildare
volcanogenic orebodies within the various Caledonian
inlier, which contains a sequence of andesites, basic tufts,
provinces. A genetic mode/can be proposed, however, by
slide and flow breccias, acid porphyries and crystal tufts; (2)
using the descriptions of the undeformed "Kuroko" deposits the belt that stretches through Donard, Baltinglass, Rathdangan
in Japan as a standard for comparison. and Aughavannagh in southeast Leinster to Borris in Co.
The individual orebodies of Avoca type contain Carlow contains a sequence of rhyolites and ignimbrites,
5 000 0 0 0 - 6 000 000 tons of ore, and these are associated porphyries, basic volcanics and carbonate-rich sediments,
with extensive zones of low-grade disseminated ore in acid which have locally been strongly affected by the aureole of
pyroclastic host rocks. Sequences o f manganiferous and contact metamorphism surrounding the Leinster granite; and
dolomitized sediments are stratigraphically closely related (3) the extensive belt from Tramore in Co. Waterford to
to the ores. Arklow in Co. Wicklow, in which acid eruptives predomin-
The principal geological features of the A voca orebodies
ate, probably forms the core to a synclinal structure - the
having been defined, it is deduced that there is a strong
Campile syncline. (3a) The volcanic tract to the north of
possibility that similar orebodies lie hidden in the volcanic
Arklow is included within this belt and probably occupies a
rocks of the southeast Irish Caledonides and that an
subsidiary synclinal structure. It is in the centre of this
aggressive exploration programme could lead to new
tract that the Avoca Mines are located.
Because of the presence of the Avoca deposits it is this
latter belt that is of immediate economic interest. Basic to
-Relative-iy little attention has been given in recent years to intermediate lavas mark the onset of volcanic activity in the
the economic potential of the lower Palaeozoic volcanic Waterford-Arklow-Avoca belt, but they are relatively
province of southeast Ireland with regard to metalliferous limited in occurrence. The chief expression of volcanism in
deposits - (a) because there has been a long and unspectacu- the Caradocian-Llandeilo sequence takes the form of
lar history of production of low-grade copper ores from the massive sheets of felsitic eruptives with intercalated sedi-
Avoca Mines and their genetic significance has been obscur- ments and pyroclastics. It is considered that deposition,
ed by the assumption of their epigenetic origin in all but for the most part, took place under shallow marine
the most recent studies is and (b) because the spectacularly conditions.
rich and accessible strata-bound lead-zinc orebodies in the Stillman and co-workers 15 classed the volcanic rocks of
lower Carboniferous rocks of the Central Irish province this belt as calc-alkaline, probably having formed in an
have diverted attention from the exploration potential of island arc setting. This interpretation is compatible with
the Caledonian volcanic terrains. recent models for the plate-tectonic evolution of the
The Avoca Mines are located in south Co. Wicklow on Appalachian-Caledonian orogen (Fig. 2) as described by
the Avoca River about six miles north of its estuary at the Dewey, 4 Fitton and Hughes, 6 Mitchell and Reading, TM

Fig. 1 Avoca Mines, Ltd.: location and general geological environment

Strong 16 and Phillips and co-workers. 13 It is generally the southeast margin of the Proto Atlantic Ocean 19 caused
accepted that a southeast-inclined zone of subduction along the island arc volcanism which, during Ordovician time,
extended as a complex semi-continuous belt along the active
southeast margin of the Caledonian-Appalachian orogen
through what is now the Scandinavian peninsula and down
through the English Lake District to southeast Ireland,
Newfoundland and New Brunswick and into the Appala-
chian belt of eastern North America. It is within this belt
that lower Palaeozoic volcanism finds its strongest expres-
sion, and these are also the Caledonian terrains of principal
economic interest.
The tectonic model recently suggested by Phillips and
co-workers 13 for the evolution of the British Caledonides
has direct relevance to the interpretation of the environ-
ment in which the Avoca deposits were formed. Three non-
parallel zones of active subduction during the period of
time from the Ordovician to the Lower Devonian are recog-
nized. One of these was the southeast-inclined margin,
which gave rise to the island arc volcanism in the belt that
stretches from the English Lake District through Co.
Waterford in Ireland. They also proposed that an active
destructive margin lay along the line of the northwest
Caledonian front, subduction taking place slowly to the
ESE, and that there was also a plate boundary trending
EN E-WSW to the south of the Scottish Southern Uplands.
Ordovician volcanism associated with subduction in the
southeast began during Llanvirnian time and intensified dur-
Fig. 2 Outline framework of Appalachian-Caledonian ing the Caradocian with the formation of volcanic sequen-
orogen. After Dewey 4 and Mitchell and Reading 12 ces of intermediate type with associated tholeiitic lavas.

The strongest expression of acid volcanism did not occur Structural relationships and stratigraphy of Avoca
until Llandeilian time, and in the British Caledonides the volcanogenic belt
best development is seen in the Waterford-Arklow area
of southeast Ireland. Shield volcanism of island arc tholeiite The geological interpretation of the Avoca belt is complic-
type was first initiated on a basement of Precambrian and ated by the fact that, in common with other provinces in
early Palaeozoic continental crust and was followed by the orthotectonic regime of the Caledonian oro'gen, the
calc-al kal ine eru ptives of i ntermed iate com position, culmin- rocks and their contained ore deposits have suffered multiple
ating with a sequence of rhyolitic sheets. episodes of deformation, and have also been subjected to
Combining the proposals for the metallogenic 16 and low-grade regional metamorphism of greenschist facies. The
the petrological/geochemical 6 evolution of the calc-alkaline tectonic fabric of the rocks has frequently obscured or
arcs formed at the southeast margin of the Proto Atlantic obliterated the primary mineralogy and also the diagnostic

massive sutphide deposit
. ,.-VoLcanicistand arc ~ . ; , " ~ / -
Oceanic surfclce .~ I ~ Limestone(cor_ol.)
ree_f ,b,Zn ~ ~ ~ /

100 mites , <,.

o~ c'~
Scare very approximate ~. c.,.'\
"o,> %,,
Fig. 3 Schematic metaliogenic-petrological model for oceanic subduction zone in plate-
tectonic scheme referred to Avoca environment. After Strong 16 and Fitton and Hughes 6

Ocean, it is suggested that the Avoca region can be fitted volcanic or pyroclastic textures.
to a generalized model of the type shown in Fig. 3. The The precise structure of the Avoca belt is not well under-
setting of the Avoca deposits can be seen in the context of stood, but Gardiner 7 suggested that the belt lies in a broad-
the general pattern of metallogenesis associated with the ly synclinorial structure - the 'Wicklow syncline'. The
destructive margins of the Caledonian orogen as outlined by current working interpretation of the belt is as a tightly
Strong. 16 Mississippi Valley lead-zinc deposits lie on the folded recumbent syncline refolded into an antiformal
ocean basin side of the palaeo arc, followed in the direction structure, the axis of which plunges gently to the northeast.
of the arc by copper pyrite deposits of 'Cyprus type' con- The outcrop of the folded structure thus displays a horse-
tained in the remnant oceanic lithosphere. Volcanogenic shoe-like form, the limbs trending northeast-southwest and
copper-lead-zinc deposits with minor A g - A u follow in with closure to the northeast.
the calc-alkaline rocks of the arc proper with the possibility Charlesworth 3 estimated the thickness of the volcanic
of S n - W - M o deposits towards the ancient continental succession at Avoca to be 4 5 0 0 - 8 0 0 0 ft. Slaty sedimentary
margin. Direct application of this model to the Irish Cale- sequences both under- and overlie the volcanics, and some
donides is suggested and may be of value in guiding explor- limestones occur in the footwall of the succession. The vol-
ation for new deposits. The increasing alkalinity of the canics are dominantly of acid calc-alkaline facies and the
eruptives towards the continental side of the palaeo arc is rhyolites at the base of the sequence are notably associated
complementary to the metallogenic polarity and is the with magnetite. The pile consists of rhyolite and rhyolite
basis for the Fitton and Hughes model 6 in which the se- breccias overlain by a variety of silicified, sericitized and
quence ranging from tholeiitic basalts in north Leinster to chloritized pyroclastic rocks. The pyroclastics are schistose,
alkaline 'back arc' volcanism in Wales is recognized. but a variety of types are recognized, including crystal and
The sequence of sediments, calc-alkaline lavas and 'quartz-eye' tufts and porphyries, lapilli and lithic tuffs,
pyroclastics (and the related diorite to granodiorite in- coarse agglomerates and flow and slump breccias. Within
trusives) which are host to the Avoca deposits can thus the pyroclastic sequence, and occurring most frequently as a
reasonably be interpreted as having formed as an ensialic lateral stratigraphic equivalent to ore horizons, are beds of
island arc during Ordovician time. It therefore follows non-volcanic mudstones and carbonaceous sediments.
that valid geological comparisons can be made between the Heavily dolomitized sericitic and carbonaceous sediments,
Avoca deposits and other stratiform base-metal deposits in which manganiferous carbonate is common, belong with-
in calc-alkaline volcanic sequences in palaeo island arcs in in this category of lateral facies equivalents to ore and may
other provinces of the Caledonides - as, for instance, in be comparable to the 'oolitic dolomite' described in associa-
Sweden, 9 New Brunswick 11 or Newfoundland. 17 tion with the Rosebery orebodies, Tasmania. This has been
Similar models for a volcanic-hydrothermai origin can interpreted as a back-arc basinal facies. 1 Parallels are also
also be proposed and comparisons with the undeformed suggested with the Buchans polymetallic sulphidedeposit
stratiform polymetallic sulphide ores of the well-known of the central mobile belt of Newfoundland, 17 in which
Miocene Kuroko type in Japan can be made. 1~ In the orebodies of a similar type to those found at Avoca have
following sections a detailed description of the volcano- formed in sediment-filled depressions in the palaeotopo-
stratigraphy and mineralogical variations within and graphy of the volcanic pile.
immediately surrounding the orebodies is given to justify The Avoca massive sulphide orebodies occur stratigra-
a volcanogenic model of Kuroko type for the Avoca ores. phically above the rhyolite-rhyolite breccia sheets, spatially

closely associated with the rhyolites and also with dolomitiz- Avoca ore geology - general considerations
ed sediments, intertonguing with these and sometimes being The Avoca Mines are separated by the north-south Avoca
enclosed by them. Chloritization is a common feature of River Valley into two geographical sections known as East
the pyroclastic pile in proximity to the ore. and West Avoca. Modern mining has been almost entirely
centred on West Avoca, and it is from this sector that most
Avoca volcanogenic ore types of the current ideas concerning genesis have been developed
and will be tested. The results of work in West Avoca have
Genera/ direct implications for regional exploration in southeast
Sangster 14 defined two ore types as typifying volcanogenic
ore deposits, distinguished primarily by their relative sulphide
content and their relationship to stratigraphy: (a) massive
sulphide ore, markedly conformable with its surrounding
rocks, and (b) 'stringer' or disseminated ore, which crosscuts
stratigraphy. Both ore types are known and mined at
Avoca, and they compare with the Keiko and Kuroko/Oko
ore types, respectively, from the typical Kuroko sequence. 1~
Massive sulphide ore in volcanogenic deposits of Caledonian
affinity is compositionally zoned and bears a closer relation-
ship to the Kuroko model than the Archaean volcanogenic
ore deposits of which Sangster was writing specifically.

PJlassive sulph ides

Massive sulphide ore at Avoca occurs in two varieties. (1) A
chalcopyrite-pyrite ore with minor galena and sphalerite,
which has a banded, sedimentary appearance: the host rock
is a fine-grained chloritized and possibly slightly carbonaceous
tuff. Layers of sulphide are separated, often widely, by layers
of altered host rock and sulphide content may go as low as
15-20% of the whole-rock total. (To avoid discrimination
at Avoca we require only the banded sulphide characteristics
of the copper-pyrite zone to be recognized for diagnostic
purposes.) (2) A dense, fine-grained pyritic l e a d - z i n c -
copper ore with associated silver-bearing sulphosalts. This
variety commonly contains in excess of 90% total sulphide,
lead and zinc values being at their best towards the hanging-
wall. Sedimentary textures are difficult to recognize in the
hand specimen. Fig. 4 Caledonian geology of southeast Ireland. After
The massive sulphides are associated with lateral and Stillman and co-workers 15 and Gardiner 7
hanging-wall carbonate mineralization - in particular, nodu-
lar or oolitic dolomite, which relates closely to massive lead- One Avoca orebody - the Cronebane orebody - has
zinc-copper ore. Both varieties of massive sulphide ore are been mined recently as an open-pit in East Avoca, and its
considered to occur as integral parts of single composite dissection has shown it to have a similar anatomy to that
massive sulphide orebody or volcanogenic ore systems. of West Avoca. Both Cronebane and West Avoca are distinc-
The massive sulphide orebodies have sharp contacts with tive and separate volcanogenic ore systems. These can both
country rock, particularly in the hanging-wall. The massive be considered as type examples of Caledonian volcanogenic
lead-zinc-copper zone is stratigraphically above its sulphide mineralization.
copper-pyrite counterpart. Maximum ore thickness is Features common to these deposits, and with direct
about 70 ft, the largest dimensions of the orebody being application at Avoca, are: 8 (1) they have a carbonate-rich
parallel to bedding planes. gangue, which is often dolomitic and manganiferous,
associated with shaly tuffs and carbonaceous shales; (2) they
Stringer ore are found in an environment of felsic volcanic rocks of calc-
The massive sulphides overlie the disseminated or 'stringer' alkaline type, with rare basalts; (3) the explosive volcanism
type ore. At Avoca total sulphid~ content of stringer ore that generated the volcanic pile took place from domical
is rarely greater than 20%. Stringer olebodies are localized centres and may have been locally subaerial; (4) the volcanic
within the main Avoca chloritized pyroclastic pile close to pile is associated with prevalent clastic sedimentation; and
or in contact with associated massive sulphide ores, and (5) the massive sulphide orebodies may occur in clastic
are distinctively composed of ramifying and braided sediments near volcanic rocks rather than within the volcanic
veinlets of quartz with sulphide that cut across stratigraphy pile proper: the orebodies have a compositional zoning of
for distances in excess of hundreds of feet. stratigraphy with Pb/Zn decreasing and Cu increasing
The upward change from stringer ore into massive downwards.
sulphide is abrupt - in contrast to the diffuse, gradational Orebodies of this style tend to occur in provinces or
downward and lateral contacts of the pipelike stringer ore- clusters, and at least three units, including West Avoca and
body. In its underformed state the stringer orebody is Cronebane, are present in the area of the Avoca Mines. The
cylindrical or funnel-shaped, the massive sulphide orebody discovery of significant P b - Z n - C u ore at West Avoca will
capping the widest part of the funnel and fingering laterally have important consequences for the mineral exploration of
into a carbonate facies. southeast Ireland.

