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v1.0.14 manual
ObdTunerPro manual do v1.0.14 um
Índice ​1 Introdução .................................. ..................................................
.................................................. ... 6

2 Avisos ............................................ .................................................. ................................................


3 Requisitos ................................................. .................................................. ....................................


3.1 Interface OBD .......... .................................................. ..................................................

.............. 8

3.2 PC, laptop ou tablet ............................. ..................................................

.................................... 8

4 Instalação e configuração ......... .................................................. ..................................................


4.1 Instalação ............... .................................................. ..................................................

............. 9

4.2 Configuração .................................. ..................................................

........................................ 9

4.2.1 Selecione o idioma .... ..................................................

.................................................. ...... 9
4.2.2 Chave de licença ...................................... ..................................................
.............................. 9

4.2.3 Porta serial ............... ..................................................

.................................................. ... 9

4.2.4 Interface OBD com conector serial (RS232) ................................... ...........................


4.2.5 Interface OBD com conector USB .............. ..................................................

............... 10

4.2.6 Interface OBD com Bluetooth ............................ ........................... ..............................


4.2.7 Baud rate .............. .................................................. ..................................................

... 13

4.2.8 Modo rápido, somente ELM327 v1.3 ou superior .................................

................................... 13

4.2.9 Se a interface não funciona ..... .................................................. ..............................


5 Armazenamento de dados ............... ..................................................

.................................................. ............... 15

5.1 Memória temporária ............................... ..................................................

............................... 15

5.2 Memória permanente ............... ..................................................

............................................... 15

6 Menu .................................................. ..................................................

............................................. 16

7 Ta bs no ObdTunerPro ............................................... ..................................................

....................... 16

7.1 aba mestre geral ...................... ..................................................

.......................................... 18
7.1.1 Aba Notas .. .................................................. ..................................................
............... 18

7.1.2 Guia de configuração do motor ............................ ..................................................

.......................... 19

7.1.3 Guia Medição de Energia ............... ..................................................

............................ 20

Manual do utilizador do ObdTunerPro V1.0.14 2

7.1.4 Separador Medidas .......... .................................................. ............................... 21

7.1.5 Aba Registro. .................................................. ..................................................

.............. 22

7.2 Aba Master Calibração 1 ou 2 ...............................................

.................................................. 23

7.2.1 guia Configurações ........................................... ..................................................

....................... 23

7.2.2 Aba inicial ....................... ..................................................

........................................................................................................... 24

7.2.3 Ralenti ... .................................................. ..................................................

........................................................................................................... 25

7.2.4 Parada mais lenta .................... .................................................. ...............................


7.2.5 Aba do combustível ............. ..................................................

.................................................. ....... 27

7.2.6 Abastecer mais a ficha .................................... ..................................................

................................... 28

7.2.7 Aba de ignição ................... ............................... ..................................................

............... 29

7.2.8 Ignition mais guia ............................ ..................................................

........................... 30
7.2.9 Aba do acelerador ................. ..................................................
.............................................. 31

7.2. 10 separador transitório ............................................... ..................................................

....................................................... 32

7.2.11 Aba de retardamento de travamento ............................

.................................................. ............................... 33

7.2.12 Guia de hardware extra ............... ..................................................

..................................... 34

8 Lista de peças compatíveis com o ObdTunerPro .... .................................................. .............. 35

8.1 Injetores ................................. .................................................. ...................................

............ 35

8.2 Reguladores de pressão de combustível .................................

.................................................. ...................... 35

8.3 Bombas de combustível ........................ ..................................................

.................................................. .. 35

8.4 Corpos do acelerador ............................................ ..................................................

.......................... 35

8.5 Sensores de Pressão de Ar do Manifold .................. ..................................................

............................ 35

8.6 Impulso máximo .................. ..................................................

.................................................. 35

8.7 RPM máxima do motor ............................................. ..................................................

.............. 35

8.8 Sensores de temperatura do ar de entrada ..............................

.................................................. ................ 35

8.9 Catalítico conversor ................................................. ..................................................

............... 36

8.10 Sensores lambda ............................... ..................................................

................................ 36

Manual do utilizador ObdTunerPro V1.0.14 3

8.11 Controladores / sensores de banda larga ...... ..................................................
....................................... 36

8.12 Redutor / redutor final ......... .................................................. ...........................................


8.13 Sistema de injeção de água ... ..................................................

................................................. 36

9 Execução de tarefas básicas .............................................. ..................................................

.......................... 37

9.1 Sincronizando com o carro ................... ..................................................

................................. 37

9.2 Salvando uma calibração .................................................. ..................................................

............. 39

9.3 Importando uma calibração da versão 2 do ObdTuner .............................

............................................... 40

9.4 Carregar um calibração para a ECU ..............................................

............................................ 41

9.5 Modificando uma calibração .. ..................................................

.................................................. ..... 42

9.6 Tornando as mudanças permanentes ........................................

.................................................. ......... 44

9.7 Usando o modo de calibração dupla ...................................

.................................................. ............... 45

9.7.1 Ativando o modo de calibração dupla ............................

.................................................. ..... 45

9.7.2 Modificando uma calibração ...................................... ...........................

............................... 50
9.7.3 Notas importantes relativas a calibrações duplas ..........
.................................................. ... 52

9.8 Criando um log .......................................... ..................................................

.............................. 53

9.9 Colocação em funcionamento e sintonização de aquecimento ..............

.................................................. .................................. 59

9.10 Afinação lenta ............ .................................................. ..................................................

.......... 62

9.11 Aprendendo a tabela de combustível base .................................

.................................................. ........... 64

9.12 Medição de potência ................................... .................................................. .............. 68

9.12.1 Que valores colocar no diálogo de medição: ................. .................................... 70

9.12.2 Modificando os dados de execução ...... ............... ..................................................

.......................... 70

9.12.3 Comparando os resultados: ................. ..................................................

.............................. 70

9.12.4 Processar dados lambda .............. ..................................................

.................................. 71

9.12.5 Modificar a ignição WOT ....... ..................................................

........................................... 72

9.13 Knock learning ... .................................................. ..................................................

.............. 73

9.14 Calibrando o sistema transitório ............................... .................................................. .......


ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 4

9.15 Calibrar a ignição para potência máxima ............................. .......................... 76
9.16 Calibrando o sistema de retardo de detonação .... ..................................................
............... .................. 78

9.17 Instalar novas peças do motor ............................... ..................................................

.............. 79

9.17.1 Configurações de configuração do motor ............................

.................................................. .................. 79

9.17.2 Configurações dependentes da calibração ......................

.................................................. ............ 83

9.18 Instalando um sensor de banda larga ................................

.................................................. .......... 85

9.19 Controle de combustível de banda larga ..................................

.................................................. .......... 87

9.20 Instalando um sensor TMAP ......................... ..................................................

....................... 90

9.21 Instalação de um interruptor de calibração ................... ..................................................

.................... 92

9.22 Conectando um sistema de injeção de água ................... ..................................................

............ 94

9.23 Instalar outro corpo do acelerador ................................ ..................................................

..... 100

9.24 Instalando um patch ........................................ ..................................................

.................... 101

10 Numeração dos pinos do conector ECU: ....................... ..................................................

.............................. 102

11 Códigos de diagnóstico específicos do ObdTunerPro .............. ..................................................

........................... 103

12 Sugestões e recomendações ................... .................................................. ........................... 103

13 Lista de palavras ................... .................................................. ..................................................

..................... 104

Manual do ObdTunerPro V1.0.14 5

1 Introdução ​Com o ObdTuner é possível calibrar a ECU (El unidade de controlo
ectronic) do VX220 (também conhecido como o Opel Speedster). O software também
foi testado e mostrado para funcionar em um Astra mantendo todos os recursos, como
controle de cruzeiro, etc. Com o ObdTuner, você pode aproveitar ao máximo as
modificações feitas no motor para que o total pareça um OEM instalado e calibrado.
componente. Quando modificações são feitas no motor, a adaptação da calibração
para essas mudanças resultará em mais potência, melhor quilometragem, emissões de
escape mais limpas, melhor resposta do acelerador e mais confiabilidade. Também é
possível modificar coisas como chute do ventilador na temperatura, velocidade do
acelerador, limite de rpm, etc. Uma opção de sintonização automática para aprender a
tabela de combustível base e corrigir a tabela de ignição com dados de retardamento
de detonação é incluída. Também está disponível uma opção de medição de potência
para que você possa ver exatamente quanto e onde a energia é obtida ou perdida com
uma modificação ou calibração.

