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ChE 3G4 Spreadsheet

Distillation columns can typically be described by the schematic diagram shown to the right.

A column contains N trays, each of which is at a particular temperature and pressure. Vapour-liquid
equilibrium is established across each of these trays, with a vapour flow rate of V and liquid flow rate
of L. A feed stream of molar flow F, mole fraction composition zi and quality q (q=0 is a saturated
vapour; q=1 is a saturated liquid) is fed to the column at an optimized tray NFEED. The vapour from
the top of the column (molar flow rate V) is totally condensed, with part of the condensate returned to
the column (molar flow rate L) and part removed as a distillate product (molar flow rate D with mole
fraction composition xi,DIST). Similarly, the liquid from the bottom of the column is partially reboiled
back to the column, with the remaining liquid portion removed as a bottoms product (molar flow rate B
with a mole fraction composition xi,BOT). Unlike in a flash drum, the product distillate and bottoms
streams are NOT themselves in equilibrium, only the vapour and liquid compositions of each single

Distillation processes are frequently used in industry to do perform well-defined separations, often
using a cascade of columns in sequence to achieve the desired product compositions. As a result,
it's important we find a way to design columns to meet specific product stream specifications. A
variety of methods can be used, the most obvious of which is performing tray-by-tray balances within
the column. Since each tray is at a constant pressure, this essentially amounts to performing a flash
calculation on each single tray up and down the column. While computer simulation programs can do
such calculations, they are very cumbersome and difficult to do with a spreadsheet. However, we can
use shortcut methods to estimate the number of trays and external (L/D) and internal (L/V) reflux
ratios required to produce product streams of specified compositions.

In designing a column, we can identify two practical limiting cases for the reflux ratios L/V and L/D:

(1) L=V; that is, we do not take any distillate (or bottoms) product

In this case, we need a minimum number of trays to perform the separation since we have no incoming or outgoing flow. This
predicted using the Fenske equation, expressed either in terms of the mole fractions (x) of components A and B or the fraction
in the distillate and bottom stream. Here, A is the light key component (ie. a component present in both the distillate and bottom
and B is the heavy key component (ie. a component present in both the distillate and bottoms but recovered primarily in the bot
two components whose recovery in the distillate and/or bottoms is specified in the problem in a multi-component distillation pro

ïæ x ö æ xA ö ü
ï ì ( FRA ) DIST ( FRB ) BOT ü
ln íçç A ÷÷ çç ÷÷ ý ln í ý
ïè x B ø DIST è x B ø BOT ï [1 - ( FRA ) DIST ][1 - ( FRB ) BOT ] þ
N min = î þ N min = î
ln a AB ln a AB

The parameter aAB in these equations is the relative volatility of A with respect to B, which (assuming ideal conditions) can be e
yA P*A
xA * where PA* and PB* are the vapour pressures of components A and B (from Antoin
a AB = » P = PA
yB P B PB*
xB P
A key assumption to this approach is that the relative volatility is constant throught the entire column, despite the fact that a ran
different trays. Several approaches are taken to get the "best" estimate of this average relative volatility; in this spreadsheet, th
calculated and the partial pressure ratio at the midpoint of these temperatures is used.

(1) L/Dmin - the external reflux ratio at which the specified separation is just achieved with an infinite number of trays

As we continue to take more and more product off the top, we reduce the amount of product returned to the column and conse
molecule stays within the column. Eventually, we reach a point where an "infinite" number of stages is required to separate the
specifications. This minimum external reflux ratio L/Dmin can be predicted using the Underwood equations given below:

ai Fzi a i Dx i , DIST
VFEED = 
ai - f
= F (1 - q)
V min = i a - f (2)
L min = V min - D
i i

To solve these equations, we first find the value of the parameter f which satisfies equation (1). We can then substitute this va
calculated based on the feed flow and composition and the specified mole fractions and/or fractional recoveries of the compone
3. These equations can be used for any number of different components within the column; however, if solved in this fashion (i
assume that any light or heavy non-key components (ie. components with relative volatilities higher and lower than the light and
do not distribute at all (ie. all light non-key ends up in the distillate and all heavy non-key in the bottoms) or distribute according
a CB
N min

