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Comprehensive analysis of maximum power point tracking techniques in

solar photovoltaic systems under uniform insolation and partial shaded

Article  in  Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy · July 2015

DOI: 10.1063/1.4926844


13 1,047

4 authors, including:

Deepak Verma Savita Nema

Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Jaipur Campus Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal


Soubhagya Dash
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal


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Comprehensive analysis of maximum power point tracking techniques in solar
photovoltaic systems under uniform insolation and partial shaded condition
Deepak Verma, S. Nema, A. M. Shandilya, and Soubhagya K. Dash

Citation: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4926844
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4926844
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jrse/7/4?ver=pdfcov
Published by the AIP Publishing

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Comprehensive analysis of maximum power point tracking

techniques in solar photovoltaic systems under uniform
insolation and partial shaded condition
Deepak Verma,a) S. Nema,b) A. M. Shandilya,c) and Soubhagya K. Dashd)
Department of Electrical Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology,
Bhopal 462003, Madhya Pradesh, India
(Received 27 November 2014; accepted 2 July 2015; published online 14 July 2015)

Augmentation in use of solar energy has been reiterated in the literature. The
significant role of this gradual but continuous growth lies in its ubiquitously known
ride through other conventional energy sources in terms of supplement to
increasing energy demand. Whereas the only limitation with solar photovoltaic
(PV) system is that it suffers from low efficiency energy conversion, therefore it
becomes more important to draw maximum available power from solar PV. As the
I-V characteristic of PV is nonlinear and alters with different values of insolation
and temperature, it causes alteration in Maximum Power Point (MPP), also at the
time of partial shading condition the point of maximum power deviates. In litera-
ture, good number of publications proclaimed for tracking the maximum power
point for uniform insolation as well as for partial shading condition. This paper
contributes an encyclopedic review of MPP Tracking (MPPT) technique which
may overcome the distraction of researchers while selecting MPPT technique
because all methods have their unique advantages and disadvantages which requi-
sites a thorough and informative comparative analysis of different methods. This
review work may provide a better commencement and valued informative source
C 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4926844]
in this context. V

Mankind is facing a massive energy-crisis challenge. Our modern lives, both individual and
societal, have come to depend on its abundance, convenience, and potential.1–3 The overall socio
economic growth results in the energy demand more and we are aware of the fact that fulfilling
this energy needs by the conventional sources is neither sufficient nor greatly feasible.4,5 There
exist many factors, but the prominent one is the sky-high growth of fossil fuels prices, which also
shows that we are approaching the ceiling of oil supply. Another important factor is the carbon
emission by the conventional energy sources causes increase in the global warming. Concentration
levels of greenhouse gases are rising steadily and are now greater than at any time in the past
800 000 years. If concentration levels are not reversed, major changes to the world climate may
result, bringing significant effects on people, industry, and the world economy. Hence, Renewable
energies like solar and wind energy are the best option to achieve all above requirements.6,7
Solar energy is a large source of energy which is absolutely free of cost, and available to
all at fairly equal manner. Two methods are there to extract the solar energy: (1) solar thermal
plants and (2) solar cells, i.e., photovoltaic (PV) cells. Among wide variety of renewable energy
projects in progress, the photovoltaic cell (Solar PV) is the most promising future energy tech-
nology option.8 The direct conversion of solar radiation to electricity by PV cells has a number

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: deepakverma16@gmail.com. Tel.:
E-mail: s_nema@yahoo.com.
E-mail: arunshandilya@yahoo.com.
E-mail: soubhagya.skd@gmail.com.

1941-7012/2015/7(4)/042701/27/$30.00 7, 042701-1 C 2015 AIP Publishing LLC


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042701-2 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

of significant advantages as an electricity generator. But some significant challenges have to be

faced to make use of solar energy like energy cost, energy fluctuation, location dependence,
huge investment requirements.9–11 The efficiency enhancement is a big issue in reducing cost
of PV system since maintenance requirement is very low in PV systems the only real cost sav-
ing to be made in capital cost of installation. For better understanding, example of monocrystal-
line solar cell Q6LMXP3-G3 made by Q-CELLS is considered for getting simulation results,
the parameter of cell is obtained from datasheet. Fig. 1 shows the IV characteristic and power
versus voltage curve of solar Cell; from the figure it is clear that the only one point is there at
which solar PV gives maximum power. For extracting the maximum power from the cell the
operating voltage or current should be corresponding to the maximum power point (MPP)
(Pmax), i.e., Vm and Im, respectively, under a given temperature and insolation.
This point also varies with the change in insolation and temperature as shown in Figs. 2
and 3. Thus, the mismatch between load and source characteristics curtails the availability of
maximum possible accessible power delivery to load which causes a significant power loss. An
electronic circuitry used to match the characteristics of module with respect to maximum power
to avoid this power loss is called MPP tracker (MPPT).
Approximately, 40 various methods are reported in literature to track the maximum power
point, some of them are very much close to other method as to their operating principle. This
paper discusses 34 methods and compares them on the basis of 12 parameters.