Se o seu ECU for atualizado com o software ObdTunerPro, ele poderá acompanhar as
modificações do seu mecanismo, não importa se é algo simples, como substituir o
escapamento ou uma atualização extensa, como a adição de um supercharger ou
turbo. Outra grande vantagem em relação a uma ECU de reposição é o fato de você
não precisar trocar o chicote ou os conectores. O tear original da fiação de fábrica e os
sensores podem ser usados, portanto, a confiabilidade da fábrica será garantida.
Também a construção original em sistemas de segurança e a construção em
diagnósticos são preservadas e estendidas.

Para que o ObdTuner funcione com o seu carro, é necessário atualizar o ECU com
uma versão de firmware especial. O ObdTuner não é gratuito, para mais
informações, entre em contato com info@ObdTuner.com

Este manual discute a instalação e ativação do software cliente para ObdTunerPro, o

software cliente é a parte PC do pacote de software e é necessário para personalizar o
ECU. Uma visão geral é dada sobre a estrutura do aplicativo e como um número de
tarefas básicas podem ser executadas.

Ajustar o motor em si está fora do escopo deste


ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 6

2 Avisos ​Não é aconselhável controlar um computador enquanto conduz, também

isto não é necessário. Todos os registros, etc., podem ser feitos sem operar o
computador e podem ser visualizados posteriormente.

A ECU original contém um erro que pode ocorrer quando o conector OBD está sendo
usado para ler dados. Como o ObdTuner, tal como a ferramenta de diagnóstico Opel
Tech2, pode registar informações através do conector OBD, é possível que este erro
seja acionado. Quando o erro ocorre, o motor irá reter por um breve momento. Isso
pode ser perigoso ao dirigir no limite em uma curva, esteja ciente deste erro e não dirija
no limite com o registro ativo.

O ajuste só é útil quando o motor está em boas condições. Não ajuste um motor se
houver problemas mecânicos ou eletrônicos. Antes de sintonizar, verifique o motor, os
sensores e a ECU quanto a códigos de erro, etc. Não deve haver códigos de erro
definidos antes de começar a sintonizar o motor e fazer alterações na calibração.

O ObdTunerPro permite que um grande número de variáveis ​seja alterado na ECU.

Algumas destas variáveis ​são bastante inofensivas, mas outras podem danificar
seriamente o motor quando não estão devidamente ajustadas, por isso, se você não
sabe a função de uma variável, provavelmente é melhor não alterá-la.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 7

3 Requisitos ​Para poder utilizar o ObdTunerPro, são
necessários os seguintes itens.
o ​Software cliente ObdTuner (download gratuito em
www.ObdTuner.com) ​o ​Atualização do firmware da ECU ​o ​Número da
licença ​o ​Interface ELM OBD (não fornecido). ​o ​Laptop ou PC (não

3.1 Interface OBD ​Para conectar um PC ou laptop

ao carro uma interface OBD é necessária. O ObdTuner
funciona apenas com uma interface baseada no
ELM327. A interface OBD deve ser 100% compatível
com ELM327. Infelizmente, isso faz com que a
interface chinesa mais recente seja inútil, pois eliminou
uma grande quantidade de funcionalidades de suas
interfaces. ​Portanto, antes de comprar uma interface,
verifique se ela é uma interface 100% genuína baseada
no ELM327. ​No momento, a opção mais segura é
provavelmente ir para um OBDLink genuíno (ver foto).

As interfaces OBD existem em diferentes versões. Uma interface pode ser comprada
com diferentes opções de conexão, as que estão na lista abaixo são suportadas:
o ​Serial ​o
USB ​o

3.2 PC, laptop ou tablet ​O computador deve executar o Microsoft Windows. As

seguintes versões do Windows foram testadas e funcionam com o ObdTuner:
o ​Windows XP ​o ​Windows
Vista ​o ​Windows 7 (32 e 64 bits)
o ​Windows 8.1 (32 e 64 bits) ​o
Windows 10 (32 e 64 bits)

O software será não é executado em nenhuma das

versões do Windows RT.

Recomenda-se usar um laptop, notebook, netbook ou tablet com o ObdTunerPro, por

isso é fácil colocar o computador no carro. Embora o aplicativo ObdTunerPro não
exija um computador de alto desempenho, é importante verificar se o aplicativo é
executado sem problemas antes de adquirir um sistema.
Manual do utilizador do ObdTunerPro V1.0.14 8
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 9
4 Instalação e configuração O ​ObdTunerPro é composto por uma
atualização do firmware da ECU e uma aplicação para PC também chamada cliente,
este capítulo trata da instalação e configuração da aplicação do PC.

4.1 Instalação ​O aplicativo para PC consiste em um único executável, portanto

nenhum arquivo separado será instalado no sistema, isso significa que você pode
simplesmente copiar 'ObdTunerPro.exe' em qualquer pasta que desejar e clicar duas
vezes nele para executá-lo. O aplicativo é melhor instalado em uma pasta separada,
onde você também pode armazenar seus arquivos de calibração para referência futura.
Esta pasta pode ser criada em qualquer lugar no computador. Os arquivos de
calibração não devem ser armazenados no diretório Arquivos de Programas do
Windows porque eles precisam de direitos de administrador para poder gravar dados.
Quando uma pasta é criada, o aplicativo 'ObdTunerPro.exe' pode ser copiado aqui.
Para poder iniciar o aplicativo rapidamente, faça um atalho para a área de trabalho
clicando no aplicativo com o botão direito do mouse e escolhendo a opção apropriada
no menu.

4.2 Configuração ​Antes que o ObdTunerPro possa ser usado no carro, o

ObdTunerPro deve ser configurado para que ele possa se comunicar com a interface
OBD. Para configurar o ObdTunerPro, abra o item de menu, Geral e selecione
Configuração,​ uma caixa de diálogo abaixo será exibida com as seguintes opções.

idioma ​Escolha o
idioma desejado na
caixa de listagem.

4.2.2 Chave de licença ​Digite ou cole a chave de licença fornecida na caixa de

texto. A chave deve ser copiada exatamente como está incluindo espaços, etc.

4.2.3 Porta serial ​Antes de configurar o ObdTunerPro, é necessário saber qual porta
de comunicação a interface do ELM OBD está usando. Comece conectando a
interface ELM OBD ao computador. Normalmente, o Windows instalará um driver de
trabalho para a interface, se um driver não for instalado automaticamente, será
necessário instalar o driver que acompanha a interface. Consulte o manual que
acompanha a interface para mais informações. Quando a interface OBD foi instalada e
conectada ao computador, a porta de comunicação deve ser recuperada. Às vezes, é
necessário aguardar alguns minutos antes que o sistema reconheça o novo hardware.
Os exemplos abaixo são para um sistema Windows 10 e podem ser diferentes para
outras versões do Windows, mas o princípio será o mesmo.
4.2.4 Interface OBD com conector serial (RS232)
Quando uma porta serial normal é usada (portanto, não é USB ou Bluetooth), o
número da porta é normalmente listado na própria carcaça do computador. Por
exemplo, se o número no caso for 1, a interface OBD estará disponível na porta COM
1 e a COM1 deverá ser selecionada como porta serial. Se nenhum número de porta
estiver listado, o procedimento USB abaixo também funcionará para uma interface
com um conector serial.

4.2.5 Interface OBD com conector USB ​Quando a interface OBD está conectada a
uma porta USB, a porta de comunicação pode ser melhor
recuperada através do gerenciador de dispositivos. O
gerenciador de dispositivos pode ser iniciado pressionando a
tecla "Windows" + R e, em seguida, digitando o
"devmgmt.msc" na nova tela que será exibida.

Ao pressionar OK, o gerenciador de dispositivos será exibido. No gerenciador de

dispositivos, abra o nó 'Portas (COM & LPT)' e uma ou mais portas COM serão
listadas. Uma maneira fácil de verificar qual porta é usada pela interface OBD é
removendo a interface do computador e ver qual porta desaparecerá e reaparecerá
depois de conectá-la novamente. A porta que reaparece é aquela usada pela
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 10

No exemplo acima, a interface OBD está conectada a COM3. Se você não consegue
encontrar sua porta e há um ícone amarelo visível, isso indica que o driver instalado
para a interface USB para Serial não está funcionando. Quando este é o caso, você
não pode se comunicar com a interface e primeiro um driver de trabalho deve ser
4.2.6 Interface OBD com Bluetooth ​Para poder usar uma interface Bluetooth,
primeiro deve ser emparelhado com o PC, para isso, clique no ícone Bluetooth na
barra de tarefas e selecione "Mostrar dispositivos Bluetooth".