( FRC ) DIST =
 a CB
N min

1 - ( FRB ) BOT

We can then use these extreme results (ie. the minimum possible number of trays and the minimum possible external reflux ra
ratio required in a real column using the Gilliland correlation. A design value for L/D is first specified, usually as some factor of
and 1.25). The following values are then calculated and fit to the correlation developed by Gilliland:
- L 
D min N - N min
x = Abscissa = y =
L 1 N 1
We can therefore solve for N as well as the optimum feed location in a real column, based on the N/Nmin scaling and the Fensk

ïæ x ö æ z A öü ï
æ N ö ln íçç A ÷÷ çç ÷÷ ý
N F = N F , min çç ÷÷ ï
îè x B ø DIST è B øï
z þ
N F , min =
è N min ø ln a AB

Practically, the Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland approach gives rough, first-pass estimates of the number of stages required to per
assumption of constant relative volatility can be inaccurate in some cases, particularly in columns with highly non-ideal compon

Stage-by-stage calculations can be performed graphically using the McCabe-Thiele method. In this approach, the y vs x VLE r
eliminating the uncertainty regarding the constant relative volatility estimate. This means we need to perform dew or bubble po
equilibrium data; in this spreadsheet, we use an ideal bubble point calculation to produce this data. The curve is then fit to a fo
give us an algebraic expression for the y vs x equilibrium line, allowing us to calculate its intercepts with the other lines. On the

Feed Line: y = q 1
xA  z A, FEED
q -1 1- q

L æ Lö
yA = xA  ç1 - ÷xA,DIST
V è Vø
L æ Lö
Top Operating Line: yA = xA  ç1 - ÷xA,DIST
V è Vø
Bottom Operating Line: y = L x  æç1 - L ö÷ x
A A ç V ÷ø
V è

We also plot the simple y=x line on the graph. A typical McCabe-Thiele plot is shown below (with the polynomial y vs x VLE fit)

Starting at the specified mole fraction of component A (the lighter component) in the distillate on the y=x line, we can step down
equilibrium data curve and either the top or bottom operating lines as our step limits. The top operating line is used when the c
the x value of the feed line - y vs x VLE curve intercept; the bottom operating line is used at mole fractions below the intercept.
column with any specifications (ie. we are not limited to total reflux or minimum reflux). However, by setting L/V equal to one, w
check that the Fenske calculation of Nmin is accurate. In the case of minimum reflux, we can obviously not plot an infinite numb
method; however a "pinch point" will be visible on the graph in which the operating and equilibrium lines touch.

This spreadsheet will allow you to use both the Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland and the McCabe-Thiele approach to design distilla

Cells highlighed in YELLOW require input from you

Cells highlighted in BLUE require you to perform a manual GoalSeek procedure on that cell to get a converged solution

Cells with a red triangle in the upper right-hand corner have comments which will give you more information about what the var
value for that variable.




ng or outgoing flow. This minimum number of trays (N min) can be

nts A and B or the fractional recoveries (FR) of components A and B
oth the distillate and bottoms but recovered primarily in the distillate)
overed primarily in the bottoms). The light and heavy keys are the
component distillation problem:
ý where Fz A
1 - ( FRB ) BOT ] þ
Bx A , BOT
FR B  BOT =
Fz A

ideal conditions) can be estimated as:

nents A and B (from Antoine's equation)

despite the fact that a range of temperatures are present on the
ity; in this spreadsheet, the dew and bubble temperatures are

umber of trays

to the column and consequently reduce the total time an average

s required to separate the components according to the column
ations given below:

min = V min - D (3)

can then substitute this value into (2) to calculate Vmin. D can be
recoveries of the components. L min can be calculated using equation
, if solved in this fashion (ie. with a single value of f), it is required to
nd lower than the light and heavy key components respectively) either
s) or distribute according to the Fenske equation prediction:

possible external reflux ratio) to predict the number of trays and reflux
usually as some factor of (L/D) min (typical values are between 1.05

