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Name : Intan Puti Maharani

Student’s number : 1611040258

Group : 6E

Lecture : Micro Teaching

Lesson Plan

School : SMK N 3 Bandar Lampung

Subject : English

Class : XI

Skill : Writing

A. Standard Competence
Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the concrete and abstract
realms related to the development of what is learned in school
independently, and being able to use methods in accordance with
scientific rules.

B. Basic Competence
1.1 Being grateful for the opportunity to learn English as the medium
of instruction for international communication is realized in the
spirit of learning.

2.3 Demonstrate responsibility, caring, cooperation and peace-

loving behavior in carrying out functional communication.

3.17 Distinguish social functions, text structures, and linguistic

elements of some special texts into the form of personal letters
with members and receive information regarding the activities
of themselves and those around them, according to the context
of their use.

4.17 Arrange special texts in the form of personal letters related to

activities of oneself and the people around them, oral and
written, taking into account social functions, text structures, and
linguistic elements, correctly and in context.

C. Indicator

 Students can be grateful for the opportunity to learn English as

the language of communication
 Students can demonstrate responsibility, caring, cooperation
and peace-loving behavior in carrying out functional
 Students can parse differences in social functions, text
structures, and linguistic elements of some special texts into the
form of personal letters by giving and receiving information
related to the activities of themselves and those around them,
according to the context of their use.
 Students can edit special texts in the form of personal letters
related to their own activities and those around them, oral and
written, taking into account social functions, text structures, and
linguistic elements, correctly and in context.

D. Learning Material
a) Formal Letter
Formal Letter, or so called as a business letter is a fairly
document that has specific rules around its layout and language.
When you are writing business correspondence, it is important
to write all your letter personally.
Each section of the letter should match the appropriate format
for a business letter, including contact information for yourself
and the person you are writing to, salutation, body of the letter,
closing, and the writer’s signature.
Format of the letter:
1. Contact Information (Your contact Information)
i. Your name
ii. Your Address
iii. Your City, State, Zip Code
iv. Your Phone Number
v. Your Email Address
2. Date
3. Contact Information (the person you are writing to)
i. Name
ii. Title
iii. Company
iv. Address
v. City, State, Zip Code
4. Salutation
Dear Mr./Mrs. Last Name : (use a formal salutation, not a
first name)
5. Body of the business Letter
i. When Writing your business letter, keep your letter
simple and targeted, so the purpose of your letter is
clear. Single space your letter and leave a space
between each paragraph.
ii. Left justify your letter.
iii. The first paragraph of your business letter should
provide an introduction to why you are writing.
iv. Then, in the following paragraphs provide more
information and specific details about your request.
v. The last paragraph of your letter should reiterate the
reason you are writing and thank the reader for
reviewing your request.
vi. Leave a blank line after salutation, between each
paragraph, and before the complimentary close.
vii. Complimentary close
viii. Respectfully yours,
6. Signature:
i. Handwritten signature (for a mailed letter)
ii. Typed Signature

b) Informal Letter
Informal Letter is also kind of letter. What makes it difference with
formal letter is the setting of a language. The language in informal
letter is somewhat looser than formal letter. However, informal
letter must also obey the format of letter, such as:
1. Address (personal/recipient’s)
2. Date
3. Salutation
4. Beginning
5. Main content
6. Ending
7. Signature

E. Teaching And Learning Activities

Learning Teaching Activity Time

Activity Allocation
Pre Activity  Greeting 3 minutes
 Pray
 Check class attendance
 Brainstorming
While Activity  Students pay attention to various 9 minutes
personal letters used by teachers from
various sources (ex. mass media,
 Students read examples of formal
personal letters with words,
intonations, word pressures, correctly
and smoothly.
 Students practice determining the main
ideas, and detailed information
 Students independently and in groups
look for examples of other personal
letters from various sources
 Students discuss determining the main
ideas, and detailed information and
certain information
 Students make short paragraphs into
personal letters.
 Students analyze various kinds of
personal letters related to purpose, text
structure, and linguistic elements, seen
in terms of accuracy, efficiency,
 Students get feedback from teachers
and friends about the social functions
and linguistic elements conveyed in a
personal letter
Post Activity  Review the material 3 minutes
 Students are given the opportunity to
ask questions about related subjects
 The teacher gives homework for the
 Closing
F. Media / Tools, materials and teaching resources.
1. Media / Tools
 Whiteboard and Marker
2. Material
 The examples of Letters that are related to the subject
3. Sumber
 English SMK/MAK Grade XI by Bumi Aksara.

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