The concept of MPPT is explained by considering an example of monocrystalline solar cell
Q6LMXP3-G3 made by Q-CELLS. The simulations conducted with the cell parameters are
obtained from datasheet.12 Fig. 1 depicts the I-V characteristic and power versus voltage curve
of a single solar cell. It indicates that the solar PV can give maximum power only at a single
point. For extracting the maximum power from the cell the operating voltage or current should
be corresponding to the maximum power point (Pmax), i.e., Vm and Im, respectively, under a
given temperature and insolation.
The characteristics of solar cell are significantly influenced by
• insolation,
• temperature, and
• partial shading condition.13–17
The impacts of such environmental factors are explained as follows.

A. Effect of insolation on solar PV

The changes in characteristic with variation in insolation are shown in Fig. 2. The short cir-
cuit current (Isc) of the solar cell is the function of insolation and reduces proportionally with

FIG. 1. Solar cells I-V and P-V characteristic.

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042701-3 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

FIG. 2. Solar I-V and P-V characteristic with different insolation and for constant temperature.

decrease in insolation. Fig. 2 reflects that the point of maximum power also varies with respect
to changing insolation.

B. Effect of temperature on solar PV

Temperature is another factor which shows a momentous influence on the characteristic of
solar cell. With increase in temperature, open circuit voltage increases proportionally but the
short circuit current decreases logarithmically. Fig. 3 reflects this peculiarity of solar cell char-
acteristic for different temperature values.

C. Effect of shading on solar PV

Along with temperature and insolation, partial shading also shows a major influence on so-
lar cell characteristic. When more than one PV module are connected and one of them is par-
tially shaded then the insolation received by both the module are different. This mismatch con-
dition is explained by considering an example of two series connected Q6LMXP3-G3 solar cell
with their terminal voltage V1 and V2, total power P, and total voltage V. In partial shading
condition, power out from the array is less because of the shaded (500 W/m2) cell’s current
dominating the other panel’s current as they both are connected in series. In bypass diode miti-
gation strategy, each solar PV is connected with a bypass diode as shown in Fig. 4. These
bypass diodes provide the path to the mismatched current in case of shading condition and the
characteristics obtained from solar PV are shown in Fig. 5.

FIG. 3. Solar cell characteristic with different working temperatures and constant insolation.

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042701-4 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

FIG. 4. Operation of Solar PV under partial shading condition.

As explained above, it is seen that all these time variant and environmental dependent fac-
tors show a major contribution in the changes of the operating point or MPP throughout the
day. The function of maximum power point tracking is to shift this changing operating point to
the point (Pmax) where the module delivers maximum power. The phenomenon of tracking the
maximum power point is same as impedance matching by tape changing transformer in case of
AC and in DC a DC-DC converter is used to convert output voltage of solar cell with respect
to Pmax by changing duty ratio.

D. Operating principle of MPPT

After analyzing impact of environmental issues such as insolation and temperature as well
as shading condition on solar cell characteristic, the operating strategy of MPPT is explained
by considering an example for tracking maximum power with change in insolation as shown in
Fig. 6. It gives the solar cell characteristic for three different insolation for a linear resistive
type load, leading to different maximum power points which are A0 , B0 , and C0 as shown in
Fig. 2. As the load is linear, the operating points and corresponding terminal voltages of the
cell are A, B, and C and it is clear from Figs. 6 and 2 the power delivered by the solar cell
with respect to points A, B, and C is less than the available power.
The maximum power point tracking operating strategy evokes the concept of holding the
terminal voltage corresponding to the maximum power point, i.e., A0 , B0 , and C0 instead of
operating points A, B, and C. Thus an electronic circuitry used to drag the operating point of
solar cell to the maximum power point is known as maximum power point tracker.

FIG. 5. I-V and P-V curve under partial shading condition.

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042701-5 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

FIG. 6. Maximum power point for different insolations.


The noteworthy methods reported in literature are as follows.

A. Constant voltage method

Constant voltage method works on the principle that maximum power point appears
between 72% and 78% of open circuit voltage Voc at standard atmospheric condition. In Refs.
18 and 19, it is well explained that the output voltage is constant in this range for solar PV
module. The output voltage is ensured with the duty ratio (d) of the DC to DC convertor

VREF ¼ K1  Voc ; (1)

where K1 ¼ 0.72 to 0.78.

From Fig. 7, it can be clearly seen that VREF is calculated after sampling VOC by the sam-
pler and kept constant for one sampling period after calculating from Eq. (1) and based on that
duty ratio d is controlled by the algorithm until VPV ¼ VREF. The flow chart well be depicted in
Fig. 8.
Here in this method, Voc has to be calculated in regular intervals, and can only be
employed in case of lethargic temperature variation. Due to this, the method shows limited ac-
curacy, even though it is fast and easy.

B. Constant current method

Similarly, constant current method operates on same principle as constant voltage method.
Here, the PV arrays are operated at constant current and the maximum power point appears
between 72% and 78% of short circuit current Isc,42

IREF ¼ K2  Isc ; (2)

where K2 ¼ 0.78 to 0.92.

FIG. 7. Maximum power point tracker using constant voltage method.

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042701-6 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

FIG. 8. Flow chart of constant voltage method.

