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Q.1 Define matter with the help of examples.
MATTER- All the thing which occupies space that is has volume and mass is
called matter. E.g. Chair, air, smell, almonds, cold-drink, smell of perfume.
Q.2 Write the characteristics of matter.
1. Matter is made up of small particles.
2. There is enough space between particles of matter.
3. Particles of matter are continuously moving that is they possess
the kinetic energy.
4. Particles of matter have force acting between them. This force
keeps the particles together.
Q.3 Give reason: the smell of hot sizzling food reaches you several meters
away, but to get the smell from cold food you have to go close.
As the temperature rises, particles move faster so with increase in
temperature the kinetic energy of particles also increases. That’s why
the smell of hot sizzling food reaches you several meters away, but to
get the smell from cold food you have to go close.
Q.4 Define diffusion.
DIFFUSION-Particles of matter intermix on their own with each other.
They do so by getting into the spaces between the particles. This
intermixing of particles of two different types of matter on their own
is called diffusion. On heating, diffusion becomes faster.
Q.5 The gases from the atmosphere diffuse and dissolve in water.
These gases, especially oxygen and carbon dioxide, are essential for
the survival of aquatic animals and plants. The aquatic animals can
breathe under water due to the presence of dissolved oxygen in
Q.6 Give reason: A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool.
A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool. It is due to
weak force of attraction between particles of water. So a diver can
pass through this force.
Q.7 what are the states of matter?
Matter around us exists in three different states-solid, liquid and gas.
Q.8 differentiate or distinguish between solid, liquid and gas (states of
matter) in a tabular form.
solid liquid gas
1. Rigidity rigid Not rigid rigid
2. compressibility They cannot They can be They can be
be compressed to compressed
compressed a little extent easily

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3. fluidity Fluidity is nil They flow They flow in

from higher all directions.
level to a
lower level
4. shape Definite shape They take They have no
shape of the definite shape
5. Kinetic energy Particles have Particles have Particles have
low kinetic kinetic energy more kinetic
energy more than energy
solid and less
than gas
6. density Highly dense Their density They are less
is less than dense
solids and
more than
7. Force of Inter-particle Inter-particle Inter-particle
attraction(inter- force is force is less force is less
particle force) maximum than solid and than solid and
more than gas liquid
8. Inter-particle Inter-particle Inter-particle Inter-particle
spaces space is less space is more space is more
than liquid than solid and than solid and
and gas that is less than gas liquid that is
minimum maximum
9. Diffusion Diffusion is nil Diffuses Diffuses easily
10. Volume Definite Definite No definite
volume volume volume
11. storage Stored easily Stored in a Stored in a
without vessel vessel(may be closed vessel
12. example Ex. sugar Ex. water Ex.
Q.9 A rubber band change its shape on stretching, is it a solid?
A rubber band changes shape under force and regains the same
shape when the force is removed. If excessive force is applied, it
breaks. So it is a solid.
Q.10 When sugar and salt kept in different jars these take the shape of the
jar, are they solid?

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The shape of each individual sugar or salt crystal remains fixed,

whether we take it in our hand, put it in a plate of in a jar. So they are
Q.11 a sponge can be compress, is it solid?
A sponge has minute holes, in which air is trapped, when we press it,
the air is expelled out and we are able to compress it. So it is a solid.
Q.12 Give reason: A wooden table should be called a solid.
OR An iron almirah is a solid at room temperature.
Because it shows all properties of solids that is
Its melting point is more than room temperature.
o Solids have a definite shape. Distinct boundaries and fixed
o Solids have negligible compressibility.
o Solids have a tendency to maintain their shape when subjected
to outside force.
o Solids may break under force but it is difficult to change their
shape, so they are rigid.
o It does not change its shape if we apply outside force
Q.13 Give reason: Water at room temperature is a liquid
Because it shows all properties of liquids that is
o Liquids have no fixed shape but have a fixed volume.
o They take up the shape of the container in which they are kept.
o Liquids flow and change shape, so they are not rigid but can be
called fluid.
Q.14 Give two examples of compressed gas.
o LPG-liquefied petroleum gas cylinder used for cooking.
o OXYGEN supplied to hospitals in cylinders.
o CNG-Compressed natural gas-is used as a fuel in vehicles.
Thus due to high compressibility, large volumes of gas can be
compressed into a small cylinder and transported easily.
Q.15 Give Reason: A gas fills completely the vessel in which it is kept
- Because there is no force of attraction between particles of gas
and they are free to move and occupy all the space of the vessel.
We can easily move our hand in air but to do the same through a solid
block of wood we need a karate expert.
- In air ,gas particles have more space between them and have no
force of attraction but a solid block have no space between
particles and have strong force of attraction between particles So
it need a karate expert to apply greater force.
Q.16 Give reason: The particles of the aroma of food mix with the particles of
air spread from the kitchen, reach us or the smell of hot cooked food reaches
us in seconds.

