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Mutiara Ezrani br Sitepu, M.Psi
Importance of Learning
Consumer Learning = A process by which individuals acquire the
purchase and consumption knowledge and experience that they apply
to future related behavior.

Elements of Learning Theories

• Motivation --> dorongan perilaku yg berasal dari kebutuhan &
• Cues  isyarat/stimulus utk menarik motif
• Response  reaksi individu terhadap motif dan isyarat dari
• Reinforcement  A positive or negative outcome that
influences the likelihood that a specific behavior will be repeated
in the future in response to a particular cue or stimulus.
Learning Theories
• Behavioral Theories: • Cognitive Theories:
Theories based on the A theory of learning
premise that learning based on mental
takes place as the
result of observable
responses to external processing, often in
stimuli. Also known as response to
stimulus response problem solving 
I. Behavioral Learning Theories
1. Classical Conditioning
2. Instrumental Conditioning
3. Modeling or Observational Learning
A behavioral learning
theory according to
which a stimulus is
paired with another
1. Classical
stimulus that elicits a
known response that
serves to produce the
same response when
used alone.
Model Pengkondisian Klasik Pavlov
Stimulus tidak terkondisi :
Respon Tak Terkondisi :
Air Liur
Stimulus terkondisi :
Bel setiap 6 jam

Setelah pengulangan :
Respon Tak Terkondisi :
Stimulus terkondisi :
Air Liur
Bel setiap 6 jam
Strategic Applications of Classical Conditioning
• Repetition
• Stimulus Generalization  The inability to
perceive differences between slightly dissimilar
• Stimulus Discrimination  Kemampuan untuk
memilih stimulus spesifik dari rangsangan yang sama
karena perbedaan yang dirasakan. Pemimpin pasar
biasanya ingin agar produknya dilihat berbeda dengan
pesaingnya. Oleh karena itu, diskriminasi stimulus
biasanya dipakai melakukan positioning dan
differentiation produk oleh produsen/pemimpin pasar
pada umumnya.
• Repetition increases strength of associations and slows
forgetting but over time may result in advertising
wearout (kebosanan thdp iklan).
• Repetition purpose to make consumer aware of the
product, show the relevance of the product, and remind
them of its benefits.

Cara menghindari advertising wearout:

• Variasi  Iklan Lux, menggunakan model yang berbeda dalam
menunjukkan variasi pilihan sabun lux. Sampoerna Hijau,
menggunakan plot cerita yang berbeda untuk menarik minat dan
perhatian konsumen.
• Three Hit Theory (konsep pengulangan 3 kali). Pengulangan
bertutut diatas tiga kali tidak akan menghasilkan efek
conditioning, malah akan mengakibatkan Advertising Wearout.
Variasi sebagai cara menghindari advertising wearout

9/27/2018 9
Stimulus Generalization and Marketing
1. Product Line, Form and Category
2. Family Branding
3. Licensing
Stimulus Generalization and Marketing in
Product Line, Form and Category Extensions

Product Line
Stimulus Generalization and Marketing in
Product Line, Form and Category Extensions

Figure 7.6 Product Form Extensions

Stimulus Generalization and Marketing in
Product Line, Form and Category Extensions

Figure Product Category Extensions

Stimulus Generalization and Marketing in Product
Line, Form and Category Extensions

Figure Product Line & Category

Stimulus Generalization and Marketing in Product
Line, Form and Category Extensions
Me too Product
• Me Too Product adalah suatu konsep yang membuat kemasan mirip dengan
kemasan produk pesaing, yang biasa melakukan ini adalah follower yang
berusaha membuat kemiripan dengan produk pemimpin pasar.
• Para pesaing yang menciptakan produk me too product ini bertujuan untuk
menyampaikan pesan bahwa produknya memiliki citra yang baik seperti
layaknya produk dengan merek yang sudah ternama.
• Me Too Products kadang di sebut juga Look Alike Packaging
• Contoh: Strategi wings ketika mengeluarkan produk barunya tidak
berdasarkan riset, namun copy dari brand/perusahaan yg sudah punya nama
di pasaran. Cthnya Ciptadent hasil copy dari Pepsodent.
Stimulus Generalization and Marketing in
Product Line, Form and Category Extensions
Similar Name
• Prinsip produk similar name sama dengan me too
product, yaitu pesaing ingin membuat citra
produknya sama dengan produk pemimpin pasar
dimata konsumen.
• Kesamaan tersebut diharapkan bisa membuat
konsumen menarik asosiasi kualitas antara kedua
produk tersebut.
• Contoh: Oreo VS Rodeo (biskuit), Nyam-nyam VS
Yan-yan (snack anak-anak), Toto VS Toho (produk
sanitary), Gucci VS Guci (produk tas, accessoris)
Stimulus Generalization and Marketing in Family
Family Branding
Contoh dari family branding, yaitu : merk ABC,
pertama kali hanya ada pada batu baterai saja,
namun kemudian diperluas menjadi berbagai
macam produk seperti : Kecap, sirup, sambal,
mie, dan sebagainya.
Family Branding
Licensing Licensing adalah praktek pemberian
nama produk/merek dengan
menggunakan nama-nama selebriti,
nama desainer, nama produsen, nama
perusahaan, bahkan tokoh-tokoh film
kartun. Citra positif yang telah
terbangun dari tokoh-tokoh tersebut
diharapkan dapat mengalir kepada
produk-produk yang menggunakan
The ability to select
a specific stimulus
Stimulus from among similar
Discrimination stimuli because of

