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Ditoray,Pagadian City
Music and Arts GRADE 9

Name: ____________________________________________ Yr. & Sec._____ Score:

MULTIPLE CHOICES: Choose the best answer.

1. Classical Era is also known as.
a. Classicism b. Age of reason c. Classical d. Sonata
2. Instrumental forms developed during classical period era.
a. Sonata, Concerto, and Symphony b. Classicism c. Classical Era d. Comic Opera
3. One of the most prominent composers of the Classical Period.
a. Franz Joseph Haydn b. Ludwig Van Beethoven c. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart d. Inabel
4. A child prodigy and the most amazing genius in musical history.
a. Franz Joseph Haydn b. Ludwig Van Beethoven c. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart d. Inabel
5. He was born in Bonn, Germany to a family of musicians and studied music at early age.
a. Franz Joseph Haydn b. Ludwig Van Beethoven c. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart d. Inabel
6. A multi movement work for solo instrument, Sonata came from the word Sonare means to make sound.
a. Sonata b. Concerto c. Sonata allegro Form d. Symphony
7. A multi movement work designed for an instrumental soloist and orchestra.
a. Sonata b. Concerto c. Sonata allegro Form d. Symphony
8. A multi movement work for orchestra, the symphony is derived from the word sinfonia means harmonious
sounding together.
a. Sonata b. Concerto c. Sonata allegro Form d. Symphony
9. Drama set to music where singers and musicians perform in a theatrical setting.
a. Sonata b. Concerto c. Sonata allegro Form d. Classical Opera
10. A choral composition with instrumental accompaniment, typically in several movements.
a. Cantata b. Crescendo c. Andante d. Concerto
11. It is a middle part of the sonata – allegro form wherein themes are being developed.
a. Cantata b. Crescendo c. Development d. Concerto
12. A slow, stately ballroom dance for two in triple time.
a. Cantata b. Crescendo c. Minuet d. Concerto
13. It is a vigorous, light, or playful composition comprising a movement in a symphony or sonata
a. Rondo b. Sonata c. Singspiel d. Scherzo
14. A part of a musical piece, found usually near the end, that repeats the earlier themes.
a. Rondo b. Sonata c. Recapitulation d. Scherzo
15. The first part of a composition in sonata form that introduces the theme.
a. Exposition b. Concerto c. Sonata allegro Form d. Symphony
Test II. True or False: Write the Answer on the blank if the statement is False and True if the statement is True.
___________ 1. Renaissance was the period of economic progress.
___________ 2. Michelangelo di Lodovico Bounarroti Simoni was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet.
___________ 3. Italian Renaisance began in the late 15th Century.
___________ 4. Leonardo Da Vinci was an Italian painter and architect of the high renaissance period.
___________ 5. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino was one of the Italian great artists of the period was an early
Renaissance Italian sculptor from Florence.
___________ 6. The term Baroque was derived from the Portuguese word Habacuc.
___________ 7. Bernini was an Italian artist and the first Baroque artist.
___________ 8. Gian Lorenzo Bernini was better known as Caravaggio.
___________ 9. Baroque period in art history came directly after Renaissance.
___________ 10. Velasquez of Spain developed out of Baroque.
___________ 11. Rembrandt was a Flemish Baroque painter.
___________ 12. The pre-colonial architecture of the Philippines consisted of Nipa huts made from natural
___________ 13. During four hundred years of Spanish colonization, the Philippines architecture was dominated
by Spanish influences.
___________ 14. Renaissance means rebirth.
___________ 10. Mosaic is a picture with pieces stuck on surface: made by striking cloth, pieces of paper,

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