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Appendix 1

Year Level: Year TWO Time: 10:00-10:45am Students’ Prior Knowledge:
Date: 13/03/2019
• Students follow rules, participate cooperatively and
Learning Area: HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION demonstrate fair play in simple games and physical
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum • Recognise positive ways to react to their own
Movement and physical activity: emotions in different situations.
Learning Through Movement • Cooperative skills in partner and group work during
Positive choices when participating in group activities, such physical activity practices.
as: • Competent with Plickers application and iPad use.
• Dealing with winning and losing
• Encouraging team-mates.

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy ✓ Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence ✓ creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
✓ competence ✓
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Create a media product (iMovie) on various winning and losing/encouragement scenarios, in groups of three
to four.
 Identify positive and negative reactions to real-life scenarios, individually, using the Plickers application.
 Make positive choices when participating in group activities.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

• Classroom set-up allows for motivation activity GROUPING

• iPads – charged and Plickers application is downloaded • In the ‘Lesson Steps’ Scenario activity, group less
• Scenario print-outs able students with more able students – including
• Plickers cards – connected to class/student list strong ICT users, competent readers and strong
• Groups are organised prior to the activity based on ability leaders with less able students as a means of
guidance and encouragement in the group task.

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)


Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

A checklist will be used to determine if:
• Students found the activities or concepts too difficult to understand/complete. This can be analysed through
assessment. If so, ensure the next lesson covers the topic appropriately according the subject descriptions and

• Students were able to successfully create a media product (iMovie) on a winning and losing/encouragement
scenario. Look into multimedia and verbal assessments to check if this was successful.

• Students were able to identify positive and negative reactions to real-life scenarios. This can be assessed and
checked for understanding using the Plickers application – if questions were too difficult, if students couldn’t grasp the
concepts at hand etc.

• Students were able to make positive choices when participating in the introduction/motivation activity – Scissors,
Paper, Rock. This can be analysed through informal observation of their engagement, participation and behavior
during this activity.

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

Notes will be kept on:
• Whether or not questions asked by students, regarding the activities or content, were answered and validated.
Checking for understanding is essential here.

• Whether or not the questions asked of the students were too difficult. This can be analysed by the flow of discussion
– were students confused by the question and unable to develop an answer, was discussion required.

• If the momentum or pace of the lesson was too fast or too slow. Students can become disengaged when the flow is
interrupted or if the pace is too slow/fast. Pay close attention to this.

• If students who completed the task early were given additional activities or tasks, or to even assist less able
students, and if the students who struggled were given additional guidance by their peers or teacher.

• If the students at educational risk were adequately provided for.

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

10:00- Motivation and Introduction:
MOTIVATION ACTIVITY – Rock, Paper, Scissors
1. Have students sit at their desks.

2. Introduce the first activity – Rock, Paper, Scissors – by referring to its rules.
These rules will be placed on the smartboard for extra reference.
Weebly with rules


Explain the rules:

- Go around the room and vs. another student in paper scissors rock.
- The loser has to join on to the back of the person that won and follow them
- The winner will then proceed to find another person to verse.
- The losers will keep joining onto the back of the person to create a chain.
- Eventually there will only be two people left in the class to verse each other.
- Team mates need to cheer for their team.
- Students will return to their desks.

2. Engage in a quick class discussion

- How were you being good sportsmen?
- The last two people left, how did it make you feel when your teammates
were cheering for you?
- Did you enjoy the activity?

PRIOR KNOWLEDGE – Plickers Assessment #1

1. Pass students their individual Plickers card whilst simultaneously explaining Individual Plickers cards
the rules – the rules will be presented on the smartboard for students to
access as well. Smartboard questions

- Listen carefully to the questions asked by the teacher.
- Turn your Plickers card according to the answer you choose (the chosen
letter on the top of the card).
- Hold your card up so the teacher can scan it with his/her iPad or device. Teacher iPad
- Contribute to class discussions, guided by the teacher.
- Wait for the following questions.

2. A series of questions will be asked to probe the students’

understanding, at an individual level.
These answers and results will be analysed by the teacher for assessment
purposes and required actions will be taken based on this.

The questions being asked are as follows:

- What is a good way of showing sportsmanship?
a. Bragging
b. Cheating
c. Shaking hands
d. Hurting the opponent

- How should you react when you lose a game?

a. Cry
b. Stay positive
c. Put down the winning team
d. Get angry


- How would you respond to a weaker team player?

a. Encouragement
b. Shouting at them
c. Put-downs
d. Excluding them

- How would you react if someone in your team was being rude?
a. Tell them you don’t like it/to stop
b. Ignore it
c. Stop participating
d. Get angry

- How do you deal with a team that is bragging about their win?
a. Be rude back
b. Ignore them
c. Say “well done”
d. Say that your team should have won

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions)

1. Teacher will inform students that they will be creating movies using iMovie Charged iPads
on their iPads based on scenarios that teacher provides through the lesson iMovie application
website downloaded

“Now we are going to make movies using our iPads and iMovie. Your movies
will be on the theme of winning and losing and the way you should and
shouldn't react when you win and lose and how to encourage your team

2. Teacher assigns students to their groups based on the prior organisation of
groups by the teacher before the lesson and ask students to move so that
they are sitting with their group.

