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6 Risk assessment

6 Risk assessment The assessment of public safety was conducted
methodology through a quantitative risk assessment which is also
described in Chapter 10.
6.1 Introduction
INPEX has committed to a systematic risk assessment
6.2 Methodology
process as a means of achieving best practice in
Risk-based environmental assessment is recognised
environmental management for its Ichthys Gas Field
as an iterative process that is subject to an inherent
Development Project (the Project). The company
degree of uncertainty. In order to reduce the levels
believes that considerable advantages can be
of uncertainty, this methodology allows for ongoing
gained by communicating environmental impacts
research, monitoring and review as part of the
through a risk‑ranking process to stakeholders and
environmental review process outlined in Chapter 11.
decision‑makers. Understanding the risks to the
environment that a development of this type can pose The risk assessment methodology adopted for
and the factors that govern whether such risks are the Draft EIS ensures that a systematic approach
likely to emerge is essential to a proactive approach to is applied to the assessment and management of
environmental management. environmental risk. The methodology can be divided
into three main steps:
This chapter of the draft environmental impact
1. risk scoping and preliminary risk assessment
statement (Draft EIS) describes the methodology used
6 to identify and categorise environmental risks resulting 2. detailed risk assessment
3. communication of residual risk.
Risk Assessment Methodology

from planned activities associated with the Project.

The purpose of this methodology is to identify the
The methodology is summarised in the flow diagram in
activities and the environmental aspects associated
Figure 6-1.
with these activities that have the potential to result in
environmental impacts. By developing management
measures and controls to avoid or reduce the risks 6.2.1 Risk scoping and preliminary risk
identified, the “residual risks” can be reduced to an assessment
acceptable level. The risk scoping and preliminary risk assessment was
undertaken through two main mechanisms:
The risk assessment process used has been • by holding preliminary high‑level environmental risk
developed to align with Australian Standard workshops
AS/NZS 4360:2004, Risk management together with its
• by soliciting input from government, specialists
associated document Risk management guidelines—
and stakeholders.
Companion to AS/NZS 4360:2004 (Handbook
HB 4360:2004). These are described in more detail below.

The assessment of environmental risk is an essential

Preliminary environmental risk workshops
component of INPEX’s approach to the environmental
A series of preliminary environmental risk workshops
impact assessment process. It also forms the basis
were conducted through the scoping and preliminary
for ongoing management and review of significant
risk assessment stage.
environmental risks throughout the life of the Project.
The outcomes from the risk assessment will be used The objective of the workshops was to identify and
in the design, construction, commissioning, operations categorise the significant activities during the Project’s
and decommissioning phases to ensure that all risks construction, commissioning and operations phases
identified will be managed appropriately, with suitable that could have environmental aspects and impacts.
additional controls being incorporated into the design Once identified, each activity with an associated
of the Project as it progresses. impact was then ranked according to its environmental
risk. The purpose of the workshop was to identify the
Management controls identified through the risk
high‑level risks and uncertainties, and any gaps in
assessment process are included in the provisional
knowledge, in order to direct the development of the
environmental management plans (EMPs) provided in
environmental studies and surveys and to influence
this Draft EIS as annexes to Chapter 11 Environmental
Project design from an early stage.
management program and documented in Chapter 7
Marine impacts and management, Chapter 8 Terrestrial
impacts and management and Chapter 10
Socio-economic impacts and management.

Page 232 Ichthys Gas Field Development Project | Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Risk Assessment Methodology