Manual do ObdTunerPro V1.0.14 11

A seguinte tela será exibida:

Clique no ícone ELM327 e preencha o código de par da sua interface. (Na maioria
dos casos, o código do par será 1234 ou 0000). Depois que a interface é
emparelhada e os drivers instalados, devemos descobrir qual porta de comunicação é
usada. É melhor recuperar a porta de comunicação através das configurações
Bluetooth, novamente clique no ícone Bluetooth, mas agora escolha "Abrir
Configurações" no menu. A próxima tela que aparece mostrará as portas de
comunicação sob a aba COM Ports.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 12

Um Bluetooth interfaces OBD geralmente mostra duas portas de comunicação, na
maioria dos casos, o 'Dev B' é aquele a ser usado. No aplicativo ObdTunerPro, vá
​ escolha a porta na lista suspensa. (Se a porta não
para ​General - Configuration e
estiver na lista, também é possível digitar manualmente o número da porta).

4.2.7 Baud rate ​Selecione a taxa de transmissão para a qual as interfaces OBD estão
configuradas. Se não estiver claro qual baud rate está definida, tente um número de
configurações para determinar qual configuração funciona com sua interface, na
maioria dos casos, as interfaces baseadas em ELM usam uma taxa de transmissão de
38400. Para as interfaces OBDLink, uma taxa de transmissão de 115200 é um bom
ponto de partida. Um teste rápido pode ser feito clicando em Testar configurações.

4.2.8 Modo rápido, somente ELM327 v1.3 ou superior ​Se a interface OBD tiver uma
revisão 1.3a ou superior do chip ELM327, ela suporta o modo rápido, esta opção pode
ser selecionada para melhorar a velocidade de registro. Interface usa Bluetooth Ative
esta opção quando uma interface Bluetooth for usada. Isso nem sempre é necessário,
em alguns casos funciona (melhor) sem isso habilitado.

4.2.9 Se a interface não funciona ​Em algumas versões de driver / windows, é

necessário também definir a taxa de transmissão no próprio driver. A taxa de
transmissão do driver é definida como padrão para 9800 e pode ser modificada por
meio do “gerenciador de dispositivos”. O "gerenciador de dispositivos" pode ser iniciado
pressionando a tecla "Windows + R" e digitando "devmgmt.msc" na nova tela que será
exibida. Clique em Ok e o gerenciador de dispositivos será iniciado. Abra a peça 'Ports
(COM & LPT)' e clique com o botão direito do mouse na porta usada pela interface
OBD e selecione as propriedades. No formulário que aparece, selecione a aba “Port
Settings” e selecione o número para “Bits por segundo” que a interface OBD está

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 13

Feche todas as telas com OK e a interface deve estar

funcionando agora.
Manual ObdTunerPro V1.0.14 14
5 Armazenamento de dados ​Este capítulo é adicionado para fornecer uma
melhor compreensão de como e onde o ObdTunerPro está armazenando seus dados.
Não é obrigatório ler isto, mas ele dará uma melhor compreensão do porquê e
quando a modificação deve ser feita de forma permanente, etc. O esquema abaixo
mostra como as diferentes partes do sistema estão conectadas.
5.1 Memória temporária ​Se foram feitas alterações nos valores de uma tabela
usando o aplicativo ObdTunerPro, essa alteração é enviada imediatamente para a
ECU (se conectada ao carro). Este valor alterado será armazenado dentro da ECU na
memória temporária (RAM). Enquanto a ignição não estiver desligada, a ECU usará
esses dados para trabalhar. Isso possibilita fazer alterações enquanto dirige o carro
sem soluços, etc. Isso pode ser muito útil quando experimentar novas configurações.

5.2 Memória permanente ​As modificações armazenadas na memória temporária

dentro da ECU serão apagadas assim que a ignição for desligada. Isso pode ter seu
uso, por exemplo, se você se perdeu e quer voltar para as configurações iniciais, você
pode simplesmente desligar a ignição por um minuto e tudo voltará ao normal. Mas se
você quiser manter as modificações, as modificações devem ser feitas
permanentemente antes de desligar a ignição. Ao fazer as modificações permanentes,
as modificações são copiadas da RAM para a memória Flash. Depois disso, todas as
modificações são permanentes e permanecerão dentro da ECU mesmo quando a ECU
estiver desconectada do carro por anos.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 15
6 Menu ​O aplicativo possui vários menus para executar tarefas básicas como
carregar uma calibração, escrever uma calibração na ECU, iniciar uma sessão de
registro, modificar um lote de células selecionadas, etc. Ao passar o mouse sobre um
item de menu com a ponteiro do mouse, uma dica de ferramenta com uma breve
explicação sobre cada função de menu será exibida. Para a tela sensível ao toque, a
dica de ferramenta pode atrapalhar, se esse for o caso, é possível desabilitá-la no
formulário de configuração. Para mais informações sobre como executar tarefas
básicas, consulte o capítulo "Execução de tarefas básicas".

7 Abas no ObdTunerPro ​A estrutura principal do ObdTunerPro é construída

em torno de páginas com abas. Isso significa que o ObdTunerPro nem sempre será o
mesmo. Depende do modo de operação, quais guias serão exibidas. Ao iniciar o
ObdTunerPro pela primeira vez, o aplicativo terá a seguinte aparência:

Após baixar uma calibragem do carro ou carregar um arquivo de configuração do

seu PC, mais páginas de guias serão exibidas. Dependendo dos dados dentro do
arquivo de calibração ou no modo ECU, você verá mais ou menos abas.

O ObdTunerPro pode armazenar 2 calibrações de uma só vez, uma calibração

consiste em uma parte geral e duas partes independentes de calibração. A parte geral
contém principalmente configurações de hardware, como atuadores instalados (como
injetores) ou sensores (como um sensor de mapa). Estas peças não podem mudar
durante a condução do carro e são armazenadas dentro da ECU apenas uma vez.

Na aba geral também podem ser encontradas sub-abas referentes a dados como
arquivos de log, medição de energia, aprendizado de combustível, etc.
AsC​alibration ​abasconter a calibração dependendo configurações. Há sempre duas
calibrações armazenadas dentro da ECU e é possível alternar dinamicamente entre
as duas calibrações (ao dirigir o carro) e, portanto, entre todas as configurações
disponíveis nas guias de calibração.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 16

É possível utilizar um comutador externo (hardware) para alternar entre as 2


A cor dos ícones pode ser usada para ver se a ECU está conectada e sincronizada
com o carro. Quando os ícones estão verdes, os dados nas tabelas, etc., são os
mesmos que os dados na ECU e as modificações serão enviadas para a ECU
imediatamente. Quando os ícones estiverem em cinza, o aplicativo não está
sincronizado com o carro, esse será o caso quando um arquivo de calibragem for
aberto a partir do disco.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 17
7.1 Aba mestre geral ​Abaixo, encontra-se uma captura de tela e uma breve
descrição de cada aba localizada na aba mestre geral:

7.1.1 Aba
Notas A aba Notas está sempre disponível mesmo antes dos dados terem sido
baixados da ECU e pode ser usado para fazer anotações, é uma boa prática digitar
uma breve descrição para facilitar a lembrança do motivo dessa calibração. A primeira
linha na seção de anotações será usada para criar o nome de arquivo sugerido ao
salvar o arquivo.

Depois de baixar uma calibração da ECU ou carregar um arquivo de mapa do seu PC,
esta guia também mostrará as últimas versões de combustível. Na parte inferior da
tela, os códigos de erro e os monitores da ECU são exibidos.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 18
7.1.2 Guia Instalaçãoguia
de configuração

do motor Nado motor, o hardware instalado no seu motor deve ser configurado. É
necessário que a ECU saiba que tipo de hardware está instalado. Por exemplo, ao
instalar injetores maiores, o tempo calculado do injetor deve ser reduzido. Para obter a
mesma quantidade de combustível no motor, a ECU deve ter as informações do injetor
para poder fazer isso.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 19
7.1.3 Separador Medição de
Este separador só aparece quando a ECU está no modo de medição de potência. O
gráfico de energia será exibido no lado direito da tela e os valores medidos à esquerda.
Quando mais de uma medição tiver sido feita com as mesmas configurações, um valor
médio de todas as execuções será calculado. Um gráfico de referência pode ser
selecionado para descobrir rapidamente onde a energia foi obtida ou perdida.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 20
7.1.4 Aba Medições
Esta aba é mostrada após a leitura da ECU quando a ECU está no modo de
medição. Aqui, os dados aprendidos podem ser visualizados e processados.

