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Dean Doneen (ID #4969290)

University of Minnesota
CEGE3201 – Transportation Engineering
Dean Doneen
CEGE 3201
Report #1

CEGE 3201 Worksheet for Lab 1: Transportation Data

Objective: With the introduction of new technologies, mobility patterns are changing around the
country. The Metropolitan Council wants the Twin Cities to remain a competitive region by
integrating more mobility options. You have been hired to investigate current mobility patterns in
the Twin Cities as a first step in developing a mobility strategy. Unfortunately, the best available
data is from 2010, so keep in mind possible changes since then. You will use Excel features,
transportation survey data, and your knowledge of land use and transportation relationships to
understand Twin Cities mode choice patterns.

Getting Started

The following documents are located in the “Lab1 – Transportation Data” folder on the CEGE
3201 Canvas site.

1) Open a Word document (or LaTeX (if you’re into that), or another text editor).

2) Open the Travel Behavior Inventory 2010 Home Interview Survey.xlsx file from the course’s

Moodle site. You will use the TRIP tab in this file to create graphss

3) The TAZ2010.pdf file will be used in graph question 1 and as a reference. You can use this
to get an idea of where TAZs are and the region we are looking at.


In the TripDictionary tab, find the definitions of the following fields used in the survey data.
Use the listed definition as a reference, but define it in your own words, and give an example of
a value. This is to familiarize yourself with important information to look for in datasets, and
specifically the information we will primarily use. Your report will need to contain your answers
to these definitions.

1. OTAZ and DTAZ

OTAZ is origin
DTAZ is destination

2. mode and primarymode (mode in general)

mode is what type of transporation (walk, bus, car, bike, etc.) was used
primarymode is the most common mode for an individual

Dean Doneen
CEGE 3201
Report #1
3. access and egress
access is mode used to get to your primary mode
egress is mode used to leave your primary mode

4. OrigAct (Row 64), DestAct (Row 65), Ohome-Oother (Row 67-77), and Dhome-Dother
(Row 78-88) (Just write one general definition and give two examples)
OrigAct is what you are done at the destination
DestAct is what is being done at the origin

Ohome-Oother defines what the origin activity is (home, eating, college, etc.)
Dhome-Dother defines what the destination activity is (home, eating, school, etc.)

5. HHWEIGHT (this does not require an example)

HHWEIGHT is amount of households in the region that are similar to the household being

Record how you do your analysis; note the names of columns you use in each pivot table. Charts
with DESCRIPTIVE titles and labels will go in your results section.

1. Use a pie graph to show what primary modes of travel people use throughout the entire
region. What mode is the most common, and is it what you expected? Why do you think this
mode is the most common, and what do you think would make it less popular relative to
other modes?

Primary Mode of Trasporation


Bicycle (skateboard,


Commuter Rail

Dean Doneen
CEGE 3201
Report #1
2. Looking at zones 1238, 1280, 1299, 1319 (University of Minnesota area) use a pie graph to
show what modes people take to this area. Are these mode shares different than the
general Twin Cities population, and are they what you expected? Why do you think the
mode shares are different?

Primary Mode of Transportation to UMN Twin Cities


Bicycle (skateboard,

Light Rail

School Bus

3. Look up commute mode shares for the United States (Hint: look for data from
USDoT) and list modal percentages. How do the Twin Cities and the University of
Minnesota compare to the United States as a whole?

Mode Percent
Drive alone 76.6
Carpool 9.0
Transit 5.2
Work at home 4.6
Walk 2.8
Other 1.2
Bike 0.6
Source: US Bureau of Transportation Statistics

The twin cities is very similar to the US as a whole. It was calculated that 85% of trips in the
Twin Cities are made using automobile, and that is the same for the US commute as a whole
(76.6+9 = 85.6). On campus, however, a significantly higher percentage of trips are made by
walking, bus, and bike than the US population as a whole.

Dean Doneen
CEGE 3201
Report #1

4. Using a pie graph, find what activities people are doing that require travel. What
activity do you think will produce the most trips and why? What activities actually
generate the most trips? If the activity you guessed and the actual activity is
different, why do you think that is?

It was predicted that returning home will be the largest percentage of trips

This prediction was correct, with 36% of trips being made to return home. This makes
sense as for every trip out an individual will have to return home at some point.

What People Are Doing at

their Destinations
Eating Out

Dean Doneen
CEGE 3201
Report #1
Make your own travel diary
Use several sentences to describe a typical one-day travel diary of your own. Your description should include at least approximate
time, origin, destination, travel mode and travel purpose for each trip. Count how many trips do you have in your travel diary

with Living in
Trip Starting Ending Mode Purpose someone the same
ID Date time Starting locale Time Ending locale Code Mode Code Purpose else household
1 1/31/2019 12:20 PM Home 12:45 PM Rapson Hall 4 Passenger 3 School Y Y
2 1/31/2019 1:54 AM Rapson Hall 1:59 PM CivE 1 Walking 3 School Y N
3 1/31/2019 3:25 PM CivE 4:20 PM Home 5 Bus 16 home N
4 2/1/2019 10:21 PM Home 11:01 PM Akerman Hall 5 Bus 3 School N
5 2/1/2019 1:05 PM Akerman Hall 1:12 PM 10 Church St 1 Walking 3 School N
6 2/1/2019 2:55 PM 10 Church St 3:48 PM Home 5 Bus 16 home N

Dean Doneen
CEGE 3201
Report #1

CEGE 3201 Worksheet for Lab 2: Trip Gen 1

Objective: To become more familiar with transportation data, the statistical program R, and to
build trip generation models using linear regression.