Figure 6-1: Risk assessment methodology

Ichthys Gas Field Development Project | Draft Environmental Impact Statement Page 233
The workshops involved participants from a number of Identification of environmental impacts
Project disciplines and groups, including the following: Once identification of the activities which could result
• environmental engineers and scientists in a particular environmental aspect was complete, the
• civil engineers likely impacts of each were identified.
• process engineers
An environmental impact has been defined as follows:
• onshore facilities personnel
any change to the environment, whether adverse
• offshore facilities personnel
or beneficial, wholly or partly resulting from an
• marine operations personnel
organization’s environmental aspects.1
• pipeline engineers
• operations personnel Each environmental aspect has been considered in
• quality, health and safety personnel. turn against each sensitive receptor in the surrounding
The outcomes of the preliminary risk workshops environment for a potential pathway or interaction.
formed the basis of the Project’s environmental risk Where pathways exist, each potential environmental
and aspect register. This was then built upon in the impact has been recorded in the aspect register.
subsequent detailed risk workshops.
Greenhouse gases constitute a significant
The methods used in the workshops are summarised environmental risk. However, the standard risk
below. assessment processes (assessing consequence
6 versus likelihood) is not an appropriate tool for
evaluating global pollutants. Greenhouse gas
Risk Assessment Methodology

Identification of environmental aspects

management is discussed in detail in Chapter 9
An environmental aspect is defined as follows:
Greenhouse gas management.
An environmental aspect is a feature or
characteristic of a project activity that has the
potential to affect the environment.1 Preliminary environmental risk ranking
The preliminary risk assessment required each activity
Each aspect brainstormed with the workshop that had an associated impact to be qualitatively
participants yielded a list of activities that could lead ranked by risk categories, with severities ranging
to the occurrence of that particular aspect. from “critical” through to “high”, “medium” and “low”.
This method involved the identification of a high‑level
The key aspects identified during the workshops are
likelihood and consequence for each impact and,
as follows:
based on this, the determination of the level of risk
• land and sea use (activities associated with access
through the application of an environmental risk matrix
to Project areas and the physical presence of
(see Figure 6-2 and Table 6-1 below). In addition,
where standard management controls were known to
• physical disturbance to plant and animal life as
exist, these were documented.
a result of Project activities, for example through
dredging and clearing operations When critical risks were identified, these were
• physical disturbance to heritage sites addressed either by avoiding the activity or by
• acid drainage and acid sulfate soil disposal adopting an alternative process with a lower
• drainage and runoff (stormwater, erosion, possible associated risk to the environment. This qualitative
contaminants) ranking of the risks assisted INPEX both to prioritise
• noise and vibration the environmental risks and to identify what technical
• visual impact studies needed to be undertaken where risk allocation
had been based on uncertainties or scanty or
• accidental spills
inadequate knowledge.
• dredge discharges and dredge spoil disposal
• waste disposal
• air emissions
• greenhouse gas emissions
• hydrotest water disposal
• wastewater discharges
• quarantine breaches
• marine blasting.

1 Adapted from AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004, Environmental

management systems—Requirements with guidance for use

Page 234 Ichthys Gas Field Development Project | Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Risk Assessment Methodology

Figure 6-2: INPEX environmental risk matrix

Table 6-1: Management of corresponding risk category

Critical Undertake an ALARP (“as low as reasonably practicable”) assessment and consider risk‑sharing,
transfer and avoidance options.
High Assess risk and manage to an ALARP level.
Medium Review to ensure that appropriate barriers and controls are in place.
Low Manage by operational documentation.

Ichthys Gas Field Development Project | Draft Environmental Impact Statement Page 235
Input from government, specialists and 6.2.2 Detailed risk assessment
Conducting technical studies and surveys
Environmental impact statement guidelines In order to inform the detailed risk assessment and
The environmental impact statement guidelines address the uncertainties or knowledge gaps that
prepared for the Project by the Commonwealth’s were identified at the risk scoping and preliminary risk
Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the assessment stage, a range of environmental surveys
Arts (DEWHA) and the Northern Territory’s Department and modelling studies were undertaken.
of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport
These included the following:
(NRETAS), issued in September 20082, identified the key
• marine water and sediment quality studies
matters of concern and established the scope for the
environmental, social and economic studies required to • marine ecology and benthic community studies
assess the potential impacts of the Project. • terrestrial ecology studies
• hydrology and hydrogeology studies
These EIS guidelines were presented for public review
• oil‑spill trajectory modelling for the nearshore and
in draft form in June 2008 to provide an opportunity
offshore development areas
for stakeholders to comment on issues relating to the
Project. The DEWHA and NRETAS took the feedback • dredge‑plume modelling for the nearshore
from the review period into consideration when finalising development areas
• plume modelling for wastewater discharges in the
6 the guidelines for publication in September 2008.
nearshore and offshore development areas
Risk Assessment Methodology