Nmin scaling and the Fenske optimum feed prediction:

r of stages required to perform a given separation. However, the

h highly non-ideal components and/or a large temperature range.

pproach, the y vs x VLE relationship is plotted directly on the graph,

perform dew or bubble point calculations to generate the y vs x
he curve is then fit to a fourth-order polynomial expression in order to
ith the other lines. On the same graph, we plot three additional lines:
polynomial y vs x VLE fit)

=x line, we can step down the curves, using the y vs. x VLE
ng line is used when the component A mole fraction is greater than
tions below the intercept. This method can be used to design any
setting L/V equal to one, we can use the McCabe-Thiele diagram to
y not plot an infinite number of stages using the McCabe-Thiele
es touch.

approach to design distillation columns.

onverged solution

mation about what the variable in the cell means or how to select a
æ B ö
ç A- ÷ Use the numbers in column B to choose your components in the subsequent spre
T -C ø
P *
= 10 è

No. Substance Formula Range (ºC) A B C

1 Acetaldehyde C2 H4 O -0.2 to 34.4 8.00552 1600.017 291.809
2 Acetic Acid C2 H4 O 2 29.8 to 126.5 7.38782 1533.313 222.309
3 Acetic Acid C2 H4 O 2 0 to 36 7.18807 1416.700 225.000
4 Acetic Anhydride C4 H6 O 3 62.8 to 139.4 7.14948 1444.718 199.817
5 Acetone C3 H6 O -12.9 to 55.3 7.11714 1210.595 229.664
6 Acrylic Acid C3 H4 O 2 5.65204 648.629 154.683
7 Ammonia NH3 7.55466 1002.711 247.885
8 Aniline C6 H7 N 7.32010 1731.515 206.049
9 Benzene C6 H6 6.89272 1203.531 219.888
10 n-Butane n-C4H10 6.82485 943.453 239.711
11 i-Butane i -C4H10 6.78866 899.617 241.942
12 1-Butanol C4H10O 7.36366 1305.198 173.427
13 2-Butanol C4H10O 7.20131 1157.000 168.279
14 1-Butene C4 H8 6.53101 810.261 228.066
15 Butyric Acid C4 H8 O 2 8.71019 2433.014 255.189
16 Carbon disulfide CS2 6.94279 1169.110 241.593
17 Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 6.87926 1212.021 226.409
18 Cholorobenzene C6H5Cl 0 to 42 7.10690 1500.000 224.000
19 Cholorobenzene C6H5Cl 42 to 230 6.94504 1413.120 216.000
20 Chloroform CHCl3 -30 to 150 6.90328 1163.030 227.400
21 Cumene C9H12 6.93619 1460.310 207.701
22 Cyclohexane C6H12 6.84941 1206.001 223.148
23 Cyclohexanol C6H12O 6.25530 912.866 226.232
24 n-Decane n-C10H22 6.95707 1503.568 194.738
25 1-Decene 6.95433 1497.527 197.056
26 1,1-Dicholoroethane 6.97702 1174.022 229.060
27 1,2-Dicholoroethane 7.02530 1271.254 222.927
28 Dicholoromethane 7.40916 1325.938 252.616
29 Diethyl ether 6.92032 1064.066 228.799
