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The job is a real practical calculator code. I want to the code written in assembly and commented
The code should do more than ----8---- digit number addition, subtraction, and multiplication... No
division... The code should be written for Avr Atmega16 or Atmega8, Keypad and LCD calculator all
written in assembly language. A working assembler, simulated in Proteus, please send me the
Proteus project too .... calculator.asm Avr Atmega16 Keypad, 4X4 LCD 16x2




//get numb1
key = get_key();
writecmd(0x01); //clear display
writedata(key); //Echo the key pressed to LCD
num1 = get_num(key); //Get int number from char value, it checks for wrong input
as well

if(num1!=Error) //if correct input then proceed, num1==Error means wrong input
//get function
key = get_key();
writedata(key); //Echo the key pressed to LCD
func = get_func(key); //it checks for wrong func

if(func!='e') //if correct input then proceed, func=='e' means wrong

//get numb2
key = get_key();
writedata(key); //Echo the key pressed to LCD
num2 = get_num(key); //Get int number from char value, it checks
for wrong input as well

if(num2!=Error) //if correct input then proceed, num2==Error

means wrong input
//get equal sign
key = get_key();
writedata(key); //Echo the key pressed to LCD

if(key == '=') //if = is pressed then proceed

switch(func) //switch on function
case '+': disp_num(num1+num2); break;
case '-': disp_num(num1-num2); break;
case 'x': disp_num(num1*num2); break:
else //key other then = here means
error wrong input
if(key == 'C') //if clear screen is pressed then clear
screen and reset
writecmd(0x01); //Clear Screen
DispError(0); //Display wrong input error

 As you can see in the above function, I have first check for the first key press.

 When you pressed the first key on keypad then I get this key and converter it to integer.

 After that I waited for the next key which must be some operation key like + – X otherwise it
will generate the error message.

 After that code is waiting for the third key which should be some numerical digit and then I
converter it to integer again and if you entered some invalid key then it will generate the
 Finally waiting for the = sign. When you press the = sign it will automatically perform the
required operation which I placed in the switch case loop.

 It will calculate the value and then print out the result and on next key press it will first clear
the screen and then get the value and will continue.