Scoping of technical studies and surveys • air‑quality modelling for the onshore and nearshore
INPEX had earlier engaged in a workshop with development areas
various Northern Territory government departments, • noise modelling, both underwater and terrestrial.
in April 2008, to discuss the range of baseline and
impact assessment studies required for the onshore A comprehensive list of the studies and modelling
and nearshore development areas. Participants in programs undertaken is provided in Chapter 1
the workshop included government experts from Introduction.
various divisions of NRETAS and the Department
of Planning and Infrastructure3, members of the Validate environmental aspects, Project activities
INPEX environmental team, INPEX engineers, and and risks
environmental specialists. This process enabled Following the preliminary environmental risk
the participants to identify significant environmental workshops and using input from the technical studies,
values within the Project area, to carry out a high‑level the modelling, and the stakeholder engagement
assessment of relevant existing knowledge, and to exercise, it was possible to assess the risks to the
reach agreement on the scope and methods of further environment in more detail. This was undertaken in a
investigations to be carried out by INPEX.
series of workshops by specialists in the various fields.

Stakeholder consultation The workshop methodology and evaluation process

In order to identify the environmental and consisted of the following steps:
socio-economic aspects that could be affected by • the validation of environmental aspects
the Project, and to investigate these potential impacts • the validation of actual and potential environmental
with appropriate rigour, INPEX initiated stakeholder impacts
consultation following submission of the initial
• the validation and identification of additional
referrals. This process has continued through the Draft
management measures and controls
EIS preparation phase and will continue as the Project
• the determination of likelihood and consequence
moves through its successive phases. More details on
the stakeholder consultation process and its outcomes • the assessment of the residual risk
are provided in Chapter 2 Stakeholder consultation. • a determination of whether any additional controls
would be required to reduce residual risk to ALARP.
2 Guidelines for preparation of a draft environmental impact
statement: Ichthys Gas Field Development Project, Blaydin
Point, Darwin, NT (September 2008), available online at
register/inpex/pdf/eisguidelinesinpex.pdf> (last accessed
1 March 2010).

3 The Northern Territory’s Department of Planning and

Infrastructure was restructured in December 2009 and its
functions were transferred to two new departments, the
Department of Lands and Planning and the Department of
Construction and Infrastructure.

Page 236 Ichthys Gas Field Development Project | Draft Environmental Impact Statement
These steps are described below. Likelihood can be described as the level of probability
that, or the frequency with which, an aspect of an
Validation of environmental aspects and impacts activity will impact upon the environment.
The information gathered both from the technical The likelihood levels applied in this detailed risk
studies and modelling and from government agencies assessment have been quantified using six categories,
and stakeholders assisted the workshop team ranging from “remote” (1) to “highly likely” (6) and
members to assess and validate the environmental is based on past experience and on frequency or
aspects and impacts previously identified during the probability depending on the nature of the aspect, the
preliminary environmental risk workshops. type of activity and the availability of data as shown in
Table 6-2.
Determination of likelihood and consequence
A consequence can be defined as an outcome or
The risk assessment required a more detailed impact from an event occurring. Six categories,
approach to determining the likelihood and ranging from “catastrophic” (A) to “slight” (F), have
consequence of each impact. The definitions used been used to describe the type and severity of a
for likelihood and consequence during this detailed consequence of an impact on the environment
assessment are described below and shown in resulting from a planned or accidental activity of the
tables 6-2 and 6-3, the environmental risk matrix is Project. As multiple consequences may apply for a
shown in Figure 6-2, and the categories are explained
in Table 6-1.
single hazard or aspect, the approach used was to
take the worst credible risk (in terms of consequence