Models for volcanogenic sulphide ore deposits need to The principal point that emerges is that Avoca's tradition-
be applied with caution in any specific instance. Any two al label of 'copper mine' is an accident of history, and the
specific volcanogenic sulphide orebodies from widely separ- clearly volcanogenic origin of the Avoca ores suggests, by
ate areas or, indeed, from the same area may have as many comparison with polymetallic deposits of similar type, that
dissimilar features as they have features ih common. In cate- investigation of the hitherto ignored potential for the
gorizing Avoca within the broad 'Kuroko' framework the exploitation of Pb-Zn and Ag will prove rewarding.

Avoca volcanogenic ore model

The volcanogenic ore model for Avoca is presented in Fig. 5.
A stockwork, feeder or stringer pipe crosscutting acid vol-
canic and volcaniclastic rocks is capped by a zoned volcano-
genic massive sulphide orebody. The massive sulphide
consists of an underlying Cu-pyrite zone and an overlying
v v v ,v \ O,\*
9 /v" v" v V P b - Z n - C u zone. There are sharp contacts between zones.
v v v

9\ / V

The massive sulphide body tongues laterally into clastic
V V 9 e\e o/e carbonate-rich basinal rocks, and is itself capped by clastic
Hanging-wall pyroclastics ~ Copper-pyrite zone
(massive sulphide) shale and fine-grained volcanic sediments. The stringer zone
I---7 Hanging-walt tuff (dolomitized) ~ Stringer zone is silicified and chloritized and may be surrounded by a
Footwall pyroclastics
sericitized envelope. The basal rhyolite sheet is brecciated
F~ DolomitJc sediments, tuffs ~ (sericitized-)
Graphitic shale ~--I Footwall pyrociastics o 20Oft, with sulphide infilling (generally barren pyrite).
D Lead-zinc zone Approximate Subsequent deformation and strike attenuation after
(massive sulphide) scale
regional metamorphism and the imposition of schistosity
Fig. 5 Schematic volcanogenic ore model for Avoca produce present-day configurations. These can be described
mineralization specifically with reference to the West Avoca and Cronebane
orebodies and their local setting in the overall Avoca mine
model that emerges is skeletal only and will be given flesh area.
as the subtleties of the Avoca geological environment be-
come better understood. To define a model for Avoca is, Avoca mine stratigraphy
nonetheless, valid in that guidelines are thereby determined Stratigraphy has been evaluated in broad terms in East and
for study and development. West Avoca to provide the basis for ore genetic modelling

\ ,
- ~
West Avoca East Avoca 2 ~

I-2-1 Sericitized pyroctastics

Chtoritized pyroclastics
B~ Cu/Pb--Zn zone (massive sulphide)
i-5-1 Crystal tuff/quartz-feldspar porphyry
lID Dolomitized sediments (carbonaceous) Pb--Zn Ass.
--'~ Fault 0 1//+ 1t2 3/4 1mile
Fig. 6 Geological plan of East and West Avoca

and to determine a mine sequence for exploration purposes but generally massive and aphanitic. A cherty, potash-
in southeast Ireland (Fig. 6). The rock units are listed below. enriched variety has been recognized, with a magnetic content
that may typify the mine rhyolite series 5 and indicate
volcanic vent filling. These magnetic rhyolites give a clear
Rock type thickness, ft geophysical anomaly that reflects the broad synclinal
(7) Diorite intrusive structure of the Avoca belt.
(6) Crystal tuffs 2000+ Where rhyolite is seen in juxtaposition with ore
(Cronebane open-pit) it exhibits brecciated textures with
(5) Sedimentary sequence 300 sulphide infilling and associated hematitic areas, which may
(4) Massive sulphide 70 be fumarolic in origin. The massive irhyolite sheets are over-
lain by a sequence of tuffs, which are variously sericitized
(3) Chloritized pyroclastics 1200
and chloritized. It appears at present that stratiform se-
(mineralized tuff)
quences of chloritized tuffs are strike-continuous - i t is
(2) Sericitized pyroclastics 400-500 not certain that the same applies to sericitized pyroclastics,
(rhyolitic tuffs) which may, in effect, mark only the location of alteration
(1) Massive rhyolite 1600-2000 hal oes around chloritized pipel ike mineral ized 'stringer'
The sequence is stratiform and overturned, distorted by The stringer orebodies stand out in the overall mass of
isoclinal folds and strike attenuation. Regional dip is chloritized tuff by virtue of their enhanced grade. Ore dis-

Fig. 7 Cross-section (500W) West Avoca (looking southwest)

55 ~ SE and schistosity and bedding may be coincident. tribution within the chloritized tuff can be compared to
The rhyolites are sheet-like units, occasionally porphyritic, 'streaky bacon'. No areas are completely barren of sulphide.

There would appear to have been a widespread permeation can adequately explain the deformation of the model
of sulphide within the chloritized tuffs at Avoca, which orebody to its existing configuration (Fig. 7).
form a very large-scale low-grade orebody. The West Avoca sulphide orebody has been isoclinally
It is useful to summarize the critical geological features folded into its allied stringer zone, and has dissociated into
that could be associated with an orebody of the Avoca type C u - p y r i t e and lead-zinc-copper components. Wedges
considered as an exploration target in southeast Ireland. of tuff and dolomitized sediments have been thrust into
The massive sulphide orebodies always occur in contact the copper pyrite zone and the P b - Z n - C u zone has 'slid'
with or in close proximity to stringer ore zones, and have off to the southwest along a graphitized shear and into the
an overlying sedimentary sequence, which may enclose the dolomitized sediments. Both C u - p y r i t e and P b - Z n - C u
lead-zinc-copper zone of the composite massive sulphide zones display the same fold style.
orebody. The sedimentary sequence is a unique and The concept is of a C u - p y r i t e orebody, probably
variegated horizon of carbonaceous and sericitic shales and continuous over 4000 ft of folded strike, with fold nose
tuffs, pyritic mudstones and beds of nodular or oolitic thickened barren pyritic areas. There is a sub-parallel
dolomite. Large-scale dolomitic nodules may be due to P b - Z n - C u orebody, which may itself be dissociated by
boundinage. The entire sequence is manganiferous, with thrusting and which is separate from the C u - p y r i t e zone.
prolific crosscutting veinlets and permeations of white and
pink carbonate and a dolomitic pervasion of variable inten- Cronebane
sity. The dolomite, which is probably diagenetic, may occur By contrast, in the Cronebane orebody, East Avoca, the
as isolated spots or nodules in the rock mass, or at conglo- separate zones of the massive sulphide orebody are in close
merations of nodules, which dominate the composition of association (Fig. 8). There is isoclinal folding and the
the rock. There is a talc association - possibly hydrother- trough of the fold is occupied by the dolomitic-sedimen-
mal and related to the massive sulphide occurrence. tary sequence. The C u - p y r i t e zone, as at West Avoca,
The dolomitic sediments are themselves mineralized with abuts on both footwall and hanging-wall against the
discrete grains of galena and sphalerite, sometimes centred chloritic tuff or 'stringer' zone. The P b - Z n - C u zone inter-
in dolomite nodules or surrounded by radial haloes of talc. fingers with the sediments on the south limb of the Crone-
Metal values are of ore grade over selected sections, but it bane isoclinal fold.
is not known yet whether or not ther~ is any strike Brecciated rhyolite at the east end of Cronebane has
continuity. been thrust across the orebody and is intimately associated

Fig. 8 Cross-section (31200E), Cronebane open-pit (looking southwest)

In the immediate hanging-wall of the mine geological with sulphide mineralization. This probably represents
sequence the crystal turfs form a wide belt, commonly domical rhyolite and it can only be a matter of time before
interfingering with sediments and tuffaceous mudstones, the vent is recognized.
and also frequently sericitized with orientated quartz and
feldspar crystals in the groundmass. A variety of this rock Comparison with Kuroko model
has been termed 'bird's-eye porphyry'.
In model terms it is interesting to compare Avoca with the
classic Kuroko model lo (see Table 1).
Volcanogenic sulphides at Avoca

West A voca Conclusion

The detailed tectonic/structural geology at West Avoca is The identification of Avoca as a field of volcanogenic
not well known, but isoclinal folding and strike attenuation stratiform sulphide orebodies, the formation of which was

Table 1 References
1. Braithwaite R. L. The geology and origin of the
Recognized Rosebery ore deposit, Tasmania. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974,
Kuroko unit Mineralogy at A voca 1086-101.
2. Brindley J. C. McArdle P. and Schiener E. J. The
Hanging-wall Volcanic and sedi- Yes
Lower Palaeozoic volcanic rocks of south-east Leinster,
mentary formation
Ireland. Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc., 4, no. 30, 1973,431-8.
Ferruginous Hematite, quartz and Yes, sulphide
3. Charlesworth J. K. Historical geology of/re/and
quartz zone minor pyrite (iron facies
(Edinburgh, London: Oliver and Boyd, 1963), p. 79.
4. Dewey J. F. Evolution of the Appalachian/
Barite zone Massive barite ore No
Caledonian orogen. Nature, Lond., 222, 1969, 124-9.
Kuroko zone ZnS/PbS/barite Yes, P b - Z n - C u
5. Downes K. The geology and geochemistry of the
Ordovician volcanics of County Waterford and south west
Oko zone Cupriferous pyrite Yes, C u - p y zone County Wexford. Ph.D. thesis, University of Dublin, 1974.
Sekkoko zone Anhydrite, gypsum, No, dolomitic 6. Fitton J. G. and Hughes D. J. Volcanism and plate
pyrite sequence may be tectonics in the British Ordovician. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,
an equivalent 8, 1970, 223-8.
Keiko zone Copper-bearing Yes, 'stringer' 7. Gardiner P. R. R. Regional fold structures in the
siliceous disseminated zone Lower Palaeozoics of south-east Ireland. Bull. geol. Surv.
stockwork ore /re/and no. 1, 1970, 47-51.
Footwall Silicified pyroclastics Yes 8. Hutchinson R.W. Volcanogenic sulphide deposits
with disseminated and their metallogenic significance. Econ. Geol., 68, 1973,
sulphide veins 1223-46.
9. Juve G. Ore mineralogy and ore types of the Steken-
jokk deposit, Central Scandinavian Caledonides, Sweden.
Sver. geol. Unders., Ser. C, no. 706, 68, no. 13, 1974,
closely related to submarine hydrothermal processes taking 162 p.
place at, or peripheral to, centres of eruption of acid calc-
10. Lambert I. B. and Sato T. The Kuroko and associat-
alkaline laves, holds implications for the development of
ed ore deposits of Japan: a review of their features and
an exploration programme in the remaining volcanic ter-
metallogenesis. Econ. Geol., 69, 1974, 1215-36.
rains in the Caledonides of southeast Ireland.
The target orebodies could be expected to contain 11. Lusk J. Base metal zoning in the Heath Steele B-1
5 000 0 0 0 - 6 000 000 tons of massive sulphide ore associat- orebody, New Brunswick, Canada. Econ. Geol., 64, 1969,
ed with extensive zones of low-grade stringer ore. The ores 509-18.
should be distinctly polymetallic and offer opportunities 12. Mitchell A. H. and Reading H. G. Evolution of
for the exploitation of lead and zinc, and possibly silver island arcs. J. Geol., 79, 1971,253-84.
and gold in small amounts, as well as copper. Stratigraphic-
ally, the orebodies of Avoca style should be intimately re- 13. Phillips W. E. A. Stillman C. J. and Murphy T. A
lated to sequences of manganiferous dolomitized sediments Caledonian plate tectonic model. J/geol. Soc., 132, 1976,
and should also lie in close relationship to bodies of rhyolite- 579-609.
containing disseminated sulphides or magnetite. In common 14. Sangster D. F. Precambrian volcanogenic massive
with orebodies of Kuroko type, it is also likely that individual sulphide deposits in Canada: a review. Pap. geol. Surv. Can.
orebodies might occur in clusters around an eruptive centre, 72-22, 1972,.44 p.
as they appear to do at Avoca.
15. Stillman C. J. Downes K. and Schiener E. J.
It is clear that modern concepts of ore genesis in calc- Caradocian volcanic activity in East and South-east Ireland.
alkaline volcanic terrains can be applied with advantage to
Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc., 5, no. 6 1974, 87-98.
the interpretation of the geological relationships of the
Avoca orebodies in a palaeo island arc of Ordovician age. 16. Strong D. F. Plate tectonic setting of Appalachian-
If the Avoca model is used to guide exploration in the other Caledonian mineral deposits as indicated by Newfoundland
areas of Ordovician volcanic rocks in the Caledonides of examples. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Engrs, 256, 1974, 121-8.
southeast Ireland, it is reasonable to expect that significant 17. Thurlow J. G. Swanson E. A. and Strong D. F.
new discoveries will be made. Geology and lithogeochemistry of the Buchans polymetal-
lic sulphide deposits, Newfoundland. Econ. Geol., 70,
Acknowledgment 1975, 130--44.
The concepts discussed in this paper have been developed 18. Wheatley C. J.W. Economic geology of the Avoca
from continuing dialogue between the author and numerous mineralized belt S. E. Ireland and Parys Mountain,
colleagues active in the mining industry. The author is Anglesey. Ph.D. thesis, University of London, 1971.
most grateful to the Management of Avoca Mines, Ltd., 19. Wilson J. T. Did the Atlantic close and then reopen?
for support and encouragement and for permission to Nature, Lond., 211, 1966, 676-81.
publish this paper. Special thanks due to L. Doyle for
drafting the plans and sections.
This paper is an Irish contribution to the International
Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) project 'Correlation
of Caledonian stratabound sulphide deposits.'

