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IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 12, No.

4, October 1997 1635


M. Noroozian L. Angquist M. Ghandhari G. Anderson

Member Non-Member Non-Member Senior Member
Reactive Power Compensation Division Dept. of Electric Power Engineering
ABB Power Systems Royal Institute of Technology
S-72 1 64 Vasteris, Sweden S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

Abstract implies the potential application of these devices for

This paper examines improvement of power system damping of power system electromechanical oscillations.
dynamics by use of unified power flow controller (UPFC), Both a series capacitor and a phase shifting transformer exert
thyristor controlled phase shifting transformer (TCPST) and a voltage in series with the line. For a series capacitor, the
thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC). Models suitable inserted voltage lags the line current by 90 degrees. For a
for incorporation in dynamic simulation programs for phase shifting transformer, the inserted voltage is in
studying angle stability are analysed. A. control strategy for quadrature to the source voltage. By the development of
damping of electromechanical power oscillations using an thyristors with current extinguishing capability, all solid state
energy function method is derived. The achieved control implementation of power flow controllers could be realised.
laws are shown to be effective both for damping of large The unified power flow controller (UPFC) is a new device
signal and small signal disturbances and are robust with within the FACTS family which consists of series and shunt
respect to loading condition, fault location and network connected converters.
structure. Furthermore, the control inputs are easily attainable The use of series-connected controllable components for
from the locally measurable variables. The effectiveness of power flow control in electric power systems is described in
the controls are demonstrated for model ]power systems. [ I ] and [ 2 ] . In 1966 Kimbark showed that the transient
Keywords: FACTS, series-connected voltage source, UPFC, stability of an electric power system can be improved by a
TCPST, TCSC, power swing, energ,y function, control switched series capacitor [3]. Later work has explored the
strategy, local variables. benefits of the controllable series capacitor for improving
small disturbance stability [4]. Recent studies show that
series reactive compensation is more efficient than shunt
1. INTRODUCTIOIrJ reactive compensation for damping of power swings [ 5 ] .
A question of great importance is the selection of the input
The power transfer capability of Ilong, inter-regional signals for the FACTS devices in order to damp power
transmission lines is usually limited by both large and small oscillations in an effective and robust manner. This paper
signal stability. Such economic factors as the high cost of develops a control strategy for the series-connected FACTS
long lines and the revenue obtainable from the delivery of devices based on energy functions. To do this, a common
additional power give strong incentives to explore all structure model for series-connected devices is developed.
economically and technically feasible means of raising the The derived control strategy has a basic structure for the
stability limit. three components and it is based on the variables which can
The fast progress in the field of power electronics has easily be obtained from locally measurable variables. The
already started to influence the power industry. In principle, selected control strategy is shown to be very effective for
thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC) and thyristor- increasing the stability limit of the studied power systems.
controlled phase shifting transformer (TCPST) could provide This work is in the line with [6] and [7] which energy
fast control of the active power through a transmission line. function approach are used for power swing damping. This
The possibility of controlling the transmittable power also work presents a novel model for series-connected FACTS
devices for incorporation in the energy function. The outline
of this paper is as follows:
PE-040-PWRD-0-01-1997 A paper recommended and approved Section 2 describes the operating principles and modelling of
by the IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee of the IEEE
Power Engineering Society for publication in the IEEE Transactions
series-connected FACTS devices UPFC, TCPST and TCSC.
on Power Delivery. Manuscript submitted January 3, 1996; made Section 3 develops a control strategy for the series-
available for printing January 8, 1997. connected FACTS devices based on an energy function.
Section 4 demonstrates the performance of the devices for
damping of power oscillations for various fault scenarios
through numerical examples.

