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Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence in our Lives
Artificial Intellegence and Data AI
Machines vs Humans
Legal Issue
Code of Conduct
Internet of Things
How the IOT is Emerging
IOT Application
IOT Challenges

Emerging  UNGA 1 

Technologies  Rudraksh Lakra 

Study Guide 4 

Artificial Intelligence  What is artificial intelligence?  

The term “artificial intelligence” (AI) had been mentioned for 
the first time in 1956 by John McCarthy during a conference 
where several scientists decided to meet to see if machines 
could be made intelligent. Since then, AI is usually defined as 
the capability of a computer program to perform tasks or 
reasoning processes that we usually associate to intelligence in 
a human being. Often it has to do with the ability to make a 
good decision even when there is uncertainty or vagueness, or 
too much information to handle. As an example, playing chess 
well, or some complex card games, is believed to need some 
form of intelligence in a human being, as well as choosing the 
best diagnosis in a difficult medical case, or creating something 
new, such as a mathematical theorem or even some form of art, 
or even driving a car in the middle of a crowded city. It is clear 
that this is a strange definition, because it depends on what we 
consider being intelligent in the behaviour of a human being at 
a certain point in time. If our belief about human intelligence 
changes, and we don't believe any longer that a certain task 
requires intelligence, then a computer program performing that 
task is no longer part of AI, it becomes just another boring 
computer program. The term “artificial intelligence” brings to 
mind to the notion of replacing human intelligence with 
something synthetic. This means that we aim to build systems 
that enhance and scale human expertise and skills rather than 
replacing them. We therefore focus on practical applications of 
discrete AI capabilities that assist people in performing 
well-defined tasks, by exploiting a wide range of AI-based 
services. We also use the term “Cognitive Computing”, to mean 
a comprehensive set of capabilities based on technologies 
which include AI, but that go far beyond it. “Cognitive 
Computing” comprises the fields of machine learning, reasoning 
and decision technologies, language, speech and vision 
recognition and processing technologies, human interface 
technologies, distributed and high-performance computing, and 
new computing architectures and devices. When purposefully 
integrated, these capabilities are designed to solve a wide range 
of practical problems, boost productivity, and foster new 
discoveries across many industries. 


Artificial Intelligence in our Lives  There are many examples of the presence of AI in our current 
life, that we don’t even know of. Whenever we buy something 
  with a credit card, an AI algorithm approves that transaction (or 
not). When we use the GPS in our car, the algorithm that finds 
the best way to go from where we are to where we need to go is 
called the A* algorithm and it is an essential tool for AI, present 
in every AI teaching book. Spam filters are based on AI. 
Recommender systems such as that of Amazon are AI. The 
Google translate service, which nowadays is able to translate 
from and to more than 70 languages, is based on statistical 
machine learning, which is part of AI. Even web searches, such 
as those that we ask of Google or Baidu or other search 
engines, rely on AI to give us the web pages that are most 
relevant to our query. The face recognition capability of any of 
our cameras, shown usually with a green rectangle around each 
face we want to take a picture of, is AI. Siri, the IPhone app that 
understands us when we speak and responds (usually) in a 
useful way, is based on AI algorithms for speech understanding. 
And of course there is the whole branch of robotics, which is 
more easily associated with AI because of the iconic image of 
humanoid robots that make it seem that humans have been 
reproduced artificially. 
Of course not all of them are intelligent in the way we would 
say a human is intelligent, but they are usually very good at 
doing what they are supposed to in their environment, from the 
Roomba robot that cleans the floors of our houses, to the 
Baxter robot that can work together with humans in production 
chains, passing through the Kiva warehouse robots that can 
take care of the tasks of an entire warehouse and the 
companion robots like Nao, Pepper, Aibo, and Giraff, who can 
entertain us, talk to us, and help elderly people to stay 
connected to their friends, relatives, and doctors. The realm of 
possible uses of AI techniques is enormously vast, and this is 
one of the reasons why many companies have been heavily 
investing in AI in recent years. Google is building selfdriving 
cars and has acquired more than 10 robotics companies, 
Facebook had opened a whole new research facility focused 
only on AI research, Apple has developed Siri, Microsoft has 
built Cortana, a similar personalized assistant, Google has 
acquired DeepMind, a UK company whose long-term aim is to 
build general AI and has already shown great potential in 
winning at the game of Go the current world champion, and 
IBM is investing a huge amount of resources in applying its 
Watson cognitive computing system to the medical domain, to 
finance, and to personalized education, just to name a few. This 
expansion of AI-based systems and services is reaching all 
corners of the globe. In Europe, IBM is establishing new centres 
in Munich and Milan focused on the application of cognitive 
computing capabilities to the Internet of Things and healthcare, 
Self-driving cars are all about AI: they need to be able to see 
what happens in the street (signals, lanes, other cars, 
pedestrians, traffic lights), they need to able to predict what 
other cars and pedestrian will do, and they need to be able to 
cope with unforeseen situations. Since most car accidents are 
due to human fault, it is estimated that the adoption of 
self-driving cars will save about half of the lives that are usually 
lost in car accidents, which totals around 40,000 each year in 
the US alone.  