Para obter mais informações, consulte 'Execução de tarefas básicas - Aprender a

tabela de combustível base' etc.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 21
7.1.5 Guia Logging
Essa guia ficará visível quando os dados forem registrados a partir da ECU, os
dados registrados forem feitos visível em uma visualização de gráfico duplo. Os dois
gráficos são sincronizados no tempo. Cada gráfico pode conter vários parâmetros
que podem ser visíveis, marcando a caixa de seleção correspondente. Os
parâmetros são agrupados por números para facilitar o acesso com teclas

Para obter mais informações, consulte “Execução de tarefas básicas -

Criação de um log”
Manual ObdTunerPro V1.0.14 22
7.2 Aba Master Calibragem 1 ou 2 ​As guias de calibração são as guias
principais que contêm todas as subguias referentes aos dados de calibração. No
ObdTunerPro, existem duas guias principais, cada uma representando os dados de
uma calibração. Todas as configurações sob as guias principais de calibração são
atualizáveis ​ao vivo, isso significa que, após uma alteração, os dados serão enviados
para a ECU e serão utilizados imediatamente.

7.2.1 Settings tab

On this tab the calibration depending settings like the rpm limiter or cooling fan switch
on point can be configured. This means you can have 2 different cooling fan switch on
points which can dynamically be selected using an external hardware switch inside the
car without the need for software. For instance you can have one for track days and
one for normal day to day use. The same goes for all other settings on all sub
calibration tabs.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 23

7.2.2 Starting tab
This tab controls the fuelling while starting the engine and idling during warm up as
long as the engine is in cold open-loop. Normally it is not necessary to change these
settings and this should only be used when running other fuels like E85 etc. If the
engine is on normal fuel it should start and warm up with the OEM settings, if not there
probably is a problem with the engine setup like a vacuum leak etc. There is an option
to reset all settings to OEM.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 24
7.2.3 Idling tab
This tab contains the main idle related
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 25
7.2.4 Idling more tab
This tab contains more idle related settings, normally it should only be necessary to
modify these when sportier cams are installed. For more information have a look at
'Executing basic tasks - Idle tuning'
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 26
7.2.5 Fuel tab
This tab controls the basic fuelling of the engine. The table values are the base opening
time for the fuel injectors and are programmed in milliseconds. A higher value in the
table indicates a larger amount of fuel.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 27
7.2.6 Fuel more tab
This tab controls when the ECU switches to power mode and how much fuel should
be added when in power mode. The values in this table are commanded lambda
values, the ECU will try to approximate these values as closely as possible. If a
wideband sensor is installed, the ECU will use the feedback from the wideband
sensor to reach the commanded values..

At the bottom of the tab there are also two temperature depending correction tables.
This makes it possible to add extra fuel when a certain temperature is exceeded. The
values programmed will be subtracted from the programmed target lambda value in
the 'Power mode target lambda' table and together they are the commanded target
lambda value.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 28
7.2.7 Ignition tab

This tab contains the main ignition table, this table is used most of the time. Here the
base ignition value can be configured for a certain RPM/MAP combination. The
ignition time is programmed in degrees advance before top dead centre.
The ignition table is very important for maximum

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 29

7.2.8 Ignition more tab
Here extra ignition settings can be programmed like coast down ignition which can be
important for keeping a turbo spinning when lifting off. Also temperature depending
ignition corrections can be programmed here the value programmed here will be
subtracted from the main ignition value and together they make the commanded
ignition value.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 30
7.2.9 Throttle tab
On this tab the relation between the throttle pedal position and the throttle valve
position can be adjusted. The graph represents a graphical view of the values
programmed in the table below. The table is also used during warm up and idling of
the engine. It is therefore important to take care when adjusting the first 12 cells of this
table. Below the table is a drop down box, which allows choosing from a number of
pre-set profiles.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 31
7.2.10 Transient tab

This tab contains throttle valve speed settings and transient fuelling settings. Transient
fuelling is used when the throttle pedal is moved, for instance when switching from
cruising to accelerating extra fuel must be injected.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 32

7.2.11 Knock retard tab
This tab controls knock retard correction. A gain and an offset can be programmed
and settings can be returned to OEM.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 33
7.2.12 Extra hardware tab
This tab contains the settings to control extra hardware connected to the EGR output.
One of the options is connecting a water injection system and controlling it directly
from the ECU.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 34
8 List with compatible parts working with ObdTunerPro

8.1 Injectors
o ​Injector 250cc/min (OEM) ​o ​Injector
365cc/min (Bosch 0 280 156 021) ​o ​Injector
410cc/min (LSJ green GM12790827) ​o
Injector 470cc/min (Bosch 0 280 156 280) ​o
Injector 550cc/min (Siemens) ​o ​Injector
650cc/min (Bosch 0 280 158 123) ​o ​Injector
680cc/min (Siemens 107961) ​o ​Injector
860cc/min (Siemens 110324)

8.2 Fuel pressure regulators

o ​Any fuel pressure regulator can be used with the software, the static fuel
can be configured also mechanical or electronic compensation for boost
pressure is available.

8.3 Fuel pumps

o ​Any fuel pump can be used with the software as long as its capacity is large
to deliver enough fuel for your setup.

8.4 Throttle bodies

o ​Throttle body 58 mm (OEM) ​o ​Throttle body 65 mm
(12580195) ​o ​Throttle body 68 mm (LSJ)
supercharger/turbo (12565553) ​o ​Throttle body 77 mm
(LS4) supercharger/turbo

8.5 Manifold Air Pressure sensors

o ​MAP sensor 1.0 Bar (Delphi 16212460) OEM ​o
MAP sensor 2.0 Bar (Delphi 16235939 or 28139776)
o ​Map sensor 2.5 Bar (GM) ​o ​TMAP sensor 2.5 Bar
(Bosch 0 261 230 042) ​o ​TMAP sensor 3.0 Bar
(Bosch 0 281 002 437)

8.6 Maximum boost

o ​The software is only limited by the range of the MAP sensor. Keep in mind
minimum measurable boost for the MAP sensor must be 20kPa with OEM
cams. (With sport cams this value may be higher.)

8.7 Maximum engine rpm

o ​The software can be used up to 8700rpm. Make sure the engine can handle
selected rpm. A stock Z2.2SE can handle

8.8 Inlet Air Temperature sensors

o ​IAT sensor (Bosch 0 261 230 042 / Bosch 0 281 002
437) ​o ​IAT sensor Delphi (OEM)

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 35

8.9 Catalytic convertor
o ​Software works with any type of catalytic convertor and can also work without
cat. But to pass the emission test a cat is
8.10 Lambda sensors
o ​It is required to have the OEM primary lambda sensor installed (or a
compatible one) even when using a wideband sensor. The second lambda
sensor is not necessary and can be disabled but if disabled it is recommended
to have a wideband sensor installed so the lambda sensors can check each

8.11 Wideband controllers/sensors

The ECU cannot use a wideband sensor directly, the wideband sensor must
be connected to the EGR input using an analogue output which must be
available on the wideband controller. The analogue output on the wideband
controller must output a linear voltage between 0.0V-5.0V which denotes the
measured AFR.

Supported wideband controllers: ​o ​AEM X-series 30-0300 with Bosch LSU 4.9
wideband lambda sensor. ​o ​AEM X-series 30-0310 with Bosch LSU 4.9
wideband lambda sensor. ​o ​Innovate LC1/LC2. NOT RECOMMENDED, under
very hot conditions these can go
into “warmup mode” which will stop the wideband fuel control. ECU will fall back
to normal OEM operation so the engine will not run lean. The Innovate
controllers also need a regular free air calibration to keep them accurate.

8.12 Gearbox/end reduction

o ​Any end reduction/gearbox combination with 5 gears.

8.13 Water injection system

o ​Aquamist HFS3 PWM

If a part you want to use is not on the list and you have the necessary data for it, you
can contact ​info@ObdTuner.com
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 36
9 Executing basic tasks ​The ObdTunerPro PC application can be used for a
number of tasks, it is the key component when you want to change the calibration but it
also can be used for executing a power measurement, logging data from the car,
viewing logged data etc. Find below a description on how to perform a number of
common basic tasks.

9.1 Synchronizing with the car ​Synchronising with the car means, the tables
and settings currently in the ECU are downloaded to the PC. Synchronising
ObdTunerPro with the car is normally one of the first actions to be done when using
ObdTunerPro. After synchronising ObdTunerPro will have the same tables and
settings as the ECU has. After this ObdTuner will keep itself in sync with the ECU, so
if a table is changed on the PC side, it will also be changed inside the ECU.
Quick start, synchronizing with the
o ​Connect the laptop to the OBD II port of the car using
an OBD interface. The OBD port is located under the dashboard of the car. ​o
Start ObdTunerPro. ​o ​Switch the ignition on. ​o ​Choose ​ECU f​ rom the main menu
and select ​Read calibration (ECU to PC)​. ​o ​ObdTunerPro will now start
downloading the calibration from the ECU into the PC.
The progress can be monitored at the bottom of the screen. ​o ​Wait until the
reading cycle has finished. ​o ​When ready a number of extra tabs will
appear and the screen should look
something like the screenshot below.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 37

Now the calibration can be viewed and changed. Changing a table value will also
change the corresponding value inside the ECU and the ECU will use it immediately.
This can be done with the engine running so all tables are live tuneable. After
synchronizing with the ECU, the sync icons on the editable master tabs turn green
which means changes made will be send to the ECU. The calibration which is not
editable has no icon.

