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HSC - March 2019 Examination IT Sample Paper TYPE 2

Std. XII - Science Subject: Information Technology Max. Marks: 80

Paper ID: A20 Seat No. : __________

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Q.1 Fill in the Blanks: [10 marks]

1. _____________ tag is used to create multiline text entry field. Answer-: <textarea>
2. The ____________________ positioning is the distance from previous element of the web page
from other element on web page. Answer-: relative
3. The ___________ tag in HTML can divide the main browser window into independent
windows. Answer-: <frameset>
4. Code of ethics supplies norms and _________ Answer-: principles
5. _________ is the variety of types of software error. Answer-: Bug
6. Online Auction is the best example of ___________ Answer-: Electronic Market
7. The ________ namespace contains classes that are rendered as HTML tags, such as the Textbox
Control and the ListBoxControl. Answer-: System.Web.UI.WebControls
8. The ______ argument of Server Variables collections returns the method used to make the
request. Answer-: HTTP_METHOD
9. ________ method is used to display message box. Answer-: alert()
10. _______ are based on table or query. Answer-: Reports

Q.2 True or False: [10 marks]

1. ID Selector is defined by hash(#) in CSS. Answer-: TRUE

2. License means a license granted by operator. Answer-: FALSE
3. Computer user should purchase only legitimate software products. Answer-: TRUE
4. Online auction is common example of C2C model. Answer-: TRUE
5. EDI increases the processing time of trade cycle. Answer-: FALSE
6. A click event occurs when the user cancels loading of an image. Answer-: FALSE
7. The .NET framework is a software technology that is accessible with latest Microsoft Windows
Operating System. Answer-: TRUE
8. The Visual Studio .NET code editor is also known as the Text Editor. Answer-: TRUE
9. The server-client application is used to store, retrieve and process the information. Answer-:
10. Primary key is a compulsory in MS-Access. Answer-: FALSE

Q.3 A Multiple Choice Questions (Select 1 Answer): [10 marks]

1. Class selector is defined b y a ___________ sign Answer-: a

a) . Space b) #

c) & Space d) :

2. rmf stands for ______________ Answer-: b

a) rich music file Space b) rich music format

c) real music format Space d) real music format

3. Method and ____________ are the attributes of <form> tag. Answer-: a

a) action Space b) post

c) get Space d) send

4. The default value of hidden in <embed> tag is ____________ Answer-: b

a) TRUE Space b) FALSE

c) auto Space d) none

5. ra stands for ___________ Answer-: b

a) Read audio Space b) Real audio

c) Ready audio Space d) Realistic audio

6. Cyber Law is contained in ___________ Answer-: a

a) IT Act, 2000 Space b) Negotiable Instrument Act

c) Power of Attorney Space d) Code of Ethics

7. ___________ means a representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts or

instructions. Answer-: a

a) Data Space b) Signature

c) Access Space d) Program

8. Irregular transaction in once-off trading relationship where execution and settlement are typically
combined are called ________ trade cycle. Answer-: c

a) repeat Space b) credit

c) cash Space d) debit

9. ______ model describes commercial transaction between 2 customers. Answer-: d

a) B2B Space b) B2C

c) C2B Space d) C2C

10. ___________ comes before the negotiate in trade cycle. Answer-: c

a) order Space b) payment

c) search Space d) a and b both

Q.3 B Multiple Choice Questions (Select 1 Answer): [10 marks]

1. The property of the Navigator object is ______________ Answer-: d

a) name Space b) write

c) close Space d) appcodename

2. _________ event handler executes when a mouse button is pressed. Answer-: c

a) onMouseMove Space b) onMousepress

c) onMousedown Space d) onMouseUp

3. _________ event occurs when user selects a form element field. Answer-: a

a) Select Space b) Reselect

c) Reset Space d) Blur

4. The event handler for error event is __________ Answer-: c

a) onFocus Space b) getError

c) onError Space d) Error

5. The _______ control displays text on a web page. Answer-: d

a) Textbox Space b) Textarea

c) Textcontrol Space d) Label

6. The __________ validator checks the user input upon a lower and upper level range of numbers
or characters.Answer-: d

a) compare Space b) Response

c) Request Space d) Range

7. The _________ method sends all buffered output to the client. Answer-: b

a) Clear Space b) Flush

c) Delete Space d) Change

8. The __________ statement is used to handle queries through ASP. Answer-: b

a) query Space b) select

c) que Space d) forms

9. Access is a ____________ Answer-: c

a) Flat file database Space b) Structured programming language

c) RDBMS Space d) Object oriented programming language

10. SQL is ________ Query Language Answer-: d

a) Source Space b) Select

c) None of these Space d) Structured

Q.4 Multiple Choice Questions (Select 2 Answers): [10 marks]

1. Web Server uses protocols such as _________ and __________ Answer-: a e

a) HTTP Space b) TPT

c) HTCP Space d) STP

Space e) FTP

2. ___________ text which can be read by human while _________ text is unreadable to
humans. Answer-: a b
a) Simple Space b) Cipher

c) Internet Space d) Software Piracy

Space e) Cyber Ethics

3. Presale phase of trade cycle consist of ___________ and ____________ Answer-: b d

a) order Space b) search

c) payment Space d) negotiate

Space e) Cash Transaction

4. Event handlers of Document objects are ___________ Answer-: a c

a) onMouseDown Space b) onBlur

c) onMouseUp Space d) onfocus

Space e) onLoad

5. crosstab query is used to calculate __________ Answer-: c d

a) minimum Space b) maximum

c) average Space d) sum

Space e) delete

Q.5 Multiple Choice Questions (Select 3 Answers): [6 marks]

1. Security is ______________ Answer-: c d e

a) unauthorization Space d) Access Control

b) Availability Space e) Data Confidentiality

c) Integrity Space f) Inconsistent

2. Data type property can be set to ________________ Answer-: a c d

a) yes/no Space d) auto number

b) floating point Space e) character

c) memo Space f) image

Q.6 Rearrange the Following: [4 marks]

1. Rearrange the following Answer-: gabfdec

a) <body bgcolor=pink>

b) <img src=clouds.jpg usemap=#name1>

c) </body></html>

d) <area shape=rect coords=100,150,200,20 href=page1.htm>

e) </map>

f) <map name=name1>

g) <html>

Answer: _____________________________

2. Rearrange JavaScript code: Answer-: fbegade

a) else

b) {

c) if (i % 2 == 0)

d) continue;

e) }

f) for(i=0;i<=10;i++)

g) document.write("<br>" + i);

Answer: _____________________________

Q.7 Short Q. Answers: [10 marks]

1. Explain the IT Act terms - Private key, Public key and Electronic form.
2. Explain the models of E-Commerce based on nature of goods and to whom goods are sold.
3. What is Query? Explain uses and Types of Query.

Q.8 Write Program: [10 marks]

1. Design Personal Information from in html that accepts Name, age, Address, Current status as
Working or Non working and Educational Qualification, buttons should be provided for clearing and
submitting data.
2. Write JavaScript code to print all even numbers from 10 to 50.

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