 Below is the detailed code for the project with comments and I hope you wont get into any
trouble and will get it clearly.
1 #include<reg51.h>
2 #include<string.h>
4 //Define Macros
5 #define Error 13 // Any value other than 0 to 9 is good here
7 //Function declarations
8 void cct_init(void);
9 void delay(int);
10 void lcdinit(void);
11 void writecmd(int);
12 void writedata(char);
13 void writeline(char[]);
14 void ReturnHome(void);
15 char READ_SWITCHES(void);
16 char get_key(void);
17 int get_num(char);
18 char get_func(char);
19 void DispError(int);
20 void disp_num(int);
21 void WebsiteLogo();
23 //*******************
24 //Pin description
25 /*
26 P2 is data bus
27 P3.7 is RS
28 P3.6 is E
29 P1.0 to P1.3 are keypad row outputs
30 P1.4 to P1.7 are keypad column inputs
31 */
32 //********************
33 // Define Pins
34 //********************
35 sbit RowA = P1^0; //RowA
36 sbit RowB = P1^1; //RowB
37 sbit RowC = P1^2; //RowC
38 sbit RowD = P1^3; //RowD
40 sbit C1 = P1^4; //Column1
41 sbit C2 = P1^5; //Column2
42 sbit C3 = P1^6; //Column3
43 sbit C4 = P1^7; //Column4
45 sbit E = P3^6; //E pin for LCD
46 sbit RS = P3^7; //RS pin for LCD
48 // ***********************************************************
49 // Main program
50 //
51 int main(void)
52 {
53 char key; //key char for keeping record of pressed key
54 int num1 = 0; //First number
55 char func = '+'; //Function to be performed among two numbers
56 int num2 = 0; //Second number
58 cct_init(); //Make input and output pins as required
59 lcdinit(); //Initilize LCD
60 WebsiteLogo();
61 while(1)
62 {
63 WebsiteLogo();
64 //get numb1
65 key = get_key();
66 writecmd(0x01); //clear display
67 WebsiteLogo();
68 writedata(key); //Echo the key pressed to LCD
69 num1 = get_num(key); //Get int number from char value, it checks for wrong
70 input as well
72 if(num1!=Error) //if correct input then proceed, num1==Error means wrong
73 input
74 {
75 //get function
76 key = get_key();
77 writedata(key); //Echo the key pressed to LCD
78 func = get_func(key); //it checks for wrong func
80 if(func!='e') //if correct input then proceed, func=='e' means
81 wrong input
82 {
83 //get numb2
84 key = get_key();
85 writedata(key); //Echo the key pressed to LCD
86 num2 = get_num(key); //Get int number from char value, it
87 checks for wrong input as well
89 if(num2!=Error) //if correct input then proceed, num2==Error
90 means wrong input
91 {
92 //get equal sign
93 key = get_key();
94 writedata(key); //Echo the key pressed to LCD
96 if(key == '=') //if = is pressed then proceed
97 {
98 switch(func) //switch on function
99 {
100 case '+': disp_num(num1+num2); break;
101 case '-': disp_num(num1-num2); break;
102 case 'x': disp_num(num1*num2); break;
104 }
105 }
106 else //key other then = here
107 means error wrong input
108 {
109 if(key == 'C') //if clear screen is pressed then clear
110 screen and reset
111 {
112 writecmd(0x01); //Clear Screen
113 WebsiteLogo();
114 }
115 else
116 {
117 DispError(0); //Display wrong input error
118 WebsiteLogo();
119 }
120 }
121 }
122 }
123 }
124 }
125 }
127 void WebsiteLogo()
128 {
129 writecmd(0x95);
130 writedata('w'); //write
131 writedata('w'); //write
132 writedata('w'); //write
133 writedata('.'); //write
134 writedata('T'); //write
135 writedata('h'); //write
136 writedata('e'); //write
137 writedata('E'); //write
138 writedata('n'); //write
139 writedata('g'); //write
140 writedata('i'); //write
141 writedata('n'); //write
142 writedata('e'); //write
143 writedata('e'); //write
144 writedata('r'); //write
145 writedata('i'); //write
146 writedata('n'); //write
147 writedata('g'); //write
149 writecmd(0xd8);
151 writedata('P'); //write
152 writedata('r'); //write
153 writedata('o'); //write
154 writedata('j'); //write
155 writedata('e'); //write
156 writedata('c'); //write
157 writedata('t'); //write
158 writedata('s'); //write
159 writedata('.'); //write
160 writedata('c'); //write
161 writedata('o'); //write
162 writedata('m'); //write
163 writecmd(0x80);
164 }
166 void cct_init(void)
167 {
168 P0 = 0x00; //not used
169 P1 = 0xf0; //used for generating outputs and taking inputs from Keypad
170 P2 = 0x00; //used as data port for LCD
171 P3 = 0x00; //used for RS and E
172 }
174 void delay(int a)
175 {
176 int i;
177 for(i=0;i<a;i++); //null statement
178 }
180 void writedata(char t)
181 {
182 RS = 1; // This is data
183 P2 = t; //Data transfer
184 E = 1; // => E = 1
185 delay(150);
186 E = 0; // => E = 0
187 delay(150);
188 }
191 void writecmd(int z)
192 {
193 RS = 0; // This is command
194 P2 = z; //Data transfer
195 E = 1; // => E = 1
196 delay(150);
197 E = 0; // => E = 0
198 delay(150);
199 }
201 void lcdinit(void)
202 {
203 ///////////// Reset process from datasheet /////////
204 delay(15000);