After synchronizing also the error codes, fuel trims, learned data etc. will all be read
from the ECU, this way the data can be related to the table values and you have a
complete image of the ECU which can be stored on the PC for future reference.

Also notes added in the text field are stored, it is good practice to always add a brief
description before saving the file to keep track. The first line of the note will added to
the filename when saved.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 38
9.2 Saving a calibration ​A calibration in
ObdTunerPro can be stored onto your PC or memory
stick, for future use.

Quick start, saving a calibration:

o ​Choose ​File f​ rom the main menu bar and
Save calibration as ​(or press CTRL+s). A ​ save
dialog will popup. ​o ​Browse to the location where
you want to save
your file and choose ​Save

It is good practice to start with saving the original

calibration the ECU came with so you always can go
back to the base calibration.

The idea behind the suggested file name: ​The

suggested filename is composed out of the date, time,
editable calibration and the first line of the note section.

For instance a file is saved on 2016-09-25 at 20:04:42, the notes section contains
“Original calibration” and the editable calibration is 1, this will give the following
suggested file name:
('C1' means calibration 1 is editable,'C2' means calibration 2 is

When using the suggested filename all files will be chronologically ordered ​even
when copied to a different location or mailed. ​The name will also be unique so you
can simply press CTRL+s and enter without the risk of overwriting other files. This
can be very handy for instance when doing power measurements.

You can change the file name by overtyping it but this is not recommended especially
when the files are mailed.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 39

9.3 Importing a ObdTuner version 2 calibration ​With the import feature
It is possible to use an ObdTuner version 2 calibration as a base calibration.

Quick start importing a version 2 calibration

o ​Open ObdTunerPro. ​o ​Select the calibration where you want the calibration to
be stored inside the ECU. This can be selected on the configuration form under
the general menu item.

o ​Choose ​File f​ rom the main menu bar and select ​Import ObdTuner calibration.​
o ​Browse to the ObdTuner version 2 file which you want to import and open it.
files with the ObdTuner version 2 extension will be shown) ​o T ​ he selected file will now
be converted and imported into the editable calibration. ​o W​ hen saved, the file is
saved as a Pro calibration and from there on it can be opened
like any other Pro calibration file.

To prevent accidentally using a wrong calibration In the wrong place It is not possible to
load calibration 1 when calibration 2 is editable or the other way around. Sometimes it
can be very useful to use calibration 1 as a starting point for calibration 2, for this it is
possible to import an ObdTunerPro calibration to a different editable calibration.

Quick start importing an ObdTunerPro calibration for use as second

o ​Open ObdTunerPro. ​o ​Select the calibration where the calibration has to be
stored inside the ECU. This
must be done on the configuration form under the general menu

o ​Choose ​File f​ rom the main menu bar and select ​Import ObdTunerPro
calibration.​ ​o ​Browse to the ObdTuner version 2 file which you want to import
and open it. (only
files with the ObdTunerPro will be shown) ​o ​The selected file will now be converted
and imported into the editable calibration. ​o ​After saving, the file is stored with the
selected editable calibration.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 40

9.4 Uploading a calibration to the ECU ​When you want to return to a
previous calibration or want to test with someone else's calibration, you can open
a calibration in ObdTunerPro and upload it to the ECU. A calibration file has the
file extension ​smp3 ​and contains a complete calibration. Using a calibration file
can be very handy as a starting point for your new engine setup. Simply pick one
that comes close to your engine modifications and use this as a starting point. For
a new base calibrations you can contact ​info@ObdTuner.com

Quick start
o ​Connect the laptop to the OBD II port of the car. ​o ​Switch the
ignition on. ​o ​Start ObdTunerPro. ​o ​Select the desired editable
calibration on the configuration form:

o ​Now select “File” from the main menu bar and select “Open calibration”. ​o
Browse to the calibration file you want to install onto the ECU and open the file. ​o
You now will be prompted with “Send newly loaded calibration to the ECU?”, choose
Yes. ​o ​ObdTunerPro will now send the calibration data from your laptop to the ECU,
until this is finished, this does take a few minutes. ​o ​Now make the modifications
permanent. ​o ​After this you should hear the throttle body click and the new
calibration will be
checked. ​o ​If all went ok you will get a message that
everything is ok.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 41

9.5 Modifying a calibration ​The calibration can be modified by simply typing in
new values. If the laptop is connected to the car using an OBD interface, the
modifications are directly send to the ECU and are immediately active there. If not the
modifications can be saved onto the PC and uploaded to the ECU at a later time when
connected to the car.
A modified cell can be recognized, by the blue values in the cell. When the mouse
pointer is hovering above the cell, an information balloon will appear with adjustment

It is also possible to modify multiple cells at once. To do this, select the cells with the
left mouse button or keyboard (Shift + arrow keys etc.) and then choose from the
context menu (click with right mouse button) the desired modification method.

If ObdTunerPro is connected with the car, it is possible to see which cell is used by the
ECU, for this, press F7 and after a short period a crosshairs will appear, indicating
where the ECU gets its data from; this can be helpful when live adjusting the
calibration. Below is an example demonstrating the use of crosshairs during idle.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 42

Note; the ECU interpolates between the different cells in a table. This means there will
be no sudden steps when the crosshair slowly moves to another cell.

Although the changes will be active immediately, they are not yet made permanent;
this means the changes will be lost switching of the ignition.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 43
9.6 Making changes permanent ​When
changes are made, they are uploaded to the ECU and
will be used by the ECU. Did does not mean the
changes are permanent. At first they are only stored
in temporary memory and will be gone when the
ignition is switched off. To keep the changes it is
necessary to first make them permanent. Making the
changes permanent is done by moving the tables
from RAM to flash memory.

Quick start:
o ​Choose ​ECU f​ rom the main menu bar and
select ​Make modifications permanent.​ ​o
Select ​Yes ​in the dialog and wait for
ObdTunerPro to synchronize. .

The programming process can be monitored by the

progress bar and accompanying text at the bottom
of the screen.

TIP: It is no problem to make the changes permanent when the engine is running, but
the engine will have a small hiccup for about 1 second. When idling this can cause the
engine to stall. It is therefore advisable to rev up the engine to about 2000rpm and then
make the changes permanent.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 44

9.7 Using dual calibration mode ​ObdTunerPro has the possibility to store 2
calibrations inside the ECU. It is possible to switch between the 2 calibrations actively
while driving the car for instance by using a mechanical switch. This chapter explains
how to use dual calibration mode with ObdTunerPro, it is important to understand how it
works before using this feature.

9.7.1 Enabling dual calibration mode ​There are 4 options available on the
'General – Engine setup' tab which indicate which calibration will be used by the
The list box contains 4 options with 2 dual calibration modes where the second lambda
input is used to indicate to the ECU which calibration the engine must use. This means
for these options the second lambda sensor must be disabled and the sensor must be
replaced by a switch or a dial.

Below a graphical view of what each option does. In the graphical view the green
side indicates the editable calibration which can be modified using a laptop through
the OBD interface. The purple side indicates the calibration which the engine will

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 45

Option: “Engine always uses
calibration 1”

When this is selected, the engine (purple side) will always use calibration 1. Note, in this
mode both calibrations can be modified (green side) but only editing calibration 1 will
have an effect on how the engine is running.

The status bar indicator will look like this, indicating the engine will always use
calibration 1:
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 46
Option: “Engine always uses
calibration 2”

When this is selected, the engine (purple side) will always use calibration 2. Note, in
this mode both calibrations can be modified (green side) but editing calibration 1 like
in the graphic below will have no effect on how the engine is running.
The status bar indicator will look like this, indicating the engine will always use
calibration 2:

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 47

Option: Used calibration depends on lambda 2 input
When this option is selected the engine will use a calibration depending on the input
voltage supplied to the second lambda sensor input. If the voltage is below 0.6V the
ECU will use calibration 1 and if it the voltage is above 0.6V it will use calibration 2. In
this mode a switch can be used to switch calibrations, for more information have a look
at chapter 9.21, 'Installing a calibration switch'.

