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M.Sc. 2nd Semester Exam ination, 2015

PAPER- PHS-202 (A & B)
Full Marks : 40
Time : 2 hours
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks
Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as far as practicable
Illustrate the answers wherever necessary’

{ Marks : 20 ]

1. Answer any two of the following: 2x2

(a) A superconducting tin has a critical
temperature of 3 -7 K in zero magnetic field
and a critical field of 0-0306 T at OK. Find
the critical field at 2 K.

{b) Draw the variation of B and M with H for a


( Turn Over )
( 2 )

(c) What is Josephson effect ?

2. Answer any two of the following : ^

(a) Explain what do you mean by complex
dielectric constant.

(b) The space between a parallel plate capacitor

is filled with a dielectric having dielectric
constant e'r = 2-5 when subjected to a 2 volt
alternating voltage at 1 MHz. The loss
tangent at this frequency is 4 x i(H calculate
the imaginary part of dielectric constant (e")
at this frequency. r

(c) What is Meissner effect ? Show how London

equations lead to this effect.

3. Answer any one o f the following: jo x

(a) Consider the total current in a super­
conductor as the superposition of the
contributions to the current from the super­
conducting electron pairs and from the
normal electron, hence determine the
propagation characteristics at finite
temperature of a superconductor in an
PG/I IS/PH S-202/15
( Continued)
( 3 )

electromagnctic field. Derive the expression

for e'(vv) and e"(w) for electronic
polarizability in presence of an ac field.
Show the variation e'(w) and e"(w) with
frequency for electronic polarizability.
5+ 3+2
(b) Derive the expression for current density for
cooper pair tunneling. Explain a.c. Josephson
effect and show how the value of — can be
measured from a.c. Josephson effect. 3 + 5+ 2

[ Marks : 20 j
Answer Q. No. 1 & 2 and any one from the rest

1. Answer any two questions : 2x 2

(a) A semiconductor is lightly doped withp type

impurity. Prove that value of minimum
conductivity is 2qn. where n. is the
intrinsic carrier concentration and *rr
u , *p
are electron and hole mobilities.

PG/I!S/PHS-202/l 5 ( Turn Over )

( 4 )

(b) Show the variation o f In a vs ^ plot (from

low temperature to high temperature range)
for a non-degenerate semiconductor. Also
explain the different portions of the plot.

(e) What is meant by Direct recombination and

indirect recombination ?

2. Answer any two questions : q

J ^
{a) An abrupt junction diode has a capacitance
of 30 pF when reverse biased at 6 V. What is
the decrease in capacitance if the voltage
is increased by 2 V ?

(b) Explain population inversion for lasing

action inp-n junction under forward bias
(using band diagram).

(c) A semiconductor contains acceptor and hole

concentration is 1022/m3. Assume that
effective density of states in the valence
band is 10°/m3. How far above the valence
band in eV the Fermi energy EFlies at 300 K ?

( Continued)
( 5 )

3. (a) Derive Einstein relation assuming a p-n

junction under equilibrium condition.

(b) Find also the expression of barrier potential

in a/j-wjunction under equilibrium condition.

(c) Explain what is meant by Varicaps. 5 + 3+ 2

4. (a) Describe in details photoconductivity in a

semiconductor and hence find an expression
of growth of current.

(b) What is meant by quadratic recombination

and hence find an expression of carrier
density when light is switched off ? 6+4

M V—150
Total Pages— 4 C/16/M.8c./2nd Seme./PHS-202

M.Sc. 2nd Seme. Examination

Full M arks : 40

Time : 2 H o u rs

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their

own words as far as practicable.

, Illustrate the answers wherever necessary.

Use separate Answer-scriptm for Qroup-A & Qroup-B


1. Answer any two of the followings : 2x2

(a) What is super conductivity and how it differ from perfect

conductivity ?

(b) D escribe the effect o f m agnetic field on super


(c) Show that total magnetic flux threding a closed resistance

less circuit cannot change so long as the circuit remains

(Turn Over)

2. Answer any two of the followings : 2x3

(a) For a specimen of V3Ga, the critical fields Eire 1.4 x 105
and 4.2 x 105 ampere/metre respectively for 14K and
13K. Calculate the transition temperature.

(b) Explain polarizability of atoms and molecules. Discuss

what are its sources.

(c) Calculate the value of the London penetration depth

Aq at OK for lead whose super electron density is
3.29 x 1028/m3.

3. Answer any one of the followings : 1x10

(a) Prove that the current density in a super conductor can

be expressed as

A h
j = --------+ — ve
a sc q Ag
where, ^ is the vector potential
2 *

a q ns
q is the charge of electron

n j and m are the density

and mass of copper pairs respectively.

9 is the phase
Hence derive the London equations from the above super
current equation.
Draw the variation of resistivity with temperature for a
perfect metal, normal metal and a superconductor.

C/16/M.Sc./2nd Seme./PHS-202 (Continued)


(b) Describe dipolar polarizability. Derive the expression for

Debye equations.
What is the physical significance of Claussius.-Mossotti
relation ? 2+6+2


Answer Q. No. -1 and 2 and any one from the rest.

1. Answer any two questions: 2x2

(a) For an intrinsic semiconductor with a gap width of lev.

Calculate the position of the Fermi level at T = 300K.

Given, = 6m*.

(b) Find an expression of barrior potential of a p-n function

under equilibrium condition ?

(c) Find an expression of decay of carriers in a semiconductor

under Quadratic Recombination ?

2. Answer any two questions: 2x3

(a) Show how the Fermi level vary for a p-type semiconductor
from low temperature to high temperature. Find an
exp ression o f depletion tem peratu re for such
semiconductor. *2 2

C/ 16/M.Sc./2nd Seme./PHS-202 (Turn Over)


(b) A 0.46 ^m-thick sample of GaAs is illuminated with

monochromatic light of hy = 2ev. The absorption
coefficient a is 5 x 104 cm-1. The power incident on the
sample is 10 mW.
Find the rate of excess thermal energy given up by the
electron to the lattice before recombination (Assuming
based gap of GaAs is 1.43 ev) ? 3

(c) Explain what is meant by ohmic contact. 3

3. (a) What is meant by linearly graded junction ?

(b) Find an expression of junction capacitance for linearly

graded junction.

(c) What is Varactor. 2+6+2

4. (a) Explain the mechanism of Generation of Photocurrent

in a solar cell.

(b) Find an expression of efficiency for a solar cell.

(c) Why CdTc has maximum efficiency for a solar cell ?


C/16/M.Sc./2nd Seme./PHS-202 TB—125

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