Discussion (2) The flow of hydrothermal solutions was controlled by
the dyke structures and travelled preferentially up their
coarser-grained centres.
(3) The more metamorphosed dykes of an immediately
Dr. R. A. M. Wilson said that Gass had given an excellent
adjacent pair or group dykes were older than the less altered
summary of the curent state of knowledge concerning the
ophiolite suite, not only in the context of global tectonics
but also in petrogenesis, thus providing a composite review of (4) In the Diabase the youngest dykes were gabbro and
earth processes at constructive plate margins leading ultimate- in the Basal Group the youngest dykes were fresh basalts.
ly to sulphide ore deposition. He was particularly indebted to (5) The younger dykes, although not everywhere concor-
the author for bringing him up-to-date on the work that had dant, apparently had a random distribution.
been done in Cyprus since he had left in 1958. His reference
to some ophiolites having a 'back-arc' rather than a mid- Thus, for the Troodos complex as a whole, he would en-
oceanic association was particularly interesting. Supporting visage an on-going process of magma generation, repeated
evidence for that concept could be found in British Columbia, dyke intrusion and metamorphism. The propylitic alteration
where, immediately to the east of the Coast Range batholith, associated with ore deposition, as Constantinou pointed out,
a sheeted intrusive complex was exposed in the Thompson occurred after the greenschist facies metamorphism had
River above the Frazer Canyon between the villages of taken place.
Lytton and Spences Bridge. The complex was about 8 miles He emphasized that he neither disputed the evidence
across strike and consisted of inter-sheeted epidosites, dia- provided by isotope geochemistry to support a hypothesis
bases and gabbros, together with altered andesite or basalt of sea-water circulation within the crust nol the widely
dykes such as occurred in Cyprus. The older greenschist accepted concept of brines leaching out and redepositing
facies dykes, possibly of Cretaceous age, interdigitated with metallic sulphides to form orebodies. But he was curious to
gabbro, which graded downwards through interbanded know how that water-circulation model was reconciled with
olivine gabbros into ultramafic rocks. The later andesite or the field and petrographic evidence cited above, which would
basalt dykes, which occurred at random intervals throughout appear to require the entry of sea water into the magma
the sheeted complex, were probably of late Tertiary age; chamber to become available for metamorphism.
all had a common northwesterly strike and, like the banding Evidence had been provided that a primary basalt magma
in the gabbros, dipped regularly to the northeast at between contained insufficient water to provide greenschist facies
40~ 50 ~ The intrusive complex had the characteristics metamorphism. In Troodos the Diaba.~ sheets in the interior
of rocks believed to occur at constructive plate margins; as of the massif were generally non-vesiciJlar, but vesicles start-
far as he was aware, that British Columbia example was not ed to appear towards the Basal Group, which was generally
described in the literature but was mainly mapped as schist vesicular; the interpretation was (or had been) that the gas
and gneiss. 2 He had come across the sheeted dykes by phase was only released as the dykes reached higher levels
accident in 1968 when he was examining a group of mineral in the crust. Presumably, the vapour in those vesicles
claims near Lytton. originated in the parent magma, and the uralite gabbro was
Returning to the several papers that referred to the formed on cooling by reaction with the water in that magma.
Cyprus ophiolites, and particularly to the concept of 'over- If the magma were dry, what was the origin of the vesicles?
printing' of Troodos gabbro and Diabase to greenschist M. F. Osmaston said that the plate-convergence-related
facies metamorphism by the passage of sea water, he was obduction hypothesis for the mode of emplacement of
reminded of earlier discussions on that subject. Later meta- ophiolite slices on continental margins had, in one form or
morphism or 'overprinting' was thought to account for the another, been rather uncritically accepted by many, includ-
obscure contact between Bishopp's Folded Diabase Series 1 ing, it appeared, Professor Gass. In his presentation he had
and the 'Pack' (i.e. pack of cards) - a field term used for the drawn little attention to the existence of serious difficulties
Basal Group dykes. It was in order to discover the nature of for the hypothesis in any of its forms. Those might be
that metamorphism that he had systematically sampled briefly referred to as the height and trench problem, the
adjacent groups of dykes in the Sheeted Intrusive Complex thermal aureole problem and the age problem. The purpose
and Granophyric Group; also sampled were the centres and of his remarks was to suggest that obduction was not a viable
selvedges of individual dykes and sheets. The results of proposition and that it should be discarded in favour of an
petrographic work on those samples were summarized in existing alternative, with far-reaching implications for
the Troodos Memoir. 3 It was found that the Granophyric tectonic analysis.
Group sheets differed substantially across strike from sheet The essence of the original obduction idea was that slices
to sheet (although, locally, the sheeted aspect was lost of ocean floor were launched on to the continental shelf
through remobilization), and also that adjacent Diabase in the course of floor subduction beneath that shelf. At
sheets differed in detail in their degree of metamorphism, as present-day subduction sites the floor approaching the trench
did adjacent Basal Group dykes, some of which were fresh was always more than 2.5 km below the level of the shelf,
basalts. Moreover, it was shown that the centres of some and the trench was wider than the widest known ophiolite
dykes were more metamorphosed than their selvedges. All slices. Many ophiolite slices were too thin to have been
those characteristics pointed to certain conclusions concern- pushed significantly uphill, so one must postulate not only
ing the nature of the metamorphism. a quite exceptional elevation (at least 4 km above normal) of
(1) In general terms the degree of greenschist facies the basic oceanic crust relative to the level of the shelf but
metamorphism increased towards the interior of the also that the trench was full to shelf level with sediments.
Troodos Range, and particularly towards the plutonic rocks, The latter requirement probably ruled out active subduction.
where the Granophyric Group represented, principally, a As to the height difficulty, none of the many proposals
zone of silicification under hydrous conditions round the made, including ocean-ridge consumption, events related to
gabbro; it was analogous in a way to the zone of silicification a hypothetical 'flip' of subduction direction and impending
round a porphyry copper. continental collision, had been shown to provide a convinc-

ing chance of a solution, as was attested by the continuing Professor Gass, in reply, stated that recent work suggest-
flow of new suggestions. ed that that was essentially a metamorphic unconformity
The thermal aureole problem consisted in the fact that in and did not represent a major time-interval; he doubted,
a number of well studied true ophiolite suites the basal therefore, if the tectonic significance indicated by
peridotite was in apparently intrusive contact with a slice Osmaston was justified.
of supracrustal material (sometimes exhibiting a pre-existing Dr. Franco Maranzana, in commenting, first, on the
regional m e t a n ~ p h i c fabric) upon which it had impressed paper by Pearce and Gale, said that through the study of the
an aureole of up to garnet amphibolite grade, and tectonic distribution of Ti, Zr, Nb, Y and rare-earth elements it was
transport had taken place with both slices welded together. possible to recognize the environment in which ophiolites
Those features were particularly clear in the ophiolites of were formed. It also appeared that 'true' oceanic ophiolites
western Newfoundland, 4-7 but were known in some degree did not carry economic mineralization, more commonly
from ophiolites and Alpine peridotites the world over. found in the other types of oceanic crusts (marginal basin,
Williams and Smyth 6 were not sure that those aureoles back arc, island arc). Could they, therefore, use that
could be produced by frictional heating during early sliding system as an exploration tool? There should, in fact, be a
at the contact, and suggested that the obduction hypothesis direct economic implication related to the distinction of
might not rule out the mantle part of the slice being still the various environments, not so much to exclude a potential
very hot when it reached pre-existing continental crust. prospecting ground but to obtain an order of preference:
One of the alternatives proposed by Church, s however, was when dealing with ophiolitic country, if an area were recog-
that such ophiolites were generated at the earliest moment nized as a 'true' oceanic environment, a lower exploration
in the opening of an ocean basin and were possibly caused priority should be given to that area.
to slide on to the marginal continental crust at that time. With regard to the paper by Sheppard, by use of the
That interesting suggestion - a development from the ideas of ratios D/H and 160/180, the magmatic origin of mineraliz-
Hess and of Gass himself - deserved close attention. ation accompanied by the potassium silicate facies of hydro-
The age problem had a dual aspect. On the one hand, thermal alteration seemed to be demonstrated for porphyry
most ophiolites were substantially older than the regional copper (and Mo) deposits. If potassic alteration were a pre-
deformation and (where present) blueschist metamorphism requisite for that type of mineralization, was it possible to
and granite intrusion, which accompanied their final dis- conceive a porphyry copper without the above-mentioned
placement to their present sites. On the other hand, where alteration facies? He was referring specifically to the Cerro
erosion had not removed the evidence, it had been found Colorado, Panama, porphyry copper deposit, where, after
that the time between the constructive generation of an some 50 000 m of drilling, the deepest hole reaching about
ophiolite and its initial emplacement over continental 1500 m, no potassic alteration had reportedly been
crust could (and might always) be very short indeed (e.g. encountered.
in Oman 8) a point entirely consistent with the form- Turning to the paper by Hunt, who had referred to the
ation of hot-body contact aureoles. The long time-interval absence of potassic alteration at Cerro Colorado, Panama,
before the onset of typical subduction-induced metamor- either that type of alteration was not recognized, probably
phism and magmatism implied, however, that initial em- because subsequent feldspar-destructive facies of hydrother-
placement might well have nothing to do with subduction. mal alteration had obliterated the previous pattern of the
Church's proposal 5 met all those problems, provided potassium silicate phase, or the boreholes had not yet inter-
that the embryo ocean ridge substantially overtopped the sected potassic alteration (if so, the size of the orebody
level of the adjacent continental crust. In such a situation would be truly gigantic) or, as a last, and very improbable,
thick radiolarian sediments might accumulate over the ridge possibility, that type of alteration was not present.
due to the heating of the water, which could kill the radio- He suggested that the rather dense distribution of Andean
laria to give dense showers of siliceous debris. 9 It had been porphyry coppers might be related to the prolonged active
shown lO that processes at constructive margins were subduction of the Pacific Plate. A certain lag was considered
strongly dependent on the rate of heat input. Recent cal- necessary for the subduction mechanisms to set up the
culations showed that a thick continental plate being split magmatogene processes giving rise to hypoabyssal calc-
at a high oceanic separation rate could generate an accreting alkaline stocks and the related mineralizing hydrothermal
edifice standing well above an adjacent deep shelf before alteration, as a very substantial thickness of South American
that shelf had risen rauch in response to the heat input. continental plate needed to be perforated to reach a hypo-
Subsequent rise and tilting of the shelf, with the accreted abyssal level. Although no figure for such a lag could be
area welded to it, could then initiate a series of d~collements, advanced, that could not simply extend from the inception
first in the shelf cover and then in the accreted material, to of subd~Jction to the known (lower to upper Tertiary)
give the slice stacking order that was now so well established. porphyry coppers, as the existence in Chile of an almost
It appeared, therefore, that the obduction hypothesis entirely eroded porphyry-type mineralization, located at
should now be abandoned. Recognition that the primary Los Loros (near/a Serena) moved to late Cretaceous, the
emplacement of ophiolites on to continental edges marked oldest known emplacement of porphyry copper in the
the initiation of rapid plate separative events would obviously Andes (89 m.y). 11 Consequently, it was safe to assume that
have enormous implications for tectonic analysis. Also, it the active subduction zone in the Andes triggered porphyry
would explain at once (whereas misfit plate collision did copper emplacement from about 90 m.y. until the present
not) the extraordinarily tight grouping of ophiolite ages time, which accounted for the great abundance of that type
along individual former plate margins. A fuller treatment of of mineralization.
that topic would be given elsewhere. He wondered, therefore, how important for the form-
As a tailpiece he wondered if Gass would care to com- ation of porphyry coppers was the duration of active sub-
ment on whether, in the foregoing context, the unconfor- duction, as well as its geometric parameters, direction of
mity between the Upper and the Lower Pillow Lavas in the spreading, strike of the trench, thickness of crust, etc. In
Troodos ophiolite could mark the time of its primary em- the case of oceanic-oceanic interaction, Coco Plate and
placement over a shelf. Caribbean Plate, for instance, calc-alkaline magmatism

