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ProxySQL Series : Query Cache with ProxySQL

Ashwini V. Ahire MySQL tools, Performance, ProxySQL, SQL Load Balancer
January 8, 2019January 8, 2019 4 Minutes
We know that MySQL query cache is deprecated (https://mysqlserverteam.com/mysql-8-0-
retiring-support-for-the-query-cache/) as of MySQL 5.7.20 and removed in MySQL 8.0 and It has
been recommended to use ProxySQL (or other) external query cache instead.

In this blog post, we’ll present the ProxySQL query cache functionality and how does it help us.

How to setup ProxySQL between client and database servers is out of the scope of this article.

If you are looking for other articles on ProxySQL Series :

MySQL replication Read-Write Split up

Replication Switchover using Proxysql And MHA
HA for proxysql with keepalived (https://mydbops.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/ha-solution-
Mirroring MySQL Queries (https://mydbops.wordpress.com/2018/04/13/proxysql-series-
Handling Resource expensive Queries
Percona Cluster/MariaDB cluster(Galera) Read-Write Split.
Amazon Aurora (RDS) Read-Write Split

ProxySQL Query Cache :

ProxySQL query cache stores the text of a SELECT statement together with the corresponding result
sent to the client. If the application will re-execute the same query, the resultset will be returned by the
embedded Query Cache.
It is a quite common scenario to identify database load caused by not-optimal SELECT statements
that generate a result set that should be cached for a few seconds. To implement a code change can
be a long process (developers should write new code, build it, testing in staging, then deploy on
production), and this is often not a suitable option during an emergency. As the configuration of
the database proxy layer (ProxySQL in this case) falls under the responsibility of DBAs, to enable
caching DBAs won’t require developers to make changes to the application.

Therefore this is a feature that empowers the DBAs.

How ProxySQL query cache gets enabled?

In ProxySQL query cache we have to define what traffic gets cached. This is done by defining query rules
that match traffic that is going to be cached and setting a “cache_ttl” for the cached results

Below is the scenario for optimal use of query cache –

For one of our client, we were getting thread spike alerts from master node.

after debugging we saw ProxySQL is opening number of connection to a master server to execute
some verification from code to see if the table has all correct columns.

An application was sending `DESCRIBE table` queries very often and developer did not have a
quick fix to control or modify that code because it was coming from some ORM.

As per 10 minutes stats, we observed around 346K describe queries comming on DB , i.e. 578
describe queries per second.

mysql> select sum(count_star) from stats_mysql_query_digest where digest

_text like 'DESCRIBE%';
| sum(count_star) |
| 346741 |

We have decided to create query rule to forward all queries starts with DESCRIBE on replica
nodes and cache result set for 60 minutes.

60 mins cache because we got to know from client, that DB schema changes happen mostly on
weekend and every time they introduce changes in the database first and after ~ 60 mins later they
deploy new code.

Taking this into consideration, we added the following rules:

1 : Writer hostgroup

2 : Reader hostgroup
INSERT INTO mysql_query_rules (rule_id,active,match_digest,destination_h
ostgroup,cache_ttl,apply,comment) VALUES (100,1,'^DESCRIBE',2,3600000,1,
'Cache and reroute DESCRIBE Table queries on readers HG');



mysql> select rule_id,active,username,schemaname,flagIN,digest,match_dig

est,match_pattern,destination_hostgroup,cache_ttl,apply,comment from mys
ql_query_rules where rule_id=164\G
************************* 1. row *************************
rule_id: 100
active: 1
username: NULL
schemaname: NULL
flagIN: 0
digest: NULL
match_digest: ^DESCRIBE
match_pattern: NULL
destination_hostgroup: 2
cache_ttl: 3600000
apply: 1
comment: Cache and reroute DESCRIBE Table queries on reade
rs HG

Execute below command to reset the stats_mysql_query_digest results:

SELECT 1 FROM stats_mysql_query_digest_reset LIMIT 1;

Monitor stats :

Cached queries are the ones marked with a special hostgroup -1 (this means that these queries
were not sent to any hostgroup), and the total execution time for the queries cached is 0 (this
means that the request was served within the same events loop).