C. Pilot cell method

Here in this technique instead of using entire array a pilot cell is employed to calculate
open circuit voltage. Varray is directly evaluated based on simple calculation, this avoids the re-
petitive measurement of open circuit voltage and hence the problem disconnection of PV is
eliminated. The corresponding VREF of MPP can be calculated as

VREF ¼ K3  V oc0 pilot cell ; (3)

where K3  constant < 1.

D. Curve fitting method

Due to non-linear characteristics of solar PV, it can be mathematically modeled by curve
fitting method and approximated as shown in the following equation:

PPV ¼ K4 V3PV þ K5 V2PV þ K6 VPV þ K7 : (4)

At maximum power point, dPPV/dVPV ¼ 0,

K5 K25  3K4 K6
VM ¼ ; (5)

where K4 ; K5 ; K6 ; K7 are constant and can be obtained by polyfit command in MATLAB.

PPV is a function of array voltage and temperature. A modified curve fitting method is pro-
posed in Ref. 20 which enables the prediction with fourth order polynomial equation for vary-
ing temperature of PV array

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042701-7 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

TABLE I. Methodology of P&O method.

Perturbation Change in power Next perturbation

Positive Positive Positive (increment in duty ratio “d”)

Positive Negative Negative (decrease in duty ratio “d”)
Negative Positive Negative (decrease in duty ratio “d”)
Negative Negative Positive (increment in duty ratio “d”)

PPV ðVPV ; Tarray Þ ¼ K8 Tarray V4PV þ K9 Tarray V3PV þ K10 Tarray V2PV þ K11 Tarray VPV þ K12 Tarray : (6)

E. Look up table method

Here, in this method, current values of the PV array are compared with the stored values,
which are stored previously to harmonize the PV array with respect to maximum power point.21
PV arrays parameters like insolation, temperature, and respective maximum power points are
stored in the database.
This method majorly fails when the system is large, since it requires bulk storage memory.
Accuracy of the system can be only improved by increasing the data storage. Even though for
smaller system, the provided method is accurate but it becomes cumbersome to store and
archive when system is large.

F. Perturb and observe (P&O) method

This technique employs iterative approach in which operating point oscillates around the
maximum power point. Fig. 1 depicts the power versus voltage curve of a PV array, in which
the change power with respect voltage (dP/dV) values changes from positive to negative.22
In regular interval the duty ratio is perturbed, and the operating point oscillates around
MPP so that dP/dV ¼ 0. The operation is explained in Table I and flow chart is given in Fig. 9
Easy implementation, moderate accuracy makes this method more feasible, but due to slug-
gish response it cannot be implemented in case of fast changing atmospheric condition.
Minimization of oscillation can be realized by reducing the perturbing size which enables the
slowing down the MPPT algorithm.
Modified P&O are available in Refs. 23–27, showing the alteration such as
• Variation in perturbation step size.24
• Two stage P&O tracking in which fast tracking is obtained in first stage and finer tracking in
second stage.22
The perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm is the most commonly used in practice because
of its ease of implementation.

G. Hill climbing method

It operates on the same fundamental principle as P&O. Hill climbing involves perturbation
in duty ratio (d).28–30 This technique fails from same demerits as in earlier case.

H. Incremental Conductance (INC) method

Incremental conductance operates on the principle that slope of any curve is zero at MPP
(Pmax) as shown in Fig. 1. This can be expressed as follows:
Power: P ¼ V  I,

dP dI
¼IþV :
dV dV

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042701-8 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

FIG. 9. Flowchart of P&O method.

At true MPPT,

¼ 0;
IþV ¼ 0;
dI I
¼ ; (7)
dV V

where dI/dV is incremental conductance and I/V is instantaneous conductance.

TABLE II. Methodology of INC method.

Before MPP After MPP At MPP

dP dI I dP dI I dP dI I
> 0 or þ >0 < 0 or þ <0 ¼ 0 or þ ¼0
dV dV V dV dV V dV dV V

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042701-9 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

FIG. 10. Flowchart of INC method.

From Eq. (7), it can be clearly seen that MPP can be easily obtained on comparison of in-
stantaneous conductance with the incremental conductance. Operation of this technique is based
on three stages as shown in Table II. Flow chart is provided in Fig. 10.31 The method is com-
plex and computationally more demanding as compared to P&O.32,33

I. Beta method
In this method a coefficient beta (b) is used, which is given as
Ipv q
b ¼ ln   Vpv; (8)
Vpv kTg

where “k” is Boltzmann’s constant, “g” is diode quality factor, “T” is ambient temperature in
Kelvin, and “q” is electric charge.
From Eq. (8), it can be clearly referred that b depends on the temperature and independent
from the insolation. This scheme enhances the operation by operating near this value b rather
than the MPP. The method fetches the operating point close to the value of beta in few itera-
tions; thereafter, incremental conductance or P&O methods with finer steps can be used to track
the exact MPP.34 Fig. 11 shows the flow chart of the method.
The dependency of temperature and insolation on b is imprecise. b is evaluated with maxi-
mum and minimum values of temperature and insolation, and it is observed that variation in
maximum power point is small for fixed temperature even as the insolation is varied over a
wide range. Despite that, there is an inverse relationship between the value of b and tempera-
ture. A range, i.e., bmax to bmin is given by Soon and Saad34 for specific PV system where the
algorithm gives appropriate solution.

