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Kelly Hilbert
ED 608
Week 1
9/5 - 9/12
What Stuck with Me
Most educators believe Creativity has been “Educational environments
creativity to be a natural contain various constraints
assessed on two aspects:
characteristic. However, studies (e.g., curricular standards,
show that it can be a learnt Verbal and Figural. The
external accountability
trait. There was not a huge Verbal section is broken mandates, time, and
emphasis on it when current down into fluency, resources).”
educators were in school, so
flexibility, and originality.
most of today's’ educators are
The Figural section is The quote above stuck with
unsure of how to teach it. This
me, because it really makes
stuck with me because I believe broken down into fluency,
it to be important to understand me wonder if a lot of what
originality, and
that everyone can be creative, school systems are doing, are
and that creativity is not limited
elaboration. actually preventing the
to just one aspect. development of creativity.
Advancing Creativity
● Create a classroom environment
that is safe, and develops a
Growth Mindset
● Provide opportunities for
● Appeal to the interests of
students, to support intrinsic
● Provide student choice with
flexible seating, and multiple
means of engagement
● Provide exploratory, inquiry
based learning
Web 2.0 Tools: Creativity
There are many different tools you can utilize in the
classroom, in order to foster creativity. I believe that the tools
that could work best are ones that provide students many
different choices such as layout or design. I also believe that
tools that are engaging and can connect with the world
around us, can open the doors to creativity. I believe tools
such as Padlet or Flipgrid, allow for students to collaborate
and build off of each other. Social media tools such as twitter,
or blogging sites can give students the freedom to share their
thoughts and ideas as well.
Week 2
9/12 - 9/18
What Stuck with Me
“Whatever creativity is, it is not “Thought without proper reflection is
conventional.” uncritical thinking, and that to make
better decisions, self-reflection is
This quote really stuck with me vital.”
because I think it perfectly sums up
creativity. Most times, people want to This quote from the Critical Thinking
assume that creativity follows the article really stuck with me, because
standard definition that society has I also believe that being able to
developed, which involves being self-reflect, and think about our
artistic. However, creativity should decisions, is an important life skill. It
not be limited to just that, because it is also one that I am trying to instill
is so much more. within my students.
Advancing Critical Thinking
● Provide opportunities for real
world or authentic learning
● Give performance-based
● Allow for classroom activities
which encourage synthesizing,
evaluating, and identifying
● Allow students to have time to
come up with multiple
perspectives and ideas
● Give time for reflection/discussion
on metacognition
Web 2.0 Tools: Critical Thinking
● VoiceThread - students get to see multiple perspectives,
and build off of each others’ ideas. Use the Hitchhiking
● Padlet - Post individual ideas, as well as comment on the
ideas of others to build off of them. Encourage students to
come up with new answers that have not already been
● Flipgrid - This allows students to really think deeply about
their thinking, and reflect on their learning in order to
answer questions.
Week 3
9/19 - 9/25
What Stuck with Me
Creativity within group collaboration “Students working in a group may not
appears to be lower than creativity be collaborating, and students
within individuals working on the same collaborating may never be in the
problem. I thought this was very same room together.” This quote really
interesting, because collaboration is stuck with, because it is so important
highly encouraged in 21st century to recognize that collaboration is
learning. However, does this fact show much more than just working in a
that collaboration at times can hinder group. It involves being accountable
creativity? We as teachers need to and holding other accountable,
help foster both of these skills within working together for a common goal,
our students so that they can and evaluating each other and your
strengthen both skills. work as you go.
Advancing Collaboration
● Provide the students with real
world scenarios, which require
team oriented problem solving
● Participate in experiences like
Mystery Skype, which allow
students to collaborate within
their own class with designated
roles, and collaborate with
another class globally
● Create a classroom environment
of respect and growth mindset
● Give students “jobs” during
group projects or activities
Web 2.0 Tools: Collaboration
● Padlet - Post individual ideas, as well as comment on the
ideas of others to build off of them
● Google Apps - Tools such as Google Docs, Google Slides,
etc. allow for students to collaborate even if they are not
face to face. Students can work together from afar, or even
when in the same room by working on the same
● Skype/Zoom - Social media tools such as Skype, allow
students to collaborate face to face from far away.