30 Diethyl ketone 7.02529 1310.281 214.192
31 Dimethylamine 7.08212 860.242 221.667
32 N,N-Dimethylformamide 6.92796 1400.869 196.434
33 1,4-Dioxane 7.43155 1554.679 240.337
34 Ethanol 19.6 to 93.4 8.11220 1592.864 226.184
35 Ethanolamine 7.45680 1577.670 173.368
36 Ethyl acetate -20 to 150 7.09808 1238.710 217.000
37 Ethyl chloride 6.98647 1030.007 238.612
38 Ethylbenzene 56.5 to 137.1 6.95650 1423.543 213.091
39 Ethylene glycol 8.09083 2088.936 203.454
40 Ethylene oxide 8.69016 2005.779 334.765
41 1,2-Ethylenediamine 7.16871 1336.235 194.366
42 Formaldehyde 7.19578 970.595 244.124
43 Formic Acid 7.58178 1699.173 260.714
44 Glycerol 6.16501 1036.056 28.097
45 n-Heptane 6.90253 1267.828 216.823
46 i -Heptane 6.87689 1238.122 219.783
47 n-Hexane 6.88555 1175.817 224.867
48 i -Hexane 6.86839 1151.041 228.477
49 Hydrogen Cyanide 7.52823 1329.490 260.418
50 Methanol -20 to 140 7.87863 1473.110 230.000
51 Methyl acetate 7.06524 1157.630 219.726
52 Methyl bromide 7.09084 1046.066 244.914
53 Methyl choride 7.09349 948.582 249.336
54 Methyl ethyl ketone 7.06356 1261.339 221.969
55 Methyl isobutyl ketone 6.67272 1168.408 191.944
56 Methyl methacrylate 8.40919 2050.467 274.369
57 Methylamine 7.33690 1011.532 233.286
58 Methylcyclohexane 6.82827 1273.673 221.723
59 Naphthalene 7.03358 1756.328 204.842
60 Nitrobenzene 7.11562 1746.586 201.783
61 Nitromethane 7.28166 1446.937 227.600
62 n-Nonane 6.93764 1430.459 201.808
63 1-Nonane 6.95777 1437.862 205.814
64 n-Octane 6.91874 1351.756 209.100
65 i -Octane 6.88814 1319.529 211.625
66 1-Octene 6.93637 1355.779 213.022
67 n-Pentane 6.84471 1060.793 231.541
68 i -Pentane 6.73457 992.019 229.564
69 1-Pentanol 7.18246 1287.625 161.330
70 1-Pentene 6.84268 1043.206 233.344
71 Phenol 7.13301 1516.790 174.954
72 1-Propanol 7.74416 1437.686 198.463
73 2-Propanol 7.74021 1359.517 197.527
74 Propionic acid 7.71423 1733.418 217.724
75 Propylene oxide 7.01443 1086.369 228.594
76 Pyridine 7.04115 1373.799 214.979
77 Styrene 7.06623 1507.434 214.985
78 Toluene 6.95805 1346.773 219.693
79 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 8.64344 2136.621 302.769
80 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 6.95185 1314.410 209.197
81 Trichloroethylene 6.95185 1314.410 209.197
82 Vinyl acetate 7.21010 1296.130 226.655
83 Water1 0 to 60 8.10765 1750.286 235.000
84 Water2 60 to 150 7.96681 1668.210 228.000
85 m -Xylene 7.00646 1460.183 214.827
86 o -Xylene 7.00154 1476.393 213.872
87 p -Xylene 6.98820 1451.792 215.110
nts in the subsequent spreadsheets

