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Damong-maria is an erect perennial herb, hairy, aromatic, rank smelling, often

half-woody, growing to a height of 1 meter or less. Stems are leafy and

branched. Leaves are pinnately lobed, 5 to 14 centimeters long, hairy, gray
beneath, with nearly smooth above. Flowering heads are numerous, ovoid, 3 to
4 millimeters long, occurring in large numbers in spikelike, ascending, and
branched inflorescences. Fruit, an achene, is minute.

Benefits of Damong Maria

This herb is usually known as “Motherwort” or “ Maiden wort” in English. It comes
with the scientific name Atemesia vulgaris. It typically occurs in all warm
countries including Philippines, from Batan Island and northern Luzon to
Damong Maria is often found in and about towns at low and medium altitudes. It
is frequently planted and established around the houses and garden and open
Furthermore, this plant is also beneficial to our health. In fact, study of crude
extract yielded alkaloids, cournarins, flavonoids, saponins, sterols, tannins, and
terpenes. This plant is considered effective as antimicrobial, anticonvulsant,
hepatoprotective, and antioxidant. However, though it has a lot of herbal
properties this plant should not be used by pregnant women.

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