3. Explain to students that in these groups, one person will need to use their QR code – Scenarios
iPad to go to the scenarios tab in the lesson website, using the QR code, and page
read their scenario before they start making the iMovie. Another member will Charged iPads
need to use their own iPad to film to film the groups movie

“In your groups of 3-4, two people will need to use their iPad. One person will Scenarios
need to go to the scenarios tab at the top of our lesson website for today,
using the QR code on your desk. There will be different scenarios for each
group to create a movie for. The other people will need to open their iMovie
so that they can film their movie for their group.”

4. Teacher will inform students which number scenario each group will do.
Teacher instructs students to start working with their groups.


5. Whilst students are working, teacher will walk around the class observing
student progress and assisting students where needed by providing them
with extra prompts to deepen their thinking.

Possible prompts to give could be:

- Asking students if they have ever won or lost a game, how did that make
them feel
- Ask students to put themselves in that same position of a sport they like
(AITSL Standard 1: Know your students)
- Ask students to think of sport games they may have watched, for example
on TV, how did they see people react to winning or losing? Ask them if they
thought it look right or wrong? Would they have dealt with it in the same way?

6. Teacher will inform students when they have 5 minutes left to finish off
making their movies and airdrop to the teacher’s device. Teacher iPad

7. Teacher will inform students that they have 1 minute left and should start
sending their iMovies to the teacher if they haven’t done so already.

8. Teacher will play the students iMovies on the projector and ask students
questions after each. Questions will get more brief as each iMovie is played Projector
so that the lesson does not getting repetitive and stays engaging for students.

Possible questions to ask:

- Did you think the winner reacted the right way?
- Has anyone anyone been in this position? How did you react?
- Do you think they should have reacted differently?
- Did they encourage their team mates?
- Is there any similarities to the previous movie we watched? (based on the
movie shown prior)

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)


1. Pass students their individual Plickers card for a second time, displaying Individual Plickers cards
and asking the same questions as the first assessment.
Smartboard questions
2. Use this data to analyse individual and class improvements over the course
of the session.


GROUP DISCUSSION (teacher-directed)

1. Close the lesson by asking a series of questions that probe an

understanding of the lesson objectives.
These questions need to be asked at random, so all children have an input
into the lesson progression and achievement.

2. If the student struggles to answer, generate a class discussion to receive

feedback on the question, coming back to that student at a later stage.

- Were you able to create an iMovie product? (Objective 1)

- In this movie, did you show ways of responding to winning and
losing? (Objective 1)
- What is a positive way to respond to winning/losing? (Objective 1 and 2)
- What is a negative way of responding to winning/losing? (Objective 1 and 2)
- What are three ways you can encourage team mates? (Objective 1 and 2)
- How would you respond to an opponent bragging about winning? (Objective
1 and 2)
- In the introductory game, do you think you responded appropriately to
winning/losing? (Objective 3)
- If not, how would you change how you responded? (Objective 3)
- Did you enjoy the lesson?
- Did you enjoy using iMovie and the Plickers applications?
- What did you find difficult about these applications?

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

1. Explain that in the next lesson the class will be participating in small group
games to consolidate and practice sport etiquette and how to control our
emotions when playing sports.

2. Think about what we have learnt about today for next lesson’s modified
games – keeping a positive frame-of-mind, encouraging teammates,
congratulating opponents etc.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)

Assessment opportunities are highlighted in yellow.

These include:
- Formative assessment - question-asking/verbal assessment during the
lesson motivation/introduction, the lesson steps and the lesson closure.
These questions are based on the lesson objectives and students will be
chosen at random to answer these.
Furthermore, class discussions will be guided by the teacher regarding the
lesson objectives and closure questions – enhancing the learning of new
Notes on the students’ answers will be recorded on the assessment rubric
• for developing/unsatisfactory, and ✓for achieved/level of achievement.

- Summative assessment - Multimedia and Flickers assessment of the


iMovie and Flickers questions (5) during the lesson motivation, lesson steps
and closure.
The same rubric can be utilised for this assessment.

- Informal observational assessment throughout the duration of the lesson

for on-task behaviour, willingness and attentiveness (cannot be highlighted as
this is ongoing).

Assessment Rubric Example

• for developing/unsatisfactory, and ✓for achieved/level of achievement.

Student’s Name Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Comments

Student 1 ✓✓ ✓✓✓ x

Student 2 ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
This student was not paying
Student 3 x ✓ x attention during class discussions,
struggling with the Plickers
assessment and closure

Student 4 ✓✓✓ ✓ ✓



Dale Sidebottom. (2017, October 16). Paper Scissors Rock Train Ride Icebreaker - Energetic Education.

[Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIZz21MovYQ

School Curriculum and Standards Authority (2014) Western Australian curriculum: Health and Physical Education.

Retrieved from https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/teaching/curriculum-browser/health-and-physical-


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