The status bar indicator will look like this indicating both calibrations can be
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 48
Option: Used calibration depends on lambda 2 input

In “Dial” mode, the engine can use both calibrations at the same time. In “Dial” mode,
the higher the voltage on the second lambda input the more the second calibration will
be used. This mode is primarily meant for using more than one fuel like normal fuel
(E05) and E85 fuel. So when having a calibration for normal fuel and one for fuel with
85% ethanol, all fuels can be used by simply turning a dial or by connecting a bi-fuel
sensor to the second lambda input. This means you can easily adapt to winter E85
(which only contains 70% Ethanol) and use normal fuel when there is no E85 available.
water to the fuel, in this case more water
“Dial” mode can also be used for other will be injected when the voltage on the
purposes for instance it can be used to input gets higher.
regulate the amount of injected water using Input voltage Added amount of water
a dial. For instance calibration 1 does add 0.00V ​0.0 % .​ .. ​... ​0.65V ​10.0 % ​... ​... ​1.30V
no water and calibration 2 does at 20% 20.0 %
The status bar indicator will look like this indicating both calibrations can partially be
used at the same time:

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 49

9.7.2 Modifying a calibration ​Each calibration consists of a general part and 2
calibration parts. The general part contains settings which will not change dynamically
like injector type, installed throttle body type etc. The general part will always be the
same for both calibrations. This means changing a general setting will always effect
both calibrations.
The calibration part contains the settings which can change dynamically like rpm
limiter, commanded AFR, ignition timing etc. so changes made in this part only will
affect one calibration.

It is important to understand there is a difference between the editable

calibration and the calibration used by the ECU.

Choosing which calibration will be editable must be done on the settings form, see the
figure below
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 50

When for instance calibration 1 is selected, all actions are applied to calibration 1. So
when synchronising, calibration 1 will be downloaded from the ECU, when starting a
fuel learning session, calibration 1 will be learned etc.
After synchronizing both calibrations will be read from the ECU, but only one calibration
will be editable. The editable master tabs will have a green sync icon and the read only
tab will

have no icon. This will make it more clear which calibration you are working on. Also the
tables in the active calibration will have a coloured look indicating it is possible to modify
the data. The data in the inactive calibration will have a grey read-only look indicating
the data cannot be modified. However it is possible to select data in a read-only table
and copy/paste it to the editable calibration, this way you can copy some tables between

When a calibration is saved onto the PC also the active calibration will be
remembered. So when reading the calibration file back it will remember the active
calibration so the same tables etc. will be editable again. If the editable calibration
does not match the application mode, an error message is displayed when trying to
write the data to the ECU to first change the edit mode.

When uploading a calibration to the ECU only the editable calibration will be

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 51

9.7.3 Important notes regarding dual calibrations ​When using 2 calibrations with for
instance a different rev limit and the calibration input is attached to the failsafe output
from a water injection system. It could happen the calibration with the lower rev limit is
selected when the water injection system fails. In this situation the ECU will use the
safe calibration instantly which, if the engine is revving higher than the safe rev limit,
the rev limiter will kick in instantly which could unsettle the car and causing a spin. ​It is
therefore advised when having a system which switches automatically to always
use the same rev limiter setting in both calibrations.

The calibration which is editable has no relation with the calibration the ECU is using.
The calibration used by the ECU depends on the input voltage or setting while the
calibration which can be modified depends on which calibration is loaded from the ECU.
This means it is possible the ECU will use a different calibration than the one being
modified, ​in this case the modifications will have no effect on how the engine is
The maximum input voltage measured by the ECU on the second lambda sensor is
1.275V. A higher input will not damage the ECU, but everything above 1.275V will make
no difference on the selected calibration in interpolation mode.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 52

9.8 Creating a log ​With ObdTunerPro it is possible to collect sensor data from the
ECU and display it on a multi graph. This can be very useful for finding malfunctions
etc. It is recommended to create a reference log when there are no problems with the
car and store this log file for future use as a reference.

Because all parameters are logged simultaneously, it is not necessary to

think about what you want to view. Afterwards when logging has finished you
can select the parameters you want to view by checking the desired
parameter(s) in the tree view at the left.

Quick start:
​ onnect the laptop to the OBD II port of the car.
o C
o O​ pen ObdTunerPro. ​o ​Switch the ignition on.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 53

o ​Choose Logging from the main menu bar and select Start logging (F7). ​o
ObdTunerPro will first synchronize with the ECU in the car and then start logging.
This way the calibration and error data will also be stored together with the logged
data. ​o ​Start the engine and go for a drive, check if the logging is active for
instance by
selecting the engine RPM. ​o ​After driving stop the logging process by choosing
Logging from the main menu bar
and select Stop logging (F87). ​o
Save the logged data to disk
It is possible to view the logged data life during the login session by selecting the
Logging tab and one or more parameters checkboxes. The last 30 seconds of the log
file are now life displayed.

After saving, the logged data is stored inside the calibration file and can always be
viewed by opening the calibration. After opening the file, the logging tab will be visible,
select the logging tab the parameters you want to view.

As visible in the screenshot above, there are 2 graphs available. These graphs are
equal in time and it is possible to view parameters with different ranges full screen.

The parameters are divided into numbered groups. The numeric keys can be used for
easy selection. Pressing the same button multiple times will select the next
parameter; use the spacebar to view the data.

With the left mouse button it is possible to draw a selection box around an interesting
part of the data. After releasing the mouse button ObdTunerPro will zoom in to the
selected region. Un-zooming is possible by clicking with the right mouse button on the
chart and select the Un-zoom option.

By clicking on a line on a chart the actual values will be displayed in the parameter
pane. With the Ctrl + arrow keys it is possible to walk through the log samples step
by step. The current sample is displayed at the bottom next to the progress bar.
Also the crosshairs in the tables will be updated by clicking in the chart or by using
the Ctrl + arrows keys.

When hovering with the mouse pointer over a parameter line an info balloon with
the current information about the parameter will appear.

For comparing log files, it is possible to start ObdTunerPro multiple


Find below a brief description of the parameters which are logged, all the parameters
are always logged when logging data so you do not have to make a selection up

Used calibration: ​A value between 1.0 and 2.0 indicates the calibration used by the
ECU. In interpolation this value can have every value between 1.0 and 2.0, for
instance a value of 1.5 indicates the mean value between both calibration is used.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 54

Coolant temp: ​Temperature of the coolant fluid in

degrees Celsius.

Inlet temperature: ​Temperature of the intake

air in degrees Celsius.

Engine rpm: ​Engine RPM in

revolutions per minute.

Comm. idle rpm: ​The idle rpm the ECU is trying to achieve in
revolutions per minute.

Speed: ​Vehicle speed in kilometres

per hour.

Gear: ​Selected gear, the selected gear is calculated by the ECU based on the
vehicle speed and engine RPM. Neutral is displayed as 6th gear.

Pos. throttle pedal: ​Position of the throttle pedal indicated in a

percentage of maximum.

Pos. throttle valve: ​Position of the throttle valve indicated in a

percentage of maximum.

MAP: ​Manifold air pressure in kilopascal. (100kPa

= 1bar)

Fly map delta: ​The difference between the calculated air pressures in the intake
manifold based on the position of the throttle valve and engine rpm in comparison with
the actual pressure in the intake manifold. This value is in kilopascal and may not
exceed 30kPa.

Ignition: ​Ignition timing advance in degrees before top

dead centre.

Misfires: ​The number of times the ECU detected a misfire, this only works when the
misfire check is enabled.
Knock retard total: ​The maximum amount of knock retard measured over all cylinders.
The number indicates how many degrees the ignition was retarded by the ECU. Short
peaks will not actually retard the ignition but will show up in the log.

Knock retard cil1, Knock retard cil2, Knock retard cil3, Knock
retard cil4:

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 55

The amount of knock retard measured per cylinder. The number indicates how
many degrees the ignition was retarded by the ECU. Short peaks will not actually
retard the ignition but will show up in the log.

Knock sensor V: ​The voltage measured directly

from the knock sensor.

Lambda primary: ​Primary lambda sensor voltage (Before the catalyst.). When
idling and cruising this value must switch between 0.1V and 0.9V.

Lambda secondary: ​Secondary lambda sensor

voltage. (After the catalyst.)

Fuel trim index: ​The fuel trim index used by the ECU. This indicates which fuel trim
area is active in the fuel map..

Short term fuel trim: ​Short term fuel

correction in percent's.

Long term fuel trim: ​Long term fuel

correction in percent's.

Wideband index: ​The fuel trim index used by the ECU indicating which wideband
fuel trim area is active.

Wideband fuel trim: ​The used wideband fuel trim

correction in percent's.

Fuel status: ​The status of the fuel system. 1:

Open loop due to insufficient temperature 2:
Closed loop 4: Open loop due to engine load or a
coasting down.

Target lambda: ​The commanded lambda value the ECU is trying to reach. A lambda
value of 1.00 means the mixture is stoichiometric.

Actual lambda: ​The lambda value measured by the wideband lambda controller.
This is the value used by wideband fuel control. A lambda value of 1.00 means the
mixture is stoichiometric.

