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Realize that your feelings are always valid.

They are never right or wrong, they exist because

they can and they want to. They are part of you. Don’t judge yourself for anything you might
feel. Just let those feelings come and go. Elizabeth Kubler Ross wrote a book called “On
Death and Dying” which describes the five stages of grief. Some of them are unexpected,
such as anger or bargaining. You will probably be angry at your boyfriend sometimes for
being so selfish by dying and leaving you alone. That’s ok. All of your feelings are ok. Let
them come. But please remember that while your feelings are valid and cannot be judged,
your behavior that results from those feelings can (and often should) be judged. Don’t take
your feelings out on others. Don’t punish yourself either. Feel what you feel, but don’t act on
your feelings all the time unless that action is positive.

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