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- Due to high speed of particles and large space between them,

gases show the property of diffusing very fast into other gases.
Q.17 Give reason: A gas exerts pressure on the walls of the container.
- In the gaseous state, the particles move about randomly at high
speed. Due to this random movement, the particles hit each other
and also the walls of the container. The pressure exerted by the
gas is because of this force exerted by gas particles peer unit area
on the walls of the container.
Liquids generally have lower density as compared to solids. But you must
have observed that ice floats on water.
- It is because in ice there are vacant spaces between water
molecules thus making ice lighter than water so it floats on water.
Q.18 Define the following.
Melting point-The temperature at which a solid melts to
become a liquid at the atmospheric pressure is called its
melting point. The melting point of ice is 273.16K.
Fusion-The process of melting that is change of solid state into
liquid state is also known as fusion.
Latent heat of fusion-The amount of heat energy that is
required to change 1 kg of a solid into liquid at atmospheric
pressure at its melting point is known as the latent heat of
Boiling point-The temperature at which a liquid starts boiling
at the atmospheric pressure is known as its boiling point.
Q.19 Give reason: We get the smell of perfume sitting several meters away.
- Because perfume has high degree of vaporization and its vapours
diffuse into air easily.
Latent heat of vaporization-The heat energy required to change
1kg of a liquid to gas at atmospheric pressure at its boiling
Sublimation-A change of state direct from solid to gas without
changing into liquid state of vice versa is called sublimation.
Q.20 Give reason: Naphthalene balls disappear with time without leaving
any solid.
- Because it shows the property of sublimation by showing
evaporation of naphthalene balls easily so it disappears with time.
Kelvin is the SI (international system) unit of temperature,
00C=273.16K or 00C=273K
To change a temperature on the Kelvin scale to the Celsius scale—
Subtract 273 from the given temperature
Given temp (K) -273=_______0C
e.g. (i) 300K

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To change a temperature on the Celsius scale to the Kelvin scale –Add
273 to the given temperature.
Given temp (0C) +273=_______K
e.g. (i) 2500C
Q.21 Give reason: ice at 273K more effective in cooling than water at the
same temperature
- Particles in water at 00c (273K) have more energy(less latent heat).
Particles in ice have less energy (which requires more latent heat of
fusion) at the same temperature.

Q.22 what is the physical state of water at?

1) 2500C-Water vapour or gas
2) 1000C-vapour or gas
3) 250C-liquid
4) 00C-liquid
Q.23 For any substance, why does the temperature remain constant during
the change of state?
- Because the heat given to the matter is used up in changing the
state of matter. This is called latent heat.
Q.24 which are the two methods to liquefy the atmospheric gases?
- Applying pressure and reducing temperature, can liquefy gases.
*That is pressure and temperature determine the state of a
Q.25 Give reason: Solid carbon dioxide is also known as dry ice.
- Solid CO2 (carbon dioxide) is stored under high pressure. It gets
converted directly to gaseous state without coming into liquid
Q.26 Define Evaporation.
- In the liquids, a small fraction of particles at the surface, having
higher kinetic energy, is able to break away from the forces of
attraction of other particles and gets converted into vapour. This
phenomenon of change of a liquid into vapours at any
temperature below its boiling point is called evaporation.
Q.27 what are the factors on which rate of evaporation depends-
An increase of surface area-If the surface area is increases the rate
of evaporation increases. Evaporation is a surface phenomenon.
This is the reason-While putting clothes from drying up we spread
them out.