Artificial Intellegence and Data AI  AI​ is not all about computing power. Intelligent machines can 
also rely on huge amounts of data, to be used to learn how to 
make better and better decisions. This data comes from all of 
us. Over the years, Facebook users have uploaded more than 
250 billion pictures, and every day they upload about 350 
million more. Every second, we submit 40,000 Google search 
queries, which means 3.5 billion per day and 1.2 trillion per 
year. As of today, there are 2 billion people connected to 
internet, which is estimated to get to 5 billion by 2020. And by 
that time, also 50 billion “things” will be connected through the 
web: from appliances to traffic lights, from cars to watches. 


No matter how much data and computing power is available to 

Machines vs Humans  machines, there are tasks that are still difficult for machines to 
perform, but that remain very easy for humans. Machines and 
  humans are very complementary. A typical example is 
understanding what is depicted in an image. 
How do we know that an image contains a cat? Because during 
our life we have seen many examples of cats and non-cats, and 
at some point we got a very good idea of how a cat should look 
like, so much that we don’t have problems recognizing one even 
if we have never seen it before, and even if it is in a strange 
Machines need humans to provide them with many examples. A 
lot of progress has been made in this, but we are still working 
hard to improve their accuracy in labelling pictures or other 
perception capabilities .Tasks that are very easy for humans are 
physical and manipulation tasks such as walking, running, 
picking up an object no matter its shape and location. Robots 
can do this only in restricted environments. But they are still 
not able to have the general physical and manipulation 
capabilities even of a 6 year old. 




Ethics  Ethics and law are inextricably linked in modern society, and many 
legal decisions arise from the interpretation of various ethical 
issues. Artificial intelligence adds a new dimension to these 
questions. Systems that use artificial intelligence technologies are 
becoming increasingly autonomous in terms of the complexity of 
the tasks they can perform, their potential impact on the world 
and the diminishing ability of humans to understand, predict and 
control their functioning. Most people underestimate the real 
level of automation of these systems, which have the ability to 
learn from their own experience and perform actions beyond the 
scope of those intended by their creators. This causes a number of 
ethical and legal difficulties that we will touch upon. 
There is a well-known thought experiment in ethics called the 
trolley problem. The experiment raises a number of important 
ethical issues that are directly related to artificial intelligence. 
Imagine a runaway trolley going down the railway lines. There are 
five people tied to the track ahead. You are standing next to a 
lever. If you pull it, the trolley will switch to a different set of track. 
However, there is another person tied to that set of track. Do you 
pull the lever or not? 
There is no clear-cut answer to this question. What is more, there 
are numerous situations in which such a decision may have to be 
made ​And different social groups tend to give different answers. 
For example, Buddhist monks are overwhelmingly ​willing​ to 
sacrifice the life of one person in order to save five, even if 
presented with a more complicated variation of the trolley 
As for artificial intelligence, such a situation could arise, for 
example, if a self-driving vehicle is travelling along a road in a 
situation where an accident is unavoidable. The question thus 
arises as to whose lives should take priority – those of the 
passengers, the pedestrians or neither. A ​special website​ has been 
created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that deals 
with this very issue: users can test out various scenarios out on 
themselves and decide which courses of action would be the most 
Other questions also arise in this case: What actions can be 
allowed from the legal point of view? What should serve as a basis 
for such decisions? Who should ultimately be held responsible? 
This problem has already been addressed by companies and 
regulators. Representatives at Mercedes, for example, have said 
outright that their cars will prioritize the lives of passengers. 
The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure of 
Germany ​responded​ to this immediately, anticipating future 
regulation by stating that making such a choice based on a set of 
criteria would be illegal, and that the car manufacturer be held 
responsible for any injury or loss of life. 
Other countries may go a different route. Take the Chinese ​Social 
Credit System​, for example, which rates its citizens based how 
law-abiding and how useful to society they are, etc. Those with low 
ratings will face sanctions. What is stopping the Chinese 
government from introducing a law that forces manufacturers of 
self-driving vehicles to sacrifice the lives of lower-rated citizens in 
the event of an unavoidable accident? Face recognition 
technologies and access to the relevant databases make it 
perfectly possible to identify potential victims and compare their 
social credit ratings. 