could be generated at hypoabyssal levels without the need mineralogy, which was similar to that of the classical
for the perforation of great thicknesses of continental crust; 'Kuroko'. Textural interpretations of the ore minerals
thus, much less time was likely to be required for that initial supported a low-temperature volcanogenic origin of that
phase. In southern Costa Rica and western Panama subduc- type.
tion might have been active from the lower Oligocene to the Exploration along the Ordovician-Silurian boundary in
Mid-Miocene. A porphyry copper deposit was located in that area might well lead to the discovery of further deposits.
Panama and indications of that type of mineralization were The model predicted that deposits likely to be found would
found in Costa Rica. be small, rich, lead-zinc bodies, with some larger low-grade
The corollary of all that could be summarized in two copper deposits. Deformation and erosion had made it
questions. If, hypothetically, in the Andes, subduction were unlikely that very large tonnages of rich ore could be
active for only 10 m.y., would that amount of time have expected.
sufficed for the formation of porphyry coppers? (Probably Dr. W. J. Phillips, in a written contribution, said that
not.) If the same time were allocated for another subduction the formation of ore deposits as the result of large-scale
environment, as that of the Caribbean, would that be convective circulation of hydrotherma! solutions derived
sufficient for the emplacement of similar mineralizations? from the hydrosphere had been demonstrated convincingly
(Probably yes.) by the stable isotope studies presented at the meeting,
With regard to the paper by Gass, in many instances supported by data on the rare-earth element distributions in
ophiolitic material, derived from the subducted plate, was the Troodos sediments. Attention had been drawn to the
emplaced by 'obduction'. In Costa Rica, the northwestern relatively narrow, faster-flowing, upward plumes of convec-
part of the country was formed by ophiolite (Nicoya penin- tion cells, and flow regimes in several different environments
sula) with rncClangein an assembly strongly suggestive of had been discussed. Little consideration had, however, been
obduction. From west to east the main geological-geograph- given to the hydraulic effects of convection of interstitial
ical divisions were: Cocos Plate (subducted), Trench, fluids in porous rocks.
Nicoyan ophiolites, rest of Costa Rica, Caribbean Plate It was important to realize that water with a hydrostatic
(overthrusting). It would appear, therefore, that the ophio- pressure (p), might flow down a vertical fracture only if
lites were derived from the Cocos Plate; on the other hand, the minimum principal effective stress (03) were horizontal
the magnetic pattern of northwestern Costa Rica (according and (73 -I- T<p, where Twas the tensile strength of the rock.
to aeromagnetic data), distinctly displaying an east-west Those conditions might occur near the t o p o f a rise on the
grain, was in accord with the magnetic anomalies of the sea-floor from which the rocks were sliding. Downward flow
Caribbean, aligned in the same direction, leading to the of water into the fracture would continue only as long as the
correlation between the Nicoyan ophiolites and the rocks were sliding, and it would cease when o3 + T>p.
Caribbean Plate. But, if that were so, another emplacement It was more likely that in th~ sustained convective circu-
rather than obduction should be sought. Changes in the lations required for one genesis, downward flow of water
direction of subduction might have somehow contributed occurred over large areas through the pore spaces, so the
to that problem, and such changes were possible when two horizontal effective stresses were carried by the grain con-
oceanic plates collided, since there were no fixed rules as to tacts. In the regions of the hotter upward-risingplumes the
which of the two was going to be subducted first. Another pressure of the fluid might have exceeded the combined hori-
explanation could come from a common spreading centre zontal principal stress and tensile strength of the rock, so
for both plates prior to subduction. His comment was made hydraulic fractures developed extensive dykes and stock-
merely to enhance Gass's words about their limited know- works. The increased permeability due to hydraulic fractur-
ledge on the emplacement mechanism of ophiolites. ing would play some part in localizing and accentuating the
As a concluding remark he would like to focus the upward flow of the hydrothermal solution and so contribute
importance of geological investigation in Costa Rica, where to the ore formation.
in very short distances they moved from an oceanic environ- Hunt had suggested that some of the fundamental genetic
ment [ophiolite and massive sulphides) to a continental problems not yet resolved included the sources of both
setting (calc-alkaline magmatism and porphyry coppers), magmas and metals, and the possible relations, if any, to
which made the area interesting for mineral exploration as normal igneous processes and subduction zones. The stable
well as academic work. isotope studies indicated that the initial major ore-transport
In a joint contribution Dr. R. A. Ixer and Dr. J. W. and alteration processes were magmatic-hydrothermal events.
Gaskarth said that the small copper-lead-zinc deposits of Although retrograde boiling had been referred to in many
the southern British Caledonides at Avoca and Parys Moun- papers, but not at the present meeting, little emphasis had
tain had recently been ~einterpreted as having a largely been placed on the mechanical effects of the process. The
volcano-sedimentary origin. That suggestion had found much explosive release of magmatic hydrothermal fluids from a
general acceptance, and a Kuroko-style model had been largely consolidated, probably sub-volcanic, shallow igneous
favoured, though the detailed evidence for that had not stock explained such characteristic features of porphyry copper
been well documented. deposits as the extensive crackle brecciation, the occurrence
Platt had presented the evidence from Avoca for that of porphyry and aplitic intrusions within the central, hotter
interpretation, leaving no doubt that, although metamor- zones of the intrusive mass, the extensive alteration and
phism, deformation and erosion had modified the deposits, the zoning. 13 The brecciation not only exposed a very large
they were volcanogenic Kuroko style. Recent work at surface area of the crystalline phases to reaction with
Parys Mountain by Thanasuthipitak 12 and by the speakers hydrothermal solutions but the large increase in the permeab-
(unpublished) had shown that deposit to have numerous ility allowed the magma-generated convective system to draw
similarities to Avoca and the classical 'Kuroko' deposits. meteoric waters through the reaction zones in which the
Like Avoca, Parys Mountain had an island arc tectonic redistribution and concentration of the ore metals might
setting, with felsic calc-al kaline volcanism; zoned, bedded occur. It seemed likely that the composition of the magma
sulphides overlay a stringer zone at the top of the volcanic was not critical but that the significant feature in the forma-
pile. A crude depth zoning was distinguished in the ore tion of porphyry copper deposits was whether or not retro-

grade boiling occurred at a late stage in the consolidation of
the igneous rock. The important prerequisite would be the
generation of a relatively hot, volatile-poor magma, which
might rise to shallow depths and consolidate almost com-
pletely before retrograde boiling occurred. Without retro-
grade boiling a normal igneous rock would form, but with
late-stage retrograde boiling a permeable reactive environ-
ment might be formed within which large-scale ore deposits
could develop by hypogene precesses. The most likely sites
for the development of volatile-poor granitic magma were
the deeper levels of orogenic zones possibly associated with
subduction zones.