0885-8977/97/$10.00 0 1997 IEEE

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2. ELLING It is shown in [l] and [2] that the equivalent circuit diagram
of Fig. 1 can be modelled as the dependent loads injected at
In this section, a general model is derived for series-shunt- nodes i and j. This model is called injection model and the
connected FACTS devices (UPFC, TCPST and TCSC). This general configuration is shown in Fig. 3:
model which is referred to as the injection model, is valid for
load flow and angle stability analysis, i.e., for situations
where phasor based models are valid. The model is helpful
for understanding the impact of these components on power
system. Furthermore, the contribution of UPFC, TCPST and
TCSC to the energy function can conveniently be identified.

el~ingof Series-Shunt-ConnectedDevices

UPFC and TCPST inject a voltage in series with a line

Fig.3: Injection model for series-shunt connected devices
through a series transformer. The active power involved in
the series injection is taken from the line through a shunt The expressions for Ps,,Qsr,P,,Q, are given in Table 1
transformer. UPFC generates or absorbs the needed reactive (6q = e i - Q j ) :
power locally by the switching operation of its converters,
while the reactive power injected in series with the line by
the TCPST, is taken from the line and is circulated through UPFC TCPST
the shunt transformer. Fig. 1 shows a general equivalent
diagram o f a series-shunt-connected device (like UPFC and
- Y'
Y4 V"

Table 1: UPFC and TCPST injection loads (b, = I/ X , )

It is seen that = ei -ej

which is expected, since UPFC and
Fig. 1: Equivalenit circuit diagram of UPFC or TCPST TCPST do not generate or absorb active power (when losses
are ignored).

In Fig. 1, X , is the effective reactance seen from the line side 2.2 Modelling of TCSC
of the series transformer. For UPFC X , = Xseries,for TCPST
X , = X,,,,,, + n2Xshunt,where X,,,,, is the reactance of series For studies involving load flow and angular stability analysis,
a TCSC can be modelled as a variable reactance. However,
transformer, Xshuntis the reactance of shunt transformer and
for the purpose of developing a control strategy and having a
n depends on the phase shifter angle [ 11[8]. similar approach with that of UPFG and TCPST, it is useful
% is the induced series voltage, and 7, represents a current to have an injection model representation of the TCSC.
source. is a fictitious voltage behind the series reactance. Namely, the equivalent circuit diagram in Fig. 1 is valid
Fig. 2 shows the phasor diagram of the equivalent circuit when 7, is set to zero, p= 4 2 in the phasor diagram of Fig.
diagram. 2 and X , is considered to be as a part of the transmission line
I I,
reactance. The injection model for a TCSC with
compensation degree Kc is given in Table 2 [8].

Fig. 2: Phasor diagram of the equivalent circuit diagram

The magnitude of is controllable by UPFC and TCPST. If

we define r = ~ ~then 0 <~r < r,,,. ~The angle
/ y is~ ~ ~ ,
controllable by UPFC from 0 to 2 7c. For TCPST: y = f 4 2 . Table 2: TCSC injection loads

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3. CONTROL STRATElGY To make V negative with maximum absolute value,

sin (Oil + y ) must be kept equal to +_1
depending on the sign
This section develops control strategies for damping of
electromechanical oscillations for series-connected FACTS of - ( O b ) . This gives the following control law:
devices. First the model of the controllers are incorporated in dt
an energy function. Then the time derivative of the energy
function is determined to yield the control laws. Control law for UPFC:

3.1 Energy Function d ;n

if -(e..)<O then: r=rmax and y = - - - O . .
The use of energy function for power systems has been dt 4 2 4
analysed in [9]. The energy function has the following form: n
y = +- - 8 . .
20 then: r = rmax and
2 4
v = EKE + Ep,rj + E , (1 1
For TCPST and TCSC, the control laws can be derived in the
where E , is a measure of the system kinetic energy, E,, is same way:
a potential energy and E, is a constant such that at the post-
0 Control law for TCPST:
fault stable equilibrium point the energy function is zero.
The impact of the series-connected FACTS devices are
modelled in the energy function through injection models ..) < 0 then: r = rmax and y = --
discussed in Section 2. To damp the electromechanical 2
oscillations, the total value of the energy function must 7L
2o then: = rmax and =+-
decrease and therefore the FACTS devices must be 2
controlled in such a way that: V I 0 . The time derivative of
energy function yields (The detailed calculations are given in
Control law for TCSC:
Appendix 2):
if -cos(@..) I O then: K , = Kcmax
l d t 9
if -cos(8 ..) > 0 then: K , = Kcmi"
It is observed that v is dependent of the derivative of the 1 d t 4
voltage angles and magnitudes. However, simulations show
d The difference between the voltage angles across the series-
that the term Psj -(eii) has the dominant impact on the time connected FACTS devices are used as input signals.
derivative of energy and the influences OP the other terms are 3.3 Influence of loading condition and network topology
negligible. Thus, the control action for !he series-connected
devices must satisfy: Based on this control strategy, the input signal is measured at
each sampling time (say 20 ms) and the controllers output
c = P . -(eq)
d Io (3) are determined. This control structure is independent of the
sJ dt system loading, network topology and fault types.
The above control law has a clear physical meaning when
Prj in Fig. 3 is examined, namely: 3.4 Influence of Multiple FACTS devices
The mathematical approach for deriving the developed
The active power injection by the controllable components control strategies can be extended to multiple series-
must oppose the growth of the active power through the connected FACTS devices if the requirement of the energy
transmission line. function are satisfied. Suppose that there are totally m series-
connected FACTS devices in a power system. Each device is
3.2 Control Laws
located between the nodes i,,, j,, such that n = 1,2,.. .,m ., In
The control laws for the series-connected FACTS devices are this case the derivative of energy function is extended to:
concluded by substituting Psj from Tables 1 and 2, and
calculating the control variables such that the absolute value v = Ccjn
" d
of the time derivative of energy function becomes maximum. 1
For example for UPFC, we have:
A sufficient condition to make v negative is that each device
PSJ = -rbs 6 Vj sin (eii + y ) fulfils the controls laws derived above. In this way, each
series-connected FACTS device will contribute to the
Equation (3) simplifies to: decrease of the total energy without deteriorating the impact
V = -rb,? Vj sin (eij +y)-(Bi,) I O (5) of the other controllers.

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regulation, the ratings of shunt transformer and converter 1

will increase). The voltage angles at the two nodes Bus i and
In this section, the developed control laws are applied for the Bus j are taken as input variables. The difference between the
model power systems. First, a two machine system is two machine angles ( 6 ) with different disturbances using the
considered and the effectiveness of the control strategy for proposed control strategy for the three devices are shown and
UPFC, TCPST and TCSC is studied. Next, the interaction of compared with the case without FACTS devices.
the controllers with each other is examined in a three
machine system. Case i: A three phase fault occurs on point F. The fault is
cleared after 80 ms with opening of the faulted line. Fig. 5
.1 Two ~ a Systems
~ ~ ~ n ~ shows the variation of the angle difference between the two
The power system shown in Fig. 4 is used to study the
performance of the proposed control strategies for
UPFCTCPST and TCSC. Two systems are connected via an
intertie. The lengths of the lines are shown in the figure. The
total power flow through the intertie is 2100MW (840 MW
through the 200 km line and 1260 MW through the 300 km
line). The machines are modelled with field windings and the
influence of exciters are included. No damper windings are
Bus I Busi Busi Bus2 100

6 [deg.] TCPST j 1 0 0 ~ l d e g . l TCSC'



S=3000+j750 S=41 OO+jl025
Fig. 4: 500 kV test power system '0 2 4 6 8 1 0

Fig. 5 : Variation of 6 against time for the case i

The series-connected FACTS devices are used in this system
in order:
Case ii: A three phase faults occurs near Bus I and it is
e To equalise the loading between the two parallel system. cleared after 80 ms (transient fault). Fig. 6 shows the
e To improve the damping of power swings. simulation results.

The data for the three devices are given in Table 3: 50

6 [deg.] No FACTS Device
I 6 [deg.] UPFC

ymax = 0.14, = 17 MVA, S,o, = 160 MVA
Sshunt-trans = l7 MVA7 Sseries-trans = 160 MVA -10 -10
Tim [SI
-30; '
2 4 6 8 1
'0 -30;
4 6 8 3
rmax= O.18((bmax= 10")
TcPST Sshunt-trans - Sseries-trans = lg3MVA I 6 [deg.] TCSC

TCSC K , is variable from zero to 34%, Mvar = 148

Time [SI -30
' O T i m [SI k
0 2 4 6 8 1 0
Table 3: Data for FACTS devices
Fig. 6: Variation of 6 against time for the case ii
It is to be noted that a UPFC can also be used for voltage
regulation. However, in this example this feature is not
The simulation results show that the proposed control
exploited in order to have a basis for comparison between the
strategies can be used to effectively damp the power swings.
three components. (Clearly, in case of provision for voltage

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4.2. Multi-Machine System SM2 and SM3) are shown. A three phase fault occurs on the
bus connected to TCSC1. The fault is cleared after 100 ms.
The power system in Fig 8 is used to study the influence of
Fig. 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d show the simulation results.
multi-FACTS devices on damping of power swings using the
proposed control strategy. Two sub-systems are connected
via an intertie. The total power flow through the intertie is . .
2000 MW. The machines are modelled in detail and the
influence of exciters are included. The data for the
synchronous machines are given in Appendix 1.