Parameters for Chosen Set of Components

Component A 9 Benzene Component B 78 Toluene

Antoine's Equation Coefficients for Benzene Antoine's Equation Coefficients for Toluene
A= 6.89272 æ B ö A= 6.95805 æ B ö
ç A- ÷ ç A- ÷
T -C ø
B= 1203.531 P *
= 10 è B= 1346.773 P * = 10 è T -C ø
C= 219.888 C= 219.693

z1, FEED 0.5 Benzene z2, FEED 0.5 Toluene

Partial Pressure Temperature = 50.000 ˚C Partial Pressure Temperature = 50.000

P1*(T) 271.236 mm Hg P2*(T) 92.114 mm Hg

Component A should be the more volatile of the two components (higher P*(T) value) - switch the components if this is not the case.

Bubble Temperature (BUBBLE T) Calculation

Pressure 760 mm Hg

x1 0.5 Benzene x2 0.5 Toluene

TBP= 92.116 °C
PTOTAL = x1 P1 (Tbp )  x2 P2 (Tbp )
* *
PTOTAL= 760.0000305 mm Hg Bubble T Equation:
P1* 542.333 mm Hg
P2* 217.667 mm Hg P1*+P2* 760.000 mm Hg
y1 0.714
y2 0.286

Dew Temperature (DEW T) Calculation

Pressure 760 mm Hg

y1 0.5 Benzene y2 0.5 Toluene

TDP= 98.777 °C
=  2 * TOTAL = 1
Sxi 0.9999 Dew T Equation: i *
P1 (Tdp ) P2 (Tdp )
x1 0.291
x2 0.709

0 0
Estimate the Relative Volatility of the Two Components 1 1

Average Temperature 95.446 °C yA P*A

xA P*
a AB = » * P = A*
xB P

Partial Pressure Temperature = 95.446 ˚C Partial Pressure Temperature = 95.446 ˚C

P1*(T) 1191.350 mm Hg P2*(T) 483.585 mm Hg

Relative Volatility aAB 2.46358121 Relative Volatility aBA 0.405913146

Equilibrium Data - for y vs. x Operating Line on McCabe-Thiele Diagram

Use Bubble T calculation approach:

0.0 760.0001 110.6 0.000
0.1 759.9994 106.1 0.209
0.2 760.0006 102.1 0.376
0.3 760.0009 98.5 0.511
0.4 760.0001 95.1 0.622
0.5 760.0000 92.1 0.714
0.6 759.9991 89.3 0.791
0.7 760.0000 86.8 0.856
0.8 760.0000 84.4 0.911
0.9 760.0000 82.2 0.959
1.0 759.9999 80.1 1.000

Parameters for Chosen Set of Components

Component A 9 Benzene Component B 78 Toluene

aAB 2.46 aBB 1

aAA 1 aBA 0.40650407
zA, FEED 0.5 Benzene zB, FEED 0.5 Toluene

Quality of Feed (q) 0

Basis Flow 10 mol/hr

Fenske Equation

Problem A: Given: fractional recovery of A in distillate and Problem B: Given: mole fraction of A or B in distillate and
B in bottoms bottoms product

ì ( FRA ) DIST ( FRB ) BOT ü ìïæ x ö æ x A ö üï

ln í ý ln íçç A ÷÷ ç ÷ ý
N min = î [1 - ( FRA ) DIST ][1 - ( FRB ) BOT ] þ ïîè x B ø DIST çè x B ÷ø BOT ïþ
N min =
Benzene xA, DISTILLATE ln a AB Benzene
FRB, BOTTOM 0.95 Toluene xB, BOTTOM 0.99462004 Toluene

Nmin 6.542024892 Nmin 10.0933788

Nmin, feed 1.56715475

Underwood Equation

a AB Fz A a BB FzB
f 1.729996725
VFEED =  = F (1 - q)
VFEED, TEST 9.999893692 a AB - f a BB - f
D 5
a Dx a Dx
VMIN 15.66431022
Vmin = AB A, DIST  BB B , DIST
LMIN 10.66431022 a AB - f a BB - f
(L/D)MIN 2.132862044
Lmin = Vmin - D
Problem A: Given: fractional recovery of A in distillate and Problem B: Given: mole fraction of A or B in distillate and
B in bottoms - calculate mole fractions bottoms product - calculate fractional recoveries

xA, DISTILLATE 0.95 Benzene FRA, DISTILLATE 0.9792695 Benzene

xB, BOTTOM 0.95 Toluene FRB, BOTTOM 0.99462004 Toluene
Nmin, feed 3.271012446
Dx A, DIST FR  Bx A , BOT
ïæ x ö
ln íçç A ÷÷
æ z A öü
÷÷ ý FRA DIST = B BOT =
Fz A
ï è zB øï
Fz A
N F , min = îè x B ø DIST þ
ln a AB
Gilliland Correlation

L/D Scaling
L/D (actual)
L  D
- L
Gilliland Correlation under different Abscissa Ranges:
[N-Nmin]/(N+1) 0<x<0.01 -3.716323299
Abscissa 0.253954893
Abscissa = min 0.01<x<0.9 0.40643362
[N-Nmin]/(N+1) 0.40643362 L 1 0.9<x<1 0.123806185
Nactual 11.70628719 D
æ N ö
Nmin, feed
Nfeed, actual
N F = N F ,min çç ÷÷
è N min ø

