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A Follower's Mandate

Mark 2:13-17

I - Start Following Christ (v13,14)

*As Jesus was walking, He saw and called out to a man named Levi and told him to
follow. Levi immediately obeyed by rising up from his seat and following Jesus.

*We can learn from this passage from the man named Levi, wherein he promptly
decided to follow Jesus. He didn't start arguing or asking question. By leaving
everthing behind, Levi showed that he wholeheartedy wanted to follow Christ. We too
should start removing the things that are holding us back to following Christ.

II - Keep Your Focus on Sinners (v15-17)

*In these verses we are reminded that Jesus came to this world for us sinners,
Jesus came to bear our burdens, to become the sacrifice for our sins, but the
Pharisees who are blinded by their supposed righteousness forgot all about helping
those who are hurting.

*Intentionally focus on sinners. Slow down so you can see the Levis around you.
Willingly cross the line to reach the lost for God's glory. God wants us to take
the Gospel out to places where the lost people live. God wants us to extend our
love to them wherever the are.

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