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We are grateful to Allah Almighty for giving us opportunity to work under the

supervision of Dr Umar and Mr. Jameel Ahmad. We would like to express our heart-
felt thanks to Dr Umar and Mr. Jameel Ahmad for their endless support and guidance,
which they rendered throughout the study, and provided us with such thought provoking
ideas, to help us with this project.

Hot Pursuit a Human tracking quad copter project was started 1st June 2017 under the
supervision of Mr. Jameel Ahmed and Dr Umar.

The first task was to search about drone, its main components and types.

The components of quad copter which were discuss in second meeting and they were:

 Sk450 kit that includes

Frame: SK450
Propellers: 0845~1045 2xCW 2xCCW
Flight Controller: KK2.1
 10dof
 Stm32f103
 Raspberry pi zero w

We start learning from https://www.bitcraze.io/. A learning plate form recommended by

Dr Umar.

The crazyflie is a versatile development platform that is made to engage people to learn
about robotics and quad copters. It helps the students acquire knowledge in areas like
control algorithms, embedded systems, aeronautics or robotics by verifying their insights
on a real quad copter. Source code and hardware design is open and available to allow
exploration and modification.

At starting the concept was to use the algorithm of crazyflie and make a flight controller
using stm32f103 and we did not use KK flight controller (flight control board for remote
control) instead we use stm32f103 flight controller.

After studying the crazyflie and understanding its algorithm it was time to compile and
run the algorithm and make changes as required for our project.
The software required for this purpose was

 Eclipse
 Keil uvision
 st link v2 utility

It consumes time and some hardships to configure the settings of eclipse but it was
configured perfectly.

On 27-7-17: The code was build and then we start working with 10dof and
stm32f103.The next task was to interface the 10dof with stm32f103.After interfacing
both of them we decided to order the kit online from market. After purchasing the kit, we
assemble the hardware properly and shortly after that for our satisfaction that all the
components are in perfect condition we examine the quad copter completely.

4-8-17: The hardware was assembled exquisitely. We used kk flight controller at that
time to check the perfection of motors, esc and all the circuit that we assembled. But kk
need a receiver and transmitter to control the operation like arming the board, operating
the motors etc. So our next goal was to make a receiver or control for kk flight controller
without buying RC transmitter and receiver.

18-8-17: The task was performed to check the kit that we assembled whether performs
faultlessly by making arduino as a receiver and computer as a transmitter and operate the
motors for this task. But suddenly the plan was changed and we determined to use kk
flight controller rather than stm32f103 and 10dof sensor.

Now the algorithm that we use in arduino to make it as a receiver similarly we need to
make the same logical algorithm for raspberry pi as camera is an essential component of
our project. So we checked the arduino signal it had 50 Hz frequency which means its
time period is 20ms and it is 5v pulse. Before start coding with raspberry pi we have to
configure the raspberry pi and have to learn about Linux as raspberry pi doesn’t work on
windows or Mac it works on Linux. So we created new algorithm for raspberry pi with
same logic that gives the same pulse and same frequency as arduino provides.

Now the receiver was ready to function smoothly. The idea was to make keyboard as a
transmitter so we started learning about socket programming TCP/IP. Raspberry pi is
acting like a server or receiver for kk flight controller while computer is acting like a
client or transmitter for kk flight controller. This was basically a remote that we design
for our quad copter.
On 29-9-17 this task was done.

After completing the tasks relate to remote. We started testing its performance and
functions. Unfortunately there was a major problem with the motors, they were missing
the signals and were fluctuating. The reason of this problem was raspberry pi, which is a
computer that runs different operations at the same time so it took some milliseconds to
give the same pulse to its gpio again but that milliseconds may cause us more damage. So
the next idea was to use arduino as a receiver and raspberry pi as a client. Raspberry pi
will serial communicate with arduino and acts like a server and computer as a transmitter.
At the beginning of this task we use i2c communication to communicate between arduino
and raspberry pi but it was not functioning properly due to libraries so we used uart
communication for that.

On 10-10-17: The task was done and remote was ready to use. At that time 4 motors
were not rotating simultaneously due to some bug in kk flight controller. We uploaded
the new code in kk and it started working but one of its signal was not working so
eventually we bought new kk flight controller.