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Also we are to sip hot tea or milk faster from a saucer rather than a
cup because in saucer tea of milk cover larger surface area which
increases evaporation so it cools faster.
An increase of temperature—with the increase of temperature,
more number of particles get enough kinetic energy to go into the
vapour state.
A decrease in humidity- Humidity is the amount of water vapour
present in air. If the humidity I high, the rate of evaporation
An increase in wind speed-with the increase in wind speed the
particles of water vapour move away with the wind, decreasing
the amount of water vapour in the surrounding. This is the reason
clothes dry faster on a windy day.
Q.28 Give reason.
 When we pour some acetone (nail polish remover) on our palm, we feel
cool because the particles of acetone gain energy from our palm or
surroundings and evaporate causing the palm to feel cool.
 After a hot sunny day, people sprinkle water on the roof or open ground
because the large latent heat of vaporization of water helps to cool
the hot surface.
 We wear cotton clothes in summer because in summer there is more
sweat from body due to heat to maintain the temperature of our
body. Cotton being a good absorber of water helps in absorbing the
sweat and exposing it to the atmosphere for easy evaporation feeling
us cool
 We see water droplets on the outer surface of a glass containing ice-
cold water because the water vapour present in air, on coming in
contact with the cold glass of water, loses energy and gets converted
to liquid state, which we see as water droplets.
 a desert cooler cool better on a hot dry day because on a hot dry day
high temperature increases evaporation and there is low humidity
due to dry day so this also increases evaporation and evaporation
causes cooling because it takes heat from surrounding to feel cool

 The water kept in an earthen pot (matka) becomes cool during summer
because water evaporation takes place from the small pores of pot by
taking heat from water and surrounding. So water becomes cool.
Q.29 Differentiate between Boiling and Evaporation.
i. It is a bulk phenomenon i. It is a surface
ii. It occurs at a particular ii. It takes place at any

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temperature. temperature below its

boiling point when liquid
is placed in open
iii. Heating takes place iii. Cooling takes place
during boiling. during evaporation.
iv. For this, liquid takes heat iv. For this, liquid takes heat
from an external source is from surrounding.
Q.30 what produces more severe burn, boiling water or steam?
- Steam, because steam has more energy than boiling water.
IMPORTANT EXPERIMENT for practical based questions
 CONVERSION OF ICE TO WATER (conversion of solid state to
liquid state)
1. Take about 150g of crushed ice in a beaker and suspend a laboratory
thermometer (range 00C to 100 0C) so that its bulb is in contact with
the ice.
2. Note the temperature( it can be between -40Cto -10C)
3. Start heating the beaker on a low flame.
4. Note the temperature when the ice starts melting.(00C)
5. Note the temperature when all the ice has converted into water(00C)


liquid state to the gaseous state)
1. Put a glass rod in the beaker and heat while stirring till the water
starts boiling.
2. Note the temperature(00C to 1000c)
3. Observe the reading on the thermometer till most of the water has
Q.31 answer the following
1. When a drop of blue ink is put in water, the blue color spreads and the
whole solution becomes blue. Name the phenomenon due to which this
2. What happens when you open a bottle of perfume? Or we can get the smell
of perfume sitting several meters away. Give reason.
Ans-Particles of perfume diffuse into the air and can be smelled even at a

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3. When 2mL of Dettol is dissolved in 100ml of water, the smell can be

detected even on repeated dilution. Identify the physical nature of matter.
Ans- Particles of matter are very small which can be dissolved in water,
diffusing its smell readily in air.
4. The smell of lighted incense stick reaches you several meters away but to
get the smell from unlighted incense stick you have to go close.
Ans-Particles of matter are continuously moving. Rate of movement of
particles increases with temperature, therefore the smell of lighted incense
stick reaches us several meters away due to diffusion.
5. A small amount of gas is let into a large evacuated chamber.
i) How much of the chamber gets filled with the gas?
Ans- The whole chamber gets filled with gas.
ii) What property of the gas helps it to do so?
Ans- The particles move about randomly at high speed.
6. Give two factors that determine the rate of diffusion of a liquid in another
I. Temperature
II. Pressure
7. Name the property of gases that helps aquatic animals and plants to survive
in water.
Ans - solubility in water.
8. A substance has a finite volume but not a definite shape. Write the physical
state of substance.
Ans - Liquid (water).
9. Name the property of gases due to which it is possible to fill CNG in cylinders
for using as fuel in cars.
Ans - Compressibility.
10. Mention two factors that need to be varied to liquefied atmospheric gases.
Ans - Temperature and pressure.
11. Select the substances which do not have the property of sublimation:
Ans -Potassium permanganate, Copper Sulphate.
12. Why do liquids have mostly lower density than solids?
Ans -Liquids have less force of attraction between molecules i.e. less mass and
more volume as compared to solids.
13. Arrange the substances in the increasing order of force of attraction
between their particles.
Ans - Oxygen< milk<salt.

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