Injector time: ​The total time the injector is opened during an engine cycle. This is
the value excluding injector dead time and short pulse correction.

Injector duty cycle:

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 56

The percentage the injector is opened according to the maximum opening window
determined by the engine rpm. This should best stay below 90% but should never
exceed 94%.

Calc load: ​Calculated load of the engine as a percentage

of maximum.

Error codes: ​The number of error codes currently set by the ECU, this
should always be 0.

Tank vent status: ​Status of the fuel tank ventilation opening. The opening is
given in the percentage of maximum opening.

EGR OEM set point: ​The set point the ECU has
calculated for the EGR valve.

EGR out duty cycle: ​The EGR output duty cycle, when a water injection system is
connected, this is a value for the amount of water injected into the engine.

Battery voltage: ​Voltage the battery/alternator

supplies to the ECU.

Throttle pedal pot1: ​Voltage measured by the ECU on the first

throttle pedal potentiometer.
Throttle pedal pot2: ​Voltage measured by the ECU on the second
throttle pedal potentiometer.

Throttle valve pot1: ​Voltage measured by the ECU on the first

throttle valve potentiometer.

Throttle valve pot2: ​Voltage measured by the ECU on the second

throttle valve potentiometer.

Inlet temp V: ​Voltage of the intake air

temperature sensor.

Map voltage: ​Voltage of the manifold air

pressure sensor.

Main relay: ​Status of the main relay where 0 indicates off and
1 indicates on.

Fuel pump relay: ​Status of the fuel pump relay where 0 indicates
off and 1 indicates on.

Ignition on:

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 57

Status of the ignition where 0 indicates off and 1 indicates

Lambda heater: ​Status of the heaters in the lambda sensors where 0 indicates
off and 1 indicates on.

Radiator fan: ​Status of the fan located on the radiator where 0 indicates off
and 1 indicates on.

Malfunction indicator light: ​The status of

the MIL, 1 means the light is on.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 58
9.9 Cranking and warmup tuning ​Important: normally it should not be
necessary to modify the starting settings, the engine should start normally with
the OEM start settings. If the engine does not start normally, there is probably a
problem with the engine hardware or an electrical problem etc. ​A good reason for
tuning the start-up can be running on E85 fuel, or some strange inlet manifold design
which makes fuel puddles.

The various settings are grouped in three main

1. Engine is started but is not yet running. 2. Engine is running but is still
in open-loop (lambda sensor cold no signal). 3. Engine is restarted within
a short amount of time.

With most OBD interfaces it is difficult to make a log during starting because the battery
voltage drops to much for the OBE interface to keep working and logging will stop for a
few seconds. For this it is possible to make an internal starting log from the first 30
seconds after start-up. This will not use the OBD interface and the data can be read
from the ECU afterwards. There are 2 ways to do this;

First method; before starting the engine, choose ​Activate starting log ​from the ​Logging
menu. This will activate an internal start-up log which will start logging as soon as the
start button is pressed. Start the engine and leave it running for about 30 seconds or
longer. Then synchronize the ECU (press F5 or F6) and a new tab ​Starting log ​will
appear. Here you can see what has happened during start-up.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 59

Second method; go to the ​Engine setup t​ ab and select ​Automatic starting log enabled​.
Now every start-up a log will be made. When reading the ECU, this log will be
downloaded from the ECU and displayed. When the start-up tuning has finished it is
best to disable this feature because synchronizing will take longer with this feature

From the starting log the behaviour of the engine and the commanded lambda value
can be seen. With some wideband sensors it is possible to also see the mixture, but for
this to happen it is necessary to leave the ignition on a few minutes to heat up the
wideband lambda sensor before starting. (This does not work with all wideband
sensors and be aware not all wideband sensors can handle this method, please read
the documentation of the specific wideband controller)

See below a picture of a start-up log from an engine started with coolant temperature at
20C. The arrows in the pictures points to the accompanying setting in relation with the
lambda profile. So if the engine is running rich during starting or warm up, it shows the
value which must be modified. Be aware some of the values are commanded lambda
values and others are corrections.

The third section is for correcting lambda's when the engine is restarted with a
coolant temperature below 32C
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 60
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 61
Startup and warmup lambda
9.10 Idle tuning ​First of all, with OEM cams it should not be necessary to changes
the idle settings manually. If the engine is not idling OK there probably is something
wrong, it is best to read the error codes and make a log to figure out what is wrong.
When a fuel learning session is done the idle fuel table is also be learned and corrected
so nothing needs to be changed. However when sportier cams are installed the idling
will need some tuning. A good starting point is increasing the idle rpm to the highest
value you find acceptable.

Idle rpm ​The idle rpm can be changed coolant temperature depending in the ​idle rpm
table. Be aware in most countries there is a maximum idle rpm which could be checked
during MOT.

Idle coast down increase ​With some extreme cams the engine can stall when
coasting down when the clutch pedal is pushed. In this case increasing the speed
related idle rpm can help. Table ​Idle increase c​ ontains a speed related idle rpm
increase. This means the value in the table will be added to the programmed idle rpm,
increasing this value will make the engine idle higher during coast down.

Idle fuel ​It can also be necessary to modify the idle fuel when fast cams are
installed, especially during warmup. It is possible to see if the engine runs lean or
rich during idle warmup by

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 62

making a log file from cold and letting the engine idle until warm. In the log file have a
look at the fuel trims, these will give an idea if the cell values were to lean or to rich.
With this data the idle fuel cell rows can be modified depending on the idle rpm used
during the warmup phase.

Idle ignition ​The pressure in the intake manifold determines the moment of ignition.
Installing fast cams will dramatically lessen the idle vacuum inside the intake manifold.
Increasing the idle ignition will give the engine more torque and this can be used to
improve idling with fast cams. A common trick is to increase the ignition more when
vacuum goes lower this will rev up the engine when it wants to stall. The ECU already
does this by itself and this system also can be tuned to the needs of the camshaft. You
can increase or decrease the amount the ignition is corrected when idle rpm is higher
or lower in comparison to the commanded idle rpm. The same goes for the throttle
valve, the ECU will open it more when idle drops and close it when idle is too high.
Keep in mind this is a much slower system but it can be modified by changing the factor
and offset. Tuning idle for fast cams is not easy and can take a long time to get right.
On this tab it is possible to fine tune idle, the easiest way to do this is by simply
selecting a combo box with the engine running and then select the next or previous
option with the keyboard arrow keys and then listen how the engine reacts. Keep in
mind changing these values can have an effect on idle torque so it can make the
engine stall easier.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 63

9.11 Learning the base fuel table ​The base fuel table is one of the most
important tables regarding fuel consumption and drivability. Finding out the correct
values manually is very time consuming but it is also possible to do this automatically
by executing a base fuel learning session. In this mode the ECU will calculate the
necessary corrections for the base fuel table by simply driving the car. After completing
the fuel learning session and processing the values, the base fuel table will be adapted
to the modifications done to the engine.

There are 2 fuel learning methods, the used method depends on the fact if there is a
wideband sensor attached to the ECU. If no wideband sensor is installed, the ECU's
operating mode is changed and will stay in closed loop meaning the fuelling will be
continually be corrected by the primary OEM lambda sensor. This method will therefore
lower the power output, increase the combustion temperature and increase the chance
of knock. Although no problems have been encountered using this mode​, the user
should consider if the particular engine will be able to handle the extra stress of a
leaner mixture. ​When in doubt, install a wideband sensor and use this for learning the
fuel table.

If there is a wideband sensor installed and attached to the ECU, the ECU will be able
to also measure the mixtures richer than lambda 1.0. In this mode the fuelling is also
continuously controlled but now it the ECU will also try to reach the programmed
lambda values richer than lambda 1.0.

Because the ECU uses the primary lambda sensor (and wideband sensor if available)
for calculating the corrections, it is very important both sensors do function correctly.
Because the ECU does not only use the lambda 1 value of the OEM lambda sensor, it
is very important the primary lambda sensor is of the correct type and has the original

Quick start, executing a base fuel table learning

o ​Start the engine and warm-up the engine to its normal operating
temperature. ​o ​Connect the laptop to the OBD II port of the car. ​o ​Start
ObdTunerPro on the PC. ​o ​Choose ​Learn mode ​from the main menu bar and
select ​Learn base fuel table​. ​o ​After following the instructions on the screen,
learning mode will be enabled. ​o ​To check if learning mode is enabled, press
the throttle
pedal, the MIL should now come on, this is an indication the ECU is successfully
switched into learning mode. Also on the progress bar it will be indicated that
'learning base table' is enabled. ​o ​Go for a drive until the MIL stays of. While
driving the car, it is not necessary to keep
your laptop connected to the car, so the laptop can be switched of. ​o ​When enough
data is gathered, ​DO NOT SWITCH OF THE IGNTION; ​first read the
measurements from the ECU​. ​o
Save the learned data to disk​.

o ​Click the process measurements button to apply the learned data to the
tables. ​o ​Make the modifications permanent.