Legal Issue  The legal problems run even deeper, especially in the case of 
robots. A system that learns from information it receives from 
the outside world can act in ways that its creators could not 
have predicted , and predictability is crucial to modern legal 
approaches. What is more, such systems can operate 
independently from their creators or operators thus 
complicating the task of determining responsibility. These 
characteristics pose problems related to predictability and the 
ability to act independently while at the same time not being 
held responsible. 
There are numerous options in terms of regulation, including 
regulation that is based on existing norms and standards. For 
example, technologies that use artificial intelligence can be 
regulated as items subject to copyright or as property. 
Difficulties arise here, however, if we take into account the 
ability of such technologies to act autonomously, against the 
will of their creators, owners or proprietors. In this regard, it is 
possible to apply the rules that regulate a special kind of 
ownership, namely animals, since the latter are also capable of 
autonomous actions. In Russian Law, the general rules of 
ownership are applied to animalS 

Proposals on the application of the law on animals have been 

made, although they are somewhat limited. First, the 
application of legislation on the basis of analogy is unacceptable 
within the framework of criminal law. Second, these laws have 
been created primarily for household pets, which we can 
reasonably expect will not cause harm under normal 
circumstances. There have been calls in more developed legal 
systems to apply similar rules to those that regulate the 
keeping of wild animals, since the rules governing wild animals 
are more stringent . The question arises here, however, of how 
to make a separation with regard to the specific features of 
artificial intelligence mentioned above. Moreover, stringent 
rules may actually slow down the introduction of artificial 
intelligence technologies due to the unexpected risks of liability 
for creators and inventors. 

Another widespread suggestion is to apply similar norms to 

those that regulate the activities of legal entities . Since a legal 
entity is an artificially constructed subject of the law , robots 
can be given similar status. The law can be sufficiently flexible 
and grant the rights to just about anybody. It can also restrict 
rights. For example, historically, slaves had virtually no rights 
and were effectively property. The opposite situation can also 
be observed, in which objects that do not demonstrate any 
explicit signs of the ability to do anything are vested with rights. 
Even today, there are examples of unusual objects that are 
recognized as legal entities, both in developed and developing 

In 2017, a ​law was passed​ in New Zealand recognizing the 

status of the Whanganui River as a legal entity. The law states 
that the river is a legal entity and, as such, has all the rights, 
powers and obligations of a legal entity. The law thus 
transformed the river from a possession or property into a legal 
entity, which expanded the boundaries of what can be 
considered property and what cannot. In 2000, the Supreme 
Court of India recognized the main ​sacred text​ of the Sikhs, the 
Guru Granth Sahib, as a legal entity. 

Even if we do not consider the most extreme cases and cite 

ordinary companies as an example, we can say that some legal 
systems make legal entities liable under civil and, in certain 
cases, criminal law . Without determining whether a company 
(or state) can have free will or intent, or whether they can act 
deliberately or knowingly, they can be recognized as legally 
responsible for certain actions. In the same way, it is not 
necessary to ascribe intent or free will to robots to recognize 
them as responsible for their actions. 

The analogy of legal entities, however, is problematic, as the 

concept of legal entity is necessary in order to carry out justice 
in a speedy and effective manner. But the actions of legal 
entities always go back to those of a single person or group of 
people, even if it is impossible to determine exactly who they 
are . In other words, the legal responsibility of companies and 
similar entities is linked to the actions performed by their 
employees or representatives. What is more, legal entities are 
only deemed to be criminally liable if an individual performing 
the illegal action on behalf of the legal entity is determined . The 
actions of artificial intelligence-based systems will not 
necessarily be traced back to the actions of an individual. 

Finally, legal norms on the sources of increased danger can be 

applied to artificial intelligence-based systems. The problem is 
identifying which artificial intelligence systems can be deemed 
sources of increased danger. The issue is similar to the one 
mentioned above regarding domestic and wild animals. 

National and International Regulation 

Many countries are actively creating the legal conditions for 

the development of technologies that use artificial intelligence. 
For example, the “Intelligent Robot Development and 
Dissemination Promotion Law” has been in place in South 
Korea since 2008. The law is aimed at improving the quality of 
life and developing the economy through the creation and 
promotion of a strategy for the sustainable development of the 
smart robot industry. Every five years, the government works 
out a basic plan to ensure that these goals are achieved. 
Would like to pay particular attention here to two recent 
examples: France, which has declared its ambitions to become a 
European and world leader in artificial intelligence; and the 
European Union, which has put forward advanced rules for the 
regulation of smart robots. 