Getting Started
The following documents are located in the “Lab 2 (Trip Gen 1)” folder on the CEGE 3201
Moodle site.
1) Open a Word document (or LaTeX (if you’re into that), or another text editor).
2) Open the TAZ2010_wORIGDEST.xlsx file from the course’s Moodle site. You will import
this file into R Studio and use it to build the models.

Create a model for college related origin trips using population over 18, other households that
are not families and with more than one person, and 2010 US Census renter occupied housing.
Coefficient Sign Prediction Estimate p-value
Intercept + 1441.5332 <2e-16
Population Over 18 + 0.1398 <2e-16
Households that are + -3.4089 0.2261
not families and with
more than one
Renter Occupied - 1.3449 0.0386
Multiple R-squared 0.2187
p-value 2.2e-16
R-Command summary(lm(Otrips~POPOVER18+HHTYPE3+RENTEROCC,

Dean Doneen
CEGE 3201
Report #1
1) Consider a model relating general origin trips to 2010 US Census vacant housing,
total employment, 2010 US census renter occupied housing, households with
children and under 65, and other households that are not families and with more than
one person.
a) Predict what you think the signs on each coefficient will be.
Shown in table below
b) Generate the model in RStudio.
c) Put results into a table like the one shown in the example.

Coefficient Sign Prediction Estimate P Value

Intercept + 967.06621 < 2e-16
Vacant - -4.17243 0.0349
TOTAL_EMP + 1.75529 < 2e-16
RENTEROCC + 0.03118 0.9605
HHTYPE1 + 11.35917 < 2e-16
HHTYPE3 + 13.81990 1.13e-08
Multiple R-Squared 0.3557
p-value < 2.2e-16
R-Command summary(lm(Otrips ~ VACANT + TOTAL_EMP + RENTEROCC +

d) Which of your predictors are statistically significant? What can you infer from this
Household Types, Total Employment, the Intercept all have low p-values, Vacant has a
somewhat low p-value, and being renter occupied probably isn’t significant based off of
its high p-value

e) Pretend a new TAZ is being incorporated into the metro area with 500 total jobs,
30 vacant housing units, 125 renter occupied units, 145 households with children
and under age 65, and 33 other households that are not families and with more
than one person. Estimate the number of trips that will originate from this TAZ
using the model generated in part b.

967.77 - 4.17243(30) + 1.75529(500) + 0.03118(125) + 11.35917(145) + 13.81990(33) =

2) Consider a model relating work origin trips to 2010 US Census vacant housing, total
employment, 2010 US census renter occupied housing, households with children and
under 65, and other households that are not families and with more than one person
(the same predictors as question 1).
a) Predict what you think the signs on each coefficient will be.
b) Why are you choosing either the same or different sign that you guessed in
question 1?
All the same signs were chosen. Most households are employed, so the trips from work
were predicted to be similar to any other origin trips.
c) Generate the model in RStudio.

Dean Doneen
CEGE 3201
Report #1
d) Put results into a table like the one shown in the example.
Coefficient Sign Prediction Estimate P Value
Intercept + 128.06210 4.79e-1
Vacant - -0.33774 0.3409
TOTAL_EMP + 0.22541 < 2e-16
RENTEROCC + -0.36829 0.0011
HHTYPE1 + 1.98864 < 2e-16
HHTYPE3 + 4.61594 < 2e-16
Multiple R-Squared 0.315
p-value 2.2e-16
R-Command summary(lm(Otrips_Work ~ VACANT + TOTAL_EMP +

e) How are the estimated coefficients different than the model for general origin
They’re just smaller with the exception of renter occupied, which changed signs.

f) Which of your predictors are statistically significant? What can you infer from this
Intercept, Total employment, renter occupied, HHTYPE1, and HHTYPE3
It can be inferred that all of the above parameters have an effect on work origin trips.
It can be inferred that vacancies do not have an effect on work origin trips.

