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8: Units 4-5-6 Evaluative Lesson 2 - Intento 1

Puntos: 2
Complete the following sentences with Used to / Use to:

My parents leave early.

Puntos: 2
Complete the following sentences with Used to / Use to:

A: their son cook chicken on his birthday?

B:Yes, and he make juice to eat it.

Puntos: 2
Complete the following sentences with Used to / Use to:

A: I remember the day when I play soccer with my sons at 12 pm. But
they enjoy it so much.

B: Yes, I thought that. They play video games all the time.

Puntos: 2
Complete the following conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in
parenthesis for each clause:
if his sister any money tonight, no one to the concert.

Puntos: 20

For twenty five years, female athletes competing at the international

level (test) to see whether they were really female.
Women who ( fail) ( bar) from competition
and told to fake a caree-ending injury, thus destroying their dreams
of medals and carriers in sport. Also, for the women who
(fail) the test, the process (call) into
questions their very identities as women. The suspicion that several
Eastern European women medalist were in fact men
(drive) the push to begin testing. For the first test in 1966, the
athletes (tell) to strip for a medical examination. Every
woman who (attend) (pass) the test,
but not every woman showed up. Perhaps the justification to
continue this testing (fuel) by these no-shows.

Puntos: 2
Complete the following conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in
parenthesis for each clause:

Seas and rivers around the globe if polar glaciers

to melt.

Enviar todo y terminar

Final del formulario


Usted se ha autentificado como BIBIANA ALEXANDRA

Act. 8: Units 4-5-6 Evaluative Lesson 2

Revisión del intento 1

Comenzado el: domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010, 09:57

Completado el: domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010, 10:26
Tiempo empleado: 29 minutos 9 segundos

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