1. Bishopp D.W. The Troodos Massif, Cyprus. Nature,

Lond., 169, 1952, 489-90.
2. Duffel S. and McTaggart K. C. Ashcroft map area,
British Columbia. Memgeol. Surv. Can. 262, 1952, 122 p.
3. Wilson R. Ao M. and Ingham F.T. The geology of the
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resources. Mere. geol. Surv. Cyprus no. 1, 1959, 184 p.
4. Smith C. H. Bay of Islands Igneous Complex, western
Newfoundland. Mem. geol. Surv. Can. 290, 1958, 132 p.
5. Church W. R. Ophiolite: its definition, origin as oceanic
crust, and mode of emplacement in orogenic belts, with
special reference to the Appalachians. Pubis. Earth Phys.
Brch, Dep. Energy Mines Resources Can., 42, no. 3, 1972,
6. Williams H. and Smyth W. R. Metamorphic aureoles be-
neath ophiolite suites and Alpine peridotites: tectonic
implications with west Newfoundland examples. Am. J.
Sci., 273, 1973, 594-621.
7. Williams H. Structural succession, nomenclature and
interpretation of transported rocks in western Newfound-
land. Can. J. Earth Sci., 12, 1975, 1874-94.
8. Glennie K. W. etal. Late Cretaceous nappes in Oman
Mountains and their geologic evolution. Bull. Am. Ask
Petrol. Geol., 57, 1973, 5-27.
9. Kanmera K. Paleozoic and Mesozoic geosynclinal
volcanism in the Japanese islands and associated chert sedi-
"mentation. In Modern and ancient geosynclinal sedimen-
tation Dott R. J. Jr. and Shaver R. H. eds (Tulsa: Society
of Economic Palaeontologists and Mineralogists, 1974),
161-73 (Spec. Pubis $oc. Paleont. Miner., Tulsa,
no. 19).
10. Osmaston M. F. Genesis of ocean ridge median valleys
and continental rift valleys. Tectonophysics, 11, 1971,
387 -405.
11. Sillitoe R. H. Environments of formation of
volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. Econ. Geol., 68,
1973, 1321-5.
12. Thanasuthipitak T. Relationship of mineralization to
petrology at Parys Mountain, Anglesey. Ph.D. thesis,
University of Aston in Birmingham, 1974. (Abstract
published in Trans. Instn Min. Metall. (Sect. B: Appl. earth
sci.), 84,' 1975, B71.
13. Phillips W. J. Mechanical effects of retrograde boiling
and its probable importance in the formation of porphyry
ore deposits. Tran~ Instn Min. Metal/. (Sect. B: Appl.
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Name index Bird J. M. 68, 75, 97 Coleman R.G. 53, 55, 56, 59, 68, 71,
Bischoff J. L. 53, 56, 61, 66, 69, 70 72, 75, 97
Abelson P. H. 56 BishopA. C. 151 Colley H. 41, 84, 85, 95
Adamides N. G. 68 Bishopp D.W. 171, 174 Combarnous M. 70
Ahlfeld F. 102, 113, 116, 125 Bjornsson S. 61, 68, 69 Compston W. 59, 71
Albers J. P. 104, 114 Blake M. C. Jr. 75 Conaghan P.J. 97
Alderton D. 22, 24 Blatner P. 40 Conklin N. 115
Alexiev E. I. 24 Bloxam T.W. 22 Constantinou G. 22, 41, 50, 54, 55,
Allen C. 23, 55 Boato G. 39 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 77, 171
Allen C. R. 54, 65, 70, 75 Bodvarsson G. 69 CooteA. R. 69
Allen P.M. 23, 95 Bonatti E. 68, 96 Corliss J. B. 41, 71, 96
Amstutz G.C. 71 Bonham H. F. Jr. 114 CornR. M. 115
Andel T. H. van 68 Bories S. 70 Corr R. F. 71
Anderson A. T. Jr. 40 Borley G. 149 Cotton S. 67
Anderson C.A. 41 Bornhardt W. 95 Coutts D. 86
Anderson E.T. 39 Borthwick J. 54 Craig H. 39, 40, 69
Anderson G. M. 25, 39 Bostrom K. 41, 160 Cramer J. 22, 24
Anderson R.N. 70 Bottinga Y. 26, 39, 40 Crick I.H. 162
Andrews A.J. 2, 3 Boussinesq J. 69 Cronan D.S. 79, 80
AngusJ. G. 96 Bowden P. 23, 24
Aoki K. 23 BowesD. R. 19,23 Damon P.E. 101,116
Arculus R.J. 23 Bowman H. R: 113 Dansgaard W. 40
Armstrong R. L. 88, 95 Brace W. F. 62,69 Darcy H. P.G. 62, 69
Arnason B. 40 Braithwaite R.L. 170 Date J. 160
Arn6rsson S. 68 Breemen O. van 23 DavisG. R. 96
Ashley R.P. 114, 116 Brewer P.G. 156, 160 Davis N. F. 25, 26, 39
Atkinson B. K. 146, 149 Brindley J.C. 163, 170 DavisS. N. 69
Atwater T. 70, 115 Bromley A . V . 22, 97 DeerW. A. 55
Audebaud E. 125 Brousse R. 94 Deffeyes K.S. 53, 56
Audley-Charles M.G. 149 Brown G.C. 23, 97, 125 Degens E.T. 70, 160
Aumento F. 44, 56 Brown P.E. 41 Delong S. E. 23
AvilaG. 117 BrowneP. R.L. 56,115 de Montreuil D. L.:
AvilaW. 117, 125 BrunfeltA. O. 22 see Montreuil D. L. de
Aziz K. 70 Bryner L. 114 Dengo G. 102, 116
Buddington A . F . 125 Denholm L.J. 114
Badham J. P.N. 92, 97 Bugge J. A.W. 149 Denholm L.S. 95
Bagby W.C. 116 Bullard E. 81, 94 de Vaumas E.: see Vaumas E. de
Bailey D. K. 21, 24, 94 Burbank W.S. 113, 115 Dewey J.F. 68, 75, 93, 97, 150, 163,
Bailey E.H. 75 Burk C.A. 75 164, 170
Bailey R.A. 115 Burnham C.W. 25, 26, 39, 41 DeWiest R. J.M. 69
Baker P. E. 144, 149 Dickinson W. R. 96
Bakke I. 151 Caltagirone J.-P. 70 Dickson F.W. 53, 56, 61, 66, 69
Baragar W. R.A. 22, 23 Cann J. R. 16, 22, 54, 56, 68, 75, Dietrich V.J. 23
BarkerA. L. 96 141, 144, 149, 151 Dietz R.S. 81, 94
Barnes H. L. 12, 39, 40, 56, 115, 160 Carmichael I. S.E. 149 Dixon C.J. 94, 97
Barnes I. 40 Carr J.M. 56 DoeB. R. 25, 39
Barsukov V. L. 21, 24, 96 CarrM. J. 116 Donaldson I.G. 63, 69, 70
Barton P. B. Jr. 41, 114 Carstens C.W. 142, 148, 150 Dorman L. M. 75
Basham I. R. 97 Carstens H. 150 Dott R. J. Jr. 174
Bass-Becking L. G.M. 71 CarterW. D. 116 Downes K. 170
Baumann L. 97 Casadevall T. 115, 116 Doyle L. 170
Bear J. 70 Chambers A. D. 41 DrakeC. L. 75, 116
Bear L.M. 56, 64, 65, 68 Chapman H.J. 23, 56, 67, 68 Dreier J. E. Jr. 114
Beckinsale R. D. 67 Charlesworth J.K. 165, 170 Drury S.A. 19,23
Bell J. D. 82, 86, 94 Chester R. 80 Dudziak K.H. 70
Bellido B. E. 113 Christiansen R. L. 96, 113, 115 Duedall I.W. 69
Bemmelen R. W. van 151 Chung Y. 69 Duffel S. 174
Bernard A. 87, 94 ChurchW. R. 97, 172, 174 Duke N.A. 22
Bernard A.J. 71 Clabaugh S.E. 113, 116 Dunham Sir Kingsley 97
Bernstein M. 89, 96 Clark A.H. 116 Dymond J. 71
Berry F. A. F. 40 Clark A.M. 125 Dymond J. R. 45, 55
Berry W. B.N. 149 Clark L.A. 23, 56, 160
Best M.G. 125 Clark S.P. 70 Easton A.J. 41, 45, 55
Bethke P. M. 41, 114 Clayton R.N. 40, 42, 45, 55, 56, 69 Eaton G.P. 114
Beveridge T. 3 Clifford T.N. 23 Egin E. 95
Bhattacharji S. 161 Cloupeau M. 70 ElderJ. W. 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 10, 12,56,62,
Bickle M.J. 23 Cobbing E.J. 125 63, 67, 69, 70
Bignell R.D. 79, 80 Coleman P.J. 76 Ellis A.J. 2, 3, 40, 56, 156, 160
El Shatouri H.M. 114 Glennie K.W. 174 Hildreth R.A. 56, 68
ElstonW. E. 115, 116 Godfrey J. D. 55 Hin E. 125
Engel A. E.J. 56 Goldberg E. D. 3 Hirsinger V. 149
Engel C.G. 56 Goldschmidt V.M. 129, 138, 150 Hitchon B. 40
Enjoji M. 114, 160 Gonz~lez R. 125 Hite R.J. 97
Epstein S. 40, 41,42, 44, 54, 55, 56 Goossens P.J. 112, 116 Hodges F.N. 23
Erb E.E. 115 Gordon L. I. 40 Hoefs J. 69
Etminan H. 41 Govett G. J.S. 22, 41, 50, 55, 64, Hoffman A.W. 41
Evernden J.F. 126 65, 66, 68 Holland H.D. 26, 39, 56, 71,161
Ewing M. 55, 68, 75, 150 Gow A.J. 40 Hollister V. F. 83, 87, 88, 89, 94, 95,
Graff P. R. 22 96
Farrar E. 125 Graham C.M. 54 Holloway J. R. 48, 56
Ferguson J. 71 Grant J. N. 22, 23, 39, 116, 117, Holser W.T. 56
Ferriday I. 128, 149 125, 126 HolstP. H. 70
Fiadeiro M. 69 Gray D.E. 12, 13 Holtedahl O. 132, 150, 151
Fisher F.S. 113 Green D.C. 162 Honma H. 155, 157, 160
Fitch F.J. 151 Green H.W. 23 Honnorez J. 71
Fitton J.G. 163, 165, 170 Green T. H. 92, 97 Horder M. 149
Fleet A.J. 22, 78 Greenbaum D. 59, 68, 73, 75 Horikoshi E. 23, 83, 84, 94, 95, 153,
Fleischer M. 115 Grenne T. 22, 23 159, 160
FlettJ. S. 95 Griggs D.T. 125 Horsley R. 149
Flitton S. 149 Grindley G.W. 64, 69 Horton C. Wo 69
Flower M. F.J. 23 Gr~nvold K. 59, 71 Howie R.A. 55
Floyd P.A. 22 GrossW. H. 106, 113 Hudson J.D. 55, 71
Folinsbee R.E. 115 Grubbs D. K. 39 Hughes D.J. 163, 165, 170
Ford J.H. 41,162 Guilbert J. M. 41, 83, 89, 95 Hulston J.R. 162
Forester R.W. 37, 41,115 Guild P.W. 94 HumphrisS. E. 57, 141,150
Forster H. 96 Gustafson L.B. 41, 115 HuntJ. P. 41,56,98, 115, 172, 173
FoshagW. F. 116 Gustafson W. I. 55 Hutchinson C.S. 75
Foslie S. 129, 130, 132, 134, 138, Gustavson M. 130, 150 Hutchinson R.W. 22, 23, 41, 56,
149, 150 61, 68, 170
Foster B. 125 Haas J. L. Jr. 160 Hynes A. 68, 75
Fournier R.O. 39, 160 Hackett J. P. Jr. 66, 70 HynesA. J. 76
Fowler M. 73 Hadjistavrinou Y. 54
FoxW. 116 Hajash A. 53, 56, 66, 71
Igarashi T. 115
Francheteau J. 65, 70 Hall A. 97
Franck E.U. 70 lijima A. 160
HallW. E. 40, 41
FrangosW. T. 69 Imai H. 114, 126
Halls A. 149
Friedman I. 40, 41 Ingham F.T. 174
HallsC. 22, 23, 97, 116, 117, 126,
Inthuputi B. 97
Fries C. Jr. 116 128, 149
Irving E.M. 113
FrutosJ. J. 111,116 Hamilton D. 41
IrwinW. P. 75
Fujii N. 161 Hamilton D. L. 25, 39
Isacks B. 94
Fujji K. 159 Hamilton W. 97
Ishihara S. 96, 114, 115, 153, 159,
Fyfe W.S. 1,2, 3, 22, 23, 53, 56, Haq B.T. 97
58, 67, 69, 125, 141,151 Harakal J. E. 95
Ito K. 55, 70
Hards N.J. 96
Ixer R.A. 95, 173
Gabelman J.W. 96 Harland W.B. 150
Gale G.H. 14, 22, 23, 57, 95, 128, Harris P.G. 126
131,132, 150, 151,172 Hart R.A. 56 Jackson N. 24
Gardiner P. R.R. 165, 166, 170 HartS. R. 59, 71 Jahns R.H. 25, 39
Garlick G. D. 41,45, 55 Hartmann M. 70 Jake~ P. 150
Garside L.J. 114 Harvey R.D. 114 James D. E. 24, 126
Garson M.S. 21,22, 81,82, 85, 89, Hasebe K. 159, 161 James M. 125
90, 94, 95, 96 HatchF. H. 150 Jankovic S. 57
Gaskarth J.W. 95,173 Hatherton T. 96 Javoy M. 26, 39, 45, 55
Gass I.G. 22, 41, 54, 55, 56, 67, 68, Haugen A. 128 Jehl V. 40, 45, 55, 71
72, 75, 76, 97, 171,172, 173 Havens R.G. 56 Jensen B.B. 24
Gayer R.A. 97, 150 Hayes D. E. 23 Jensen R. 149
Gee D.G. 130, 150 Heaton T. H.E. 34, 40, 42, 54, 55, Johannsen 0. 149
Gels H.P. 149 60, 67, 69, 79 Johnson A. E. 56, 61, 69
GeyneA. R. 101,113, 116 Hedge C. E. 59, 69, 71 Johnson H. 56
Gibson I. 149 Helgeson H.C. 12, 56, 63, 65, 69, 70 Johnson-H~st M. 149, 150
Giggenbach W. 40 Hembre O.S. 149 Jones D.L. 75
Gill J. 150 Henley R.W. 1, 3, 58, 67, 70, 159 Jones J.G. 150
Gill J.B. 21, 23, 24, 114, 116, 150 Herrmann A.G. 22 Jones K. 125
Gill K . R . 54 Hess H. H. 39, 81, 94, 150, 172 Jones L.M. 94
Gjelsvik T. 145, 146, 150 Hewett D.F. 115 Julian B.R. 126
Glassley W.E. 71 Heyl A.V. 40 Juve G. 170
Kajiwara Y. 155, 157, 159, 160 Lorenz V. 97 Morrison H. L. 69, 70
Kamilli R.J. 115 Lortie R.B. 116 Mottl M.J. 71
Kanehira K. 69, 114 L6vaas G. 149 MudieJ. D. 70
Kanmera K. 174 Lowell J. D. 41, 83, 94, 95 Muehlenbachs K. 40, 42, 45, 55, 69
Kaplan I.R. 56 Lowell R.P. 70, 89, 91 Muffler L. J.P. 56, 95
Karig D.E. 24, 71,94 Lowenstam H.A. 1, 3 Muir I.D. 151
Kato T. 86, 95 LuedkeR. G. 113, 115 MLinnich K.O. 69
Katto Y. 69 Lufkin J.L. 116 Murphy R.W. 149, 150
Kawabe S. 160 Lund A. 149 Murphy T.A. 170
KayR. W. 16,23,68 Lusk J. 170 Murray R.G. 3
Keenan J.H. 70 LyonsJ. I. Jr. 116
KeevilN. B. 11,12,126 Nash J.T. 41,106, 114, 126
Kelly W.C. 122, 124, 126 McAnulty W. N. Jr. 115 Needham H.D. 65, 70
Kennedy G.C. 26, 39, 124, 126 McArdle P. 170 Newall G. 12
Kennett B. L.N. 75 McCormick P. 149 Nicholls I.A. 23
Kennett J.P. 40, 47, 55 McCrea J.M. 55 Nicholson R. 150
Kesler S. E. 83, 94 MacDiarmid R.A. 12 Nieid D.A. 69
Kharaka Y. K. 40 Macdonald R. 21,24 Nielsen H. 56
KiddR. G.W. 67, 68 McDougall I. 114 Nielsen R. L. 39, 56, 70, 96
KiddW. S.F. 22 McDowell F.W. 113 Nishiwaki C. 104, 115
Kilinc I.A. 23, 41 MclverJ. R. 23 Nisterenko G.V. 116
Kirkham D.H. 63, 69, 70 McKeeE. 115 Noble D.C. 113
Kistler R.W. 96 McKee E.H. 104, 114 Noble J.A. 24, 96
Kleinhampl F.J. 104, 114 McKerrowW. S. 97 Nockolds S. R. 39
Klitgord K.D. 70 McTaggart K.C. 174 NolanT. B. 113,114
Knake D. 22 Madden T.M. 69 Noltimier H.C. 70
Knauth L.P. 40, 56 Madel J. 95 Norris Co 149
KnightC. L. 114 Magaritz M. 45, 55
Kobe H.W. 114 MahonW. A.J. 160 Oftedahl C. 129, 130, 131,132, 142,
Koide H. 161 Mallo H. 125 144, 148, 149, 150
Kollung S. 149 Malpas J. 22 Ohmoto H. 25, 36, 39, 41, 55, 56,
KoneEn~ V. 115 Maranzana F. 172 61, 66, 69, 71,115, 160
Kraume E. 95 Marocco R. 125 Oliver J. 94
Krauskopf K.B. 156, 160 Marriner G. 22, 159 O'Neil J. R. 40, 41, 96, 107, 114,
Kristmannsd6ttir H. 56, 68 Martin Vivaldi J.L. 114 115
Kroopnick P. 69 Mason B.H. 12 O'Nions R. K. 59, 71
Krusiewski S.V. 96 Mason R. 149 Orange A.S. 69
KullingO. 151 Masson Smith D. 55, 67, 76 OrcuttJ. A. 75
Kuniyoshi S. 55, 70 Masubuchi K. 160 Osborn E. F. 39
Kuno H. 96, 115, 153, 160, 161 Masuoka T. 69 Osmaston M.F. 171,172, 174
Kuril'chikova G.Y. 96 Matsubaya O. 40, 161 Otagaki T. 95, 160
Kvernvold O. 69 Matsukuma T. 160 OwensD. 113
Matthews D.H. 68 Oxburgh E. R. 97
Lambert I.B. 36, 41, 66, 71, 96, May F. 95 Oyarzun J. 94
104, 106, 114, 150, 153, 159, 170 Mayeda T. K. 40, 55 Oyarz6nM. J. 111,116
Landis G.P. 34, 40, 41 Mayfield I. 149
Langley K.M. 40 Mayor J.N. 113 Palm E. 69
Lanphere M.A. 96 Mehnert H.H. 114 P~;Imason G. 64, 69
Lapwood E.R. 69, 71 MelsonW. G. 68 Palmer Q. 149
Laubacher G. 125 MenziesM. 23, 55 Pan Y.-S. 116
Lawrence J. R. 41 Mercer J.W. 70 Pankhurst R.J. 59, 71, 93, 97
Laznicka P. 41,90, 96 Miller J.A. 151 Park C. F. Jr. 12, 116
Leal G. 114 MinearJ. W. 126 Parmentier E.M. 67
Lebedev L.M. 156, 160 Mitchell A . H . 163, 164, 170 Pearce J.A. 14, 16, 22, 23, 57, 68,
LeeW. H.K. 56 Mitchell A. H.G. 21, 22, 81, 82, 86, 75, 141, 144, 151,172
Leedy W.P. 113 92, 94, 95, 96, 97 Pereira J. 94, 97
Levy E. 113 Miyashiro A. 55, 68, 75, 76, 96, 138, Peterrnan Z. E. 53, 55, 56, 59, 68,
LewisA. D. 22 139, 150 69, 71, 96
LindgrenW. 5, 12, 105, 113 Miyazawa T. 114 Peterson M. N.A. 41, 160
Liou J.G. 47, 55, 70 Moghal M.Y. 97 Petropoulos P.G. 68
Lipman P.W. 96, 102, 107, 113, Monster J. 56 Petruk W. 113
114, 115 MontreuilD. L. de 113 . Phillips W. E.A. 164, 170
Lister B. 94 Moore J.G. 68, 150 Phillips W.J. 39, 173, 174
Lister C. R.B. 51, 54, 56, 57, 64, 70 Moores E.M. 47, 55, 67, 68, 75 Philpotts A. R. 111, 116
Livingston D. E. 89, 96 Morel S.W. 56 Pinckney D.M. 40
Locardi E. 97 Morin P. 94 Pinder G. F. 70
Lombardi G. 40 Morris E. 125 Pineau F. 45, 55
Loncarevic B.D. 57 Morris H.T. 115 Pitcher W.S. 125

