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Court Services Institute – Final Quiz Answers

1. What does Awareness mean, when you are driving?

 All of the above

2. What are the common kinds of driving situations that may have caused problems for you in the
 All of the above

3. Which of the following driving situations are controllable by you?

 Speeding
 Drowsiness
 Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and /or Drugs
 Tailgating (You tailgating the car in front of you)
 Time Pressure

4. What can you do to prevent feeling rushed for time while driving?
 (All answers but “Drive faster”)

5. Stress is a part of everyday life.

 True

6. The effects of stress can tempt you to make poor driving decisions on a daily basis.
 True

7. What was your Life Impact of Stressful Events Score? (Chapter 4, no wrong answer)
 Any answer

8. What are the things you can do to prevent being controlled by life’s stressful events?
 All of the above

9. When driving, how can you combat distractions?

 All of the above
o Test will incorrect mark this answer wrong

10. What % of crashes are almost always fatal when you fall asleep at the wheel?
 87%

11. One of the warning signs of being too fatigued to drive is ... you feel fatigued throughout the day
almost every day?
 True

12. One in ten Americans over the age of 12 drove under the influence of alcohol in the past year.
 True

13. What do you risk losing by being convicted of a Driving Under the Influence?
 All of the above
14. You can be an impaired driver with as few as two drinks.
 True

15. In most states, at what BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) level are you considered an impaired driver
and in violation of the law?
 .08

16. What is a Designated Driver?

 Someone who has had no alcohol to drink

17. Prescription medication mixed with alcohol can cause a higher Blood Alcohol Content.
 True

18. How many Beliefs do you have on the "Test Your Knowledge" quiz? (Chapter 9)
 Any answer

19. Some driving precautions that should be taken to compensate for faulty tires, windshield
wipers, or brakes, until they are repaired are: Drive slower, be more aware, and allow more time
for stopping.
 True

20. Stopping Distance = Distance traveled after perceiving a threat... plus... reacting to it...
plus...braking the vehicle to a stop.
 True

21. Striking a solid object at 60 MPH is like driving off the roof of a nine-story building.
 True

22. Four out of every ten crashes involve rear-end collisions, usually because someone is tailgating.
 True

23. To provide a safe space cushion, and follow the THE THREE SECOND RULE:
 True

24. At 65 mph, your stopping distance is the length of a football field.

 True

25. Which of the following are smart reasons for putting on your seat belt every time you enter a
 All of the above

26. The safest position in the car for a child is in the rear seat facing the rear of the car.
 True
27. Bicycles, pedestrians, motorcycles, vintage vehicles, farm equipment, large equipment, and
trucks all have the same rights to share the road with cars.
 True

28. Self-imposed pressures occur when you feel an urgent need to do something that is not urgent
and put yourself or family members at risk by driving in bad weather conditions, over dangerous
terrain, or by feeling pressured by the actions of another driver.
 True

29. The SALE Model is a way for you to remember the key points about defensive driving.
 True

30. Attitude can save your life. Professional drivers drive day after day with no close calls and no
violations. Being a pro requires you to be alert, wary, patient, and considerate.
 True

31. Values and beliefs shape attitudes and behaviors.

 True

32. Values, Beliefs, Attitudes and Behaviors: Select the letter which best defines the word - A, B, C,
or D.
 C – Value
 A – Belief
 D – Attitude
 B – Behavior

33. Values and beliefs are important in shaping what we think, feel, and do (attitudes and
 True

34. We can change the maps (values and beliefs) that shape our attitudes and behavior.
 True

35. Controllable conditions can lead to poor driving performance and mishaps on the road if you do
not monitor them using the guidelines of the SALE Model.
 True

36. Your personal values, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior are motivated by internal conditions, and
are the keys to creating the choices you make.
 True

37. The three most common things that can lead to unproductive driving decisions, feelings, and
actions are:
 True
o Test will incorrect mark this answer wrong
38. Why do you think you and someone else might react to the same situations differently?
 All of the above

39. Your filters can effect your driving if you are focused on something else (distracted), you might
not see what you need to; your values and beliefs interpret the meaning of what you see.
 True

40. Escalation of behavior is an exchange of behaviors that keep raising the level of confrontation.
 True

41. Hooks, filters, and escalation lead to unproductive decisions, feelings, and behaviors. Their
interaction can be a deadly combination.
 True

42. Does getting hooked by a tailgater, slow driver, or another driver giving you a "hand signal" limit
your freedom of choice?
 Yes

43. The 3C Model is: A three-step approach to making positive change.

 True

44. Accountability means taking responsibility for one’s own thoughts and actions.
 True

45. Triggers are life events or actions of others that set off an explosive reaction. You react in a
hostile manner or escalate a situation to a level that endangers others, and can lead to loss of
life or serious injury.
 True

46. Aggressive driving is defined as the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or
is likely to endanger persons or property.
 True

47. Road Rage is deliberate, violent behavior in response to a real or perceived traffic event.
 True

48. The Federal Government ranks Road Rage as a top safety issue, up with alcohol related driving
and seat belts.
 True

49. Factors in road rage incidents are aggressive driving, displaced anger (from work or home), life
stress events, and time pressures not related to driving.
 True

50. Aggressive driving becomes road rage when abuse and punishment behaviors escalate to
physical injury of the other driver, his passengers, or his vehicle.
 True
51. There are twenty steps that progressively lead to more intense and hostile interactions. What
was your Aggressometer Reading in Chapter 27 (how far would you be willing to go with
someone who sets off your triggers)?
 Any answer

52. The 5 Beliefs that Aggressive Drivers demonstrate are: lack of accountability, vigilantism, judging
and mistrusting others, competitiveness, and an inwardly focused view of the world.
 True

53. Which of the "ten reasons people give most often for causing a situation that resulted in the
death or serious injury of another person" would most people be willing to die for?
 None

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