3) Consider a model relating college origin trips to total employment, 2010 US Census
vacant housing, 2010 US census renter occupied housing, households with children
and under 65, and other households that are not families and with more than one
person (the same predictors as question 1).
a) Predict what you think the signs on each coefficient will be.
b) Why are you choosing either the same or different sign that you guessed in
questions 1 and 2?
The same signs were chosen except for HHTYPE1. HHTYPE1 is family households with
children, and it was predicted that most households of that type do not often commute to
a college.
c) Generate the model in RStudio.
d) Put results into a table like the one shown in the example.
Coefficient Sign Prediction Estimate P Value
Intercept + 10.765372 0.16957
Vacant - 0.017228 0.90425
TOTAL_EMP + 0.010935 0.01475
RENTEROCC + -0.107497 0.01832
HHTYPE1 - -0.125066 0.00183
HHTYPE3 + 1.148459 5.88e-11
Multiple R-Squared 0.02189
p-value 4.392e-13
R-Command summary(lm(Otrips_College ~ VACANT + TOTAL_EMP +

Dean Doneen
CEGE 3201
Report #1
e) How are the estimated coefficients different than the model for general origin trips
and the model for work origin trips? Why do you think this is?
Still much smaller, which makes sense as college is a more specific origin. HHYTYPE1 I
snow negative, which also makes sense based on households with children often are
not college students

f) Which of your predictors are statistically significant? What can you infer from this
HHTYPE3, HHTYPE1, RENTEOCC, and TOTAL_EMP. From this it can be inferred that
vacancies are not important for determining college origin trips.

4) Change the predictors in one of your models from questions 1-3 to generate a model
with a higher R-squared value. Report your results in a table as was used above. Why
do you think these predictors have generated a higher R-squared value?

POPTOTAL (total population) was added, this could have made the R-squared value higher
because even if people aren’t employed, they will still travel.

Coefficient Sign Prediction Estimate P Value

Intercept + 637.8195637.8195 6.38e-09
Vacant - -9.1510 4.00e-06
TOTAL_EMP + 1.7226 < 2e-16
RENTEROCC + -0.8365 0.177
HHTYPE1 - -8.4024 2.34e-06
HHTYPE3 + -1.5512 0.566
POPTOTAL + 3.4505 < 2e-16
Multiple R-Squared 0.3836
p-value 2.2e-16
R-Command summary(lm(Otrips ~ VACANT + TOTAL_EMP +

Dean Doneen
CEGE 3201
Report #1
CEGE 3201 Worksheet for Lab 3: Trip Generation 2
Objective: To become more familiar with transportation data, the statistical program R, and
visualizing linear trip generation models.

Getting Started
The following documents are located in the “Lab3 – Trip Generation 2” folder on CANVAS.

1) Open a Word document (or LaTeX (if you’re into that), or another text editor).
2) Open the TAZ2010_truncated.xlsx file from the course’s CANVAS site. You will import
this file into R Studio and use it to build and plot models.

1) Create 2 linear models: one for origin trips and one for destination trips. For
plotting purposes, each model can only have one regressor. Use a table like
the one below to organize your R code and output. (4 points)

Origin Trips Model

Coefficient Estimate p-value

Intercept 2.926e+0.3 <2e-16
Regressor 1.799e+00 <2e-16
Multiple R-squared 0.1897
p-value 2.2e-16
summary(lm(Otrips ~ TOTAL_EMP,

Destination Trips Model

Coefficient Estimate p-value
Intercept 2.918e+03 <2e-16
Regressor 1.813e+00 <2e-16
Multiple R-squared 0.1897
p-value 2.2e-16
summary(lm(Dtrips ~ TOTAL_EMP,

Dean Doneen
CEGE 3201
Report #1
2) Plot both of your models and original data using R. Make sure to give each model a
title and proper (not default) axis labels. (4 points)

3) Just by visual inspection, does the data for both models appear to have a
linear relationship? Is one better than the other? If data is clustered, where is it
clustered? Are there visual outliers? How do you think these visual outliers
affect data presentation? (4 points)
The data doesn’t really seem to have a linear relationship. The data is clustered in the
bottom-left corner of both graphs

4) Based on your observations in question three, do you think that linear models are
the best models for trip generation, given our data set? (3 points)
Based on my observation, I do not think that linear models are the best models for trip

Dean Doneen
CEGE 3201
Report #1
5) The above questions using a linear model with only one regressor. Can you build
linear models with at least two regressors and perform a diagnostic check?
Use Otrips as your response variable for this problem. You will need to build
2- 3 linear models and choose the one you think that best fit the data to perform
a diagnostic check. Report your models and necessary statistics about them. For
diagnostic check, you should plot diagnostic plots to check the linearity,
normality, and homogeneity assumptions of linear regression. (12 points)

Using more regressors yielded a better fit, but still not a good one.

Origin Trips Model, Multiple Regressors

Coefficient Estimate p-value
INTERCEPT 966.59921 <2e-16
TOTAL_EMP 1.75578 <2e-16
HHTYPE1 11.36107 <2e-16
HHTYPE3 13.90561 <2e-16
VACANT -4.13961 0.0264
Multiple r-squared 0.3557
p-value 2.2e-16
R command summary(lm(Otrips ~ TOTAL_EMP
VACANT , TAZ2010_truncated))

Dean Doneen
CEGE 3201
Report #1

Here, the red line ideally will be horizontal at zero, that is Here the normality assumption was checked, if
not the case here, it is somewhat horizontal at fitted values the assumption is valid, the points would follow a
less than around 5000, but then declines. straight line. In this case, they don’t, so the
assumption is violated.

Here there would ideally be a horizontal line with

equally spaced points. That is not the case for this
model, showing that this is not a good model.


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