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1. What is the working principle of Cloud Computing?

2. What is Virtualization?

3. Compare cloud provider and cloud broker?

4. List the requirements of VMM?

5. Differentiate full virtualization and Para-virtualization?

6. Define trust management in cloud computing?

7. Write the steps for live VM migration?

8. Define hardware abstraction level of virtualization?

9. What do you mean by operating system level and library support level of virtualization?

10. 3. Define CPU, memory and I/O virtualization?


1. Describe the different levels of virtualization implementation?

2. Explain in details the tools and mechanisms for virtualization?

3. Explain the concept dynamic deployment of virtual clusters?

4. Explain the virtualization for data center automation?

5. Explain the trust management in virtual clusters?



1. What are the properties of Cloud Computing?

2. Sketch the architecture of Cloud?

3. What are the types of Cloud service development?

4. What is load balancing?

5. Write the Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing?

6. What are the features of robust Cloud development? Who it offers?

7. What are some examples of large cloud providers and their databases?

8. Define GPU?

9. Why should one prefer public cloud over private cloud?

10. List out the technologies used in network based systems?


1. Explain the system models for distributed and cloud computing?

2. Explain the NIST cloud computing reference architecture?

3. How does cloud architecture overcome the difficulties faced by traditional architecture? What are
the three differences that separate out cloud architecture from the tradition one?

4. Explain architectural design of compute and storage clouds?

5. Explain the cloud eco system and the architecture of P2P system?



1. List the issues in parallel and distributed paradigms?

2. Define BigTable?

3. What is mean by NOSQL?

4. Explain the Google’s distributed lock service?

5. Mention what is the difference between elasticity and scalability in cloud computing?

6. Mention what is Hypervisor in cloud computing and their types?

7. Interpret how file permission is achieved in HDFS?

8. List the functional modules in GT4 library?

9. Demonstrate how does the name node choose which data nodes to store replicas on?

10. Define- GFS?


1. Describe the Architectural Design of Compute and Storage Clouds performance?

2. Explain the major design challenges of public cloud platform?

3. Explain the Azure-Inter cloud Resources Management?

4. What is the role of VM management in Resource provisioning and platform development?

5. Explain the case study of Amazon Web Service reference and Go Grid?



1. What is Cloud Dataflow Programming Model?

The Dataflow model provides a number of useful abstractions that insulate you from low-
level details of distributed processing, such as coordinating individual workers, sharding data
sets, and other such tasks. These low-level details are fully managed for you by Cloud
Dataflow's runner services.

When you think about data processing with Dataflow, you can think in terms of f our major

1. Pipelines
2. PCollections
3. Transforms
4. I/O Sources and Sinks

Once you're familiar with these principles, you can learn about pipeline design principles to help
determine how best to use the Dataflow programming model to accomplish your data processing
2. What is Java Cloud service?

Oracle Java Cloud Service is a subscription-based, self-service, reliable, scalable, and

elastic enterprise-grade cloud platform that enables businesses to securely develop and
deploy Java applications.

3. What are the types of hypervisor?

There are two types of hypervisors:

Type 1 hypervisor: hypervisors run directly on the system hardware – A “bare metal”
embedded hypervisor,
2. Type 2 hypervisor: hypervisors run on a host operating system that provides virtualization
services, such as I/O device support and memory management.
4. Explain the Google’s distributed lock service?

One of the common problems faced by anyone building large scale distributed systems: how
to ensure that only one process (replace this with: worker, server or agent) across a fleet of
servers acts on a resource? Before jumping in to how to solve this, let us take a look at the
problem more in detail and see where it is applicable:

What are the examples of where we need a single entity to act on a resource?

1. Ensure only one server can write to a database or write to a file.

2. Ensure that only one server can perform a particular action.

3. Ensure that there is a single master that processes all writes (e.g., Google’s use of
Chubby for leader election in GFS, map reduce etc).

