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Polynomial Choice Board

Directions: Choose 1 Appetizer from the menu, once

completed show the teacher to move on to the Entrée.
Choose 1 activity from the Entrée, once completed get
approval to move on to the dessert. Choose 1 Dessert and
complete the activity.

Option 1: Polynomials Vocabulary

(25 points)
Option 2: Match Example and Method

Option 1: Create a Mind Map

(50 points)
Option 2: Google Slides

Option 1: Area of a Rectangle

Option 2: Graph to equation
(25 points)
Option 3: Application of Two Cars Driving
Polynomial Choice Board
Appetizer: Polynomials Vocabulary
Using and reading through the mathisfun.com website, summarize the definitions of each term
and give an example of each term.

Term Definition Example




Degree of a Polynomial

FOIL Method

Square of a Sum

If you are having trouble with the live link, copy and paste the following URL to your web
browser: https://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/polynomials.html
Polynomial Choice Board
Appetizer: Match Example and Method
Vocabulary List

Binomial FOIL Method Power of a Quotient

Constant Monomial Product of Powers
Degree of Polynomial Polynomial Quotient of Powers
Degree of Monomial Trinomial Zero Exponent
Degree of Binomial Power of a Power Negative Exponent
Difference of two squares Power of a Product

Using the Vocabulary list given above, match the examples with its correct
Note: Some of the examples match with more than one term and not all the terms are used for
this exercise.

1. 7"# =

2. (𝑥 * ), = 𝑥 -.

3. 9𝑥 0

4. 2𝑥 - − 48𝑥 + 74

5. 5. = 1

,8 ' 9 8;
6. =
%,8 : 9 ; 09 <

7. 9𝑥 0 − 2𝑥 - + 48𝑥 − 74

8. (𝑥 = 𝑦)(4𝑥 0 𝑦 # ) = 4𝑥 %- 𝑦 &

9. (𝑥 − 2)(𝑥 + 6) = 𝑥 - − 2𝑥 + 6𝑥 − 12
Polynomial Choice Board
Entrée: Create a Mind Map
Using mindmeister.com, create a Mind Map with the main idea being
Polynomials. Use at least 5 of the vocabulary words below in your Mind
Map, including definitions and examples of each.

Vocabulary List

Binomial FOIL Method Power of a Quotient

Constant Monomial Product of Powers
Degree of Polynomial Polynomial Quotient of Powers
Degree of Monomial Trinomial Zero Exponent
Degree of Binomial Power of a Power Negative Exponent
Difference of two squares Power of a Product

If you are having trouble with the live link, copy and paste the following URL to your web
browser: https://www.mindmeister.com/
Polynomial Choice Board
Entrée: Google Slides

Using Google Slides, create a presentation demonstrating your

understanding of one of the concepts of Polynomials given below. This
presentation should be designed as if you were going to teach other
You are able to gather information from your textbook, online resources
we have discussed in class, and online resources found on my webpage.
However, you MUST cite your sources. For example, if you find a graph
or an equation on a website, you must reference the website.

Choose one of the following Polynomial concepts:

Binomial FOIL Method Power of a Quotient
Constant Monomial Product of Powers
Degree of Polynomial Polynomial Quotient of Powers
Degree of Monomial Trinomial Zero Exponent
Degree of Binomial Power of a Power Negative Exponent
Difference of two squares Power of a Product

If you are having trouble with the live link, copy and paste the following URL to your web
browser: http://docs.google.com/presentation/u/0/
Polynomial Choice Board
Dessert: Area of a Rectangle
The length of the rectangle is 9 units longer than the width. Write an expression
which best represents the area of the rectangle.

Step 1: Draw a diagram of the rectangle and label the length and width.

Step 2: Write an expression for the length of the rectangle and an expression for the width.

Step 3: The area of a rectangle is given by A= lw. Write an expression for the area of the
Polynomial Choice Board
Dessert: Graph to equation
Write an expression for the graph given below.

Step 1: What is the point of the x-intercept?

Step 2: What is the point of the y-intercept?

Step 3: What is the slope?

Step 4: Write the expression of the graph in terms of x and y.

Polynomial Choice Board
Dessert: Application of Two Cars Driving
Two cars leave at the same time and both are driving to Fullerton. The cars’
distance from Fullerton (in miles) is represented by the two equations below, where
t represent time in hours. (Assume the cars are driving at a constant speed.)

Car A: A = 67t + 12
Car B: B= 60t + 18

a) Which car is faster? Explain.

b) How far did Car A travel in 3 hours?

c) Write the expression which shows the distance between the two cars.

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