In late March 2018, President of France Emmanuel Macron 
presented the country’s new national artificial intelligence 
strategy, which involves investing 1.5 billion Euros over the 
next five years to support research an innovation in the field. 
The strategy is based on the recommendations made in the 
report prepared under the supervision of French 
mathematician and National Assembly deputy Cédric Villani. 
The decision was made for the strategy to be aimed at four 
specific sectors: healthcare; transport; the environment and 
environmental protection; and security. The reasoning behind 
this is to focus potential of the comparative advantages and 
competencies in artificial intelligence on sectors where 
companies can play a key role at the global level, and because 
these technologies are important for the public interest, etc. 
Seven key proposals are given, one of which is of particular 
interest for the purposes of this article – namely, to make 
artificial intelligence more open. It is true that the algorithms 
used in artificial intelligence are discrete and, in most cases, 
trade secrets. However, algorithms can be biased, for example, 
in the process of self-learning, they can absorb and adopt the 
stereotypes that exist in society or which are transferred to 
them by developers and make decisions based on them. There 
is already legal precedent for this. A defendant in the United 
States received a lengthy prison sentence on the basis of 
information obtained from an algorithm predicting the 
likelihood of repeat offences being committed. The defendant’s 
appeal against the use of an algorithm in the sentencing process 
was rejected because the criteria used to evaluate the 
possibility of repeat offences were a trade secret and therefore 
not presented. The French strategy proposes developing 
transparent algorithms that can be tested and verified, 
determining the ethical responsibility of those working in 
artificial intelligence, creating an ethics advisory committee, 
European Union 
The creation of the resolution on the ​Civil Law Rules on 
Robotics​marked the first step towards the regulation of 
artificial intelligence in the European Union. A working group 
on legal questions related to the development of robotics and 
artificial intelligence in the European Union was established 
back in 2015. The resolution is not a binding document, but it 
does give a number of recommendations to the European 
Commission on possible actions in the area of artificial 
intelligence, not only with regard to civil law, but also to the 
ethical aspects of robotics. 
The resolution defines a “smart robot” as “one which has 
autonomy through the use of sensors and/or interconnectivity 
with the environment, which has at least a minor physical 
support, which adapts its behaviour and actions to the 
environment and which cannot be defined as having ‘life’ in the 
biological sense.” The proposal is made to “introduce a system 
for registering advanced robots that would be managed by an 
EU Agency for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.” As regards 
liability for damage caused by robots, two options are 
suggested: “either strict liability (no fault required) or on a 
risk-management approach (liability of a person who was able 
to minimise the risks).” Liability, according to the resolution, 
“should be proportionate to the actual level of instructions 
given to the robot and to its degree of autonomy. Rules on 
liability could be complemented by a compulsory insurance 
scheme for robot users, and a compensation fund to pay out 
compensation in case no insurance policy covered the risk.” 

The resolution proposes two codes of conduct for dealing with 

ethical issues: a Code of Ethical Conduct for Robotics Engineers 
and a Code for Research Ethics Committees. The first code 
proposes four ethical principles in robotics engineering:  

1) beneficence (robots should act in the best interests of 


2) non-maleficence (robots should not harm humans);  

3) autonomy (human interaction with robots should be 

voluntary); and  

4) justice (the benefits of robotics should be distributed fairly). 

The examples provided demonstrate, among other things, how 

social values influence the attitude towards artificial 
intelligence and its legal implementation. Therefore, our 
attitude to autonomous systems (whether they are robots or 
something else), and our reinterpretation of their role in society 
and their place among us, can have a transformational effect. 
Legal personality determines what is important for society and 
allows the decision to made as to whether “something” is a 
valuable and reasonable object for the purposes of possessing 
rights and obligations. 

Due to the specific features of artificial intelligence, 

suggestions have been put forward regarding the direct 
responsibility of certain systems . According to this line of 
thought, there are no fundamental reasons why autonomous 
systems should not be legally liable for their actions. The 
question remains, however, about the necessity or desirability 
of introducing this kind of liability (at least at the present stage). 
It is also related to the ethical issues mentioned above. Perhaps 
making programmers or users of autonomous systems liable for 
the actions of those systems would be more effective. But this 
could slow down innovation. This is why we need to continue to 
search for the perfect balance. 