5. Define simple storage service (S3)?

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a scalable, high-speed, low-cost, web-
based cloud storage service designed for online backup and archiving of data and
application programs. S3 was designed with a minimal feature set and created to make web-
scale computing easier for developers

6. What is Amazon SQS?

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service that
enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless
applications. SQS eliminates the complexity and overhead associated with managing and
operating message oriented middleware, and empowers developers to focus on differentiating

7. How buffer is used to Amazon web services?

The buffer is used to create equilibrium linking various apparatus and to provide identical
rate among rapid services. In order to make system more efficient against the burst of traffic
or load, buffer is used. It synchronizes different component .

8. Compare open Nebula and open stack?

OpenStack component OpenNebula equivalent

Compute (Nova) builtin

Object Storage (Swift) no equivalent

Image Service (Glance) builtin

Identity (Keystone) builtin

Dashboard (Horizon) SunStone

Networking (Neutron) builtin

Block Storage (Cinder) builtin+plugins

Telemetry (Ceilometer) builtin

Orchestration (Heat) flow

Database Service (Trove) no equivalent

Data processing (Sahara) no equivalent

Bare metal (Ironic) no equivalent

Queue service (Zaqar) no equivalent

Key management (Barbican) no equivalent

DNS Services (Designate) no equivalent

9. What is the role of VM creators?

 Firstly, download Serial to Ethernet Connector. Then install the software on the host
machine with the connected COM port device and on the guest OS.
 Once installed, start the Serial to Ethernet program on the host PC, start the app and
choose “Server connection”. Configure the connection settings and click “Create
connection” to open the port with the device attached.
 On a virtual machine, choose “Client connection”. Enter the server’s IP address as
well as the name of the open serial port and click “Connect”.

10. Define host in cloud computing?

Cloud hosting is the procurement of computing resources from a cloud

computing provider or facility to host data, services and/or solutions. Cloud hosting is an
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud delivery model that provides a suite of remote/virtual


1. Explain a user view of Google App Engine with suitable block schematic?

Web Apps in the Google App Engine Standard Environment

 Developers leverage the Google App Engine standard environment to simplify

development and deployment of Web Applications. These applications use the
autoscaling compute power of App Engine, as well as the integrated features like
distributed in-memory cache, task queues and datastore, to create robust applications
quickly and easily.
App Engine is Google’s PaaS platform, a robust development environment for applications
written in Java, Python, PHP and Go. The SDK for App Engine supports development and
deployment of the application to the cloud. App Engine supports multiple application
versions, which enables easy rollout of new application features and traffic splitting to
support A/B testing.

The Memcache and Task Queue services are integrated in the App Engine standard
environment. Memcache is an in-memory cache shared across the App Engine instances.
This provides extremely high speed access to information cached by the web server (e.g.
authentication or account information).

Task Queues provide a mechanism to offload longer running tasks to backend servers,
freeing the front end servers to service new user requests. Finally, App Engine features a
built-in load balancer (provided by the Google Load Balancer) which provides transparent
Layer 3 and Layer 7 load balancing to applications

2. Discuss the cloud software environment of Eucalyptus in detail?

Layered Architecture for Web Services and Grids

The entity interfaces correspond to the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), Java method,
and CORBA interface definition language (IDL) specifications in these example distributed systems.
These interfaces are linked with customized, high-level communication systems: SOAP, RMI, and
IIOP in the three examples. These communication systems support features including particular
message patterns (such as Remote Procedure Call or RPC), fault recovery, and specialized routing.
Often, these commu-nication systems are built on message-oriented middleware (enterprise bus)
infrastructure such as Web-Sphere MQ or Java Message Service (JMS) which provide rich
functionality and support virtualization of routing, senders, and recipients.
Access Protocol), and ebXML (Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language) are
otherexamples of discovery and information services described in Section 5.4. Management
services include service state and lifetime support; examples include the CORBA Life Cycle
and Persistent states, the different Enterprise JavaBeans models, Jini’s lifetime model, and a
suite of web services specifications in Chapter 5. The above language or interface terms form
a collection of entity-level capabilities

3. Explain the programming structure of Amazon EC2?

WS EC2 Tutorial

It is very difficult to predict how much computing power one might require for an application which
you might have just launched. There can be two scenarios, you may over-estimate the requirement,
and buy stacks of servers which will not be of any use, or you may under-estimate the usage, which
will lead to the crashing of your application. In this AWS EC2 Tutorial we will understand all the
key concepts using examples and also perform hands-on to launch an Ubuntu instance.
What is AWS EC2 ?
mazon Elastic Compute Cloud, EC2 is a web service from Amazon that provides re-
sizable compute services in the cloud.