Week 4
9/26 - 10/2
What Stuck with Me
Communication has not 5 W’s and an H: This tool can The idea of “the curse of
received as much research help you with gathering data knowledge” stuck with me,
attention as other skills have, and facts about a situation, in because it was a concept I
such as creativity and order to get a better sense of had never given much
collaboration. I thought this was the information. Using this tool
thought to before. When
interesting because you need to develop a deeper
reflecting on this idea, I
communication skills in order to understanding, can help with
definitely have come across it
collaborate with others, and problem solving. I really liked
work together with others. It when we used this tool in class, as I have changed grade
seems that all of these skills are and believe that it can really levels. My 5th graders new a
linked, and so it was interesting assist in breaking down an lot more than my 2nd graders
to read that communication has issue. It allows you to look at a do in terms of basic executive
not been quite as thoroughly problem from all angles, and functioning skills, and it has
researched as the others. figure out the best strategies to been a huge adjustment!
approach a solution.
Advancing Communication
● Provide students opportunities
to evaluate and critique each
other's’ work
● Create an environment with a
growth mindset, to encourage
risk taking
● Allow all students the
opportunity to share their
● Encourage “I messages” when
promoting discussions between
Web 2.0 Tools for Communication
● Flipgrid/Voicethread - These two tools are really good for
helping students articulate their thoughts verbally. This can help
them practice with sharing their ideas, especially younger
students who are still learning how to use their communication
● Twitter - Twitter would allow students to connect, communicate,
and interact globally with the world around them!
● Skype - Doing an activity like a Mystery Skype would allow kids to
work on communicating with students on a global level
● Kids Blog - This tool is great for students to express themselves in
many different ways, and share their ideas with the world.
Week 5
10/3 - 10/9
What Stuck with Me
Credibility - they discussed how I thought the section on mental
in order to make someone stimulation was interested to read
believe something, we need to about. It makes sense that when
appeal to their core beliefs. you go back and mentally work
These relate to three powerful through and view a problem, you
forces which are family, might see or think about things
personal experience, and faith. that you looked over or forgot.
It can be a very challenging They talked about how “mental
task to make someone believe stimulations can help us
anticipate appropriate responses
to future situations.”
“Sell” a Web 2.0 Tool
Do your students get frustrated when they don’t
get a chance to share? Are students still talking
over one another regardless of how many times
you’ve set the listening expectations? Do you have

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students who are just too shy to participate?
Then I have just the tool for you! Flipgrid is an
online, video tool that allows students to
pre-record and upload an answer to a discussion.
Students can also comment on each others’
posts, and add to their own posts. With this post,
Cre li
everyone will get a chance to share, and view the
answers of others. They can do it on their own
time, and won’t have to be afraid of talking in
front of everyone!
Week 6
10/10 - 10/16
What Stuck with Me
“Common core does not support In the 21st century teaching article,
creativity, but rather opposes it.” they discussed metacognition and how
important it is that in this day and age,
This quote from Dr. Zhao’s interview students need to be taught how to
really stuck with me, because we learn on their own. In order to do this,
spend everyday teaching our they need to think about HOW they
students the common core. However, learn. This is something that I have
the common core does not give a lot heard before, but reading about it in
of freedom to be creative with our this article really emphasized the
teaching. In turn, we are not instilling importance for me. It is something that
creativity in our students. seems challenging to try and instill
into 2nd graders.
The SUCCES Framework
This framework could be used in my professional career, if I was
trying to persuade my administration or staff of an idea I had, or if I
was giving a professional development on a new tool that I think
should be implemented at our school. In order to get my staff to buy
into what I am presenting on or discussing, I could use the SUCCES
Framework. I could also use this framework during the upcoming
internship for our program. The elements of this framework could be
very useful to implement when planning for the internship. Our
internship will be very similar to our tech. equity project, and it may
even be the same topic. Going back to the SUCCES Framework would
be a beneficial idea.

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