Parameters for Chosen Set of Components

Component A 9 Benzene Component B 78 Toluene

zA, FEED 0.5 Benzene zB, FEED 0.5 Toluene

xA,DIST 0.95 xB,DIST 0.05
xA,BOT 0.05 xB,BOT 0.95

L/D T Type "T" for total reflux

L/V 1.00

Quality of Feed (q) 0

Basis Flow 10 mol/hr

y vs. x Equilibrium Relationship

PTOTAL = x1 P1 (Tbp )  x2 P2 (Tbp )

* *
Use Bubble T calculation approach: The y vs x values are automatically entered into this table if you've solved the
bubble T calculation using the Ideal T - 2 cpts worksheet
xA yA yA
0.0 0.000 0.000
0.1 0.209 0.208 Polynomial Fit: Input these coefficients yourself from graph:
0.2 0.376 0.376 yA = Ax4  Bx3  Cx2  Dx  E
0.3 0.511 0.512
0.4 0.622 0.622 A= -0.4811
0.5 0.714 0.713 B= 1.6316
0.6 0.791 0.790 C= -2.4594
0.7 0.856 0.855 D= 2.3081
0.8 0.911 0.911 E= 0.0004
0.9 0.959 0.959
1.0 1.000 1.000

Feed and Operating Lines


Slope 0 Slope 1.00 x1 0.5
Intercept 0.5 Intercept 0.00 y1 0.5
q 1 L æ Lö 0.05
yA = xA  z A, FEED yA = xA  ç1 - ÷xA,DIST y2
q -1 1- q V è Vø
Slope 1
xA yA xA yA Intercept 0
0 0.5 0 0
L æ Lö
0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 yA = x A  çç1 - ÷÷ x A, BOT
0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 V è Vø
0.3 0.5 0.3 0.3
0.399999 0.5 0.4 0.4 xA yA
0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0
0.400001 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.1 0.1
0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.2 0.2
0.6 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.3 0.3
0.7 0.5 0.9 0.9 0.4 0.4
0.8 0.5 1 1 0.5 0.5
0.9 0.5 0.6 0.6
1 0.5 0.7 0.7
0.8 0.8
0.9 0.9
1 1

Feed Line/VLE Intercept

If q is not 1: y difference 0.000 If q is equal to 1: xA 0.500

xA 0.291 yA 0.71348125
yA 0.500236532

Appropriate Intercept Value: xA 0.290748919

yA 0.500236532
Stepping off Stages

Keep copying the four-row block at the end (ie. A134-->F137) until you have found the total number of equilibrium trays