How are they re-sizable?

They are re-sizable because you can quickly scale up or scale down the number of server instances
you are using if your computing requirements change.

That brings us to our next question.

Suppose instead of taking AWS EC2, we consider taking a dedicated set of servers, so, what all we
might have to face:

 Now for using these servers we have to hire an IT team which can handle them.
 Also, having a fault in the system is unavoidable, therefore we have to bear the cost of
getting it fixed, and if you don’t want to compromise on your up-time you have to keep your
systems redundant to other servers, which might become more expensive.

 Your own purchased assets will depreciate over the period of time, however, as a matter of
fact the cost of an instance have dropped more than 50% over a 3-year period, while
improving processor type and speed. So eventually, moving to Cloud is all more suggested.

 For scaling up we have to add more servers, and if your application is new and you
experience a sudden traffic, scaling up that quickly might become a problem.

These are just a few problems and there are many others scenarios which make the case for EC2
Let’s understand the types of EC2 Computing Instances:

Computing is a very broad term, the nature of your task decides what kind of computing you need.

Therefore, AWS EC2 offers 5 types of instances which are as follows:

 General Instances
o For applications that require a balance of performance and cost.
 E.g email responding systems, where you need a prompt response as well as
the it should be cost effective, since it doesn’t require much processing.

 Compute Instances

o For applications that require a lot of processing from the CPU.

 E.g analysis of data from a stream of data, like Twitter stream

 Memory Instances

o For applications that are heavy in nature, therefore, require a lot of RAM.

 E.g when your system needs a lot of applications running in the background
i.e multitasking.

 Storage Instances

o For applications that are huge in size or have a data set that occupies a lot of space.

 E.g When your application is of huge size.

 GPU Instances

o For applications that require some heavy graphics rendering.

 E.g 3D modelling etc.

Now, every instance type has a set of instances which are optimized for different workloads:

 General Instances
o t2

o m4

o m3

 Compute Instances

o c4
o c3

 Memory Instances

o r3

o x1

 Storage Instances

o i2

o d2

 GPU Instances

o g2

Now let’s understand the kind of work that each instance is optimized for, in this AWS EC2 Tutorial:
4. Explain the architecture of Map Reduce in Hadoop?

MapReduce is a parallel programming model for writing distributed applications devised at
Google for efficient processing of large amounts of data (multi-terabyte data-sets), on large

sters (thousands of nodes) of commodity hardware in a reliable, fault-tolerant manner. The

MapReduce program runs on Hadoop which is an Apache open-source framework.

Hadoop Distributed File System

The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is based on the Google File System (GFS) and
provides a distributed file system that is designed to run on commodity hardware. It has many
similarities with existing distributed file systems. However, the differences from other distributed
file systems are significant. It is highly fault-tolerant and is designed to be deployed on low-cost
hardware. It provides high throughput access to application data and is suitable for applications
having large datasets.
Apart from the above-mentioned two core components, Hadoop framework also includes the
following two modules:
 Hadoop Common: These are Java libraries and utilities required by other Hadoop
 Hadoop YARN: This is a framework for job scheduling and cluster resource

Why MapReduce?
Traditional Enterprise Systems normally have a centralized server to store and process data. The
following illustration depicts a schematic view of a traditional enterprise system. Traditional
model is certainly not suitable to process huge volumes of scalable data and cannot be
accommodated by standard database servers. Moreover, the centralized system creates too
much of a bottleneck while processing multiple files simultaneously.

Google solved this bottleneck issue using an algorithm called MapReduce. MapReduce divides a
task into small parts and assigns them to many computers. Later, the results are collected at one
place and integrated to form the result dataset.

How MapReduce Works?

The MapReduce algorithm contains two important tasks, namely Map and Reduce.
 The Map task takes a set of data and converts it into another set of data, where individual
elements are broken down into tuples (key-value pairs).

