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Kompetensi Dasar :

3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa,
serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan
unsur kebahasaan May I help you?, What can I do for you? What if ...?)

4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa, dan menanggapinya dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks

. Tujuan Pembelajaran
- Mengidentifikasi ungkapan-ungkapan yang melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa
dalam bentuk kalimat interogatif
- Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan yang melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa dalam
bentuk kalimat interogatif
- Mempraktekkan ungkapan-ungkapan yang melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa
dalam bentuk kalimat interogatif
Observing and Questioning
Let’s Observe!
You will work in group. Then, pay attention to
the video and observe what video is about?

The video is about…

Collecting Information
Let’s find out! Let’s see some ways how to offer a service or help
to others.

Write how you offer a service to some one in this collumn!

May I + ( do something) ?
Would you + + ( do
something) ?
Can I + ( do something) ?
Do you want me to + ( do
something) ?
Shall I + ( do something) ?
Complete the dialogues below by filling correct
sentences into it!

Anita : _____ help you?

Fatah : Yes, please. I need a book titled "Visiting Seattle."
Anita : Sure. We have one copy left. I'll get it for you.
Fatah : Thanks.

Jameelah : What’s wrong, Aeesyah?

Aeesyah : I’m so bored and I don’t know how to get rid of this boredom
Jameelah : Why don’t you watch a movie? I have some new K-drama here
Aeesyah : Nice idea! What is the K-drama title?
Jameelah : Investigation Couple. _________ copy the files for you?
Aeesayah : Yes, I do. Copy those file for me, please.

Let’s practice it!

Do a role play with your friends using dialogues

in activity 3!

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