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teaching instructions

Students form groups of four. Each group takes a short theatrical play about earthquakes. The groups
improvise, discuss and answer the questions on a worksheet. Finally, they express their point of view
in a discussion between all students. The teacher is the coordinator of this discussion.

teaching material

The following short theatrical play.

(In a classroom during the lesson an earthquake takes place. Students discuss.)

Team A: Sir, sir, our desks are shaking!

Team B: And we are shaking!
Team C: Earthquake, earthquake!
Teacher: Get quickly under your desks without panic!

(After a while.)

Team A: Sir, the earthquake has stopped. What shall we do now?

Teacher: Don' t panic. Everything is going to be ok!
Team B: We should go out.
Teacher: Yes, stand up and go out in pairs. Stay in the middle of the yard!

(The students follow the teacher' s instructions. In the yard the following conversation begins.)

Team C: Sir, what would have happened, if the earthquake had been bigger?
Teacher: There would have been many damages. The board, the shelves, and even pieces of the wall
would have fallen down. Unless we had been under our desks, we had been injured. Therefore, in
case of an earthquake, you should be really careful and remember what you should do to protect
Team A: Sir, what should we do, if an earthquake happens when we are at home?
Teacher: You should get under solid objects or under the door frame. Under no circumstances should
you try to get out during the earthquake. Only when you make sure that the earthquake has stopped,
should yoy go out, because there is high possibility of aftershocks. You should never use the elevator
or try to protect your favourite objects. Your safety is more important! Always remember my words
and act accordingly.

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