 The Reduce task takes the output from the Map as an input and combines those data
tuples (key-value pairs) into a smaller set of tuples.
The reduce task is always performed after the map job.
Let us now take a close look at each of the phases and try to understand their significance.
 Input Phase − Here we have a Record Reader that translates each record in
an input file and sends the parsed data to the mapper in the form of key-value pairs.

 Map − Map is a user-defined function, which takes a series of key-value pairs and processes
each one of them to generate zero or more key-value pairs.

 Intermediate Keys − The key-value pairs generated by the mapper are known as
intermediate keys.

 Combiner − A combiner is a type of local Reducer that groups similar data from the map
phase into identifiable sets. It takes the intermediate keys from the mapper as input and
applies a user-defined code to aggregate the values in a small scope of one mapper. It is not a
part of the main MapReduce algorithm; it is optional.

 Shuffle and Sort − The Reducer task starts with the Shuffle and Sort step. It downloads the
grouped key-value pairs onto the local machine, where the Reducer is running. The
individual key-value pairs are sorted by key into a larger data list. The data list groups the
equivalent keys together so that their values can be iterated easily in the Reducer task.

 Reducer − The Reducer takes the grouped key-value paired data as input and runs a Reducer
function on each one of them. Here, the data can be aggregated, filtered, and combined in a
number of ways, and it requires a wide

ange of processing. Once the execution is over, it gives zero or more key- value pairs to
the final step.

 Output Phase − In the output phase, we have an output formatter that translates the
final key-value pairs from the Reducer function and writes them onto a file using a record
Let us try to understand the two tasks Map & Reduce with the help of a small diagram

MapReduce Example
Let us take a real-world example to comprehend the power of MapReduce. Twitter receives
around 500 million tweets per day, which is nearly 3000 tweets per second. The following
illustration shows how Tweeter manages its tweets with the help of MapReduce.

As shown in the illustration, the MapReduce algorithm performs the following actions

Tokenize − Tokenizes the tweets into maps of tokens and writes them as key- value pairs.
 Filter − Filters unwanted words from the maps of tokens and writes the
filtered maps as key-value pairs.
 Count − Generates a token counter per word.
 Aggregate Counters − Prepares an aggregate of similar counter values into
small manageable units.


1. What are the security challenges in cloud computing?

Losing control over data

Data Integrity
Risk of Seizure
Incompatibility Issue
Constant Feature Additions
Failure in Provider’s Security
2. What are the layers in security architecture design?

1. Security – Protected against attack and misuse

2. Usability – Easy for developers to effectively leverage
3. Scalability – Able to handle rapid spikes in traffic
4. Testability – Designed to help devs experiment with functionality
5. Reliability – Robust enough to minimize downtime

3. Which security mechanism provides an effective control for data confidentiality and

Data integrity in cloud storage. Abstract: Cloud computing is a promising computing model
that enables convenient and on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable
computing resources. ... Therefore, an independent auditing service is required to make sure
that the data is correctly hosted in theCloud.

Confidentiality, in the context of computer systems, allows authorized users to access

sensitive and protected data. Specific mechanisms ensure confidentialityand
safeguard data from harmful intruders.

4. What is mean by password assurance testing?

here are tools like Keepass and LastPass that offers to save the password on desktop or
browser. And then such tools can be used to automate browser login. Tools like these require
single master password and using that single password you can automte the login across
multiple websites. So testing such password fields using automation tools is going to be

5. What are the measures included in Guest OS hardening technique ?

[1] Programs clean-up

[2] Use of service packs

[3] Patches and patch management

[4] Group policies

[5] Security templates

[6] Configuration baselines

6. How is intrusion detection implemented under SAAS model?

Google Apps, Dropbox, Salesforce, Cisco WebEx, Concur, GoToMeeting

7. What is VM-theft?

VM Theft: This is the ability to steal a virtual machine file electronically, which can then be
mounted and run elsewhere. It is an attack that is the equivalent of stealinga complete physical
server without having to enter a secure data center and remove a piece of computing equipmen

8. What are the stages involved in defining security at compute level?

the security analysis method is introduced,

• the client presents the goals and the target of the analysis,

• the focus and scope of the analysis is set,

• the meetings and workshops are planned .analysis leader (required),

• analysis secretary (required),

• representatives of the client: analysis leader (required),

• analysis secretary (required),

• representatives of the client:

9. What do mean by federated identity management?

[1] Provide access to users from supplier, distributor, and partner networks.
[2]Provide access to new users outside the traditional organization perimeter after mergers
and acquisitions.
10. How access controls are used in identity management?


