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Programming in Python 3 IACC - 2018 Installation

Python 3.7.0 Installation

Windows :
( For Mac OS instructions goto page 4 )

1) Go to Official Python Downloads page by following the URL below :


For 64 Bit OS Click onWindows x86-64 executable installerto start the download

For 32 Bit OS Click Windows x86 executable installerto start the download

2) Double click the installer ( python-3.7.0.amd64.msi ) to start Python 3.7.0Setup.

Select ‘Install for all users’ and click ‘Next’

3) Select an installation directory, example : python37 and click Next

4) Click Close to complete installation

Verifying Installation

Using IDLE ( Bundled IDE of Python )

1) Go to All Programs and open IDLE ( Python GUI )

Python 3.7.0 Shell should popup and you should see something similar to the following text :

Python 3.7.0 (v3.7.0:1bf9cc5093, Jun 27 2018, 04:59:51) [MSC v.1914 64 bit (AMD64)] on
Programming in Python 3 IACC - 2018 Installation

Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.


This confirms that Python 2.7.13 was successfully installed on your computer

2) Type the following command and hit enter :

print(‘My first Python command!!’)

You should see ‘My first Python command!!’ printed in a new line in the Shell after you hit Enter.

Congratulations! You have executed your first Python command.

Command Line Verification :

1) Open Windows Command Prompt by selecting it from ‘’All Programs” or typing “cmd” in the
search bar.

2) Type ‘python’ or ‘py’ to start the Python shell in the windows command prompt.

You should see the following :

Programming in Python 3 IACC - 2018 Installation

3) Type the following command after >>> :

Print( “python My 2nd Python command, this time in the windows Shell!”)

You should see the string ‘My 2nd Python command, this time in the windows Shell!’ as the

This confirms the Python installation through the windows command prompt.

Mac OS :
Programming in Python 3 IACC - 2018 Installation

Installing Python 3.7.0 :

1. Gotohttps://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-370/
2. Download macOS 64-bit installer under Files
3. Click on the download package and follow the installation prompts

Verifying Installation :

1) Open new terminal window in the Mac

2) Type the follow command :
python3 --version
3) You should see the version of Python installed on your system being printed
Example :Python 3.7.0
4) To open IDLE ( Python GUI for 3.7 ), type “idle3” in the Mac terminal and a new Python Shell
window should popup
5) Type the following command and hit enter :

print(‘My first Python command!!’)

6) You should see ‘My first Python command!!’ printed in a new line in the Shell after you hit Enter.
7) Congratulations!!This verify Python and IDLE installation on your Macintosh Computer.

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