TRAY NUMBER Variable Value x y

Starting Point: xA,DIST 0.95 0.95 0.95
yA 0.95 0.879 0.950089
1 xA 0.879 Keep Counting Stages More Equilibrium Trays Required 0.879 0.879441
yA 0.950088591 0.742 0.879482
Step Down 1 xA 0.879 0.742 0.741685
yA 0.87944141 0.535 0.741698
2 xA 0.742 Keep Counting Stages More Equilibrium Trays Required 0.535 0.534965
yA 0.879481526 0.320 0.535173
Step Down 2 xA 0.742 0.320 0.319662
yA 0.741684501 0.164 0.320056
3 xA 0.535 Keep Counting Stages More Equilibrium Trays Required 0.164 0.164263
yA 0.741697895 0.077 0.164374
Step Down 3 xA 0.535 0.077 0.077053
yA 0.534965049 0.034 0.076064
4 xA 0.320 Keep Counting Stages More Equilibrium Trays Required 0.034 0.033985
yA 0.535172561 0.032 0.07117
Step Down 4 xA 0.320 0.032 0.031711
yA 0.319661922 0.014 0.031637
5 xA 0.164 Keep Counting Stages More Equilibrium Trays Required 0.014 0.013733
yA 0.320055752 0.012 0.027155
Step Down 5 xA 0.164 0.012 0.011737
yA 0.164262605 0.005 0.011063
6 xA 0.077 Keep Counting Stages More Equilibrium Trays Required 0.005 0.004643
yA 0.164373935 0.002 0.004636
Step Down 6 xA 0.077 0.002 0.001839
yA 0.077053158 0.001 0.001822
7 xA 0.034 Last Required Stage 6.628146954 Equilibrium Trays Required 0.001 0.000617
yA 0.076063534 0.000 0.000596
Step Down 7 xA 0.034 0.000 8.48E-05
yA 0.033984959 0.000 6.19E-05
8 xA 0.032 Calculation Complete 6.628146954 Equilibrium Trays Required 0.000 -0.00015
yA 0.071169663
Step Down 8 xA 0.032
yA 0.031710584
9 xA 0.014 Calculation Complete 6.628146954 Equilibrium Trays Required
yA 0.031637437
Step Down 9 xA 0.014
yA 0.013732965
10 xA 0.012 Calculation Complete 6.628146954 Equilibrium Trays Required
yA 0.027155113
Step Down 10 xA 0.012
yA 0.011737495
11 xA 0.005 Calculation Complete 6.628146954 Equilibrium Trays Required
yA 0.011063038
Step Down 11 xA 0.005
yA 0.004642731
12 xA 0.002 Calculation Complete 6.628146954 Equilibrium Trays Required
yA 0.004636466
Step Down 12 xA 0.002
yA 0.001839077
13 xA 0.001 Calculation Complete 6.628146954 Equilibrium Trays Required
yA 0.001822407
Step Down 13 xA 0.001
yA 0.000616673
14 xA 0.000 Calculation Complete 6.628146954 Equilibrium Trays Required
yA 0.00059561
Step Down 14 xA 0.000
yA 8.4757E-05
15 xA 0.000 Calculation Complete 6.628146954 Equilibrium Trays Required
yA 6.18536E-05
Step Down 15 xA 0.000
yA -0.000146481
xD line
0.95 0
0.95 1

xB line
0.05 0
0.05 1





0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

xA,BOT y vs. x VLE Polynomial Fit: y = -0.4811x4 + 1.6316x3 - 2.4594x2 + 2.3081x + 0.0004 xA,DIST

VLE Equilibrium Line y = x Line Top Operating Line Bottom Operating Line Feed Line

Parameters for Chosen Set of Components


Component A 78 Toluene Component B 21 Cumene Component C 9 Benzene

Antoine's Equation Coefficients for Toluene Antoine's Equation Coefficients for Cumene Antoine's Equation Coefficients for Benzene
A= 6.95805 æ B ö A= 6.93619 æ B ö A= 6.89272 æ B ö
ç A- ÷ ç A- ÷ ç A- ÷
T -C ø T -C ø
B= 1346.773 P * = 10 è B= 1460.31
P * = 10 è T -C ø B= 1203.531 P * = 10 è
C= 219.693 C= 207.701 C= 219.888

z1, FEED 0.3 Toluene z2, FEED 0.3 Cumene z1, FEED 0.4 Benzene

Partial Pressure Temperature = 50.000 ˚C Partial Pressure Temperature = 50.000 Partial Pressure Temperature = 50.000 ˚C
P1*(T) 92.114 mm Hg P2*(T) 18.600 mm Hg P1*(T) 271.236 mm Hg

Bubble Temperature (BUBBLE T) Calculation

Pressure 760 mm Hg

x1 0.3 Toluene x2 0.3 Cumene x2 0.4 Benzene

TBP= 100.306 °C
PTOTAL = x 1 P1 (T bp )  x 2 P2 (T bp )  x 3 P3 (T bp )
* * *
PTOTAL= 759.9999997 mm Hg Bubble T Equation:
P1* 168.459 mm Hg
P2* 47.006 mm Hg P1*+P2* 623.866 mm Hg
P3* 408.401
y1 0.270
y2 0.075
y3 0.655