The process of creating a user account when it’s needed.


The reverse process of deleting, archiving or deactivating of an account that is no longer


Identity Lifecycle

The lifecycle of digital identities that have a lifecycle, just like the real-world entities
they represent.


1. Explain the security architecture in detail?

Actor Definition

Cloud Consumer A person or organization that maintains a business relationship with,

anduses service from, Cloud Providers.

Cloud Provider

A person, organization, or entity responsible for making a service

available to interested parties.

Cloud Auditor

A party that can conduct an independent assessment of cloud services,

information system operations, performance and security of the cloudimplementation.

Cloud Broker

An entity that manages the use, performance and delivery of cloud

services, and negotiates relationships between Cloud Providers and CloudConsumers.

Cloud Carrier
An intermediary that provides connectivity and transport of cloud services

from Cloud Providers to Cloud Consumers.

While all cloud Actors involved in orchestrating a cloud Ecosystem are responsible
foraddressing operational, security and privacy concerns, cloud Consumers retain the data
ownership, and therefore remain fully responsible for:

• properly identifying data’s sensitivity,

• assessing the risk from any exposure or misuse of the data and the impact to their

• identifying security requirements commensurable with the data sensitivity, and

• approving necessary risk mitigations.

Some of the cloud Consumer’s areas of concern are:

• Risk Management analysis Risk Assessments

Vulnerability Assessments Incident Reporting and Response

• Business Continuity

Disaster recovery plans o Restoration plan incorporating and quantifying the Recovery
Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO) for services
2. Describe the challenges are applied in cloud computing security?
Modern Cloud Challenges
Cloud Security
Cloud security threats are the main concern today. Malicious or unintended actions can cause
damage at many levels in a company. This is a fact in cloud as well as non-cloud
environments, but as the sophistication of applications and services increases, the security
risks also grow. The attack surface of cloud services is higher than traditional service models,
as the related components have many endpoints and different protocols to manage in different
ways. A variety of approaches to identify and address both known and new threats is required.

Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks are just one common threat to security in cloud
computing. Providers usually offer several architectural options to configure a safe
environment to prevent these kinds of threats, like traffic isolation (the capability to isolate
groups of virtual machines in groups of virtual separate networks) or access control lists to
create rules that define the permissions of a component with several levels of granularity.
Researchers are now also proposing automated systems to detect intrusions in cloud

Cloud Data Management

The second interesting challenge to traditional cloud paradigms is Data Management. Not so
long ago, data use to be thought of as a homogeneous entity that could be gathered and
archived in silos, usually relational databases (groups of tables that contain part of the data
and link each row to other rows in different tables).

But a whole new set of needs appeared with the SaaS business model. Now we have document
databases, big table databases, and graph and columnar databases for an almost innumerable
set of cases. This new reality where the data can drive the way a company measures its future
opportunities imposes a number of challenges—For example, data consistency must be
maintained, and data will typically need to be aggregated, extended, transformed and analyzed
in several contexts.

One aspect of data management to be addressed is the consistency of the data. This means that
all the users of a cloud application should see the same data at the same time. This is not a
trivial task, as the data resources (hardware-software) are pooled according to the physical
restrictions of networks, the transactional status of the operations—and, the client’s
connection could have an impact on consistency. A good analysis of this issue was presented
recently by Rick Hoskinson . Unifying the way that time is measured in all the millions of
simultaneous clients, regardless of their hardware or connection, is an incredible engineering

Resiliency and Cloud Availability

No system is free of failures. No matter how good the process or the measures taken to
address the risks, we live in an uncertain world. Resiliency is the ability to handle failures
gracefully and recover the whole system. This is a huge challenge for services and
applications where the components compete for resources, and depend on other internal or
external components/ services that fail, or may rely on defective software. Planning the way
that those failures will be detected, logged, fixed and recovered involves not only developers
but all the teams as part of a cloud strategy. To help, tools are available to simulate random
failures, from hardware issues to massive external attacks—including failed deployments or
unusual software behavior.