J. DC link capacitor droop control or parasitic capacitance method

This method is based on the power equilibrium at dc link, the output of the boost converter
is kept constant by changing the duty ratio “d” which is given by

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042701-10 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

FIG. 11. Flowchart of Beta method.

d¼1  : (9)

Fig. 12 shows the schematic diagram of the method. It shows that the output of the boost
converter is fed to the inverter across terminal “a” and “b.” Now the operating power of the
array can be increased by increasing the amplitude of the line current of ac system. As long as
the output power of the PV is less than the Pmax, the power increases with the increase in line
current and V*link remains constant. After reaching the maximum power, the V*link starts
decreasing; thus, the equilibrium condition is disturbed which can be controlled by the change
in duty ratio of the boost converter. Thus in steady state at the constant V*link the maximum
power point can be achieved.35,36

FIG. 12. DC link capacitor droop control.

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042701-11 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

K. dP/dV or dP/dI feedback control method

Fig. 1 shows that the power kept on increasing until the MPP then decreases thenceforth
with respect to voltage or current. In the context of the above, this methodology compares two
consecutive powers; however as compared to traditional methods, magnitude of the slope is
additionally considered to determine MPP.37 Three conditions are as follows:
Before MPP: p2 > p1
At MPP: p2 ¼ p1
After MPP: p2 < p1.
The following formula is employed to work out the error in tracking and duty ratio is
adjusted consequently:
2¼ Kc Kp dt: (10)

L. Load current or load voltage maximization method

The method extracts the load parameter (load voltage or load current) to regulate the MPP
rather than input current or voltage, Fig. 13 shows the schematic diagram of the tactic.
MPPT power stage or an identical network has an internal controllable parameter propor-
tional to Vout that controls the power flow within the network. This matching network could
also be a loss free resistor or a transformer. The operational principle of this technique relies
on the one output parameter extraction, either voltage or current. By increasing output voltage
or current, power output will increase till the point of maximum power, thenceforth power
decreases with more increase in voltage or current. In this way, the operational point can con-
verge to the MPP.38,39

M. Current sweep method

To find the I-V characteristic of the PV array, this methodology uses sweep wave for the
PV array current that is updated at a regular time interval. Conjointly for each interval, VMPP
will then be calculated.40–42

N. One Cycle Control (OCC) method

One cycle control is nonlinear control technique that relies on the combination of a vari-
able (voltage or current) to convert the variable value equal to some reference.
OCC based method is applicable to grid connected solar PV system as shown in Fig. 14 in
which single stage inverter perform the operation of MPPT.43–45

FIG. 13. Schematic diagram of load current or load voltage maximization method.

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042701-12 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

FIG. 14. Single phase grid connected inverter with solar PV system.

O. Slide control method

Slide mode control technique is employed for nonlinear system, for MPPT the application
of this control technique uses two modes of operation, one is approaching mode and another
one is that the sliding mode, at MPP modification in power with respect to voltage or current is
equal to zero,

P ¼ V  I;

¼ 0;
d½2  2 d
I R ¼ 2I  R þ I R ¼ 0:
dI dI

This method gives the solution at MPP,

r ¼ 0 ¼ 2R þ I R; (11)

where r is defined as sliding surface.46–48 Now duty ratio d is updated as given in Eq. (12) to
achieve the MPP,
d þ Dd for r > 0
dupdate ¼ (12)
d þ Dd for r < 0:

P. System oscillation method

This method is based on the principle of maximum power transfer. It compares the ac com-
ponent (oscillation due to the variation of the duty ratio) to the average value of the input volt-
age at the power conversion stage to determine the duty ratio. At MPP the ratio of oscillation
amplitude and average voltage is constant.42 In this method, only voltage sensor is required and
methodology is easy to implement.
This methodology relies on the principle of maximum power transfer. It compares the ac part
(oscillation due to the variation of the duty ratio) to the average value of the input voltage at the
power conversion stage to see the duty ratio. At MPP, the ratio of oscillation amplitude and aver-
age voltage is constant.42 Methodology is easy to implement and only voltage sensor is required.

Q. Ripple Correlation Control (RCC) method

This technique takes the advantage of the ripple signal, which is automatically present in
power converters. The ripple is interpreted as a perturbation from that an optimization is

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042701-13 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

accomplished. Oscillation in power provided through all pass filter that makes use of ripples to
perform MPPT.42 Technique makes use of the equation that at MPP,

dP dV dP dI
 or  ¼ 0: (13)
dt dt dt dt

R. State space based method

The method relies on the mathematical modeling of the PV system with DC-DC converter
and may be considers as a dynamic system and described by the state space equation

_ ¼ AxðtÞ þ BðtÞuðtÞ þ DeðtÞ;

xðtÞ (14)

where x is state variable vector, u is switch (SW) duty ratio of DC/DC converter, e is disturb-
ance due to load variation, and t is independent time variable.
This method gives a control law “u” to obtain MPP,

u ¼ K T  MT g1 þ neðtÞ; (15)

where the vectors: KT and MT and the parameter: “n” are the controller parameters, which are
to be defined during the design process.
The vector g1 is the reference signal which satisfy the maximum power condition

_ g ðtÞT ;
g1 ¼ ½gðtÞgðtÞ€ (16)
gðtÞ ¼ Vo þ io : (17)

Vo and io represent the load voltage and current.