Plant J. 96 Sakai H. 40, 56, 161 Soler E. 87, 94
Platt J.W. 95, 163 SalasO. R. 113 SomertonW. H. 151
Pocock B.G. 66, 71 Sangster D.F. 23, 166, 170 Sourirajan S. 26, 39, 124, 126
Poldervaart A. 39, 150 Sarre M. 22 Spada A. 97
Potter R. R. 96 Sasaki A. 159, 160 Spencer D.W. 69, 156, 160
Potts M.J. 22 SatoK. 160,161 Spooner E. T.C. 22, 23, 45, 53, 55,
Potts P.J. 22 Sato T. 36, 41, 66, 71, 85, 86, 91, 56, 58, 60, 65,68, 69, 71, 75, 79,
Poty B. 49 94,95,96, 104, 106, 114, 115, 141,151
PouitG. 132 148, 150, 151,153, 155, 156, 157, Springer J. 151
Powell C.M. 97 158, 159, 160, 161,170 Stacey J.S. 25, 39
Prestvik T. 149 Saunders M.J. 49 Stanton R. I_. 71, 95, 152
Price N.J. 151 SavinS. M. 40 Steeves M. 22
Priem H. N.A. 23 Sawkins F.J. 22, 41, 87, 94, 95, 115 Steeves M.A. 23
Prostka H.J. 96, 115 Sch~ifer H. 1, 3 Steiner A. 56
Pryor R. N. 95 Scheidegger A. E. 69 Stern C. R. 96
Pucheldt H. 71 Schiener E.J. 170 Steven T.A. 105, 113, 114
Schilberg L.E. 70 Stevens R. 90
Schilling J.G. 68 Stevens R.K. 97
Schmincke H.-U. 23 Stevenson J.S. 95
Rambaud F. 95, 152 Schmitt H. 99, 107, 113 Stewart F.H. 97
Rambaud Perez J. 95 Schneider A. 56 Stewart J.W. 126
Ramsay W. R.H. 114 Schneider-Scherbina A. 125 Stillman C.J. 163, 166, 170
RankinA. 125, 128 Schoell M. 70 Stohl J. 115
Rast N. 12 Schubert A. 126 StoiberR. E. 111,116
Ratt~J.C. 113, 114 Schuiling R.D. 24 Strand T. 129, 150, 151
ReaW. J. 22, 23 Scott R. 149 Straus J.M. 70
Reading H.G. 163, 164, 170 Scott R.D. 151 Strauss G. K. 95
Rebek R.J. 114 Searle D. L. 22, 56, 61, 68, 97 Streckeisen A. 43, 55
Reed B. L. 96 SekineY. 114 Strong D. F. 22, 23, 80, 95, 96, 151,
Reinhardt B.M. 76 Senechal R.G. 16, 23, 68 159, 164, 165, 170
Reinsbakken A. 128, 147 Shackleton N.J. 40, 47, 55 Stumpfl E.F. 23
Rhoden H.N. 95 Shalaby I.M. 95 Sturt B.A. 151
Rhodes R.C. 115 Sharp G.J. 23 Subbarao K.V. 59, 71
Ribando R.J. 64, 70 Sharp R.P. 40 Suffel G.G. 23
Rice C.M. 41, 97 Shaver R.H. 174 SugimuraA. 116, 159, 160, 161
RiceR. 23 Shawe D. R. 97 Sugisaki R. 40
Richardson H. 125 Sheppard S. M.F. 25, 31, 33, 34, 36, Sundius N. 144, 151
Rickards R.B. 150 39, 40, 41,42, 44, 50, 54, 56, 60, Sundvoll B. 22
Ridge J.D. 115, 160 69, 70, 79, 91,96, 162, 172 Suzuoki T. 40, 44, 55
Riding R. 97 Shibata K. 96 Swanson E.A. 23, 95, 170
Ridler R.H. 23 Shido F. 55, 68, 75, 150 Syers J. K. 43, 55
Riley J.P. 80 Shiina M. 159
Ringwood A. E. 23, 76, 96 Shimazaki u 160 Takagiu 95
Ripley E.M. 116 Shirozu H. 160 Takenouchi S. 114, 126
Rivas S. 125 Shuto K. 161 Takeuchi Y. 56, 95, 114
Roberts D. 22, 23, 131,132, 149, SierraJ. 114 TakeudiY. 116
150, 151 Sigvaldason G.E. 40 Tanimura S. 160
Roberts R.J. 113 Silberman M. L. 41,96, 104, 114, Tarling D.H. 76
Robertson A. H. F. 41, 64, 55, 56, 115, 116 Tatsumi T. 84, 95, 114, 160
71, 78 Sillitoe R.H. 22, 23, 83, 87, 88, 89, Taylor H. P. Jr. 25, 27, 33, 37, 39,
Robertson E.C. 125 91,94,95,96,99, 113, 115, 116, 40, 41,44, 45, 46, 53, 54, 55, 56,
Robinson B.W. 41,114, 95 117, 124, 125, 126, 174 67, 69, 70, 96, 107, 115
Roedder E. 12, 39, 96, 115, 126 Simonian K.O. 22, 68, 75 TaylorP. S. 111,116
Roether W. 69 Simons J.H. 116 Thanasuthipitak T. 174
Rogers F. T. Jr. 69, 70 Skevington D. 150, 151 Theodore T.G. 126
R~rnme I. 149 Skinner B.J. 1,3 Thode H.G. 56
Ross D.A. 70, 160 Skinstad J. 149 Thompson R.N. 23
Ross D. I. 57 Smewing J.D. 22, 23, 54, 55, 56, Thurlow J.G. 23, 85, 94, 95, 127,
Routhier P. 125, 126 67, 68, 75 159, 170
Rowe R.B. 41 Smith A.G. 75 Tilley C.E. 151
Rubenach M.J. 23, 76 Smith B. 56 Titley S. R. 95
Rui I.J. 23, 151 Smith C.H. 174 Toksoz M.N. 126
Ruiz F.C. 116 Smith D. M. Jr. 113 Tokunaga M. 160
Runcorn S.K. 76 Smith P.A. 79, 80 T6masson J. 40, 56, 68
Russell M.J. 97 Smith R.L. 115 Tongiorgi E. 40
Rutland R.W.R. 150 SmythW. R. 172,174 Tooms J.S. 80
Rye R.O. 25, 34, 36, 39, 40, 41, 55, Snelgrove A. K. 94 Tornebohm A. E. 129, 151
56, 66, 69, 71, 114, 115, 160 Snelling N.J. 126 Torrance K. E. 70
Torrez J. 125 Wright J. B. 22, 23
Toselli A.J. 126 Wyllie P.J. 96, 126
Tourtelot H.A. 69
Trennery T.O. 66, 71 Yamaoka K. 114
Truesdell A. H. 95, 160 YpmaP. J.M. 116
Turcotte D. L. 70, 126
Turi B. 40 Zachrisson E. 129, 130, 131,132,
Turneaure F.S. 96, 122, 124, 126 150, 151
Turner F.J. 149 Zartman R. E. 40
TurnerJ. C.M. 126 ZeisE. C. 116
Zelenov K.K. 71
Ueda Y. 114 Zussman J. 55
Ueno H. 95, 161
Upadhyay H.D. 22, 96
Urabe T. 157, 160
Urey H.C. 40
Utada M. 161
Uyeda S. 96, 161

Vallance T.G. 144, 151

van Andel T. H.: see Andel T. H. van
van Bemmelen R. W.: see Bemmelen
R. W. van
van Breemen O.: see Breemen O. van
Varne R. 23, 76
Vaumas E. de 76
Veizer J. 59,71
Verhoogen J. 149
Verschure R. H. 22
Villal6n M. 95
Vine F.J. 47, 55, 67, 75
Vitaliano C.J. 114
VogtT. 131,132, 151
Vokes F. M. 22, 95, 128, 149, 151

Walker G. P. L. 149
Walker P. 149
Walker R. L. 94
Walsh J. B. 69
Watanabe T. 84, 95
Watson J. 149
Weber J. E. 69
Weiss R. F. 69
Weissberg B.G. 114, 115
Welland M. J.P. 97
Wells A. K. 144, 150, 151
Wells M.K. 150
Wenner D. B. 40, 54
Wheatley C. J.V. 95, 170
White D. E. 31, 39, 40, 56, 70, 83,
95, 108, 109, 115, 156, 160
WhiteR. 149
Wilkinson N. 125
Williams D. 86, 95, 152
Williams D. L. 70
Williams G.J. 114
Williams H. 22, 172, 174
Wilson G.V. 95
Wilson J.T. 151,170
Wilson M. R. 151
Wilson R. A.M. 55, 171, 174
Winchester J.A. 22
Winter C. K. 22
Wisser E. 100, 101,107, 113, 115
Wodzicki A. 114, 115
Wolfe J.A. 95
Wolff F.C. 151
Wooding R.A. 69, 70

Subject index Benioff zones 81, 90, 91, 93, 153
zone-related magmas 91
Acanthite 101, 102 Bentonitic clays 78
Adularia 101, 104, 107, 108 Besshi-type
Agglomerates 142 cupriferous sulphides 81
Aguilarite 101 massive pyrrhotite 87
Alaskites 93 stratiform massive sulphides 86
Albite 128, 132, 137, 139, 140, 143 Bimodal basalt-rhyolite suite 113
Albitic plagioclase microlites and quartz 143 Biotite 19, 27, 28, 31-3, 138, 162
Alestos 58 andesite dykes 104
Alkali Bismuthinite 121
basalts 21 Bolivian granites 20, 21
feldspar 112 Bolivian sub-volcanic deposits 125
granite stocks 90 Bolivian tin-bearing granites 21
magmas 93 from Sn-W greisen 36
Alunite 99, 101, 102, 109 Bolivian tin belt 117
Amino acid 1 Eastern Cordillera of Central Andes 117
Amphibole 19-21, 44, 46-9, 51 tin production 122
Amphibolite 21, 43 Bornite 51,110, 155
facies 42, 43, 48, 58, 73, 138, 141 Boulangerite 90, 102
Amygdales 139, 140 Boulder batholith 33
Andesite-rhyolite volcanics 98 Breccias 104, 110, 119, 120, 163, 165
Andesites 2, 15, 17, 93, 104, 110--2, 139, 144, 146, 153, fillings 112
163, 170 Brecciation 117
Andesitic-dacitic host rocks 107 explosive hydrothermal 117
Andradite 43 igneous 117
Anglesite 155 Broadlands system 64, 66
Anhydrite 31, 36, 52, 153, 157 Buchans orebodies 127
importance in prophyry copper environments 52 high-grade Kuroko-like massive sulphide deposits 127
Anorthosites 43, 81,92 polymetallic sulphide deposit 165
Antimony 90
in tin-tungsten belts in China, Bolivia and Burma 90 Cadmium 146
Apatite 19,21,99, 111 Calc-alkaline 99, 112, 144, 153, 163
Appalachian porphyry-type deposits 89 arcs 165
Appinites 137 eruptives 117, 129
Argentite 101, 104, 157 facies 165
Argillic alteration assemblages 124 lavas 163, 165
Arsenic 146 magmas 91, 92
Arsenophyrite 121, 146 magmatic activity 109, 142, 173
Ash extrusion 26 melts 98
Au-Ag deposits 33, 37 pluton 89
Augite 137 rocks 165
Augite andesite 104 volcanic environments 113, 173
Augite phenocrysts 140 volcanic rocks 110, 112
Auriferous quartz veins 93 volcanic sequences 165
Auriferous sulphides 104 Calcareous
greenschists 139
Barite 85, 101, 102, 153-5,157, 158 sandstones 110
gangue 107 Calcic plagioclase 137, 138
Basalts 15, 34, 44, 47, 52, 139-41, 146, 153 Calcites 43,47, 101,102, 108, 110, 111,137, 139, 140,
calc-alkali 144 146
lavas 132 Calc-sil:cate rocks 93
lavas of the Troodos Ophiolite Complex 77 Caledonian deformation 139
hydrothermal alteration 77 Carbonate 128, 146, 147, 163
massive sulphur deposits 77 Cassiterite 99, 112, 121,125
magma 2, 65, 144 deposition 124
oceanic 48, 144 mineralization 112, 117, 120-2
pillow lavas 16, 60, 154 Chalcedonic vein quartz 47, 50, 101,102
rocks 25, 61, 64, 139 140, 144 Chalcedony 43, 77, 108, 112
strato-volcano 104 Chalcopyrite 43, 50, 61, 65, 85, 101,104, 121,128, 146,
Basic 152-4, 158, 166
dykes 137 facies 163
magmas 4, 72 veins 43
pyroclastic facies 139 Charnockitic rocks 93
transport of Ni, Cr, Co 4 Chemical aspects of sea water 66
tufts 163 basalt interaction 66
volcanic rocks 42, 138, 144, 163 ore deposition 66