In order to find this balance, we need to address a number of 

issues. For example: What goals are we pursuing in the 
development of artificial intelligence? And how effective will it 
be? The answers to these questions will help us to prevent 
situations like the one that appeared in Russia in the 17th 
century, when an animal (specifically goats) was exiled to 
Siberia for its actions . 


Code of Conduct  The ability of AI systems to transform vast amounts of complex, 

ambiguous information into insight has the potential to reveal 
long-held secrets and help solve some of the world’s most 
enduring problems. AI systems can potentially be used to help 
discover insights to treat disease, predict the weather, and 
manage the global economy. It is an undeniably powerful tool. 
And like all powerful tools, great care must be taken in its 
development and deployment. However, to reap the societal 
benefits of AI systems, we will first need to trust it. The right 
level of trust will be earned through repeated experience, in the 
same way we learn to trust that an ATM will register a deposit, 
or that an automobile will stop when the brake is applied. Put 
simply, we trust things that behave as we expect them to. Trust 
is built upon accountability. 
As such, the algorithms that underpin AI systems need to be as 
transparent, or at least interpretable, as possible. In other 
words, they need to be able to explain their behaviour in terms 
that humans can understand — from how they interpreted their 
input to why they recommended a particular output. To do this, 
we recommend all AI systems should include explanation-based 
collateral systems. But trust will also require a system of best 
practices that can help guide the safe and ethical management 
of AI systems including alignment with social norms and values; 
algorithmic responsibility; compliance with existing legislation 
and policy; assurance of the integrity of the data, algorithms 
and systems; and protection of privacy and personal 
information. One of the primary reasons for including 
algorithmic accountability in any AI system is to manage the 
potential for bias in the decision-making process. This is an 
important and valid concern among those familiar with AI. Bias 
can be introduced both in the data sets that are used to train an 
AI system, and by the algorithms that process that data.  
AI systems should function according to values that are aligned 
to those of humans, so that they are accepted by our societies 
and by the environment in which they are intended to function. 
This is essential not just in autonomous systems, but also in 
systems based on human-machine collaboration, since value 
misalignment could preclude or impede effective teamwork. It 
is not yet clear what values machines should use, and how to 
embed these values into them. Several ethical theories, defined 
for humans, are being considered (deontic, consequentialist, 
virtue, etc.) as well as the implications of their use within a 
machine, in order to find the best way to define and adapt 
values from humans to machines. In industries like healthcare 
and finance, the relevant professional ethical principles are 
explicitly encoded and practiced by professionals in the field 
already. In AI systems designed to help professionals in these 
domains, these best practices and principles could form the 
core of the ethics module for such systems. 
Ethics modules, however, should be constantly adapted to 
reflect humans’ best practices in their everyday profession. We 
envision a future in which every AI system will need to have its 
own ethics module to allow for a fruitful interaction and 
collaboration with humans in the environments in which it is 
used. This could be achieved by developing an ethics API that 
can be adapted to specific professions and real-life scenarios. It 
would provide the main principles and values the AI systems 
should base its behavior on, as well as the capability to 
dynamically adapt them over time to tune them to the real 
situations that are encountered in that profession or 
environment. Such a rigorous approach could offer sufficient 
value alignment without compromising the full problem solving 
potential of artificial intelligence. 
A discussion of methodology for use of AI ,and answer to the 
question of application of AI at a large scale is essential .Along 
with that delegates need to focus on debating about the ethics 
of use of AI and the question of creating of a code of conduct 
or standards to regulate AI programs 




Internet of Things  Concept of the IoT 

  The Internet of things (IoT) can be perceived as a far-reaching 
vision with technological and societal implications. 
From the perspective of technical standardization, the IoT can 
be viewed as a global infrastructure for the information society, 
enabling advanced services by interconnecting (physical and 
virtual) things based on existing and evolving interoperable 
information and communication technologies (ICT). Through 
the exploitation of identification, data capture, processing and 
communication capabilities, the IoT makes full use of "things" to 
offer services to all kinds of applications, whilst ensuring that 
security and privacy requirements are fulfilled. 
The IoT is expected to greatly integrate leading technologies, 
such as technologies related to advanced machine-to-machine 
communication, autonomic networking, data mining and 
decision-making, security and privacy protection and cloud 
computing, with technologies for advanced sensing and 
As shown in Figure 1, the IoT adds the dimension "Any THING 
communication" to the information and communication 
technologies (ICTs) which already provide "any TIME" and "any 
PLACE" communication. 
Figure 1 – The new dimension introduced in the Internet of 
Regarding the IoT, things are objects of the physical world 
(physical things) or of the information world (virtual world) 
which are capable of being identified and integrated into 
communication networks. Things have associated information, 
which can be static and dynamic. Physical things exist in the 
physical world and are capable of being sensed, actuated and 
connected. Examples of physical things include the surrounding 
environment, industrial robots, goods and electrical equipment. 
Virtual things exist in the information world and are capable of 
being stored, processed and accessed. Examples of virtual 
things include multimedia content and application software. 