This technique ensures a globally asymptotically stable system. This technique is addition-
ally applicable to quick dynamical environmental condition.49

S. Linear Current Control (LCC) or linearization based method

The method diagrammatically identifies the intersecting point of two curves, power curve
of PV represented by f ðP; IÞ ¼ 0 and maximum output power curve represented by dP dI ¼ 0. The
maximum output power curve will be represented by a linear line. To spot the intersecting point
of above mentioned two curves, a straightforward analog circuit is employed. The phenomenon
is same as to the find the operating point of a transistor amplifier for a specific load and the
operating point is intersecting point of transistor I-V characteristic and load I-V characteristic.50

T. PV Output Senseless (POS) method

This methodology considers just one factor that is load current, to search out MPP; how-
ever, it is applicable only for PV system with single phase DC-AC converter as shown in
Fig. 15.
As the duty ratio of DC-AC converter will increase, the output current of the converter
(load current IL) will increase, however, the voltage decreases so the relation between duty ratio
and voltage may be obtained.
The thought of POS control methodology is that if duty ratio (d) decreases, the output cur-
rent of power converter or load current will increase (going towards the MPP). After MPP,
decrease in duty ratio results decrease in current IL (going away from MPP). So using just one
parameter load current, MPP is achieved.51

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042701-14 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

FIG. 15. Control diagram of POS method.

U. Variable step size Incremental Resistance (INR) method

In case of fixed step size P&O method, if step size is large methodology becomes faster;
however, oscillations occur around MPP are higher that reduces the system efficiency and simi-
larly smaller step size, increases the system efficiency, and however, slows down the tracking
speed. The INR methodology offers the answer to the problem as
dðkÞ ¼ dðk  1Þ 6 N   ; (18)

where N is scaling factor which governs step size in case of P&O method (18) becomes
d k ¼ d k  1 6 N    :
ð Þ ð Þ (19)

For obtaining scaling factor,43 introduced a simple method,

N <  ;


where dmax is largest step size, INR method gives a simple and effective variable step size angle
  ¼ j tan hj ; 90 < h < 90 ; (20)

Sk ¼ ðDIref Þmax  sin hk < ðDIref Þmax : (21)

Around MPP sin hk becomes lesser thus step size Sk becomes smaller.52

V. Gradient descent or steepest descent method

Gradient descent is the first order optimization algorithm and it is used to find a local mini-
mum of a function by tracking steps proportional to the negative of the gradient. It is conjointly
referred to as steepest descent technique. This technique is applied to find nearest local MPP
whereas the gradient of the function f ðV; PÞ ¼ dV is given by
Vkþ1 ¼ Vk þ ; (22)

where k2 is the step size corrector which decides the next step size in the direction of gradient.
For MPPT operation, it is required to find the solution where dV or function become minimum

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042701-15 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

W. Analytic solution based method

This method is based on the mean value theorem which is one of the most important meth-
ods of real analysis, which provides the analytic solution of a point that is closer to MPP and
inside a circle of small radius e.56
Line 1 in Fig. 16 is given by
i¼ v þ IL ; (23)
where IL is light generated current of the solar cell and line 2 is parallel to line 1 and tangent
to the current curve.
e > ðvpv þ ipv Rs Þ  ðvMPP þ iMPP Rs Þ; (24)

where vpv ; ipv is intersection of line 2 and near to MPP.

X. Estimated Perturb-Perturb (EPP) method

This method is an advanced version of P&O method.57 EPP method uses two operating
modes, mode 1 for estimate process and mode 2 for perturbation. The name “estimated-perturb-
perturb” gives all information about the principle of this method. After two perturbations (mode
2 in which determination of next PV voltage is done), there is one estimation mode in which
controller stops tracking MPP by keeping PV voltage constant and measures only the power
variation or voltage variation due to environmental changes for the next control period.
An additional estimated mode is there to improve the performance of MPPT significantly,
with fast changing insolation.

Y. Variable inductance method

This method introduces variable inductor in place of constant inductor in DC-DC buck con-
verter along with MPPT controller,58 and shows the experimental results. This method is robust
and reliable with variation in insolation.
Use of variable inductor in place of fixed inductor in DC-DC converter reduces the overall
inductor size by 75%. For high insolation current would be high, inductance of lower value is
sufficient while in case of lower insolation (lower current) increased inductance is required.
The minimum inductance is given by

d2 ð1  dÞVpv
Lmin ¼ : (25)
2fs Ipv

FIG. 16. Solar cell I-V characteristic with parallel lines.

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042701-16 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

FIG. 17. Schematic diagram of variable inductor control of MPPT.

