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Name , surname ……………………………………………………………………………… Date ………………………

1- Vocabulary.

Pelo rizado: _______________ Pelo liso: _______________________

Barba: ___________________ Bigote: _________________________

Pelo largo: ________________ Pelo corto: _____________________

Gafas: ___________________ Coleta: ________________________

2 – Complete using the verb “to be”.

1. I _________________a doctor. (✗)

2. ________ she wearing a coat? Yes, she __________.

3. He _______________ tall and thin. (✓)

4. __________ they very strong? No, they __________.

5. You ______________ at home. (✗)

3 – Complete using the verb “to have got”.

1. I __________________straight black hair. (✗)

2. ___________you _______a moustache? Yes, I __________.

3. They ________________ glasses. (✓)

4. ___________ he __________ a beard? No, he ___________.

5. We _________________ curly hair. (✗)

4– What time is it?

8:00 - __________________________________________

4:15 - __________________________________________

7:30 - __________________________________________

1:00 - __________________________________________

5:30 - __________________________________________

10:45 - _________________________________________
Name , surname ……………………………………………………………………………… Date ………………………

5 – Look and circle

1 - Have we got English and science on Monday? Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t.
2 - We’ve got / We haven’t got history and drama on Tuesday.
3 - Have we got PE and ICT on Wednesday?. / No, we haven’t.
4 - We’ve got / We haven’t got art and music on Thursday.
5 - We’ve got / We haven’t got geography and maths on Friday.

6 – Read and complete.

Hi, I’m Lucy. This is my school timetable. On Monday, I’ve got history at nine o’clock
and ICT at quarter to eleven. On Tuesday, I’ve got maths at one o’clock and geography
at half past two. On Wednesday, I’ve got PE at quarter to eleven and art at half past
two. On Thursday, I’ve got drama at nine o’clock and science before lunch. On Friday,
I’ve got English at quarter to eleven and music after lunch.
Name , surname ……………………………………………………………………………… Date ………………………

7 – Read. True or false?

Hello, I’m Ethan. It’s Monday today and I’ve got science at quarter past nine. After that
I’ve got English at eleven o’clock. Then I have lunch. After lunch, I’ve got maths at
quarter past one. I haven’t got art or ICT today. My last lesson is PE at half past two.

1 - I’ve got science at quarter past nine.______________

2 - I haven’t got English today. ______________
3 - I’ve got maths after lunch. ______________
4 - I’ve got art in the afternoon. ______________
5 - I haven’t got ICT today. ______________

8- Listen and number.

9- Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗).

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