Risk Assessment Methodology

versus likelihood).
Where relevant data were available to permit
a quantitative evaluation of the likelihood and Consequence columns are coded (e.g. B1, S3) to allow
consequence of an impact, this approach was applied, the user to demonstrate which consequence drove the
as was the case with the assessment of oil‑spill risk score. The consequence categories are as follows:
scenarios. Where a quantitative assessment was not
• biodiversity and ecological processes
possible, a qualitative evaluation was made which
– protected species (B1)
relied on the knowledge and experience of team
– marine primary producers (B2)
members and specialists.
– ecological diversity (B3)

Table 6-2: Definitions of “likelihood” for detailed environmental risk assessment

Likelihood ➞
Unheard of in the Has occurred Has occurred Has occurred Has occurred Has occurred
industry once or twice in many times in once or frequently in frequently at
Historical the industry the industry, twice in the the Company the location
but not in the Company
Once every Once every Once every Once every Once every More than
Frequency 10 000–100 000 1000–10 000 100–1000 years 10–100 1–10 years at once a
(continuous years at the years at the at the location years at the the location year at the
operation) location location location location or
Probability 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 10–100 >1 in 10
(single 100 000–1 000 000 10 000–100 000 1000–10 000 100–1000
1 2 3 4 5 6
Remote Highly unlikely Unlikely Possible Likely Highly likely

Ichthys Gas Field Development Project | Draft Environmental Impact Statement Page 237
Risk Assessment Methodology

Biodiversity and ecological processes Environmental quality Societal considerations

Marine primary Soil and groundwater
Protected species Ecological diversity Water quality Marine sediment quality Air quality Protected areas Cultural matters Compliance
producers contamination

Page 238
B1 B2 B3 E1 E2 E3 E4 S1 S2 S3
Eradication of local Permanent loss of Significant and Continuous or regular Permanent to long-term Continuous exceedance Extensive off-site Significant permanent Significant permanent Significant and
population. primary producers on permanent effects on contamination of contamination above over national or contamination of effect on one or more of impact on aesthetic, continuous licence or
Loss of critical habitats or large or regional scale. ecological diversity on a water quality above background and/or international air-quality groundwater and/or soil protected-areas values. heritage, economic or regulatory or internal
activities. regional scale. background and/or national or international standards. on a regional scale. recreational values. target exceedances.
national or international quality standards and/or Human fatalities Cost of effective Overall societal benefits Fines and/or A
standards and/or known biological effect possible. treatment not possible. do not outweigh impacts. prosecutions incurred or
known biological effect concentrations on a Sustained damage to expected.
concentrations on a regional scale. the environment; human
regional scale. health risks likely.
Extensive impact on Recoverable loss of Significant and Continuous or regular Permanent to long-term Frequent and sustained Extensive off-site Significant long-term Significant long-term Frequent and significant
population(s). primary producers on a permanent effects on contamination of contamination above exceedance over national contamination of effect on one or more of impact on aesthetic, licence or regulatory
Significant impact on large scale. ecological diversity on a water quality above background and/or or international air groundwater and/or soil protected-areas values. heritage, economic or or internal target
critical habitats or large scale. background and/or national or international quality standards. at a medium scale. recreational values. exceedances.
activities. national or international quality standards and/or Human fatalities Treatment difficult and/ Overall societal benefits Fines or prosecutions B
standards and/or known biological effect possible. or expensive. do not outweigh impacts. likely.
known biological effect concentrations on a large Damage to the
concentrations on a large scale. environment and risk to
scale. human health possible.
Minor disruptions to a Permanent loss of Significant and Continuous or regular Permanent to long-term Frequent, short-term Extensive contamination Moderate long-term Moderate impact on Frequent, minor to
significant portion of the primary producers on a permanent effects on discharge with contamination above exceedances over of groundwater and/ or permanent effect aesthetic, economic, moderate licence or
population. medium scale. ecological diversity on a contamination above background and/or national or international or soil, off‑site on one or more of heritage or recreational regulatory or internal
Minor impacts on critical medium scale. background and/or national or international air-quality standards. contamination probable protected-areas values. values. target exceedances.
habitats or activities. national or international quality standards and/or Human illness and treatment difficult Overall societal benefits Fines or prosecutions C
No threat to overall quality standards and/or known biological effect and effects on the and/or expensive. do not outweigh impacts. possible.
population viability. known biological effect concentrations on a environment possible. Limited threat to the
concentrations on a medium scale. environment or human
medium scale. health.
Minor disruptions or impact Recoverable loss of Loss of ecological Continuous or regular Short- to medium-term Frequent temporary Moderate contamination Moderate medium-term Moderate impact on Occasional significant
on a small portion of the primary producers on a diversity on a medium discharge with contamination above exceedances over to groundwater or soil, effect on one or more of aesthetic, heritage, licence or regulatory
population. medium scale. scale. contamination above background and/or national or international contained within site protected-areas values. economic or recreational or internal target
Minor and temporary Community or habitat background and/or national or international air quality standards. boundary and readily Full recovery expected. values. exceedances.
impact on critical habitat maintains ecological national or international quality standards and/or Human illness treated. Overall societal benefits Fines or prosecutions