Fig. 17 shows the schematic diagram of variable inductor control, in which any of the con-
ventional methods can be applied with variable inductance which reduces the overall size of
the inductance.

Z. Three point weight comparison method

The principle of this method is same as P&O method but in case of P&O, the method com-
pares only two operating points and corresponding power, while in this method comparison is
done regularly by perturbing the solar PV terminal voltage at three points: A, B, and C. Where
A is the current operating point, B is next operating point after perturbation at A, and C is dou-
bly perturbed opposite to point B.59
This method is fast in comparison with P&O also suitable for fast changing condition.

AA. Temperature based method

In this method, temperature of solar PV is measured. Variation in MPP with respect to the
temperature is obtained in similar way of constant voltage method. Equation (26) decides the
reference temperature with respect to MPP,

VMPP ðtÞ ¼ VMPP ðTref Þ þ TKvoc ðT  Tref Þ; (26)

where VMPP is the MPP voltage, T is the working panel temperature, TKvoc is the temperature
coefficient of VMPP, and Tref is the standard test conditions temperature.60–63
This method is easy to implement and required simple circuitry. Voltage and temperature
of PV array are required to be measured.

BB. Bisect Search Theorem (BST)

It is a mathematical approach to locate the roots of any function y ¼ f ðxÞ in an interval
½a; b. In context of applying BST in MPPT, the function is DV in between the interval ½0; Voc .
As is obvious from the characteristic of solar cell, it is a function which becomes zero at MPP.
Then, the root x_ represents the solution.64

CC. Fuzzy logic control method

Fuzzy logic is a set of multiple-valued logic, as compared to binary set where variable has
only two states true or false value. Fuzzy logic variables have range between zero and one,
which introduces the concept of partial truth, where the variable value may range between com-
plete true and complete false.
In the application of fuzzy logic controller for MPPT error (E) and change in error (CE) at
Kth iteration is

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042701-17 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

PPV ðkÞ  PPV ðk  1Þ

EðkÞ ¼ ; (27)
iPV ðkÞ  iPV ðk  1Þ

CEðkÞ ¼ EðkÞ  Eðk  1Þ; (28)

where PPV and iPV are the power and current of the PV array. In case of MPP, E(k) should be
For input and output variables, Fig. 18 shows the membership grades of five fuzzy subsets.
The input variable like voltage and current are expressed in terms of labels (NB: negative big,
NS: negative small, ZO: zero, PS: positive small, and PB: positive big). Fuzzy controller is
designed in such a way that input variable E has to be always zero, which is the condition of

DD. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based method

ANN is a soft computing (SC) technique inspired by central nervous system (brain) and
these computational models are capable of machine learning and they are represented as the
interconnected neurons (artificial nodes) to form a network similar to biological neural network.
The block diagram for application of ANN in MPPT is shown in Fig. 19.
Two inputs are the reference cell’s open circuit voltage Voc(n) and time parameter T(n).
Training of neurons considers the connecting weights wI{1,1} and bias b{1}. In training process
connecting weights are modified until best fit is achieved, i.e., reference voltage corresponding
to MPP.75–82

EE. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based method

The PSO is a population based search algorithm, which is based on analysis of the social
behavior of birds and school of fishes. The PSO approach can be applied to any optimization
problem having multivariable function with multiple optimal points.
Application of PSO in MPPT is basically about the tracking in case of partial shading con-
dition where more than one maximum point are there as shown in Fig. 5. Among all local max-
imum there is only one global maximum or MPP (GMPP). Movement of PSO agent (swarm) in
search space depends on its own previous best position and the overall best position for all

FIG. 18. Membership function for input error change in error and duty ratio.

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042701-18 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

FIG. 19. Feed forward neural network function approximator.

swarms. For every position, calculation of power is done for all agents in this way and MPP is
The velocity and position for next iteration for ith swarm is given in (29) and (30),

vikþ1 ¼ wvki þ c1 r1 Pbest i þ c2 r2 gbest ; (29)

Sikþ1 ¼ ski þ vkþ1

i ; (30)

where vkþ1
i is velocity of ith swarm for iteration k þ 1, w is learning factor, c1 ; c2 are position
constants and r1; r2 are random numbers (their range is 0 to 1).83–91

FF. Integrated capacitor/condenser method

This tracking technique is based on charging of capacitor connected to PV array output
and operates in two modes, i.e., charging mode and discharging mode.92 In charging mode,
switch “S2” is used to connect the capacitor as shown in Fig. 20. At every instant of charging,
voltage and current are sensed by the controller, instantaneous power is calculated and com-
pared to its previous value. This process is continued till the capacitor is fully charged. At this
instant, GMPP and corresponding voltage VMPP are determined. The charging time ðtc Þ of the
capacitor depends on open circuit voltage ðVOC Þ and short circuit current ðISC Þ of solar panel
given in the following equation:93

tc ¼ 2C : (31)

In discharging mode, switches “S3” and “S1” are used to discharge through resistance (R).
To operate at GMPP, the duty cycle of the DC-DC converter is adjusted by comparing
}Vref } ð VMPP of charging mode) and instantaneous output voltage of the PV array. The

FIG. 20. Integrated capacitor scheme.