China clay 36 Dioritic
Cornish high-quality deposits 36 magma 137, 138
isotopically supergeneclays 36 pluton 104
Chloride complexes 157 rocks 136
Chloride-rich (S-poor) fluids 2 Dolerite dykes 66, 67
Chlorine 38 Dolerites 34, 44, 46, 52
Chlorite 28, 43, 46, 47, 77, 128, 132, 137, 139, 140, Dolomite 169
146, 157 Dolomitic nodules 169
Chlorite-epidote 89 Dunites 73
Chloritic alteration 120
Chloritized pyroclastics (mineralized tuff) 168 Eclogite 19, 21
Chondrite 78 Electrum 104, 157
Chorolque hydrothermal system 123, 124 El Salvador porphyry copper deposit 31, 37
Chrome deposits 4 Emplacement processes 74
Chromite 73 Enargite 102, 109
bodies 93 Epidote-clinozoisite 140
Cinnabar 83 Epidotes 43, 46, 47, 49, 128, 132, 137-40
Clays 99, 102 rich segregations 140, 142
Clay-pyrite 89 veins 47, 49
Clinozoisite 137 Epithermal deposits 109, 111
Coastal meteoric waters 31 gold 110
Cobalt 77 gold-silver 33, 34, 90
Cobalt arsenides 81 ore deposition 107, 108
Co-magmatic volcanic rocks 108 sulphide deposition 109
Composite batholith 107 vein deposits 107
Compositions of hydrous minerals 46 Epizonal plutons 26
amphibole, chlorite, epidote 46 Euhedral hornblendes 137
Concentrated residuals in lateritic weathering 2 Exhalite facies 132
Connate water 28, 30, 32
Copper 2, 77, 146-8, 163 Fayalite 112
deposits 2 Feldspar-destructive alteration 33
metallogenic belt 111 Feldspars 4, 21,109, 138, 143
mineralization 89 Felsic
--nickel mineralization 93 eruptives 163
porphyry 4, 89 ignimbrite 110
Copper-pyrite deposits 165, 166 lavas and tufts 109
Cornish granites 20 magma 26
Cretaceous sea-watersource for sulphur 51, 52 stocks 107, 108
Cronebane orebody, East Avoca, Ireland 169 volcanic rocks 99, 153, 166
Crystallizing magma 120 volcanism 127, 159
Crystal tufts 163, 168, 169 Ferromagnesian minerals 138
Cumulus ores 149 Ferromanganese oxides 80
of magmatic origin 149 Fluid dynamic parameters 51
Cupriferous iron sulphides 86 control of sea-water circulation in Troodos crust 51
Cupriferous pyrite ore deposits 58, 61, 86 Fluid inclusions 5
Cupriferous pyrites 34, 61, 62, 67, 86 Fluorine 21
Iberian belt, southern Spain 86 Fluorite 106, 112
Cupriferous pyritic ores 147 Fugacities of oxygen and sulphur 155
Cupriferous pyritic stockworks 86 Fumaroles 67
Cerro Colorado, La Zarza and Avoca 86 Fumarolic deposits 2
Cu-rich pyritic zone, Avoca, Ireland 163
Cyprus deposits 64, 66 Gabbro 17, 43-9, 51,128, 131,132, 137-9, 143, 171
Cyprus ophiolitic rocl~s 67, 171 Gabbroic magma chambers 42, 65
Cyprus sulphide deposits 34, 67 Gabbroic rocks 58
massive 42, 90 Gabbro pegmatite 47
Gabbro plutons 53
Dacite 101,119, 144, 153 Galena 61,65, 85, 101,102, 104, 107, 108, 128, 146,
host rock 101 152-5, 158, 166, 169
porphyry dykes 101 Gangue minerals 28
Deep-sea basalt 65 Garnet 19, 21
Destructive plate boundaries 81 Gemstones 81
Deuterium analysesof fluid inclusions 107 deposits 93
Diabase 171 Geological setting of Skorovas orebody, Gjersvik Nappe,
Diaspore 99, 157 central Norway 128-51
Dickite 101 acid to intermediate flows and pyroclastics 142 ~
Diorite 128, 132, 137-9, 165 basaltic and andesitic lavas 139
intrusive 168 Caledonian tectonism 134
Diorite-type porphyry copper 81, 102 Gelvernokko Nappe 129
Gr~ndalsfjell massif 133, 134, 136-9 High-alumina basalt 153
Helgeland Nappe 131 Hornblende 19, 46, 48, 137, 138
K61i Nappe 129, 131 diorite 136, 137
Leipik Nappe 129 gabbro 138
Lower K61i Nappe 129 peridotites 42
magmatic affinity of Skorovas eruptives 144 Hot spring systems 33
mineralogy and stratigraphy within orebody 146 volcanic rocks 33
Nes&piggen 134, 138 Hydrodynamic model for origin of ophiolitic cupriferous
open dome and basin structures 133 pyrite ore deposits, Cyprus 58-71
peripheral exhalative mineralization 148 Companian-Maestrichtian sea water 60
plutonic chemical aspects of sea water 66
masses of ultrabasic, basic and acid composition 134 cupriferous pyrite ore deposits 58
members of Gjersvik eruptive sequence 134 geochemical evidence for formation of sulphide ore
rocks 134 deposits 61
regional structural and stratigraphic setting 129 geochemical evidence for sea-water interaction 58
Skorovasklumpen 138, 142 hydrothermal convection 61
Skorovas orebody 128, 134, 138, 139, 142, 144-7 hydrothermal ore deposit formation 58
area 134, 140, 142, 146, 148, 149 ophiolitic rocks of Troodos Complex 61
massive and disseminated pyritic ore 128 ophiolitic rocks of Troodos Massif, Cyprus 58
Staten Group 131 sulphur isotopic compositions 61
stratiform base-metal deposits, Central Norwegian Hydrogen and oxygen isotope evidence for sea-water-
Caledonides 128 hydrothermal alteration and ore deposition 4 2 - 5 7
structural style of orebody 145 basic volcanic rocks 42
tectonic style within Skorovas area 132 ophiolite sequences 42
Trondheim region 131,132, 143, 148 epidote veins from gabbro, trondhjemites and S.I.C. 49
volcanic rocks 134, 139, 143 exchange experiments 43
Goethermal geological setting 42
springs 30 isotopic composition of hydrothermal waters 47
Coast Range, California 30 Limni stockwork 50
systems 31 massive sulphide deposits 42, 43
waters 30, 31 metamorphic and hydrothermal processes 42
Gjersvik plutonics 131 stockwork zone 43
Gold associated with island arc deposits 83 sulphur isotopes 51
derived from lavas and volcaniclastic rocks 83 ratios in sulphides 51
Gold-bearing pyrite 87 Troodos
magmatic arcs 87 hydrothermal waters 48
Gold deposits 2, 81, 93, 104 ophiolite complex 42
in outer arcs and inter-arc troughs 90 Upper Cretaceous 43
Gold-silver deposits 33, 37 Hydrogen isotope ratio 25
Gold-silver tellurides 104 Hydrothermal
remobilization from relatively gold-rich sediments 2 alteration 124
Gold telluride deposits 113 breccia 102, 120
Granite plutons 81 circulation of sea water 14
Granites 20, 21,92 convection 61, 64
tungsten-bearing of Japan and Asian mainland 90 fluids 6, 25, 31, 33, 42, 47, 52, 61, 112, 123
Granitic metamorphism 60, 61
batholiths 98 metasomatism 52
dykes 136 ore deposits 2, 4, 5, 33, 38
magmas 29 outlets 80
melts 25 sericites (and clays) 33
plutons 90, 118 systems 4 - 6 , 2 5 , 34, 116, 122, 123
rocks 21 water 28
veins 19 Hydrothermal alteration of basaltic lavas of Troodos
Granodiorites 89, 118, 128, 131,132, 165 Ophiolite Complex 77
batholiths 118 Cyprus massive sulphide deposits 77
dykes 137 Lower Pillow Lavas 77
rocks 138, 142, 143 massive sulphide deposits 77
Greenschist 21,42, 43, 48, 58, 73, 129, 138, 140, 141 basaltophilic elements, S, Fe, Cu and Zn 77
facies 34, 43, 4 6 - 8 , 53, 60, 66, 138, 139, 146, 165, Sheeted Complex 77
171 stockwork zone 77
Greenstones 131,132, 137, 139 titanomagnetite 77
Green Tuff strata 153 Hypersthene 137
Groundtnass quartz 47, 50 Hypogene 110
Gypsum 35, 36, 153 chalcocite 110
Gypsum--anhydrite masses 154 clays and sericites 31
Hypothermal ore deposits 4, 5
Harzburgites 43
Hematite 51,99, 111

Identification of ore-deposition environment from trace- chloride-rich (S-poor) fluids 2
element geochemistry of associated igneous host rocks geochemical, isotopic and structural studies 1
14--24 heat transfer by large-scale convective motions 1
geochemical characteristics of tin-bearing magmas 20 high source concentration 2
igneous geochemistry 14 large-scale ore-forming processes 1
identification of tectonic environments 14 prospecting 2
massive sulphide deposits 14, 17 subsurface aspects of ore-forming process 1
magmatism in the oceanic environment 14 volcanism 2
source of tin-rich magmas 21 Iron ore 111
tin deposits 18 Iron oxidation ratio 60
volcanogenic ore deposits 14 Iron oxides 80, 137
Identification of origin of ore-forming solutions by use of Iron-rich chlorite schists 132
stable isotopes 25-41 Iron sulphide 138
equilibrium isotope fractionations 27 Iron--titanium ores 81
formation waters 30 deposits in anorthosites 92
geothermal waters 31 Iron-titanium oxides 140
hot spring systems 33 Isotope geothermometers 27
hydrogen and oxygen isotope fractionations 27 Isotopic compositions 31
hydrogen isotope compositions of fluids 33 of hydrothermal waters 47
hydrothermal fluids 26, 33 of hypgene and supergene clay minerals 36
hydrous saline melts 26 Isotopic exchange with oceanic basalt 51
isotopic composition of hydrothermal waters 32, 33
magmas and hydrothermal fluids 25
Japanese islands 159
magmatic waters 29
metamorphic waters 30 Kuroko deposits 154, 159
meteoric waters 29 Juvenile water 28
N C I - H 2 0 system 26
origin of hydrothermal fluids 30 Kaolinite 27, 28, 30, 36, 77, 157
other epizonal ore deposits 33 Kaolinite-water system 27
porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits 31 Keratophyres 139, 141
porphyry deposits 26 Kuroko deposits: their geology, geochemistry and origin
silicate melt 26 153-61
submarine volcano deposits 34 argillaceous sedimentation 153
types of waters 25, 28 behaviour of ore fluid in sea water and mechanism of
water/rock ratios in hydrothermal systems 37 mineral zoning 157
Igneous geochemistry 14 Benioff zone 159
Igneous geology and the evolution of hydrothermal systems chemical compositions, temperatures and pH values 156
in some sub-volcanic tin deposits of Bolivia 117-26 circulating sea-water versus magmatic origin 158
batholiths 119 distribution of Kuroko deposits in Japanese islands 154
Bolivian tin belt 119 geological setting 153
breccia types, Salvadora stock 121 Green Tuff sequences 153, 159
Cordillera Oriental, Bolvia 117 Miocene submarine volcanics 153
complex vein systems 117 gold and silver 154
hydrothermal alteration 117 Kuroko zones 153
pervasive disseminated mineralization 117 mafic to felsic trend 153
evolution of hydrothermal systems 122 massive, stratiform sulphide ores 153
geology of tin belt 118 model for mechanism of mineral zoning in Kuroko
hydrothermal alteration amd mineralization 120 deposits 158
hydrothermal process at volcanic centres 117 model ore-forming system 157
Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks 119 model solution 157
polymetallic deposits in Altiplano 118 origin of ore fluid and metallogenesis 158
regional geology of Central Andes 118 pH estimations 157
southern Bolivia deposits 118 physico-chemical environment of ore deposition 155
acid eruptive complexes 118 pressure 155
Igneous processes 98 proposed model 159
rocks 2, 4, 14, 29, 117, 124 stockwork ore 154, 155, 157
altered quartz porphyries 117 stratigraphic positions of Kuroko deposits 154
mineralization 117 underlying stockwork ores of Miocene age 153
system 37 vein-type deposits 159
Ignimbrites 104, 163 Kuroko deposits 17, 35, 36, 66, 86, 91,93, 104, 107-10,
Illite 77 148, 153, 159, 163
Ilmenite 43 Kuroko fluid 158, 159
Indian Ocean 35 Kuroko-type zinc-copper-lead sulphide 81
Indonesia granites 20
Introductory remarks on transport problem 1 - 3 Labradorite 143
andesites 2 Laramide porphyry copper deposits 31,91
chemical transport 1 Arizona, New Mexico, Sonora 31

Laterites 4 Fiji 104
Lavas 14--6 fluid-inclusion studies 105, 106
Cyprus lavas 16 general characteristics of epithermal deposits 99
Layered gabbros 128 genesis of epithermal deposits 107
Leaching of ore metals 42 geotectonic setting of epithermal deposits 109
Lead 38, 152 Great Britain, Nevada, U.S.A. 103
Lead isotopes 25 Hauraki region, New Zealand 104
Lead-zinc manto-type copper deposits 110
deposits 30, 165 precious-metal and volcanogenic tin belts, Mexico 100
mineralization 153 Spain 105
Leucoxene 43 epithermal gold-bearing veins 105
Limestones 131,165 stable-isotope studies 107
Limni opencast mine 58 typical regions of epithermal deposits 100
Limonite 112 Caenozoic volcanic rocks 100
Lithosphere 75 epithermal mineral deposits 100
Lower Palaeozoic rocks 128 vein and dyke systems, Pachuca district, Mexico 101
Ordovician age 128 volcanogenic magnetite deposits 111, 113
Lower pillow lavas 43, 45, 77, 172 volcanogenic tin deposits 112
Metallogenic belts 111, 117
Magma chambers 38 metamorphic assemblages 141
Magma genesis 21 processes at plate boundaries 81
Magma interaction experiments 159 Metamorphism 43, 46, 48, 53, 60, 142
Magmas 2, 14, 19, 29, 117, 118, 138 Metasedimentary rocks 19
tin-rich 21,22 Metasomatism of basaltic and doleritic ophiolitic rocks 61
Magmatic Metavolcanic rocks 17
arc rocks. 93 Meteroric-hydrothermal fluids and systems 29, 31, 33, 37,
belt 81, 92 38, 91,108, 112
fluids 2, 18, 33, 37, 153 Meteoric waters 28, 29, 31,33, 108, 125
-hydrothermal systems 25, 29, 32, 33, 38, 39, 91,125 Micas 19-21
rocks 89 granite 89
source for sulphur 51 lattices 21
water 28, 42, 48, 108, 153, 159 Mimetite 112
Magmatism 3, 14, 18 Mineral deposits in Peruvian Andes 87
magma types 15 gold-copper 87
distribution 18 iron 87
Magnesium 77 lead-zinc-silver 87
Magnetite 19, 43, 51,111, 112, 137, 146, 147, 165 tin-tungsten--silver-molybdenum 87
magnetite--pyrite ores 128 Mineralization at destructive plate boundaries 81-97
Manganese 77,104 back-arc basins 81, 90
precipitation 80 tin-tungsten-fluorite 90
Manganese oxides 78 banded Kuroko-type ore, Buchans mine, Newfoundland
deposits 109 85
Manto-type copper deposits 99, 110-2 calc-alkaline volcanism 84
stratiform bodies 110 collision belts, southwest England 92
Marcasite 67, 104 distribution of main porphyry deposits in North and
Marianas basin 17 South America 88
Massive gold mineralization
cupriferous pyrite deposits 52, 53 auriferous sulphides and tellurides 87
pyrite 146 quartz-diorite plutons 87
rhyolite 168 quartz veins in meta-andesites and volcaniclastic
sulphide deposit types 14, 15, 18, 34, 35, 42, 51, 54, rocks 87
77, 93, 169, 173 island arc-type plate boundaries 81
Mass-spectrometric measurement 26 calc-alkaline magmatic rocks 81
isotope ratios of 26 ensialic arcs 81
Mean concentrations of trace elements 14 ensimatic arcs 81
Mesozoic rifting 134 Kami dacite stock, Bolivia 89
Metabasalts 14, 16, 21, 60 Kuroko-type zinc-lead-copper stratiform sulphides 83,
sub-oceanic 46 84
Metabasic rocks 1, 4, 14, 28 magmatic arc-type plate boundaries 87
Metadolerites 44, 46, 60 magmatic belts 82
Metagabbros 60, 141 mercury
Metallic mineralization affiliated to subaerial volcanism deposition in vapour-dominated reservoirs 83
99-116 native sulphur-pyrite deposits 83
central Andes 101 porphyry copper deposits 82
Colorado, U.S.A. 102 quartz-chlorite stockwork 85
deuterium analyses of fluid inclusions in vein quartz and quartz stockwork 87
adularia 107 source of metals 90