Time [SI Time [SI

Fig. 9a: Variation of S,, and S,, against time withfixed
2000 m
I20 h capacitors
Load 2 TCSCI
200 h
I50 h

Load 4
Load 3

Fig. 8: 500 kV test power system Time [s] Time [SI

Following both large and small disturbances, the system Fig. 9b: Variation of a,, and a,, against time with TCSCI
exhibits power oscillations. To stabilise the power swings,
two TCSCs are assumed to be located on the system. The 612 [deg.] TCSC2 I6 23 [deg.] TCSC2

TCSCs reactances are modelled as:

0- .L 4

where Xis the virtual reactance of the TCSC, X,, is the

reactance of the TCSC capacitor and Kboost shows the degree -100, 2 4
Fig. 9c: Variation of 6,, and
Time [s]
8 Ib 6,, 4 2
against time with TCSC2
4 6
Time [s]
8 IL

of the voltage boost across the capacitor (In general, the

virtual reactance of a TCSC can be both inductive and
capacitive, however, in this example only the capacitive 2oo/ 6 12 [deg.] ’ TCSCl+TCSC2 I 12
S,, [deg.] TCSCl+TCSC2
reactance is used). For this example, the following values are

Tim [SI Time [SI

Fig. 9d: Variation of 6,, and 6,, against time with both
Table 4: Data for the controllable s,eries capacitors

The simulation results show the effectiveness of the control

The response of the system a three phase: fault is studied with
strategy. TCSCl has a better damping effect than TCSC2
the following schemes:
because it is located on the main intertie and has a larger size.
a. Both T c s c s act asfixed capacitors ( Ikbo,,, = 0 ). It is interesting to note that the introduction of the TCSC2
into the system, does not degrade the impact of the TCSCl
b. TCSCl is controlled and TCSC2 acts us a fixed capacitor. on the damping of power swings. This example shows an
outstanding feature of the proposed control strategy, namely:
c.TCSC2 is controlled and TCSCl acts as afixed capacitor. “the controllers do not affect each other adversely”.
d. Both TCSCl and TCSC2 are controlled.
4.3. Experiment on Large Systems
In each scheme, the variation of 6,, (angle difference
between SM1 and SM2) and S,, (angle difference between The proposed control laws has been successfully tested in a
300 bus, 60 machine of Nordel system.