Dew Temperature (DEW T) Calculation

Pressure 760 mm Hg

y1 0.3 Toluene y2 0.3 Cumene y3 0.4 Benzene

TDP= 123.942 °C
Sxi 1.0000 Dew T Equation: x i = *
 *  *
P1 (Tdp ) P2 (Tdp ) P3 (Tdp )
x1 0.208
x2 0.668
x3 0.123

Estimate the Relative Volatilities of the Two Components

yA P*A
Average Temperature 112.124 °C xA P = PA
a AB = »
yB P*B PB*
xB P

Partial Pressure Temperature = 112.124 ˚C Partial Pressure Temperature = 112.124 ˚C Partial Pressure Temperature = 112.124 ˚C
P1*(T) 792.987 mm Hg P2*(T) 234.543 mm Hg P2*(T) 1852.492 mm Hg

Relative Volatility aAB 3.380987833 Relative Volatility aBB 1 Relative Volatility aCB 7.898303479
Relative Volatility aAA 1 Relative Volatility aBA 0.295771546 Relative Volatility aCB 2.336093434

Parameters for Chosen Set of Components


Component A 78 Toluene Component B

aAB 3.380987833 aBB

aAA 1 aBA
zA, FEED 0.3 Toluene zB, FEED

Quality of Feed (q) 0

Basis Flow 100 mol/hr

Fenske Equation

In a multicomponent system, fractional recoveries are

usually specified:
ì ( FRA ) DIST ( FRB ) BOT
ln í
[1 - ( FRA ) DIST ][1 - ( FRB ) BOT ]
N min = î
FRA, DISTILLATE 0.95 Toluene ln a AB
FRB, BOTTOM 0.95 Cumene

a CB
Nmin 4.918422512 ( FRC ) DIST =
 a CB
N min

FRC, DISTILLATE 0.999268885 1 - ( FRB ) BOT

Underwood Equation

VFEED 100 a AB FzA a BB FzB aCBFzC

f VFEED =   =
a AB - f a BB - f aCB - f
D 69.97075542 a AB Dx A , DIST a BB Dx B , DIST
V min =  
VMIN 123.8095202 a AB - f a BB - f
LMIN 53.83876475
(L/D)MIN 0.76944667
L min = V min - D
xA, DISTILLATE 0.407313024 Toluene
xB, BOTTOM 0.949074823 Cumene
Nmin, feed
0.571249448 Benzene
FR A  DIST =
2.41710434 Fz A

Gilliland Correlation

L/D Scaling
L/D (actual)
0.961808337 L
 
- L
D min
Gilliland Correlation under different Abscissa
Abscissa 0.098053242 Abscissa =
L 1
[N-Nmin]/(N+1) 0.487836156 D
Nactual 10.55572104
æ N ö
Nmin, feed 2.41710434 N F = N F ,min çç ÷÷
Nfeed, actual 5.187492346 è N min ø
21 Cumene Component C 9 Benzene

1 aCB 7.89830348
0.29577155 aCA 2.33609343
0.3 Cumene zA, FEED 0.4 Benzene

ì ( FRA ) DIST ( FRB ) BOT ü

ln í ý
î [1 - ( FRA ) DIST ][1 - ( FRB ) BOT ] þ
N min =
ln a AB

a CB

( FRC ) DIST =
 a CB
N min

1 - ( FRB ) BOT

a AB FzA a BB FzB aCBFzC

VFEED =   = F (1 - q)
a AB - f a BB - f aCB - f
a AB Dx A , DIST a BB Dx B , DIST a CB Dx C , DIST
=  
a AB - f a BB - f a CB - f

ïæ x ö æ z A öï ü
ln íçç A ÷÷ çç ÷÷ ý
= V min - D ï
îè x B ø DIST è zB øï þ
min N F , min =
ln a AB

FR A  DIST =  FR B BOT =
Fz A Fz A

Gilliland Correlation under different Abscissa Ranges:

0<x<0.01 -0.820995782
0.01<x<0.9 0.487836156
0.9<x<1 0.149678065

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