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042701-19 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

FIG. 21. Voltage equalization scheme based on SEPIC converter.

technique proves its suitability under uniform, partially shaded, and rapidly changing environ-
mental conditions along with reduced computational time to find GMPP.

GG. Voltage equalization method

This approach is based on voltage equalization concept to extract maximum power from PV
modules and implemented with single-ended primary-inductor converter (SEPIC) converter as
depicted in Fig. 21 to compensate power under non-uniform irradiance condition.94–96 The main
advantage of this circuit is the reduced complexity as it is realized using a single switch and ease
of implementation. The circuit can be either operated in continuous conduction mode (CCM) or
discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). Operation in DCM mode eliminates the need of feed-
back control and limits the circuit current to desired level. There are three modes of DCM opera-
tion. In mode-I, SW is made ON and energy is stored in corresponding inductor. In mode-II, the
switch SW is now put OFF and the energy stored in inductor is delivered to PV modules through
corresponding diodes. In mode-III, both switches SW and diodes are in OFF position and induc-
tor voltage gets zero. The simulation result of this scheme shows an improvement of output
power is 36.4%. The tracking using voltage equalization is easier because of the presence of sin-
gle global maxima.

HH. Segmentation search method

This technique is based on segmentation rule and variable step-size P&O method.97 The
segmentation method looks for the interval in which GMPP is situated. Under shading, the P-V
curve of PV array is divided into different segments by using a fixed spacing method. The oper-
ating point moved closer to each segment for achieving the GMPP by variable step-size P&O
method. The technique is simple in structure with high tracking speed and efficiency, easy for
integration and suitable for uniform insolation as well as partially shaded condition.


Some papers also found in literature which provides comparative analysis.98–102
Comparison of MPPT methods is done on the basis of following factors, which are discussed

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042701-20 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

A. Category
MPPT methods can be classified under Indirect Control (INDC), Direct Control (DIRC),
and SC techniques on the basis of their control strategy.

Indirect control methods are typically based on mathematical relationship obtained from
the empirical data which may include the parameters and characteristic of the solar PV panel.
Maximum power points are basically predicted offline using various algorithms, empirical data
or mathematical equations. These methods are not suitable with fast changing environmental
condition and partial shading condition, also the MPP given by the method is not true but it is
an approximation based on the database. Example: Constant voltage, constant current, look up
table, curve fitting, and pilot cell methods.

2. DIRC methods (DIRC)

Direct control methods are search algorithms which locate the maximum power points
against changing atmospheric conditions online. They are generally based on the sampling
based control or modulation based control strategy. Example: Hill Climbing, P&O, and INC.

3. SC technique
Methods based on the soft computing techniques belong to this category. Example: meth-
ods based on the Genetic algorithm (GA), Artificial Neural Network, and particle swarm

B. Dependency of PV array
This category explains the state of dependency (whether dependent or independent) of
MPPT methods on the type and size of PV system. Example: Constant voltage method is PV
system specific.

C. Implementation methodology
This category explains the degree of complexity of the circuitry required for implementa-
tion of the method. Example: constant voltage method is less complex as compared to the P&O

D. Sensor required
The control parameter or sensed parameter required to find out the point of maximum
power such as voltage (V), current (I), temperature (T), or may be combination of these three.

E. Stages of energy conversion

In solar PV systems energy conversion stages such as DC-DC, DC-AC, or both, required
to control the output of source with respect to maximum power.

F. Partial shading enabled (PSE)

Under partial shading condition the output of the PV shows multiple local maxima. This
category defines the compatibility of the method to find global maximum.103–109

G. Grid interaction
Methods can also be classified on the basis of their mode of connection with the grid such
as grid connected or off grid.

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042701-21 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

H. Analog or digital
Methods can be classified on the basis of the kind of operating circuitry required such as
analog (A), digital (D), and combination of both.

I. Tracking efficiency
Tracking efficiency basically defines the tracking accuracy of the tracker. A MPPT tracker
can be efficient up to 100%, if it delivers maximum power which is available. The efficiency of
tracker is given as
T:F: ¼ g ¼  100:

J. Tracking speed
Tracking speed of the MPPT tracker defines the speed of the tracker to achieve the MPP.
Example: in case of P&O method increase in perturbation size results in increase in tracking
speed but the accuracy or tracking efficiency becomes poor.

K. Cost
This category defines economy of the MPPT tracker in comparison with the other trackers.
MPPT can be divided into four categories as very expensive (V.EX), expensive (EX), medium
(Med.) and inexpensive (INEX).

L. Product available in market

On the basis of the operating principle of the method available commercial products in the
market are comprised in this category. Most of the manufacturer uses their own MPP methods
for example, Steca Elektronic, Germany uses unique MPP tracking for products Steca Solarix
MPPT 1010 and 2010.
Some products available in market are listed in Table III.
Table IV gives the comparative analysis of the MPPT methods.

