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PEX Presentation Plan

Tanya Amrine (CCSD Coordinator)
Virgie Francis-Smith (Mentor Teacher)
Cheryl Silentman (3rd Grade Team)

Artifact Object
I will be making a collage out of magazine images or pictures that will create a tree. The
images will all reflect my student teaching experience and what I have learned during my time.
The images will consist of teaching materials needed as a teacher, inspiring words that reflect
teaching, images that shows diversity, communication, collaboration, learning environments,
social emotional development, building relationships, teaching on the reservation and the
supports needed for Navajo students, etc. At the end of my presentation, I will have my
audience piece together a collage artwork that represents them.
I chose to create a tree collage because it symbolizes growth. Throughout my student
teaching, I have learned more and more about what it takes being a role model in the
classroom and the important position I have to support the students. It is an ongoing learning
process that allowed me to build my character as a teacher. Majority of the time, I was learning
from the students. It was the students that were teaching me in how to be a better teacher, a
great teacher that they can trust and respect.
Self-reflection on the growth you have made as a learner/ individual & the steps you
made to gain that growth. Every day, I was learning something new, such as how can I
differentiate this lesson to meet the needs of the ELL students and how can I challenge the
advanced students. Differentiation was my toughest goal to meet this semester because you
have a lesson that meets all the students’ needs. At times when you think what you prepared
will support student learning , it needs to be scaffolded even further to meet the learning
Welcome everyone and provide a self-introduction. Then, discuss where I student taught and
the reason behind that.
- Dream to teach back on the Navajo Reservation & help Navajo students see the
beauty in education.
- It is important to provide a meaningful education for the students and knowing that
they are valued in the classroom and the impact the can make on the community.
- Integrating Navajo culture into lessons. Also, focused on social emotional
development because the students came from a tough home life that impacted their
learning in the classroom. Providing a safe & happy learning environment.
- Discuss how ST was at the start
- Discuss areas to develop & grow on; learning process
- Experience with students & what I learned
After I present my piece on student teaching, I will have my audience create a collage that
represents them, who they are, growth they see within themselves, and the components that
paint them as an individual and what they learned.
- Provide 10-15 minutes to have audience work on their piece
- Audience will then present their art piece and explain how it represents them
- Come to an end for presentation. Recap my student teaching experience & discuss
future plans as a future teacher.

Media Support
Laptop- display pictures from student teaching experience

Materials Needed
Collage (will guide presentation)
Laptop- display pictures
Construction paper, magazines, images, & tools needed for audience to make their own collage

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