or activity. integrity though some quality standards and/or known biological effect and effects on the No significant threat outweigh impacts. possible.
known biological effect concentrations on a D
No threat to overall change in species environment possible. to the environment or
population viability. composition or concentrations on a local medium scale. human health.
Table 6-3: Definitions of consequences of environmental risk assessments

abundance may occur. to medium scale.

Community, habitats and
species well represented
Minor and temporary Permanent loss of small Loss of ecological Continuous or regular Short- to medium-term Occasional and Minor contamination of Minor medium-term Minor impact on Occasional minor licence
disruption to small portion proportion of primary diversity on a localised discharge, with contamination above temporary exceedance soil and/or groundwater, effect on one or more of aesthetic, heritage, or regulatory or internal
of the population. producers on a localised scale. contaminants reduced background and/or over national or contained within site protected-areas values. economic or recreational target exceedances.
No impact on critical scale. Community or habitat to below background national or international international air quality boundary and readily Full recovery expected. values. No fines or prosecutions.
habitat or activity. maintains ecological and/or national or quality standards and/or standards. treated.
integrity though some international quality known biological effect No effect on human No threat to the
standards and/or concentrations on a E
change in species health or the environment or human
composition or known biological effect localised scale. environment. health.
abundance may occur. concentrations within a
Community, habitats and small mixing zone.
species well represented
Behavioural responses of Recoverable loss of Minor loss of ecological Occasional discharge Short-term Very infrequent and Minor contamination of Negligible impact on Negligible impact on Very infrequent minor
inconsequential ecological small portion of primary diversity on a localised with contaminants contamination above temporary exceedance soil within site boundary protected-areas values. aesthetic, heritage, licence or regulatory
significance. producers on a localised scale. reduced to below background and/or over national or and readily treated. economic or recreational or internal target
scale. Communities, habitats background and/or national or international international air-quality No effect on values. exceedances.
and species well national or international quality standards standards. groundwater. F
represented on a quality standards and/or and/or known biological No effect on human No threat to the
medium scale. known biological effect effect concentrations health or the environment or human

Ichthys Gas Field Development Project | Draft Environmental Impact Statement

concentrations within a over a very small area environment. health.
small mixing zone. (<1 km2).
• environmental quality Management controls for treating risk have been
– water quality (E1) assessed in terms of the following considerations:
– marine sediment quality (E2)
• their potential benefits
– air quality (E3)
• their effectiveness in reducing risk
– soil and groundwater contamination (E4)
• the cost to implement the option(s)
• societal considerations
• the impact of controls on personnel safety and
– protected areas (S1)
other stakeholder objectives, including the
– cultural matters (S2)
introduction of new risks or issues.
– compliance (S3).
The management measures and controls identified in
The consequence of an impact on the environment chapters 7, 8 and 10 form the basis of the provisional
has to be considered in both spatial and temporal EMPs in Chapter 11.
terms: is it localised or regional in its effect, is it
affecting a small area or a large area, is it temporary or 6.2.3 Communication of residual risk
permanent, is it reversible or irreversible, or is it short
Outcomes of the risk assessment process have
term or long term?
been documented in this Draft EIS and will be
This is the purpose of Table 6-3 where the definitions communicated to stakeholders through the submission
of the document for public review.
of each level of consequence have been tabulated.
Summaries showing the outcomes of the risk