205 writecmd(0x30);
206 delay(4500);
207 writecmd(0x30);
208 delay(300);
209 writecmd(0x30);
210 delay(650);
211 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
212 writecmd(0x38); //function set
213 writecmd(0x0c); //display on,cursor off,blink off
214 writecmd(0x01); //clear display
215 writecmd(0x06); //entry mode, set increment
216 }
218 void ReturnHome(void) /* Return to 0 cursor location */
219 {
220 writecmd(0x02);
221 delay(1500);
223 }
225 void writeline(char Line[])
226 {
227 int i;
228 for(i=0;i<strlen(Line);i++)
229 {
230 writedata(Line[i]); /* Write Character */
231 }
233 ReturnHome(); /* Return to 0 cursor position */
234 }
236 char READ_SWITCHES(void)
237 {
238 RowA = 0; RowB = 1; RowC = 1; RowD = 1; //Test Row A
240 if (C1 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C1==0); return '7'; }
241 if (C2 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C2==0); return '8'; }
242 if (C3 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C3==0); return '9'; }
243 if (C4 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C4==0); return '/'; }
245 RowA = 1; RowB = 0; RowC = 1; RowD = 1; //Test Row B
247 if (C1 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C1==0); return '4'; }
248 if (C2 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C2==0); return '5'; }
249 if (C3 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C3==0); return '6'; }
250 if (C4 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C4==0); return 'x'; }
252 RowA = 1; RowB = 1; RowC = 0; RowD = 1; //Test Row C
254 if (C1 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C1==0); return '1'; }
255 if (C2 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C2==0); return '2'; }
256 if (C3 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C3==0); return '3'; }
257 if (C4 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C4==0); return '-'; }
259 RowA = 1; RowB = 1; RowC = 1; RowD = 0; //Test Row D
261 if (C1 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C1==0); return 'C'; }
262 if (C2 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C2==0); return '0'; }
263 if (C3 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C3==0); return '='; }
264 if (C4 == 0) { delay(10000); while (C4==0); return '+'; }
266 return 'n'; // Means no key has been pressed
267 }
269 char get_key(void) //get key from user
270 {
271 char key = 'n'; //assume no key pressed
273 while(key=='n') //wait untill a key is pressed
274 key = READ_SWITCHES(); //scan the keys again and again
276 return key; //when key pressed then return its value
277 }
279 int get_num(char ch) //convert char into int
280 {
281 switch(ch)
282 {
283 case '0': return 0; break;
284 case '1': return 1; break;
285 case '2': return 2; break;
286 case '3': return 3; break;
287 case '4': return 4; break;
288 case '5': return 5; break;
289 case '6': return 6; break;
290 case '7': return 7; break;
291 case '8': return 8; break;
292 case '9': return 9; break;
293 case 'C': writecmd(0x01); return Error; break; //this is used as a clear screen
294 and then reset by setting error
295 default: DispError(0); return Error; break; //it means wrong input
296 }
297 }
299 char get_func(char chf) //detects the errors in inputted function
300 {
301 if(chf=='C') //if clear screen then clear the LCD and reset
302 {
303 writecmd(0x01); //clear display
304 WebsiteLogo();
305 return 'e';
306 }
308 if( chf!='+' && chf!='-' && chf!='x' && chf!='/' ) //if input is not from allowed
309 funtions then show error
310 {
311 DispError(1);
312 WebsiteLogo();
313 return 'e';
314 }
316 return chf; //function is correct so return the correct function
317 }
320 void DispError(int numb) //displays differet error messages
321 {
322 writecmd(0x01); //clear display
323 WebsiteLogo();
324 switch(numb)
325 {
326 case 0: writeline("Wrong Input"); break;
327 case 1: writeline("Wrong Function"); break;
328 default: writeline("Wrong Input"); break;
329 }
330 }
332 void disp_num(int numb) //displays number on LCD
333 {
334 unsigned char UnitDigit = 0; //It will contain unit digit of numb
335 unsigned char TenthDigit = 0; //It will contain 10th position digit of numb
337 if(numb<0)
338 {
339 numb = -1*numb; // Make number positive
340 writedata('-'); // Display a negative sign on LCD
341 }
TenthDigit = (numb/10); // Findout Tenth Digit

if( TenthDigit != 0) // If it is zero, then don't display

writedata(TenthDigit+0x30); // Make Char of TenthDigit and then display it
on LCD

UnitDigit = numb - TenthDigit*10;

writedata(UnitDigit+0x30); // Make Char of UnitDigit and then display it on LCD

The above code is quite self explanatory and the main part .

Proteus project
Proteous project


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