The three basic techniques that are used to increase the resiliency of a cloud system are:

 Checking and monitoring: An independent process continuously reviews that the system
meets the minimum specifications of behavior. This technique, albeit simple, is key to detect
failures and reconfiguration of resources.

 Checkpoint and restart: The status of the entire system or the key status variables are saved
based on certain circumstances (e.g. every x timestep or before a release, etc.) System failures
show a process of restoration to the latest correct checkpoint and the system recovers.

 Replication: The critical components of a system are replicated using additional resources
(hardware and software), ensuring that they are available at any time. The additional challenge
with this technique is the status synchronization task between the replicas and the main system.

Note, too, that there are many different levels of fault tolerance in cloud computing. The
balance between resources, costs and acceptable resilience level should achieve the best
results possible. A scenario with multiple machines used as replicas in the same cluster
assumes that the tolerable resilience level is in the cluster. A more reliable approach is cluster
replication in the same data center which separates the replicas in independent clusters. With
this configuration, the data center is the single point of failure. A more complicated but
reliable scenario is the replication of systems in different data centers. This way, even with
large outages, the resilience of a system could be guaranteed.

3.Explain how the dynamic resources allocation are used in VM?

Dynamic resource allocation is very much popular research area in cloud environment due to its
live application in data center.Becasue of dynamic and heterogeneous nature of cloud, allocation of
virtual machine is affected by various parameters like QOS, time consumption, cost, carbon effect
etc. Grouping of virtual machine which is communicate to eachother to execute one large request is
comes into affinity group. Here we will study details of allocation method, affinity of virtual
machine and how it will give good performance over non-affinity group and give some idea about
new technique to improve performance which we will implement in future

Resource Allocation Strategy (RAS) is all about integrating cloud provider activities for utilizing
and allocating scarce resources within the limit of cloud environment so as to meet the needs of the
cloud application. It requires the type and amount
of resources needed by each application in order to complete a user job. The order and time of
allocation of resources are also an input for an optimal RAS. An optimal RAS should avoid the
following criteria as follows:

a) Resource contention situation arises when two applications try to access the same resource
at the same time.
b) Scarcity of resources arises when there are limited resources.
c) Resource fragmentation situation arises when the resources are isolated.
d) Over-provisioning of resources arises when the application gets surplus resources than the
demanded one.
e) Under-provisioning of resources occurs when the application is assigned with fewer
numbers of resources than the demand.

From the perspective of a cloud provider, predicting the dynamic nature of users, user demands, and
application demands are impractical. For the cloud users, the job should be completed on time with
minimal cost. Hence due to limited resources,resource heterogeneity, locality restrictions,
environmental necessities and dynamic nature of resource demand, we need an
efficient resource allocation system that suits cloud environments. Cloud resources consist of
physical and virtual resources. The physical resources are shared across multiple compute requests
through virtualization and provisioning. The request forvirtualized resources is described through a
set of parameters detailing the processing, memory and disk needs. Provisioning satisfies the request
by mapping virtualized resources to physical ones. The hardware and software resources are
allocated to the cloud applications on-demand basis. For scalable computing, Virtual Machines
are rented. The complexity of finding an optimum resource allocation is exponential in huge
systems like big clusters, data centres or Grids. Since resource demand and supply can be dynamic
and uncertain.

4.Explain the two fundamental functions, identity management and access control,
which are required for secure cloud computing.

Cloud computing offers a rich set of services by pay per use basis. The features and
technology offered by various providers created a great competitive market for the business.
The various security issues are attracting attention, one of which is identity and privacy of
the cloud user. Users are varied about the privacy of information which they have given to
the provider at the time of registration. We present an analysis of various identity
management systems and proposing a simple trust based scheme for a cloud computing
application and service.

In a cloud computing system federated Identity management concept is essential along with
the strong and trusted Identity management system itself. Identity management systems
discussed in the previous section is not sufficient for the cloud environment. A trust based
solution can be proposed as follows.

