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Precipitation DEW
What is Precipitation? -The small drops of water which can be found
 In meteorology, precipitation is any on cool surfaces like grass in the morning.
form of water that falls from the sky as -This is the result of atmospheric vapor
part of the weather to the ground. condensing on the surface in the colder night
 Precipitation occurs when a portion of air.
the atmosphere becomes saturated SNOW
with water vapor, so that the water -Snow is the second most common precipitation
condenses and “precipitates. Thus, fog in the North East.
and mist are not precipitation but -Snow forms when water vapor turns directly
suspensions, because the water vapor into ice without ever passing through a liquid
does not condense sufficiently to state. This happens as water condenses around
precipitate. an ice crystals.
 Precipitation is the basic input to the -Snow is normally seen together with high, thin
hydrology. and weak cirrus clouds.
 Factors determining precipitation or the -Density of freshly fallen snow varies between
amount of atmospheric moisture over a 125-500 mm of snow required to equal 25 mm
region of liquid water.
 Climate -Density varies from 0.06 to 0.15 g/ 𝒄𝒎𝟑
 Geography SLEET
 Ocean Surfaces is the chief source of -Sleet, also known as ice pellets, form when
moisture for precipitation snow falls into a warm layer then melts into rain
How precipitation forms? and then the rain droplets falls into a freezing
 Precipitation begins forming when layer of air that is cold enough to refreeze the
warm, moist air rises. raindrops into ice pellets.
 As the air cools, water drops begin to -They should not be confused with hailstones as
condense forming clouds. they are smaller in size.
 After the water droplets grow large -Ice pellets (sleet) bounce when they hit the
enough, precipitation forms. ground or any other solid objects and falls with
FORMS OF PRECIPITATION a hard striking sound.
-classified into three (3): HAIL
Liquid Form -Hailstones are big balls and irregular lumps of
1.Rain ice that fall from large thunderstorms.
2.Drizzle -Hail is purely a solid precipitation. Hailstones
3.Shower are predominately experienced in the winter or
Solid Form cold weather. Hailstones are mostly made up of
1.Snow water ice and measure between 0.2 inches (5
2.Hail millimeters) and 6 inches (15 centimeters) in
Mixed Form diameter.
1.Sleet -They are highly damaging to crops, tearing
2.Hail leaves apart and reducing their value.
-is one of the most common type of -Glaze is the ice coating, generally clear and
precipitation in our atmosphere. smooth, formed on exposed surfaces by the
-is when liquid droplets fall to the surface of the freezing of super cooled water deposited by
Earth. rain or drizzle.
-there are two (2) different forms of rain, either -Specific gravity may be as high as 0.8-0.9
in the form of:
 Showers
 Drizzles
-Showers are heavy, large drops of rain and
usually only last a period of time.
-Drizzles however usually last longer and made
up of small droplets of water.
-Rain can either be formed as ice crystals melt
or it can be smaller water droplets.
-Drops of water falling from a cloud, and having
a diameter of greater than 0.5 mm.

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