stockwork mineralization 84 Oolitic dolomite 166
tin and tungsten deposits 89 Opal 112
Miocene tin-bearing Windy Fork granites, Alaska 89 Ophiolites 2, 18, 34, 44, 72, 73, 75, 171-3
Mineralized stockwork material 61 as oceanic lithosphere 73
Miocene 158, 159 complexes 17, 42, 43, 52, 73
C u - P b - Z n - A g - A u Kuroko deposits of Japan 66 in collision settings 93
sea water 158 lavas 73
sediments, tuff and breccia 119 processes 73
volcanism 153, 158 Ophiolitic rocks 64, 66, 67, 93
Mixed igneous-sea water source for sulphur 52 Ophiolitic wedges 93
Model of hydrothermal ore genesis 4 - 1 3 Ore fluids 159
extraction from source 8 magmatic origin 159
flow in surface zone 9 Origin and emplacement of ophiolites 7 2 - 6
formulation of the problem 4 comparison of ophiolite sequences 72
gas column 6, 7 emplacement processes 74
operation of hydrothermal systems and key parameters environment and geochemical charactistics of
4 ophiolites 72
reservoir-pipe model of hydrothermal system 5 Greek ophiolites 75
segregation of material 4 idealized complete ophiolite sequence 72
source constraints 5 ophiolites as oceanic lithosphere 73
transport of soluble matter 10 ophiolites in Alpine-Himalayan chain 74
Modern granite plutons 2 Papua and New Caledonia 75
Modern submarine hydrothermal mineralization, Origin of hydrothermal fluids 30
Santorini and the Red Sea 80 Orpiment 102
hydrothermally introduced metals 80 Orthoclase-biotite 162
manganese precipitation 80 Orthopyroxene 19
metallogenesis on mid-ocean ridges 80 Outer and magmatic arcs 93
metal-rich sulphides 80 Oxygen fugacity 157
submarine hydrothermal activity 80 Oxygen isotope composition of fluid 50
World Mid-Ocean Ridge System 80 isotopes 25
Molybdenum deposits 25, 31,81,83
in cratonic porphyry deposits 83
with porphyry copper 31, 87 Palaeo-Benioff zones 81, 89
Montmorillonites 36, 77, 112 Palaeozoic
Morphotectonic divisions 117 porphyry stock 119
Central Andes 117 sedimentary rocks 119
Motoyama deposit, Kosaka mine 158 volcanism 164
Mount Olympus region 42 Paragonite 138
Mudstone 153, 154 Pb-Zn mineralization 106, 153
Muscovite 19 Pb-Zn ore deposits 30, 165
Mylonitic facies 137 Pegmatites 2, 4
Sn, W 2
Native bismuth 112 Pelagic clays 78
Nepheline-syenites 93 Pelitic rocks 138
Nickel 77 Peralkaline obsidians 21
Nickel-copper mineralization in banded gabbroic and Peridotites 43, 73, 74, 93, 171, 172
ultramafic rocks 93 Permeable water-bearing rocks 26
Nigerian granites 21 Phenocrysts 48, 143
concentrations of Zr, Nb and rare earths 21 Phlogopite 19, 21, 117
Nigerian Younger Granites 21 Pillowed basaltic flow units 139, 140
Pillowed breccias 132, 139
Occurrence, origin and significance of mechanically Pillow lava calcite 54
transported sulphide ores at Buchans, Newfoundland Pillow lavas 42, 43, 46-8, 58, 60, 61,63, 65--7, 153
127 Pillow structures 140
Buchans orebodies 127 Placers 4
high-grade Kuroko-like massive sulphide deposits 127 Plagioclase 19, 43-5, 48, 51, 77, 137, 138
direction of transport 127 anorthite 47
fragmentation of in-situ deposits 127 crystals 137
sulphide breccia accumulations 127 microlites 140
Ocean-floor basalts 5, 144 Plagiogranites 43
Oceanic basaltic host rocks 34 Planes - San Antonio pyritic deposit, Rio Tinto, Spain:
Oceanic dolerites 44, 45 nature, environment and genesis 152
Oceanic plagiogranites from ophiolite complexes 53 bedded pyrite sheet 152
Oligoclase 143 cupriferous pyritite 152
Olivine 19, 21, 138 hypogene processes 152
basalts 43 Lower Carboniferous felsic pyroclastic rocks 152
gabbros 73, 136 stratiform cupriferous deposit, Rio Tinto 152

submarine explosive felsic volcanism 152 -latite 119
sulphur-rich-copper-poor sulphide ore 152 -monzonite 89
underlying volcanic pile 152 phenocrysts 120, 122
Plutonic -sericite-pyrite 89
complex 149 -tourmaline rock 120
infrastructure 128
massifs 132, 133, 137 Radiometric age dating 119
rocks 29, 33, 43, 132, 138, 143, 144, 171 Rare-earth element evidence for genesisof metalliferous
sequence 136 sediments of Troodos, Cyprus 78-9
Plutons 2, 54, 92 chondrites 78
Polybasite 101,104 instrumental neutron activation analysis 78
Polycrystalline pyrite 146 Rare earths 14-7, 20, 21,172
Polymetallic (Cu-Pb--Zn-Ag) ore deposits 109, 170 Ratios for chorites, amphiboles and epidotes in Troodos
Polymetallic sulphide mineralization 122 rocks 50
Porphyries 26, 163, 165 Ratios of pyrites reported from Troodos stockwork
Porphyry 119, 120 disseminations 51
copper-bearing stocks 109 Red Sea brines 31, 34
copper deposits 2, 14, 20, 26, 31,33, 36, 81-3, 87, Reykjanes, Iceland 31
89-91,93,98, 109, 111,112, 122, 162, 171-3 geothermal system 64, 66
copper-molybedenum deposits 25, 31, 33 Rhodochrosite 102
Phanerozoic period 31,33 Rhodonite 100
dykes 142 Rhyodacite 117
mineralization 89, 112 magma 117
rocks 32 Rhyolites 38, 53, 101,104, 112, 119, 153, 158, 163, 165
tin deposits 121 high-silica 112
Post-collision magmatic belts 94 plugs 99, 112
Post-Palaeozoic volcanic sequences 99 Rhyolitic
Potash feldspar 138 breccias 165
Potassic granites 38, 53 rock 112
Potassium 157 sheets 165
Potassium tholeiites 73 volcanism 112
Potential magmatic-hydrothermal solution 26 Rock mechanical properties 1
Precambrian systems 38 fracture density 1
Primary magmaticwater 29 permeability 1
Pumice breccias 104 Ruby silvers 101
Pyrargyrite 102, 104, 108 Rutile 4
Pyrite 18, 43, 50-2, 61,65, 67, 77, 81,101, 102, 104,
108, 110, 121,128, 132, 137,138, 140, 143, 146, Salinities 25, 31, 34, 37, 54, 66, 106, 124, 157, 159
157, 158, 166 Sanidine 112
Pyrite--chalcopyrite-sphalerite vein assemblages 50 Santorini 80
Pyrite--chalcopyrite stability field 51 Saussuritization 143
Pyrite sulphur isotope data 52 Scandinavian Caledonides 128
for massive sulphide ores 32 Sea-water types 28
Pyritic basalt hydrothermal experiments 51
deposits 152 hydrothermal metasomatism of carbonate ooze 35
facies 146 pillow lava interface 53
lead-zinc-copper ore 166 Sericites 33, 104, 120, 138, 146, 157, 162
mineralization 33 Sericite-tourmaline alteration 120, 121
ores 146, 163 Sericitic alteration assemblages 120
Pyritite 152 replacement of biotite and feldspar phenocrysts 120
Pyroclastics 163, 165 Sericitized pyroclastics (rhyolitic tuffs) 168
Serpentines 42
beds 99, 163
fabrics 142 Serpentinization 75
facies 142 Sheeted dyke complex 58, 64, 72
levels 142 Sheeted intrusive complex 42, 45, 77
Pyrolusite 78 Shimogamo, Japan 31
Pyrophyllite 99, 157 Silica 50, 144
Pyroxene 19, 21,43, 44, 48, 77, 138 Silicate alteration assemblages 117, 120
Pyrrhotite 18, 51,128, 138, 146, 155 quartz-tourmaline 117
Pyrrhotite and bornite 51 sericite--clay 117
tourmaline-sericite 117
Silicate magmas 158
Quartz 4, 21, 43, 45, 47, 49, 77, 101,104, 106-8, 110-2, Siliceous ore 86
120, 128, 138, 140, 143, 146, 153-5 disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite 86
--cassiterite veins 117, 120-2 Silicic tufts 17
diorites 43, 83 Siltstone 153
-feldspar porphyry dykes 142 Silver 99, 146, 155
gangue 122 Silver-bearing sulphosalts 104, 125

Silver deposits 33, 81,109 mineralogical facies 147
-lead mineralization 108 processes 98
Silver-rich zones, Bolivia 118 setting of massive sulphide deposits 17
Skorovas orebody 128 stages of allochthonous emplacement 128
Central Norwegian Caledonides 128 Tennantite 102, 104, 110, 146
Skouriotissa 43, 46,47 Tertiary meteoric waters 36
Smectite 43 Tertiary Peruvian epithermal deposits 107
Source rocks 2 Tetrahedrite 104
fracture density 2 Tetrahedrite-tennantite 154
pervasive permeability 2 Thermal spring system 110
Specularite 112 Tholeiites 15, 16, 18-21,153
Sphalerite 43, 50, 61,65, 85, 101,102, 104, 106-9, 146, Tin-bearing
153-5, 157, 158, 166, 169 breccias 112
Sphene 21,43, 138-40 granites 14, 20, 21,92
Spilites 2 SiO2 and Nb data 20
Stable isotope studies on Bougainville and in Matupi pegmatites 21
Harbour, New Britain, Papua New Guinea 162 veins 120
alteration assemblages 162 Tin deposits 14, 18,33, 109, 112, 117, 118
Matupi springs 162 magmatism in the continental environment 18
Fe, Mn and Zn values 162 Tin granites 91
ore-forming fluids 162 Tin-rich
Panguna porphyry copper deposit 162 detrital sediments 21
propylitic zone 162 magmas 22
secondary biotite and sericite isotope data 162 Tin-tungsten deposits 81, 92
thermodynamic and fluid techniques 162 Tin-tungsten-fluorite 90
Stannite 121 Topaz 112
Stilpnomelane 139, 140 Tourmaline 120
Stockwork 45, 47, 49, 54, 77 Tracers 60
chlorites 47 strontium isotopic ratios 60
temperatures 54 Transportation of ore material in hydrothermal fluid
Stratified tuff bands 132 Trondhjemites 38, 42, 43, 45-7, 49, 53, 60
Stratiform massive sulphide orebodies 81 Trondhjemitic granodiorite 139
Stratiform pyritic orebodies 129 Troodos
Strontium 59, 60 basaltic rocks 52
isotope ratios 59, 112 complex 43, 58-65, 77
isotopic contamination 60 Upper Cretaceous 43
Submarine hydrothermal mineralization 80 gabbro 171
Atlantis II Deep 80 hornblendes 47, 48
Santdrini, Cyclades Volcanic Arc, eastern Mediterranian igneous complex 52
80 ophiolite complex 42, 58, 77, 172
Submarine volcanogenic deposits 34, 142 pillow lavas 48
Sub-volcanic sulphide deposits 66
hydrothermal ore systems 122 Tuff breccia 154
polymetallic deposits 122 Tuffaceous mudstone 169
systems 124 Tufts 165
tin deposits of Bolivia 117 Tungsten deposits 33
Sulphate-reducing bacteria 2
Sulphide Ultrabasic intrusions, layered 4
breccia accumulations 127 Ultrabasic rocks 90
deposits 14, 104 igneous 72
facies 148 Ultramafic rocks 92, 171
ores 124 Umbers 67, 78, 79
Sulphosalts 102, 104 copper-enriched 79
Sulphur 163 Upper Cretaceous sea water 61
Sulphur-bearing fluids 50 Upper gabbros 42, 58
Sulphur isotopes 51 Upper Pillow Lavas 43, 45
ratios in sulphides 51
Sulphurization of titanomagnetite 77 Vanadium 81
basaltic lavas and euhedral leucoxene 77 Vein
Supergene clays 36 deposits 122
mineralization 122
Taupo district, New Zealand 4, 9, 12 quartz 49, 50
Taupo systems 9, 10 tin and tungsten 122
Tectonically emplaced ocean-floor deposits 90 Volcanic
Tectonic control of distribution of porphyry orebodies 83 arc magmas 19
environments 15, 16 complexes 124
facies 140 greenstones 132
formation of porphyry copper deposits 98 hydrothermal origin 165
Volcanism 2
clastic sediments 110
copper-lead-zinc deposits 165
magnetite deposits 109, 112
massive sulphide deposit 14, 35
magnetite 99
tin deposits 99
ore deposits 166
ore systems 166
sulphide ore deposits 166
tin deposits 109, 112, 113
Volcanogenic mineralization at Avoca, Co. Wicklow,
Ireland, and its regional implications 163-70
Avoca ore geology 166
Avoca volcanogenic ore types 166
Caledonian geology of southeast Ireland 166
Caledonian orogenic belt 163, 165
disseminated sulphide ores 163
lead--zinc--copper zone 169
manganiferous and dolomitized sediments 163
massive pyritic ores 163
massive sulphide orebodies 165, 166, 168-70
Ordovician volcanic sequences, southeast Ireland 163-70
Palaeotectonic setting, Avoca region 163
polymetallic sulphide ores 165
pyritic orebodies, Avoca, Ireland 163
stringer ore 166, 170
structural relationships and stratigraphy 165
Waterford-Arklow--Avoca belt 163
Volcano-tectonic regimes 110

Wairakei geothermal system 31, 63, 64, 66

Water/rock ratios 37, 50, 60
in hydrothermal systems 37
White mica 112
White rhyolite 158, 159
magma 159
Wood tin 99, 112

Xenoliths 119, 138

Zeolite 46, 48, 60, 73, 112

facies 42, 43, 4 6 - 8 , 54, 58
Zeolite--greenschist facies metamorphism 73
Zeolite-greenschist rocks, Troodos 52
Zinc 99, 146-8, 152
Zinc-rich ores 147
Zircon 19, 21


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