In a cloud computing environment federated Identity concept is essential as many cloud

providers share their services to fulfill their respective customer needs. Therefore managing
of various users identities in such environment is difficult and challenging task. Existing
system already had the concept of federation, but it is for non-cloud applications. For cloud
application a trust based federated identity management can be proposed as follows. The
concept of federation can be implemented using static and dynamic approaches. For static
one method of encryption, pseudo identity and proxy signature can be used. For dynamic
approach an on demand method of provisioning is desirable. At any point of time during the
cloud service usage, if the customer requires more resources that are not available with the
current provider then it can be requested from others. At this moment, on time service is
considered, the requested user is forwarded to other providers system for which the user
identity needs to be verified by the new provider by using SAML V2 identity management.
For multiple request and service usage the log records are maintained with the provider.
These log records maintain the user transaction details along with the login and logout time.
User access pattern of service is recorded and based on the user’s previous transaction
history, new access pattern is defined.

5.Explain the following (a) Autonomic Security (b) Risk management

As Clouds are complex, large-scale, and heterogeneous distributed systems, management of

their resources is a challenging task. They need automated and integrated intelligent
strategies for provisioning of resources to offer services that are secure, reliable, and cost-
efficient. Hence, effective management of services becomes fundamental in software
platforms that constitute the fabric of computing Clouds. In this direction, this paper
identifies open issues in autonomic resource provisioning and presents innovative
management techniques for supporting SaaS applications hosted on Clouds. We present a
conceptual architecture and early results evidencing the benefits of autonomic management
of Clouds.

Autonomic systems exhibit the ability of self-monitoring, self-repairing, and self-

optimizing by constantly sensing themselves and tuning their performance [6]. Such autonomic
features are also exhibited by market economy, where resources/services are priced so as to maintain
equilibrium in the supply and demand. Clouds constitute an interesting venue to explore the use of
autonomic features, because of their dynamism, large scale, and complexity.

In this direction, this paper presents our early steps towards innovative autonomic
resource provisioning and management techniques for supporting SaaS applications hosted on
Clouds. Steps towards this goal include (i) development of an autonomic management system and
algorithms for dynamic provisioning of resources based on users’ QoS requirements to maximize
efficiency while minimizing the cost of services for users and (ii) creation of secure mechanisms to
ensure that the resource provisioning system is able to allocate resources only for requests from
legitimate users. We present a conceptual model able to achieve the aforementioned goals and
present initial results that evidence the advantages of autonomic management of Cloud

are referred to as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a
Service (SaaS), respectively. To support end-user applications, service providers such as Amazon [3],
HP [4], and IBM [5] have deployed Cloud data centers worldwide. These applications range from
generic text processing software to online healthcare. Once applications are hosted on Cloud
platforms, users are able to access them from anywhere at any time, with any networked device,
from desktops to smartphones. The Cloud system taps into the processing power of virtualized
computers on the back end, thus significantly speeding up the application for the users, who pay for
the actually used services. However, management of large-scale and elastic Cloud infrastructure
offering reliable, secure, and cost-efficient services is a challenging task. It requires co-optimization
at multiple layers (infrastructure, platform, and application) exhibiting autonomic properties. Some
key open challenges are: • Quality of Service

Quality of Service (QoS). Cloud service providers (CSPs) need to ensure that sufficient amount of
resources are provisioned to ensure that QoS requirements of Cloud service consumers (CSCs) such
as deadline, response time, and budget constraints are met. These QoS requirements form the basis
for SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and any violation will lead to penalty. Therefore, CSPs need to
ensure that these violations are avoided or minimized by dynamically provisioning the right amount
of resources in a timely manner.
Energy efficiency. It includes having efficient usage of energy in the infrastructure, avoiding
utilization of more resources than actually required by the application, and minimizing the carbon
footprint of the Cloud application.

Security. Achieving security features such as confidentiality (protecting data from unauthorized
access), availability (avoid malicious users making the application unavailable to legitimate users),
and reliability against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. The DoS is critical because, in a dynamic
resource provisioning scenario, increase in the number of users causes automatic increase in the
resources allocated to the application. If a coordinated attack is launched against the SaaS provider,
the sudden increase in traffic might be wrongly assumed to be legitimate requests and resources
would be scaled up to handle them. This would result in an increase in the cost of running the
application (because provider will be charged by these extra resources) as well as a waste of energy

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