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● Ernesto Gómez 
● Emiliano Angel 
● Maximiliano Muñoz 
● Mauricio Malo 
● Miguel Angel Prada 
In the rainy season in Leon, the weather is usually cloudy and in the season dry it’s hot 
but is also partly cloudy in the year. The temperature we can are of 6°C to 31° although 
sometimes are drops to -3°C and rises to 34°C. In the hot season are lasts 2 months 
having per day a temperature of 29°C. In the “fresh” season like the hot seasons are 
lasts of 2 months with a temperature per day of 24°C.  
Why? The climate in Leon we can may vary because the city is under sand and for the 
large number of mountains (22) and the green areas.  
The city of Leon, Gto. belongs to the mountain forest biome since its flora, fauna and 
climate coincide with the characteristics of this biome. The state of Guanajuato (where is 
ubicated Leon) is located to the south of de Altiplanicie mexican with a surface of 30,560 
Why? Because the city of Leon are ubicated in mountains are founded there.  
Leon have a lot of faune (For example):  
1. Golden Eagle. 
2. Rabbit. 
3. Coyote. 
4. Fox. 
5. Skunk. 
6. Maguey.  
7. Rat. 
8. Badger. 
9. Armadillo. 
10. Sparrow. 
11. Hawk. 
12. Deer. 
13. Hummingbird.  
14. Chicua. 
15. Goat prieto. 
16. Black tail waterfall.  
17. Raven. 
18. Cuitlacoche.  
19. Raccoon. 
20. Eared mouse. 
21. Gopher.  
The state of Guanajuato with Leon is the also houses several species are European like 
the horses, plants and the pines.  
Why? Because Leon has a lot of animals because they has a climate and varied 
1. International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)  
R= It’s a medium that connects the part of government with groups in favor of causes 
such as animal protection, conservation of species and recently began to include groups 
in favor of sustainable development. 
2. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)  
R= Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature: a jewel made with private capital 
where now, with little more than 30 million dollars, it becomes the largest investment for 
the conservation of species in Latin America. 
3. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) 
R= Is the main contact network between conservation centers for research, exchange of 
species and mainly for the development of breeding programs, which consists of 
conducting studies between species in captivity 
4. Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) 
R=Works solely with such conservation centers through education plans, animal 
reproduction plans, and even professional development plans for zoo and aquarium 
5. Association of Zoos, Breeders and Aquariums of Mexico AC (AZCARM) 
R= They provide conservation plans, maintenance programs, training for employees; all 
in order to continue working for the animals and their conservation. Every effort has the 
same value, in the end everything adds up to the goal: to respect, care for and love other 
ways of life 
1. APAP Alcala: 
R= It is an association which helps to get family street dogs which in my opinion do not 
deserve a miserable life on the street. 
R= It is an association founded in 1976, it is said that it was the first organization that 
came to grow too much in the issue of good for animals, and the best thing is that it is 
independent from the government. 
3. ARCAS: 
R= Arcas was founded in Guatemala in 1989 by the citizens of the region, but 
what is interesting here is that they not only support animals, but also plants. 
R= ASANDA is an organization that arises in Europe, more than anything supporting the 
cattle, since they mistreat them too much, but still supports other types of animals but is 
specified in the previous ones. 
5. EDGE: 
R= EDGE is an organization which is very important because it protects ten of the most 
rare species in danger of extinction, the best thing is that it is one of the most influential 
and global since it is active around all continents. 
- Badger. 
- Armadillo. 
- Songbirds and Raptors. 
- Rattlesnakes 
More than 800 species are reported to be extinct but the most outstanding are the 
previous ones. For that species we can subside they must protect their habitat without 
invading it and not hunting it for we can live.  

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