Positioning penetapan citra yg unik thdp merek/produk

Differenciation kekhasan dari suatu merek/produk

Stimulus Discrimination: Positioning
Stimulus Discrimination: Differentiation
• Pemasar/produsen berusaha mengkomunikasikan nilai
lebih produk mereka yang tidak dimiliki produk lain.
• Jika konsumen dapat /mampu merasakan adanya
perbedaan tersebut, maka produsen tersebut dianggap
telah mampu membuat differensiasi produknya dimata
• Contoh: Wardah  cosmetic halal, Sariayu  kosmetik
A behavioral theory of
learning based on a
trial-and-error process,
2. with habits forced as
Instrumental the result of positive
(Operant) experiences
Conditioning (reinforcement)
resulting from certain
responses or
Instrumental Conditioning
• Consumers learn by means of trial and error
process in which some purchase behaviors
result in more favorable outcomes (rewards)
than other purchase behaviors.
• A favorable experience is instrumental in
teaching the individual to repeat a specific
Figure 7.10 A Model of Instrumental
Try Unrewarded
Brand A Legs too tight

Try Unrewarded
Brand B Tight in seat
Try Unrewarded
(Need good-
looking jeans) Brand C Baggy in seat

Try Reward
Brand D Perfect fit
Repeat Behavior
Instrumental Conditioning and
1. Customer Satisfaction
2. Reinforcement Schedules &
3. Massed versus Distributed
Instrumental Conditioning and
Marketing : Reinforcement
• Positive Reinforcement: • Negative Reinforcement:
Positive outcomes that Unpleasant or negative
strengthen the likelihood outcomes that serve to
of a specific response encourage a specific
• Example: Ad showing behavior
beautiful hair as a • Example: Ad showing
reinforcement to buy wrinkled skin as
shampoo reinforcement to buy skin
Instrumental Conditioning and
Marketing : Reinforcement

Menampilkan Komentar
Positif dari Pelanggan
Instrumental Conditioning and Marketing:
Reinforcement Schedules

Jadwal Penguatan Secara Jadwal Penguatan Sistematis

Instrumental Conditioning and
Marketing: Reinforcement Schedules

Kupon Berhadiah & Pengumpulan Poin  Shapping

Massed vs Distributed Learning
• Timing has an important influence on consumer learning.
• Should a learning schedule be spread out over a period of
time (distributed learning), or should it be “bunched up” all
at once (massed learning)?
• The question is important for advertisers planning a media
schedule, because massed advertising produces more initial
learning, whereas a distributed schedule usually results in
learning that persists longer.
• When advertisers want an immediate impact (e.g., to
introduce a new product or to counter a competitor’s blitz
campaign), they generally use a massed schedule to hasten
consumer learning.
• When the goal is long-term repeat buying on a regular basis,
a distributed schedule is preferable.
Other Concepts in Reinforcement
• Punishment
– Choose reinforcement rather than punishment
• Extinction
– Combat with consumer satisfaction
• Forgetting
– Combat with repetition
Factors Involving Forgetting:
Time Forgetting is rapid at first and then levels off
Interference  Old information in memory interferes
with learning similar, new material.
A process by which
individuals observe
the behavior of
Observational others, and
Learning consequences of
such behavior. Also
known as modeling
or vicarious learning.
Consumers Learn by
Consumers Learn by Modeling
Holds that the kind
of learning most
II. characteristic of
Cognitive human beings is
problem solving,
Learning which enables
Theory individuals to gain
some control over
their environment.
Appeal to Cognitive Processing
Outcomes & Measures of Consumer Learning
• Recognition and Recall Measures  tingkat
sejauhmana konsumen mengerti dengan tepat iklan yg
disampaikan. Pemasar melakukan pengujian teks iklan yaitu pra
pengujian dan pasca pengujian.
• Brand Loyalty  konsumen setia melakukan pembelian
pada merek tertentu utk produk tertentu.
• Brand Equity
 Merujuk pada nilai yang terkandung dalam suatu merk terkenal.
 Nilai tersebut muncul dari persepsi konsumen terhadap
superioritas merk.
 Brand equity merefleksikan kesetiaan merk yang dipelajari.
 Brand loyalty dan brand equity menyebabkan pangsa pasar dan
keuntungan meningkat.
Terima Kasih

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