To get a better understanding to what is happening and what you should do

during a learning session, please read the section below.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 64

During normal driving fuel table cells are used depending on engine rpm and MAP
value. When a cell is used which not has enough measurements, the check engine
light will be lit. In this case the light doesn't indicate a malfunction; it indicates that the
ECU is using a cell from the base fuel tables which hasn't had enough measurements
to calculate an accurate correction. This means when a fuel learning session is just
started the MIL will be lit all the time, after a short period the light will go out indicating
this part of the fuel table has enough measurements to calculate a correct fuel
correction. The goal of a learning session is to get the MIL to stay off in as many
situations as possible. The inputs for selecting a cell in the fuel table are engine RPM
and throttle valve opening or manifold pressure, if speed density is selected. Therefor it
isn't useful to only drive full throttle, the goal is to use as many combinations as
possible of throttle and engine RPM. It doesn't matter which gear is being used, so no
need for speeding on public roads. It is not necessary to try and stay at certain load
rpm combinations, the ECU does sample very fast and is able to gather data even
when going flat out through the rpm's etc.

During the measurements the ECU stores all data in the temporary memory.
Make sure to NOT turn of the ignition before the learned measurements are read
from the ECU and stored on the PC, otherwise all data will be lost.

If the engine light stays off most of the time you probably will have enough data
gathered. You can check this by synchronizing with the ECU. After synchronizing, an
extra tab will appear called ​Measurements​. This tab contains all the data the ECU has
learned up till the moment of synchronization.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 65
The more cells are green the better it will be, but keep in mind not all cells can be
reached. For instance 200kPa at 600rpm will never be learned.

When enough cells are learned (green indicates enough

measurements), the learned data can be processed into the
tables by clicking the ​Process measurements b ​ utton. After
clicking the ​Process measurements b​ utton, a dialog will appear
where the weather conditions etc. should be entered.

Automatically update not

learned cells. W​ hen enabled,
ObdTunerPro will try to calculate
the cells which do not have enough
measurement by interpolating and
extrapolating the cells that did have
enough measurements. It is
advisable to leave this option
Smoothen base fuel table. ​When
enabled, ObdTunerPro will apply a
smoothing algorithm to the base
fuel table. This will eliminate

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 66

spikes in the fuel table. It is advisable to leave this option checked. It is also
possible to execute smoothing afterwards by clicking on the smoothening cell in
the upper left corner of the base fuel table.

Configure weather conditions. H ​ ere the weather conditions must be entered, the
correction algorithm will use this data to correct the fuelling to normal weather
conditions. This way the weather conditions during the fuel learning are not very

After clicking the OK button, the tables will be updated. When ObdTunerPro is
connected to the car, the tables in the ECU will be updated immediately. The
corrections are immediately active, but not stored permanently. To make the changes

permanent have a look at chapter 9.6 ​After the learned measurements have been

stored, the ECU can be set back to normal mode. ​ Choose ​Learn mode ​from the main
menu bar and select ​Stop learning/measuring. ​This can also be achieved by simply
switching of the ignition; this will also stop the learning session.

If there is not enough time or the engine must be switched off for some reason, it is
possible to process the data off line (not connected to the car) and upload the
processed data at a later moment. Be sure you do save the file with the measurements
to the PC before switching of the engine.
ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 67
9.12 Power measurement ​The purpose of the power measurement option is to
measure the difference between modifications or calibrations it is not meant for
measuring the absolute power and torque but when all data is filled in correctly it will
give a good indication about the power the engine is delivering. For a reliable power
measurement it is advised to make runs in both directions, this way the measurement is
corrected for wind and elevation of the road etc. The software will automatically
calculate the mean value of more all the runs done before clearing the power run
history. This means when more runs are done the result will be more thrust worthy. 2
runs in both directions is advised but under stable conditions often 1 run in each
direction is enough. It is very important to find a piece of road with an even surface,
bumps in the road will be visible in the measurement as bumps in the graph.

It has proven that, if all data is put in correctly a very precise power measurement is
possible also over a long period of time.

Quick start, executing a power

o ​Connect the laptop to the OBD II port of the car. ​o ​Open ObdTunerPro. ​o ​Start
the engine and warm-up the engine to its normal operating temperature. ​o ​Choose
Power measurement ​from the main menu bar and select ​Start a new power
measurement​. ​o ​A dialog will appear, fill in the data and click OK. If you do not have
the correct data
available, the data can always be changed afterwards. ​o ​The ECU will be
put into power measurement mode and the tab ​Power
measurement will be selected. ​o ​Put the car in second gear with the engine at
approximately 1500 rpm and the clutch
completely engaged. ​o ​Now squish down the throttle pedal to full throttle and try
to make a smooth
acceleration. Do not smash the throttle down which can make the car rock which will
give a bad reading in the early part of the power measurement graph. ​o ​The
measurement will automatically start when full throttle is reached, and will stop
as soon as the throttle is released. So when the desired rpm is reached, release the
throttle pedal. Do not shift to the next gear and give full throttle again, because this
will ruin your measurement. Just shift to a higher gear and cruise. ​o ​Now read the
power measurement from the ECU by clicking the ​Get power
measurement ​button. Pressing the space bar will also do the trick. ​o ​When the power
measurement is read from the ECU, a graph will be displayed and
the ECU is ready for another measurement. ​o ​Repeat step 8 through 11 for 2
runs in both directions to eliminate wind and
elevation of the road. ​o ​Safe the power
measurement to the PC.

Tip: All power measurements steps can be confirmed by pressing the space bar, no
need to fiddle with the mouse pad.

Below is a screenshot from 4 power runs in 2


ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 68

The power and torque values have been calculated at the crankshaft. For each
power measurement which has been done a graph is drawn (grey colour).
Additionally an average graph is drawn (coloured), this way it is easy to spot a
faulty run which can be removed from the total.

With the use of the left mouse button a selection can be drawn to zoom in to graph. At
the bottom of the graph the following data is also drawn for each run:
o ​Manifold air pressure in kilopascal (100kPa = 1bar) ​o ​Degrees Knock
Retard (Number of degrees ignition retard relative to top dead
centre) ​o ​Lambda (Voltage of the primary lambda sensor) ​o ​Ignition (Number of
degrees the ignition has taken place before top dead centre,
including knock correction) ​o ​EGR Input, when a wideband sensor is connected this will
be the measured AFR from
the wideband sensor. ​o ​EGR output, if for instance a water injection system is
connected, the amount of
injected water is visible.

At the left bottom of the tab there is a button ​Load a reference graph​. This button
allows opening another map file which contains a power measurement. The average of
this power measurement is also shown in the graph. This allows easy comparison off
power measurements between different settings and calibrations.

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 69

With the ​Remove Reference Graph ​button the loaded reference graph can be removed
from the view.

9.12.1 What values to put into the measurement dialog: Total weight ​The total
weight of the car including everything in it during the power measurement including
driver, passenger, amount of fuel etc. For instance a standard VX220 weighs about
880 Kg with a full tank of gas, so if the measurement is done with a full tank of gas, a
driver of 80 Kg and 10 Kg of stuff in the boot, the value to put into the edit field will be
880 + 80 + 10 = 970 kg.

Tire circumference ​The tire circumference must be measured on the rear wheels,
using the values on the tire has been proven to be very inaccurate. So this value must
be measured. An easy way to measure the tire circumference is using some masking
tape and a tape measure. Place a piece of masking tape on the bottom of the tire near
to the ground and another piece of tape precisely below the tape on the tire onto the
road surface. Now move the car for precisely one revolution of the rear tire and again
place a piece of tape onto the road surface below the piece of tape on the tire.
Measure the distance between the two pieces of tape on the ground and you will have
the value you can fill in the tire circumference field.

Outside temperature, Air humidity and air pressure ​These values can be
measured yourself or can be found on the internet. A very useful site with the weather
information: ​http://www.wunderground.com/ ​This website gathers weather conditions
from all over the world with intervals from 2 to 3 times an hour.

9.12.2 Modifying the run data Editing the pre-run data such as vehicle weight
The pre run conditions can be altered at any time. To change a value select the value
and put in a new value and press enter or tab. You will see the graph update itself

Removing a faulty run ​You can recognize a faulty run when it has a big difference
between the mean coloured run and the run displayed in grey. To find out which run it
was, hover with the mouse pointer over the faulty run and the run number will be
displayed inside a text balloon. Now right click the faulty run inside the left pane and
select ​Remove selected run
9.12.3 Comparing the results:

ObdTunerPro manual V1.0.14 70

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