How the Internet of Things is  The strong growth currently observed in IoT applications is 
Emerging  attributable to several major underlying trends that are just 
  now coming to fruition: 
How the Internet of Things is Emerging The strong growth 
currently observed in IoT applications is attributable to several 
major underlying trends that are just now coming to fruition: 
● The reduction in the cost of computing (including sensors) 
and the growth of Wi-Fi are enabling factors driving growth in 
IoT applications; 
● Growth in mobile and the deployment of data-friendly 3G 
networks from 2001 onwards, as well as the expansion of 
network connectivity across the world, and from urban to rural 
settings (including Wi-Fi, but also macro cell connectivity); 
● The rise of software development, partly attributable to 
economies of scale; and 
● The emergence of standardized low-power wireless 
one possible explanation for why the IoT is advancing rapidly 
now is that it is moving from a position where it delivers 
incremental efficiency improvements to existing business 
models to one where it positively impacts new business models 
and processes as well. 
Terms of existing processes, the IoT can improve and enable a 
broad range of applications — from more efficient 
manufacturing, logistics, counterfeit detection, monitoring of 
people, stock, vehicles, equipment and infrastructure, to 
improved healthcare, traffic management, product 
development and hydrocarbon exploration. In addition, the IoT 
is now also enabling the exploration of new business models 
such as car and truck rental clubs, whose members can book 
and use vehicles parked around their neighborhood almost 
on-demand; or “pay-as-you-drive” insurance based on driving 
patterns, behavior, and risk. For marketers, the IoT enables 
brands to gather more information about their customers, and 
create “truly compelling, magical experiences 


IOT Application Internet of things promises many applications in human life, 

making life easier, safe and smart. There are many applications 
such as smart cities, homes, transportation, energy and smart 
Smart Cities 
Many major cities were supported by smart projects, like Seoul, 
New York, Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore, Amsterdam, and Dubai. 
Smart cities may still be viewed as a cities of the future and 
smart life, and by the innovation rate of creating smart cities 
today’s, it will became very feasible to enter the IoT technology 
in cities development. Smart cities demand require careful 
planning in every stage, with support of agreement from 
governments, citizens to implement the internet of things 
technology in every aspects. By the IoT, cities can be improved 
in many levels, by improving infrastructure, enhancing public 
transportation reducing traffic congestion, and keeping citizens 
safe, healthy and more engaged in the community . Smart 
Home and Buildings 
Wi-Fi’s technologies in home automation has been used 
primarily due to the networked nature of deployed electronics 
where electronic devices such as TVs, mobile devices, etc are 
usually supported by Wi-Fi . Wi-Fi have started becoming part 
of the home IP network and due the increasing rate of adoption 
of mobile computing devices like smart phones, tablets, etc. For 
example a networking to provide online streaming services or 
network at homes, may provide a mean to control of the device 
functionality over the network . At the same time mobile 
devices ensure that consumers have access to a portable 
‘controller’ for the electronics connected to the network. Both 
types of devices can be used as gateways for IoT applications . 
Many companies are considering developing platforms that 
integrate the building automation with entertainment, 
healthcare monitoring, energy monitoring and wireless sensor 
monitoring in the home and building environments .  
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with integration to the 
internet of things technology will provides an intelligent energy 
management in buildings, in addition to the obvious economic 
and environmental gains. Internet together with energy 
management systems also offers an opportunity to access a 
buildings’ energy information and control systems from a 
laptop or a smartphone placed anywhere in the world 
The future Internet of Things, will provide an intelligent 
building management systems which can be considered as a 
part of a much larger information system used by facilities 
managers in buildings to manage energy use and energy 
procurement and to maintain buildings systems 
Smart Energy and the Smart Grid 
A smart grid is related to the information and control and 
developed to have a smart energy management . A smart grid 
that integrate the information and communications 
technologies (ICTs) to the electricity network will enable a real 
time, two way communication between suppliers and 
consumers, creating more dynamic interaction on energy flow, 
which will help deliver electricity more efficiently and 
sustainably . The Key elements of information and 
communications technologies will include sensing and 
monitoring technologies for power flows; digital 
communications infrastructure to transmit data across the grid; 
smart meters with in home display to inform energy usage; 
coordination, control and automation systems to aggregate and 
process various data, and to create a highly interactive, 
responsive electricity Many applications can be handling due to 
the internet of things for smart grids, such as industrial, solar 
power, nuclear power, vehicles, hospitals and cities power 
Smart Health 
A close attention that required to hospitalized patients whose 
physiological status should be monitored continuously can be 
constantly done by using IoT monitoring technologies. For 
smart health sensors are used to collect comprehensive 
physiological information and uses gateways and the cloud to 
analyze and store the information and then send the analyzed 
data wirelessly to caregivers for further analysis and review It 
replaces the process of having a health professional come by at 
regular intervals to check the patient’s vital signs, instead 
providing a continuous automated flow of information. In this 
way, it simultaneously improves the quality of care through 
constant attention and lowers the cost of care by reduces the 
cost of traditional ways of care in addition to data collection 
and analysis,. 
Smart Transportation and Mobility 
The development in transportation is one of the factors to 
indicate the wellbeing of the country. A road condition 
monitoring and alert application is one of the most important of 
IoT transformation application . The main idea of the concept 
of smart transportation and mobility is to apply the principles of 
crowd sourcing and participatory sensing. The process began 
with user identified the route wishes and marked some points 
as pothole in the smart phone's application 



