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1. How to prevent environment pollution?

 Control the management of industrial wastes

 Place the industrial building far from the population
 Make a rule and punishment
 Health promotion
 Plant trees across the city
 Dividing the trash in two categories, organic, and anorganic
 Increase the use of biological resources
 Monitoring of air, water, soil, and the other pollution

2. What are the criteria of a good and bad environment?

 Good environment
 Availability of clean water
 Availability of health facilities
 Free from pollutant
 Bad environment
 Bad sanitation
 Hardness of obtaining clean water
 Many diseases that occurs in society
 Over populated

3. What are the factors that cause environment pollution?

 Human Activity: industrial, vehicle, bad lifestyle, household wastes, illegal logging
 Nature Activity: disasters such as volcano, flood, etc

4. What are the impacts of environment pollution in general?

 Extinction of various species
 Environmental imbalance
 Blasting of pest caused by pesticide
 Damage on building or other facilities caused by acid rain
 Global warming
 Decrease of ozone layers
5. What are the impacts of environment pollution in health and what are the example diseases for
environment pollution?

Agent Penyakit
- Virus
Rotavirus Diare pada anak
V. Hepatitis Hepatitis A
V.Poliemyelitis Polio
- Bakteri
Vibrio cholera Cholera
Escherichia coli Diare
Salmonella typhi Typhus abdominalis
Salmonella paratyphi Paratyphus
Shigelladysentriae Dysentriae
(Juli Soemirat Slamet.2004.KesehatanLingkungan.GadjahMada University Press)
6. What are the programs from government to prevent environment pollution?
 Reboization
 CFD (Car Free Day)
 Tebang pilih (Selective Logging)
7. What are the programs from government related to environmental health?
 Health Promotion
 STBM (Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat), for example: jambanisasi, gerakan cuci tangan

8. What are the kinds of environment pollutions?

Air pollution : there are foreign substance that change normal fungtion of air
Water pollution :there are foreign substance that change normal fungtion of water
Soil pollution :there are foreign substance that change normal fungtion of air

(Wisnu Arya Wardhana. Dampak Pencemaran Lingkungan. 2004. Penerbit Andi Yogyakarta)

9. How can the environment sanitation and pollution affect human’s health
10. Why we need to protect environment?
11. How are the procedures of waste management?
12. What factors that should be considered for development of a good environment?
13. What are the criteria of a healthy drinking water?

Memenuhi ;
a. Parameter fisis : Kekeruhan, rasa, suhu, warna
b. Parameter kimiawi : tidak mengandung bahan-bahan kimia baik organic (DDT,
Detergen)maupun non organic (Ba, F, Cd,Cn) yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan
c. Parameter biologis : ada tidaknya mikroorganisme
d. Parameter radiologis : jika menimbulkan kerusakan pada sel yang terpapar (sinar alpha dam

(Juli Soemirat Slamet.2004.KesehatanLingkungan. Gadjah Mada University Press)

14. What are the obstacles to find sources of a healthy drinking water?
15. What are the techniques to manage a healthy drinking water?
16. What are the types of wastes?
17. How to manage environment to make a good environmental sanitation?

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