Risk Assessment Methodology

Validation and identification of additional
assessment process have been presented in tables in
management measures and controls
chapters 7, 8 and 10.
A key component of the preliminary risk workshops
and detailed risk assessment was the identification Key aspects are listed with a summary of the associated
of the range of management measures and controls activities, their potential impacts, management
necessary to reduce the risks identified. measures and controls, and residual risk. Residual risk
is ranked using the INPEX environmental risk matrix in
The level of management for each identified risk
Figure 6-2 above. Table 6-4 provides an example of how
depended on its assigned risk‑ranking category as
shown in Figure 6-2 and Table 6-1. risk is presented in the relevant chapters.

Table 6-4: E xample of risk assessment summary table

Management controls, Residual risk

Aspect Activity Potential impacts
mitigating factors C* L† RR‡
Soil Large-scale Sedimentation Large-scale vegetation clearing F (B2)§ 3 Low
erosion earthworks for of mangrove will be undertaken preferentially
construction of areas around in dry‑season conditions to avoid
onshore processing the onshore the erosion risks associated with
facility. development monsoon rains in the wet season.
Clearing of vegetation area, leading to Erosion protection infrastructure
during site preparation. smothering of (e.g. silt fencing, spoon drains,
pneumatophores, contouring and sediment ponds)
which will lead to will be installed to ensure that
plant mortality and sediment is contained within the
a reduction in plant site boundaries as far as possible.
If soil erosion is evident, exposed
surfaces at the affected area
will be stabilised with mulched
vegetation, dust suppressants or
slope stabilisation products.
Provisional Vegetation Clearing,
Earthworks and Rehabilitation
Management Plan.
Provisional Liquid Discharges,
Surface Water Runoff and Drainage
Management Plan.

* C = consequence.

L = likelihood.

RR = risk rating.
F – describes the level of consequence; B2 – describes the category of consequence.

Ichthys Gas Field Development Project | Draft Environmental Impact Statement Page 239
It is important to note that the socio-economic aspects Once approved and published, the Draft EIS will be
of the Project’s operating environment are complex, exhibited for public review and comment. During this
and are influenced by many factors that are additional public review period, any member of the public or
to the direct effects of the Project. For example, the government may submit comments or concerns on the
local labour market will vary according to national environmental impacts of the Project to the DEWHA or
and international economic conditions, making the to NRETAS through INPEX.
consequences of the Project (which would be a
relatively large employer in the Darwin region) difficult 6.2.4 Ongoing monitoring and review
to predict at any point in time. Environmental risk assessment is an iterative process.
The aspect register generated as a result of the risk
In addition, the consequences of certain
assessment workshop will be reviewed and updated
socio-economic impacts are sometimes subjective
as required. These reviews will be informed by ongoing
and would be rated differently by different people. For
environmental monitoring conducted as part of the
example, the consequences of the Project employing
environmental management system. This is critical for
large numbers of workers in the Darwin region could
achieving continual improvement. The framework for
be seen as a positive opportunity for the employees
environmental monitoring is outlined in Chapter 11.
joining INPEX, but a negative impact by other
businesses seeking to attract or retain workers. In addition, as the Project progresses through the
6 For these reasons, risk-ranking was not undertaken
front-end engineering design phase to the
construction and operations phases there will be
for some of the socio‑economic aspects. Potential
Risk Assessment Methodology

a continuous process of identification, refinement

impacts have been identified for all socio-economic
and assessment of risk.
aspects of the Project that could affect the community,
and management commitments have been developed
to mitigate negative impacts and maximise benefits.

Page 240 Ichthys Gas Field Development Project | Draft Environmental Impact Statement

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