IOT Challenges   The fact that Internet of things applications and scenarios 
outlined above are very interesting which provides 
  technologies for smart every things. , but there are some 
challenges to the application of the Internet of Things concept 
in cost of implementation. The expectation that the technology 
must be available at low cost with a large number of objects. IoT 
are also faced with many other challenges such as 
- Scalability: Internet of Things has a big concept than the 
conventional Internet of computers, because of things are 
cooperated within an open environment. Basic functionality 
such as communication and service discovery therefore need to 
function equally efficiently in both small scale and large scale 
environments. The IoT requires a new functions and methods in 
order to gain an efficient operation for scalability. 
- Self-Organizing: Smart things should not be managed as 
computers that require their users to configure and adapt them 
to particular situations. Mobile things, which are often only 
sporadically used, need to establish connections spontaneously, 
and able to be organize and configure themselves to suit their 
particular environment. 
- Data volumes: Some application scenarios of the internet 
of things will involve to infrequent communication, and 
gathering information’s form sensor networks, or form logistics 
and large scale networks, will collect a huge volumes of data on 
central network nodes or servers. The term represent this 
phenomena is big data which is requires many operational 
mechanism in addition to new technologies for storing, 
processing and management. 
- Data interpretation: To support the users of smart things, 
there is a need to interpret the local context determined by 
sensors as accurately as possible. For service providers to profit 
from the disparate data that will be generated, needs to be able 
to draw some generalizable conclusions from the interpreted 
sensor data. 
- Interoperability: Each type of smart objects in Internet of 
Things have different information, processing and 
communication capabilities. Different smart objects would also 
be subjected to different conditions such as the energy 
availability and the communications bandwidth requirements. 
To facilitate communication and cooperation of these objects, 
common standards are required. 
- Automatic Discovery: In dynamic environments, suitable 
services for things must be automatically identified, which 
requires appropriate semantic means of describing their 
- Software complexity: A more extensive software 
infrastructure will be needed on the network and on 
background servers in order to manage the smart objects and 
provide services to support them. that because the software 
systems in smart objects will have to function with minimal 
resources, as in conventional embedded systems. 
- Security and privacy: In addition to the security and 
protection aspects of the Internet such in communications 
confidentiality, the authenticity and trustworthiness of 
communication partners, and message integrity, other 
requirements would also be important in an Internet of Things. 
There is a need to access certain services or prevent from 
communicating with other things in IoT and also business 
transactions involving smart objects would need to be 
protected from competitors’ prying eyes. 
- Fault tolerance: Objects in internet of things is much more 
dynamic and mobile than the internet computers, and they are 
in changing rapidly in unexpected ways. Structuring an Internet 
of Things in a robust and trustworthy manner would require 
redundancy on several levels and an ability to automatically 
adapt to changed conditions. 
- Power supply: Things typically move around and are not 
connected to a power supply, so their smartness needs to be 
powered from a self-sufficient energy source. Although passive 
RFID transponders do not need their own energy source, their 
functionality and communications range are very limited. 
Hopes are pinned on future low power processors and 
communications units for embedded systems that can function 
with significantly less energy. Energy saving is a factor not only 
in hardware and system architecture, but also in software, for 
example the implementation of protocol stacks, where every 
single transmission byte will have to justify its existence. 
- Wireless communications: From an energy point of view, 
established wireless technologies such as GSM, UMTS, Wi-Fi 
and Bluetooth are far less suitable; more recent WPAN 
standards such as ZigBee and others still under development 
may have a narrower bandwidth, but they do use significantly 
less power. 
- Security and Privacy: Due the fact that IoT applications 
able to access the multiple administrative domains and involve 
to multiple ownership regimes , there is a need for a trust 
framework to enable the users of the system to have 
confidence that the information and services being exchanged 
can indeed be relied upon . The trust framework needs to be 
able to deal with humans and machines as users, for it needs to 
convey trust to humans and needs to be robust enough to be 
used by machines without denial of service. The development 
of trust frameworks that address this requirement will require 
advances in areas such as lightweight public key infrastructures 
(PKI) as a basis for trust management . Lightweight key 
management systems is used to enable trust encryption 
materials using minimum communications and processing 
resources, as is consistent with the resource constrained 
nature of many IoT devices . IoT based systems require a 
quality of information for metadata which can be used to 
provide an assessment of their liability of IoT data. A novel 
methods is required for IoT based systems for assessing trust in 
people, devices and data. One of the most methods used are 
trust negotiation that allows two parties to automatically 
negotiate, on the basis of a chain of trust policies, the minimum 
level of trust required to grant access to a service or to a piece 
of information. Internet of things uses a methods for access 
control to prevent untrusted data breaches by control the 
process of ensuring the correct usage of certain information 
according to a predefined policy after the access to information 
is granted . Recently, the IoT becomes a key element of the 
future internet, the need to provide adequate security for the 
IoT infrastructure becomes ever more important. A large scale 
applications and services based on the IoT are increasingly 
vulnerable to disruption from attack or information theft. Many 
advanced security methods are required in several areas to 
make the IoT secure from attacks, thefts and many other 
security problems such as DoS/DDOS attacks, compromised 
nodes, and malicious code hacking attacks, that because the IoT 
is susceptible to such attacks and will require specific 
techniques and mechanisms to ensure that transport, energy, 
city infrastructures cannot be disabled or subverted. The IoT 
requires a variety of access control and associated accounting 
schemes to support the various authorization and usage models 
that are required by users. The heterogeneity and diversity of 
the devices/gateways that require access control will require 
new lightweight schemes to be developed. The IoT needs to 
handle virtually all modes of operation by itself without relying 
on human control. New techniques and approaches for example 
like machine learning, are required to lead to a self-managed 
IoT. Cryptographic techniques is also very important in IoT 
based systems for enable a means of protection for data to be 
stored processed and shared, without the information content 
being accessible to other parties. Technologies such as 
homomorphic and searchable encryption are potential 
candidates for developing such approaches. 