mysql> select hostgroup,digest_text,count_star,FROM_UNIXTIME(last_seen)

from stats_mysql_query_digest where digest_text like '%DESCRIBE%';
| hostgroup | digest_text | count_star | FROM_UNI
XTIME(last_seen) |
| -1 | DESCRIBE `agent` | 178 | 2018-10-
11 11:35:43 |
| 2 | DESCRIBE `integration`. | 1 | 2018-10-
11 11:22:37 |
| 2 | DESCRIBE `options_available` | 1 | 2018-10-
11 11:22:37 |
| 2 | DESCRIBE `campaignsettings` | 1 | 2018-10-
11 11:22:37 |
| 2 | DESCRIBE `integration` | 1 | 2018-10-
11 11:22:38 |
| 2 | DESCRIBE `clients` | 1 | 2018-10-
11 11:22:57 |
| 2 | DESCRIBE `companies` | 1 | 2018-10-
11 11:22:37 |
| 2 | DESCRIBE `vsts_options` | 1 | 2018-10-
11 11:22:37 |
| -1 | DESCRIBE `users_details` | 190211 | 2018-10-
11 11:35:43 |
| -1 | DESCRIBE `ticket` | 9081 | 2018-10-
11 11:35:43 |
| 2 | DESCRIBE `ticket` | 1 | 2018-10-
11 11:22:38 |
| 2 | DESCRIBE `stats` | 1 | 2018-10-
11 11:22:37 |
| -1 | DESCRIBE `stats` | 19856 | 2018-10-
11 11:35:43 |
| -1 | DESCRIBE `companies` | 40079 | 2018-10-
11 11:35:43 |
| -1 | DESCRIBE `options` | 20590 | 2018-10-
11 11:35:43 |
| -1 | DESCRIBE `com_settings` | 20215 | 2018-10-
11 11:35:43 |
| 2 | DESCRIBE `users_details` | 3 | 2018-10-
11 11:23:00 |
| -1 | DESCRIBE `visit` | 20166 | 2018-10-
11 11:35:43 |
| 2 | DESCRIBE `integration_many` | 1 | 2018-10-
11 11:22:37 |
| -1 | DESCRIBE `integration_many` | 21875 | 2018-10-
11 11:35:43 |
| -1 | DESCRIBE `integration` | 20767 | 2018-10-
11 11:35:43 |
| -1 | DESCRIBE `task_integration` | 9032 | 2018-10-
11 11:35:43 |
22 rows in set (0.01 sec)
As per last 30 mins stats, only 13 DESCRIBE queries were served by MySQL and 676980 queries
from proxysql cache

mysql> select hostgroup, sum(count_star) from stats_mysql_query_digest w

here digest_text like 'DESCRIBE%' group by hostgroup;
| hostgroup | sum(count_star) |
| -1 | 676980 |
| 2 | 13 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Another use case we observed that when the client sends more queries on
INFORMATION_SCHEMA to perform some pre-validation checks. we can use similar query
rules to overcome this situation.

Conclusion: – For some application logic ProxySQL query cache can achieve ~2X performance
boost at a minimum and can be more better if ProxySQL instance closer to the application.

ProxySQL query cache may serve stale resultsets due to the way it invalidates cached data (cached data
are valid for the interval specified by “cache_ttl”, while MySQL’s cached data get invalidated each time
data change). Every query that is cached may return stale data and this may or may not be acceptable by
the application so make proper use of this feature on requirements.

Some FAQ’s answer on query cache :

1. Does prepared statement support ProxySQL QC?

– Query cache doesn’t work with PS

2. Does query cache pre-allocate memory based on query_cache_size_MB? Should we reduce the
value if not in use?

– No, query cache is not preallocated, Therefore no need to reduce it.

3. How to purge content of the query cache

– There is no command to immediately delete the whole content of the query cache. To define
cache invalidation only make use of “cache_ttl”

Some benchmark has been performed [here](https://proxysql.com/blog/scaling-with-proxysql-

query-cache (https://proxysql.com/blog/scaling-with-proxysql-query-cache)) to showcase how
ProxySQL Query Cache boosts performance!

More details here : https://github.com/sysown/proxysql/wiki/Query-Cache


Published by Ashwini V. Ahire

I am MySQL Database administrator , Having 6+ years of Experience View all posts by Ashwini V. Ahire


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