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Centre: Rock Pool Sensory Tub Explicit / Intentional Centre: Bake Starfish Cookies

Scientific Knowledge – respect for nature,

exploration, inquiry, investigating.
Teaching: Scientific Knowledge: inquiry, researching, problem-
solving, following steps, sensory development,
Provide a tray of water with rocks, sand, shells Mat session:
prediction, hypothesising.
and small plastic animal figurines for children to Introduction: Provide students with the ingredients to bake basic vanilla
explore with in the rock pool. Discuss with the children what kind of cookies using fish or star cookie cutters. Question the
animals they think or know live in the children about what they think may occur
ocean/sea/beach and what they do in the (reversible/irreversible change).
ocean or what they look like.
Introduce the book Oceans: A Photicular
Book by Dan Kainen.
This book is designed to have images that
move (follow link to view in action
Do not read the book word for word as it is
an informational text, just openly identify the
animals and their features and ask the
children to act out the actions of the animal.
https://buggyandbuddy.com/tide-pool-science- Send children off to explore the learning cookies.html
experiment-kids/ centres.
Centre: Lego Sea Animals Conclusion:
Sing and dance along to baby shark and get the
Centre: Sea Animal Sensory Water Bead Tub
Scientific Knowledge: fine motor skills, students to follow along with the actions. Scientific Knowledge: exploration, testing, problem-
problem-solving, research, inquiry, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqZsoesa55w solving, classifying, hypothesising, inferring.
hypothesising, prediction. Provide a tub of blue water beads with hidden animal
Provide a tub of Lego or Duplo for the children figurines in it. Encourage the children to put on their scuba
to create their own sea animals. Additionally, mask and “search” for the animals. Once all the animals
provide pictures of sea creatures that may act as have been collected ask the students to place them in the
prompts. correct categories as follows:
- Crabs
- Turtles
- Whales
- Fish
- Sharks
- Jellyfish
Each of these areas must be written under an image of the
animal and its name in a bowl.


Centre: Magnetic Fishing Objective/s: Centre:

Scientific Knowledge: testing, inferring, 1) Able to verbally identify 2 sea animals.
hypothesising, problem-solving. 2) Identifies 1 feature of a sea animal.
Glue magnets to small ocean animal figurines
and place them in a small tub of water.
Encourage the students to use the magnetic
fishing rod to try capture the animals in the
ocean. Question the children on how they are
catching, what they are trying to catch or have
Assessment & Recording: (What are we assessing? How are we assessing? How are we recording?)
What are we assessing?
- Children’s ability to identify 2 sea animals during mat session or activities.
- Children’s identification of 1 feature of a sea animal.
How are we assessing?
- Using anecdotal notes and questioning during group session e.g. educator will move between each group and ask individual students to identify 2 sea
animals of their choice and a feature.
How are we recording?
- Basic Checklist e.g. Can identify/Can’t identify (for both objectives).

Highlight one or two outcomes specifically connected to your objective/s.

- Outcome 2: Connected with and contribute to the world around them. Broadens a child’s understanding in relation to their world through exploration.
- Outcome 4: Children resource their own learning by connecting with people, place, technologies and natural and processed materials.

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