M. Comparative analysis of the MPPT methods

Table IV offers the comparison of MPPT strategies and shows that each one strategy has
their own blessings and downsides. Some of the methods show terribly effective results like
soft computing technique; however, the methodologies used were complex. The methods that
are straightforward in implementation like constant voltage technique, constant current tech-
nique, and pilot cell technique are less correct. Perturb and observe methodology is often
used methodology as a result of its simple implementation, also it shows sluggish response
wherever environmental conditions changes quickly. Beta methodology shows proficient
results with quick amendment in insolation as long as variation in temperature is less. Some
methods area unit supported mathematical optimization algorithms to unravel the nonlinear
problem like state space based technique, analytic solution based technique, and steepest

TABLE III. Commercial products available in market.

Available product Method used

OutBack Power, USA-FLEXmax80,FLEXmax60 Method D: Curve fitting method

Genasun, USA GV Boost charge controller with MPPT Method F: Perturb and observe method
Blue Chip Energy Solution Pvt. Ltd., India-Solar MPPT Charge controller. Method F: Perturb and observe method
Blue Sky Energy, USA New-Solar Boost 300i, 2512i-HV & 2512ix-HV Method M: Current sweep method
Morningstar Corporation, USA TriStar MPPT & SunSaver MPPT Method M: Current sweep method

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TABLE IV. Comparison of the MPPT methods.

Dependency Implementation required Stages of Analog
of of energy Grid or Tracking Tracking
Method Category PV array methodology V I T conversion PSE interaction digital efficiency speed Cost

Verma et al.
Method-A INDC  Simple  DC-DC A,D Poor Fast INEX
Method-B INDC  Simple  DC-DC A,D Poor Fast INEX
Method-C INDC  Simple  DC-DC A,D Poor Fast INEX
Method-D INDC  Simple   DC-DC D Med. Fast INEX
Method-E INDC  Simple   DC-DC D Med. Fast INEX
Method-F DIRC Simple   Both  A,D Good Slow Med.
Method-G DIRC Simple   Both  A,D Good Slow Med.
Method-H DIRC Med.   Both  D Good Med. Med.
Method-I DIRC Complex   Both   D Good Fast EX
Method-J DIRC Complex   Both  D Good Med. EX
Method-K DIRC Complex   DC-DC A,D Good Med. EX
Method-L DIRC Med.   DC-AC  A Good Slow Med.
Method-M DIRC Complex   DC-DC D Med. Med. Med.

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

Method-N DIRC Med.  DC-AC  A,D Good Fast Med.
Method-O DIRC Med.   Both  D Good Fast EX
Method-P DIRC Complex  DC-DC A Good Med. EX
Method-Q DIRC Complex   DC-DC  A Good Fast EX
Method-R DIRC  Complex   DC-DC D Good Med. EX
Method-S DIRC  Simple   DC-DC D Good Fast EX
Method-T DIRC Simple  DC-DC D Good Med. EX
Method-U DIRC Complex   Both  D Good Fast EX
Method-V DIRC  Complex   DC-DC D Good Med. EX
Method-W DIRC Complex   DC-DC A,D Good Med. EX
Method-X DIRC Complex   Both  A,D Good Med. EX
Method-Y DIRC Med.   Both  A,D Med. Med. EX
Method-Z DIRC Complex   Both  A,D Good Slow EX
Method-AA SC  Med.   DC-DC A Good Med. EX

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TABLE IV. (Continued.)

Dependency Implementation required Stages of Analog
of of energy Grid or Tracking Tracking
Method Category PV array methodology V I T conversion PSE interaction digital efficiency speed Cost

Verma et al.
Method-BB SC Complex   Both  D Good Med. V. EX
Method-CC SC Complex   Both   D V. good Fast V. EX
Method-DD SC Complex   Both   D V. good Fast V. EX
Method-EE SC Complex   Both   D V. good Fast V. EX
Method-FF DIRC  Complex   DC-DC  D Good Fast EX
Method-GG INDC Complex   DC-DC  D Good Fast V. EX
Method-HH DIRC Complex   DC-DC  D Good Fast EX

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

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042701-24 Verma et al. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 7, 042701 (2015)

descent or gradient descent technique, and they needed a lot of computation so the complex-
ness will increase and just in case of partial shading tracking potency goes down. In partial
shading condition, soft computing techniques like ANN based technique, GA based technique,
and PSO based technique provide conspicuous tracking potency, however overall system
becomes costly.

This review paper presents an outline of most commonly used thirty four MPPT techniques
and their classification on the premise of twelve parameters. Availability of bulk choices as as-
sociate MPPT makes its unambiguous choice a harder nut to crack. The comparative analysis
provided in this paper could be found to be a striking tool which can guide the utility to pick
out the foremost constructive and compatible type of MPPT to satisfy the requirements of oper-
ators as well as consumers. In the same manner, P&O is most popular method and best suited
where simple implementation is required; in satellite applications wherever accuracy is major
concern, soft computing techniques with high efficiency are used and wherever environmental
conditions changes rapidly, partial shading enabled methods is used. This paper will avoid the
complication in the tiresome job of perfect choice of MPPT, which will found to be worthy of
complying all the desired attributes of the system. Some MPPT manufacturer names are also
provided at the side of their business merchandise. This information might found to an attrac-
tive source to help the researchers in context with the prevailing industrial state of affairs.
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