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MED 10

1. Explain the benefits of having a strong teacher-family relationship in school

There are different benefits on having a strong teacher-family relationship in school.

First, is Raising the bar for achievements. With a great relationship within the teacher and the
student, academic achievements are high due to high morale. Scores will drive up, the lessons
will be learned at faster pace, and the overall student performance will be bizarre.
Second, Motivation. Learning is not just about intellectual performance. It is also about the
students drive to learn something. To boost a higher psychological state of positivity. For this
will spiral into a good student performance.
Lastly, Behavior. The student’s behavior is the most important thing because a good behavior is
the core value of being a member of the society.

2. How would you develop sound partnership with the parents

To develop sound partnership with the parents, the teacher must know the basic information of
the parents’ way of thinking over the school system, and the reflection of their students needs.
My strategy would be to utilize forms of communication to the parents of the students. Talking
to them would bring a great resonance in giving lessons to their children.
Next, is to set a goal for the students in terms of academic, and social results. The parents should
be reassured that their child is in safe hands and that proper goals are set and should be met.
Last, is to encourage them in participating an active role with their child’s work.
MED 07
1. In your own point of view, what is all about evaluation? Why do we conduct evaluation
in the teaching-learning process?
Evaluation is the assessment of an educator’s work done for the whole school year. It contains an
statistical aspect of identifying the pros and cons of the method applied when the students were
taught. Evaluation will serve as a feedback on whether a change on style is needed, or a change
on the learning regimen.
Classroom assessment and evaluation are highly concerned with qualitative judgments that are
used to improve
students' knowledge and learning. Assessment and evaluation also give teachers useful
information about how to
improve their teaching methods.
2. What technical Assitance can you give to a teacher who has a very low class MPS in the
different core subjects? Explain Briefly

The technical Assistance that have a great impact to a teacher is to send him/her on seminars that
are relevant to their MPS. A face-to-face talk with the superior can also be done to bump the
teacher’s MPS up.
MED 04
1. Decision making is one of the crucial roles of an educational leader.With this statement,
and as an educational Leader, what are the strategies that you can employ to be able to
have an effective and sound decisions in your school
The fine line between success, and quality, is leadership. Leaders have the vision,
charisma,brains, and right amount of guts to drive one organization or institution into success.
Teacher’s leadership on the other hand takes pride in honing young students to become future
successful leaders.
The strategies I can employ for maximum effectivity in making sound decisions are:

a. To properly communicate to right authorities about my options and decisions for a more
progressive answer. Decisions done alone are not that effective. Superiors will play a large role
in the decision making process for they are the ones with authority to enact the decision.

b. Creating a work plan. Work plan could serve as the guide on the strengths and weaknesses of
the decision making process. It can be properly documented and tested.

c. Proper research. Trusting your gut can be helpful but the best way to have an effective
decision is to know the facts of the certain matter.

2. Creating a positive learning climate is one of the major roles of an educational leader but
how can this be achieved

A positive learning environment can help a student tap his/her own potential. It can be achieved
with these three aspects:

1. Physical aspect- The physical aspect means the room/the place where students learn. The
cleanliness, the functionability, and the comfort. A clean classroom gives the aura of good
lessons to come and oozes high standards on teaching and learning.
2. Encouragement- Students should have high morale when in a class to avoid absences, or lack
of interest on the subject. A teacher could encourage the student into being better. Guiding
him/her in every step of the way.
3. Interactive activities- Students necessities and wants are ever changing. With the use of
technological gadgets, interactive activities can be done that may involve the motor skills, and
combined with social, mental, and emotional drills. Ice breakers are not enough. Thrilling,
exciting, and new forms of lessons can be done.

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