On 26-10-17: We brought new kk and remote was functioning properly and motors were
rotating simultaneously and smoothly. Our next task was to make a regulator that will
give the required 5v from 11.1v battery to our micro controllers.

On 2-11-17: Everything was ready and drone was ready for test flight .We started its
testing but quad copter was keep yawing when we increase the throttle.

On 4-11-17: We came over this problem but while testing one propeller was broken due
to which on 11-11-12 we purchased new propellers and tested it. Unluckily it seems that
with the change in propellers, battery, motors and esc, their PI (proportional integral)
settings needs to change.

One more vital problem was that whenever the quad copter went outside the range of Wi-
Fi, it disconnects from Wi-Fi and quad copter remains moving there. So we needed to
add something for Wi-Fi connection. To fix this problem we learned new software

Wireshark is a free and open source packet analyzer. It is used for network
troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and

On 2-12-17 it was ready to fly…………………………………………………….

After performing these operations our next objective was to work on image processing.
OpenCv and Dlib are the most compatible libraries for image processing and machine
learning respectively.

On 31-1-18 the image processing tasks were completed. Following tasks were the part of
image processing

 Installing OpenCv in Linux

 Starting camera using OpenCv library
 Face detection
 Face recognition

For the compilation of these algorithms we used cmake .

After completing these tasks we tested the flight of quad copter.

Unfortunately during the testing, quad-copter was crashed which burned 2 motors,
propellers and Escs were also damaged.

So we had to order all the components again.

On 7-2-18 Components were received and we assembled the quad-copter again.

Unluckily drifting suddenly became our major problem. At the same time Kk flight
controller was giving us hard time to set the PIDS so we decided to change the flight

So we begin to get acknowledgment about Apm 2.8 flight controller and started
operating on it and in the mean time working on tracking was also carried on.

On 7-3-18 After discussion and meeting with Sir Umar, it was eventually decided that
the main priority of the project would be tracking and we would make quad-copter
autonomous although the part of face recognition was completed but due to time
shortage, making the quad-copter autonomous would be our basic purpose.

On 23-3-18 Algorithm of face tracking was completed and the next goal was to make it
autonomous. To achieve this goal we used PIDs which would decide the motion of quad-
copter according to movement of face.

As the image processing tasks were executed in Linux on computer so the next step was
to configure the raspberry pi and execute all the operations in raspberry pi .
While working on rpi we attached the amp 2.8 flight controller with quad-copter and
started testing, unluckily during testing, screw of gps stand losses which hits the motor
and quad-copter crashed down on the ground.

In this crash one motor was damaged, flight controller stopped working and ecs were
burned too so we ordered all the obsolete components again to begin our work

On 17-4-18 After installing the OpenCv in raspberry pi and configuring it, we finished
our working on pid algorithm as well which made the quad-copter autonomous.

But there was a problem as our quad-copter has two modes

 Control mode
 Autonomous mode

In control mode we could take off and land the quad copter but when we are in tracking
mode we couldn’t switch back to control mode as there was only one logic running in our
algorithm at a time so we had to run 2 tasks at the same time for controlling the quad-
copter from laptop in autonomous mode for emergency landing.

So we had to make 2 threads for this purpose, one thread for laptop and other one for

On 18-4-18 The task of threading was completed

On 22-4-18 Unfortunately Rasberry pi was burned due to overheat so we ordered a new


After receiving new raspberry pi and assembled it on quad-copter it was time for test

On 29-4-18 During test flight quad-copter was crashed again. This time frame was
broken too ,battery was damaged, motors and escs were burned as well. After all this
scenario we all were discouraged deep heartedly and denied to do any further work. But
our respected advisor Sir Jameel gave us motivation and encouraged us that failure is the
part of life, never loses hope and learn from it so we decided not give up until or unless
we accomplish our dreams.

Then we decided to buy new components and assembled them again. With full
concentration and safety we tested the flight again and again for almost 20 times. Finally
we became successful and achieved our goal by the blessing of Allah, help of our group
mates and especially through the deep motivation from our advisor.
On 8-5-18 We presented a successful demo to Sir umar at university ground.

And on 11-5-18 With the help of Allah we gave a successful autonomous demo as well to
Sir umar but it has some improvements to do.

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