Conclusion   Internet of things is a new technology which provides many 

applications to connect the things to things and human to 
things through the internet. Each objects in the world can be 
identified, connected to each other through internet taking 
decisions independently. All networks and technologies of 
communication are used in building the concept of the 
internet of things such technologies are mobile computing, 
RFID, wireless sensors networks, and embedded systems, in 
addition to many algorithms and methodologies to get 
management processes, storing data, and security issues. IoT 
requires standardized approach for architectures, 
identification schemes, protocols and frequencies will happen 
parallels, each one targeted for a particular and specific use. 
by the internet of things many smart applications becomes 
real in our life , which enable us to reach and contact with 
every things in addition to facilities many important aspects 
for human life such as smart healthcare, smart homes, smart 
energy , smart cities and smart environments. Internet of 
things may facing two major challenges in order to guarantee 
seamless network access; the first issue relates to the fact 
that today different networks coexist and the other issue is 
related to the big data size of the IoT. Other current issues, 
such as address restriction, automatic address setup, security 
functions such as authentication and encryption, and 
functions to deliver voice and video signals efficiently will 
probably be affected in implementing the concept of the 
internet of things but by ongoing in technological 
developments these challenges will be overcome. The 
internet of things promises future new technologies when 
related to cloud, fog and distributed computing, big data, and 
security issues. By integrating all these issues with the 
internet of things, smarter applications will be developed as 
soon. This paper surveyed some of the most important 
applications of IoT with particular focus on what is being 
actually done in addition to the challenges that facing the 
implementation the internet of things concept, and the other 
future technologies make the concept of IoT feasible. 


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