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The authors wish to thank Mr. Lars Lindquist from ABB
This paper has developed a general injection model for Power Systems for his help in simulating the controllable
series-connected FACTS devices. The models have been components.
incorporated in an energy function and the control laws for BI
damping of electromechanical oscillations are concluded.
The conclusions of this paper can be summarised as follows: Mojtaba Noroozian: (M’92) He received his B.SC. in
electrical engineering from Arya-Mehr (sharif) University in
The proposed control strategy based upon locally Tehran, M.Sc. in power systems from University of
measurable variables can be used for series-connected Manchester, Institute of Technology (UMIST) and Ph.D.
FACTS devices (UPFC, TCPST and TCSC) to damp from Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. He has been
power swings. The pelformance of such a controller is with ASEA (ABB) since 1984. He is now with ABB Power
robust with respect to network structure, fault location Systems AB, Reactive Power Compensation Division.
and system loading.
Lennart Angquist:. He received his M.Sc. degree in
Using the proposed control strategies, the series- electrical engineering from Lund Institute of Technology,
connected FACTS devices can be used in several Sweden. He joined ASEA in Vasteris, working with motor
locations. The total effect on damping ofpower swings is drives and power electronics for industrial and traction
larger than the impact of the individual devices. applications. Since 1987 he has been with ABB Power
Systems AB, Reactive Power Compensation Division.
EFERENCES Mehrdad Ghandhari: He is a graduate student at the Royal
Institute of Technology, Sweden. His interest is power
system dynamics.
[1] M. Noroozian and G. Andersson, “Power Flow Control
GSran Andersson: (M’86-SM’9 1) He received his M.Sc.
by Use of Controllable Series Components”, IEEE
and Ph.D. degree from the University of Lund. In 1980 he
Transaction on Power Delivery, Vol. 8, No. 3, July 1993, pp.
joined ASEA:s HVDC-division and in 1986 he was
appointed professor in Electric Power Systems at the Royal
[2] M. Noroozian, et al, “Use of UPFC For Optimal Power Institute of Technology, Stockholm. He is a member of the
Flow Control”, In Proceedings of Stockholm Power Tech, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and the
Stockholm, June 1995. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
[3] E.W. Kimbark, “Improvement of System Stability by
Switched Series Capacitors, ” IEEE Transactions on Power
Apparatus and Systems, PAS-85(2), Feb. 1966, pp. 180-188.
[4] A. Olwegird, et. al, “Improvement of Transmission
Capacity by Thyristor Control Reactive Power”, IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS- 100(8),
Aug. 1981, pp. 3933-3939.
[5] M. Noroozian and 6. Andersson. “Damping of Power
System Oscillations by Controllable Components”. IEEE
Transaction on Power Delivery, vol 9, No. 4, Oct. 1994, pp,
[6] G.D. Galanos, et al, “Advanced Static Compensator For I x,” I 0.20 I 0.20 I 0.20 I
Flexible AC Transmission”. IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, Vol8, No. 1, Feb. 1993, pp. 113-121.
[7] J. F. Gronquist, et al, “Power Oscillation Damping
Control Strategies For FACTS Devices Using Locally
Measurable Quantities”. Presented at IEEE 1995 Winter
meeting, paper No. 95 WM 185-9 PWRS.
[81 M. Noroozian, “Exploring Benefits of Controllable ..” I I I

Components in Power Systems”, PhD thesis, Royal Institute 0.03 I 0.08 I 0.08
of Technology, Sweden, 1994, TRITA-EES-9402. I 0.06 I- I-
[9] M.A. Pai, “Energy Function Analysis For Power System
Stability”, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Loadmodel: P=P,(V/Vo), Q = Q , ( V / y )*

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APPENDIX 2 Rearranging, we have:

The following definitions are valid in this study:

nRis the number of generators buses. The generator buses
are numbered from 1 to ng.
n=l m=l+n, n=l J
nbis the number of non-generator buses. The non-generator
buses are numbered from ng 1 lo ng -1- nb .+

in= n=l

x b d n V m E nsinZnzn8, +
ng+nb ng+nb


M,is the inertia constant of machine n. + I+n, I+n, I+n,

a,, and the angle and angular velocity of machine n.

bo,,,,is the susceptance between Bus m and Bus n .
bdl,is transient susceptance of the n th machine. m=l+n, 1
The system equations are written in the centre-of-inertia
frame with the following definitions:

It "

with M = C M n ,"e,=%,-6,,, , n=nR+l,..,ng+nb

- n=l
- -
6, =6, -6, 0,= U " - mcol U), := U , -o,,
( n = l,2,..,ng)
The energy function is selected as:
- I Q . .
- p .SJ g .J - A V .
Q . .

U( W,it V )= v,, ( W)+ v p , ( $, V )+ v, v, V I

The expressions of V can be recognised as follows:
where V,,(W) is the kinetic energy of the: system:
- The expression in the first bracket is the power swing
balance and is equal to zero .
- The second bracket consists the expression for the total
active powers going out from all load buses and is equal to
and VpE($, V ) is the potential energy: zero.
- The expression in the third row is the total reactive powers
going out from all load buses and is equal to zero. Thus the
n=l n=n,+l time derivative of the energy function simplifies to:
L- Q . .
Q . .
v, J y
Assume that a series-connected FACTS device is connected Consequently, the time derivative of energy function for
between node i and j in a power system. The energy function series-connected FACTS devices is:
for the power system is:

U(&,& 6, V )= V,,(W> + VP,(&ii, V )+ v,

The time derivative of energy function becomes:

2vmvm - vmvnc013om, - vmvn
2 - -
m=l+ng n=l+n, +vmvnsin o,,o,, - V,,V, sin zinznzin

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